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July 17, 1962
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Approved For Release 20QD8/01 : CIA-0T183R00040002Q4-3
DD/Sf 17 July 1962
1. Jim Garrison telephoned to say that, as a result of Mr. McCone's admonition
at lunch the other day (which I attended) with regard to the proper administration of
contracts, and particularly cost plus fixed fee contracts, Larry Houston has suggested
memorandum be written to the Director setting foith the procedures which we have
in effect. I told Jim that I concurred in this but desired that the memorandum be for-
warded to the General Counsel through the Deputy Director (Support).
2. Howard Preston was in for a brief chat. He has just returned from-25X1A6a
and is to be assigned as Chief of Support, Task Force W. He was immensely pleased
with his new assignment.
3. Shef Edwards telephoned to say that they had collected some administrative
25X1A9a information about an applicant named
but that the Medical, Personnel, and Security Panel had declined to consider the case.
I told him that I would meet with Dr. Tietjen, and him tomorrow
morning after the DD/S Staff Meeting to discuss this case briefly.
25X1A9a 4. who is scheduled to attend the Naval War College this fall,
was in to say good-by. He was extremely enthusiastic about this assignment, and
I am sure that he will do well. He was anxious to go back to the field in an action
situation in preference to a liaison situation as soon as he returns, if this is "in the
5. John Bross was down to discuss at some length with me the personnel figures
for Fiscal Year 1963. I told him that I thought it was important that he fix the major
component ceilings within the total allocation which the Director has decided upon and
that he tell the various Deputy Directors what this ceiling is. We can then adjust our
sights and proceed accordingly. I argued that the needs of the Offices of Personnel
and Security and the Medical Staff to satisfy recruitment should be honored immediately
and that the Special Security Clearance Center, which the Office of Security has been
directed to set up; also should be honored immediately. If we are, in fact, to absorb
these by the end of the fiscal year, we will have to do so; but it is important that at
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least a temporary authorization be granted without delay. (With regard to the over-
all situation, I am not at all optimistic that the Agency can recruit, clear for security,
and enter on duty up to_ people by the end of June 1963. I would guess that we,
despite intensive efforts, will be a few hundred short of this mark.) I also suggested
to John Bross that, after these ceilings are set and we can gauge our recruitment
program accordingly, the Financial Budget and Policy Review Committee look over
this situation quarterly to see how we are doing and what adjustments might be
appropriate at that time.
25X1A9a 6. telephoned to say that, in addition to
he urgently needed not onl but three
25X1A9a of er S officials, "line officers" he said, in connection with the Manpower Task
25X1A9a Force. I told him that I was not optimistic that he was going to accomplish anything
in such a short time but that, if he could convince the DDCI and the DCI as to what we
really needed, be it more or less, he would have made a major contribution to the
Agency. At any rate, I agreed to come up with the names of three more competent
individuals to be made available to the Task Force for five weeks beginning next
Monday morning, 23 July.
7. At equest I had a long talk with him this morning about his
personal plans and the reasons therefor. He will resign from the Agency on 30 August
1962 and will become a consultant. This is in accordance with his desires and wishes,
and there is absolutely no acrimony involved in any way. I expressed my regrets to
Frank and my admiration for him and his contribution to the Agency and, of course,
offered to be of any assistance in any possible way that I could. We agreed that Emmett
Echols, Larry Houston and John Tietjen should be told about this at this time, although
Frank does not wish to have it generally publicized. I have talked to these three indivi-
duals and have asked them to give Frank a ring to discuss his personal affairs insofar
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