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April 30, 1965
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Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CI E -00183R000500060001-4 S DIARY NOTES 25X1A DD/S 1. At the Executive Committee Meeting this morning: 30 April 1965 a. Mr. Kirkpatrick indicated that at Admiral Raborn's request he would be issuing an Action Memorandum requiring each Deputy Director to make at least a weekly report of significant activities in his Directorate. I assume that this will be an oral report at the Executive Committee Meeting rather than a formal, written report. b. Kirk also mentioned that the Admiral had suggested that various Office Heads be brought to the Executive Committee Meeting from time to time to make a brief presentation to keep the Director up to date and also allow him to exhibit his interest in matters which would not otherwise come to his attention. 2. I talked with Mr. Kirkpatrick and later with Walter Held of The Brookings Institution about Alan Warfield's taking my place in the 10-21 May "Conference for Federal Executives on Business Operations" in New York City and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The substitution was made. 3. 1 obtained Mr. McCone's signature on the early retirement regula- tion as of 27 April. Therefore, this is entirely a McCone accomplishment, and the regulation can be implemented immediately. 4. Walt Elder buzzed to say that Bromley Smith of the White House has requested that no limousines or other large cars be used to come to the White House for the duration of the Santo Domingo emergency. (I instructed to work on the Educational Aid Fund scholarships. I told him that, insofar as I was concerned, I could go but thought this was probably a bad time for most of us, specifically Ray and Tom, to be away because of so many crises and the Director's recent arrival on board. John will speak to Mr. Kirk- patrick about this and let us know. to take care of this immediately.) S. John Bross buzzed to say that both Ray Cline and Tom Karamessines have questioned the wisdom of going to I for the weekend of 15 May 25X1 6. Mr. Kirkpatrick asked me to check on the letter which Mr. McCone asked him to prepare to Admiral Raborn for Mr. McCone's signature on the Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : RI P 6-00183R000500060001-4 R Approved For Rele a 2006/01/03: CIA-RD T183R0005 0060001-4 status of various Agency personnel on loan to other Government agencies. Kirk had spoken to the Office of Personnel about this. (I will follow up to see what progress has been made.) 8. 1 talked to Admiral Raborn again about his housing needs. He advised me that Admiral David L. McDonald, Chief of Naval Operations, has invited him and Mrs. Raborn to occupy the guest suite in his quarters at the Naval Observatory until the Raborns find a permanent place to live. Therefore, the requirement for a short-term house has been eliminated. Mrs. Raborn will arrive in Washington in about ten days. Admiral Raborn expects us to have some prospective houses for him to rent or purchase at that time. He was particularly eager to pursue the W. C. and A. N. Miller proposition. (I passed this along to Alan Warfield and LKW:jrf Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000500060001-4 SECRET