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July 12, 2000
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Publication Date:
January 15, 1965
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Approved For Release 900/08/27 : Cl&- DP76-00183R 500050063-7
DD/S 15 January 1965
25X1A9a 1. Bob Fuchs and- were in to discuss the following:
a. They raised the question of s interest in having Ralph
25X1 A9a serve with the_ Group =time. I agreed to talk with Bob 25X1 A9a
ou t is, which I have done. Bob thought that he might have an idea
25X1 A9a about how they could work it out. They are not opposed in any way to the
objectives of the Group; in fact, they think that it is quite impor-
tant and are anxious to get on with it.
b. They presented a paper proposin a solution to the Africa Divi-
sion's problem of certifying Class Baccounts. Most im ortant 25X1A
25X1 A9a was the proposal to send certifying officers on I 25X1 A
asked them to discuss this proposal with the Afr ca Div s on and tele-
phoned e this. They met with
25X1A9a Do Mul and Tom were opposed to this idea and
agree to stu y it an come back with a Division position on Monday, 18
January. (I don't really understand their reservations but will reserve
judgment until I find out what they have to say.)
2. I talked to about the study he undertook for Mr
Kirkpatrick to idea , t e nu er of people and the jobs which they were doing
around the world. John told me that, after spending ten days exploring this
problem, he decided that he should not continue it and that Kirk has relieved
him of this responsibility. Probably the substitute arrangement will be to ask
the Deputy Directorates to develop such information. In my judgment, this
would make a great deal more sense. It would be a very minor burden as far
as DD/S is concerned since I assume that we won't have any problem except
with the Office of Communications, and we already have this information at
3. Emmett Echols, an briefed Bob Banner-25X1 A9a
man and me on a procedure which they have developed and recommended to
John Clarke to control average salaries in the Agency. I think that it is an
excellent system and hope that it will be adopted. It will require the central
control of 01 funds, but I don't see why this should be any great problem.
Approved For Release 2000/08/27 A-RDP76-00183R000500050063-7
~ is
Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : -~76-00183R000500050063-7
4. Bob Fuchs, ere in to talk with me about
25X1 Aga the promotion of epu y ief of the Industrial Contract
Audit Division, to gra e - W. He is apparently very well educated and
does a very fine iob. He has been in grade CS-14 for some three years
motion with the understanding that, when he is given the promotion, they
make it clear to him that he should not expect to succeed when the
latter retires. At the same time, they definitely should no c ose the door
to possible further advancement.
Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CI -00183R000500050063-7