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Publication Date:
May 20, 1964
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Approved E' Release 2006/01/03: CIA-RDP76-004$8R000500020096-4
DD/S W--f ____
20 May 1964
1. At the Executive Committee Meeting this morning:
a. The Director said that last evening Senator Russell had ex-
pressed to him some reservation about our early retirement legis-
lation. The Director asked General Carter to get in touch with Senator
Russell to try to satisfy him that the legislation is okay. If this is not
possible, we should try to make some adjustments which will meet
with his approval. If either of these two things can be done, the Direc-
tor thinks that we still have a chance of getting our legislation through
during this session of Congress. (On 21 May John Warner reported
that Senator Russell had advised him that he would be unable to meet
with us until after civil rights is out of the way, which Mr. McCone
estimates will be early June.)
b. I reported that General Starbird had attempted to recruit Bill
for his civilian Deputy Director of the Defense Communica-
tions Agency but that Bill was not interested and so we have no prob-
Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000500020096-4
ApprovedZpr Release 2006/01/03: CIA-RDP76-OQW3R000500020096-4
5. I lunched with Admiral Bryan and General Kingsley, who were at-
tending Project USEFUL. They said that they thought this exercise was very
worthwhile but urged the use of more simple organization charts and a better
explanation of the briefings which officials of the Agency give the President
and the actions which are taken following these briefings.
6. Walt Elder telephoned to say that I would receive a paper on em-
ployment of ex-Peace Corps employees. The Director's attitude on this has
not changed, and he wants to write a reply to the White House.
7. I met with General Carter, Mr. Kirkpatrick, Bob Bannerman, and
John Warner to talk about the problems confronting us in connection with
appearance before the Moss subcommittee to talk about the polygraph.
General Carter was pretty relaxed about this, agreed that we should appear,
and had no objection to our making an attempt to substitute a statement for
a question-and-answer transcript. If Mr. Moss does not agree, however,
General Carter thought that we should answer the subcommittee's questions
with the understanding that we will have a chance to edit the transcript to
delete any classified information. (At the Executive Committee Meeting
on 21 May the Director confirmed this position, and I have so advised Bob
8. 1 talked with d Howard Osborn about the
problem and requested that Howard start a thorough investiga-
tion immediately in cooperation with the auditors who are working on the
Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000500020096-4