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January 9, 1962
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25X1 A DD/S
9 January 1962
1. At the Deputies' Meeting this morning:
a. The Director said that while he felt it was desirable for certain mem-
bers of the Agency to see foreign nationals from time to time he would like
to caution everyone to make a rather detailed memorandum for the record
and send it to his Deputy Director when such meetings occurred. The memo-
randum should be specific as to what the purpose of the meeting was, what
took place, etc.
b. We discussed the President's comments with regard to the status of
women in the Federal Service, and General Cabell directed that the Direc-
tor of Personnel assume responsibility for action in connection with this
c. Mr. McConesaid that he wanted to make sure that we were on top of
the problems created by the Attorney General's recent ruling concerning con-
flict of interest on advisory committees. (This is causing considerable trou-
ble in the Atomic Energy Commission and the Department of Defense.) He
also said that he wanted the General Counsel to review another problem which
required the chairmen of new committees working on Agency problems to be
members of the Agency. (I have talked to Larry Houston about both these
problems. He already was working on the first problem and indicated that he
would look into the second. I suggested that if he could get ready we would
put these two items on the agenda for next Tuesday and that I would ask General
Cabell's permission to bring him to the meeting.)
d. The Director announced that he was going to postpone for the time being
any reorganization of USIB which would cut down the number of members from
the Department of Defense.
e. The Director advised us that Senator Mansfield indicated that he would
not initiate legislation for a joint committee unless the President asked him to
do so, despite the fact that he felt we ought to have a joint committee. It
seems certain that the President will not do this.
f. The Director saw Senators Dirksen and Saltonstall yesterday, and ap-
parently, their concern about the size of the Agency in Washington impressed
him. He said that since he has been here he had gained the impression that
we wrote far too many papers and that perhaps we were producing intelligence
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"by the pot. " He said that he wanted each of us to take a good hard look at
the number of personnel we have in Washington and make sure that everybody
was justified. He also indicated that he would want to look into this further
at some later date.
g. I asked for a copy of his report on CAT and he promised
it to me within a coup e oo ays with the understanding that the Director would
not get it until about the first of February since it will be a part of the over-all
report on DPD.
2. telephoned to request that a consultant's contract be prepared for
General Cabell, effective 1 February. I asked to do this and send it directly
3. Stan Grogan called about a request from the Office of Training to invite Jerry
25X1A9a Kluttz to the building to talk to some of our people on overseas effectiveness. Stan
thought that this was a bad idea in that if the press did a favor it only would lead to a
request that we do a favor for the press. I telephoned and told him that re-
gardless of Colonel Grogan's attitude I thought this was not a good policy to invite members
of the press to make talks and that we should not do so. Bill said that he agreed with this
25X1A and would take the necessary action immediately; he also said that he would review the en-
tire list of guest speakers to make sure that we didn't have others in a similar category.
5. I met with Messrs. of
the WH Division to talk about the audit report of Project The representatives of
Project = assured me that the discrepencies noted in the audit report had been or
were being corrected as rapidly as possible. They might ask for one or two exceptions
where collection from employees was required but they assured me that they would ini-
tiate the proper papers requesting these exceptions without delay. They also assured me
that the Project had been administered in accordance with normal Agency Regulations and
accounting procedures since 20 August. However, a paper is in the process for the Di-
rector's approval which will set forth some more specific procedures given to this Proj-
ect. I made some suggestions to change the wording of the paper which they showed to
me giving them a little of the Director's philosophy about the Comptroller's position and
urged that (a) this paper be expedited and (b) that it have a concurrence line for the
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6. Jim Garrison telephoned to say that he had requested to call a
special meeting of the Automatic Data Processing Committee on Thurs ay, 11 January,
to decide on what kind of computer should be ordered for the National Photographic In-
terpretation Center. Joe will advise me immediately after this meeting and I will,
in turn, telephone Jim so that the necessary letter of intent can be issued.
7. Mr. Kirkpatrick telephoned honed to say that Pat Coyne had been to _ recently and
25X1A9a had commented to him on house which he regarded as rather pretentious.
ot a
I told Kirk that I personally had seen this ouse r.ior to its urchase, tat we g
25X1 C4a on it and that it was approved by the ut
25X1 C4a I also told him that I did not think we oug
it. I gathered that Kir also had been somewhat defensive in talking to Coyne about our
policy with regard to purchasing a house overseas. I told him that it was my feeling that
we should purchase more houses in a few places so as to ensure that our Chiefs of Stations
had adequate accommodations upon their arrival. There have been many instances in which
operations have been interfered with because a new Chief of Station had to spend a consid-
erable amount of time looking for a house after his arrival.
8. telephoned to express his concern about Mr. Bissell att+++s having
reduced the IO budget by $1 million in his figures for our congressional submission. I
told him to go ahead and put it in this way inasmuch as the total DD/P budget could be
25X1A9a shifted around if necessary.
9- reported that the FE Division had received a formal request from
25X1A9a for an extension on -until June of 1963 in which ad
25X1 A6a concurred. I told Bill that I concurred and authorized him to send a cable out granting
the extension.
10. Bill also reported that his meeting yesterday with Admiral Donaho and repre- I.
25X1 C4a
epar m
s from the Department of the Interior (Del Nucker) went well. The
25X1A 11. Gates Lloyd and I met with to discuss the Inspector General's
report on CAT. The gist of our conversation can be summarized as follows:
a. I told George that without prejudging the report which we didn't have
yet I thought the criticism would appear to fall into three general areas:
(1) What is wrong with the Company versus what the Company has accom-
plished; (2) the tax question; and (3) George's personal public relations.
I said that I wanted to get the tax question sorted out as soon as possible
but that I did not feel it could be treated separately from the remainder of
the report.
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b. I indicated to George that I felt we would be able to contest the report
with his help but that it was beooming increasingly difficult to defend him un-
less he could improve his personal public relations. I also told him that I
thought this problem was going to be with us for some time to come and that
if he wanted to resign we would understand but that insofar as I was concerned
he could resign without any stigma attached to it. I went on to say that as soon
as I received the report and we had an opportunity to study it I proposed to send
Gates to the field to check into the matters raised therein.
c. For George's part of this conversation he said that he thought he could
demonstrate that it was not his intent to derive any personal benefit from use
of the Government's money and that his bank account had averaged considerably
more than this throughout the years. I asked him to go ahead and prepare a
memorandum along these lines without delay. He was emphatic about his de-
sire to continue in his position if permitted to do so.
d. We closed the meeting on the general note that I would still defer judgment
until we had received the report and had an opportunity to study it and investigate
it, that I would be willing to defend him, but that I could not assure him that Mr.
McCone would approve of my stand. (I have advised General Cabell of the under-
standings of this converation.)
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000400010117-2