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Publication Date: 
January 8, 1962
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Approved For Release 2006/01/03 CIA-RDP76-00183R000 &xT=?Fs . - Mri VWOrV Dn P.". 12:370 P.M. - S Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000400010119-0 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP76-00183ROQ?Q400010119-0 25X1A DD/S 1. Jim Garrison reported that the test of the auxiliary power equipment on Saturday, 6 January, was completed with everything going well. However, when the generators were being run with an overload near the end of the test, one did become overheated and a valve was cracked when the water was suddenly turned on; the con- tractor assured us that the generator would continue to work and that repairs would be made within ten days. The contract provides for a ten-day training period for personnel from the Government Services Administration after the test; hence, formal acceptance will not take place for another ten days. When accepted, the Public Build- ings Service will have someone on duty at the plant twenty-four hours a day. 2. Gates Lloyd and I reported to General Cabell on Gates's meeting with the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations I (Gates is preparing a detailed memorandum for the record on this meeting.) 3. General Cabell has expressed a desire to visit I sometime before he leaves the Agency, and this has been arranged tentatively for Thursday, 18 January, leaving Boling Field at 0830 hours. I expect to accompany him. 4. Mr. In Colonel Grogan's absence, telephoned about a free lance ar- chitectural photographer who wanted to take some exterior pictures of the building. Shef Edwards had concurred. I told him that I saw no objection, providing he was escorted by someone from the Office of Security and that he did not attempt to photograph personnel, license plates, etc. room were used. I told him that I was quite disappointed that our plans had not been proper in the first place to provide for an Executive Dining Room. However, due to the necessity of reshuffling the space allocations on the seventh floor, the need for space to put the TV equipment, etc., it may be necessary to take part of the dining room. I agreed to let Austin know about this as soon as possible. said that he did not believe that the stove they had would be adequate if the entire dining 1 8 January 1962 5. I I was in to chat with me about the Executive Dining Room. He wanted to recommend that they give up half of this room for other purposes. He also 6. A series of meetings were held to discuss tion of our headquarters building. land also the comple- V I and 125X IAA a. At 3:00 P.M., Jim Garrison, met with Messrs. Hunter, VanVrankle, and Wadsworth of the Public Buildings Service and nd two of his assistants to discuss Building Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000400010119-0 +yJ Approved For Release 2006/01/03 CI -RDP76-00183RQp0400010119-0 I emphasized to the entire group the extreme importance of Build- ing - nd the necessity for proceeding in a way which would avoid delay. Everyone indicated that he understood the problem andi said 25X1A5A1 that he had no reservations about being able to finish the project in December if he were provided with the plans and specifications on the fifteenth of Janu- ary as promised. I also emphasized that CIA was going to keep the ball in its court, that time was more important than money, and that if additional money were necessary I thought it could be provided. agreed to a 25X1 5A1 weekly meeting with representatives from the Public Buildings service and our Project Engineer to measure the progress made, sort out problems, etc. He also agreed to the preparation of a schedule by weeks in accordance with Mr. McCone's request but pointed out that it would take approximately two weeks to do it after he received the plans and specifications from the architect. b. At 3:30 P.M., Messrs. Hunter, VanVrankle, and Wadsworth accom- panied us to the office of Mr. Karl E. Wallace, Commissioner of Public Build- ings. Here I repeated the high priority which we have on and 25X1 A6A emphasized as strongly as I could the necessity for avoiding delays and com- pleting this building as early as possible. He understood the problem. Mr. Wallace instructed his people to co-operate in every possible way, and it ap- peared that overtime should be authorized or multiple crews employed to ex- pedite the work, A recommendation to this effect will be made.,'I then briefed Mr. Wallace and his people on Mr. McCone's extreme unahppiness with the incomplete status of the Langley building and requested that he do everything humanly possible to expedite this project. Mr. Wallace was grateful for the information and instructed Mr. VanVrankle to do everything he possibly could with the contractor and elsewhere to complete this building and get CIA moved into it, particularly to complete the seventh floor so that the Director could move into his suite of offices. c. Shortly after four o'clock Mr. VanVrankle accompanied us to meet with Mr. Slater Davidson, Vice President of Chas. H. Tompkins Co. We re- peated for his benefit Mr. McCone's unhappiness about the headquarters build- ing and requested that he do everything possible to expedite the project. Mr. Davidson was not about to apologize for any delay on his part and said that at this stage of the project he was losing money everyday that he stayed and that he was just as anxious to get the building completed as we were. He also said that it was pursuant to our guidance that he had left the seventh floor until last; furthermore, he disagreed that the fan rooms were holding up any- thing and indicated that the paneling in the Director's suite and certain parti- tioning in the cafeteria were the two things holding them up. It came out in the discussion that he was having a great deal of trouble with the mill that was doing the work on the paneling. We told him that while we wanted to get both the paneling and partitioning as soon as possible the paneling should have first priority. After further discussion, Mr. Davidson was very co-operative and telephoned the mill in Ridgewood, New Jersey, authorizing its men to work Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000400010119-0 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP76-00183R0Q&400010119-0 as much overtime as would be productive and to work on Saturdays in order to expedite delivery of this material. It was anticipated that a sample of the paneling for the Director's suite would be ready on Thursday, 11 January, at which timel and a representative from the Public Buildings Service and from the architect would go to the mill to inspect and approve of the paneling. At this point I believe that we will have Mr. McCone's suite ready by 1 March; however, Mr. Davidson made no commitments that this could be done. In fact, in the early part of this discussion he was rather pessimistic. d. I returned to Jim Garrison's office and met with the Building 25X1A9A Staff composed of of the Office of Communications and Mr. 4 of the Office of Security. I repeated for them the urgency of this project, out- lined their duties as accurately as I could, and emphasized that no delay from any part of the Agency should be or would be tolerated. 8. After the meeting with the Staff broke up, Gates and I met with Jim Garrison, Ito discuss the problem of reallo- cating space on the seventh floor and elsewhere to fit in with the Director's reorganization scheme. While we cannot define the specific limits of the problem at this point in time, I have asked Jim to put someone working on it full-time, if possible. NOTE : Extract of Item No. 5 was made for the Director of Logistics. (DD/S 62 -0114) Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : C1A=RDP76-00183R000400010119-0