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Publication Date: 
October 6, 1958
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Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : ( P16-00183ROQ 00020152-3 25X1A DIARY NOTES DD/S 6 October 1958 1. At the Deputies' Meeting: 25X1 A6a a. The Director expressed his unhappiness at the failure to contact Bob Smart, Chief Clerk of the House Armed Services Committee, in ac- 25X1A9a cordance with previously arranged plans. He told that he thought someone should be disciplined about this and that he wanted him to get all the facts and report further. 25X1A6a 25X1C10b b. Mr. Kirkpatrick reported that he had visited the and found it to be in excellent condition. 2. At the Senior Staff Meeting gave a briefing on the CIA Credit Union. He did it extremely well and I think that almost everyone there was well im- pressed with him personally. 25X1 A&~ 9 1 A9~ 25X1 C4a 5. I met with Lyman Kirkpatrick and Matt Baird to discuss once again the speakers for the Junior Officer Trainee Program. I had some difficulty in persuading them not to request that the Director invite the President or Vice President to kick off this Program. We finally agreed on a list. Matt is to write letters to all of them except those to David Lawrence, Bob Murphy, Alexander Smith and Bobbie Cutler which we will ask the Director to sign. Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : 0 6-00183R000300020152-3 Iftaff * y W176-00183ROGM00020152-3 Approved For Release 2 00/09/08 1 25X1C10b 7. Otto Guthe telephoned to say that a firm which sells large globes costing a minimum of $10,000 apiece had been pestering him for a long time. He thought that we might like to consider putting one of the globes in the new building. I told him that I thought this was premature and that if he wanted to get rid of the firm he could refer it to me. 8. 1 met with of the Historical Staff to discuss with them the major developments in the Office of the Deputy Director (Support) since Mr. Dulles became Director of the Agency. I agreed to take this up at my next weekly Staff Meeting and pave the way for them to contact our various Office Heads directly. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 10. Gordon Stewart telephoned to say that wanted to move Earle and asked him if he would try to find a place for him. I told Gordon that I wou eep this in mind but that I didn't know of any place that Earle could be utilized in the DD/S area. 2 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RV 6-00183R000300020152-3