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July 12, 2000
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Publication Date:
January 7, 1965
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Approved For Release x+6'00/08/27: CIA-RDP76-00183RQ0p500050075-4
7 January 1965
1. Howard Osborn, Emmett Echols, John Tietjen, and I met with Mr.
Kirkpatrick; John made an informal presentation on the relationship of
sexuality to suitability. John was in good form, and it was a very educa-
tional presentation. The question then arose of whether supervisors in the
Agency should have more education along these lines. We concluded that
this type of presentation en masse would not be suitable, and after discuss-
ing the problem at some length we came back to the necessity for super-
visors to know their people better, to detect problems early, and to refer
potential problems to the Offices of Medical Services, Security, or Personnel
as appropriate. Kirk said that he thought the time had now come to assemble
the supervisors in small groups to give them a new reindoctrination pro-
gram on their responsibilities. He said that he had some ideas about how
this might be done and that he would dictate a paper for our consideration.
2. I talked to John Clarke today about my memorandum to the Executive
Director-Comptroller dated 23 December 1964, subj: "Support Directorate
Personnel Needs, " and about our proposal to convert linguistic training to a
project. He told me that they would approve this proposal and that they
would give DD/S the eighteen slots which would be saved. I was surprised
to learn that he was thinking of trying to dream up some way to give us the
ne slots we requested. I told him that I had some ideas on how I
might take care of the difference and would settle for the eighteen slots.
3. As a result of discussions with
25X1 A9a I appointed the chairman o a new committee to establish ad-
ministrative allowances for nonofficial cover personnel.
4. I talked with Paul Borel about his "promotion freeze" r bl d
think that there is nothing further for us to do about this at the moment. . The
restrictions upon the number of positions which the Agency may have in grades
GS-14 and above will further complicate our problem. (I asked Emmett
Echols to be prepared to give a presentation on this at a very early date.
They are working with John Clarke on the general problem.)
5. The Registrar and his staff of the Office of Training gave their
annual briefing. It was quite poorly done by all participants. Fortunately,
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Matt Baird was present, and immediately afterward he apologized for the
poor quality of the presentation. (I anticipate that the remainder of the
Office of Training briefings will be better.)
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