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CU F1UENT!A j,v,)_c2s-73 Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 ANNUAL REPORT - FISCAL YEAR 1973 Special Assistant for Information Control Directorate of Management and Services SECTION I. GENERAL The position of Special Assistant for Information Control was established by a memorandum, dated 26 May 1972, from the then Exec- utive Director-Comptroller to the Deputy Directors. Stressing the need for the fullest coordination of information control procedures, particularly so in view of the anticipated impact of Executive Order 11652, the Executive Director-Comptroller announced that the Special Assistant for Information Control would also serve as Agency Records Management Officer, Agency Archivist, and Chairman of the Agency Records Management Board. In addition to the duties associated with these positions, the Special Assistant for Information Control was assigned responsibility for monitoring Agency implementation of Executive Order 11652 and such other duties in the field of infor- mation control as the Executive Director-Comptroller might prescribe. The Special Assistant for Information Control initially reported directly to the Executive Director-Comptroller. The Records Admini- stration Branch was transferred from Support Services Staff, Support Directorate, to the office of the Executive Director-Comptroller and was placed under the Special Assistant for Information Control. In early Fiscal Year 1973, the Archives and Records Center was reor- ganized into two separate entities--the Records Center and the Agency Archives--and the heads of these units were made directly subordinate to the Special Assistant for Information Control. These activities had previously been supervised by the Chief of the Records Admini- stration Branch. No other significant organizational changes occurred until 1 May 1973 when, as part of a general Agency reorganization, the Special Assistant for Information Control was transferred from the Office of the DCI to the Management and Services Directorate. With the dissolution of Support Services Staff at the close of Fiscal Year 1973, the Microfilm Programs Branch and the Support Directorate Records Branch were placed,under the Special Assistant for Infor- mation Control. Looking beyond Fiscal Year 1973, a change in nomen- clature for the organization appeared to be in the offing, plus the addition of a Classification Programs Branch to better cope with the increased activities in this area. E2 IMPDET D Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 Responsibility for several on-going Agency-wide programs, plus those duties directly related to Executive Order 11652, were thus assigned to the Special Assistant for Information Control from the outset. The organizations responsible for microfilm program coor- dination and the Support Directorate's information management activities were later brought under his authority. In addition, he was tasked with certain responsibilities in connection with the selection, acquisition, and use of safekeeping, word processing, and copy/duplicating equipment. As of the end of Fiscal Year 1973, the mission and functions of the Special Assistant for Information Control encompassed the following areas: a. Classification/Declassification (includes development of operating procedures and policy guidelines; control of national security classification authorities; coordination of responses to mandatory declassification requests; moni- toring classification practices; statistical reporting to the Interagency Classification Review Committee; staff support for the CIA Information Review Committee) b. Records Administration (includes forms design and manage- ment; filing systems and records storage equipment manage- ment; records disposition; Vital Records Program; word processing systems; office copying equipment.; management and systems analysis; records management training) c. Microfilm Programs (includes coordination of Agency microfilm activities; promulgation of standards; acqui- sition, testing, and loan of microfilm equipment; system feasibility studies; microfilm systems training) d. Records Center Operation (includes provision for low-cost storage, maintenance, and reference services for Agency's semicurrent records; disposal on schedule of nonpermanent, noncurrent records; storage and maintenance of Vital Rec- ords; storage, supplemental distribution, and phased dis- posal of Agency publications) e. Agency Archives (includes appraisal, selection, storage, arrangement, and preservation of Agency's noncurrent records of enduring value; reference services and research facilities) f. DDM&S Records Management (includes coordination, direction, an supervision of Directorate's information management activities; guidance, training, and assistance to DDM&S component records management officers) Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-IDP76-00883R000100210001-4 cUIDE'I AL CUNFIIE TI . Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 The historical Agency approach to the above activities has been to emphasize decentralized administration of the programs, with cen- tral staffs supplying technical expertise and policy guidelines and exercising a loose oversight over component programs. The somewhat laissez-faire nature.of the programs and their relative isolation from line management, particularly top management, produced some undesirable results. This was especially evident in the important area of records management where potential benefits were not being fully realized because of the lack of professionalism on the part of line component records management officers and their nonpartic- ipation in major information processing developments within the Agency. Overemphasis on decentralization promoted diversity, un- even performance levels, and low employee morale. Over the past year, however, management philosophy has shifted toward a more middle ground. Administration of the programs is still decentralized, but Agency-wide standards and controls are being emphasized as never before. The action by the Executive Director-Comptroller of placing the central staffs directly under top management served to elevate staff morale and lend new prestige to the records management program. Central staffs have been en- couraged to play a more active, aggressive role, instead of pas- sively waiting for their assistance to be solicited. A program of surveying component records management practices was launched, with the Office of Personnel as the first organization to be studied. The involvement of records management personnel from the outset in systems design efforts was particularly encouraged, and records management personnel, both at the central staff and operating com- ponent levels, were urged to acquire the training needed to make a significant contribution to these information handling develop- mental projects. In an effort to rationalize and control Agency acquisition and use of non-ADP information processing equipment, the Special Assistant for Information Control was, or soon will be, delegated authority to establish standards and procedures in these areas, including the authority to approve or disapprove specific applications or equipment acquisitions. With respect to the Agency's philosophy on records classifi- cation and declassification, it could be said that none existed prior to the advent of Executive Order 11652. The Special Assistant for Information Control devoted considerable effort during Fiscal Year 1973 to the development of the operating procedures and policy guidelines needed to implement the Executive Order, including pro- vision for statistical reporting to the Interagency Classification Review Committee, control of national security classification authorities, monitoring of classification practices, and establishment Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CFA- DP76-00883R000100210001-4 CcHFIDEN ! RL UUNHUN I {AL Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 of procedures and policies relative to processing declassification requests. Administration of the classification/declassification program has been, to a degree, decentralized, but top management, including the various Directors of Central Intelligence, has exer- cised a very direct influence-..on the shaping of policy and the resolution of the very complex legal aspects which are involved. Moreover, the Director of Central Intelligence has reserved for himself the final decision-making authority in declassification and release requests of a precedent-setting or otherwise sensitive nature. The Agency's posture has not been static. It has grad- ually evolved from a rigid, hard-line position which not only in- hibited any declassification actions but which even challenged the authority of the Interagency Classification Review Committee to a more open position which-seeks to release materials of legitimate public interest to the extent consistent with the need to protect sensitive intelligence sources and methods. Agency employee attitudes and habits of years' standing have been resistant to change and have had a pronounced impact on im- plementation of the new classification/declassification policies. The almost inbred psychology of the typical CIA employee to auto- matically reach for a classification stamp for anything that he has written is still very much-in evidence. The principal effect of the Executive Order has been to cause him to reach simultaneously for an exemption stamp. Agency compliance with the letter and in- tent of the Executive Order is being monitored and abuses noted and corrected, but this can be done on a spot check basis only. Several factors, most of which were beyond the immediate con- trol of the Special Assistant for Information Control, adversely affected cramnlishnent of component objectives. The uncertain future of has delayed reali- 25X1A zation of needed impr cilities of the Records Center and the Agency Archives. The physical separation of Special Assistan for Tnf'nr tion Control subcomponents, lo- cated as they are a Magazine Building, and Headquarters, has created unusual communications problems, both with- in the organization itself and with other Agency components. Per- sonnel turnover towards the end of Fiscal Year 1973, particularly in the Records Administration Branch and the Microfilm Programs Branch, resulted in a loss of expertise and a disruption of certain programs. An Agency policy for complying with the requirement that 30-year-old records be reviewed for declassification purposes has yet to be fully developed, and the Agency's plans for further over- all staff reductions exacerbates the problem of manning any such program. Finally, the organizational restructuring of the Agency's information management activities, complicated further by the late- year transfer of the organization from the Office of the DCI to the Management and Services Directorate, resulted in budgetary and other administrative problems. Approved For Release 2002/05/13 :: ~CIIA-~21DDP76-00883R000100210001-4 crI 1IAL Approved For Release 200 SECTI? I ACCMISHMENTS. ctive Executive Order 116552. To ensure Agency compliance with the requirements 6-00883R000100210001-4 crated objectives are component objectives. Stateent of Objective (2) tip Plan The action plan consisted of periodic reporting to the Interagency Classification Review Coe ittee. Detailed records of declassification request trans- actions were maintained in the office of the Special Assistant for Information Control, and other relevant information was collected by utilizing the resources of major Agency information repositories such as the Central Reference Service. Criteria were developed to govern the declassification of Agency records, and guidelines and interpretations were promulgated to ensure the correct security marking of currently produced documents. Recognizing that, because of the massive volume of classified material handled by this Agency, It is not possible for a staff of this size to obtain 100 percent coverage of the Agency's activities relative to classification, most of the information gathered was done on a sampling basis. Spot checks were made of compliance with classifica- tion standards and records maintained of abuses. In addition, the individuals responsible for classifi- cation abuses were cited, using the sa schedule as that for security violations. Benchmarks, such as they are, consisted primarily in meeting the periodic reporting requirements imposed by the Interagency Classification Review Committee and responding to Progress and Shortfall progress has been made toward changing the traditional outlook relative to automatic declassi- fication but the surface has barely been scratched. A seminar has been held within each Directorate to review the problems and policies relative to Agency atory declassification requests in a timely manner. Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 CEO N TI iIAL CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 (4) implementation of the Executive Order, but more of this type activity will be needed if a significant change Is to be made in the predominant attitude within the Agency. We still classify too much, over- classify that which we do classify, and exempt from automatic declassification that which need not be exempted. The initial guidelines put out by the then Director of Central Intelligence and the then Deputy Director for Plans need to be revised to reflect the changes in policy-level attitudes toward the Executive Order which have evolved since their issuance. The Agency is the product of an open society, and its posture with respect to the release of information to the public must be as forthcoming as circumstances allow. The quantitative milestones of the program have been met. All reports have been submitted within the deadlines. Ours is the only agency now capable of responding to the requirement for a data index system. That the Agency is able to do this Is fortuitous in that it has been possible to adapt an existing soft- ware system and automated document index data base to met the requirements posed. In collaboration with the Operations Directorate, a pilot program, employing the services of three annuitants, was mounted to under take the declassification review of OSS records held by the National Archives. Declassification guidelines were developed for this project, and significant pro- gress has been reported in accomplishing the task. In general, all requests for mandatory declassification review have been processed in a timely fashion. Of the 60 such requests received during Fiscal Year 1973, 12 were denied in full; 17 were granted in full; 11 were granted in part; 2 were referred to other Govern- ment agencies; in one Instance the information re- quested was unavailable; and, as of the end of the Fiscal Year. 17 were still being processed. In addition, there was one appeal to the CIA Information Review Committee which was subsequently rejected. The appeal was then carried to the Interagency Classification geview Committee and the matter was still unresolved at the conclusion of Fiscal Year 1973. Probe e The major problem is identifying and acquiring sufficient manpower to accomplish the tasks which have to be done. For much of the year, the work was performed Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 CONTM QNFI EtTIMI Approved For Release 2002105T13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 by an officer and a secretary. The volume of requests increased, however, and by the year's end approximately three and one-half people were occupied full-time on the program, with only two of these actually being slotted in the Special Assistant for Information Control organization. This does not take into account the three annuitants detailed to the National Archives, nor does it include the labor performed in other Agency components in reviewing documents referred to them for recommendations relative to declassification. (5) Future Plans The establishment of a Classification Programs Branch within the Special Assistant for Information Control organization to work exclusively on these matters is planned. Moreover, at the direction of the Director- designate of Central Intelligence, a plan will be pre- sented in the first quarter of Fiscal Year 1974 to pro- vide for the systematic release of classified information, including finished intelligence publications and sanitized versions of episodic histories. (6) costs Approximately two man-years were committed to this objective, with salary costs of approximately $51,000. (The total Agency resource commitment, of course, would be much greater if the three annuitants at the National Archives and the fractional manpower involved in other aspects of the Executive Order throughout the Agency were taken into account.) b. Objective 2 (1) Statement of Objective To establish management control of information Pro- cessing equipment exclusive of ADP. (2) Action Plan The action plan called for the publication of: (a) standards and criteria to be used in equipment selection; and (b) Headquarters Notices and Regulations establishing a central control point in the Agency to approve or disapprove all requests for such equipment. It is intended that all such items be published by the conclusion of Fiscal Year 1974. -7- Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 r.fNAMT 11, CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 (3) (5) (6 gorier of information processing equipment will fat Progress and Shortfall The activity for obtaining this objective is on schedule to date. Action commenced with the formal organization of a word processing task force with a membership drawn from various elements of the Agency. This task force held its first meeting in the last quarter of Fiscal Year 1973 and should conclude its work in the first quarter of Fiscal Year 1974. Work on development of policy for controlling other cate- Problems The major problem anticipated is the reluctance of the baronies to accede to a centralized control point representing the Agency as an entity. As the new management philosophy permeates the Agency and is better understood, however, acceptance should follow and this problem should be self-liquidating. Future Plans Once the management controls are established, future plans will call for experimentation with new techniques--which may in some cases be old techniques renamed for cosmetic purposes. These would include copying and reproduction centers and word processing centers. Costs Approximately one-twelfth of a mean-year was Com- mitted to this objective, with costs estimated at $2,760 of which $260 were for travel. (Fiscal Year 1973 costs for the entire Agency are estimated at one- quarter of a man-year, with salary costs of $#,000). Objective 3 Statement of Objective To develop a records administration training program. (2) Action Plan In order to improve the competence and technical skills of component records officers, the Records Admin- istration Branch planned to collaborate with the Office 8_ Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 CEIfF TI VIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002 CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 Ingaged for the presentation of records management brier- of Training in developing and offering a series of in-house courses in records management. The Office of Training was to provide the facilities and the prin- cipal instructor while the Records Administration Branch would furnish other instructors with expertise In specific topics. In addition, the need was foreseen to engage outside consultants to supplement in-house talent In needed areas. Preliminary presentations to top level management were included in the planning in order to gain support for the program. Pro2ress and Shortfall The training program was launched by the Office of Training in the fall of 1972, To give the training pro- gram the best possible exposure a NARS annuitant and an acknowledged au or y in records management field, was contacted and his services ings before audiences of senior Agency officials. Courses were formally established and schedules announced, and all components were invited to enroll personnel whose duties involved paperwork activities. The response was overwhelming, and priorities had to be established to ensure that the right people would receive the necessary training. In all. 20 one-day seminars'in fords Dis- posal, Filing Procedures, and Forms Management were attended by 433 students, In addition, a two- 7~7 canducted by a consultant from MARS, was attended by 13 individuals. (4) Proms The course offerings were over-subscribed and the surplus applicants were promised that they would be accom- modated in the fall of 1973. The transfer of the senior Instructor from the Agency, however, left a void in the program. Future Plans New schedules will be developed for Fiscal Year 1974, with heavy reliance being placed on the internal resources of the staff of the Special Assistant for Information Control in selecting instructors. (6) Costs Approximately one-fifth of a man-year was committed to the achievement of this objective. Dollar costs are estimated at $6,225, $1,225 of which consisted of consul- tant fees. 9- Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 C FUNTIA1 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 Objective 4 (1) Statement of Objective To develop and publish an Agency Records Mana went Handbook, Action Plan It was planned to develop the handbook by chapters as they relate to major elements of the Agency's Records Administration Program. The handbook will cover proce- dures, methods, disciplines, techniques, standards, and general information designed to provide guidelines and direction to all personnel engaged in paperwork activ- ities. As chapters are drafted, they will be circulated to other Agency components for comment. (3) Progress and Shortfall Four chapters of the handbook have been prepared in draft form and circulated to the Directorate Records Management Officers for critiques prior to revision. Additional chapters are being drafted and will be dis- tributed for review and comment upon their completion. Tice coordination process is proving to be time- consuming. Other than this, no major problems have been encountered or are envisioned. (5) Future Plans Comments, when received, will be taken into consid- eration to determine whether changes are necessary. Work will proceed on drafting the remaining chapters. (6) Costs Approximately one-tenth of a man-year was devoted, to this objective, with an estimated cost of $2,000. Objective 5 (1) State ont of Objective To conduct a records management survey in the Office of Personnel to update and improve paperwork activities in that office. - 10 - Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 UNFIDENTIAL (4) Problems CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 Action Plan gram for currency and completeness of coverage, and identify other areas where improvements could be made in paperwork operations. The team was to be comprised of the Records Management Officer for the Office of Personnel and the member of the Records Administration Branch responsible for the particular'records manage- ment function being investigated at the time. Progress and Shortfall The survey was begun in March 1973 with a meeting of all members of the survey team and responsible officials of the Office of Personnel. An item-by-its inventory of all records was accomplished next, coupled with a discussion with the users on the use and value of each record series and problems encountered with the present system. Based on the information gathered, up- dated Records Control Schedules were prepared and sub- mitted to component heads for approval. The survey team found it more advantageous to examine all the areas of records management within an office rather than to follow the original plan of completing one phase at a time; consequently, benchmarks established for the survey cannot be measured individually. During the course of inventorying the records, the survey team collected forms being used in the offices, which will be analyzed for duplication and possible improvement; the filing equipment and copying equipment were listed, the Vital Records Deposit Schedules were questioned and revised where needed; record series thought to be suitable for microfilming were noted and referred A survey team was to be assigned to inventory all records, examine filing systems, survey filing equipment, review forms for which the Office of Per- sonnel is responsible, revise and update the Records Control Schedule, identify file series that might be converted to microfilm, review the Vital Records Pro- the Microfilm Programs Branch for further investiga- and areas where better equipment could be utilized were documented. Some potential savings resulted from this portion of the survey: a proposed change in procedures, if adopted by the Central Processing Branch, will result in a saving of $5,500; the transfer of Air Force per- sonnel files to enabled the Military Per- sonnel Branch to turn in n ne safes with a replacement value of $3,170 and reduced its records holdings by 24 cubic feet. Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA1RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 25X1 F E! CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 (4) Problems The timing of the survey conflicted with the heavy workload in the Office of Personnel which resulted from the exodus of June retirees, and this served as a de- laying factor in the progress of the survey. Other factors which impeded the survey were the changes In key personnel and reorganizations occurring in the Office of Personnel; retirement of two members of the survey team, one of whom was coordinator and also res- ponsible for major segments of the survey; the usual illnesses, vacations, and conflicting work priorities, and, moreover, the impending physical move of the Records Administration Branch to Headquarters diverted time and energies from the survey. Future Plans All schedules will be completed and most phases of the survey will be cone ix-month time frame originally set. is expected to return to work under co Twl" one = y he will be able to undertake the equipment survey. A new target date.will be fished when it has been determined whethe. ill be able to make further contri- butions. (6) Costs Approximately one-fifth of a man-year was committed to this objective, with an estimated cost of $4,00. Objective 6 Statement of Objective To hold the annual Agency Records Management Con- ference. Action Plan The plan was to organize a conference which would bring together all Agency personnel involved in the envy's Records Management Program, component records officers In addition to the central staffs, for the purpose of increasing and Improving their knowledge and abilities in the records management field. An annual occurrence, the conference also serves as a forum for top management to discuss policy trends and changes in 12 -- Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 Approved For Release 2002/05/i~~~883R000100210001-4 direction and, in addition, facilitates a sharing of experiences among records management personnel. Plan- ning for the conference involved the selection of a committee, naming a chairman, selecting a suitable site and dates for the conference, setting up working groups, preparing an appropriate agenda, engaging speakers, and many logistical preparations. Progress and Shortfall The conference was held 25-27 Oc o r 1972 at The pro- 25X1A gram concentrated on a rectorate approach to Direc- torate problems and appears to have been highly successful. The principal speaker, the then Executive Director- Comptroller, emphasized the importance that he attached to the Agency's Records Management Program and outlined the role which the records officer should play and the results which he expected to be achieved. (4) Future Plans Planning for a Fiscal Year 1974 conference began rly 1973. Scheduled for 10-12 October 1973, it (1) organizing the conference will commence in August 1973. and a committee chairman was named. Detailed work in too will be held at th Flan- 25X1A ping committee members were designated in late spring Approximately one-fifth of a man-year and an estimated $4,000 were committed to this objective. tine 7 Statement of Objective To improve communications within the Agency records management community. (2) Action Plan The plan called for the publication by the Records Administration Branch of a-records management newsletter with items of interest to Agency records officers. The items could be self-generated or solicited from others in the Agency. The topics covered would be meaningful, related to paperwork areas, cover happenings in the records community, and provide a channel for imparting information to records personnel. - 13 - Approved For Release 2002/~~6-00883R000100210001-4 IDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/0 /13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 A series of informal visits by the central staff to the component records officers various elements of their programs and return visits from the component officers to the central staff for advice and guidance were also included in the plan. Finally. it was planned to disseminate to com- ponent records officers guidance material such as program-related publications from the national Archives and Records Service, literature from industry and other Government agencies, and training brochures from the various management associations. Progress Shortfall The initial newsletter was published in April and. subsequent issues were prepared in May and June. The feedback received indicated mixed emotions about the style and tone of the cornunication, but the fact that the distribution has grown from 250 to 500 subscribers would seem to signal a high degree of acceptance. Visits with component records officers have tended to concentrate on the problems of the moment rather than a tomprehensive review of their programs or general guidance. inquiries on the availability of publications, training brochures. new equipment, etc., cam into the central staff frequently. (4) Future Plans An attempt will be made to solicit more newsletter contributions from the records community. Feedback reports will be carefully analyzed and continued efforts will be made to improve the publication and make it more responsive to reader needs. A more concentrated effort will be made by the cers. To ensure that meetings are held at mutually convenient times, an effort will be made to schedule them well in advance.' The programmed move of the Records Administration Branch into Headquarters office space should serve to increase contacts with component records officers. Incoming literature will be screened by the central staff in an effort to get more items of interest circu- lated throughout the records management comunity, 14 _ Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 MINrlncNTIl KNfIAL Approved For Release 200/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 (5) costs Approximately one-tenth of a man-year and an estimated $2,000 were committed to achieving this objective. . Objective 8 Statement of Objective To establish the Microfilm Programs Branch, with small cadre of professional personnel oriented In systems analysis who could be trained in the art, tech- niques, and application of microfilm technology to solving information handling problems. (2) Action Plan The Microfilm Programs Branch was formed at the et of Fiscal Year 1973 with the mission of rational- zing, exploiting, and optimizing the Agency's utiliza- tion of micrographic technology in information processing. It was organizationally placed in the Support Services Staff of the Support Directorate. Three officers were reassigned from the Support Directorate and a training plan was formulated which included a combination of formal courses, seminars, symposia, and lectures given by various professional societies, such as the. National Microfilm Association, Advanced Management Research, Institute for Graphics Communication, Association for Information Science, etc., and other Government agencies, such as the National Archives and Records Service, the Civil Service Com- sion, etc. In addition, plant visits were planned to Eastman Kodak, 3M, Xerox, etc, to view developmental micrographic and reprographic equipment, as well as to other Government installations to observe ongoing micro- film applications. (3) 'rolLess and Shortfall The Branch was established and a total of 11 weeks spent in the external training and orientation of three officers.. While no statistics were kept on the actual time these officers spent out of the office visiting Agency components to gain firsthand knowledge of the extent of microfilm activities in the Agency, it was considerable. This objective was substantially met. Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 NFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/(G ROSML00883R000100210001-4 (4) Problems Time was a problem as conflicts developed over which course to take and where. Since some seminars and other training sessions had been previously uneval- uated by other Agency personnel, tie officers had to use their own Judgment in making the decision on how best to utilize their time. In some cases, sessions turned out to be tmarket-oriented' or "hardware-oriented" when in fact the objective of the training was to obtain more "systems" and "applications" information than that offered. These course evaluations have now been docd- rated so that future officers may be guided accordingly in assessing the value of a particular course or seminar in meeting a given training objective. The location of the Branch outside of the Read- quarters Building tended to isolate it from major Agency microfilm activities and thus complicated communications. Also, a substantial personnel turnover toward the end of Fiscal Year 1973 resulted in a loss to the Branch of much of the expertise gained through training. (5) Future plans personnel newly assigned to the Branch will under- take a similar training and orientation program. Efforts will be made to move the Branch offices to the Headquarters Building. (6 Approximately one-fourth of a man-year was devoted to achieving this objective, with an estimated cost of $9,000. of which $4,000 were directly related to external training costs. I. Objective 9 (1) Statement of Objective To demonstrate to Agency components the potential of micrographics to the solution of certain information handling problems. (2) Action Plan The plan called for selection of a contractor to conduct Agency seminars on micrographics which would serve to acquaint personnel with the state-of-the-art of the technology. It was planned to hold such seminars - 16 Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 GON110 AL CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 on a quarterly basis. In addition, it was planned that Microfilm Programs Branch personnel would parti- cipate in other Agency training programs such as Trends and Highlights of the Support Directorate and the annual Agency Records Management Conference. Moreover, indi- vidual office visits were planned by Branch officers on an ad hoc basis to uncover potential microfilm appli- cations. Specific feasibility studies were to be under- taken at the initiative of interested Agency components. A static display of various microfilm equipment (cameras, readers, reader-printers, etc.) was to be established to afford interested components an opportunity to view a representative cross-section of hardware and to provide a pool of such equipment to be loaned, where justified, to components interested In gaining hands-on experience with various equipment items before making capital out- lay commitments. Progress and Shortfall A total of four seminars were conducted by the contractor, to which 110 Agency personnel, representing all Directorates and Independent Offices, attended. No records were kept on individual office visits, though they were numerous. Two feasibility studies were con- duntpd- one by the -- in th 25X1A I I and the other by Microfilm Programs Branch personnel in the Insurance Branch of the Office of Personnel. While no microfilm application has developed from these studies, the applicability and cost-effective justification for them was demonstrated. Approximately $20,000 worth of microfilm equipment was purchased to form the nucleus of the static display of such gear, which was physically located in the Magazine Building. Portions of this equipment were transported to Headquarters periodically for demonstration purposes at the contractor-conducted seminars on micrographics. Considering that this is an on-going objective which may be applicable to the mission and functions of the Microfilm Programs Branch over the next several years, considerable progress was made. (4) Problems Inasmuch as the staff personnel initially,assigned to the Microfilm Programs Branch lacked the technical expertise felt necessary to plan, organize. and implement an Agency training program in microfilm techniques, the - 17 - Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 CDDFIDE' TIAE CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 decision was made to select a competent contractor for this purpose. Clearance processing delayed the start of .the program by several months. Feedback from parti- cipants in the seminars suggested that the contractor's approach was perhaps too hardware-oriented, with insuf- ficient attention being paid to systems. analysis, but repeated suggestions along this line to the contractor failed to produce a significant change in his presenta- tion. Nonetheless, the program was continued with this contractor on the grounds that some exposure in this area was better than none. Rotation of Microfilm Pro- grams Branch personnel during this period impacted significantly on the amount of effort devoted to office visits and feasibility studies. The Branch Chief, after having spent considerable time on a training program designed to give him the technical background and ex- posure necessary to direct the activities of the unit, was reassigned just as he started rolling. Then, within two months of the Branch Chief's departure, the officer who had assumed command was likewise transferred. Finally, one Junior officer resigned at the end of Fiscal Year 1973, after concluding that he would be unable to make the contribution to Agency management that he felt trained and competent to make. Future Plans It is planned to staff the complement of the Micro- film Programs Branch with at least two officers whose terms of assignment will be of a duration long enough to make a training investment of several thousands of dollars cost effective. It is also planned to select another contractor, one whose background and experience will enable him to conduct microfilm training sessions which will address systems analysis in the context of information handling as well as microfilm equipment and techniques. Costs Approximately two and one-half man-years were com- mitted to the achievement of this objective, representin an estimated cost of $72,600, of which $20,000 were for equipment and $2,600 were for external contractor assis- tance. Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/OgfGTi4=RDP'T~-00883R000100210001-4 Objective (1) Statement of Ob ective To stimulate a more active records rang nt program in the Support Directorate. (2) Action Plan The Support Directorate Records Branch, which was established in Fiscal Year 1972 with a staff of two officers and was organizationally located throughout Fiscal Year 1973 in the Support Services Staff of the Support Directorate, planned to meet with Directorate records management officers, as a group and individually, to pass on information and promotional material regarding all phases of the Agency Records Management Program. The branch further planned to give guidance or participate directly in studies and, in general, to render assistance in any facet of the Directorate's records program. Progress and Shortfall The branch participated with the Office of Training in selecting records management officers and other Support Directorate personnel with related duties to attend the various one-day seminars devoted to Records Disposal, Filing Procedures, and Forms t nagement. The branch was successful in promoting the participation of a large number of Support Directorate records personnel in the training program, and this has contributed greatly to their professional competence. Various meetings were held with Support Directorate records management officers prior to the annual Agency Records Management Conference in an effort to stimulate their interest and to solicit topics for discussion. Directorate attendance was complete and all of the participants played an active role in the Directorate sessions, demonstrating a keen interest in the subjects which were discussed. The branch was instrumental in disseminating information obtained from the Agency Records Management Board, the Special Assistant for Information Control, Microfilm Programs Branch, Records Administration Branch, Office of Training, industry, and. other sources to records management officers of the directorate in 19 - Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 CONFIDETIAL CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 order to keep them abreast of the latest developments in the field of records management, both inside and outside of the Agency. This was accomplished by convening meetings or by providing the records officers with written material. The objective was achieved. (4) Problems Because many of the Directorate records management officers have other assigned duties, scheduling meetings at convenient times so as not to conflict with these other duties was somewhat of a problem. In addition, the geographical separation of the components further limited the amount of time available for the pursuit of this objective. Future Plans It is planned to continue to hold group meetings and to pass on information and promotional literature. Directorate records management officers will be encouraged to feed back information into the program. (6) Costs Approximately one-fourth of a man-year was committed to achieving this objective, with an estimated cost of $5,250. Objective 11 (1) Statem=ent of Objective To serve as the focal point for the Support Directorate's information management activities. Action Plan The Support Directorate Records Branch's plan called for it to furnish staff guidance and assistance to the Directorate's records management officers and to coordinate their activities and programs. Progress and _Shortfall Day-to-day branch activities included furnishin Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 CONEIOENTIA.J. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 Support Directorate records management officers with guidance and assistance in the several areas of records management, such as: reviewing records retirement requests, Records Control Schedules, Vital Records Deposit Schedules, forms, storage equipment requests, and the utilization of microfiln systems and equipment. The review function was exercised to the extent necessary to ensure compliance with Agency policy and Directorate requirements. In the forms area, the branch reviewed requests going through to production; however, time did not permit a thorough study of their application. On the whole, the operation was successful and the objective substantially achieved. (4) Problems in order for this objective to have been fully met, the services of two officers working fulltime would have been required. A second officer was assigned to the branch, but he needed a considerable amount of training in records management to qualify him to perform the duties. Moreover, he was required to serve as the administrative officer for the Support Services Staff, which further diverted him from pursuing records management activities. (5) Future Plans insofar as staffing will permit, the branch plans to continue to review and coordinate Support Directorate records management activities with the hope that the branch may eventually be manned in a fashion that will permit it to more thoroughly fulfill its mission. Approximately one man-year was devoted to this objective, with a cost of $21,000. 1. Objective 12 (1) Statement of Objective To identify potential microform applications and to promote where possible microfilm applications within the Support Directorate. 21 Approved For Release 20 XNW9 Approved For Release 2002/03 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 Action Plan The Support Directorate Records Branch's plan called for asking the Directorate's records management officers to identify possible microfilm applications within their components which might result not on1 in a reduction in storage requirements but would also promote efficiency and economy. Once a potential application was called to the attention of the branch, it was planned to utilize the services of the Printing Services Division and the Microfilm Programs Branch to assist in technical aspects of the project, including selection of equipment and the training of office personnel in its use. (3) Progress and Shortfall Significant results were achieved in several areas: A pilot project was started in the Office of Medical Services to film the medical files of dependents. The users found the microfiche product easy to manipulate and read and' although the project did not extend beyond the pi stage, it is felt that a lot of potential users have been sold on the benefits of microfilm vis-a-vis hard copy. (b) A pilot project is in progress in the Psychological Services Staff, Office of Medical Services, to film the psychological case files of Agency employees. Inasmuch as updating of the files is a requirement, a microthin racket system was selected. The conversion to microfilm has improved the retrieval of records by permitting the consolidation of data formerly contained in separate files at different locations. (c) In the Transactions and Records Branch of the Office of Personnel, the pre-CIA Federal Service records for contract personnel are being filmed on microfiche. Since there is every indication that officials of the Office of Personnel are enthusiastic over the potential demonstrated by this project, there is a distinct possibility that this may eventually lead to the microfilming of all personnel files. Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 10, 1 lA Approved For Release 20 Y 1PIAP j-RDP76-008838000100210001-4 (d) After preliminary tests were made in the Statistical Reporting Branch of the Office of Personnil, it was agreed that the Position Control Register would be microfilmed on a Rotoline Camera. The Printing Services Division will lend and set up the camera and also train Statistical Reporting Branch personnel in its operation. (e) In the Credit Union arrangements were made with the Printing Services Division to micro- film the membership cards with the use of a Rotoline Camera. This project will be compatible with the existing systems and equipment on hand in the Credit Union. (4) Problems The use of microfilm is still new to many people and they often prefer to watch and wait. Another problem is the lack of an operational system of updatable microfilm at this time, which inhibits somewhat the broader application of microfilm technology in the Support Directorate. (5) mature Plans It is planned to continue to promote, identify, and study future applications and to upgrade present systems. (6) Costs Approximately one-fourth of a man-year was devoted to the furtherance of this objective, with an estimated cost of $5,250. M. Objective 13 (1) State t. of Objective To physically separate the Agency Archives function from the Agency Records Center function. (2) Action Plan The Agency Archives was operated informally as a part of the Agency Archives and Records Center from June 1963 until August 1972. At that time the need Approved For Release 2 CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 ENTI,IL Approved For Release 2002/0%48 R00883R000100210001-4 for a formal Agency Archives Program was recognized and the function was administratively separated from the Records Center. The action plan called for the cords Center holdings from of and the consolidation of all records defined as arc &Iinto the evacuated space. In addition, the Emergency Map Library "cords were to be moved errant area o 25X1A and into in order to mace room for rchives' office, working an research space. The installation of an elevator connecting the basement with the first floor directly above was also to be a part of the renovation and move. (3) Progress and Shortfall The move of all records was accomplished on schedule and a separate Agency Archives report was prepared for the Special Assistant for Information Control at the end of August 1972. This report showed that a total of 18,092 cubic feet of records had been transferred from the Records Center's holdings into the custody of the Agency Archives. At the same time I~Qtal of 34 360 cubic feet of storage space within at 25X1A designated as Archives space. The relocation of offices and working space for the Archives personnel and the provision for researcher facilities did not progress so well. An ASE contract in the amount of $8,000 was awarded for the preparation of specifications,and blueprints for both the space reno- vation project and the installation of an elevator, and the contract was advertised for bids. The low bid, how- ever, was in excess of $143,000, whereas only $65,000 had been earmarked for this project in the Fiscal Year 1973 budget. All bids were rejected for lack of funds and no further action was taken. The objective, therefore, was only partially achieved for reasons beyond management control. Problems reluctance to fund improvements this question is resolved. the Archives an a ecords Center donment of and the tr Agenc manan at has been conside+ 24 the aban- e Agency Until nderstandab the existing facility. Approved For Release 2002g `` 6-00883R000100210001-4 1DE~~1~- Approved For Release 2002/5/13~Hf: CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 (5) Future Plans Efforts will be made to get =rev 25X1A relative to the future status of In the meantime, renovation plans will. be rev ewe in an effort to minimize construction costs, and contingency plans will be devised for use in the event that management plans foreclose the possibility of major renovations. Costs Approximately one-fourth of a man-year was com- mitted to the achievement of this objective, with a total cost of $12,000, of which $8,000 were for the ASE contract and $250 for support services. ti ve 14 statement of Objective To establish within the Agency Archives complete record sets of the Agency's finished intelligence pro- ducts. (2) Action Plan -The plan called for Agency Archives personnel to screen reference collections, analysts' working files, background files, and other records prior to disposal by the Records Center in a search for missing publications, to addition, the Chief of the Agency Archives planned to enlist the support of records management officers from the Agency's production offices to ensure that a record copy of each such issuance would be sent directly to the Agency Archives at the time of publication and initial dissemination. (3) Progress and Shortfall The plan to screen records prior to scheduled disposal was quite successful, though time consuming. During Fiscal Year 1973 a total of 941 cubic feet of records was screeneed, 5,782 reports were salvaged and checked against existing holdings, and among these 2,079 missing reports were uncovered and added to the Archives record series. The attempt to have copies of publications deposited in the Agency Archives at the time of initial dissemination - 25 - Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 CONFI[IEN"HAL CONFIDENTIAL.' Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 met with only partial success. All of the routine collateral (i.e., noncodeword) finished intelligence publications are being forwarded to the Agency Archives by the Printing Services Division. Some of the code- word publications are being forwarded to the Agency Archives also, but none of the so-called "sensitive" reports or copies of the typescript reports and memo- randa is being received directly. Proms A few of the production offices do collect copies of their publications and special reports and forward them periodically to the Agency Archives, but, inasmuch as there is no one central point in the Agency where all published products are recorded, there is no absolute assurance that the Agency Archives holdings are complete. Future Plans Other avenues will be explored, including asking the Central Reference Service to provide periodic machine listings of the Agency publications indexed into its automated data base. Approximately two man-years were committed to this objective, with an estimated cost of $32,000, which includes $2,000 for support services. objective 15 Statement of Objective To strive to prevent the destruction of records of enduring value in order to comply with legal requirements and preserve the Agency's history. Action Plan This objective, of course, is closely related to Objective 14 above. The plan was to review all records in the Records Center prior to their destruction and, when historically valuable records were discovered, to work with the concerned component's records management officer to effect their transfer into the Agency Archives. 26 - Approved For Release 2002/05113: CIA-Rt$P76-00883R000100210001-4 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 Press and Shortfall During Fiscal Year 1973, 743 jobs, totaling 6)071 cubic feet, were reviewed prior to destruction or transfer. Of this total, seven jobs, totaling 23 cubic feet, were found to have historical value and, after contact with the component records management officer, were accessioned into the Agency Archives. The bulk of the records so transferred was from the Intelligence and Science and Technology Directorates. (4) Problems This objective will continue to fall short of its goal until such time as the Agency Archivist or his designee is given clear-cut authority to make the deter- mination of whether a record should be preserved or, destroyed once the office of origin has no further need of it. The lack of a formal Agency Archives regulation has led some component records officers to take the position that no Agency Archives exists to accept and store historical records. Future Plans A proposal will be advanced to component records management officers that the disposition instructions for selected record series be amended to provide for the screening process prior to disposal. The publication of an Agency Archives regulation will be expedited. Costs Approximately three-fourths of a man-year was com- mitted to achieving this objective, with an estimated cost of $18,000, of which $750 were for support services. ive 16 (1) Staff of Objective To provide timely and useful research and reference services from the Agency Archives holdings to Agency officials on a compartmented and controlled basis. (2) Action Plan The plan called for the preparation and utilization of various finding aids, as well as the development of Approved For Release 2002/05/j 008838000100210001-4 MMM CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 a thorough knowledge by all of the Agency Archives personnel of theArchives whichholdings created thesefrethe cordsstory of the organizations (3) P-ro.gress and Shortfall Adequate finding aids are maintained and kept current by recording each new series received. The work at the Agency Archives has been divided in such atnner to permit the employees to specialize in the records of a specific Directorate, and the staff has been encouraged to make periodic orientation visits to Headquarters components. During Fiscal Year 1973 a total of 5,307 reference services was provided by Agency Archives personnel. (4) Future Plans At some future time, when record series have been properly arranged, boxed, and labeled, it is planned to mark upon a program of producing a series of inventories to facilitate researcher use of the hold- ings. Approximately one man-year was devoted to this objective, with an estimated cost of $16,000, including $1,000 for support services. Objective 17 (1) !tement of n Objet To refine and reduce the archival holdings. (2) Action Plan The plan called for the constant review and reappraisal of all archival holdings in the interest of economy and good archival management. (3) Progress and Shortfall Although the Agency Archives accessioned 1,720 cubic feet of now records, the overall holdings were reduced as follows: Approved For Release 2002/051_13 :.C 00883R000100210001-4 I AL GOVl"t -ONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 Elimination of duplicates - 413 cubic feet Reappraised as not archival - 21 cubic feet Transferred back to the Records Center as being too active for the Agency Archives - 3,559 cubic feet Thus, the Agency Archives, which started out in August 1972 with 18,092 cubic feet of records, ended Fiscal Year 1973 with only 15,680 cubic feet on hand. A microfilming program was initiated with the Printing Services Division to film the Dinformation 25X1A report series, 1947 through 1952. As of the end of Fiscal Year 1973, 52 cubic feet of these records had been filmed, but because of the lack of manpower required to proof the film, the paper copies had not as yet been destroyed. (4) Problems The legal question as to whether the Agency can authorize the destruction of records without the approval of the National Archives and Records Service complicates the purging process. An opinion has been sought of the Office of General Counsel on this matter. Future Plans The addition of four contract employees to the staff of the Agency Archives has been approved, and actions will be taken to fill these positions. The additional personnel will be used to screen and prepare materials for microfilming when such a step is warranted by reason of record preservation or reduction of storage requirements. Negotiations have been initiated with the National Security Agency which, if successful, will enable the Agency Archives to dispose of certain categories of records which are duplicated in the National Security Agency's holdings. (6) Cuts Approximately one and one-fourth man-years were committed to this objective, with an estimated cost of $22,900, including $1,165 for travel and support services. 29 Approved For Release 2002/05/13~r: CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 20O ff fl llK6-00883R000100210001-4 r. Objective 18 (1) Statement of Objective To provide a systematic procedure for a contin- uous flow of semicurrent records from Agency components to storage for reference purposes, and then to even- tual destruction or preservation. (2) Action Plan The Records Center plan called for working with the Records Administration Branch and the Microfilm Programs Branch to establish procedures for the orderly transition from paper records to film, and for the review of retention periods provided for in Records Control Schedules. Agency records custodians would be provided with technical training in such matters as records retirement procedures. It was also planned to inventory, arrange, and rebox existing holdings when required. In collaboration with the Agency Archives, procedures were to be established for the scheduled transfer of records of enduring value from the Records Center to Agency Archives. Progress and Shortfall During Fiscal Year 1973, the Records Center re- ceived 9,187 cubic feet of semicurrent records from Agency components. A total of 18,092 cubic feet of Permanent records was transferred from Records Center custody to the Agency Archives early in the Fiscal Year, and an additional 6,071 cubic feet were either trans- ferred to Agency Archives or destroyed during the re- minder of the reporting period. As of the close of Fiscal Year 1973, the Records Center holdings amounted to 60,757 cubic feet. Reference requests serviced durin the year totaled 44,815. Records were shifted in in order to vacate space for the Agency v earrangement and reboxing of records was accomplished to the degree that circumstances required. Much work remains to be done in preparation for the storage and handling of larger quantities of micro- film, but a start was made in establishing microfilm standards, with the Microfilm Programs Branch serving as Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 CONFIDENTIAL IFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/IT: CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 the principal action office. Records Center personnel provided lectures on records disposition techniques for component records custodians attending five courses offered by the Office of Training. In addition, 364 Agency employees were conducted on tours of the Records Center facility and briefed on its operations. (4) Problems Tho r rantar as forced to rely on the 0 Motor Pool for priority requests which required special runs to Headquarters. When cars were not available, employees were required to use their own vehicles. This problem was sol l official vehicle was obtained by th and assigned to the Records renter for its exc M. and Future Plans This is a continuing objective. The Fiscal Year 1973 action plan will be carried over into the next year. (6) Costs Approximately four man-years were devoted to achieving this objective, at an estimated cost of $64,000, $4,000 of which were for support services. s. Objective 19 (1) Statement of Objective To provide a systematic procedure for a continuous flow of Agency publications from the Printing Services Division to the Records Center, to requesters, to final destruction. Action Plan The Records Center's plan called for a review of the activity of those reports in stock and recommenda- tions for such changes in retention periods as seemed warranted. Existing holdings would be reduced in accord- ance with the schedules. The plan also provided for the exploration of new methods and techniques for the storage of supplemental distribution items. (3) Progress and Shortfall During Fiscal Year 1973, the Agency Records Center received 1,283 cubic feet of supplemental distribution Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIJRDP76-00883R000100210001-4 nnUMUNTIA Approved For Release 2O2 //t3 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 materials from Agency components, and 4,754 cubic feet were destroyed or transferred. Total holdings at the end of Fiscal Year 1973 amounted to 7,365 cubic feet. A total of 25,067 requests was serviced. The attainment of the objective was substantially realized. (4) Future Plans Efforts to improve services and introduce economies will continue. One possible future development is the use of microfiche for supplemental distribution of pub- lications in lieu of hard copy. ) Ctsts Approximately six man-years were committed to this objective, with an estimated cost of $96,000, including $6,000 for support services. Objective 20 {1) Statement of Objective To provide a systematic procedure for the storage of those records identified as essential to the continued operation of the Agency in time of national emergency. (2) Action Plan The Records Center's plan called for it to receive, store, and service the records identified by Agency com- ponents' Vital Records Deposit Schedules. In collabora- tion with the Records Administration Branch, Agency com- ponents would be encouraged by the Records Center to review their vital records holdings periodically, and existing holdings would be reduced in accordance with authorizations received. (3) Progress and Shortfall During Fiscal Year 1973, the Agency Records Center received 2,318 cubic feet of vital records from Agency components, and 904 cubic feet were destroyed or trans- ferred. Total holdings at the end of the reporting period amounted to 5,444 cubic feet. The Records Center ser- viced 2,341 reference requests. Approved For Release 2002/0C/1 F ~A N IAt00883R000100210001-4 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 rob The greatly increased effectiveness of weapons of mass destruction has caused many Agency employees to view the Vital Records Program as an anachronism, and the Program has suffered from neglect. The Pro- gram should be redefined in terms of the need to recon- stitute records in the event of fire or other natural disasters. Future Plans Management will be urged to take measures to dispe the employee apathy evident with respect to the Vital Records Program. Costs Approximately two man-years were committed to achieving this objective, with an estimated cost of $32,000, including $2,000 for support services. the 21 to ant of ieecti ve To improve the physi facilities at 8uildin on The Records Center, in collaboration with the Agency Archives, planned to have the interior walls painted and to install fluorescent lighting. Existing furniture was to be replaced with unitized metal and wood furniture, and semi-private rooms were planned for the use of researchers and other visitors. Carpeting was to be installed in the office and research areas. In addition. it was to take steps to improve that temperature and humidity c v standards for the storage of permanent records. Inas- much as the fire protection afforded the stored records was grossly inadequate, it was also planned to request at the Aaeney Safety 0ffi R conduct , ety survey o nd also o the facility 25X1A of suppl ere - n materi al s Approved For Release 200 NFIRN' I 76-00883R000100210001-4 ca%fIDENIIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 Progress and Shortfall The painting, the lighting improvements, and the carpeting and general refurbishing of office areas was completed. Three work cubicles for the use of resea~ers were provided. (Similar renovations planned by the Agency Archives for the basement area, however, pending a decision on the future status of See Objective 13,3.) An A&E contract was aware for the proposed upgrading of the air conditioning system forl n 30 January 25X1A 1973, but the study had not been comp e e as of the end of Fiscal Year 197` written request for a safety survey o ats 25X1A submitted on 16 April 19 . e survey s sc edulec for the first quarter of Fiscal Year 1974. In summary, action had been either completed or initiated by the end of Fiscal Year 1973 to achieve all aspects of the objective. Problems The question of the future status o' mt,c be resolved. In the event that the fore authorized. the question of funding air conditioning improvements and fire prevention and control devices must be faced. These items are not in the Fiscal Year 1974 budget. (5) Costs Manpower costs for the Records Center staff were negligible and are subsumed under the category of Manage- ment in Section III. The renovations cost $10,000 and the A&E contract for the air conditioning study cost $3,200, for a total expenditure of $13,200. - 34 Approved For Release 2002/05/1 #Wffg0883R000100210001-4 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 SECTION III. OTHER ACTIVITIES The Records Administration Brarch provided numerous staff',ser vices In connection with its mission to plan, develop, and promote the Agency Records Management Program. The service activities elaborated on below were not subsumed under any of the enumerated component objectives: a. Forms Management Program A significant workload was processed during Fiscal Year 1973, some of It generated by the requirements of Executive Order 11652. A total of 94 forms was down- graded, 85 declassified, and nine upgraded. Ninety- eight forms were made obsolete, and 88 were deleted from overseas use. The number of different forms pro- cessed--new, revised, or being reprinted--amounted to 1,267, and 84,132,954 copies of forms were printed in all. Approximately two and one-tenth manyears and an estimated $42,000 were expended by the staff on this activity. Fflinu E Approximately one and three-tenths man-years and others are either pending or did ?t appear to be Justified. During Fiscal Year 1973, 327 requisitions for filing equipment were evaluated, including 119 requi- sitions for 207 safes. In addition, 100 safes were ordered In support of the Office of Security's 10-year program to replace safes that do not meet security re- quirements. Expenditures for other types of filing equipment in the aunt of $175,604 were approved during the report period. An estimated cost-avoidance of $15,00was realized in connection with this review process. Thirty-five requests for secure or special vault areas were evaluated; 20 of these were approved and the ui nt and Vault Area Review ted $26,000 were expended by the staff on these vities. M'. crJ RD klr Approved For Release 2002/41 DP76-00883R000100210001-4 Approved For Release 2009'%-RAP76-00883R000100210001-4 c. Records Inventor in and Scheduling; Correa ndnce, eports. an* , nagermrent During Fiscal Year 1973, over 30 Records Control Schedules were reviewed, consisting of 1,360 items, Three of the Records Control Schedules were complete office schedules; the others involved revisions of in- dividual items, or complete revisions of the schedules of office subcomponents. Appropriate written guidance was promulgated with respect to correspondence, reports, and filing systems. In addition, a records survey was conducted in the Imagery Analysis Service and a schedule was prepared for that organization. Approximately one and one-fifth man-years and an estimated $24,000 were devoted by the staff to these activities. d. Vital Records Program Activity in this area diminished considerably during Fiscal Year 1973, indicative of the widespread feeling of apathy with regard to the program. Only three Vital Records Deposit Schedules were revised. Approximately one-tenth of a man-year and an estimated $2,000 were devoted to the program by the staff. With the exception of the Microfilm Programs Branch (included under Objective 8), resources expended on external training, atten- dance at seminars and conferences. etc., by Special Assistant for Information Control subcomponents have not been prorated among the component objectives. The time devoted to internal training courses and on-the-job training, on the other hand, was allocated among the objectives and has thus been accounted for previously. Approx- imately one-half of a man-year was devoted to activities of this nature. Registration fees, transportation, salaries, etc., are estimated at $14,095 for Fiscal Year 1973. Another activity which was not accounted for under the com- ponent objectives was the general area.of administration and management. This includes actual supervision, management re- porting, service on boards and panels, attendance at staff meetings, secretarial support. and certain prorated support ser- vices. For Fiscal Year 1973, approximately six and one-half man-years and an estimated $116,225 were accounted for in this manner. Approved For Release 2002/0~~~: C~~~6-008838000100210001-4 Approved For Release 2002buff-1OE A -00883R000100210001-4 1w SECTION IV. RESOURCES SUMMARY Ob ective Man-year Cost Estimate Estimate 1. Implement E.O. 11652 2.0 $51,000 2. Control Non-ADP Information Processing Equipment 0.083 2,760 Provide Records Administration Training 225 4. Prepare Records Management Handbook 0.1 Conduct Records Management Survey 0.2 4.00 organize Records Management Conference 4,000 7. Promote Communications Within Records Management Comntni ter 2,000 Establish Microfilm Programs Branch 0.25 9,000 Demonstrate Potentials of Micrographics 2.5 72,600 10. Stimulate Support Directorate Records Management Program 0.25 5,250 11. Coordinate Support Directorate information Management Activities 1 .0 21,000 12. Promote Support Directorate Microfilm Applications 0.25 5,250 Establish Agency Archives 0.25 14. Collect Record Sets of Agency Publications 2.0 15. Preserve Historical Records 0.75 37 - Approved For Release 2002/0~~~00883R000100210001-4 Approved Forr Release 2000URi7P'76-00883R000100210001-4 OUective Man-year Estimate Cost Estimate Provide Archives Reference Service 1.0 $16,000 17. Refine Archival Holdings 1.25 22,90 Provide for Storage and Disposal of Semicurrent Records 4.0 64,000 Provide for Supplemental Distribution of Publications 96,000 20. Provide for t+arage of Vital Records 2.0 Improve Physical Facilities at Records Center 0.0 13,200 Subtotal 24.38 $490,185 other Actin Forms Management Program 2.1 42,000 Filing Equipment and Vault Area Review 1.3 26,000 Records Inventorying and Scheduling; Correspondence, Reports, and Files Management 1.2 24,000 Vital Records Program 0.1 2,000 External Training 0.5 14,095 Administration and Management 6.5 116,225 Subtotal 11.7 $224,320 Total 36.08 714,505 Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 CONFIDENTIAL Y CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 SECTION V. RECOMMENDATIONS The primary objective of the Special Assistant for Information Control (subsequently renamed the Information Systems Analysis Staff) will be to begin the task of rationalization of the Agency's infor- mation management resources and techniques. Each component has de- veloped an information management system geared to its own peculiar requirements; its interaction or meshing with any other Agency infor- mation management system is therefore coincidental or fortuitous. This situation appears anomalous in an Agency which is concerned al- most exclusively with the information processing chain, from the framing of collection requirements to the final product. The dy- namics of management change in the Agency, coupled with increased competition for resources, call for a new look at the way in which we deal with information. This new look should seek to achieve the maximum Agency manipulative capability for the least amount of money. In seeking this end, the good of the Agency as a whole is to be con- sidered uppermost. This will require a modification in the way in which each Directorate views itself in relation to the Agency and the other Directorates. The approach will be to collect information relative to the processes of information management, to analyze such data, and to propose new ways of doing things. These "new" ways of doing things may be new to the Agency but already tried and tested in other Government agencies or in the private sector. Experiments will be made in the feasibility of copying/reproduction centers. Conceiv- ably, experiments w is 1 q be conducted with word processing cen- ters. In view of the very ?imited resources of, it will still be necessary to ;rely upon negotiation and good works to convince Agency operating components that they should devote their own resources to such innovations. Advances in the techniques of source data automation will soon enable the Agency to move toward a paperless system, capturing in- formation in machine-readable form at time of origin, manipulating it by electronic means, storing it in magnetic media, displaying it via cathod ray tube or film, and reproducing it in hard copy form only when such action is mandatory. This implies new con- cepts, new methodologies, and open and receptive minds. A major problem which will be encountered is that of human inertia, or even active resistance to change. Individuals will continue to want to do things in the safe and familiar ways to which they have grown accustomed. Organizational components will want to continue as satrapies, concerned with prestige and fiercely defensive with respect to their territorial rights and perquisites. Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 CONFIDENTIAL 1 *6 COWIDE TIM L Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100210001-4 The decades-old tradition of decentralization and near autonomy will be a most formidable obstacle to overcome in introducing common in- formation practices throughout the Agency in the area of information- management. Obviously, there will be a need to educate the manager and the user in what is available and how to select from among the options open. This may necessitate the development, perhaps in conjunction with the Information Science Training Program, of new training courses. It will require the preparation of guidelines for the selection and use of word processing, copy/duplicating, microform, and video equip- ment. It will also make mandatory a very close working relationship among the information management and processing elements of the Agency, and especially so within the Management and Services Direc- torate. The 26 May 1972 memorandum from the Executive Director-Comptroller established an Agency Records Management Board consisting of senior representatives from each Directorate, the Chief of. the Historical Staff, and, as its Chairman, the Agency Records Management Officer. The Board, which was to serve as the principal mechanism for the development of Agency-wide policies relative to information handling and management, met on three occasions. Frankly, it did not prove to be of great value as a policymaking body; the membership, however, functioned well as a channel for communicating with the various Direc- torates. In other words, the Board worked best when it was not a Board. It became inactive and its revival is not recommended. In terms of resource.requirements, the Special Assistant for Information Control 'has 'ferese.eabie.needs in the reas of mone 25X1A ace. The various improvements to and these are essential if the Agency is o utilize these aci s over the long haul--will cost in the neighborhood of $400-450,000. The cost of the alter 25X1A r __J structing a new Records Center and Archives Building has been estimated at $4,470,000. The Classification Programs Branch will require five slots and appropriate office space. And finally, there is a clear need to provide Headquarters space to the Microfilm Programs Branch for offices and to accommodate the static display of microfilm equipment. Approved For Release 2002/05/13 : CIA-P76-00883R000100210001-4 CONFIDENTIAL