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April 19, 1962
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Approved For Release 2O1/08/01: CIA- 9 (T0183R00040002,Q135-1
19 April 1962
good impression. He made three principal points:
1. General Carter came to the DD/S Staff Meeting and I thought that he made a very
a. Th ecutive Director i n the chain of command and is comparable
to the Hea pdcretariat of the Arm y1General's Staff;
b. The Inspector General henceforth will confine his activities to strictly
IG functions; (General Carter's concept is that the Inspector General in CIA will
operate in almost the exact manner that the IG of the Army operates. He looks
upon both the IG and the Executive Director as rendering a service, rather than bein
directive in any way.)
c. While he likes informality he does believe in the use of the organization
in order to get our job done and does contemplate rather strict adherence to com-
mand channels. 1
2. Matt Baird and I briefed General Carter on our Language Award Program. I got
the impression that General Carter believed we should discontinue the cash incentive part
of the Program. I asked that this be placed on the agenda for the Executive Committee Mee
ing on Monday. This I have done.
telephoned to say that in order to meet the of Task Force
W at
it would be necessary to construct two more "-type installa-
The quonset huts or butler-type buildings would cost $70, 000. A tent camp could be
set up for $35, 000. Task Force W wanted to construct the tent cam ? however, this appeared
25X1A9a shortsighted to me, and after further consultation between nd Task Force W, it
has been agreed to go ahead with the $70, 000-installation.
4. Shef Edwards telephoned to say that he had a paper asking for Security approval for
four sons of Agency employees to attend the World Youth Festival in Helsinki from 27 July
to 2 August. In addition to the security problems, he questioned the advisability of this from
a policy point of view. Later in the day and I talked to
about this. He agreed that it should be disapproved on policy grounds.
5. I talked to both nd John Bross about Mr. Cannon's letter on our Fiscal
Year 1963 allowances in w c he has taken $19 million from our regular operating budget
and placed it in the Reserve. (I feel that we must make every effort to do something about
this, and a meeting has been scheduled to discuss it with General Carter tomorrow, 20 April.)
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6. I met with Larry Houston, Emmett Echols, and Bob
to discuss possible re-use by the Agency of a few personnel who have been
declared surplus. While we recognized that from the standpoint of defending and not
jeopardizing our program we should not use any of these people in any capacity, there )
may be a few of them who have unique qualifications which the Agency urgently needs 1
at this time. We believe that we should avail ourselves of their services in such cases.
However, employment as a staff employee of any kind should be terminated and an en-
tirely new contract relationship drawn up. (Emmett Echols and Larry Houston are to
draft a policy paper which I can table at the Executive Committee Meeting for discussion.)
7. called to talk with me about the shortage in the Imprest Fund in the
Director's Office. Apparently, the auditors definitely have identified a $600-shortage,
and there is an additional $1, 700 still unresolved.
8. Emmett Echols telephoned to say that had advised Personnel that
Mr. Kirkpatrick had told him that the la destine ervices had boo booed in declaring
him surplus and tint Mr. Kirkpatrick give him a position on his Staff. He also said
that Mr. had told Personnel that Dick Helms had told him that he was not par-
ticularly sympathetic to the surplus exercise; however, Dick said that he was not in a posi-
tion to do anything about it at the moment but did encourage to participate in any
group movement that might be ar ` p to resist. I asked Emmett to give me EYES
ONLY memoranda on each of these cases. C a,., o e //~. d f A. '3 r c.1~ ci r.S
Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000400020135-1