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Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000400010129-9
T %f}R AP 3I 1'148 S 1 TUESDAY,,, 2 JANUARY 29W
Director and DD/P group
Mr. Walter 1io tow
p.m. - Planning GroUp Luncheon
up Luncheon
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000400010129-9
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP7600183R000400010129-9
DD 2 January 1962
1. was in to discuss a number of items with me:
a. The first item was the possibility of providing relief to Case
Officers under nonofficial cover who, of necessity, met their contacts
in hotel rooms over periods when it should be reasonably expected that
they would have a meal. There is no problem here when people are in
a travel status; when they are not in a travel status, however, there is
a question as to whether the Agency should pay for their meal. Vernon
wished to study a proposal which would allow such an individualsay,
15 per cent of the normal subsistence per diem for breakfast, 20 per
cent for lunch, and 25 per cent for dinner. I told him that this was O. K.
in principle and that I would like to consider it again after he had staffed
it out.
He reported that WHEwas being reorganized to separate op-
He referred to the paper written by on income
tax and seemed to have some reservations with regard to bringing a
cleared man from the Internal Revenue Service into the Agency. I asked
him to check on the status of this matter inasmuch as I haven't heard any-
thing on it for several weeks.
d. He discussed the possibility of transferring to the
SSA Staff. I told him that I had no objection and authorized him to go ahead
and negotiate the matter with
2. Matt Baird was in to discuss several items:
a. He believed that the Real Estate and Construction people at Head-
quarters were taking much too long to review the plans and 25X1A6a
that the Project could be speeded up if they acted faster. (I want to discuss
this with Jim Garrison.)
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000400010129-9
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIAR{W -1i0183R000400040129-9
c. Matt advised me that Mr. Kirkpatrick had been in touch with him and
asked that he supply the names of all Paramilitary types in the Agency. In con-
nection with this request Kirk indicated that the Director had instructed his
Reorganization Group to find a way to separate PM activities from the rest of
the Agency and install them in a separate base.
d. He reported that he has made no further progress with the Department
of Defense in connection with Recommendation No. 13 of the joint Study Group
but assured me that the ball was in the court of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
3. was in to talk with me about th communications rela- 25X C
tionship, and it was my understanding that the Bureau of the Budget would take the initia-
tive in forming a committee to work on this within the next few days. I told him that I
thought that this wa%s~lalsince we must have a concrete proposal to discuss with ap-
propriate congressional committees as soon as possible.
4. Bill also brought to me a reassignment paper which involved the extension of 25X1A9a
in Europe for another year. This was because of the ban on dependents
travelling to Europe and reluctance to separate families. I told
Bill that I would approve of this paper but that the Office of Communications and Jack
_ should understand that it might not be possible to get Jack into the National War
College the following year, although I would certainly try.
6. 4 telephoned to recommend a Mr. and his wife
for employment with CIA. asked her to request Mr to contact Mr.
or at 1016 Sixteenth Street, N.W. , for an interview.
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDPP6-00183R000400010129-9