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December 9, 2016
Document Release Date:
August 16, 2000
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Publication Date:
January 5, 1962
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Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000400010123-5
Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000400010123-5
7, F
Approved For Release-2001/03/30: CIA-RDP76-001838000400010123-5
5 January 1962
1. In connection with Mr. McCone's concern about the water on the front steps
of the building, I conferred with and the Building Manager of the Public
Buildings Service and we concluded that the water might be a condensation problem but
that more likely it appeared to be the result of the deicing which PBS did during the re-
cent snow. (As of Monday, 8 January, the area was pretty well dried out, so I am in-
clined to agree that the latter was the case.)
25X1A9a 2. I met with and Emmett Echols to discuss Bob's survey of the
Recruitment and Selection Procedures of the Office of Personnel. Although Emmett
took exception to some of Bob's criticisms, in general, he went along with the report;
subsequent to this meeting he was in full agreement. Bob was detailed to the Office of
Personnel where he will be an Assistant to Emmett for the indefinite future.
25X1A9a 3. telephoned to say that he had furnished is view 25X1A9a
on the proposed Telecommunications Management Executive Or er and was seeking more
25X1A9a copies of the paper; he wanted me to know that felt very strongly
25X1 A9a about this matter. talked to me later and personally indicated his
strong disagreement with this paper. I think that his feeling stems primarily from the 25X1,4
25X1A9a fact that the man who wrote it, a Mr. used to work for this Agency.
25X1 A9a - has known him for a long time and disagreed strongly with his views that there should
be a change in this field.)
4. - telephoned to suggest that we consider operating the Executive Din-
ing Room by employing additional "messengers or couriers" who would be used on legiti-
mate agency business except for the two or three hours when they would serve as waiters
in the dining room. Government Services, Inourporated, would reimburse the Agency
25X1A9a for any time that they spent on GSI business. I passed this on to and told
him that I thought it was a very ingenious idea and well worth exploring.
5. 1 met with Jim Garrison and some members of his staff to dis cuss a number
of things :
a. The Office of Logistics is overloaded with requests from the DD/I
Area and elements of the DD/S Area to make alterations in the new building.
I agreed to sign a memorandum to the Deputy Director (Intelligence) indicat-
ing that we simply could not comply with all these requests until after the
move was completed. I also agreed to take this up at the DD/S Staff Meeting
on Wednesday, 10 January.
b. I agreed with Jim that it would be O.K. to extend at- 25X1A6
Apprdka PbItROftse 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000400010123-5
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6. Shef Edwards telephoned about a fire drill that the Safety Officer proposed to
have next week during which all occupants of the building would be evacuated. I asked him
to hold up on this until the latter part of this month and told him that I wanted to seek per-
mission from the Director before doing this. However, we should have one such exercise
prior to beginning the next phase of the move.
7. Inasmuch as Ed Saunders is ready to retire and would like to retire sometime
this year, I have asked Emmett Echols to supply me with a list of all people in the Agency
who might be considered for this position.
8. I have asked Emmett to give me a comparative summary of Shef Edwards'
retirement versus active duty benefits inasmuch as we must decide whether to allow him
to retire or ask him to stay on for a while.
9. I discussed briefly with Jim Garrison,
the possibility of shifting space allocations due to the Director's reorganization plans and
his desire to have his immediate staff in close proximity with the Deputy Director and
the other Deputies located somewhere else. 25X1A
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