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Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200040029-9 25X1A9a DD /S 16, 17, 18 November 1955 1. I advised Bob Macy that we had examined the "Summary of Government-wide Strategic Intelligence Costs - Fiscal Year 1955 Estimate" spread sheet and had no objection to it being released to the other IAC members. 2. I informed Bob that we would not insist on the money for our building being put in the Department of Defense budget and would accept it in the "Inde- pendent Offices" Bill. This means that we must follow up with the appropria- tions committees to insure that our request for funds is referred to the same committees which considered it before. We also agreed that in view of the fact that we did not have our justification ready it would probably be better to wait for a supplemental submission rather than try to submit it on the first of Jan- uary. 3. Bob inquired as to what progress we were making in connection with his 25X1A1a request to reduce our Fiscal Year 1957 budget submission by I told him that we were still working on this and should be ready to tell him something by the first of the week. 4. Discussed the Selection Panel designee problem with He 25X1A9a will come up with somebody within the next few days. 5. Advised Dick that I had returned to the Office of Personnel the request for the recall to active duty of and that I would not pro- cess it unless he or Frank Wisner was prepares to defend it with the Director. 6. I told Dick that I saw no possible way to get all of the DD/P com- ponents back into the I,, J, K, and ,Building complex without moving the Office of Security. Shef Edwards is very strongly opposed to this action and I ad- vised Dick that I would not order the Office of Security to move without con- sulting the Director. He agreed to take this up with Frank Wisner and see how strongly Frank felt about the matter. I told him that if they would consent to leave the Office of Security alone I thought that we probably could work out a system to give them the square footage they needed for expansion and get the 10 Division back into the area. The WH Division would, of course, stay where it is. Dick is to let me know Frankgs reaction. 7. General Slater, Commandant of the Armed Forces Staff College, has ap- proached General Cabell concernin the relocation of the College. He desires to explore the possibility of wants to know if that would be feasible. Matt Baird is goin on Monday to discuss the matter with General Slater. The idea look_id impossible to me. :ECREf DIARY NOTES Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200040029-9 Approved For Releas 2000/09/08 : X76-00183R0002 040029-9 8. Met with to discuss the request of the Bureau of the Budget that we reduce by Have asked Chuck to pre- 25X1A1a pare a paper for me by Monday indicating (a) what our reaction is to the speci- fic cuts ested by the Bureau of the Budget; (b) how he would affect a re- 25X1A1a duction of if necessary, and (c) a concrete proposal as to what reduction, if any, we should accept. 9. Arranged to have removed from the agenda for the Career Council Meet- ing a request submitted by the Office of Logistics that all persons who could not have one-hundred per cent flexibility in assignment be deferred from admis- sion into the Career Service until such self-imposed limitations were removed. Told Jim Garrison that this was completely inconsistent with the Directorts concept and that I would like to talk to him about it at an early date. 10. The five per cent training Notice was discussed briefly at the Depu- tiest Meeting and Mr. Dulles asked me to take it up with General Cabell when he returned in order to get his interpretation. 25X1A9a 11. raised the question of the propriety of wives working for the Agency. Mr. Dulles said he could see many problems in this situation but 25X1A9a stated that he did not want to make a blanket ruling; he felt that each case should be handled on its own merits. is making a study of the number of working wives in the DD/P area and has advised that he thinks we will be surprised at the very large number. 25X1A9a 12. has been selected unanimously as our candidate to attend the Advanced Management Course at Harvard beginning shortly after the first of the year. 13. At the Career Council Meeting on Thursday it was agreed that proposed Notices, Regulations, or comparable material approved by the Career Council should be published without further coordination. iii.. Bob Amory tells me that we will have a written concurrence in his new DD/I project early next week. I also want to get to work on this 25X1A9a budget to see whether we have to go to the Bureau o e u get to request a release from the Reserve. 25X1A9a 15. John T3.etjen reports that he has started consultations with General concerning psychiatric cases of interest to the Deputy Director (Plans). However, had understood that this assignment was to be kept 25X1A9a secret from other in the DD/P area. I dontt see how it can work this way and will speak to about it. 25X1A9a i6. I alerted Bob Macy that we might have to create a new office involving Approved For Release 2000/09/08: CI00183R000200040029-9 -r Approved For Release 2QQQ/09/08: CIA O183R00020004QD29-9 25X1A9a 25X1A9a as many as 300 people, 45,000 square feet of space, etc., to process the "take" from Project AQUATONE. He obviously took a dim view of this and wondered why the Air Force couldntt do it for us. I told him that the matter was being con- sidered by the Air Force and that their initial reaction had been that they could not do it. (Actually, I dontt believe that we want the Air Force to do it.) 17. Talked to about returning to the Agency. He has no objection and feels sure that he can speak for Frank, but insisted that George be told very frankly why he did not get along with the DD/P area before. Dick says that George is regarded by Frank as the "worst sourpuss he has ever known" and that he is always stubborn and on the defensive, rather than trying to help people solve their problems. He thinks, however, that George is a good man and has no objection to his being assigned to a key administrative position in the DD/P complex. (I should follow up on this with General Cabell.) 18. In the course of our conversation, I asked Dick how was doing and he said he thought he was working out very well indeed. 19. Saw Conrad Wirth, Director of the National Park Service, with regard to the George Washington Memorial Parkway and our proposal. to. locate at Langley. I think it is ninety-nine per cent sure that he has decided to vote for Langley. He assures me that he has reached this position without consideration as to the desirability of the Parkway as a National Park Service project. 20. Obtained what I regard as a commitment from Mr. C. D. Curtiss, Commis- sioner of Public Roads, that he will, as a member of the Planning Commission, vote for the Langley site. 21. Asked Larry Houston to discuss with Max Elliott the GSA/CIA relation- ship concerning the new building and to see if we could work out something for presentation to Messrs. Dulles and Mansure. Larry reported that Max seemed to be agreeable; he will draft a paper for my consideration. 22. Conferred with Messrs. Garrison, and Houston with regard to the payment of Clarke & Rapuano for their site study. After assurance by Larry and Bob that we could use funds other than those specifically appropriated for our building project, instructed Jim Garrison to proceed along these lines if this was satisfactory to Harrison & Abramovitz as well as Clarke & Rapuano. He re- ported back that it would be satisfactory and is proceeding accordingly. 23. I believe that we are having some success in getting the Virginia people together on the Langley site. Have talked to Dick Smith, Mr. Townsend, and Mr. Brookfield along the lines of my earlier conception. They are working hard and I believe are going to produce some results. Mr. Brookfield is seeing Judge Smith over the weekend who is very influential in Virginia politics. Dick Smith says that Congressman Broyhill has promised to make a public state- Approved For Release 2000/09/08: CIA-RDP' _t&%MR000200040029-9 Approved For Release 2980/09/08: CIA183R00020004,W29-9 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a ment in support of Langley. Brookfield is trying to line up the members of the Regional Council and thinks that he will be able to line all of them up except possibly Wehrly. I talked to Dick Smith again about the zoning problem. He-says that Mr. Carper was defeated in his campaign for-Chairman of the County Board not because he had supported the location of CIA at Langley, which. Mr. Leigh had al-. so supported, but because he had not taken a firm stand on zoning. He states that the new Chairman, Mr. Leigh, will write a letter to both Mr. Bartholomew and Mr. Wehrly stating that he stands for zoning which would insure two-acre lots. Told Smith that I thought this would go a long way to swing Mr. Bartholomew and might just do the trick. He guarantees that he will produce this over the week- end and will send me a copy. I have encouraged him to get some "letters .to the editor" written to both the Star and the Post. I also told him that a welcome letter to Mr. Dulles from the Governor might help out greatly. . 2L. At the Deputiest Meeting we discussed again. Frank Wisner25X1A does not want him in or anywhere else. After some discussion it was tentatively agreed tha Would be offered.a position in the at a grade GS-16. If he declines, he is putt 25X1A9a 25. Gave Larry Houston the policy guidance paper from of- fice regarding the CAT contract 26. The "cash" position of CAT has improved to such an extent, that it would appear that we could pay off some of our notes.' I have approved of this being discussed at the Board Meeting on the 21st and suggested that`we md.ght consider paying off about $800,000. I must follow up with Larry Houston and however, to see if there isntt some way to use this money in the Agency rather than allow it to revert to the Treasury. 27. Shef Edwards says that there is a difference of_opinion in the field between as to who is actually running CAT. Shef thinks we should get back at an early date in order to straighten him out. 25X1A9a 28. Have approved of going to the Office of Scientific Intelli- gence to replace if he is acceptable. Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RLPi64OO183R000200040029-9 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200040029-9 SECRET 30. I discussed briefly with the Director his upcoming meeting of next Tuesday with He approved of the Board taking action to in- struct the General and to his forthcoming field trip. He also said that he didntt think as the type of fellow one could control very well, but added re e was use' to us and that as long as he didntt get too far out of line we ought to let him do pretty much what he wanted. 31. I advised Mr. Dulles of the Bureau of the Budget action on the earth satellite project. He said that he did not want the door to be closed to him if in his opinion, from an intelligence point of view, it became necessary or desirable to make a further contribution. I told him that in view of the fact that the Bureau of the Budget had not actually accepted our letter but had merely approved of the release of $2,500,000 I thought the record would permit him to open the subject again if he wanted to. 32. I informed Mr. Dulles an that Bob Macy had approved of the arrangements to finance Project AQUATONE for Fiscal Year 1957 and that he was very much interested in the study of the longer range problem of coordina- tion. I also told. the Director that prior to actually he should call Mr. Hughes. He said that he thoroughly appreciated this and did not want to be committed until he had had a chance to talk with Mr. Hughes. -5- SECRET Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200040029-9