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Publication Date: 
November 18, 1952
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Approved For2elease 2001/08 : " ft RDP76-00183RQO01001000247/ o- rity +nformation DIARY NOTES ADD /A 2.7 A 18 November 1952 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 1. Met briefly with Mr. Houston, Sig" the new contract and allied papers for the operation of 25X1A6a They left papers to be reviewed and are available on c for ther discussion if necessary. 25X1A6a 2. Asked Ed Saunders to have an analysis made of the estimated operating costs for - and submitted to me by tomorrow. 3. Also talked to Ed Saunders again about people overseas not being paid on time. I told him that Stuart Hedden had said that he had found this to be a general complaint at almost every station he visited and re-emphasized the necessity for getting this situation corrected without further delay. 4. We now have eight people whom we have borrowed outside of the DD/P area to assist in catching up with the backlo in the Finance Division. The DD/P has not responded to our request. I called absence and asked 25X1A9a him to please expedite assistance in s ma r. 25X1A9a 5. Talked to who runs the NIS Program. He estimates that the increase in workload which will go to GPO will be from 25 to 50 per cent greater than it has been during the past year. He will furnish me with a memorandum to this effect. 25X1A9a 6. Have made arrangements to get together with later this week to discuss Political and Psychological Warfare requirements c must be produced on 25X1A letter press equipment. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 7. Met with Colonel Edwards, Mr. Buffington, = to discuss Emergency Planning. Emphasized that while as re 5X1A9a sponsible to DD/A administratively for the Inspection 25X1A6a and Secure in a staff capacity, should go into every detail of Emergency Plan- 1 25X1A6a ning at as well as other places. Suggested that Mr. Buffington go down i~ ' '"-'?a to t least every two weeics in oraer to aeve.Lop tnese matters witn 25X1A9a I&S has in draft form papers which will tell everybody in CIA.wha4 Mr. Buffington to see that copies of these drafts were in the hands of Mr. X1A9a 25X1A9a Mr. and Colonel Baird for their comments by 2 November. 8. I talked to General Ackerman and told him that because we had no retired Air Force officers whom we would like to call to active duty at the moment, and due Approved For Release 2001/08/08 CIA-RDP76-00183R000100100024-8 Approved For,,,gplease 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183Rp00100100024-8 to the status of the over-a11 reimbursement question, we would not be submitting a test case within the near future. 9. I asked absence, to please expedite DD/P con- currence or comment on our proposed Notice which will announce the new concept for Agency regulations. 72- Approved For Release 2001/08/08 CIA-RDP76-00183R000100100024-8 S'-CRT