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Document Release Date: 
August 26, 2000
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Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000300020239-7 STATINTL STATINTL STATINTL STATINTL STATINTL DIARY NOTES - 13 June 2. Bob Amory buzzed to say that he did not see how he was going to absorb in his Fiscal Year 1959 operating budget all of the external research funds needed in OSI. I told him that if these were requirements that had developed since his original submission we might have grounds for claiming a withdrawal against the Rx Reserve. 3. I lunched wit and gave him. a briefing on my trip. 4. and I met with Gordon Stewart, qumd their Staff and Division Chiefs individually to discuss their proposed new table of organization. I ave them a rather rough time on their projects and poocedures Staff as well as on. Staff and made it quite clear that we were Ex not at all happy with the regulations which the Projects and Procedures Staff were supposed to produce. Gordon was apologetic about this and admitted that the personnel in this Staff were not very good. In discussing whether we wield subject the Office of Personnel to a management survey said that he would have to put on this job. is just barely started on a survey of the Office of Logistics: an -any case I don't know that he could contribute too much to a scrutiny of the Office of Personnel.. Accordingly, I decided to approve of the table of organization without a management survey. We then discussed the question as to whether Management should undertake a study of the total cost of employees in the Agency doing personnel work. Here again it would seem to be some considerable time before Management could do anything in this field and we decided to let take a look at this when. he reports for duty as the Deputy Director of Personnel. We also discussed the desirability of getting an outsider to come in and look at our whole personnel situation. in somewhat the same way that pr. Riston did the State Department three or four years ago. Gordon and John. are to discuss this further and to give me a recommendation on it. Admittedly it would take several months to educate such an. individual but I think that it might be well worth it. 5. At the Deputies' Meeting Kirk reported that one of our negro employees had recently made a charge of racial discrimination. He believes that the NAACP is wifteLyx 7gr~eai4A~({IQ$~a-s~-QQt~A~~ged us all to be very careful.