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This publication contains clippings from the
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of selected items would rarely be advisable.
9 JULY 1976
NO. 12
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-.Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100390006-9
June 1976
Columbia Law Symposium
addresses the question:
Can our freedom survive
defense by
the CIA and Fr31?
"If. publicity has become a
necessary part of the cure, the disease
must be pretty deep .and serious." said
Telford Taylor Columbia's Nash Pro-
fessor of Law.
"It is deep," commented Columbia
Professor of Government Roger ? Hits-
man, who was an assistant secretary of
. state during the Kennedy Administra-
tion, "and the cost to us has been
enormous. Absolutely enormous. Not
in money terms but in wasting one of
the -great assets we once had: the re-
spect for our integrity and goals and
methods." ? ?
"We have adopted the worst tactics
of ?the Russians," agreed Frederick
. A.O. Schwarz. Jr., who is the chief
counsel for the Senate Select Commit-
tee to Study Governmental Operations
With Respect to Intelligence Activities.
"Our government, in the belief that it
was defending freedom, used the tac-
tics of totalitarianism: unfair tactics,
vicious tactics, tactics that are wholly
outside the best traditions of the
United States." . ? ?
"The excuse for such operations has
been that our national security re-
quired ? these acts," said - Paul C.
Warnke, '48L, who was Assistant Sec-
retary of Defense for International Af-
fairs under President Johnson. "I
? would suggest that this is a flimsy ex-
cuse. It suggests a degree of danger to
our national security that does not ex-
The CIA and the FBI: Is the uproar
over their tactics justified? How has
the scandal affected the ? United
States? What should we do to prevent
future scandals? ? ?
These were some ?of the ?issues con-
sidered by the men quoted. above as
they participated in a panel discussion
held this spring as part of Columbia
Law ? Symposium. an annual event
? . sponsored ?by The . Columbia Law
School Alumni Association. Professor
Taylor, who moderated the discussion,
introduced the other speakers, noting
"their broad range of .experience in
the intelligence world."
Hilsman offers some praise.
"This is a- world of sovereign nation
states," Professor Hilsman pointed.
out. "We don't have a world 'govern-
Ment. Until we .do. each -nation must
look to itself for its own security, and
intelligence is part of that: ?
- "And as intelligence, agencies got'
the CIA isn't a bad one. It has central-
ized. our foreign intelligence gather-
ing. It has done some simply marvel-
ous jobs in technical fields?satellite
photography ? and the U-2, for. exam-
ple. ?
"I remember Chester Bowles once
saying: 'Thank God for the U-2.. It
showed us the Russians weren't as
strong as we had suspected they might
be.' If it hadn't been for the p-2, our
defense budget in the Cold War would
have probably been twice what it actu-
ally was.
"But the CIA's most important con-
tribution has been the perfectly legiti-
? mate, perfectly overt, analysis of thou-
sands and 'thousands of periodical
publications. This has been very well
"Ali the armed services start their
planning with the National Intelli-
gence Estimates, prepared under CIA
chairmanship. Consider what .the last
20 years would have been like if, in ad-
dition to the interservice rivalry we
have had, each of the services would
have started with its own intelligence
estimates. Consider what it would
have been like if Air Force planning
had been based on intelligence docu-
ments dictated by Curtis UM ayl-
Warnke agrees: "Good . intelli-
gence serves a number of very effective
purposes. Certainly the .national Intel-
ligence estimates have preVeoted gross
miscalculations or. the part of our de-
fense planners.
? "And if we did not have this, tre-
mendous late:hie:nee capability: we
would tint have faith in the enforce-
ability of dis:irmantent
"Even intelligence on the part of (lie
other sick c:t11 be basically good for us.
During the-Six .Day War in 1967. the
Soviets were collecting, data that ena-
bled them to recognize the falsity of
Kino, repurts that the Unit-
ed States was participatidg in the ale
A case for Covert action? -As tond
as it is a World of stow:reign mt.-
tions, there is a theoretical case for co-
-yen political action." said Professor
Hilsmann '
"For example. if von believe that
World War II could have been. avoid-
ed by the assassination of Hitler. then
You have to admit that assassination is
theoretically acceptable. I do not hap-
pen to believe that the removal of one
man would do it.
"If you believe that it would have
been possible to remove the Nazi Party .
in the mid-30s by encouraging zt coup ?
by the German General Staff, then co-
vert political action Must also be theo-
retically acceptable. I have grave
doubts that even that would have been
possible, though I concede the theo-
retical point.
-My own knowledge of covert polit-
ical action is that it is of marginal'
value?that it has never worked ex-
cept when the event probably would
have happened anyway. ?
-For example, Allen Dulles used to
take great credit for the removal of
Mossadcgh and the establishment of
the Shah of Iran. My guess is that the
change would have occurred even if
the CIA had never existed.
-The covert actions in Chile were
also marginal...and petty. What did
the CIA do? They subsidized a news-
paper. Does anyone really believe that
one little newspaper caused the events
in Chile? I don't. They subsidized the
truckers strike. Did that make the dif-
ference between a strike and ? no
strike? I don't believe so. Everything I
know about covert political action
comes to that. The CIA takes credit
for something- that; by and large. I
think would have happened anyway."
without CIA intervention." ?.
Undeserved blame. Mr. Warnke
pointed out. ? that "covert activities
have sometimes ?led to our bent'!,
; blamed for things we have not done.- .
"For example," he elaborated.
"some Soviet officials now try to de-
feed the 1968 Soviet invasion of
Czechoslovakia on the grounds that
they were entitled to counter Amen-
can subversion there?the same sort
of subversion that we later carried cat
in Chile. It is an excuse that in my
Opinion is without basis.
"But in the court of wotld opinion.
we are i n. a sort of pot and kettle situa-
? tion. Covert activities have weakened
our ability to influence world affairs,
and have seriously eroded the credibil-
ity and good will that the United
States has been able to assemble over
the years."
And in the U.S.: -The Iloilo threat
to liberty iit this coot:try has been the
Flit:* said Mr. Sclos are. -I:or 3() or -IQ
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VC:ITS. the FBI succeeded in coovine-
ing the American public that it was
pure...that it was doing the right
"And in the area of pursuing crimi-
nals. the Bureau has done, generally ?
speaking. a good job. It is when it has
crossed the line from surveillaoce oh.
criminals to. surveillance of dissent-
ers?and to -its. subsequent actions
against dissenters?that it has gone
beyond what this country can tolerate
under its Constitution.
The Bureau has spent far too
much money on dissent as opposed to
its appropriate activities against
crime. Even today. after certain cut-
backs, it spends more than twice as
much money on informers in the polit-
ical community as it spends on in-
formers in organized crime. This is a
misallocation of resources. And under
the.Constitution it shouldn't be doing
this at all.
"In the early 1970s. the f3ureati cov-
ered all black student groups in col-
leges across the United States. Every"
single person who belonged to such a
group was under surveillance aid had
a tile created on him or her, regardless
of whether or not that person?or that
group?had participated in violent ac-
'The main violations of America's
standards have occurred as part of the
FBI's action programs, where they
seek, as they put it, to 'neutralize,dis-
credit, and disrupt' political groups: ?
-The targets of such activities have
tanned from the famous, such as Mar-
tin Luther King. to the.obscure. The
King case is well known. Equally sad
for our country have been the many,
many people who were ordinary pro-
testors?or who just associated with
-One case that, particularly sticks in
my mind involved 'a 30-year-old worn-
an in Illinois whose husband was ac-
tive in the civil rights movement. The
Bureau decided to write a fake letter
to her, complaining about the hus-
band's sexual relations with peeple in
the mowement_ Totally false. And
then you see in the tiles of a federal
government agency the notation: 'We
have had the great effect of breaking
UI) the people's marriage.'
-Many, many Americans were at-
tacked in this way?secretly and false-
Sharing the blame. The panelists
indicated that responsibility for the il-
legalities committed by their agents
does not rest solely with the CIA and
"The principal culprits have been
the policymakers," said Prof essor
Hilsman. n1 want to, kedge this by say--
;lig that Wynn give a very ubk group of
people a lot of money. a secrecy
and a very narrow responsibility. they
.are going to come up with ideas. And
they are going to advocate and press
for their projects.
Ken nedy. for example, found him-
self under enormous pressure from
Dulles and others to proceed .with the
Cuban invasion. That does not excuse
him. Ile could have avoided it.
7.'So I am. not saying that ,the CIA
doesift press Presidents. .Generally.
. speaking. however, it is the other Way,
around. It has been the policymakers
who have demanded- that the Agency
.clo something that it was either reluc-
tant t?. do or not very enthusiastic
about doing?or maybe enthusiastic
about doing but not legally allowed to
do. The people responsible for the
Chile business. were ?Richard Nixon
and Henry Kissinger. It wasn't the
Agency. Richard Nixon said. 'do
something about this situation: And
they d id."
.1?,1r. Schwarz mentioned- that Con-
gress also -played a- very negative
role" in the intelligence picture.
"Congress knew what the FBI was
doing to Martin Luther King?and .
did nothing about it," Mr. Schwarz
declared. -Congress also axissed the
Smith Act_ which has led to the Bu-
reau 's justification of most 'surveil-
lance activities.
Congressional oversight. One
remedy considered by the panelists is
the _creation of a Congressional over-
sight committee to monitor the activi-
ties of .U.S. intelligence agencies. (The
Senate Select Committee on Intelli-
czence recommended the creation. of
?such a committee in its report issued
in late April.)
"We need to return to the system of
checks and balances planned by the
Founding Fathers.". said Mr.
Schwarz. "When people can operate
in secrecy, when they are subjected to.
the kinds of pressures that agents have
been subjected to.. and when they be-
lieve action is required, they will tend
to operate against liberty: it's too easy.
It's too hard to remember the re-
straints that are placed on power.
"We let the idea of secrecy. and the
increasing power of the Executive. in-
sulate from Congress and the Ameri-
can public?and the courts?the na-
ture of the programs conducted in
their name."
Professor Hilsman was skeptical:
"Congressional committees, like regu-
latory agencies, get captured by the
people they are supposed to oversee.
I'm afraid that such a committee
would become a powerful advocate
and defender--and protector?of the
Mr. Warae also felt that "Con-
gressional oversight committees would
not be a really effective answer.'
"I'm also very skeptical of sugges-
tions such as advanced clearance of
proposed covert action by a Congres-
sional committee," he continued. "To
the extent that a Congressional com-
mittee shares the responsibility, it
tends to take on the face of the rcgu-
1. agency. - ?
"Also, past experience with pre-
clearance has not really-been a happy
one. Pre-clearance of covert activities
smacks too much to me of a yonkin
Gulf resolution, in which. the 'Execu-
tive comes to ,the Congress, secures ,a
blank check, and then cashes it for a
far greater amount ? than the Congress
contemplated at the time the ? Execu-
tive presented it."
Banning covert activities. Some
people who have !testified before Con-
gressional groups investigating CIA
and FBI misdeeds have advotated"
that covert activities be banned entire-
ly. Others Maintain that such activi-
tiesi are justified n cCrtain cases. Mc-
, George Bundy. for example. has sug-
gested that covert activities would be
acceptable to counter international
terrorism or nuclear threats.
-I think I would preserve some sort
of a covert action capability." said Mr.
Warnke, "but I would do it on an ad
'hoc basis. I think there should be a
presumption against it?a strong pre-
sumption. Only the most compelling
of considerations ought to lead to the
? permission of:covert activities.
"But there is no justification, under
any circumstances, for covert police or
covert programs. Even is there is some
justification for everyone not knowing
how the government is trying to do
something, everyone should know
what his government is trying to do.
Policies ought to be overt.
"This was demonstrated in connec-
-tion with the Angolan debate. where
.at one point it was contemplated that
we provide overt aid. And Secretary of
State Kissinger, in a press conference,
said no, we couldn't give overt aid be-
cause that would bring about .a num-
ber of political and diplomatic prob-
"If we can't justify a program as
part of an overt policy, there is no jus-
tification for doing it covertly..'
Professor Hilsman suggested `legis-
lation that flatly says 'no covert ac-
? lions of any kind can be taken by the
FBI and CIA.'
"I would also contemplate a 'law
? limiting the terni of the director of the
so the-person couldn't build up ?
power?as J. Edgar Hoover did."
Warnke considers Ford's pro-
posals. In February of this year. Ger-
ald Ford announced new guidelines
for 'U.S. intelligence agencies. His Ex-
ecutive order bans the use of assassi-
nation and sets some limits?consid-
ered ambigtious by critics of the
plan-----on the surveilkwee of U.S. citi-
zen?;. A three?man.Connuittee cii Por-
ei:.;r: Intelligcoec, headed by the C!:'\.
director, will sup.s,:rviNe all foreign hi-
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telligence activities. under the direc-
tion of the National Security Couneil.
President Ford's plan also estab-
? lishes an Operations .Advisory Group,
composed of .top Administration offi-
cials, that will review and vote on all
proposed coven operations.
? Mr. Warnke is "not at all sanguine
about the effectiveness of the Execu-
tive order. First of all, a problem de-
velops When you try to legislate against
. just certain things. The things that are
? not legislated against acquire a degree
? of sanction that perhaps they did not
have before. ?
"This is the problem that exists as a
result of the War Powers Resolution
? passed in late 1973. That legislation
'gave the President, for the first time,
the explicit ability to conduct a war for
? a limited period of time, subject to
Congressional veto. Prior to passage of
the resolution, I think a good argu- ?
ment could have been made that the
? President had no such power at all:
So, while purporting to restrict Execu-
tive power, it in fact expanded the Ex-
ecutive's action capability.
? "I think there should continue to be
an executive interdepartmental com-
mittee to review intelligence agency
? .proposals and make recommenda-
tions to the President. This sort of
.committee can work?but not if the
National Security Adviser is also the
Secretary of State.
"I also think there should be an
overall intelligence czar?one who
would not have direct operational re-
sponsibilities in any one of the agen-
cies. Theoretically, that has been the
role of the director of Central Intelli-
gence, but because he has an individu-
al agency affiliation, be has sometimes
been in the position of a competitor
rather than an overseer."
Legislating against leaks. Mr.
Warnke also had some comments
about the threat to intelligence opera-
tions of leaks:
"I don't think the disclosures are
seriously interfering with our intelli-
gence gathering. Even the disclosures
of names of agents abrimd, though ob-
viously reprehensible and of extreme
' danger to the ? -individuals involved,
does not really interfere with the core
of our intelligence-gathering apparit-
?It doesn't seem to me that the kind
.of legislation that has been pro-
posed?to make it unlawful to leak in-
formation that you lawfully have in
your possession?is ever going to be.
"In many instances. !cak zu e offi-
cially inspired. I remember one leak
that greatly troubled President John-
son. He even went so far as io have tile
P131 investigate lily own little shop.
And eventually, it was proven that
President Johnson had leaked the in-
formation ?vhile talking to a Ni.m. York
Times reporter.
"Some recent leaks of material .
gathered by Congressional investiga-
tors may have been done to show the
unreliability of Congress.
"Leaks are often designed to effect
a particular purpose.. Back in 1968,.
someone?subsequent investigation-
indicated that four separate sources
were involved?leaked the fact that
General Westmoreland had requested
an additional 206,000 troops be sent
to Vietnam. There were those who felt
that the President would not be able to
turn down the request once it was
made public. Others obviously leaked
it because they hoped public furor
would prevent the request from being
Law is the key. "The purpose of all
the remedies,? summarized Mr.
Schwarz, "is not simply to protect
American liberties at home but to re-
store the good name of the United
States, so that once more it can be the
last and best hope of mankind----which
it basically still can be, but not if it'
operates in the way it has far tod often
in the past.
"Law is the key. We have departed
from the law in the intelligence com-
munity, which. has often justified its
actions on the grounds of 'the greater
good.' the higher goad.' and 'national
seetnity; "
Warnke believes that national -
security is ?a flimsy excuse." suggeSte
lug a degree of danger that does ? not ?
exist. . ? ?
"There aren't very many threats to
our security,' he said. "The basic
threat. is the threat of .Soviet Military.
power. We aren't really in trouble as -
far as domestic insurrection is con-
cerned. The Communist Party in the
United States represents as. trivial a
menace as the mind of man could de- -
vise. And I don't believe we are seri-
ously threatened by changes over. .
seas.' alterations in foreign govern- ?
"To avoid future abuses, we must
get away froth the idea that we are a
besieged outpost of freedom in a hos-.
tile world. We have friendly neighbors'
on both sides, and an ocean to the east
and an ocean to the west.
"This doesn't mean that we can af-
ford to become Fortress America .or to
be isolationists. It doesn't mean that
we should forfeit our role in the world.
"But we should recognize that that
role can be played usefully ? ? only
through the exercise of our traditional
American tolerance and by observing
the civil liberties of both the United ?
States and the rest of the world." aa
26 June 1976
BUSH ys jJf Ilater, the Senate Select cern-
said in a report that the C.I.A
mittee on Intelligence Activitie?
DROPS NEWSMEN:intended to continue its em?
ployrnent of 25 part-time jour.
nalists. These part-time news-
men were not covered in Mr.
Refuses to Supply Names to Bush's February pledge, the re-
Press Council Aides , port added.
? A C.I.A. spokesman refused
tocomment on the Senate re-
pert yesterday Cr to explain the
seeming descrepancy between
Mr. Bushs's statement and the
report's disclosures. He said
The Central Intelligence.
Agency is ending its associa-
tion with all part-time corre-
spondents affiliated. with Amen-'ht it was not agency policy
can news agencies abroad and to "endorse or reject a report
will no longer hire them as by a Senate Committee."
agents, George Bush, Director The report ? aroused reaction
of Central Intelligence, has told from news organizations. When
representatives of the National,the C.I.A. refused to name the
individuals involved, news
executives noted that the C.I.A.
Mr. Bush and three of his was casting doubt on the opera-
assistants met Thursday ? withtions of all news organizations
'William A. Rusher, a memberiabroad without giving them an
of the council and publisher of: opportunity of defending them
the National Review, and Ned;?seines against any
charge of
Schnumnati, the council's asso-1
ciate director, at the C.I.A.1
headquarters in McLean, Va.!
The meetings were held at the
request of the council, a volun-
tary group that monitors the,
performance of ? the nationa1!
press, to clarify the
position on the employment of:
I C.I.A. Refuses Comment
i ?
The C.I.A.'s use of the part-1
!time correspondents produced
!a ControIrsy. Mr. Bush issue('
;a statement in February saying
that the altsncy would end any
!existing relationships aN.-
I would discontinue the practice
inf hiring full-time or part-tion
iiournalists ? But two month'
30 June A976
corruption of their news re
Lack of Definition Noted
IMr. Bush reiterated to the:
National News Council repre-
sentatives his refusal to di-
vulge the names of individua1s1
who were Working for or hat.t
'worked for the C.I.A. Mr.;
.Schnurman said, however, that:
C.LA. officialshadi ;
the agency was "terminatinei
old arrangements in an orderly,,,
fashion and phasing them out.",
They refused to discuss how
many journalists were involved.
One of the principal matters !
of confusion has been the exact `
definition. of what the C.I.A.
means by a part-time corre-
-4pondent, or stringer. The
lgency officials said that any
lews executives, including pub-
eishers; stringers for American
tews organizations, foreign na-
lonals working as newsmen for
kmerican news organization;
?ad free lance writers would be
:onsidered journalists. ?
?tive and government
I. "WhiLa the information did
I come from former C.I.A.
- ' agents, further investigation
? An nrt:cie in The N.?..w Yorkby The Times has led it to
Times on Ap.,i; 2, 1:376, str:ted c?mciude that none of its
that according to foirner su:trtes are ah!c to Flip-ply
C.I.A. agents a recipe:fen of
C.I.A. f av ors in the eariy
posfwar period was' atsu-
taro rein riki, a:lett: :4
aese conitnuinc4itions execu-?
suff nf icient elaborate d taik
?to ;Hilly, in the vN ,U1 01-0
editarr, 7Chr, New York
'ri.nee, fee- :ippresstr:ri 121;: hi
-its art:it:Lt.
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Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100390006-9
2ngcreg Zimtg
Sat., June 26, 1976.
Foe Claims Intelligence Officers Are Used Mainly to Recruit Others
Times Staff Writer
critic of the U.S. Central Intelligente
Agency said Friday that the CIA 'has
"one or two or perhaps several secret
agents" on eath of more than 100
American campuses.
? Morton H. Halperin, a former
member of the National Security
Council, said his information was
based on descriptions he has received
of secret portions of the recent report
of the Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence Activities, chaired by ?
Sen. Frank Church (D-Ida.).
Halperin told the American Assn.
of University Professors, meeting at
UC Santa Barbara, that the CIA
agents are administrators, faculty
members and teaching graduate stu-
dents who "basically are recruiters."
"They try to spet students or facul-
ty members who might be useful" to
the CIA by gathering 'information at
international academic conferences
and the like, according to Halperin.
They also "look for other recruit-
ers," he said, "either. Americans or
foreigners, people who will go back
to their countries and be spies for the
Halperin named no institutions .but
said, "I assume it's concentrated in ?
universities where there are a large
number of. foreigners" as students or
visiting faculty members.
Campus agents generally are
known only to the CIA and to them-
selves but occasionally their identi-
1 Jul_ 1.976
av671:7151(13, Editor
g.l.aired Bribiri
editor of an American
magazine that has named
dozens of alleged CIA
agents around the world
was barred from Britain
last night, the Home Office
A spokesman said Home
Secretary Roy Jenkins
ordered the ban on Perry
Douglas Fellwock of
Counter-Spy magazine be-
cause his presence in Brit-
ain would "not be condu-
cive to the public good."
Fellwock writes under the
name Winslow Pecin
The Home Office said
Fellwock arrived from
West Berlin last night at
London's Heathrow Airport,
and immigration officials
sent him back. The editor
was reported on at spenaing
ties are known ? to one or more col-
lege officals, Halperin said.
Some ? are paid and others ? work
"out of patriotism," he stated. ?
; *Once a recruiter spots a potential
CIA agent he send the -name to the
agency, which conducts a security
check, according to Halperin.
Halperin also stated, as did the
Church committee, that some scho-
larly research has been secretly
funded by the CIA. ?
The Church committee's report, re-
leased in late April, said generally
that hundreds of professors, adminis-
trators and graduate students, as
well as officials of private founda-
tions, have had 6Iandestine ties with
the CIA, the FBI and other U.S. 'in-
telligence gathering agencies.
However, specific descriptions of
-these ties were-deleted from the final
report at the request of the CIA.
Halperin said his speech Friday
was the first detailing of just how the
CIA works on campuses.
He said his information came from
"the secret version of the Church re-
,port" but said he had not eeen the de-
leted material himself and would not
say where he got the information. ?
"I am confident that what I am
:saying is true but I cannot tell you
'where I got it," Halperin told repor-
ters after the meeting.
, Halperin has devoted considerable
time and energy in recent months to
attacking the CIA for its undercover
'ties to journalists, academics and oth-
ers in American life.
He has filed suit against' Secretary
'of State Henry A. Kissinger and for-
Iner government officials because, he
? contends, his telephone was tapped
? for a 21-month period from 1969 to
1.971.? ? ? .
CIA ties with academic figures
were defended at Friday's meeting
by Cordon D. Baldwin; profes.sor of
constitutional law at the University
of Wisconsin and former counselor
on international law for the State De-
Baldwin argued that "foreign intel-
ligence gathering is vital to clua corn-
mon good" and said that "in a majori-
ty of cases. . . there was no wrong."
He said if the CIA had received
More academic input d'we might all
have profited."
He suggested that there is little dif-,
ference between a Jaw firm asking a
faculty member to recommend a new
employe and the CIA asking special
campus agents to identify possible re-
, cruits. ?
? Halperin 'replied that scholars
should have the right to publish un-.
der CIA auspices if they wish but
should acknowledge the source of
their support.
? He also said CIA agents on campus
should identify themselves so their
students arid colleagues would know
.with whom they are dealing.
And he proposed that names of
possible recruits should not be sub-
mitted to the CIA without permission
of the individuals and that security
checks should not be carried out
without their approval.
Soybe rgs Soar on Rumor of a C.I.A. Crop Studyl
Tho Central Intelligence!
Agency gat into the action yes-
terday on the Chicago Board
of Trade :indirectly and unwit-
tingly, and soybean's soared the:
daily limit.
July beans closed at $6.3514;
bushel, up the 26-cents;a?'
bushel limit after an early-
morning rumor that the C.I.A.
had estimated Soviet grain out-;
put at 175 million tons, lower
flan the recent Agriculture De-
partment estimate of 190 nut-
lion tons. The Soviet Union had
aimed at 205 million tons he-,
fore drought began to hurt its'
The C.I.A. rumor, whi.Th was
denied, was tnough to sea:a the,
market tiP under strong local:
baying by Chicago prolession-?
ais. As prices rose, buy onion:
were acthated 15 commission
house accounts held ler tile!
,imaiter spetenfai ors.
The .1/2gri:.:illture Departine,it's;
supply and ninil.:nd estimiitv... -
!stied cainer in ill,- v.:ertk
stknuiatted interest 'in 'soybeans; a result, Soviet orders of grain?!
and soybean meal. The depart-:from this country were high.'
ment cut the soybean c.arryover! Corn prices moved up despite!
estimate to 2G0 million busliels,reports of good rainfall inl.
at the end of this crop year.
on Aug. 31 from its earlier!VrOwing areas. Wheat prices'
red-lotion-of .a carryover of 230' also rose, possibly because the!
million bushels. !rains have delayed some har-1
Trading throughout the ses-
slot, was hectic because of the;
rumor and the lower carryover
estimate, and traders Teportedt
a standing-room-only gallery of.
visitors watching the activity.'
One trader commented: "It was
kind of !hilarious, but we a.-e;
all worn out,"
Report Denied by C.I.A.
After the close, the
firafty denied that it had made
an estimate of a 175
Ion Soviet crop and added triet'
it was coordintting its esti-''
te; ?v,th the Department of'
1 cis! ',Tar the C. IA. Way TIV.'
GOVerlirrLit agency to in-
late iy tbai' Soviet ?
we/did bo? (itrivn
no tilt.v wt: re a year ago. As
vesllng. which means that!
farmers have reduced sales ofl
A rumor that a fungus might!
have hurt some of the Alabamai
cotton crop was a factor behind'
a sharp cotton price rise.
'July cotton, the current.'
deliver; niontn in which noi
daily firnit applies, jumped to;
83.90, up mare than 6 cents al
i.asum.. Other moniiis were ii pi
:he 2 cents a -.0und limit ori;
the New York Cotton Ex-
change. Mill consumption has;
also been heavy.
Volume on the New York!
Cotton eychange has hetn so;
I.t :iv; :hat yes:. erday toe opon-1
iruding was delavCd,
I :et' hours so C)tti
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REGISTER, Des Moines
12 June 1976
Central Intelligence Agency Director George Bush refused
to answer when he was asked, during his appearance as
American Society of Newspaper Editors luncheon speaker
Apr. a, whether the CIA maintains "relationships" wittrjour-
nalists working for foreign news media. Bush said a response
would reveal intelligence "sources and methods."
The question Bush ducked was answeredr two weeks later ?
? by the Senate Intelligence Committee. The committee
reported that the CIA maintains ties to a number of persons
? associated with-thSrin'al organizations and "a network of
several hundred foreign individuals around the world who
provide intelligence for the CIA and at times attempt to
influence foreign opinion through the use of covert propa-
ganda. These individuals provide the CIA with direct access
to a large number of foreign newspapers and periodicals,
scores of press services and news agencies, radio and televi-
sion stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign
media outlets." ? ?
The statement is italicized in the committee's report. A
footnote explains that italicized material "has been substan-
.tially abridged at the request of the executive agencies."
Even cropped and touched up, the picture of the CIA that
emerges is of an agency ready, willing and able to employ a
large-scale covert propaganda apparatus to pollute the news
media.. _ . -
. ? v . v
And not only the foreign media. A former CIA official told
the Senate committee: 'There is no way in this increasingly
small world of ours of- insulating information that one puts
out overseas and confining it to the area to where one puts it
out.... If you plant an article in some paper overseas ...
there is no way of guaranteeing that it is not going to be,
picked up and published by the Associated Press in this coun-
try." -
The CIA's propaganda activities include the use of "black
propaganda" ? propaganda- that appears to originate from
an unfriendly source. Because U.S. policy makers could be
misled by these phony stories, "senior U.S. officials" are
informed of their true source. But as the Senate Committee
noted, "no mechanism exists to protect the U.S. public and
the Congress from fallout from black propaganda or Any
other propaganda." :
?s??Russian and other foreign intelligence agencies employ
, similar covert propaganda- tactics. Does -the KGB have
American newsmen on its payroll planting stories in the U.S.
i news media? Conceivably it does, though a Senate commit-
?, tee staff member who is familiar with the Clads covert prop-
aganda operation said he doubted that the Russians are
planting stories in this country directly through U.S. news-
men, because the number and variety of U.S. media outlets
would make it difficult to have an impact...He added that the
Russians unquestionably have an extensive covert propagan-
da apparatus abroad.
An appendix to the Senate committee report, which appar-? .
eat's' was contributed by the CIA, describes a KGB depart-
? ment that specializes in "covert action and deception,?
? including the use of "disinformation.".. ? - . . -
Soviet ''disinformation" and other covert foreign intelli-
? gence propaganda are as likely to be picked up and relayed
to the American public as is the CIA's brand of false and
? misleading stories. - ?? n " ?- ?
The Senate corrunitteereconernerided that the CIsk be pro-
-hibited by statute from subSidiaing the distribution. of mate-
rial "within the United States" unless the source is publicly.
attributed to the CIA. Although the committee. expressed
_concern that domestic fallout from the CIA's covert media
? operations abroad was "manipulating or incidentally rills- -
? leading the American public," it refused to urge that.the CIA
'quit its overseas covert propaganda program. The con-unit-
? lee's attitude apparently-La that since everybody is doing it,
? r
the CIA should, too.
If the CIA and thecommittee have their way,. editors . .
he forced to continue to wonder whether they are printing
CIA 'or KGB propagailda whenever they reprint articles -
? from foreign publications.
_ - - ? - - - .
F The CIA should quit planting false and misleading stories
:abroad, not Idea to protect Americans from propaganda fall-
'out, but to protect all readers from misinformation. This
!government should not deliberately.deceive foreign readers
; -
;any more than, it should deceive its own people.. -._ '.?
? Any unilateral disavowal by this country of "black propa-
?? :::ganda" and similar' media dirty tricks would leave readers
.;here and abroad still subject. to the covert propaganda
t.' activities of foreign intelligence agencies.. If pollution of
at communicationa is to-be eliminated,, all of the polluters will
; have to be curbed. .": IS:- ,a:- -.--e -"-- ? -- --- ? -
; 1
Pollution of the. oceans has been recognized as a world-
wide problem requiring an international conveation to abate
?,. dumping of pollutants into the seaeWorldwide pollution ne--
? ; the channels- of !communiaation by. intelligence agencies
? merits thesame kind, of-international attack:- --d-? -- d - ;d'h
? . A conventinn in which nationsag-ee..te place nonegovern-,
? mental Media.: bff ?limits to surreptitious manipulation by
' intelligence, agencies May sound utopian, but thea who1
deliberately foul the publications we read are to less a men- ?
ace than those who foul the seas.. ???., , i. ?? ..-..? _ - ' - - ' v;
.. The U.S. media should be taking the lead in exploring the
? possibility -of developing such an international anti-media
pollution ordinance.
30 June 1976 1 . ?
ri;:ortidar bear
k # e. ?.
Hurray for enterprising lourmilists ? espe-
d3Ily one in Mi:?,scir,v. ,A.ifr.A1 Friendly Jr., -
Now"et(''S resi&nt f'Orrf,?:',;,..)i."2.t11 there,
tee:s he ha..; :,,z!Lublcret; ir orezis
filed ,173
Liter'Ir? t;aZetie,
Whiat ce,'?-tected .;111 ttit
defense, presumably., is a public statement by
CIA chief George Bush that the has no
coitnections with any full-time jcalinalists.
Since both the ::;oviet nie(.tia and the Soviet
4'01111S take orders urn the? iirebilin, it is
Mitty possible 4/1r.-;Viic3a1ly %vizi get We.stiwn-
5;yle pistice. hut he .1.1.a,; serwl upon au ing,J-
ilioGs way to tweak the tad of tie. 'Russian boa,-
1i reaass qe.W3rner,,,, wilf,eh to sf,.e
AT;12_?411.14* i;rowiS,
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30 June 1976
Wiretap bill
astir in
Passage likely unless
election intrudes
By Robert P. Hey
Staff correspondent of
The Christian Science Monitor ?
If, election-year politics do not intrude, Con-
gress appears poised to approve this session a
?proposal' that would prohibit_ government's.
spying ituliscriminantly on Americans by wiree?
tapping or other electronic meanso 2
But that is a big'"ift" several congressional
sources say, noting that historically Congress
becomes preoccupied with politica by early
smninerin a presidential year.
? Nonetheless, Sen. Charles McC. Mathias Jr.:
? (R) of Md., one of the proposal's prime spon-
sors, tells this newspaper hes rates. as ?"very
good" its chances of becoming law this year.
Re notes that President Ford ?who with At.
2 JUL 1975
tomey General Edward Levi proposed the bill
? has indicated he will sign it. And he notes
members' of Congress are now strongly self-
motivated to approve it.
There now is "proof," he says, that under
recent administrations members of Congress
themselves were wiretapped without court ap-
proval. "What more do you need?"
Had the current proposal been law, it would
have made illegal or prevented entirely many
of the questionable wiretaps by federal in-
telligence agencies over the past 30 years.
Approval required
The hill also would have made illegal the
bugging by government agencies of such di-
verse targets as the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr., members of Congress, members of
the National Security Council, and several
The proposal would require the FBI, CIA,
and other federal intelligence agencies to ob-
tain inter court approval before wiretapping
persons within the U.S. for national security
reasons. To obtain that approved, the govern--
mit would have to ossavinee judge that
there was reasonable cause to believe the per-
son it proposed to bug was acting a's a foreign
agent, and was engaged in "clandestine in-
telligence activities."
.The proposal has been approved by the Sen-
ate Judiciary Committee and is being probed
in beatings this week by the Senate Select
Burglaries, Lies . .
? Just as the impact of the revelations Of intelligence
abdeas had begun to fade, Americans have been provided
with two jolting reminders that the issues are far from
resolved. A subcommittee of the Senate Select Commit-
tee on Intelligence Activities has' reported that the Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency and the Federal Bureau of Inves-
tigation had been 'derelict in meeting their responsibilities
- to. the Warren Commission. Almost simultaneously, it.
? was reported that the Department of Justice had begun'
a majoteineestigation into burglaries 'undertaken by the
F.B.I. since 1971, when, say Director Clarence M. Kelley and
other officials, they thought such activities had ceased.
Though' the lapses in the Kennedy -investigation and
the burglaries riciw, under, investigation occurred years
apart, they are disturbingly similar. From all appear-
ances, the C.I.A. withheld 'information from ,the Warren
Commission because it did .not want to reveal its.
.?dssassina.6.on program against Premier Castro, while the
withheld information about Lee Harvey Oswald
because it wished to avoid embarrassment.
In the severities, the F.B.I. had a national security. ?
mission to ferret out the Weathermen 'and other targets
on the New Left. Contrary to. assurances given by .F.B.I.
spokesmen to the Senate committee that 'all relevant
evidence had been turned over, many secret files were
not even reviewed by the bureau, presumably to protect
the integrity of the burglary program.
In all of these cases the intelligence bureaucracies
proceeded on the assumption that they had some purpose
higher than both the missions and limits imposed by
the appropriate authorities. Yet, to keep their secrets
from Congress, their have attempted to cloak themselves
in the presumption of regularity and responsibility., ..
The agencies cannot have it beth ways. The only
way for them to operate in a free society is to be
responsive to 'higher authorities and the tem: The fact
that the Department ai justice is conducting a broad.
investigatiou iotn the burglaries is a hopefel same:, but
the effort will be in vain i only. low-level egeent are
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Committee on Intelligence. Sponsors estimate
it will be ready for-consideration by the rutin
Senate next month. The situation is similar. in ? .
the House, where committees are else consid-
ering it at this time,
Compromise legislation'
The legislation represents a compromise be-
tween broader; more stringent proposals to
protect Americans' privacy ? which sponsors
have failed to enact into law in recent years --
and the desires of many in government not to
hamper the legitimate intelligence-gathering
requirements of government.
The bill has some opponents, including Sen.
John V. Tiinney (D) of California, who says it
would permit too much government snooping
on American citizens who have broken no law.
Nonetheless, Senators Mathias, Edward M.
Kennedy, and others hold that it is ? as the
,Marylander told this newspaper ? "a step for-
ward" in protecting Americans' privacy.
But 'Senator Mathias, like others, concedes it
is not his "ideal." He ultimately wants what he
? has been proposing vainly for two years: a law
that would require court orders before govern-
ment agencies use what he calls "the many
forms of governmental surveillance ? in-
cluding mail opening; the entry of homes; the
inspection of bank, credit, and medical
records; as well as the use of bugs and wire-
held to account for the F.B.I.'s lawlessness while superior
officers, ultimately responsible for the program, go free.
. and Oversight
However effective criminal sanctions may be, they are
only one of the Means of curbing intelligence community
abuses. Aggressive Congressional oversight and careful
legislation are two. others. The Senate's capacity ad
to utilize those tools is being tested this week as the n.?-W
, Senate Intelligence Committee, exereisingdts concurrent
? jurisdiction with the Judiciary Committee, marks up.
the peoposecl Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
This measure would impose for the first time a require-
? rnent that Warrants be 'obtained from the Federal courts
.prior :to installation of 'national security Wiretaps. Though
its purpose is commendable; the bill as now written has.
severe shortcomings. Among its-more 'glaring defects is.
the fact that it permits electronic Surveillance even if
no evidence has .been presented that a crime has been or
is about to -he committed.: Moreover, key terms and
phrases used in the act are so broad that they do not
effectively limit intrusive intelligence activities.
? "In approving the bill over the lone opposition of Sena-
tor,Tunney of California, the Judiciary Committee gave
the intelligence community the benefit of doubts, as
if nothing had been learned during the past half denade..
The revelations of F.B.I. burglaries during the course
'of the Socialist thenkers Party lawsuit against it and
even tiering the Intelligence Committee investigation
should impel the new Senate 'committee to examine the
issues more closely than did Judiciary. ?
There is an even 'more sobering lesson for Congress.
The Socialist Workers Party lawsuit is prying out .of the
F.B.I. files information that was in existence but was
'withheld from both of the committees expressly charged
With investigating intelligence abuses.
Against that background of rrynican and iiresponsi-
. bility, 'the legielation now More the Intelligence Com-
mittee does not appear to us to nrovide the prot,,cticIl
which the citizens Of this nztion have learned so pa
fully they must have. The new intelligence teems-genes
'vol 'nave to make substantial Irrtnr:vin-c:3 ill.tb
ii' the cUrnrrtittee is to metn.itJ iirzt
Approved For Release 2001/08/08: CIA-RDP77-00432R000100390008-9
2 June 1976 '
The Intelligence
Lies My Linde Told Me
The subversive activities of the FBI, CIA and Department of Defense
have seriously undermined the security of the Republic, within and without.
+ ONCE UPON A TIME there was the frank and
'fearless liar ? but sooner or later the facts would
out, and make an end of him. Now we have the
'bureaucrat, mumbling and amnesiac; the master of
plausible denials and institutionalized cover-up; the
limited investigation and the interpretive memo;
the document-shredders, the secrecy-stampers, the
propaganda machinists. And it. is no longer so easy
to find them out. It took 15 months and $3 million
for the Senate Select Committee on intelligence to
unearth some of the things our roasters of deceit
were not telling us about ? and to frame legal rem-
edies for keeping our intelligence establishment
more nearly honest and law-abiding in the future.
Now that the Senate panel chaired by Frank
Church has released its censored final report, we
; can assess the findings of the most extended peek in
our history into the baroque machinations of U.S.
intelligence. Although the initial waves of outrage
have subsided; our unhappy right to know has
burdened us with large responsibilities for the fu-
ture. Without strong public pressure, the Congress
May be unable to sustain a critical posture toward
the executive branch with its insistent claim that
national security requires public trust in secret
power. The House has already retreated, turning
around from its aggressive inquiry into the spy
establishment to compliant, worried investigation of
itself. Nonetheless, what this pat year's massive con-
gressional effort has taught us we cannot afford to
forget: that more than any House leak or Senate
revelation, the subversive activities. of the FBI, CIA
and Department of Defense have seriously under-
mined the security of the Republic, within and
Without. 2
"This is a report that probably should never have
been written," declares Senator Barry Goldwater in
dissent from the Senate panel's final report. It has
indeed caused "severe embarrassment" to the na-
tion, as he laments, for the Senate investigation has
- laid before the public the -elements of a terrible
irony:. that acts which are illegal and unethical for
citizens to engage in at home are condoned, -even
aggressively pursued, by American law-enforcement
officers and secret agents both at home and abroad.
Thus while FBI's COINTELPP-0 prying violated
the civil liberties of Americans unjustly suspected of
subversion, the CIA was conspiring to overthrow
governments abroad, fix their elections, and assassi-
Dr- Larson is .assi.->tong editor of The Christian Century.
nate their leaders. While the FBI claimed it was,.
hunting out terrorists and preventing violent acts,.
both CIA and FBI were inciting groups to violence,
here and overseas. The FBI tried to smear student
activists by linking drug use. with "Red Chinese"
narcotics plots to "weaken" our youth; the CIA and ?
the army, meanwhile, were secretly spending mil-
lions for LSD experiments on unsuspectingpersonse ?
several of whom died, and shredding the evidence
afterward. Responding to threats real and imagined
?and the report documents both kinds of dangers
? we adopted methods "more ruthless than the
enemy," as a major lnaos policy statement advised,
and our adversaries became ourselves.
No communist plot could have succeeded so well
to undermine American values and institutions.
Even more disturbing than the now-familiar horror
stories about what government agents have done to
protect America are all the report's examples of how
little was done to protect us from them. The Senate
Select Committee concluded that our system of
checks and balances has failed to curb secret power.
. Six Presidents from Franklin Roosevelt to Richard ?
Nixon, other top-level officials,. and particularly the.
attorneys general "virtually abdicated their constitu-
tional responsibility to oversee and set standards for
intelligence activity." Second. Congress has exer-
cised lax oversight, bowing to the will of the execu-
tive, and framed such vague, inadequate laws that
the intelligence .agencies have filled in almost, at
whim the blank checks at their disposal. Although
the Constitution requires disclosure of how public
monies are spent. Congress has never asserted its
right to know the extent of the financial empire
which intelligence commands.
Third, the judiciary has been reluctant to inter-
vene, even where laws have dearly been broken. As
the ACLU's Christine Marwick writes, for years the
justice Departmentslit:Omised. the CIA that
there would be no prosecutions for CIA illegalities ?
if- a trial would threaten to reveal classified infor-
mation. And since virtually all information about an
orzanization created for clandestine activities is secret,
there were no pror.ectitions for illegal programs. As
Committt,t. observed, the CJA was not out
of control, it was "utterly responsive to the instruc-
tions of the Preideitt.'' It simply appeared to she
naIve outsider to be out of control because it was,
in fact, beyond the Law ["Reforming the Intelligence
.Agencies," Priari pies (March 1976), p. !;].
In the intelligence "flap" as in Watergate, it b-a5
been the fourth Estzic ? the press ? that has 'played
the ITIoit vigilant watchdog role, despite the CIA's
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and the FBI's devious efforts to co-opt .or discredit
the media. ?
During its investigations the Senate panel probed.
hard to find evidence of respect for law in the daily
operations of intelligence. Certainly, honest and
laudable officials are mentioned in the report. But
an overwhelming number of cases turned up habit-
ual, even institutionalized, disregard for -law.: Re-.
pe-atedly inspectors general warned about "potential
flap activities" --not crimes. FBI memos 'acknowl-
edged illegality bot authorized bugs and black-bag
jobs anyway because they were "invaluable tech-
niques" "necessary" for protecting the nation. The
head of the FBI's Intelligence Division testified that
he never heard anyone raise legal or ethical ques-
tions: "We never .gave any thought to this line of
reasoning, becanse we were just naturally prag-
matic." How persistently officials maneuvered to.
elude the requirements of law is well documented
in the report:
9 Although COINTELPRO came to light in
1971 ?with its disregard of First Amendment free-
doms and its massive violations of .federal and state
statutes against mail and wire fraud, incitement to
violence; extortion, and sending obscene material
through the mail? the Justice Department did, not
look into the program until 1474, and even then it.
uncovered no crimes. Its report, only mildly alarmed,
was based on misleading FBI-prepared "short sum-
maries" of COINTEL. incidents_ That same, year
Justice also issued sweeping authorizations for more
COINTEL-type FIII investigations of "subversives,"
potential civil disorders and "potential crimes." .
0 When President Johnson's I-Ptatzenbach Commis-
sion told federal agencies to halt covert financial
relationships with "U.S. educational and private
voluntary organizations which operate abroad," CIA
sent out a field circular stressing stringent secrecy to.
? prevent more exposes. "In simple terms," the circu-
lar said, "we are now in a.different ballgame. Some
? of the basic ground rules have changed." Among the
CIA's clever ruses was to shift the covert "ballgame"
from institutions to the individuals within them. If
CIA no longer funds the National Student Associa-
tion, it uses exchange students (some hold govern-
ment grants) t6 collect intelligence overseas. Even
today the CIA is using "several hundred American
'academics" to provide lead, make introductions
for intelligence purposes, and write propaganda
"theme material." Some are used "operationally,"
and at most of the iostitutions involved, no one
knows of the CIX link except the atfent-prolessor.
The CIA was not the only agile partner in this
little dance of `reform." Katzenbach testified that
his commission was (in the report's words) "de-
signed by President Johnson . _ to head olf a full-
scale Congressional investigation."
0 In the past :congressional oversight has all too
often been no more sharp-eyed than Edward V.
Long's hearings in 1966 on electronic surveillance_
The senator allowed FBi agents to write Ilia press
release stating that the subcommittee had "con-
ducted exhanative research- and was now "fully
satisfied" that .the FBI had not abused its hugging
authority. The "exhaustive" peek was a 9o-rnintite
briefing from the FBI Which failed to disclose the
bureau's most serious misdeeds. Wrote one bureau
official to the associate director afterward: "We
have neutralized the threat of being embarrassed by
the Long Subconimittee...." ?
While the existing intelligence charters are rag:
it. can hardly be argued. that the officials who se
tematically broke the law did- not know what they
were -doing. A /957 CIA memo called its drug
experiments "unethical and illegal" six years before
they , were halted. While . former CIA Director
William Colby was publicly taking the line that the
President has constitutional pms-er to conduct covert
operations, Colby himself had approved an internal
CIA .study which found that, prior to the 1974
Foreign Assistance Act,. there were no legal or
constitutional grounds for covert action without the
advance approval of Congress. From .1969 on, CIA
Director Helms sent Warnings to the White House
:that- CHAOS ? the domestic spying scheme which
canie perilously close to giVing us a secret "thought
police" ? had gone beyond the CIA charter. "I need
not emphasize how extremely sensitive this makes
the paper," Helms wrote in a study of "Restless'
Youth." The program ? which was mandated to find
proof that foreign elements supported the American
peace .Movement (any kind of support, even "en-
couragement,""casual contacts" or "mu: eal inter-
est") ? was not halted until March 1974.
To compound the problem of, questionable. legal
authority, only recently did Congress become fully
aware that a "secret charter" existed for the nation's
cloak-and-daggering ? the accumulated classified
executive orders issued over the years. While Amer-
icans Could debate the overt reform proposals in
President Ford's February order (see March to
Century 'editorial, p. 211), we may never know the
full content_of Executive Order z 1905, which mere-
, ly'hints that "in some instances detailed implemen-
tation of the Executive Order will be contained in
classified documents." On national television Ford
said that .he trusted the American people to elect
honest Presidents who would not 'abuse the powers
? of secrecy, and in his message to Congress he
proclaimed that his plan for reform "places respon-
sibility and accountability on indiViduals, not insti-
tutions.", Long before the exposure of *the CIA
began, Richard Helms likewise maintained that the
country had to "take it on faith that we, .too, are
honorable men."
Yet the Ainerican system is one not of persons but
of laws. And in such a system, as justice Louis
Brandeis wrote in )928, the "existence of the
government will be imperilled if, it fails to observe
the law scrupulously, ... If the government becomes
a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites
every man to become a law unto 'himself; it in-
vines anarchy- (Olmstead ? v. 177,1ited States). In
COINTELPRO, the Senate report found, "the bu-
reau secretly took the law into its own hands," and
the consequence was anarchy. If. the FBI's own
agents did not directly carry out murder plots, the
bureau intensified the climate of violence in which
black. leaders were slain just :as the C.I.A set the
stage for the kidnapping and then. the shooting of
General Ren?chneider in Chile and the bloody
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.oveithrow.of Salvador Allende three years later . ?
? II
Within.- this .-.atmosphere of deceit Which ?
_ destine work seems to require, the. FBI still Ma-.
niptilates.? the American media and ?the ,CIA fuels
an international propaganda machine ?.most like-
. the biggest covert operation of them all. Al-
though for years the CIA has assured the media that.
.? it was planting no informers an their news teams,
Until February of this year CIA was. using 50
.unnamed ',American joiirrialistS and!, media em- ??
ployees for covert purposes. The CIA director
pledged in. February that the agency "will .not enter
into any paid or contractual relationship with any
! or part-time news ?correspondent ? ac- ?
credited by any U.S. news service, .newspaper, period-
ical,. radio or television network or station." But the s
new policy permits the continuing? perhaps now ?
expanding ? use of at. least two dozen journalists who
are free-lance, unaccredited, unpaid, or rewarded by ?:
? CIA "briefings" in lieu of money as well as the use
:of American news executives who have been impor-
tant "media assets" in the past. .? ?
t On May no George Bush issued a further opinion !
that ? the CIA "should not- be precluded" from
'using part-time journalists who want, to cooperate
with the agency. The CIA continues its 'refusal to
give out names of its media "assets" ? especially not
to American. editors 'who want to clean house. In
'world news media the CIA is also using "several ?
?hundred foreign individuals around the world" who
"provide the CIA with direct access to a large number
.of foreign newspapers and periodicals, scores of press -
services and news agencies, radio and, television sta-
tions, commercial book publishers, and other foreign
media outlets" (italics in the Senate report indicate
agency censoring). In the past the CIA has main-
tained two "proprietary news services" in Europe,
one of which served 'Ito U.S. newspapers, as well as
regularly planting stories in the foreign press and
frequently using Reuters, the well-respected: news
service which is considered fair .game because it is ?
Because propaganda is . aimed first at the ?
intangible ? the shaping of perceptions ? its effects ? ?
are hard to measure, especially when it comes from ?
invisible sources. . "The most important weapon of -
Strategic propaganda'', is the book, as one former.
Clandestine Service officer testified. CIA has been in
the book business for several ?decades: before 1967 .
,it "sponsored,- subsidized or produced over ?n000
books," many of which were put out by CIA-backed.
e- cultural organizations whose subsidy was "more -
-: often than not" unknown to the writer. The Criss-
'commissioned Penhovskiy Papers ? (Doubleday,
1965) was a commercial success; the publisher never,
knew of the CIA link.. When Penkovskiy was serial- ?
ized in: the ! Washington Post .and go other U.S.:
newspapers, the Russians denounced the hook as the .
"coarse fraud" it was, ? and, notes former Moscow ? .
correspondent. Stephen S. Rosenfeld, they retaliated
by closing the Post's' Moscow bureau for two years.
In :967 ? a year of 200 CIA ? books, among them.
translations of MachiavelIi's The Prince into Swahili
and T. S. Eliot's works into Russian ?the CIA :
pledged it would no longer "publish boOks, -maga-
zines and newspapers. in the United States," That
Same year, however, . art agency order announced
that "fallout in the United States; from a foreign
,publication which- we support ?inevitable: and
,consequently permissible." The CIA's leap in tailor-
? atiogic was elucidated by testimony from E. Froward
Hunt, in charge of the CIA's U.S. publisher con-
tacts in the late iofios, who said that .domestic fallout.
"may . not" (in the -report's words) "hasie been
The Senate report quotes a September -1 970 cablie
summary during CIA's propaganda program in
Chile to suggest that the agency regularly expected
"fallout": ?
Sao Paulo, Tegucigalpa, Buenos Aires, Lima,
Montevideo, Bogota, Mexico City report continued
replay of Chile theine materials.. Items also carried in
New York, Times, Washington Post. Propagarida ac-
tivities. continue to generate good coverage of Chile
developments al'ong our theme guidance..
Domestic fallout is "permissible" not only. because it
iS inevitable but also because* it is 'desirable?
especially where the selective release. of "facts" or
the currency of agency-favored ideas serves an ideo-
logical line or stratagem. To some it May seem accept-
able, if distasteful, for propagandists :hired by our
!government to tell lies in order to protect American
democracy. Yet the implication is that our govern-
ment and way of life have a monopoly on truth ? an
attitude characteristic of totalitarian state's, not one
embodied in traditional American values. If Senate-
approved treaties affirm our respect for the Sovereign-
ty of other nations, we cannot permit our govern-
ment's undercover agents to mount attacks ? military
or -verbal ? that threaten the right to self4leterminaT
tion, no matter how misguided we may judge other
nations to be. .
Like most other questionable Secret designs recent-
ly made public, propaganda is justified as counter-
weight to-enemy propagandizing. Yet as the Senate
:report simply pins it: "The strongest defense a free
'country has from propaganda of any kind, is a free and
!vigorous press that expresses diverse points of view"
;? withotit its 'credibility being jNapardized by our
own covert propagandists: There are a number of
;Stories in the Senate report which dbcument an inge-
nious system :by -which propaganda is made to look
like the real thing: CIA's dOmestic "plants" can legit-
imize "news" reprinted abroad, while domestic fail-
Out gives credibility Iasi stories planted initially in the.
. foreign press. Besides polluting the free flow of ideas,
: manipulations such ;as these are nothirig? less than
subversive: they undermine the United States and
its institutions ? universities, :the pretS, charitable
! groups, foundations and ,he churches-- by exploit-
ing the legitimacy they may inherently possess, in
.order to gain for insidicius designs credibility which
the CIA would not otherwise be able to command.
When the Church panel found that the FBI too
had been using "friendly" reporters at least througn
Ng, the burean insisted that if names were pub-
lished the reporters might "dry up" is sources of
information ? thus implying that the practice
going. on. Under Hoover the FE-ds press liaison was
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the 'head of the Crime Records .Division, who dis-
seminated to the bureau's "press friends" informa-
tion to discredit. the FBI's critics and targets and to
disrupt their activities. The. most massive FBI prop-
aganda effort is now vcll known: the?. vicious
campaign to take Martin Luther King "off his
. pedestal". by . planting derogatory articles in the
media, peddling secret tapes to journalists (such as
Ben Bradlee when he was Newsweek's Washington
bureau chief), and sending threat letters .to King
? and his wife, Coretta. The bureau's specialty in
covert propaganda has been forged poison-pen let-
ters, such as those sent to sow fear and hate among
rival black groups so that their members might be
provoked ? and some were? to kill each other off_
Hoover's propagandists aimed also at influencing
foreign policy during the Vietnam years ?leading
policy-makers to believe that antiwar sentiment as
communist-inspired and thus did not be tak-
en seriously. ?Hoover asked for and got reports that:
judged communist -influence in the civil rights
movement "vitally important" even though his. bu-
reau had found it an "obvious failure." Neverthe-
less, the National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People was hounded for 25 years, despite
an early report noting the NAACP's "strong tenden-
cy" to "steer clear of communist activities." (In all,
the FBI conducted more than a half-million investi-
gations of alleged "subversives," yet was not able to
prosecute a single individual or grout') for. planning
or advocating overthrow of the g.overnment.)
The most recent instance of an overt propagama
campaign has been the CIA's public-relations.effott
- to discredit its critics in the congressional inquiries.
In December when CIA's Athens station. chief, Rich-
ard Welch, was ambushed outside his home- and
killed ? after his name, .along with those of other
agents, had. appeared in the offbeat -magazine Conn-
per-Spy ? the CIA at last unleashed its secret weapon:
the public hero.'
According to Daniel Schorr's Journal of those clays
'("My 17 Months on the Cl: Watch," Rolling Stone
, [April 8], p. (F), the plane carrying Welch's body
was tinted to touch down at Andrews Air Force Base
' for live. TV coverage on the morning news shows;
the funeral and civilian Welch's special burial in
Arlington National Cemetery ? with 'full military
honors and the same caisson that carried the body of
President Kennedy ? was elaborately orchestrated
to impress upon Congress and the press the dire
consequences of their reckless probes and leaks.
Blaming Welch's death on the press was grossly tin-
' fair; and there are several good reasons to believe
? that Welch's "cover" may already have worn dan-
gerously thin before his name was published. Fot
one, his residence had been the home of the former
Athens CIA chief; for another, counterspies could
find good clues of our agents' identities in the State
Department's own Foreign Service Liv (which ceased
publication in March) and its Biographic :Register
(now published only on a restricted hasis in order to
protect State's employees abroad, according to the
department's policy statement ? which- mentioned
Welch's death).
When Daniel !,;charr of. CBS ,leaked die secret
House intelligence report to the flnice in
February, accusations grew louder that Congress
could not be trusted with oversight. The people
believed.. Writing in the New York -Review of
Books (April 1), I. F. Stone made an astonish-
ingly persuasive case for the bizarre possibility that
the CIA leaked the House report to an unwitting
'Schorr ? a-rnasterstrOke which channeled public an-
ger toward a virulent "secrety backlash."
"It used to .be that a person could live isolated
from the world's problems," muses the "Peanuts"
character Lucy, playing psychiatrist. "Then it got to
be that we all knew everything that was going on.
The problem now," she tells poor Snoopy, "is that
we know everything about everything except what's
going on.. That's why you feel nervous. . . . Five
cents, please!" _Given the clandestine community's
past record, now only . tough legal restraints and con-
gressional oversight -- as well as genuinely indepen-
dent review, at the executive level and a. special
prosecutor for intelligence cases ? can assure that
intelligence ? will serve us. Otherwise, the Amer-
ican people will be short more than a nickel, we'll
still be nervous, and we still won't know what is
-going on.
The Senate Select Committee asked fOr a new
oversight panel to draft omnibus legislation to recast
the N'ational Security Act of 1947 and frame explicit
intelligence charters. Two initial "reform" efforts ?
President Ford's February executive order and At-
torney General Edward Levi's April FBI guidelines
on domestic investigations?are ,not yet embodied
in law. While many of the Church committee's 1 Sa
recommendations enn ust oversight responsibilities
to agency types. cabinet officers, and President's men
who have been untrustworthy in the past, the
Church plan taken as a whole attempts, to put
our check-and-balance system into better working
order not to tie the hands of intelligence but to
enable it to serve a democratic society's needs with-
out undermining its cherished principles.. Some of
the Church committee's key points of reform are
0 The CIA, the National Security Agency, and the
clandestine arms of the Department of Defense must
stay out of the domestic arena. Only the FBI should
conduct domestic security investigations which are
aimed at acts that violate federal laws. Under restric-
tions which some senators. believe are not stringent
enough, "preventive intelligence investigations" are
allowed. in order to .head off terrotist plots or
counteract the designs of Itostile foreign agents.
Current bureau plat:tie-es suggest that new laws,
recommended by the panel, most be enacted to
prevent COINTELPRO red ttx: the FBI still has 2
half-million domestic intelligence files and has bud-
geted for the cm-rent fiscal year $7 million to pay
domestic sc.:cut ity informants ? twice that, spent for
informants ag-;:inst..4.0rganized crime. In remarks
appended to al' Senate's domestic report. Senator-
Philip A. l-but wart Is that laws should no: be framcd
for times n nalional calm. hot 'for the next periods
of soeial tormnit and paf?sidwate dis!.ent, when
curre'nt i.Ln uiee has faded :nv.1 thci,;c Pow Cr Tiniy
tempnd to investigate dicr cities in !he--
it:1;1w :;N
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? A "comprehensive civil remedies statute" should
be enacted to give American citizens clear claim for.
?: litigation against the government. The Justice De-
? partment is making efforts to notify COINTELPRO
victims, and under the Freedom of Information Aci
Citizens may succeed in finding out about intelligence
activity directed against them (a local ACLU office
can help).
? The. CIA must get out of the covert publishing
business in the' U.S. While the "operational" use of
? American academics would not be banned, top uni-
versity officials Must be informed of CIA use. Laws.
arc also recommended to prohibit the operational
use of missionaries and media personnel. (In Feb-
? ruary the CIA announced it had "no secret paid or
contractual relationships" with U.S. clergy, but said
? it would "continue to welcome information" from
voluntary clergy-in for man ts. Even, when requested
by the churches, former CIA Director Colby had re-
fused to halt the use of missionaries; the CIA under
George Bush still insists that there is no "impropri?
ety" in its Clergy and media use. The Senate report
tells of a Third World pastor-agent who carried out
covert-action projects, developed CIA ."assets,". and
passed its propaganda to the local press. He or ,she.
was Only one of 21 similarly cooperative clergy.)
O Covert activities, the Church panel says, should be
?'employed only by the CIA and only when "required
by _extraordinary circumstances to deal With grave
threats to national security" a definition that .
would drastically. curtail CIA's past habits. Going
'beyond President Ford's- proposal, the senators
? would ban all political assassinations, fixing of dem-
ocratic elections, and covert support for foreign
police that systematically violate human rights.
O The senators have asked that the FBI director be
limited to an eight-year term, and they have chart-
ed myriad bureaucratic changes to improve intel-
?- ligence effectiveness and to create "paper trails" of
accountability. Building on *Ford's plan for
strengthening the role of the Director of Central
Intelligence, the Church committee would have the
DCI prepare the budget and allocate resources for
the ntire clandestine community. ,His post should
? be separated from that of CIA head in order to avoid
a conflict of interest.
0 The central clement in the Church ? plan is a
? powerful, well-informed Senate oversight committee
with rotating membership, budgetary authority, leg-.
islative powers, and the 'right to receive advance
notice of all ':significant" covert operations. How-
ever the Senate's oversight apparatus will actually
function ?and that will be subj ecnto some senatorial
political machinations ? it is. well to keep in mind
Senator Mike NIansfield's general warning against "a
? committee cloaked with only apparent importance,
- in the end so impotent that it would itself be-
come a creature if not an active conspirator within
?, the community over which it must exert scrutiny."
In an age of proliferating nuclear, powers, it
? would be -naive to propose that we have no need for
intelligence services. It would be equally na? to
trust the c/andestine establishment as the sole, SeCiet
guardian of our national security. The Senate panel
has attempted to steer carefully between these twin
naivetes. It has envisioned comprehensive, if cau-
tious, reform which we clearly, need: yet for a num-
ber of reasons, it is altogether possible that we could
get soniethiiig considerably less. ?
First there is the nature of the Senate inquiry
itself. Avoiding the House committee's adversary
style and appearance of leakiness, the Senate panel
strove *to be a tightlipped model for future over-
sight. The committee held most of its hearings. in
secret and worked closely with the administration,
even deleting at its request2.00 pages fiorsi'? the
published text. Nantes arc frequently. missing, and;
like the full House, the Senate panel voted at the
last minute not to reveal the total intelligence
budget. The, concessions made to secrecy seem to
have undermined the impact of the report ?and
even helped those forces which oppose strong over-
sight. Three panel members? Senators Walter F.
Mondale, Philip A. Hart and Gary Hart ?have
warned that the report is 'diluted" in important.
respects, and-that the secrecy stamp has caused some
of the report's "most important implications Ito be]
either lost or obscured in vague language."
In mid-May, however, the committee mounted an
effective 'media strategy by steadily , releasing a
stream of t5 supplementary reports, which made the
nightly news with graphic tales of abuse for several
weeks. The strategy forced the directors of CIA and
IRS to reply, and finally ?after all this time?
wrung A down-in-the-mouth public apology from.
Clarence Kelley, the FBI head who has been under
pressure from the ranks of bureau faithful not to
confess Hoover's wrongdoing. While drama was
needed to heat the debate up again, zeal for reform
is likely to cool as the refinements of law are worked
out in the coming yeas. -
The times are also against reform. After the
mazive losses of Vietnam and 'Watergate, the intelli-
gence debate is set at a historic juncture for U.S.
international, leadership and trust in American
institutions at httme. It is commonly realized that
political agreement about covert operations has. dis-
integrated. During oversight debate earlier this year,
former CIA head. John McCone urged that the cold-
war -conSensus. be rebuilt. World events, national
politics ?and covert propaganda somewhere?
seem already to be moving the United States toward
a 'os version of that old consensus, in spite of
lessons learned. This emerging climate of opinion
could block the overhaul of intelligence agencies
? without which, in Nelson Rockefeller's \cords, we
would be "a sitting duck in a World of loaded shot- .
In times that tolerate such cold-war rhetoric (and .
a gargantuan new defense budget), security and rut-
tional-security have become common themes for an
election year in which an ailing economy has further -
weakened a progressive national spirit.' Carnpailn
language everywhere betrays fears of the loss ()}7
American omnipotence?or rather that delusion of
superpower, in the view of Frank Church, which dis-
patches squads of. covert agents to police the world.
In this climate the intelligence -flap" is a nou-
issue. While big-government fears fuel the presi-
dential campaigns, the cal menace of Big Brother
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. government provokes from the major candidates
nary a whisper. The perennial, inanities of our
national politicking are in part responsible:for this
omission. The intelligence., issue is far too complex
and abstract to lend itself to sloganeering and head-
line-length promises. -We have beard more campaign
yawp about abortion ? an. important issue but one
with which Presidents have little to do ? than about
where each hopeful stands on civil-liberties issues'
such as Senate lull One. Where would each candi-
date.draw the line on covert activities? How weidd
? he see his role as chief of the most awesome. system
of clandestine power in the world?
Although intelligence reform is fundamenially a
law-and-order issue which ought to appeal to con-
servative voters, this cautious election year augurs ill
for reform in two additional ways. The widespread
. reaction against the tofios makes it hard for many to
sympathize. with the victims of those years ? with the
'single exception of Martin Luther King. The candi
dates know this. They are not about to champion
the Socialist Workers Party,. slain Black Panthers
and New Left activists ?.although these are only the
most outrageously maligned of the multitude spied
upon, which included such sterling citizens as
Eleanor Roosevelt and thousands of ordinary, tax7.
return-filing Americans. We are still, it seems,.
unwittingly suffering from the deceits of COIN-i.
TELPRO propaganda. It becomes 'difficult toi
picture those years other than the way we perceived
them then ? and in the collective consciousness of
the electorate, it was all so long ago.
The test of vigilance which faces the American
public comes in the year of our bicentennial when
most of all we should, in the words of Torn Paine,
"refresh our patriotism by reference to first princi-
ples." Yet the congressional probing of intelligence
was inevitably' anticlimactic after Watergate's daily
drama; and the audience, given to ephemeral in- .-
tensities, soon got tired of the show. There are other
reasons too why our vigilance has flagged. In a New
Republic interview with Oriana FaIlaci, Congress-
man Otis Pike speaks about why House members
have not rushed. out to read the guarded copies of
the intelligence report they had voted to keep to
Oh, they think it is better not to know. There are
too many things that embarrass Americans in that
report. You see, this country went through an awful
trauma with Watergate. But, ?even then; all they
were asked to believe was that their President had
been a bad person. In this new situation they are
asked much more; they are asked to believe that
their country has been evil. And nobody wants to
believe that. . . . was one of [those who believed.
the government]. It took this investigation to con-
vince me that I had always been told lies, to make
me realize that 1 was tired of being told lies. [April 3,
1976, p. to].
Perhaps it is hard to feel some personal animus
toward typical bureau mumblings that defend the
indefensible, like Clarence Kelley's apology for the
FBI ("Power abused perhaps can be explained anti.
possibly even be excused, but only when the ex-
planation is truthful, contrite, and is accompanied
by a well-defined plan to prevent a recurrence"). In
the broadest of human terms it is no unique indict-
ment that the average American citizen finds it bard
to care very much about what the CIA has done. All
of us like a personal world? we revel in gossip., in
the Nixon of the bedroom and the White .,House
chapel. 'We want persons behind the evil events of
our times. The congressional inquiries did not raise
up new national heroes or villains.
As the psychologist Ernest Becker has 'tvritten, for
the sensitive soul the impersonality of evil the
central fact of the contemporary world ? is unbear-
able: it is, as he says, too much to believe. What has
begun to seepinto public consciousness is that the
horror of the CIA? and in the end, all of intelli-
gence, "theirs" or "ours" ? is its impersonality, ex-
pressed in its bland, emotionless, mind-deadening
-prose. 'We know that its faceless agents are "out
there" ? though we do not know quite where even.
now ? on missions that sacrifice 'persons to ideology,
human relationships to "contacts" and "assets,"
hearts and minds to the gears of the propaganda
-machine. If the horror of CIA is its abstract imper-
sonality, that is also its impenetrable advantage: for
we cannot act against what is vastly beyond our power
to see and believe.
Legal issues are abstract,, and as the framing of
' new intelligence laws goes en through the rest of the
year, most Americans -will probably not be able to
keep up with. all the detail. The danger of partial,
compromised reform is that it might create nothing
more than a framework of loopholes ? a set-op for
CIA's vanishing acts_ If Americans do not .press, for
stringent intelligence laws in the emerging cold -way
clirnate of Congress and country, even the news that-,
reform has' been done could turn out to be the
biggest lie yet that my Uncle Sam told ore.
? The Washington Star Soturday, June 26,14;76
OA and Newsmen: A 'Cleaner Break
NEW YORK ? The National Ncws Counell said Ye..-
terday it had received assurances that the CIA will' not
hire reporters "affiliated in any way" with Ame;cican
news orgo.nizations, and that it was drOpping those al-
ready on the payroll.
The news council said CIA officials, including direc-
tor George hush, toid them in a three-hour meeting,
Thursday that the prohibition included news execa..
dives, stringers for Aniert::::1 news organizations, and
freelance 'A/64...7.s "who could be interpreted in any
manner asbeinr.g journalists."
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28 June 1976
1500 Wiedricti -
Soviet spies ?b re
deep into U S.
SOVIET BLOC spies have tried to re-
cruit executive branch personnel of the
American government as well as con-
. gressional staff members in Washington.'
They have devoted special attention to
Capitol Hill staffers with easy access to
secret inforrnaticn, as well as code
? clerks, secretaries, and typists across
whose desks intelligence vital to the
Communist dream of world domination
might flow.
They have hustled eide cross sec-
tion of other American citizens in the
hope of developing undercover traitors
err double agents ad they have even
attempted to-influence the United States
policy decisions by seeking to compro-
mise informants at the highest levels..
THESE ARE SOME .4f the facts about
Soviet spy operations in the United
States by the two Russian intelligence
agencies?the KGB and the GRU?that
lie buried within the pages of the 12-vol-
ume,report ,of the Senate Intelligence
Committee , chaired by Sen. Frank
Church ED., Ida.) ,
They -tick out a warning about the
? Soviet threat to the national security of
this country with the subdued ferocity of
a time homli.
? But they have been largely ignored by
the media, possibly because . they are
buried between more controversial chap-
ters bulging with critical appraisals of
the American intelligence community.
. In short, the Church committee did its
job by inquiring into both American in-;
telligence operations and the Soviet spy ,
, it as remis in failing t o dramatize the
apparatus in/North America. However,
menace posed to our national security
by the U.S.S.R. and its network of espio-
nage agents here. i
; I
ACCORDING Ti) the Senate report,
about a third of the 10,000 personnel 'f
countries where there are U.S. installa-
tions of where American citizens live.
"Another objective is the recruitment
and cultivation of 'agents of influence'
or agents who can influence political
events or decisions," the Senate report
declared. - . ' ?
"Soviet intelligence also mounts tech-
nical operations against U.S.- installa-
tions and personnel. ? -- !
"Planting of microphones and instalIa-
, tion of telephone taps is done on a' mas-
sive scale in the U.S.S.R. and Soviet-ori-
ented countries. The Soviets" are more
selective in the West, but they .do .on-
duct such operations,
: "The primary targets are the offices_
and residences of U.S.- ambassadors,
senior foreign personnel, CIA officers,
.and defense attaches."
The committee. reported there have
been rare instances where the FBI has
had reason to suspect that contacts be-
tween congressmen-or high level execu-
tive- branch officials with_ their Soviet
counterparts might have involved the
unauthorized [and presumably i unwit-
ting] disclosure of confidential nforma-
And, it reported, , the FBI reported
continued Soviet efforts "to penetrate"
the American political system or devel-
29 June 1976
Bob Wiednch
op "an agent of influence hi American
polities" or attempt to "influence the
U.S. polity meking strticture."
THOSE. ARE ANCY words for trea-
son by extortion or possible duplicity,
but they nevertheless sound a macabre
note for a nation that has just finished
emasculating substantial segments of its
own intelligence gathering apparatus..
Evidently, the FBI and CIA have em,
joyed some success in positively identi-
fying some of the KGB and GRU spies
who pervade the American landscape.
The so called "illegals" are another
problem not so expeditiously countered. ?
The illegal is a highly trained espio-
nage specialist who has been slipped
into the U. S. with' a phony identity.
Some have, been trained in scientific. or
technical fields to give them easy access
to employment in sensitive areas.
, Detection of such individuals presents
a serious problem to the FBI because
once they enter the United States seith
either true or fraudulent identification.
they become lost among the swamis of
legitimate emigres that. have been arriv-
ing here in increasing numbers. -
In 19721 there were fewer than 550
Soviet immigrants to this county. In ?
1974, the number rose to 4,000.
"Relatively undetected," the FBI -told
the Church committee. "they [the i1le-
gals1 are able to maintain contact with
the foreign control by means of secret
writing, microdots. and npen signate in
conventional communications which are
not susceptible to discovery through'cone
? ventional investigative measures?'
Hang around, We'll report more about
this tomorrow.
oviet svies aier
even at a.funera
? ' currently!3ssigned to Soviet installations , 1 ? ?.
r abroad are actually members of theI
KGB, the Russian civilian spy organiza- 1 UNLIKE . THE ANtErtecoed boon-
, gence services, Soviet spies knew no re-
:tion, or the military espionage group i straints. Even the dead are not left
i known es the GRU. g ? . e.. mi unturned in. the "?constant Communist
Rigid Kremlin control of Soviet trade,; for information. -
business, and media agencies provides ? i Witness-what occurred at the funeral
' added ctiver for RG13 and GRU agents. : I ? ?
: of Richard Wekh, the CIA station chief,
And the FBI? has identified scores of
assassinated last December in Athens a
'? ether Soviet spies planted . behind the ' 1
t onth aft Serhis name had appeared on
facade of the United Nations adrninistra- ?
: Jit of alleged CIA operative s published
s the International Atomic Energy
.tive structure and such UN auxilliarie '
s ?
.' in a Greek.. English language newspaper.
Agency and the International Telecom-.. ; As his. reinainS were being 'lowered
rnunizations Union. I, into a grave L:a Arlington National
Don't be content, however, to settle ; Cemetery,. two Eas. t Euroefean diplomats
? for that mensure nf the Soviet spy pres- ; were discovered hiding among members
? ence in the United States. - !of the press corps and snapping pictures'
As the Church cominithei so accurate- i of CIA officials present to pay their It
ly pointed out, many of the Russian in- , respects. to a murdered colleagiu?.. ' ? .
etelligence Officers are alse? responsible The two diplomats mernberi (4. a
for many iriformants who carry out the host of. Soviet setcllit; personne! thplo-
wishes and objectives of their Soviet .
matically - accreditr-A ? to the Unitei
reaseers. .? .
? . ?. States hut actually functioning as secret
?A 'MAIN 'otieleCTIVE uf the Soviet ? ' espionage agents for their Kremlin rnas-
*pies is the recruiting of turncoatg both ' . ters, were doing 'their thing?h!entitying
Th the United Statee and in those foreign CEA agents. ' ?
- MEANWHILE; ON Capitol/ Hill. time-
gressional inquicies were takipg the:
IBI and CIA to task for having done
their thing while sometimes un tech- ?
niques abhorrent in. a free, democratic
society. ?
The Welch'incident,,along with a wealth
of other ? facts-about the. Mviec spy al)-
. paratus in the United States, is contained:
in the 12-volume report of the Senate In-:
telligence? Committee. that explored the
reputed excess ee of .Arnericar . intelligence.
last yearoChairman of the committee
was Sen. Frank Church Ida.). he- ?
The material is there to be .read if onet
has the time-and patience to find it.
' Our only criticism is that the commite?
tee failed to 'give the data the same prom
'pence afforded the indiscretions of the-
'American , intelligence community when
it disclosed its findinge last April. . ?
Then the American people might have.
been provided a more hala-nced perspective from which to judge the actinee of
the FBI and CIA.
'TUE EAST EUROPEAN F pies f5 jt td
M the Welch fun.erat were conducting the
kiwi of operation that requires, the U. S.
tO maintain .a strong counterespionage
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structure. ?
Officials say there are so many Soviet
and Soviet' bloc agents operating here
they .are literally tripping over one an-,
other while performing their duties be-
hind a variety of facades.
The photographs were being taken for
a very special purpose?the harassment
of U. S. intelligence agents by publishing
their namee and pictures at a later date
to end their usefulness as spies. -
It is only one of scores of techniques
employed by Communist agents here to
disrupt American efforts to keep them
from stealing U. S. secrets.
Because this is a free society practic-
ing detente with a traditional enemy, our
frontier' "ave been further opened to the
eticree.* --tents of the: two Soviet -
pinnag:. organizations, the KGB and
GRU, :the civilian and military equiva-
lenti?Of our own services. .
.. ACCORDING TO-THE Church commit-
tee, the number of Soviets in this country
has, tripled: since. 1e50 and still is ine
? A: counterintelligence *specialist told
the:committee that the opening of .deep
water ports to Russian ships in 1972 gave
Soviet-, intelligence "virtually complete
' 30 June 197
Bob }Vied rich
? geographit access. to the United States.'
??? In 1974 alone; more than 200 Soviet
,ships with more. than 13,000 officers and
filen aboard called at 40 deep water
ports in the U. S. And each crew mem-
ber was a potential spy with a practi-
cally, unlimited license :to steal vital
information or to contact spies already
in residence here. -
Although the. committeereport avoids
going into specific detail, it strongly
hints at. the measures to which American
intelligence agencies must resort in at-
tempting to protect a storehouse of U. S.
It is a secret and *sophisticated war
in which the stakes are high?the na-
tional security. of this_ country.
And to achieVe this goal, the intern- are constantly striving to
penetrate the Soviet services with infil-
trators as the-best way of finding out if
their own ranks have been penetrated..
"Conducting counterespionage ? ?w ith
Penetration can be like shooting fish in
a barrel,": a veteran CIA operative told
coramittee investigators. ."Conducting
counterespionage without the act of pene-
tration is like fighting in the dark.' - ? ? .
. e? ..?
- ?
,, ,
.. reasons
THE 'UNITED STATES remains the
prime target of the Soviet intellig,entie
? services, detente notwithstanding... :
The U.S.S.R. carries out espioene.
, and covert action operations on a lei ge ?
scale against this nation, because it con- .
siders it its "mainenemy."
. And, to achieve . these objectives both
in the U.S. and abroad, Russia utilizes
not only the talents of its two spy agen-
cies ? the KGB and the GRU'?- but the
intelligence and security services of its
Iron Curtain satellites.
I?IAIN TARGETS of the Soviet assault,
on the national security of the 'United
States are federal gevernment officials,
Youth, journalist, tied trade. organiza-
tions, and the business, scientific, and
political communities. . ?
The Kremlin has upgraded Red Chine.
to almost the same status of the U.S. as
an espionage target since Soviet-Sino re-
lations soured.
However, the United States remains
the priority target of the KGB and
CRU, so Soviet spies view detente with -
mixed emotions.
For while it has afforded them greeter
opportunities to plumb the U.S. toeiaury
-of national security secrets, it has also
enhanced the American capability as a
counterintelligence threat by (:pening
doors or. both' sides of the Atlantic..
The above are, amoog cii.-t1 in ,
the final report of Ow S-nate
genre Committee' chairtnl by Sun. I.'rank
Church ED., Idaho!, which explored
Approved For Release 2001/08/08: CIA-RDP77-00432R000100390006-9'
Charges the American intelligence corn'
? raunity had exceeded its Mandate.
The committee also investigated the
:threat posed to the United States by the
, Soviet spy apparatus. It failed, however,
to give equal emphasis to the depreda-
, tions of the KGB and its sister services
: when it unleashed its criticism of the
CIA and FBI last April.
Nonetheless, ? there are shocking con-
clusions to be felled in .the chapters of
the Senate report dealing with the Soviet
intrusion here if one will take the time
to root them out.
"The espionage activities of the Soviet
Union and other Communist nations di-
rected against the United States are ex-
tensive and relentless," the committee
found. ? ? -
e And, to carry . out such operations
. against the U.S. awl other Western coun-
tries, the Kremlin maintains a clandes-
tine establishment estimated to total 10,-
000 personnel by the CIA.
In addition, it supplements-this flying
phalanx of professional spies with the
resources of its T,,:ast European stooges
and is said by the ? CIA to effectively
control Fidel Castro's Cuban intelligence
service, the DGI.
"According to the CIA, counterparts
of the liGlt and Cali in Eastern Euro-
pean countries serve in varying degrees
.as extensions of the Soviet anti-United
States intelligence collection and covert
action operations,- the Church commit-
noted. ?
It said eight of the Communist Satel-
lites ? Poland, Czechoslovakia, Ifungo-
IN the Soviet intelligence
services, the CIA and FBI ? have found
the recruitment of a so-called -agent-in-
place. as the most effective means of
gaining an. earloft within the KGB and,
GRU.. ?-? e-e ? e
'Stated simply,?*that means buying' :off
or otherwise -corrupting or ,comprprnis-
ing a highly placed and venal member .
of the oppoeitione.--- ..t ' . ?
An -operation like ? that can ? be. ex-'
? tremely fruitful, the- .committee.
because the turncoat is already trusted
within the.Sovieteservice and "his. ac-
cess to-documents . may. be unques-
"Jack E. Dunlap, who worked at and
spied; on the National Security Ageney
in the 19t30s, is a well known example
if a- Soviet agent-in-place within the
U. S. intelligence service," the commit-
tee reported. "His handler was a Soviet ?
Air Force attache at the Soviet Em-
bassy in Washington. - ;
-pz course, a single penetration can
be worth an intelligence gold mine, as
were Kim Philby for .the Soviet Union
and Col. Oleg Penkpvsky for the United
ry, Bulgaria, and East Germany ? have
Soviet intelligence advisers permanently
stationed at their headquarters and the
Russians have total access to. all the
data they develop.
"The CIA knows of operations against
U.S. citizens and installations carried
out by Eastern Europe intelligence serv-
ices under Soviet guidance," the report
declared. .
I Only the Romanians, Yugoslavians,
and Albanians maintain a- degree of in-
dependence from the Soviet intelligence
services:, ?
Using its own agents and. those of Eu-
ropean satellites is not the Kremlin's only
bag, the committee reported: ??? ? .;
The Foreign Tourists Department of
the KGB' works heed at -recruiting as
traitors. the . increasing numbers of
'American and other foreign tourists vis-
iting the U.S.S.R. "through a large in-
formant network" :Operating in hotels,
restaurants; at campsites, .eand even
service stations.? .
The GRU is no slouch either. Besides
conducting electronic eavesdropping on
the communicationS -of strategic ground
and air forces ,of the U.S. and its West
.European and Far Eastern allies, it also
listens' in on what the Red Chinese are
And covert units stationed at. Soviet
embassies and trade missions intercept
all manner of electronic communica-
tions,..inclucling. coded messages and tel-
ephone calls. ?
: Another of its duties is to train Afri-
cans, Arabs,. Asians, and Latin Amen-
- cans in the fine arti of organizing under-
ground nets and insurgent movements in
their countries.... .
? The training is carried out at camps
and bases in the Soviet Union and, ac-
cording to the report, the Central- Com-
mittee of the Communist Party Selects
the inflivichril students and political
groups to be trained in subversion and
BASED ON infoztmation compiled by
American intelligence, the corn-
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? mittee report drew a fascinating sketch
of the organizational structure of the
Russian espionage network directed at
The First Department of the First
Chief Directorate of the KGB, the civil-
ian Soviet agency, is charged with U.S.
? and Canadian operations.
? "Traditionally, the numerical designa-
tion 'First' has been assigned to the
? department that operates against the
'main enemy' of the U.S.S.R.," the com-
? mittee reported:
"The United States has been that ene-
? my since World War H; but the Peo-
ple's Republic of China has since been
? elevated almost to this status by current
attitudes if not by formal organization."
7 JUL 1976
'Friendly's .Suit
? .moscow ? The Soviet
?weekly Literary Gazette, in
its third attack in six weeks-
?? against three U.S. corres,
:pondents, said its editors
were "quite happy" that Al-
?',fred Friendly Jr. of News-
week had filed a libel suit
in the Moscow courts as a
. result of the charge? that he
worked for the CIA.
- ? "The editorial board has
at its disposal such mater-
ials... that we are certain
will provide the basis not
only for the public condem-
nation of the gentleman, but
also for criminal punish-
? ment provided under Soviet
law," it said. Friendly said it
looked like an attempt to
? delay his suit. ,
20 . JUNE 1976
TRIBUNE, Scranton
2 June 1976
Dallas Postscripts
? Some students of American history, and
various writers who researched and wrote
on the subject, never accepted the general
ac:count of the assassination of Abraham
Lincoln, that it merely was the act of a
? disgruntled actor, John Wilkes Booth.
Instead, theories were offered of
conspiracies of one kind or another,
including plots put together by Lincoln's
political rivals and even people high in his
Now, more than a decade after the
assassination of President John F.
Kennedy, it seems likely that
dissatisfaction will persist far into the
future over the shooting down of the
President in Dallas. Calls are heard for a
reopening of the investigation, for reviews
of the work of the Warren Commission and
for deep examination of the conclusions that
Lee Harvey Oswald alone conceived and
carried out the assassination. .
Pennsylvania's U.S. Sen. Richard
"Schweiker has become strongly identified in
uncertainties and misgiving about the
investigation of the assassination,
particularly- on the point of whether the
Warren Commission was given all of the
data it should have received from the
Central Intelligence Agency and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation. Now a flat
accusation is made that the CIA and FBI did
hide facts. A Senate committee that
investigated intelligence agencies said the
commission did not consider the possibility
That .Fidel Castro arranged the
assassination because the CIA didn't tell the
panel about purported U.S. plans to kill
There are, of course, previous reports
. that the late J. Edgar Hoover, FBI director,
never told the commission that the FBI
destroyed a threatening note Oswald sent to
Dallas agents before the assassination and.
did not disclose 17 agents were disciplined
for failing to recognize Oswald as a security
threat. All this has led the Senate committee
to note "the possibility exists" of a
deliberate cover-up 'by senior officials of
both the CIA and FBI.
Since the Warren Commission report
was issued, there have been careful
considerations of it and tests of many of its
points, most of which have been resolved by
the reviewers in favor of the commission.
Even the Senate committee now accusing
the CIA and FBI of not being fully candid
says it has no evidence to overturn .the.
finding of the conclusion that Oswald alone
killed. President Kennedy. It seems
reasonable, however, that many will agree
with Senator Schweiker that "there is no
reason to have faith" in the Warren
Commission's "picture of the Kennedy
assassination.'" On that score there always
has been doubt and it very well will linger.
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& 10 July 1976
Un likely Assassin
Once again the "Cuban Connection" has been raised to
explain the assassination of President John Kennedy.
But this time it carries the imprimatur of the United
States Senate. Senator Richard Schweiker released last
-week the report of the CIA subcommittee that
investigated the Lillie of President -Kennedy. The
report is 106 pages long and deals with many of the
current theories held by assassination buffs. I cannot
deal with all of these, but want to shed some light on
one rased by Schweiker.
Although the report comes to no clear conclusion, it
does cite testimony, memos andmaterial that raise the
possibility that Castro might have ordered Kennedy's
death in retaliation for CIA attempts on his life.
I do not want to defend or criticize the Schweiker
report nor the various theories. I do want to put forth
what Fidel Castro said about these theories. To my
knowledge, in the fast two years Castro has spoken five
times about the assassination of President Kennedy?
in July and September 1974, again in May and August
1975, and recently in April of this year when he
proclaimed in a public speech in Havana that he had
nething to do with the killing of President Kennedy.
But his personal and private conversations during
the 1974 and 1975 meetings are far more interesting
and comprehenive, and reveal in greater detail his own
thoughts and feelings: not only in the words
but in the style and mood- of the conversations.
In July 1974 Frank Mankiewicz and I spent four days
with Castro, including 13 hours of formal interviewing
in Castro's office, making a television documentary for
CBS. During this interview and in private conver-
sations, we talked with Castro about Kennedy and the
:assassination. We asked Castro point-blank whether
John Kennedy was killed in retaliation for an 'attempt
on his own life. Castro paused, reflected, puffed on his
cigar and gave a clear and detailed answer?in part as
follows: "I have not read this in any serious American
publication . there are so many imponderables
behind President Kennedy's assassination that it would
be a good thing if this were known someday. I .have
heard that there are certain deruments that will not be
published until after 100 years and I ask myself why.
What secrets snrround the Kennedy assassination that
these papers cannot be published? . . We have never
believed in carrying out this type of activity of
assassination of adversaries .... and our own
background proves it . .. we fought a war. . . we were
not trying to kill Batista. It would have been easier to
kill Batista than to have .fought the Moncada. Why?
Because we do. not believe that the system is abolished
by liquidating leaders, and it was the system that we
opposed . it went against our political ideas to
organize any type of personal attack against Kennedy
.. we understood what the implications were, and we
were concerned about the possibility that an attempt
would be made to blame Cuba for what had happened,
but this was not what concerned us most. In reality, we
were disgusted, because, all hone!) we were in conflict
with Kennedy politically, w h.,d nothing against him
personally, and there was 110 reason to wish him
personal harm."
In addition, Castro made a not her private point?one
he repeated to Senator James Abourezk in August
Approved For Release 2001/08/08:
1975. "Wewould have been foolish tobarm Kennedy,".
Castro said, "because Kennedy was thinking of
changing his policy. toward . Cuba. Kennedy's
negotiators werein Cuba at the time Of the assassina-
Castro was referring to a November 1903 visit by
French journalist Jean Daniel who, before he traveled.
to Cuba, was personally asked by ['resident Kennedy to
transmit messages to Castro. Castro described the.
.meeting to me: 'As I was listeningtoei;erything Daniel
was telling me about his conversation with Kennedy,
the news broke over the radio that an attempt had been
carried out against Kennedy's life. In reality, I tell you
personally, and I _think 1 speak for ? all my 'fellow
revolutionariese4We'Ml.felt a reaction of pain, of great
displeasure . . it was really such a shame, such a tragic
ending to Kennedy's life."
As indicated in his discussions of July 1974, Castro
has-been sensitive to the fact that some people might
want to make .a connection between the Kennedy
assassination and Cuba as a? result of activity in the
"Fair Play for Cuba Committee" and Oswald's applica-
tion for a visa to Cuba. As. Senator McGovern
remembers the conversation, Castro "expressed dis-
may over a possible association and wasfrightened at ?
the prospect of circumstantial evidence." In - that ?
conversation Castro said, "My God, if that [the Nisa
application] had gone through, it would have looked
terrible." In his conversation with me, Castro went into
further detail: "It is very interesting that this man?
Oswald?who was 'involved in the ? assassination,
'traveled to Mexico a few months prior to the.
assassination and applied for a permit at the. Cuban
Embassy to travel to Cuba, and he Was not given the
permit. We had no idea who he was. But I asked myself
why would a man who committed :such art act try to
. come here. Sometime:, we ask ourselves if someone did
not wish to involve Cub i in this, because Pm under the
impression that Kennedy's assassination was organized
by reactionaries in the United States, and that it was all
a result of conspiracy.
"What I can say is that he asked permission to travel
to Cuba. Now, imagine that by coincidence he had been
granted this permit, tht he had visited Cuba for a few
days, then returned to the United States and killed
Kennedy. That would have been material for provoca-
tion . In a later conversation with Saul Landau.,
Castro added, "Luckily the bureaucratic process
prevailed and our consular officer routinely denied
Oswald's visa. We had never heard of him."
A look at the historical context seems to indicate that
what Castro said has the ring of truth. Why would
Castro kill Kennedy at the very moment that Kennedy.
had clearly indicated to personal messengers in Cuba on
? November 22 that the US wanted to start a new
dialogue? At no time under Castro's rule has Cuba been
accused of assassinating or plotting to assassinate its
adversaries. 'During the fighting in the mountains
there was never a reported Castro attempt on Batista's
life. And lastly, why tvcmid a small country like Cuba.
attempt the assassination of the President of 0-is-1.Jnited
States, when discovery and proof of that act would
have meant certain and clear ? action and
probably destruction of Cdstro't; Cittb,t?
..;Ktrby Pries is a free-lance writer in Washiinoon.
? Approved For Release 2001/08/08? CIA-RDP77-00432R000100390006-9
Thursday, July 8,1976 A25
agazine --
Staff Split:
By Cynthia Kadonaga.
s ?
Washington Post Mat t Writer.
Political and Personal bick-
ering has split the staff of,
Counter-Spy, a magazine the
Central Intelligence Agency
partially blamed for the mar- .
der of an Athens agency of-
ficial last December.
Although the magazine's.
office is closed and four, of:
Its seven staff members have.
resigned, those who remain.
said the magazine will con-'
tinue to be published by a
new staff: ?
The magazine gained na-
tional attention after former
CIA Director William E. Col-
by said it Contributed to the
assassination of Athens sta-
tion chief Richard S. Welch.
Counter-Spy had listed.
Welch as a CIA official in
its winter issue, and the in-
formation later was pub-
lished in an English-language
Athens newspaper.
Those who reject Colby's
accusation point out that
Welch lived in an Athens
house traditionally reserved
for the top CIA official. He
was not operating under
? cover. ?
. According to Harvey Kahn,
? a former Counter-Spy staff
member, the split resulted
partly from differences over
how the staff should be or-
"Some people, like me, be-
lieved that a collective was
still viable," he said in ? a
phone conversation. "But
other people wanted to aban-
don the collective process
and go into a more tradi-
tional, less democratic orga-
? nization. Instead of going
? through a power struggle, we
decided to quit." - .?
Both current and former
members said that personal-
ity clashes also contributed
to the split. One member re-
portedly accused other .
members of being police '
agents, anticommunists, sex-
ists and liberals.
s Some former ? members
gave other reasons for leav-
ing, but Julie Brooks, who
has not resigned, said in an
Interview that political and
personal disagreements had
? been 1Prevalent" before the
? Ellen Ray, a current mem-
ber, said in a phone conver-
sation that she is "positive
about the reorganization."
' Kahn said that although
he hoped, the magazine
would continue, he thought
the new, staff probably
25 JUNE 1916
Charles Bartlett
The Schweiker disclosures
The fresh disclosures on
President Kennedy's assas-
sination by Sen. Richard
Schweiker, R-Pa., raise
? intriguing questions but
they do not, as he suggests,
vitiate the findings of .the
Warren Commission.
Schweiker's claim that
his probings leave the na-
tion with no further cause to
have faith in the Warren.
Commission is an exaggera-
tion. The senator has, it is
true, found a gap in the
commission's inquiry and
he has somewhat laborious-
ly woven a tapestry of as-
sorted facts that point to
. Fidel Castro as the man be-
hind Lee Harvey Oswald.
,..Kennedy assassination
buffs-will be stimulated to
new frenzies by Schweik-e
er's discovery that the com-
mission did not prod the
CIA or the FBI into exten-
sive inquiries on the Cuban
angle. There was more con-
cern with Oswald's links to
Russia than with his friend-
liness toward Castro. One
member, former Sen. John
Sherman Cooper, is quoted
as saying that he doesn't re-
call any deep discussions of
the Castro angle.
It is clearer now than it
was then, even to members
of the commission, that Cas-
tro had some cause to con--
? sider retaliatory measures
against the American Presi-
dent. Richard Helms, then
CIA director of operations,
could have made the situa-
tion clearer by informing
the commission that the,
agency had take." serious
; ?
would have the same per-
sonality clashes .and disa-
greements over organization
as the old staff.
Counter-Spy is funded
' partly by Fifth Estate, a
group of writers, former
; CIA agents and former Viet-
nam war protesters. Author
Norman Mailer founded
Fifth estate, a *tax-exempt
-organization, in 1973; and
has provided souse o.f its
steps, with presidential
backing, to bump off Cas-
tro. But as Helms testified
later, no one asked him
about it and the agency had
'lots of license in those days
to keep its secrets, to itself..
? But. President Kennedy
had not hidden his anxiety
to see Castro out of the way.
In his Miami speech four
days before his death, he
talked of Castro's -small
band of conspirators as the
only obstacle to good
Cuban-American relations.
"Once this barrier is re-
Moved," he declared, "we
will be ready and anxious to
work with the Cuban peo-
ple." These words could
have-prompted the commis-
sion to consider Castro's
- However, Schweiker
seems to be stretching his
case when he links the
assassination to the CIA ne-
gotiations with AMLASII, a
high Cuban official who was
entreating U.S. support for
a coup d'etat. Agency offi-
cials refused to give AM-
LASH the weapons he want-
ed or to have any part of his
assassination plans until al-
most ? the same hour the
President was shot. This
sad irony makes it hard to
believe that Dallas was a
retaliation for the AMLASH
Similarly, Schweiker's
case gains interest but little
added weight from his
fascinating description of J.
Edgar. Hoover's dog-in-the-
manger dealings with the
Warren Commission. Hoov-
26 June 1976
er's inclination to put the
FBI's reputation ahead of
its (lurk to work closely with
the commission does not
seem as surprising now as
it might have in 1964. The
country has learned a lot
about the kinds of gimes
Hoover played.
But the FBI and CIA
spared no efforts to estab-
lish the range of Oswald'
contacts, and nothing in the
Schweiker findings ties him
any closer to Cuban intelli-
gence. He brawled on the
street and talked on the
radio in behalf of Castro in
New Orleans. He did not
hide from his wife his frus-
trated attempt to reach
Havana.' This is not the
behavior pattern of ,a man
tapped bra secret mission.
Schweiker has turned up
some question marks. It
would be interesting to
learn more about the two
men who slipped into Mexi-
co and flew to Cuba soon
?after the assassination.
? Perhaps More scrutiny
should be given to Castro's
unusual interview with an
American reporter three
months before the assassi-
nation. He warned then that
American leaders would be
in danger if they assisted
any attempt to do away
with Cuban leaders. ?
But the grim episode
should not be stirred into
? another formal investiga-
tion unless there is new
information which flatly re-.
futes the conclusions by the
Warren Commission. The
Schweiker disclosures do
not justify another ingeiry.
A Lawsuit in Moscow
? An :American newsmagazine correspondent has
taken on a Soviet newsmagazine which called him a
CIA agent. In a gutsy move believed to be the first of
its kind, Alfred Friendly Jr. of Newsweek filed suit in
Moscow demanding that the Soviet weekly Literatur-
, nya Gazeta retract the charge. A doubtless surprised
judge accepted the complaint and set a hearing date
for next Friday. "I can't let a smear like that stand,-
Friendly explained to a correspondent for The New
? York Times, which also had one of its men in Moscow-
identified as a CIA spook. An Associated Press corre-
? spondent also made the Gazeta's list, and all of them
? vigorously denied any CIA association. The thinking
among Kremlinolog,ists is that the attack by the offi-
cial Soviet magazine was either: A) retaliation for re-
cent charges in the American press that some Russian
? journalists here are KGB agents, or B) a warning to
Sovictseitizens to keep shy of American correspond-
? ents.
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?25 June 1976
he - Cuban Connectioni
. The report of the Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence Activities
on the assassination of President John
F. Kennedy lends official substance to
. suspicions that are widespread.
? The 106-page report says that the
Central Intelligence. Agency and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation with-
held information material to the War-
ren Commission's investigation of the
killing of President Kennedy in Dallas
in 19'63. Both the CIA and, then FBI
gave a greater priority to bureaucratic
face-saving than to the pursuit of the
Both the CIA and the FBI were con-
cerned with keeping the Warren Com-
mission's investigation focused
narrowly on Lee Harvey Oswald (who
was killed by Jack Ruby in the Dallas
jail, a murder millions saw on televi-
Sian) and closing the case quickly.
Just four days after the assassina-
tion, Attorney General Nicholas Katz-
enbach sent a memo to the White
House saying:
"The public must be satisfied that
Osviald was the assassin; that he did
not have confederates who are still at
large; and that the evidence was such
that he would have been convicted at
Furthermore, the Attorney General
said that speculation about the mo-
tives of Oswald "ought to be cut off,
? a -
27 June 1976.
? and we should have some basis for re- .
butting thought that this was a Com-
munist conspiracy or (as the Iron
Curtain press is saying) a right-wing?
conspiracy to blame it on the Commu-
Specifically3 the report says that CIA -
Director Allen W. Dulles never told
? the Warren Commission of the CIA's
involvement in assassination plots
against Cuba's Fidel Castro. It details
extensively the CIA's scheming to as-
sassinate the Cuban Premier and notes
the fears, ignored at higher levels in
Washington, "that Castro would retal-
iate in some way."
Also the report says that Director J.
Edgar Hoover was fearful that the FBI
might be criticized for failing to inves-
tigate Lee Harvey Oswald thoroughly.
Mr. Hoover viewed the Warren Com-
mission as an adversary body, the re-
port says, and concealed from its .
members the disciplinary action he.
took against 17 FBI personnel in the
investigation's mishandling. ? (Some
were not disciplined until the Warren
Commission's work was completed in
In sum, the Warren Commission's
finding that Lee Harvey Oswald acted
alone in killing President Kennedy
was reached upon the basis nfincom-
plete information and facts pertinent
to the probe were kept secret. Second-.
A;diew JFK. probe is jusli'fi
Sp;eaking- at a news conference on.
the release of the fifth and final re-
port of the Senate Select Committee
on Intelligence Activities, Sen. Rich-
ard _S_ Schweiker of Pennsylvania ac-
cused the CIA and the FBI of a "cov-
er-up" and declared that "there is no
longer -any reasbn to have faith" in
the Warren Commission's picture of
the aS8assination of President John
F. Kennedy.
We -think Sen. Schweiker overstates
the case.
The Warren Commission, it will be
recall "cl, had concluded that Lee Har-
vey.0swald, acting alone, had killed
President Kennedy. The Senate Select
Committee rep6rt, in which Sen.
Schweiker played an important role,
concludes that there is no evidence
"sufficient to justify a conclusion that a conspiracy to assassinate
President Kennedy."
ThiSh is not to say, though, that
there is nothing to justify a new in-
vestigation of the tragedy, called for
by Sea. ?Schweiker. For there is evi-
_ ?
guessing the Warren Report has be-
come a national pastime virtually.
The Senate committee stops short of
suggesting that Oswald was part of a
plot. The existing evidence is not
"sufficient to justify a conclusion that
there was a conspiracy to assassinate
President Kennedy," the report says.
Nevertheless, it notes that important
leads were not pursued at the time
and it hints strongly that there was a
Cuban connection that might be cor-
roborated by a new probe.
It may not be possible to establish
the truth at this time.,But the Warren
Commission's findings are disbelieved
widely and may be completely discred-
ited by the Senate Select Committee's
report. After he left the White House
President Lyndon Johnson said that
he thought President Kennedy was the
victim of a Cuban plot. Senator Rich-
ard Schweiker, the Pennsylvania Re-
publican who has been demanding
that the investigation be reopened,
says that there are "important new
leads" to be pursued, some still secret.
Senators Frank Church (D.-Idaho), the
chairman of the Select Committee.
and Gary Hart (D-Colo.), who pre-
pared the report with Senator Schwei-
ker, wants a new probe too. Nothing
less will be acceptable to a cynicak,
dence, as the Senate intelligence
panel reports, that the CIA and the
FBI not only failed to investigate
thoroughly but did in fact cover up
crucial information from the investi-
gation and the Warren Commission.
The CIA, it is now known, was at
the time of -the assassination and in
the months before actively working
on plans to do away with Cuban -Pre-
mier Fidel Castro, and Castro knew
quite a bit about what the CIA was up
to. Yet the late Allen W. Dulles, CIA
director, though himself a member of
the Wan-en Commission, did not in-
form his fellow members -of the CIA
plots. And, as the committee report
declares, -senior CIA .officials "di-
rected their subordinates to conduct
an investigation without- telling them
of these vital facts::
As for the FBI, the late Director J.
Edgar .Hoover within:31d vital informa-
tion, including the fact that Oswald
had sent a threatening note to the
FBI's Dallas office?and that some-
one in that office destroyed the note
two hours after Kennedy was killed.
A-s the put it, "The
F131 conducted its investintion in an.
atmosphere of concern that it would
be criticized and its reputation tarn-
ished." ?
We doubt that a new investigation ?.
.would change the central findings .of
the Warren Commission. We doubt
that any investigation will satisfy the
assassination buffs who are con-
Vinced that the lack of evidence is it-
self evidence of a conspiracy.
A new investigation might, how- I
ever, satisfy- reasonable citizens that
all that can be done is being done to
tie in the loose ends and fix the ec-
sponsibility for the failure of IL S. in-
vestigating agencies to follow through
on the most -niportant job they over;
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1.5 JUN 1976
William S. Cohen
Approved For Release 2001/08/08: CIA-RDP77-00432R000100390006-9
BULLETIN, Providence
11 June 1976
? This is not a happy hour in Washing-
ton. The hot breath of scandal bangs
like summer smog over Congress.
? Charges of one member's private profit
from his public office and another's
personal gratification at public expense
have electrified the House Ethics Com-
mittee into life, and this is as it should
be; congressional abuse of power and
public funds is a serious matter that
cannot be permitted to go unchecked.
But an additional tragedy of the cur-
rent controversy is that the balance of
this session is likely to be spent attack:
? lug or defending congressional honor
The writer is a Republican repri;
sent ative from Maine. ? -
? .
while our larger accomplishments are
obscured and our major tasks go unfin-
ished. Nowhere is this more apparent
than in the matter of congressional Ov-
ersight of our hydra-headed intelli.
gence community.
One accomplishment which should
not go unnoticed was the Senate's over-
whelming Vote to establish a strong.
new oversight committee; this was no
? small accomplishment because it came.
over .the strong opposition of commit.;
tee chairmen who supposedly had been
scrutinizing the intelligence agencies
over the years. The Senate leadership
fashioned a compromise that gained:
the grudging support of a good many.
. conservatives as well as most Senate'
moderates and liberals: It is by . no:
i means perfect in its structure or. corn-
? position. Nonetheless, the new Senate.
committee is not designed to be a paper
tiger, toothless and eager to purr con-
tentedly in the cozy executive lap.
? . The committee has exclusive' jurii-
-diction over the CIA, formerly the sole
preserve of the Armed. Services Com-
mittee. It will share authority: with.
Armed Services over the huge defense
intelligence establishment, including,
? DIA and the National Security Agency..
Similarly it will be able to scrutinize
? the intelligence activities of the FBIesa,
major source of past abuses. It will, in
addition, share jurisdiction over, the'
State Department's small hut important"
Bureau of Intelligence and Research
with the Senate Foreign Relations Coro-.
But the new Committee's most pow,
,erful tool will lie not simply in its
power to look over the agencies' shwa-
ders, but rather in its power of thee
purse. The new zomin'atee has the
power to authorize apprcpeiatiore of-
funds foe the intelligence agen.eies, a.
'powerthat it shares with other corrinit-...
tees for all but the CIA. Tho ,cower to
atzthortzo &orrice veith It the rower and
? 'the obligation to know the ageneles`'
as the CIA
done its job?
'Yet another report on the Central intelli-
gence Agency has issued forth from the
staff of the Senate Intelligence Committee,
and in some respects this one goes more to
the heart of the whole matter than any of
its predecessors. ? ?
: This study, a history of the CIA and its
deals not with dramatic wrong-
doing or secret weapons but with the basic
question: how well has the agency done its
principal job? If this job is to provide
presidents with top-notch data on what is
happening around the . world, the agency.
(says this account) has fallen short. -?
Because of the anti-Communist climate
that prevailed when the CIA was formed,
the study says, the agency focused much of.
its effort on combating Soviet influence.
This led naturally to a concentration on
Covert operations, says the report; intelli- -
gence gathering and analysis were given
less attention than they deserved. . ? -
Moreover, the agency has tended to
devote much time to preparing a daily
intelligence summary while its much more.
important long-term assessments (known as.
national intelligence estimates) often have
gone- unread by presidents. Top-ranking
policymakers, in short, too often have not
paid .close scrutiny to the intelligence data'
that has been offered. ? .
purposes and pursuits. The Senate 'Ma':
achieved a responsible balance bee.
tween the need for intelligence activity.
.and the need for congressional oyes-
. ?
Sight and restraint. .
But while the "other body' his:
proved itself capable of action, we in
Reuse are in woeful disarray. Our
attempts at investigating the intelli-
gence agencies have been marred by.
'Wholesale leaks and internecine squab- -
bles. This unhappy fact was all too of-
ten noted by our Senate colleagues
when the posiibiLity of a joint House-
Senate intelligence committee was un-
der consideration. The fact thut the
Senate decided so decisively to go it
alone is, regrettably, largely of our own
What the Senate has producedls
greet merit, but it is too little by half..
The mechanics of the legislative end
budgPtary pmeee,s cee; for a pa,filtiel:
committee in the House of Eepresenta:
thres. With re3ponsibili1y for the intel
Ilgence community pessine, through
the prism of several coney:laves in Vile-
iloune, no singZe eerar.iiitee can meRe a-
lUdgereentonZhe- bL.,f.:;.::;:d
eingto entity.eep>;!.11(.;i:),L.; 12:13 can-.
11.1111ei:f,i;,:_?-5k7_71cv:, 011! t.r.).
ba re vieve4r; by n eeree7e..i
miMee in the Si:71,7:V% Tzrec.tea
For all its. dry, social-science phraseology,
this most recent appraisal of the CIA' may
be the most alarming. For its message is
that the intelligence function has been
distorted by bureaucratic infighting and that
even when the CIA does its own job well,
men at the top are not inclined to pay dose
attention. "Senior policymakers Must ac-
tively utilize the intelligence capabilities at
their disposal," says the study: the Director
of Central Intelligence "must be constantly
informed, must press for access, must
vigorously sell his product and must antici-
pate future demands."
- This is a sound formula as far as it goes;
but it provides no remedy for the situation
in which a President simply ignores what
the CIA tries to tell him. As Former CIA
Director William E. Colby recently ob-
served, somewhat ruefully, you can provide
the. President with plenty of data, "but you
can't rub his nose in it."
Despite the spotlight on the agency's
'doings in the past 18 months, little has been
done toward a major redirection_ The
Senate now has a so-called "oversight"
committee, but the House refused even this
small step.
All the new laws, all the internal
housecleaning, all the congressional "over.-
Sight" ? none of this by itself will restore
the CIA to effective performance of its
major mission. The agency needs to keep its
policy analysis function at the forefront of
its concern, and its director needs to make
every effort to see that CIA's long-term
estimates get the President's attention.
will, In resolving legislative differences
? with the House, go to conference with ?
seveaal different House cominnteesn
Never has the need for a .new .House
committee on intelligence been more
obvious. Yet fl intelligence-oversight
bills have been introduced in the House
and none has reached the.floon. - -
The time for us to act in the House of
Representatives is now. We should es-
tablish a committee of the House that
vioulti have similar respeasibilities and-
powers to the one recently set on by
the Senate. Most importantly, it should
be mandated to wort an* with the
Senate in- the delicate area of :its re-
sponsities. Perhapa .it fs not vain to
hope that as memories of the fease
etarts and leaks of the past year;iti..
to fade and the new House coinie-iii:..tee
pi:TA/es ie. con work responsibly in the
atiaVioelel interest, tha ultimate goal can
aclieved: a joint congressional cola--
- mitteo on intelligence patterned along.
the line, of the Joint,747,nergy Commit-
tee whicie 1.33 worked so well.
lIeeriveiile, if vie cae-. 'Acep our eyes
on tho;i:erieVil Cf refeete, pesters whet
c70 c:r9e?ny tr.:5)0751
of dust te.,:.`..017.-1:eeeer."-eee of
an: rt?Lt:.;;%: irae own
c'0,11:Z.--.7:, :Or t4t?, eCiMUISC gC,S,d. ?
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PrOVedRir'Release 2001/08T08 : CIAADP77-00432R00010039000679
TIMES, Chattanooga
26 June 1976
The truest -statement in the Senate In-
telligence Committee's final report on the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
is contained inits. concluding paragraph.
Its work, the committee acknowledged,
"undoubtedly . will stir controversy . . .
Conspiracy theories. and theorists abound
and the public remains unsatisfied..
Regrettably, this report will not put the.
matter to rest.
Not since- the shots were fired on that
sunny November afternoon in Dallas, end-
ing the life of the young ? President, and
not even after high level Warren Com-
mission report ? was issued months later*
after an exhaustive investigation, has
.there- been consensual agreement in this
country on the events leading up to and in-
cluding the tragic occurrence.
The Warren Commission came to the
conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald, ? a
misfit with a background of Communist
and Cuban anti-American associations,
acted alone in the assassination.
The Senate committee does not refute
that finding. Instead, it emphasizes "it
has not uncovered any evidence sufficient
tO:justify a -conclusion there was a con-
spiracy. . ." ,
Yet it compiled instance after instance
-Jr failures within the CentlIatilatalligence
Agency and the Federal -13-tiFeau of In-
veatigatian to follow up on obvious leads
involving Oswald during their own probes -
of the crime, and to inform the Watren
Commission of the existence of such in-
7 JUL 1976
MOSCOW, July 6 (Reuters)?
The editors of a Soviet weekly
newspper said today that they
were 'quite happy" that an
American correspondent here
had filed a libel suit over its
allegation that he worked for
the Central Intelligence Agemcy.
For the third time in six
weeks, the weeky Literatumaya
Gazeta ? attacked thelournalist,
Alfred Friendly of NewSweek
magazine, and two Of his col-
leagues, Christopher Wren of
The New York Times and
George Krinsky of The Ass6-
dated Press.,
The latest article, made avail-
able in advance of publication
tomorrow, renamed directly to
Mr. Friendly's action.
? "We are quite. happy with
this abrupt step because the
about the work of the News-
week correspondent which, we
are certain, will provide a basis
-not Only for the public cott-i
demnation of that gentlernan,1
ibut also for the criminal pun-1
ishment envisaged by Soviet'
I i
,low, ' t said.
formation as they possessed- about the. as-
sumed killer who himself was shot to death
two days later..
This leads to the damning- conclusion, .
based on evidence gathered by the commit-
tee, that the process by .which the intelli-
gence agencies arrived at the reports they .
gave the Warren 'Commission was :im-'
?peached by their own actions or inactions.
Their inquiries were "deficient and?
facts which might have substantially affect-
ed the course of the investigation were not
provided" the commission, the committee.
report said. ? . ?
? 'Concern with Public reputation, prob- ?
lems of coordination between agencies, -
possible bureaucratic failure acid embar-
rassment, and the extreme. cornpartmen- .
tation of knowledge of sensitive operations
may have ? contributed to these shortcom-
ings," it found. . ?
What seems most probable at this point
is that neither the committee's report nor
any other that may follow is likely to pin
down without the shadow of a doubt every
detail that lay behind the Kennedy as-
sassination: The good, if any, in this con- -
firmed. raking . over old coals - will be
.changes in programs and methods ? for
the better, we hope ? of the nation's in-
telligence agencies. ?Since this can be ac-
complished on the basis of what already is
known and what already has begun, we .
believe the time has come to cease-lacerat-
ing old wounds and revitalizing old
July 1976'
spootova;ch: David Phillips, a
clandestine operative for the
CIA for almost 25 years, chief-
intatio America; is finishing
the most tinging rebuttal yet to
agency critics: His book, The
Night Watchman. is on Athc-
- ncum's full list, and editor
Chuck Corn says. "It's tough.
and Dave comes down hard on
Phillip Agee and the like."
Agee worked under Phillips,
and A gee's CIA Diary, pub-
fished in 1975.-accused the
agency of broad misconduct in
Latin nations. Phillips left the.
agency last year to form the
AssOciatioo or Retired Intelli-
gence. Ott icers. intended as zr
counierforec to CIA critics. He
lives in soburb-an Potomac.
. 8 jUL. 197S ?
N.Y. Bar Seeking
Intelligence Probe '?,
NEW YORK. July (UPI)---:
The Civil Rights Committee
of the Association of the.
Bar of the City of New York -
today released a report urg-
ing appointment of a tempo- -
rary special prosecutor to
investigate possible, crimes
'committed .by employees of
federal intelligence agen-
cies. .
At a. news- conference at: ?
the bar's headquarters,.
George M. Rosen, chairman
of the committee, Said there
was evidence that, over a
long period of time, senior
officials in the CIA and .FEI
were involved in activities
which violated statutory law
and the constitutional rights
of American citizens.-
Among these, he said,
were the use of wiretaps
and infiltration of such
g,anizations of the 'Southern
Christian Leadership Con.
101-C Tic C.
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8 JUL 1S7O
George F. Will
Terrorists, Bullies and Seniespect
Israel has given the western world mirth, it ishinlikely that he was joshing
remedial instruction in how to deal , when be said, plaintively, of the Israeli
with bullies. The Canadian govern-
rescue attack on his airport "I did all I
ment, as though to the manner born,-
could to help Israel, and Israel replied
? has been acting the bully. ? by doing me harm."
Israel responded with lethal boldness ? Actually Amin may have pioneeered
to the kidnapping of Jews by Pal-
, a new dimension in lawlessness by cast-
ing Uganda, a sovereign state, in the
role of collaborator in, and perhaps in-
stigator of, an act of international ter-
rorism. According to the freed hos-
tages, Amin embraced the leader of the
hijacking gang; some terrorists were
waiting to join the hijackers in Uganda;
Amin's soldiers helped the terrorists
guard the hostages, and even gave the
terrorists weapons. '
United Nations Secretary General.
Kurt Waldheim has. weighed in with
the Olympics, has suddenly decided
that Taiwan's athletes will not be al- one of his predictably "even-banded"
lowed to compete under the name "Re- -
estinian terrorists. By killing the terror-j:
? 1sts in the sanctuary provided by Ugan-.:
da'S.President Idl Amin, larael demon-s;..
. strated that there are no safe havens,'
for terrorists. ? . . ,
Communist China, a good customer
for Canadian wheat, did not want Can-
ada even to admit athletes from- Tai-
wan. The government of Prime Minis-
ter Trudeau has met Peking halfway.
Canada, which is the "host country" for:'
homilies deploring terrorism and those
public of China," and will not be al- " who resist it. He criticizes Israel for ,vio-
? lowed to fly their national flag or play lating Uganda's sovereignity. It is, per.
their national anthem. When Canada haps, too much to hope that Amin will
sion of the 1976 olinOwlydgmeolpesblecsyfo, r ssoCplanada thing that hastens the decomposition of
yompesi -c ttahkeeu. t.bNe ma. iswtteelr
cot the U.N
d the
eBsuat nymaeis-
? pwrasornvyisinedg that It11;?svs
rules,which forbid. such political dis- ? true of the Olyrapics. The Olympics are
crimination. Canada was asked, and to sport what the U.N. is to govern.
gave specific assurances about 4 accept-
ing the Republic of China, the name
recognized by the International Olym-
' pie Committee. -
Uganda's Amin having taken no trou-
ble to conceal the fact (indeed, having
meat a parody and, increasingly, a
plaything of the world's lopsided ma-
jority of dictatorships.
The Canadian government, having
shown it mettle by dealing sternly with
Taiwan's 51 athletes, offered as an "ex-:
- been clever to the point of precocity at planation" the fact that Canada recog- '
advertising the fact), it is no secret that nizes Communist China. Such comport-
he is not a statesman of advanced de- ment. Is becoming Trudeau's trade-.
. sign. And it is unlikely that he has a ca- , mark. He chose to visit Cuba during Cy-
pacity for mordant satire. So although ' ba's expedition to Angola, and naissed
, he is a large man with a large sense of no chance to abase himself before Cas-
8 JUL 1976
Israeli Raid
. _
Stirs Dispute
On Hijacking
-By Murrey Marder :
Wa.shington Pest Staff Writer
? A major dispute veer
-. world law's impOtente in
coping with hijacking is de.:
veloping over the Israeli
commando- raid . into
Uganda. Ford admintstra-
? Ilan officials said Yesterday.
The United States is, in a--
? dilemma over exactly what
legal tack it. will take in the
upcoming ? U.N. ? Security ?
_Council debate, ;American
'officials acknowledged..
? President ?-Fotat's-..decision'
'Sunday to' Send -4 quick, Rife,
Sage of congratulations to Ise.
raeli Prune ..Minister . Yite
?71-41e Rabin.forAbeespeetoettie
ler -rescue of hostages held
in Uganda is arousing sec-
ond thoughts among some
.administration officials be-
eause of its. international le-
gal and political irnplica-
tionc, it was learned.
? This does net mean that
.American officials are any
less delighted in retrospect
by the success of the dra-
matic Israeli rescue.
But in several depart-
meats of, government, offi-
cials admit they are debet-
lag whether the United
States' official, public 'action
may rebound against it -la-
the long run, especially in
The State Department
overwhelmingly does not
share these second thoughts,
one administration source
said yeeterday. The Presi-
dent's meesage was ? sent
with a recommendation by
Secretary of State Henry A.
Kissinger, And wan. report-
tro, praising the dictator for his "In-
tense rapport with the Cuban people." ?
The International Olympic -Commit-
tee has protested Canada's decision;
But it hastened to add that, although it
deplores the injection of politics into
the Olympics, it will not? contemplate
withdrawing its sanction df the Mon-
treal games. That would be a jerk on-
the leash that Canada would under-
stand.. , ?
In response to Canada's decision, the
U.S. Olympic Committee made simper-
ing sounds, threatening to withdraw
'-from the games if the IOC withdrew its
sanction of the games. But the IOC said
- that it has never "even suggested psi-
, tely it would take such action."
? In 1980 the "host country" will be the
Soviet Union, which undoubtedly will
'edit the list of competitors. Will it ban
Israel? Will it invite the Palestine Lib-
eration Organization to send a team?
? Will this draw more than unhappy
words from the U.S.? Such words were
the only U.S. response when the IOC, at
,Moscow's behest, banned Radio Free
Europe from covering the winter
Olympics in February.
Speaking to his nation about the Na-
/is, Churchill growled: "What kind of
people do they think we are?" It is easy
to imagine what kind of people the Fe
king government thinks the Ottawa.
politicians are.
r Israelis may be the only people in the.
West who still understand that it is dan-
? gerous to be hated but doubly danger-.
ous to be despised. If Israel's policy of
prickly self-respect is contagious, peo-
ple who say that the West will preserve
Israel may have things backward_
edly written in the State De-
Inside the State Depart,
tient, however, as in other
agencies, legal experts are.
now researching? the law to
determine just bow the
United States will proceed
.in the upcoming Security
Council debate new post-
pored to Friday, a spokes-.
? U.S. officials - have two?
kinds of questions to decide,
. they acknowledge. One is
whether a precedent has
been -set for lime cf major
. force to counter an aerial hi- ?
leek-frig or other act of ter-
rorism. Another narrower .
question for the United
. States is. wjlethei' its law
was violated by Israel's use
..of American-built military.
C-130 aircreft far the.reseue
Te n le el ly; the lett c.r
question it, somewhat
ma to. the cliepute over ?
-whether Turkey violated
U.S. law by using American
. weapons for its invasion of
Cyprus in 1974. That contro-
versy brought a congres-
sional cutoff of 115. arms to
Turkey, a dispute still not
? fully untangled.
There is .virtually rio like.,
Ilhood of a repetition of that
reprisal action in the ease of
Israel, in any event. The Is-
raeli raid has been bailed -by
most Americans, including
the presidential candidates.
The larger question of in- ?
ternational action against.
hijacking or terrorism, hew-
ever, now looms with
greater passion than ever.
In the process, the United
States' own related uni!et-- ?
era! actions are bound to he
recalled. The.v include tila
alnyagticz incident of .7clay,
1975, when he..? Unic.?.d.
States seat its planes, trenps.
and eleal to recover a shie'e
crew oeiz.ed. by Cambodie.,
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and the November, 1970, un-
successful U.S. commando
raid -at Sontay, in North Vi-
etnam, which failed in an at-
tempt to rescue American
prisoners of the Vietnam
In explaining the U.S:
view on Israel's latest ac-
tion, Kissinger said in Chi-
cago on Tuesday, and a
spokesman yesterday re-
peated that:
"Clearly, the [Israeli] at
tack on an airport [Entebbe
Airport, in Uganda] is an
unprecedented act. But,
equally, the hijacking of air-
liners, the holding of a hun-
axed innocent people for
ransom in a situation where
the host government, at a
JUN,. 1276
minimum, proved impotent
?to enforce any, accepted? in-
ternational law, indicates
that we face here a new in-
ternational problem." ?
, "We believe," Kissinger
said, "that it is essential
that some international ar-
raneement be made to deal
with terrorists, because it
cannot be tolerated that in-
nocent people become the
playthings of international
While reiterating that pos-
ition yesterday, State De-
, partment spokesman Robert.
L. Funseth declined to say
at this time what the Ameri-
can response is to the
. charge by 'Ugandan Presi-
dent IdiAmin that the Is-
raeli raid was international
Funseth said, "Our posi-
tion on these issues will be
made known during the Se-
? curity Council debate."
State Department lawyers,
he said, are still "working
out our position" on this
matter and on Israel's use of
, American C-130s.
? Under 'the Foreign Mili-
tary Sales Act, Funseth said;
weapons supplied by the
United States are to be used
only "for internal security,
legitimate self-defense,' and
to permit the recipient to
participate in regional col-
lective [defense] arrange-
ments and measures consist-
ent with the U.N. Charter."
In January, 1969, French
President ? Charles de
Gaulle, furious over Israel's
use of French aircraft in a
damaging raid on the Beirut
Airport? in Lebanon, put a
total embargo on French
arm sales to Israel. As a re-
sult, Israel became almost
totally dependent on I.T.S.
The real rebound poten-
tial that now troubles some
administration strategists is
this: although many Afri-
cans, as most American offi-
cials, may welcome the blow
to erratic Ugandan Presi-
dent Amin, some U.S. ex-
perts are troubled that in
the long run many African
blacks nevertheless will con-
clude that the white nations
are "pushing them around."
By Marlise Simons
Spools.' to ThriWashIngton Post
United States and Mexico
doing their best to avert
lee-or at least postpone until
after their presidential dice-
tioes---a major public quar-
rel ovor the sensitive issue
-of earcotics.
Just last month, tempers
:were running so high- that a
?top Mexican narcotics . offi:
vial indicated that several
*U.S. agents were about to be?
expelled from Mexico for
-"insolent and inept behav-
ior" anti for "acting against
our will and behind our
This dispute was'
-:smoothed over at aa high-
level meeting in Washington
*two weeks ago, when the at-
ttorneys *general of' the two
-countries pledged coopera-
:tion and President Ford ? re-
-ceived the Mexican delegve
-tion at the White Houk.
Although both sides now
'say publicly that their dif-
7ferenees are patched up,
_sources close to the Mexican
:anti-drug drive fear that se-
-rious problems still remain
.and that new disagreements ?
.are almost certain to arise.?
? "There is a lot ?of pride
-and rivalry on both sides of .
the border," according to
?one of these sources.
? An official in the 'ideiiican
:attorney general's office
'asked, "How can we allow
American agents to ? act as
police here, to arrest. Mexi-
cans, to carry arms when
-they shouldn't, to make re
;Connaissance flights on their
own and to do undercovet
.'-voek behind our hacks?
- "It's rather like the situa-
tion in ? France five years.
age when there, was a lot of
friction Mit ween the Fee,,neh
end American agents
.-ikach things,"
Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100390006-9 ?
In public, American and
?-Mexican officials stress the
successes of their. six-year-
old joint campaign against
the narcotics traffic from
Mexico to the United Slates.
But in practice, effective
cooperation is increasingly
hampered, by growing re-
.sentment and- rivalry be-
tween the' narcotics agents
of the. two countries... ?
, In exchange for the public
embraces -Washington
.earlier this month, the U.S. ?
?Drug Enforcement Adminia -
tration reportedly*. appeased
-the Mexican delegation with.
private assurances that con-
troversial U.S agents threat-
ened with expulsion would
be replaced shortly.- There'
were also reportedly Pledges
of new U.S. equipment for
the Mexican drug agents. . ?
. In turn, Mexican federal*
authorities dropped charges
-against an American drug ?
-agency "informant" being--
held for carrying out
"illegal police actiyities"
Guadatalara, - instead; the
man, Louis- Eisner,. was de-
ported to the United States
two weeks ago. ?
? According to a police re-
port, -Eisner had held at gun-
point two 'Mexicans he be-
lieved were related to drug
traffic and planned to. hand
them over to the authorities.
The 'two Mexicans, accord-
ing to the report, succeeded
in getting the attention of
passing patrolmen, who de-
tamed Eisner.
The report says Eisner,
- who called himself a doctor,.
confe:;-aetl ? that he had been
doing undercover work ? in
the Gua.'ala,lara area 'for al-
most- a year. ? Far that pur-
pose, the report says, he
maintained contact with J;?i-
sePh Catoiale,,, the distriit
director in GUadalajara for
the hAl, &lig agency,'
Ironically, much of the
growing rancor -stems from
the reorganization .and new,
?efficiency of the latest 'Alexi-
-can anti-drug ? drive, which
was given strong political
priority here last fall:
? Under pressure from the
'U.S. government and with,
. technical assistance ft-?m
DEA, Mexico launched a
. campaign to destroy thou-
sands of poppy fields by
'spraying them from helleop-
,ters with herbicides.
The. Mexican attorney.
general's office, trained an
entirely new and "clean"
:narcotics squad, and- once
into the campaign it set off
..tremors among federal pa-
lice ranks by firing six cam-
tmanders, 13 ? agents and
? three federal attorneys for
As the new Mexican cam-
paign organizers .grew more
confident and effective, they
began to demand more con-
trol over the DEA activities
on their territory.
close to 30 DEA
men are here to do liaison
work with their Mexican
- counterparts. They are per-
mitted CO carry guns .only
when actually operating
.with Mexican agents.
,*.Entrapment of - drug-sell2
'ers, not against the law in
the United States. is ?forbide
den by Mexican law, . Which
calls ? it pro-voeation of crime.
Mexican Ofricials say U.S.
agents break the law /tele-
when they buy drugs to
Catch the sellet'es.
In public, no Mexican offi-
cial could admit to activities
of U.S. agents on Mexican
soil for fear of an outberst
nationalist indignation
that. clink! jeopinaCre the tele
tire cam pa iene In prh'at c,
though. Mexican agents are
strongly irritated at tlicir
American iadiettetues. ?
In the border arta. Meal-
-can legal authorities corn .
planted, U.S.-based . agents
have crossed the frontier
and carried out raids on ?
Mexican -territory .without
rn: Mexic_o ?
- ? In addition,, Mexico City
has had strong.- suspicions
that some of the U.S. techni-
cians contracted to Service
the U.S.-donated helicopters
were CIA agents. Two such
technicians, they ? said, re-
cently worked in . the Guer-
rero state for ? several
months. and often went, out-
on routine flights with Mexi-
cans over the Sierra Madre
mountains behind- Acapulco.
These Mountains have- -stir-.
red a great deal- of inteeest
as the site of Marijuana and
poppy fields ?and of MeNica's
insare,,ent peasants and ?
rural guerrillas.,.
"We've got ? nothing -to
hide in our campaign," said. ?
a high anti-drug ? official
' here, a"hut if the CIA is
: snooping and spying ora
that is going too far."
[An official of the State
? Department. which'adminiss.-
? ters the helicopter contracts
under -the Foreign Assist-
ance Aet, said there was "no
possibility" that CIA person-
nel had been involved.) .
On another puha- of fric-
tion, ..Mexicans ... consider
highly exaggerated the DEA
'allegation- that 00 pet cent.
a U.S.- heroin? now comes
Mexico- Yet, the arexi-
i'rlIts say. the DEA has not
Nitzired -its befoemation
tile type and size of U.S; sei-
zures tor. *Mexican evaitio-
. -The Americans have de-
Iiherately. withheld infrirma-
? tion'fi,om us, white in.mox-
? leo tbey get to knOW and do
:wilut they lviAnt," said at, in
'Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100390006-9
telligence analyst in the at-
torney general's office. ..
. After U.S. press attacks
on Mexican Corruption and
inefficiency, Itexicens are
reeponeli nee
-Drugs is dirty business,"
said a Mexican narcotics
agent recently, "and there is
plenty of dirty business.
among the American agents
here also." The "dirty busi-
ness" ranged from "simple
things like. two American
flares being arrested for
drunkenness in Acapulco to
serious cases Of fraud!' He
refused to disclose any de-
tails . about fraud, and said
the incident's had; always
been ceVered up .6.'among,
.Although U.S: officiale.
say:the results cif such anti:
drug programs* as the., aee
seutt on the poppy fields are.
eot yet visible through a
: eortage on the American ?
!racket, drug prices here are,
In Guerrero state,, for ex-,
antple, around Acapulco, an
ounce of crude opium that
would fetch S30 last fall watt
up to $242 in March, half-
way through the campaign,
? and now costs
Last year ?an ounce of.
marijuana was going for.
: S1.65 in the mountains be--
hind Acapulco: this 'month.
. the price is up to S.5.50. .
Now that the, first cam-
paign. is over, Mexico has.
published the balance sheet,
for the first six months:
? 13,500 acres of poppy
fields and more than 17,000
acres of marijuana fields de- -
pounds of crude.
opium. 473 pounds of heroin
land 33U pounds of, cocaine
_ ?
. : ?2;550.personse including.
75 foreigners?some : ' ? of
hem Americans?arrested: .
More than :30 civilians 'ree
Med .th drug. traffic were
rilled, in the Sits months,
nine by police and others in
euds between rival hands,
vhile traffickers 'shot . and
illed four Mexican agents-.
Last month three agents
ied when their reconnais-
ance plane crashed tin* the
ist. Two of the three were
. merican IDEA- agents, Pilot
fames - T. Lunn and agent
Ralph N. Shaw.
I Now that boeh.7tfeet have
ade up and the Mexican
rug, authorities have had a
Visite House reception, DUI-
ials here refuse to cone
lent further on the differ-
nces with the Americans.
EA agents in Mexico are
ot available-for -discussions
tiNevertheless. the :anti. -
rug drive is moving. onto
slippery .ground as a result
f the recent squabbles. For
everal months, officials-
ere have nsaid they are
ired of -Mexico - being .
- tattled for U.S. inability to .
olve its drug problems at
.?.. . - -
"Americans always need ea.
. capegoat for their_ drug diee
sters. ' :First. was,. _the..
'urks and the French; now
's the Mexicans," .a 'high- .
ankin,g narcotics agent
- ..
A. Mexican . diplomat re-,
ntly said, "There is a '
trong senseln the govern-
int that Mexico has done
ore than its share. We
ave been willing to use
erbicides Americans don't
se. We've ;spent twice as -
?nuch,emoney. and lost more
ben." e.".
American Power and Foreign Policy
The great debate on foreign policy
this election year has focused almost
entirely on the Soviet-American mili-
tary balance. Yet Americans will in-
creasingly face a new type of foreign
policy issue: National security can be
endangeree by events outside the tra-
ditional military sphere.
. A melting of the Arctic ice cap be-
cause of a three-degree rise in the
earth's temperature, depletion of the
earth's ozone layer, theft of plutonium
by terrorist groups, ill-fated experi-
ments with weather modification, 3
prolonged world population explosion
?all these could threaten our future
as seriously as many occurrences that
could arise in the traditional political-
military realm.
Moreover, the debate over the al-
leged decline of American military
power tells us little about our future
ability to control these new issues.
Power has always been an elusive
concept in international affairs. Now
-the nature of the resources that pro-
duce power capabilities has become
. more complex, and the international
power hierarchy more difficult to de-
termine. When a goad infantry was
the crucial poi.ver resource, Europeen
statesmen could calibrate the classical
balance of power by counting the
populations of conquered and trans-
ferred territories. The industrial revo-
lution complicated such calculations,.
and nuclear weapons, as .a power re-
source too costly to use except in an
extreme situation, further weakened
the relationship between power meas-
ured in military resources and power
in the sense of control over the out-
come, of events.
This is not to say that military force
has become obsolete, Quite the con-
trary. Military deterrence will remain
a central concern of our foreign poi-
By Joseph S. Nye Jr.
icy. But military force is difficult to
apply to many of the new interde-
pendence issues on the agenda.
The use of force is made more costly
for major states by four conditions:
risks of nuclear escalation, uncertain
and possible negative effects on the
achievement of economic goals, re-
sistance by nationalistic populations in
otherwise weak states, domestic opin-
ion opposed to the human costs of the
use of force.
Even those 'states relatively unaf-
fected by the third and fourth condi-
tions, such as Communist countries,
may feel some constraints from the
first two. On the other hand, lesser
states involved in regional rivalries,
and terrorist groups, may find it easier
to use force than before. The net ef-
fect of these contrary changes in the
role of force is to reduce hierarchy
based on military power.
The erosion of the international
hierarchy is sometimes portrayed as
a decline of American power?as
though the causes lay in our aging
process. Admittedly, from the perspec-
tive of a policyrnaker of the 1950'.;
there has been a decline. But American
power in the sense of resources has
not declined as dramatically as is
often supposed. United States military
spending was roughly a third of the
world total in 1950, and after rising
to slightly over half in the 1950's has
returned to the earlier level.
Over the same period, the American
gross national product declined from
-roughly a third to a quarter of the
world total, but the earlier figure re?
fleeted the wartime destruction of
Europe and Japan, and the current.
figure remains twice the size of that
of the Soviet Union, three times that
of Japan, and four times that of West
To understand what is changing, we
must distinguish power over others
from power over Outcomes. What we
are experiencing is not so Much an
erosion of our power resources com-
pared to those of other countries (al-
though there has been some), but an
erosion of our power to control out-
comes in the international system as
a whole.
The main reason is that the system
itself has become more complex. There
are more .issues, more actors, and less
hierarchy. We still have leverage over
others, but we have far less leverage
over the whole system.
Increased military spending will not
be sufficient to solve this problem. In
such a world, multilateral diplomacy,
often through international institu-
tions will become more important be-
cause much of the agenda will be
concerned with organizing collective
Our foreign policy debate should pay
more attention to the problem of
organizing international leadership"
where there is a tight interconnection
between domestic and foreign policy,
and we will need to think more imagi-
natively about the relations of our in-
stitutions to internatienal institutions.
Joseph S. Nye Jr. is professor of gov-
ernment at Harvard University. This
article is adapted from one that ap-
peared in the periodical Foreign Policy.
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C JU1 1,1376
:DWARD GIER.EK; who' came to power in Poland
LJ in the Wake of food-price riots six years ago,
raised food prices 30 to M. per cent the :other day
and was forced by worker resistance-7-the tearing up
of railroad tracks and the like?to rescind them in 24.
hours. It was a political humiliation for him and an
economic- debacle for his country. The Poles still have
to figure out how to pay for their world-priced Rus-
sian oil, for their. rising imports from the West
(though world recession cut the value of their ex-
ports), and for the higher living standards with which
the Communist Party appeased rampaging workers
In WM In fact, Poland has the worst of both worlds:
capitalism's cycles and socialism's constraints. Mr. Gi-
erek, a non-ideological national-minded "goulash
Communist," in an old Khrustichev phrase, may be.
on the ropes.
A more embarrassing introduction to the European
Communist summit in East Berlin Could scarcely
have been contrived. For .one principal reason the
:Kremlin had wanted a summit was to demonstrate
that communism is the wave . of Eurdpe's future. In
fact, Poland's misfortunes underline the fact that
communism is not a system with the answers?it is
merely a system by which One clique monopolizes
political power. The Russians' second reasbn. for.
'wanting the sunimit Was to have Europe's other Com-
28 June 1976
POLAND'S WORKERS' successful defiance of their
Government's draconian price increases. came as in
answer to a prayer just while Dr KISSINGER, in London,
.was telling the 'West that Russia had her troubles .too.
By .contrast, the news from could not have been
more Inopportune to Mr BREZHNEV, preparing ? to leave
for East Berlin for tornorrow's European Communist party
" summit " that he has been striving for two years to
bring About: No wonder the Polish Government caved
in 'immediately, completely, even abjectly, without any
of the shooting that took place when the Polish 'workers
last went on the warpath in 1970. Mr BREZHNEV must be
,asking with some acerbity, why Mr GIERET: had to let
the cat out of the bag just now. . ?
. But, apart from timing, the need for sudden price in-
-creases of this order mu-st have been critically urgent for
the Polish Government to try to impose them :on its
notoriously explosive cjdzens,- it Yaws sky high the Com-
munist propsaganda line that, ?while inflation has brought
the cauftahst West to the verge of coVlapse, in the Soviet
countries State plannieg has achieved ? stable prices and
unimpeded wonomic progress. 0114631 Polish figures claim
that over the past six years wages have risen by a. total..
munist parties pay tribute to them. But the Italian
and French parties, among others, needing to show?
their independence of Moscow to make their parlia-
mentary way at home, are reinforcing the traditional
Yugoslav-Romanian emphasis on home-directed na-
tional communism. It is a major setback for Moscow.
Gloating is foolish. Poland's travail, in particular, is
no boon for the West: Hard times mean Poland will
shop less abroad and perhaps turn "east"?meaning
tough and narrow?in its domestic policy. The West
has no reason to wish communism well, but it does
have a strong long-term economic and political inter-
est in the welfare and relative independence of Po-
land and the other East European nations. In the fu-
ture public disintegration of the European Commun-
ist "movement," however, lies a considerable oppor-
tunity. The more that West European Communists
can be separated from Moscow and drawn toward
the Western mainstream, the better off the whole At-
lantic community will be. The Ford-Kissinger policy
of toughness?putting pressure on West Europe's
Communists to prove they're not Soviet stooges?has
paid off pretty well so far: Witness Moscow's discom-
fiture at the East Berlin summit. As those parties thin
? their ties to Moscow, however, they deserve some pol-
itical credit for it.
of 40 per cent:, white the cost Of liirifisflias 'increased by
only 45 per cent owing. to a freeze on the prices of increas-
ingly heavily subsidised basic foodS. What happened in
reality was that high-protein foods such as meat and butter
became increasingly scarce at the official prices, with the t
result that more and more items had to be bought on the
black market at high prices. In addition,. Poland is buying .?
from the West great- quantities of modern machinery that
is not available in the Illastern bloc. Prices have scared
wih Western inflation. At the same time recession in the
West has hit- Polish exports.
The situation is similar throughout the Soviet empire.,
? and also in Russia herself, where living standards are lower.
Belt-tightening is going on everywhere. Mr ?GIT-5Tni:F: Will
: have to enforce his drastic cuts'in -consumption :somehow.
No doubt he will start by weeding out the ringleaders
and 'tightening police control. But there ? Is clearly a
'Ination-wi-de mood of determined resistance. Tha present
case is a clear one of the Poles' resistance to the ruining of
their economy by the Russian-imposed Communist sysiem.
Yct Dr 17.issINGE.n has said that the greatest risk of war lies .
in a possible challenge to Russian domination by a satellite.
For all Dr KISSINGER'S assurances about Western strength,
Russia has a great military preponderance at the key
points. The cost of this is the other reason for the economic
strain on the Soviet empire.
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Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP77-015432R000100390006-9
9 JUL 1976
t Russian adzation
? ?
rr HE ATTITUDE of the State Department toward
J. the continuing and possibly harmful microwave
- radiation that the Russians have been beaming at the
U.S. Embassy in Moscow defies belief. One would
think the department would have demanded long
ago that this nerve-wracking threat to the health of
Americans?its own employees, after all?be termi-
nated. But no. The radiation has gone on for years. In
the months since it became public knowledge, the de-
. 'partment has pussyfooted inexcusably. The other
-day, for instance, a department spokesman con-
tended that radiation at the present reduced level
? ;poses "no cause for concern." He reported, however,
that a $300,000?yes, $300,000?study had been com-
missioned of embassy medical records. A light slap on
? the Russians' wrist was delivered. Negotiations will
'continue, it was declared.
The radiation is, of course, not only a health hazard
of uncertain dimensions but a-continuing affront to
the national dignity of the United States. Why does
the State Department take this double blow so mild-
ly? What is there to negotiate? Evidently the Rus-
,sians are directing the beams at American electronics
8 July 1976
:But Kissinger Aide Wants
the Microwave Radiation
Eliminated Altogether
?Speelai to The New Yark Times
;United States said today that
OViet,' authorities in recent
)nonths had sharply reduced
he level of microwave radia-
:tion beamed at the ? "
!Embassy in Moscow. ..
But in its first detailed public
ccount of the situation, the
'State Department ;nonetheless
"rebuked the Russians for con-
tinuing the . radiation even at
the current insignificant level.
-It said this showed "a lack of
!concern for living and working
;conditions of our people in
; -Robert L. Funseth, the de-
Pertinent spokesman, said at .
his regular news conference
that 'as a result of official dis-
cussions "the strength of the
signal beamed to the embassy
".M Moscow has been greatly re-
duced from previous record;
;ings, which were themselves
equipment on or in the embassy building; diplomats
and their families live on the lower floors. But the
United States, or so it is contended without Soviet de-
nial, does not try to interfere with or counter Soviet
electronics equipment on the Soviet embassy build-
ing in the same way here in Washington. Does the
United States, which pokes its electronic beams all
around the globe, fear that a strong protest against
Russian radiation will elicit or legitimin other coun-
tries' protests against American radiation? If this is
so, then it ought to be conceded directly, so that
there can be a reasoned public discussion of the
whole problem as it affects foreigners as well as
Meanwhile, the physical and psychological well-
being of American personnel in Moscow deserve to
be served by whatever measures are necessary for
that purpose. In the absence of conclusive medical
evidence to the contrary, it has to be assumed that
the Russians are endangering the health, not to say
the lives, of American citizens, and they should not
be allowed to continue doing it.
'well below established United
:States safety standards."
. According to Mr. Funseth, the
/evel ?of radiation aimed at the
!,embassy was now less than two
microwatts per square centime-
ter. The installation of alumi-
)ium screens outside the embas-
sy earlier this year has further
tut the level to less than one'
anicrowatt, he said.
The New York Times reported
!Isn May 2 that the level late
4ast year had gone as high as
;8 microwatts.
? American industrial safety
"standards, Mr. Funseth said,
p? ermit as much as 10,000
'microwatts 'per square centime-
:ter; The Soviet Union's stricter
-'indusbial standards ; permit
ecualy 10 microwatts.
s'; Mr. Funseth, while providing
steanical details, refused . to
ieurnment on why the Soviet
:Won was beatrung the rays,
0 -practice that officials have
began about 16 years ago.
; viet officials have justified
-tie beams as necessary to cur-
tall American electronic listen-
ling devices on the roof of upper.
tioers of the ernbessy building,
;situated on Tchaikovsky Street!
:hadowntown Moscow.
:American officials have pri-;
inately conceded that these de-
'vices exist to monitor Soviet
et'atilo and telephone trans?nis-
:siting, They have also said tint:
monitoring effort was being'
limpaired by the jamming(
waves. 1
What has irritated America:11
;officials was that the Soviet
{Embassy. on 16th Street in
!downtown Washington also
carries out similar interceptions
of radio and phone conversa-
tions but has not been subject
to the countermeasures because
of concern for Americans work-
ing in the area.
The beaming of radiation
against the embassy in Moscow
was known only to a few,
American officials until last
February when Ambassador
Walter J. Stoessel Jr. briefed
his staff on the situation. News
of the briefing Was leaked to
the press.
The briefing was held because
State Department medical offi-
cers Jeered that the radiation
might post a health hazard over
the long run, either to the eyes
or to the genetic or nervous
!Officials have stressed that
there was as yet no evidence
that the microwaves had been
responsible for any illnesses,
past or present.
! Microwaves are unlike X-rays t
and are net ionized. X-rays in'
excessive amounts can cause
!cancer, but no connection has
been made between mi-
crowaves and cancer.
; The decision to release infor-
mation on the embassy situa-
tion came after news reports
that two young children of em-
bassy employees had been sent
to the United States for exami-
nation of unusual blood sam-
ples; one has since returned to
Mr. Fun.sten said the discus-
eons with the Russians were
aimed at ending the microwave
"Frankly, we regret that the
Soviets have failed to turn off
the transmissions completely,
and thereby, in our judgment,
demonstrating a lack of con-
cern for the living and Working
conditions of our people in
Moscow," he said.
1 The spokesman was asked
;why the Russians were being
rebuked if in fact they had cut
;the level below the risk level
and he said the continued
beams caused a psychological!
He also said no concessions
were made to the Russians in
return for their reduction in'
beans. The microwaves are
said to come from across the
street from the embassy. There
are said to be ;two such beams
aimed at the embassy.
Mr. Funseth said the State
Department had signed a con-
tract with Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity to conduct a survey to'
see whether there has ever;
been any correlation between'
the microwaves and the health
of past and present embassy'
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9 RR 12-5
Rowland Evans and Robert Novak
NATO's Tragic Confrontation
A Turkish government vessel"'
equipped with new seismic devices for
underwater oil exploration is about to
leave its berth near 'Istanbul for "re-
search" in northern Aegean waters
claimed ? by Greece?a disaster-prone
vcyage that dramatizes the tragic dec-
line of the Western Alliance.
Passage of this ship, recently rechris-
tened Sim-lie, will add another bitter
chapter in the hostility between Athens
and Ankara once the Unified center of
NATO's eastern flank. Far worse, pre-
cautionary measures being taken by
both sides against possible Greek inter-
ferente with the ship point to a real.
threat of shooting inside the disputed
- Thus; the Sisrnic's scheduled sailing
?deiayed s.everal weeks partly because
of Washington's ardent persuasion?is
now to coincide with Aegean Sea naval
' exercises planned by both Greece and ?
Turkey. The Aegean Sea, with massed
Greek islands stretching close along-
side the Turkish coast, will then be a le-
thal cockpit.
This dangerous confrontation poses
further risks to the diminished .integ-
rity of Western defenses against the So-
viet Union, the new power in the east-.
ern Mediterranean. Nevertheless, the
U.S. is virtually powerless to do any-
thing but counsel delay in the ship's.
sailing. The remote possibility that the
Sismic could indeed trigger a shooting
war between Greece and Turkey finds
Washington fully as impotent as it has
been for 15 months of Lebanon's tragic
civil war.
Furthermore, as we have reported,
U.S. powerlessness to influence events
, 9 JUL 1976
The Army has managed
ts units along the NATO
front so poorly that their in-
ability to go to war in a
burry has been impaired,
Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey
.(D-Minn) said yesterday in
releasing portions of a new
General Accounting Claire
survey of military readiness
in Europe.
The GAO found that one
;unit of the T.J.S. is.: Armored
pivision had no keys for on
locking its ammunition stor-
age bunkers, said Humphrey
in citing one example of
What he called 'serious mis-
mansigement and inefflcien
bs,y in our. European forces." ?
anywhere in the eastern Mediterra-
nean basin raises other difficult ques-
tions. such aF homeporting facilities
for the U.S. 6th fleet and even shore
leave stations for American sailors.
The pending Turk-Greek confronta-
tion would come in Aegean Sea waters
claimed by both countries in One of .the
world's most bitter disputes over terri-
torial waters today. Greece, claiming
that its close-to:Turkey. islands have
their own continental shelf, has threat-
ened to blow up Turkish ships seeking
underwater oil there. ?
Turkey. which perceives the fabled ?
Greek Isles as "floating" islands with no
continental shelf of their own, claims
the disputed waters lie over the Turk-
ish continental shelf, to which Turkey
has sovereign rights.
Behind Ankara's decision to chal-
lenge Greek claims in the Aegean Sea.
lies an ever-worsening dispute with the
U.S. It began with the 1974 Turkish in-
vasion of Cyprus in reaction to the at-
tempted takeover there by the then
Greek military dictatorship. Ever since,
the Ford administration has been
pleading with the Democratic Congress
?most receptive to the Greek lobby?
to lift the arms embargo and thus end
one-sided punishment of Turkey.
That effort now turns en the fate in
Congress of the four-year, $1. billion
U.S.-Turkish aid agreement signed
March 26. The agreement would re-
store U.S. rights to intelligence bases,
aimed at the Soviet Union, that Turkey
closed last July:
The Turkish government has been in-
formed by the administration that Con-
. gress will approve the agreement this
He added that the admin-
istration had dipped into the
NATO reserve to obtain
tanks and other armored
'vehicles :to sell to foreign
nations. The reserve was
"substantially reduced be-
le mni 1973 and l75" and
ims not heen restored. Hum-
phive:v said.
The GAO found many ar-
mored units on the NATO
line short of key nersentlill:
and experience. said I runt-
pin-cy in commenting on the
le9t);1, dated June
But this la& of readiness is
not, ol ways brottOtt to corn-
nutacl:ar's attention bet"itise
the .reporting requireini,ra:i
year. In fact, as of today there is no
chance of that.
Democrats want to wait for a new
- Democratic administration; Republi-_
cans perceive political misery in voting
for Turkey just before the election.
That the $1 billion agreement now
seems dead for this year is extremely
hard for the Turkish government to
swallow. Contradicting the honeyed
talk in Washington when the agree-
ment was signed, this means _Turkey's
eligibility to buy U.S. arms is limited to
only $125 million in each of the next
two years.
The resulting sense of betrayal now
becoming manifest is likely to make
Turkey even more adventurous in con-
fronting Greece over the Aegean Sea.
Unable to see progress in its bitter
struggle with Washington, Ankara is
not held back by U.S. admonitions.
When the Greek government pri-
vately urged the U.S. and NATO to dis-
suade Turkey from using the Sismic in
disputed waters, it stated flatly the ship
"will be sunk" if it shows up. U.S. per-
suasion delayed the Sismic's departure
for two weeks, but it is now expected to
sail in mid-July.
Some diplomats here believe the sail-
ing will trigger not torpedoes but only
a dangerous game of chicken. Realists
"The hotheads on both sides are
spoiling for a fight," one diplomat told'
us. "And if it starts in the Aegean it
could spread overnight to the border in
Thrace." There the two NATO allies
face each other with imposing military
power, and there the U.S. could no
more halt hostilities than it can end
civil war in Lebanon.
. Ma, VIM EnterprIxes, Tim
eak in Figh aye
"have been relaxed to the
-point where 'units can al-
most always report them-
selves as. combat ready,"
Huinphrey' said.
Humphrey's office said be
asked for the report a year
Senate aides said the Pen-
tagon would release only a
small portion of the C.A.O.
study to the public. Part .of
the released report said that
the Army "is actively and
posii ivel:. pursuin5,? ninny
of the problem8 the GAO
Humphrey asked for .the
sludYin his ? capacity As
chaicnian of the Joint Eco-
nonue Committee ot Con-
gross and of the Foreign As-
sistance Subcommittee of
the Senate Foreign
Now that the report is in
hand. Humphrey said he has
asked the chairman of the
Senate Foreign ? Relations
Committee to call Pentagon
.and State Department offi-
cials to appear before the
committee to answer ques-
tions on i7eadiness.?
lietilariznz that the Unilcd
States is spemling, p:)out. 549
billion annually to 1:ct.n up
our end of the NATO
un-s taiitinee." lioniporey
said "what is neecind us rut
bigtzer Midgets, but brtter
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2 JULY 1976
West German intelligence agencies:
how coordinated?
By David 3Intch
? Staff correspondent of
The Christian Science Monitor
It can be argued Guenther Guillaume; the East German spy,
? whose arrest led to Chancellor Willy Brandt's resignation, did
? one big favor for West Germany.
The political stir caused by Mr. Guillaume's penetration of
? the Brandt chancellery made it?possible to strengthen and
coordinate the control over the government's three in-
telligence agencies.
' "The great change that was needed was more coordina-
tion," said Manfred Schueler, Chancellor Helmut Schmidt's
right-band man in the chancellery, "and the post-Gienaurne
climate enabled us to make that change."
? The problem of controlling intelligence agencies is different
in West Germany than it is in the United States. There are
? several reasons why. .
One is That the government here is in effect a "committee"
of Parliament, whereas in the U.S. administration and Con-
gress are separated formally by the Constitution.
This tends to make investigations by Congress tougher than
are parliamentary investigations here.
Another reason is that the most prominent problems here
for the intelligence agencies are spying and terrorism,
whereas in the U.S. the most prominent problem has been po-
And West Germany as a "middle power" does not put the
same resources into intelligence gathering as must the U.S. as
a super power.
Until 1968 %Vest Germiny's "CIA" ? the federal information
agency (BND for Bundesnachrichtendienst) ? was under the
almost autonomous control of Gen. Richard Gehlem. Ile was a
.3 ..July 1976
TraZ ?%LS* IN
Indications are that the United States has been covertly
intervening in the Italian political process during these
past weeks and months, as the official American attitude
toward possible Communist gains in the current elections
there has approached hysteria. The position .of the ad-
ministration toward the political crisis in Italy, demon-
strates the difficulty of breaking our old habits of arro-
gance about the democratic processes of other nations.
The corruption of postwar Italian politics by American
official and nonofficial institutions has been pervasive.
We now know that the great multinational corporations,
most of them American, have made substantial puments
to Italian politicians and parties. Lockheed's largesse
Michael Barrington represents the Kth Pistrirt In Masi-richt:-
- setts and was formerly a awrnher of the Hoare Select C'otn- lovestigate intelligettre operations. .
top intelligence man under Hitler who later found favor with
the U.S. Army. And his post-war intelligence work was made
? official by a Cabinet decree by Chancellor Conrad Adenauer in
1955. Mr. Gehlen retired in 1968. -
During the Guillaume investigation in 1974 it was found that
the BND had built unauthorized files on people in West Ger-
many, including some journalists.
Never set up under law, the BNB continues to exist by goy-
? sernment decree. But there is a measure of consensus That with
new leadership and other control measures, the agency is in
Another key intelligence agency is the Federal Office for the
Protection of the Constitution, comparable to the FBI. It
watches over internal security, and it has a good record of de-
tecting and apprehending spies and of finding wanted terror-
Gentleman's agreement ? . ?
? Then there is an intelligence agency for the military. The
control over these last two agencies exist both in, Parliament
and in the chancellery. These two agencies report to a differ-
ent committee in Parliament. They are coordinated through..
two government ministries.
Parliament's main control arm is what can loosely be trans-
lated as a board of trustees. This exists under a gentleman's
agreement between the chancellery and Parliament.
It consists of members from all parties in Parliament,
meets regularly, and can question activities. Birt it has no le-
gal basis to "demand" answers.
The Chancellery has perhaps the key watchdog function ? it
must coordinate all three agencies.
It was lack of coordination that permitted Mr. Guillaume to
rise so high, since there were files on him and suspicions about
him for years. But no one put it all together until after he had
reached the chancellery.
In 1974 Mr. Schueler, on orders from Mr. Schmidt, increased
from 6 to 20 the chancellery's "intelligence watchdogs" and
sought to make sure jealousies and rivalries between the agen-
cies do not supercede security needs. This was the "great
change" Mr. Sclueler said was necessary.
A great deal of mutual trust goes into the West German sys-
tem of managing the intelligence agencies. The Guillaume af-
fair di?not politicize the question as much as Watergate did in
the U.S. ?
A parliamentary committee on constitutional reform may
make recommendations to formalize some present relation-
ships. But this is not a leading public topic now in West Ger-
evidently included an Italian Premier in the 19605 who
Was bribed to further the sale of fourteen Hercules
C-130 cargo planes. Since the three men who wer,;
Premie-r in that period are now President, Premier and
Foreign Minister, the identification of "antelope Cobbler,"
as Lockheed called him, will necessarily have a major
ifripact on the Italian Government. In addition, Exxon
paid between $46 million and $49 million- to Italian
' political parties in 1963-72: Mobil. Oil payments to
Italian parties. averaged S500,000 a year from 1970 to
1973; and British Petroleum and Shell Oil paid 56.6
million to the parties between 1969 and 1973 (the fact
that the British Government owns 70 per cent of B.P.
' stock has been of some embarrassment in London);
At the same time that the multinational corporations
were Making those large payoffs,. the CIA was mtpplying
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official U.S. dollars to the same parties. According to the
final report of the House Select. Committee- on 'Intelli-
gence, the agency gave $75 million to Italian parties
and politicians between 1948 and .1972. Of this sum,
$10 million was spent in the 1972 parliamentary elections.
.The evidence is thar4ain. in 1976 OA .moneys helped
finance the campaigns of anti-Communist candidates and
parties. Indeed, The New York Times reported in January
that on December. 8, 1975, President Ford approved a
$6 million CIA expenditure for anticipated Italian
This latest CIA installment in Italy, must be. seen ;
in the context of official U.S. reaCtion to?Italian develop-1
merits. Ever since. Harry Truman decided it necessary
to "scare hell out of the. American people" to get public
support for aid to Greece and Turkey after World War
public hysteria by Secretaries of State has become. a -
routine feature of the . foreign policy process. ? The in-
cumbent Secretary of Stan:I:is no exception. The prospect
of Communist participation in the Italian Government
has trignered Kissinger's world-historical pessimism about:.
the struggle between Western civilization and Communist:
"barbarism." At a London convocation of our nrnbast
sadots to Europe last December (a few days after
Preeident Ford approved the $6 million) Kissinger defined
the issue as a threat to our values rather than our
tangible, economic and strategic interests:
The Western alliance has always had an importance
beyond military solidarity. The 'United States would be
alone: and isolated in a world in which we had no rela-
tions by values to other countries.
If the, United States were to become an "island in its
own values," he felt we "could probably survive this ?
situation, but only through the use of a ruthless balance
of power policy." .Such n policy would, presumably re-
place the benign search for world order that has pre-
vailed under Mr. Kissinger's leadership. The process by
which the United States could become an island of virtue
is a strikingly familiar one. Mr. Kissinger went on to say:
? I believe that the advent, of communism in major
European countries is likely to produce a sequence. of
events in which other European countries will also be
tempted to move 'in the same direction.
In other words, United States policy is guided by a
belief in the moral superiority of American values and
the conviction that our allies will fall like dominoes if
the Italian Communist Party participates in the next
Italian Cabinet. The formula for American foreign policy
? remains the, time-honored cold-war response: scare hell
out of the American people and use theCIA to give
our friends a secret advantage. .
The administration's response to The New York
Tirne.s's revelation of the authorized $6 million covert
action money was to deny the story while attacking
Congress for leaking it. Director Colby said the CIA
had "not spent a nickel in Italy" in that period and
the. White House issued a soeerreent that the President
was "angry" and that the leak "undermines our 'capability
to carry out our foreign policy," Colby's denial was true
only because the director's contingency fund from which
the expenditure was to be drawn had been emptied by
the Angola operation, and the agency had a temporary
cash flow problem. Presurnalily the $6 million--nod in
all likelihood more?has been spent since January.
Nor has the private %,:ctor been inactive in this Italian
election. In May, immethitely after the Italian parlia-
ment was dissolved, John Coanally of Texas founded
a group called ? the. "Citizens Alliance for Mediterranean
Freedom" to "raise ? American consciousness .about the
? deteriorating situation in 'southern Europe, the iMiddle
East, and northern Africa," and to Warn. the Italians
"not to 'become beguiled by the unfulfilled promises of
communism." The, group has been funded out of money
'raised by a "Texas Salute to John Connally" 'dinner,
held last stimmer to celebrate his acquittal on charges
of bribery. The organization is hoping to alert the public
in both the United. States and Italy to the dire con-
sequences of the "loss of Italy," and "encourage :the
peoples of the Mediterranean nations in their efforts to
. preserve their freedom." Connally concedes that this
"probably is meddling" in another country's internal af-
fairs but, he says., "I don't think we should be criticized
for doing just that. We meddled in them [sic) thirty years
t ago." The Connally. group bar a like concern for the
"future of freedom:" in Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey,
Lebanon, Egypt, Israel and Libya.
It is impossible to know whether, or in what degree,
the Connally organization and its activities have been
coordinated with US. foreign policy or intelligence of-
ficials. Connally, -however, is a member of the President's
Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, a body of private
citizens that is supposed 'togive the-President indepenad-
ent, objective advice about .foreign intelligence opera-
tions. Connally says be sees to confliet between his
PFIAB job and his pedtiti6it as chairman of the "Citizens
Alliance"; but, especially since President Ford's reorgani-
zation in February of the intelligence agencies assigned
to PFIAB a new and peesumably more powerful responsi-
bility to _keep the agencies in line, it is clearly improper
and alarming that Connally shrin.d sponsor private inter-
vention in Italian domestic politics and endorse "med-
dling" as a proper course for Americans.
It is ironic that, during our Bicentennial celebration,
and during a Presidential election of our, own, this coun-
try should once again interfere With the free democratic
processes of a friendly country. It calls to mind the
Vietnamese village, of Bentre, which the U.S. Army
found it had to destroy in order to save'. We- cannot
save Italian democracy by destroying it, and nothinn is
. more destructive to: democrady than secret corruption_
Also, we. cannot preserve or promote our political system
and its values by denying them. The essence of the
democratic process is that the people, through free
exercise of the vote, can turn out the. top political
leadership, and that such leadership will keep faith with
the people, by going quietly, in the hope of renaininn the
voters' confidence. As Woodrow Wilson observed, non-
intervention in the internal ffairs .of other countries is a
corollary of democracy. The two are inseparable in theory
and in practice. .
Nowhere is this more evident than in Italy where
much of the difficulty in which the Christian Democatic
Party finds itself stems from widespread evidence of its
corruption. 'We contribute little to the revitalization of
non-Communist forces in Italy when we contribute no
corruption by CIA clandestine support or by tolerating
American corporate bribery of foreign officials. As one
self-described "dyed-in-the-wool pro-American" Christian
Democratic politician pit it after The New York Times
revelations in January. "If been planning a trip to
the United States, t would cancel it for fear people
would think 1 was just another 'bought' politician."
To me it seem,: elementary that tile best way to support
denim:racy in Italy is to bust it. if iett,wing or right-
wing groups do attempt the dismantlement of demo:retie
institutions there, we will be in no position to objeto
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if we have also violated them and tolerated their viola-
tion by American private groups and corporations. As
a result of my deep concern about the dainage that can
be done to democracy. by the policies of this administra-
tion I introduced a "resolution of inquiry" in the House
of Representatives on lune 11. This resolution would
require the administration. to answer a number of ques-
tions about U.S. 'policy toward Italy: are U.S. funds I
being channeled to any Italian party or pOlitician? Are '
U.S. funds subsidizing -Italian media outlets? Are U.S. ?
Embassy personnel involved in any such transactions?
There is one point above all which is paramount in 1
this foreign policy ? debete: the American public will not.
Sunday, June 27, 1976
Joseph Kraft
The FaHou
Of Italy's
ROME?At Communist Party heads
, quarters here in Rome the ether day I
had successive appointments with an
old party militant, Giancarlo Pajettas
and a young economist, Luciano Berea.
"Ask Berea," Pajetta said as I left his
office, "if he has become minister of fi-
nance yet."
That confident little gag announces
the true results of the Italian elections
last week The Communists won big?
rse big that they are virtually sure to en-
ter the government sooner or later,
thils Posing problems, and presenting
opportunities, for -the U.S. and its
NATO allies.
? The size of the Communist win can
. best be gauged by measuring it against
the celebrated comeback of the Chris-
tian Democrats. With 38.7 per cent of
the vote for parliament, the Demo-
ChaistianS made a gain of 32 per cent
over the regional elections last Year,
while standing just where they were in
the 1972 legislative elections.
? 'In contrast, the Communists, with
34.4 per cent of the vote, registered a
gain of 2.5 per cent over the 1975 elec-
tions, and 7.3 per cent over the 1272 eh
edit:nes. The 7.3 per cent gain was the
biggest they ever made between one
parliament and another and brought
them to a. new high in national elec-.
long -support any foreign policy -that is made and carded
out in secret, andel? foreign policy that cannot stand up ,
to publicscrutiny can be successful.. Obviously there can !
be no public debate or Scrutiny without information. The
policy toward Italy, its assumptions and presumptions,
have, enormous significance for the future of this COD WIT'S
relation to Western Europe.. To call for disclosure, and ?
open debate is not a? prurient desire to expose state ?
secrets, as the administration would have us believe. It .
is to 'affirm the most fundamental features of our democ- ?
racy. We cannot long remain free and. democratic our-
selves, let alone help the Italians to be. free, by denying -
democracy at home and abroad.
They gained 48 seats in the National
Assembly, as against a loss of ? one by
the Demo-Christians. They, added to
their fiefdoms large areas south of
Rome which they had never held be-
fore. Around Naples, for instance, they.
won 41 per cent of the vote as against
28 per cent in 1972. ?
Of course, the Demo-Christians, as
the largest party, will take the lead in
farming a government?probably with-
out the Communists, but with the Sca
ciannts and three smaller parties. The
-Socialists will not joinehowever, unless;
there is first a dialegue with the Cora-
menists and agreement on a program
of urgent action.
The Communists are in excellent pos-
ture for such a dialogue. In the. past
few years, under General Secretary En;
rico Berlinguer, they have junked a
load of ideological baggage, and come
across as the defenders the Italian
lower middle class, which is the majori-
ty, not of the proletariat which is a
small minority. ?
Their plans for urgent action center
around a program for arresting infla-
tion. They would limit the government
deficit by putting a ceiling on govern-
ment spending. They would. cut beth
jobs and payments in government pro-
grams and enterprises (many of them
now Demo-Christian fiefs) the better to.
acquire money for investment in agri-
culture, housing and transport.
That is plainly an appealing and sen-
sible program. If the Demo-Christiann
accept it, the Communists will almost ?
surely enter power to help in the exte?
cution. If it is refused, the Communists
will he in position to win the next elec-
Put whit about the U.S. and its allies
who have fought the Italian Cointraut- ?
ists so herd for foreign policy reasons?
Well, there is a tenipoiary breathing
space after the election?which Is a
piece of luck. -
For the Italian Communists have
come more than halfway toward the ac-
cepted canons of the West. They have
shown a willingness to abide by demo-
cratic rules. They have turned their
backs on expropriation of property.
They have criticized Soviet domina-
tion in Eastern Europe and. the Com-
munist effort to take over Portugal.
Until assured last week that their prin.
? ciples of independence would not be
compromised, they resisted Russia's
call for an International meeting of
Communist parties. Finally, in a pre--
electoral development which went al-
'most unnoticed in the U.S., Berlinguete
*practically acknowledged that the Ital.-
Ian Communists depended upon NATO
protection against Soviet pressure
Nobody .can be sure that these are
not merely tactical changes made for
electorial purposes. The more so as the
Italian Communists have voted against
defense budgets, and supported Russia
in most international confrontations
with the U.S.
But clearly the present breathing
spell provides an occasion for review-
ing the automatic NATO hostility to-
ward the Italian Communists. If they
continue ? to show an aptitude for
change in such matters as defense and
foreign policy, then the. Italian Conn
nrunists should be taken up with a
vengeance. For it is in the highest
Western interest to nurture and pro-
tect an Italian party which can foster a
kind of Euro-communisra that is as spilt
off from Moscow as Chinese commun-
1518,711214EnterAiEso,lize; ?
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6 JUL 1976
tplortiat9 s Death Cloaked in Secrecy
Britons Question Whether Iranian Ambassador Committed Suicide
By Bernard D Nossiter
It'ash:,15ton Po t Foreign Seryiee
LONDON-04 -the night
of June 4, an Iranian diplo-
. mat ?noticed that the lights
were on in the Kensington
home of Mohammed Reza
Amirteymour the newly re- -
called ambaSsadore
Since Amirteyritour- had
said lie was going -away for
the weekend, perhaps his
last in England, the puzzled
diplomat rang the doorbell.
There was no reply. The dip-
lomat went around to the
back, peered through a kit
ellen window and saw two
feet. ?
Ile called the policeman
on duty at the embassy near-
by, and the officer forced
open the kitchen window.
On the floor, staring lite- ?
lessly at the ceiling, was the
body of the 53-year-old Amir-
The embassy's first sccre- ?
tary, Mortez Kakhi, told re-
porters the next day: ,.?
"Ile died from thatural
causes. The doctbr ' who ex-
amined him and the police
are also satisfied."? ,
This was untrue. t.
. British and Iranian authori-
ties have now disclosed that
?Ambassador Amirteymour
took his own life. A note in
Persian is said to have ? been
found by the dead man's
body, addressed to his
daughter and. begging her ?
forgiveness, e
In the weeks that have
passed, however, at least
some hitclligence sources
here are not Wholly con-
vinced that Amirteymour
was a suicide. The fact that
the Iranians declined to let
.a British coroner conduct a
1 JUL 1976
Rowland Evans and Robert Novak
? ? .
? .1
post-mortem has left a cloud Shah Mohammed Reza t
of suspicion.;. Pahlevi or the empress.
An extraerdinary veil of ' "I would rule out any pos-
secrecy has been cast over
the whole affair. The British
look on Iran as a multibil-
lion-dollar customer for
everything from arms to
new towns, from Concordes
to machine tools. London
does not want to cross Teh-
ran for the soundest of com-
mercial reasons. ?
First Secretary Kalthi's
false statement has not in-
creased confidence in the
handling of enc., ease. The
new ambassador, Parviz
Cambran Radji, who arrived
the very day Amirtcyrnour
died, said in an interview
that he has rebuked Kakhi
for his tale-telling. ?
? Why should Amirteymour,
a distinguished diplomat
who had represented lran in
Moscow before coming to
London,. commit suicide on
the eve of his recall?
Several sources suggested
that he feared he was going
home to disgrace. He is said
to have been, in the words
of one well-placed aide, "a
compulsive gambler" who
had run up debts of perhaps
$175,n00 In the clubs here. -
In addition, Amirteymour
Is thought to have offended
Empress Farah' when she
came here In April to open
the World. of Islam festival.
The precise nature of the of-
fense is not known, but she
Is said to have been disturb-
ed by his arrangements.
Radji, the new ambassador,
will talk only of "rumors' to
explain Amirteymour's pos-
sin:0 "disgrace." But he denies
? that his predecessor. had got-
teaninto- the bad books of
sibility of a political reason"
? or "his majasty's displeasure,"
Radji said, "because I know
. it would not be true," ?
? There iS no doubt Radji,
t whose posting here began with .
%the tragedy, is well enough
' connected to keow the shah's
mind. Ile has the prized Lon-
-don embassy at the tender age
of 40 and previously lie had
been key adviser to Premier
Amir Abbas Hoveydn. Radii
said he had an interview with
? the empress jiist before .he
:Oh the British side, only
the policeman on duty at the
embassy, the police surgeon
he called, who ?certified the
. death, and an officer from the
coroner's office appear to
. have looked .at -the ? corpse.
, Scotland Yard has been order-
ed to tell the:" press as little
as possible and stress that the
Criminal Investigation Divi-
- sion was not called in. ? .
The CID, ? however, could
not be called in once dipice:-
matic immunity was claimed.
Radji made the claim as
soon as the coroner's man
suggested an .autopay.. .
Radji, who was summoned
to see the body on the fatal
night, said that -there was no. ?
? blood or sign Of struggle, and
that the only evidence of pills
was a bottle of antibiotic- rape
how, the putativc.
suicide killed himself remains
a mystery.
Why did Radji claim dip-
, lomatic immunity, thereby
.preventing any determination
of death? . ?
- He did it, he said, out of
'consideration for his collea-
gue's ? ? ?
According to the ambassa-
dor, a cable was sent to the
Foreign Ministry in Tehran,
which queried the dead man's
aged ? Intim'. The' ministry
cabled Radii that the father
had refuSed permission for
an autopsy and asked that the
corpse be seat home, the am-
bassador said.
Even if Amirteymour had re-
turned alive, his future was
uncertain. Ambassador Radji
said that his eminent prede-
cessor did not have a new
assigment at the time he died.
The ? many question marks
around this- affair have led
some intelligence officials
here to think that the dread-
ed SAVAK, or state security
and intelligence organiza-
tion, had a hind in it.
SAVAK agents operate-from
the embassy in London, as
the Sunday Times disclosed
two years ago. , ?
This is hardly surprising,
since SAVAK was reorganized
and trained by the CIA nearly
20 years ago,- and the CIA
invariably has sizable station
complements at major em-
If Amirteymour was marked
for death, why was he killed
in London, on the eve of his
return? Would it not have
been easier to dispose of him
ill Tehran? Ills death there,
how-ever, might have aroused
unpleasant talk. At any rale,
he does seem to have died en
Iranian soil, his Kensington
house, which is diplomatic-
ally immune from the in-
quiries of a coronet- or
Scotland Yard. ";
A dangerous bet-minute bitch in
plans to evacuate Anacriaana from Bei-
rut 10 days ago resulted directly from
elforta by the Paleetine Saineratiors
entatztatioa (FLO) to sandbag Washing.
ins.-Typ ?
too Into tiSiT112, its pewee toaecompiish
the key 'LO 3r taxa of deer:late the
Beirut airport.
With the PLO- and the U. S. communi-
cating inedireelly throe:nen the Tarnish
embassy in Denton the PLC's ai.tetent to
use the evacuation as a cover t6 en-
hance its military position finally
failed. But the mere fact So blatant an
attempt was made shows tow far U. S.
influence in the Middle Eztstr-parricit.
larly Inside war-torn Lebanon?has
de-tinned in the past year.
The PLO's plot to strongarre a world
superpower, understandable In terms
of its deaperate need for medical and
Otb.'01" 5Upplie3 for beseteett neirun con-
tained these eimpie elements:
By declaring the overiaed route leom
Beirut to La:ocean-1s eiesafe? the ?tate
could izece the Amerieens to entao,e?
the a e? route es the onh vy to eee eltt
of It eneute That ',Mild
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from Washington on the Syrian govern-
ment to let the airport (dosed by Syrian
troops) open for the evacuation.
Having then opened the airport on
behalf of fleeing Americans, the PLO
believed that the Syrians would not
dare close it to medical supplies desper-
ately needed by hundreds of gravely.
? wounded Palestinian Arabs.
This plan required the U.S. to brush
aside major contradictions. Even
though the British and the French had
sent land convoys safely to Damascus
on the four days immediately preced-
ing the planned June 20 American exo-
dus, the PLO quietly notified the Bri-
tish embassy in Beirut to inform the U.
S. that the route had suddenly become
? unsafe. Yet, on that very day, June 20,
non-Arab civilians made their way with
utter safety through the war-littered
? region surrounding Beirut, up the
mountain passes and into Damascus.
Thus, the White House reacted with
Immediate suspicion to this PLO play
for U.S. pressure on Syria for air, evacu-
ation. Even before the land-route op-
tion was closed off, President Ford had
been criticized for using the evacuation
to promote himself as presidential cri-
sis-manager on the eve of the impor-
tant Iowa Republican state convention.
Such criticism was deepened by the
2 7 JUN 1976 1
By Jeremiah O'Leary .
Washington Star Staff Writer.
It has become a fact of life in the
Middle East arena that the Palestine
Liberation Organization has gained
acceptance and status with the
United States that is normally ac-
corded only to nation-states. ?
. "What else would you say about
the PLO after it joined forces with
the American Navy to stage an am-
phibious and military operation such
as the evacuation of foreign refugees
across the beach in Lebanon last
week?" asked a knowledgeable U.S.
official. "We don't recognize the PLO
de jure but we sure as hell have de
facto dealings with it."
Its new standing, another Amen- ?
can policy-makertsaid, is generally. -
parallel to what the Israelis did in
their war for independence and inter-
national recognition that ended in
"?The Israelis made themselves
a fact and a reality that could not be -
ignored when they fought six Arab
nations, won their battle and finally,
were admitted to the United Na-
tions," he said. "Before that, the
? Israelis were ? as the PLO is today
? a collection of armed guerrillas
like the Paimach, the Irgun Zvai
Leumi and the Stern Gang and not a
nation at all."
, .
, U.S. OFFICIALS, who did not wish
to be identified, say the relatively
new role of the PLO as a moderate -
? force compared with the splinter
?rejectionist-front Palestinian groups .
almost certainly carries with it a
quid pro quo for the United States.
. "Let's face it,' said tine informed
.official,.!.?tney.are.actin responsiWy., ,
all-night White House meetings to find
a new evacuation route (just after the
overland evacuation of British and
French nationals had worked without
any trouble). Angered though they
were by the PLO's sudden warning, Mr.
Ford and his top military advisers
could not prove the PLO was wrong
and dared not risk finding out.
So, to avoid playing the obvious PLO
game and taking to the air, Mr. Ford or-
dered evacuation by sea. Washington
was determined to force the issue with
the PLO, privately sending word
through foreign embassies that a U.S.
Marine assault battalion would be put
on the ground in Lebanon if needed to
safeguard the short land route from
Beirut's Riviera Hotel to the docks.
Only then, threatened with U.S.
force, did the embattled PLO admit it
had lost the game to impose its will on
Washington's crisis diplomacy. With
the admission came fast and complete
' What is so disturbing about this sequ-
ence of events is its lessons for wider U.
SI interests in the Middle East, as well
as the immediate future course of this
nation's diplomacy in Lebanon. The
truth is that Washington has now be-
come spectator to passions unleashed
by the Mideast's bloodiest civil war in
and cooperatively with the U.S. in the
Lebanese chaos and this is a bill that
will come due and will have to be
Exactly what price tag the PLO
has put on its services is one of Wash-
ington's most closely held secrets.
The price that seems most likely is
some form of official U.S. recognition
that the PLO exists. Further, it ap-
pears possible that Secretary of State
Henry A. Kissinger or his successor
will adopt the policy that the PLO
merits a place at any Middle East
peace conference.
If all this seems unreal, coming a
relatively short time after PLO lead-
er Yassir Arafat appeared at the
United Nations wearing a pistol hol-
ster and after years of American
refusal to deal with the PLO on any
terms, it is undeniable that the PLO
- is reaching a crossroads in its rela-
tions with the United States. In the
iew of many, the PLO has
come closer than any other
entity to organized and
responsible conduct in strife-
torn Lebanon..
OFFICIAL pronounce-
anents from officials from
TPresident Ford and Kissin-
her on down continue the
_fiction that Washington has
no dealings with the largest
group of Palestinians, the
.PLO. While it may be true
that there are no direct
dealings, there are indirect
dealings aplenty. Kissinger
has said that the evacuation
'last weekend, something
less than a dramatic affair
as it turned out. was .11,7-
ranged with the PLO
31 thraugh third-party inter-
The U.S. has been unable even to tell
the truth publicly about its private sup-
port for Syria's intervention in that
civil war (first to help the PLO, then to
save the beleaguered Christian Arab
minority). Nor has the U.S. been able to
impede the breakup of Arab unity, par-
ticularly between Syria and Egypt, that
followed the second-stage Israeli with-
drawal from Sinai and severely threat-
ens Mideast settlement prospects.
Some experts here trace the tragedy
of Lebanon's civil war directly back to
U.S. refusal to insist that Israel start
long-overdue negotiations with the Pal-
estinians?or with Jordan?over the 1s:
west bank of the Jordar
River two years ago. Instead the U.S. al-
lowed Israel to make a second-stage
Sinai withdrawal agreement with ?
Egypt, leaving the Palestinian prob-
lems both on the west bank and in Le-
banon ripe for exploding.
Washington's inability 10 days ago to
arrange a simple evacuation of its own
citizens without being sandbagged by
the relatively puny PLO is stark testi-
mony to the truth. As of today, the U. S.
seems' to have no hand left to play in
the bloody Middle East.
o neki Enterpriguane.
.mediaries ? such as cer-
tain unnamed Arab nations
? and the British.
The evacuation could .not
,have been attempted at all
"without thern consent and
''help of the PLO. Further-
more, the PLO now report-
' edly has custody of the
.; rejectionist front terrorists
.,who 'murdered Ambassador.
1 Francis E. Meloy Jr. and
teconomic adviser Robert 0.
? Waring. The PLO says it ar-
',rested the killers and in-
-tends to hand them over for,
-punishment to the small
Arab League peace force;
',slowly assembling in Leba- ?
"non. ,
? For many years, the PLO
and other Palestinian guer-
rilla organizations stung
Lebanon and Jordan, where
?; they had taken refuge after
the 1948 Israeli war of inde-
-penclence.. Every raid
',across the Lebanese bor-
der, brought swift retalia- ?
ztion from the Israelis. The
?Black September movement
;of fight-to-the-death Pales-
,:tinian radicals came into
"being when the Palestinians
,attempted to conquer Jor-
dan's King Hussein in head-
..on battle in 1970.
But now the equations ?
have shifted dramatically.
'',The PLO is in tight with
moderate 5.:gyptiatvPresi-
dent Anwar Sadat, once
. abominated because he
made two Separate disea-
gagement deals with Israel.
The orgarti7ation is on good
terms with the Syrian re-
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gime of President. Hake
Assad. The PLO has always
been dependent on the con-
servative Arab peninsula
oil states of Saudi Arabia
and the various sheikdoms
for financial and political
Now it is Syria which is
at ideological sword's point
with its fellow Baathist re-
gime ? in rejectionist Iraq'.
The Iraqis, Libyans and.
Algerians, who. are the
? hardliners against Israel,
are essentially irrelevant to
the Palestinians' raison
d 'etre: an independent
state of their own in territo-
ry now occupied or included.
in the U.S.-supported nation
of Israel_
Most analysts say there
is nothing the rejectionists ?
? can do to give the Palestin-
ians a homeland. That deci-
sien essentially depends on
Israel, which is insisting it
will never tolerate an incle-
pea tient Palestinian state
on its borders. In turn, Is-
rael is utterly dependent on
the United States and only
Washington, by pressure
and persuasion, can cause
Israel to change its mind
29 June 1976
about permitting existence
of a new nation of Pales-
KISSINGER often has
said that Israel has no obli-
gation to accept a Palestin-
ian state so long as the PLO
insists on the total destruc-
tion of Israel. Ile has been
less clear on what the U.S.
view would be if the PLO
abandons that all-or-noth-
ing policy and indicates it
would settle for a state of
its own on the West Bank-
Gaza lands.
Indeed, the United States
and Israel acknowledge
that there can be no peace
in the Middle East until the
aspirations of the Palestin-
ians have been met in some
Lebanon, a U.S. official
pointed out, has become to
all intents and purposes a
Palestinian state with the
disappearance of all gov-
ernment there and with the
PLO the strongest of the
Moslem Arab factions. And
whether by design or mere-
ly because everyone is too
busy at fratricidal warfare
in Lebanon, the Israeli-
Lebanese border has sel-
IQ A TyppAvitio Id. i
epartmen t last week over any
111. 1 It V increase n American technoi-
logy to Israel's adversaries.
LEI The Israelis made a major
effort to oppose the sale earlier
in the year, of six C-130's to
Craft Meant for Egypt ArelFEeTtAadnmdinrl,sotnraatiepniedngoet htz5; stehri
. Going to. Iraq and Syria I any additional military equip-
ment to Egypt this year. '
I Air Defense Sale to Taiwan
By BERNARD GWERTZMAN I A Congressional source said
_ speen to The NewYcszt Tirn
;he had been told that. Lockheed
WASHINGTON; June 28 "oeiplanned to sell two L-100's to
The State Department has given !Syria and two to Iraq, with
tentative approval to the Lock-lan option to seil two More to
heed Aircraft Corporation for mach country,' making a total
the sale to Syria and Iraq of!ef eight
civilian versions of the C-130 In another development, a
military transports already ap-iState Deportment official said
proved for sale to Egypt, 0-f-ithat approval had been given
ficials said today. ? . ifor the sale by the Hughes Air-
A State Department officiancraft Corporation of a $34 mil-
insisted that any sale of the lion air-defense system to the
planes, designated L-100s,;Chinese Nationalist Govern-
would be strict!' 'commercial imerit on Taiwaa. Of the S34 mil-
and that because the L-100s;lion, a third would. ge financed
were designed differently from through United States Govern
the C-130's, they would be less flient-backed foreign .military
useful militarily. , ? 'credits and the rest would be
Despite the Governmenestarranged directly between Tai-
efforts to minimize the rnili-!wan and th Hughes concern.
tary significance of such a sale,,! The official said the sale was
Israeli Embassy officials reg- 'consistent with. American poi-
istered their concern with the!icy of helping Taiwan defend
? --??? ?
32 ?
dom been more tranquil.
The whole Lebanese civil
war, in several other ways,
has represented a foreign
policy disaster for thefl Sovi-
et Union and a triumph for
the U.S-Israeli allies even if
the causes of the interne-
cine strife were self-gener-
ated within hapless
Lebanon with no instigation
from Washington or Jerusa-
AMERICAN diplomats
-are quick to point out that
almost every Soviet initia-
tive in the Middle East in
the past two Arab-Israeli
wars has been an expensive
debacle for Moscow. They
paint a picture of Moscow's
clients raining Russian
weaponry on one another,
their fellow Arabs, and
paying little heed to the
Soviet presence on their
side except to draw up new
shopping lists for arms.
It may be no wonder,
then, that the PLO may be
casting around for a better
relationship with the United
States in the hope that
Washington may be able to
itself ender the mutual security
tpact between the two. govern-
The sale of the electronic air-
defense equipment comes at a
time when the United States
is gradually phasing out its
own military presence on Tai-
wan, consistent with commit-
ments made to the Peking
Government in the Shanghai
Communiqu?f February 1972.
Last week the State Depart-
ment said that the last Ameri-
can military advisers on Matsu
and Quemoy, the Nationalist-
held islands off the China
mainland, had been withdrawn.
There had been one officer
and two enlisted men on each
A department official said
that at the moment about 2,100
American military men were
still on Taiwan, most of them
doing communications and in-
telligence work. Of that num-
ber, about 60 were assigned to
the Military Assistance Group.
Political ALpect Stressed
The possible sale of 1-100's
to Syria and Iraq was viewed
by State Department officials
as more politically than miii-
tarily significant.
Both Middle Eastern min.:
tries have relied. almost exclu-
sively on the Soviet Union for
their aircraft, but recently the
Syrians have been seeking to
expand their contacts with
Western countries.
The United States recently
praised the Syrians for theirl
efforts to bring at nut a ha tH
? anced political solution in Ieb-,
anon and has begun a modesti
get for them by negotiation
the homeland that they
have never been able to win
with Soviet arms.
Some U.S. policy makers
believe the Israelis see the
diaphanous American-PLO
connection growing more
substantial and more work-
able. The Israelis are
understandably suspicious,
alarmed and wary, but Is-
rael is in a weak position to
defy its only important sup-
porter. If the PLO and the
United States find that they
can work together over the
long haul, no one in the
State Department would be
surprised if this administra-
tion or the next one comes
forth with an offer Israel
cannot afford to refuse.
Should this relationship
prosper, the assessment is
that one day Washington
can propose that the PLO
be represented at the Gene-
va peace conference, along
with Syria, Egypt, Jordan
and the Soviet Union, or
some other negotiating
forum. This could happen
sooner rather than later if
the PLO gives up its dedica-
tion to Israel's destruction.
program of about 5100 snillioni
in economic aid, some of itl
food assistance to Syria.
Ties with Iraq are minimal.
Diplomatic relations werel
broken off following the June
1967 war, when most Arab
countries severed relations
with the United States for aid-
ing Israel in the war.
? A Civilian HercOles
The L-100 was developed in
the mid-1960's as the civilian
equivalent of the highly suc-
cessful type of the C-130,
known as the Hercules, a main-
stay in the Vietnam war. It is
a heavy transport with four
!turboprop engines.
The plane under discussion
,with the Syrians and Iraqis is
the L-100-30, which is 15, feet
longer than the, C-130.
The State Department off!.
f,cial said the L-10-0 is less ma-
ineuVerable than the C-130,
!lacks a rear door to allow
'drops of Military equipment by
parachute and lacks doors for
paratroops. It also has been
designed primarily for cargo
and has electronic equipment
such as radios and radar for
ordinary commercial flying, not
military missions.
A Lockheed official in. Wash-
ington said today that the talk.
with. Syria a and Iraq were still
tentative and no contracts had
been signed. Ile said the cerlt:
iwould run to about $6 rniAion
ito SIO million each for an
The State Department would
have to approve fric Onr
license tor the L-1005, hut
:Congressional apprnval would
jnot be necessary.
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1 JUL 1976
, By Jonathan C. Randal
Washingtcni Post Foreign Service
KINSHASA?One winter
morning a European resi?
dent of Kinshasd awoke to
find his Zairean cook jump- .
mg up and down with joy.
"The president is through
?there's been . a. , coup ?
d'etat," the servant exulted,
. will havea
enough to eat."
The . servant proved ;
wrong. The Shots he heard .
and took for, a revolution in .;
fact were fired 'by troops
searching for common crimi-
.. nes who had escaped from .
a Kinshasa prison. . 2
But his. reaction Within
the privacy- of his employ-.
er's house?and the average
citizen's indifference in pub-
lic?typified a mood. ?
More than 10 years after
he seized power?much to
the relief of his fellow-citi-
zens, who were sickened by-
the former Belgian Congo's
first years of almost-constant
civil war?President Mobutu
Sese Seko is an' increasingly
lonely and discredited figure.
. His strongest card is his.
t. lingering reputation as the
man who ended the chaos. of;
those early years of irides
A common attitude is that
summed up . by, a disen-
chanted, if resigned, taxi
. driver who said: "We might
. as well keep him because
the next man almost 'cer-
tainly won't be any better?'
That, too, seems a view
a shared by the Ford-
tration, which appears to
Shore up an old ally who
recently returned to the fold
after disastrous radical eco-
- nomic measures, apparently'
lnspired by official trips' to
to North Korea and China,.
. .Mobutte.s ,falling -.popular-
ity is -a -functien of the nor-
mal .attrition of power .eoue ;
Pledawith- a major political
? and military setback?his ?
? disastrous intervention in
. ',Angola?and the economic
mess born ofiteglect, falling
copper priceu and wastefui.
prestige expenditures.
In a speech in May. Alo-
butu. wept .e long way
ward confessing to the coun-
try's gradual, but unmistaka-
ble decline since independ-
..ence in 1960. .
"Let's make an effort- to
get away from the mentality
that we used to have during-
the colonial period," he ex-
horted his fellow-citizens.
-"We are an independent pet);
pie. Forget aboutthe golden
days that you used to have
during the Belgian presence
here." '
Zaireans cannot 'he
blamed for indulging in nos-
talgic ? selective memory.
Once the' must prosperous
colony in black Africa, the
country has now gone back
to a subsistence economy in
many regions.
Mobutu completed the. ef-
fect of natural neglect by
forcing out the- Greek, Por-
tuguese and Pakistani trad-
ers who kept the Wish Mar-,
keting and distribution sYs-
tern functioning.
Farmers no longer can get
their produce to market over
, washed-out roads and are no ,
longer able to buy text-
iles, kerosene, and other
? staples. Farmers have either
stopped planting for want of
.incentives or have taken to
smuggling . their produce,
abroad. Coffee,. tea, gold and:
diamonds are among Zaire's
. riches that nave -show up as
.exp arts for- neighboring
countries: -
? The telephone service in.
Kinshasa has become so pre-
carious. . that the govern-
ment's inner circle commu-?
aiicateS With each other by .
walkie-talkie, . the -ultimate
status symbol. Private firms'
shortwave radios have ? re-.,
placed the telephone, , tele-
gram and telex as the ? only
sure communication systems
in a country- as large. as the
United States past oi ? the
. ?
Mobutu has-taken to
blaming ?others for his ? trou-
bles. The civil ' service .has
undoubtedly undergone a
steady erosion. "In what
other country in the world
'have you seen the whole
. population in business,'! he
complained. "Some work for.
the government and . still -
run a shop and don't pay
taxes." , ?
"Everybody . saying
prices have gone up. What is
Motubu doing? The roads
arc in bad shape. What's
Motubu doing? Not -enough
buses in town? Don't look at
.Mobutu because Mobutu is
working 24 hones a day," he
So difficult has it become :
for average Zaireans to
make ends meet?inflation
is running well over 30 per
cent annually and Mobutu
himself admits that 90 per
cent , of . imported goods
never get outside the capital
?that they are no longer
satisfied with confessions,
catalogues of shortcomings
and exhortations promising
instant change
s "Everyone wants to 'buy a
Mercedes overnight," he la-
? 'If you want to steal, steal
a little in a nice way," he in-
structed his listeners. "But
if you steal too much to be-
cattle rich overnight, you'll
soon be caught."
Mobiltu. known as . "the
president-founder" of the
'country's only political
party, or more simply as
"The Guide," has yet to in-
clude these quotations in his
Mao-like thoughts. published
in the government-con-
trolled press.
But there is an acute
awareness in .Zaire that Mo-
butu has surrounded' him-
-self with men from north-
western Equator Province
who are involved in many. of
the juiciest, if questionable,
government-run offices and
South African goods?cs-
p.ecially foodstuffs?are reg-
- ulariy flown in aboard alt-
places belonging to a Zaire
state trading ceinpany. No
,. Zaire official seems ember-
rassed by such overt trading
. with a -country Zaire criti-
cizeslor its apartheid policy
or by the fact that identical..
fruit and vegetables not so
many years. ago were avail-
able in ample' supply front
the Zaire's own Kivu area. e.
Diplomats are convinced
that Smith Africa purposely ?
offers Zaire cheap credit
and advantageous -exchanae.
rates?no small asset foe a -
recently devalued currency. .
- .i ?
Wth the Benguela . Rail:
road across Angola still out.
of Order and the Moiambie
que line cut, Zaire now
ships-much of its copper ex-
ports through Rhodesia to
,South African ports.
Mobutu often complains
about his fate, but.he has no
intention of .quitting. "I've
been in the front lines for
16 years and that's where I.
enjoy being," he confided in:
a recent interview.
Now that the United
States shows sign of helping
him out, he seems in better"
spirits, especially since -
Zaire's massive government
and government-guaranteed
foreign debt was recently
rolled over by Western erect=
itor nations.
The United States seenis' .
determined to place its faith
in Mobutu's 55,000-man-
army, just as it did in the ?
last decade. That army
proved unable to' end the re-,
hellion in the 1960s without
help from white mercenare
ies and Belgian paratroop-
ers transported in U.S. Air
force planes.
? And in the Angola show-
down the Zaire 'army aban
doned massive amounts of
arms, ammunition and other ,
material in its headlong ,
flight.from the battlefield.
The apparent U.S. govern-?'
=tit calculation is. that a'
contented army will help
keep Mobutu in power untll
Zaire experience.; better
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2 7 JU'V 1975
William F. Buckley
The U.N.'s double standard
.on violence in Africa
The figures are not all in on South Afri-
ca, and it may be that, like the figures in-
volving the rioting Mexican students of
1968, they won't ever be complete. But the
last count showed that all of two white pen-
pie .were killed, and that therefore the rest
of the casualties (133 again, at last
count) were black.
It is not yet clear how many of these
were black policemen; not clear how many
of them, were people killed by black and
white policemen; and not clear how many
were blacks killed by rioting blacks. That
there were many of these is neither a)
doubted; nor b) commented upon. Even
though many newspapers featured, on
page one, a picture of an automobile over-
turned by the rioters, not-so-neatly decapi-
tating the (black) driver, who was not a
In short, although 'the disruption was
ignited by resistance to a white order (that
the local schools teach Afrikaans to the
black natives), the principal victims were
blacks. Not Only blacks killed and wound-
ed, but black enterprises burned, black
hospitals and libraries destroyed.
It isn't expected that much that is sensi-
ble should come out of the United Nations,
and on this occasion the Security .Council
.didn't let us down. The Council passed,
unanimously, a vote deploring the use of
force in South Africa. This was done with
the usual animadversions on apartheid,
which are entirely deserved in any moral
frame, but with an undistributed middle,
between a) deploring apartheid, and b) de-
ploring the use of force to stop rioters from
killing non-rioters.
One wonders what the South African po-
lice were supposed to do under the circum-
stances? Commit hara kin? Seal off
Sowetho and permit its inhabitants to treat
each other like Cambodians?
What did we -- finally ? do in Watts? In
order to restore the law, one uses force.
Ptesident Eisenhower was willing to send
paratroopers to enforce the law in Little
Rock, Arkansas; and an entire armored
division was ordered to stand by at the
tithe of a major demonstration in Washing-
ton against the Vietnam War.
To denounce South Africa for using
force to stop the rioting is to do the kind of
thing the United Nations is very best at:
bringing discredit on itself by its hypocrisy
and surrealism. It made no difference
whatever to the Security Council that the
charter of the United Nations specifically
forbids intervention ? which in the United
Nations means, actually, official commen-
tary ? in the internal affairs of sovereign
states. It is a curious and unintended com-
mentary on white South Africa that its sins
are thought worth denouncing, while those
of black Africans are not. The easiest
deduction is that when Amin kills a few
thousand of his fellow citizens, or when
one tribe sets out to eliminate another
tribe, it isn't worth the attention of the Se-
curity Council, but that when the South
African government acts to enforce its
own (dismaying) laws, it is time for inter-
national indignation.
A week before the South African Resolu-
tion, Mr. Leo Anderson, a Chicago resi-
dent, was returning home with his wife
and children and was stopped at the en-
trance to a tunnel in a black section fo the
city and ordered by a gang of young ruf-
fians to pay ten dollars for the privilege of
going through. The driver declined, and
started forward. Whereupon a young black
materialized with a pistol, shot the driver
twice, wounding him, and his wife once,
killing her. Driver after driver went by,
noticed the bloody chaos, but did nothing,
and it was 30 minutes before help arrived.
The widower, interviewed in the hospi-
tal, told a reporter that he harbors no ra-
cial resentment whatever against the kill-
er. "It was a set of rotten people who were
there at the time. They happened to be
black. There are rotten whites too."
Just so. But it will be a long time before
the Security Council finds any rotten
blacks, and it has not even, on this occa-
sion, found any rotten whites. It is no safer
to deduce the brutality of those who en-
force the law in South Africa from their
use of force than it is to deduce the injus-
tice of American society from the fact of
riots at Watts: no safer than to assume
that blacks are evil because of a particular
act of ugliness in Chicago.
As is almost always the case, an individ-
ual spoke more wisdom, and showed more
compassion, than an officially constituted
tribunal. Mr. Leo Anderson should conduct
seminars for the benefit of the ambassa-
hors to the United Nations.
Thiimicry. July 1, 19'6 THE W.A.SHINGION POST
By Ernest Vpikman
? NEW YOIZIC?The African
term is "ri:wacha." It bas
compleN incanint and is id-
moo uh.:.ransiatable, but. an
ittIltraxilelte Englisti cquiv-
alcut wuuldi be. '?\.*,,,
"tt, is tunch more compli-
rated than that," says I. N.
Chitunda. "tn fact; it has
varied nu:intim:4s: time i,J
np, rice, the sun is
now, tiinc t get t..)-!-?anti
work; 'Lite wurct ve,.;^.iIN
For Release 2001/08/08
portant to the Auguliitts,
t cry
Clittumla is acutcly aware
tic is ;...1
bimitel 1, ;-;?-
rtuitniu..7, Li S. repiesentat 0,.c
the Uniao
LIQ 11.
: CIA-RDP77-00432R0001
gala, known more familiarly
as 'uNin. uNITA was4,110.
of. the two We.ityrnbacked
factiobs d cleated ny the
'Marxist faction in An 4ot:1's
civil way following r. ihassive
infusion of Cuban troop.;
aid :Soviet \Ve3pDm.
From his small ';\;,!,,
alsorimeist ;.,
bt;:i. to drum op
Amcri e a n support In
UNITA's continuin1
gie. a hil.:?iid-rtm
vat' ;zttti.t,Oon
(21,iiiin troops zditi a!1
00390006-9 ?
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But Americans have forgot- -
ten about UNITA: Chitunda
finds almost no interest !n
? Congress or elsewhere. Al-
most daily lie prepares com-
muniques and other mater-
ial based on information
? snuggled out from UNITA.'
? held areas in the southern
? part of Angola. But there.
seems to be no inteeest in
? the material.. At the heigh?:
? of. the civil war earlier this
? year, C It it mit d a traveled
? . around the United States
talking to various groups
about UNITA.- Now he hard! .
lY travels at all.
. "Yes, it is clear that the
Americans have forgotten
us." Chitunda admits. "As-
., far as they are concerned.
the :war in :Angola is over.
In fact, however we (UNITA)
have simply changed from
positional warfare: to guer-
rilla warfare."?
Although the organization
fervently believes it even-
tually will win back Angola
'"from the, Communists," as
? members say, UNITA to -the *
- outside world is moye, sym-
bolic than real. Chituncia is
. still officially, listed as hay-
lug observer status , at the
United Nations, but the
l?Iarist faction now control-
ling Angola has applied for
U.N. membership and it is
almost, certain that Chitun- "
da's status will be revoked.
And what will become of
UNITA then? "True, it ap- ?
Pears we will not have
- much," says Chitunda. "But
in fact we have a great
deal. We have the support of
most of the Angolan people,,"
we have the -Will, we know
we are right . . . ve have
some leftover arms, and I
401 you e vill defeat the
"- Cubans:"
Time Marxist poptilar mere-
ment that' rules-the country
?the MPLA?admits it , has
severe. problems and has
,hinted that the guerrilla at- ?
'tacks are hurting. ?
The MPLA was one of
three movements that fought
against the Portuguese when
Angola was a colony. After
the 1974 revolution, in Pot-
tugal, Angola was given in-
dependence and the MPLA;
UNITA and another pro-
wester faction, the National
. ? Front for .the Liberation of
Angola (FNLA), were joined
in an uneasy coalition gov-
erment. Both the Soviet
Union and-the United States
. intervened by supporting
competing,f a cti ens with
arms ad money. The U.S.
covert operation was halted
by ? Congress and the Popu- ?
lar movement later over-
whelmed. its opponents -with
? Cuban help.
Its armies shatte'red,
UNITA retreated into the
Angolan. interior sever al
months ago. "I have men- I
tioned KW:it:ha," says cat. I.
innda, "and it is what keeps
us going."
(e) 191% New3d6y. Inc
22 JUN 1976_
Crosby S. Noyes
South African riots
The bloody race riots in
the black suburbs of Johan-
nesburg have radically
changed the perspective in
the situation-in South Africa
and pretty well knocked
Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger's newly con-
structed African policy into
a cocked hat.
The perspective and the
policy were based on a
number of assumptions.
The first was that the major
problem and danger spot in
southern Africa was Rhode-
sia, where the white su-
premacist government of
Prime Minister Ian Smith
faces the virtual certainty
of a disastrous war with
black African guerrillas
bent on establishing African.,
The only hope of averting
the war ? and the possible
extinction of Rhodesia's
white population ? is a
very rapid transition to
majority rule through ne-
gotiations with the black
nationalist leaders. The
concessions made so far, by
the Smith regime toward
easing racial restrictions in
Rhodesia are universally
considered to be too little
and tot, -late to save the
The policy of the Ford
administration has been to
line up unequivocally be.
hind rapid transition to
black rule in Rhodesia. In
the course of his recent trip
to Africa, Mr. Kissinger
made it clear that the re-
gime in Salisbury could
count on no help from the
United States in its confron-
tatien with the African
liberation movement. "On
the contrary," the secre-
tary said, "Rhodesia will
face our unrelenting opposi-
tion until a negotiated set-
tlement is achieved."
So far as South Africa
was concerned, the per-
spective was altogether dif-
There, the white minority
regime was believed to be
in firm control and the
black population relatively
passive ? an impression
that the government in
Pretoria eagerly encour-
aged. South Africa, further-
more, is a considerable
military power, with mod-
ern equipment and an army
of 50,000 men, backed by
some 200,000 reservists.
In cpntrast to Rhodesia,
South African whites are
hardly colonialists, having
settled the country more
than 300 years ago, long be-
fore most of the black popu-
lation arrived.
Although South Africa's
policies of apartheid are
condemned by all the liber-
al democracies, including
the United States, the coun-
try's strategic importance
to the major shipping routes
from the Middle East has
argued against intensive
pressure for political and
social change at a faster
pace than the white South
Africans themselves are
willing to accept.
Indeed, Mr. Kissinger
has been counting on the
cooperation of the South
Africans in coping with the
problem of Rhodesia. In his
meeting with South African
Prime Minister John Vor-
ster in West Gen'tiany this
week, the secretary had
hoped to enlist the aid Of
Rhodesia's only major ally
in bringing pressure to bear
on Ian Smith's beleaguered
regime, and there was at
least some reason to hOpe
that Mr. Vorster was pre-
pared to be helpful.
The riots starting Outside
of Johannesburg have
changed all that. Explosive
pressures ? directly relat-
ed to South Africa's repres-
sive race laws ? have now
been dramatically demon-
strated; ? the internal
vulnerability of the govern-
ment in the face of a rising
tide of black nationalism
throughout the continent
has now been starkly re-
It would be comforting to
believe that the result of the
explosion would be a height-
ened consciousness on the
part of the South African
authorities of the need for
fundamental change and a
speedup of essential re-
forms. Unfortunately, the
contrary is more probable:
That the riots will rest* in
more repression, the devel-
Opment of a siege complex
in white-ruled southern
Africa, an end to efforts at
accommodation and the en-
couragement of violence on
the part of black Africans
as the only means of achiev-
ing legitimate political
goals. ?
It also represents a sting-
ing setback for the emerg-
ing African policy of Henri
Kissinger. And a singularly
indigestible can of worms
for a new American admin-
istration to inherit.
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1 JUL 1976
the Marshalls, charged that
. .
the exclusion of Marshallese
employees from U.S. facil-
ities on Kwajalein Atoll
constitutes, "racial discrim-
ination comparable only to
apartheid in South Africa."
Allen maintains that early
this year, during a. spinal
meningitis epidemic at the
atoll that left 12 persons
dead and two children with
permanent brain ? damage,
the American doctors on the
base 21,1e miles away did not
assist the lone ?Marshallese
health officer because of the
policy of segregated facil-
ities., ?
Another petitioner, High
Chief lbedul, from the
Palau district, protested a
multi-billion dollar, project
launched by an American
firm to 'turn that island. into ?
? a large ? port that would
serve as an oil transship-
ment: ?processing and stor-
age depot. ,
Another group of Palau-
ans, who favor' the port,
is expected to appear here'
nescial to The Washington Post
:14--The United States came
under a wide-ranging attack
in the Trusteeship Council
here today for its admints-
iration of ?the last remaining
U.N. trust territory the
2,000 Pacific Islands called
The Americans Wore in
the awkward position of ad-
vocating that one 'group of
islands in the .strategic trust
territory, the Marianas, be
allowed to separate from the
rest and become an Ameri-
can commonwealth, while
.o pposing independence
sought by other island
groups, the Marshall and
Palau districts,
A delegation. of Marshall
islanders , asked the U.N.
council to endOrse their bid
for a separate negotiation
with the United States, lead-
ing to eventual indepen-
George Allen, an Ameri-
can lawyer now living in
6 JUL. 1978
Taiwan Issue
To the Editor:
In his June 21 Op-Ed article, .Allen
S. Whiting overstates the intenaity of
Peking's irritation with the U.S. on the
Taiwan issue and underestimates the
obstacles to any serious Chinese move
toward the U.S.S.R. On the Taiwan.
? issue, the Times editorial of June 17 t,
("The China Knot") was much closer,
to the mark, but the editors could
.have added that Peking's attitude may
also be conditioned by. fear that the
Nationalists might turn elsewhere for
protection, namely to the U.S.S.R., if
cast adrift by the U.S.
Peking's main concern abet? the
U.S. today is precisely the question
raised by Auwalian Prime Minister
Fraser last week with Hua Kno-feng.
Fraser wondered if the U.S. now has
the necessary cohesion and will to
? provide an effective counter to the .
outward thrust of Soviet power in
Asia, the Indian; Ocean e,m1 other
..regions of concern. No doubt, Hua
'replied that those- were 'exactly ids
own sentiments since hardly a day
passes thelle?timilar concerns are not
-expressed directly or indirectly in
to appeal for'separate status
for their district.?
- Running counter to this
separatist trend, which has
been stimulated by econom-
iii potential but is grounded
In the cultural and language
'differences among the. vari-
ous Wand groups., was an
appeal from Roger Baldwin,.
of the International League
for Human Rights,' for the
maintenance of Micronesian
Baldwin .and two 'col-
leagues charged . that the
United States was seeking
the separation of the Mari-
anas from the rest of Micro-
nesia in a "divide and rule"..
tactic that is "colonial" in.
nature. ? ?
Council members are the
United States, Britain,
France, the Soviet .Union
and China.
Both the U.S. administra-
tion and the representatives
from the Caroline island
districts of Micronesia, which
contain the majority of the
114;000 Population but have
:less ?economie potential than
:Peking. ? ?
The points at issue in the Sino-
-Soviet dispute still relate to basic
Chinese values and interests. They
have to do with China's determination
to pursue its own read to building
?socialism, to assert its own strategy
for world revolution and to establish.
what the Chinese consider their proper
role as a self-reliant nation playing an
important and independent role in
world affairs. Any meaningful rap-
prochement with the U.S.S.R.. would
necessitate serious compromise of
these values, unless, of course, the
U.S.S.R. itself had undergone a basic
change in its values and aspirations.
And surely a turn toward the U.S.S.R..
would not be the way to speed. the
U.S. departure from Taiwan.
?Rut if the. alarmists are right and
? Oa, consensus in Peking on the proper
direction of China's basic interests is
so fragile that it could be torn apart
alter Mao's death, this is all the more
reaenn to approach the deliaate process
of normalization of reiatiana with
To bolcl out the profuse of
pco'tunt 'results from this or that Pc,flit=Y
leitiative is to risk eventual disillu
.the Marianas, Palau and the
Marshalls, are seeking to
have th rrusteethip Coun-
cil accept the separation of .
the Marianas, but reaffirm ?
the principle of territorial.
unity .for the rest. ? ?
e The United States 'maia-
tains major bases in the Ma- .
rianas; which would be. pro-
tected under the common-
wealth status. U.S. officials
described as "vital and 'over-
riding the interest in retain-
ing the missile range on
The Marshallese, repre-
sented here today by a Ha-
waii-educated local official
named Anton deBrum, .ar-
gued that the. "myth of Mi-
cronesian unity represents,
in feet an attempt to colon-
ize the Marshalls." The U.S.
plan, he said, would leave
control over Marshallese af-
fairs in the hands of the ma-
jority of .Caroline Islanders.
When pressed by the Brit-
ish and ? French representa-
tives about the depths of
Marshallese commitment to
independence, de-Brum re-
plied that he could envision
a continuing relationship
with. the United States----if
the price for the bases was
right?but only if it involved 1
a status separate from the
rest of Micronesia. . .
sionment and to jeopardize the possible
gradual development' of a mutually
beneficial relationship..
Potomac, Md., June 24, 1976
The writer is a former irtember of the
Board of National Estimates, C.I.A.
25 June 1976
The China Experts
One of the problems that bedevil
Taiwan's diplomatic strategists is the
difficulty in keeping up to date on what
Washing-tor is thinking and doing about
China. Thus, with the third "Sino-
American Conference on Mainland
China" in Taipei last. Week (the others
were held in 1971 and 1974), it was hoped
? that the airing of opinion by some leading
U.S. Sinologists would procide a few
clues. In the event, the loca!s wound up
even more mystified then twee: the
guests not only disagreed with much of
what Taiwan's own China-watchers had
to say, but managed to pour scorn or, one
anotiter as wir.,11.
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That diversity of outlook is the price
Taipei has had to pay for its recent
success in opening contacts with a wider
range of American opinion leaders, rather
than shunning all but staunch anti-
communists. But if the academic visitors
offered no peeps into the rinds of
American policymakers, the Nationalists
still had cause to consider the conference
a success. For one thing, it attracted
some 40 American scholars ? including
some leading liberals ? and during
formal sessions and informal encounters,
the hosts had opportunity aplenty to
press a central point: that American
"derecognition" of Taiwan, for the
purpose of placating Peking, was both
unnecessary and undesirable.
Among the guests were Jerome Cohen
and Ezra Vogel of Harvard, Robert
Scalapino of Berkeley, Ralph Clough of
the Brookings Institution and Ray Cline
of Washington's Georgetown University.
In seeking closer relations with such
? scholars, reports ASIAWEEK'S P.L. Hsia,
Taiwan hoped to impress upon them the
seriousness of its own mainland-
watchers' scholarship and thus eliminate
the tendency of many foreign analysts to
dismiss the locals as mere propagandists.
But while many of the American
participants seemed suitably awed by the
fact-gathering capacity of their Taiwan
counterparts, they had scant praise for
much of the analysis (a sentiment that
? was fully reciprocated). Most notably,
the local scholars predicted that after
Chairman Mao Tse-tung's death there
would be such a fierce "crisis of
succession" that central political author-
ity would yield to a number of regional
power centres ? a sort of "new
warlordism." Few of the Americans
(agreed with that conclusion.
The conference's liveliest session came
on the last day when Thomas Robinson,
associate professor of political science at
Washington U., stood. up to advocate
early U.S. recognition of Peking via the
"Japanese formula" of reducing Amer-
ican representation in Taipei to unofficial
level. If full relations were still not
consummated when Mao died, he argued,
Washington might risk the emergence of
a moderate Peking leadership intent on
? settling differences with Moscow. At
such a point, declared Robinson (who
joked that he'd been advised to wear a
bullet-proof vest to the meeting), Amer
ice's bargaining position would be badly
weakened, especially since the U.S.
would require Peking's support to help
offset the growing strehgth of the Soviet
The chief spokesman for the opposite
viewpoint was Georgetown's Cline, a
onetime boss of the State Department's
Intelligence & Research Bureau and a
frequent critic of Kissingerie.n foreign
policy. Contending that Peking needs the
U.S. much more than vice-versa, Cline
saw no compelling reason for Washing-
ton to abrogate its defence treaty and
jettison diplomatic relations with old ally
Taiwan. The U.S., he said, should offer
to open an embassy in Peking without
? closing the one in Taipei. If Peking
accepts, he said, that will be fine; if not,
? that will be their problem.
8 JUL 176
Twelve Christian Workers Released
John Saar
Washington Post Foreign Service
SEOUL, July 7?South Ko-
rean police repeatedly
punched and threatened
Christiar. ministers and lay
workers when they refused
;to falsely confess that their
church community organiza-
tion was Communist-influ-
-?enced, It was alleged here
today. ?
The charges of police bre-
.;--tality were made by mem-
tiers of the Seoul Metropoli-
tan Community Organize-
tion soon after the release
yesterday a the last three
of twelve persons held for a
six-week investigation.-- - ?
Police gave no explana-
tion for the original arrests
or for the unexpected re-
lease of nine staffers of the
organization last Saturday
and the group's chairman,
the Rev. Park Hyung-Kyu,
with two others late last
-.Justice Minister Whang
San Duk said in an inter-
view that the prosecution
was suspended to ?protect
the freedom of religion and
in consideration of the 12
prisoners' social status. He
said they had "deeply re-
pented of their past errors."
Whang said he had not re-
ceived any report of police
violence, and did -not believe
it had happened. He -prom-
ised to investigate the
charges. ?,
The Rev. Park has been
jailed three times since 1972
when he founded the com-
munity% organization to
bring medical aid and a
sense of self-worth to
Seoul's slum dwellers.
Well-informed sources
here say the decision to halt
the prosecution was influ-
enced by an unusually
strong effort on behalf of
the eleven men and one
woman by U.S. Ambassador
Richard Sneider.
An embassy spokesman
declined to comment on U.S.
intervention in the case. In
the past, the embassy has re-
fused to disclose any efforts
to encourage the Seoul gote ,
ernment to respect human
-rights on the ground that
publicity would reduce the
mission's effectiveness.
Sneider, who has been ac-
cused of not exerting maxi
mum persuasion in earlier
cases, "fairly banged the ta-
ble on this one," a nondiplo-
matic source said.
Since ? late 197Z when -'
- Park seized wide powers via 1
martial law, political opposi-
tion has been discouraged,
and opponents of the gov-
ernment have been arrested
frequently. People who have
been released from prison
have frequently -charged
that they were mistreated
by their jailers. - - - ?
Sources say there was also
a bitter. interdepartmental
struggle over the case be-
tween .Korea's two largest
law enforcement agencies,
the Korean Central Intelli-
gence Agency IKCIA) and
the national police The
KCIA has conducted daily
surveillance of the group's
activities, and agency offi-
cials reportedly were out-
raged when the police
claimed to have evidence of
pro Communist eictivities go-
ing on under their noses.
The KCIA, which has fre-
quently questioned and re-
leased workers of the -Chris-
tian action group, won out
when the public prosecutor's
office ordered the police to .
relinquish the case.
Another factor in the po-
lice failure to release the
prisoners, according to these
well-placed sourees, was an
inability to obtain evidence
for a credible conviction.
Senior leaders of the Protes-
tant churches in Korea vig-
orously criticized the arrests
in meetings with police offi-
cials and the minister of
home affairs, Kim CM Yul.
A resolution adopted by the
Human Rights Commission
of the - Korean National
Council Of Churches
"rejected the government's
implied charges of Commu-
nist conspiracy as ground-
less," accused the govern-
ment of misunderstanding
the church's true mission,
and interpreted the arrests
as "an attack... against the
church as a whole."
"There's not a church
? member in Korea who
would believe they were
Communists," an American
? missionary comented.
? Of the twelve people held
and then released, six have
told friends they were
beaten up, three of them se-
verely. They said they were
punched by as many as
three detectives at a time
when they refused to iden-
tify the group's spiritual and
organizational head, the
Rev. Park, 53, as a Commit- -
Lee Chul Yong, a commu-
nity organizer, said he was
kept bound hand and foot
for three weeks ? and was
gagged with filthy floor rags
when he sang hymns. lie
was not given food for two i?
days at one point. ?
Before they were; re-
leased, all the detainees
were required to sign forms
promising not to disclose de- ,
tails of their treatment.
They, remained silent until
all ? 12 were released, but .
spoke freely to their col-
leagues today. An amend-
ment to the criminal codn
prohibits the disclosure of
critical information to a for-
eign correspondent.'::.
:The police, they said,
made desperate efforts to r
obtain or fabricate evidence.
The freed prisoners said
they were allowed two to
four hours' sleep a night and
were interrogated for up to
15 hours at a stretch.
Lee, a former street crimi-
nal converted by the Chris-
tian group some Years ago,
said he was offered "several
million won," to testify that
Park taught him COIT1Olii-
nism. One million won
equals $2,0a0,
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6 JUL 1976
-Marquis Childs
eth Major
So much of the news is a commodity
avidpped up by the media. itself. That
was true of a lot of the coverage of the
?.30 primaries reported in the old tradi-
tion of "he's up, he's down," with only a
fraction of the electorate concerned
:enough to vote..
'h Rut the. prize example of synthetic
,inews was President Ford's economic
aernait in Puerto Rico: As image-build-
iett by way of television it served his
tperposes. Even as first announced, the
pcseibility of any tangible achievement
,was heavily' discounted and no one
therefore had reason to be disappoint-
In the choice of a site?San Juan in
the full blaze of summer's heat--was an
irony that must have escaped the har-
ried heads of government. As they
went from one air-conditioned confer-
ence room, to another under the heavi-
eat security on this two-day excursion,
the locale meant little or nothing.
Yet they might have learned some
'thing about the problems of the Third.
World from this curious island corn-
hnenwealth. For Puerto Rico,. as a de-
'Pendent of the United States, is part of
ta ? balancing act that threatens from
:time to time to fall apart. They might
lave learned, too, about the role Cuba.
las played in the Puerto Rican dilem-
in Fidel Castro's meddling in the rela-
tionship between Puerto Rico and the
"United States is one of the reasons that
Vie proposed reopening a year ago of
-the Cuban-U.S. dialogue was aborted.
While this was secondary to the mas-
:sive Cuban intervention in Angola?
Ahem may be today as many as 15,000
'Cuban troops in that former Portu-
guese colony?it was nevertheless evid-
ence that Castro was continuing to try
to make trouble for America in the Car-
A' Last September at a solidarity con-
tress in Havana the cause. was Puerto
'Rican independence. And although its.
'importance was played down the Cu-
'ban radio beamed inflammatory
speeches, many of them by Puerto RI-
.can independence delegates, to the is-
land commonwealth.
The Cubans never miss an opporturt-
-ity-to raise this issue at the United Na-
tions. They are expected to do a repeat
?performance in August before what is.
known as the Committee of 24 which
concerns itself with de-colonization.
These gestures mean little except as
propaganda and as proof for Washing-
ton that Castro is determined to con-
tinue his trouble-making role.
-Repeatedly in free elections the
Puerto Ricans have voted down inde-
Dendence. In the last elections in 1972
the independence parties got only 4.5
per cent of the vote, with 85 per cent of
potential voters going to the polls.
'IBy any rational measurement inde-
pendence would be the sheerest mad-
ness. In an island heavily overpopu-
lated with no energy resources, suffera
dug from a severe recession caused ih.
, 8 July 1976
Unhappy .11.8
Americans worry about Cuban intervention
ifl-Africa and thunder about Cuba's. annoying if
ineffective subversion in Puerto Rico. Yet they
fail to notice revolutionary change of an otni
nous 'character taking place in the Caribbean,
and especially the English-speaking ,Caribbean.
Prime 'Minister Forbes Burnham, ? who was
thought of as Washington's man when he took
power in Guyana in 1954, is moving that South
American mainland state by salami slices into a
Marxist-Leninist dictatorship. Prime Minister
. Michael Manley appears to be heading the same
way in Jamaica, under. cover of Draconian
emergency responses to widespread violence
and in the name of democratic socialism:
' Small as Guyana and demnica are on tc
world ;calti, timy gi;int.s of hc stateleta
that emergetf. from what used to be the Rritiab
West Indies, A W1011'1410 theory involving tite
part by the quadrupling of oil prices,
cutting off the massive help provided
by the United States would be a form
of suicide.
Given his Marxist outlook, Castro
may envisage Puerto Rico as a second
Angola. Cuban troops would move in to
keep order. But with Cubans them-
selves still rationed for many essentials,
the food deficit could never be made
up. The island would soon become a
starving poorhouse. -
As a measure of American help, out
of a population of 3 million, 52 per cent,
or 1,558,000, are on the food stamp pro-
gram. More than 200,000 are on the fed-
eral aid for families with dependent
children, although the monthly pay-
ment of $45 does not go far.
A determinded drive to build up in-
dustry and tourism has raised per cap-
ita income to more than $2,000, accord-
ing to a spokesman for the island. That
income is the second-highest in Latin
America, exceeded only by oil-rich
Venezuela. With unemployment offi-
daily at 17 per cent and tourism falling
off, it will be a struggle to sustain such
a level.
Even if they had had a moment to
consider it, this must all have seemed
irrelevant to the heads of government.
Each has his own serious political-eco-
nomic problems back home and each
was making sure that he got filmed by
the television crew that turned up from
his home base. Here were the states-
men debating with their fellows about
inflation and its perils together with.
unemployment and the dangers if the
brake is pushed down too hard on the
current recovery:
Puerto Rico is in a sense part of the
Third World. As such it is an object les-
son in the cost of sustaining living
standards at anything close to the level
of the industrialized nations.
. c United Frhttlize Syndleate,;ne.
smaller islands is not unreasonable. A aubstanti-
al part of the Caribbean allied ti Coba, and
' looking internationally for help against expect-
ed subversion from the 'United States on the
'Chile model, would he a dismal Bicentennial
present Yet this specter is taking shape without
Cuban responsibility or much American notice.
The reaeons for it are indigenous and tragic.
The downward soiral of Jamaica is dynamic.
Poverty and joblessness breed violentie, both
political and criminal, which drives tourism and
investment a aiey to create greht,r deeper:a Mr.
Manley seems more preoccopical with natiocal-
mZ thao it. British-style
democracy has eh/en way to one-party dioW:?r-
shios in other former colonies, but this transfer.
ruztion, if plir:.ut:d. would Injustice Ir> ,lamed? ca's own Instaa ii :1;1 ,c0rely ;,lolenec-free, two-
party tradition, The oppoiiioe detrialca 1.reattra
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party has as great a claim On Jamaican patriot-
ism as the People's National. party of Mr. Man-
ley. His dispute with American aluminum pro-
ducers over the bauxite mines should be negoti..
-able. The violence wracking Kingston is a trage-
dy for. the Jamaican people. Mr. Manley's re-
sponse to it might prove to be another. Amen-
:can reaction to his policies should not add fur
then tragedy, which would not be many rational:
American interest:
Friday, July 2, 1976
28 June 1976
U.S. accused of -foaling.
Castro's Cuba:
The Invisible
Handwriting on
the all
A Commentary.
By Nicholas von Hoffman
El Presidente Geraldo Ford dropped in on
Puerto Rico the other day and the first thing
"he did was to tell El Jefe Supremo Fidel
a' Castro, to keep ? his cotton-pickers. off that
; island. If Ronald Reagan had said it every-
'. body would be yapping abdut how irresponsi-
, ble hels.
The Cuban threat is a geoPolitical version
of the miracle of the loaves and ?thp. fishes.
Here is an island nation that's about 760
1. miles. long, .50 miles thick with 8.5 'million'
. people, and to listen to American officialdom
- you'd think that this email gang . of stogy
puffers is about to conquer the world. When
'.??.:they're not subverting -.Puerto .Rico we're
warning them of Panama, Angola or Rho-
desia. Where do they get all the troops for
these escapades? Russian volunteers.andleft-
.' !a wing Hollywood starlets who. missed the
charter. flight when the Venceremos. Brigade
Went home to Pasadena? .
No man and no country in the world is as
adept at getting the. American government's
goat, as ? Castro and Cuba. We. rise to the.. ?
bait every time and we. do it with :such ?
'unvarying consistency that ? Castro plants a
rumors of new Cuban subversions in unlikely
a places at a pastime. ? Don't be surprised to
e! read that Kisainger haswarned the -3,Imeimum?
' Leader of Cuban socialismto atop fomenting
civil war in Lebanon.
In the last few yearsosaner heads in Wash-
....ington have begun to question this ceaseless
'end pointless vendetta 'against Our Caribbean'
neighbor. Why, they want to know, do we
continue to try to embargo and starve the
Cubans 13 yeara after their revolution? We
did the Same ?with the Russians and with
the Chinese only to give it up and admit
we'd made idiots of ourselves.. . .
Given the history of U.S.-Cuban relations, ?
it's they who have every moral right to be
attempting. to quarantine .us.. Cuba might
he considered the first country in which the
United ?States tried out what. is new -called .:
-.neocolonialism, that is, having esteeeibly free
and independent states which are in reality
run .by on Mole:11)1e American pre-con-ea ?
Cuba's weather
AMERICA twice tampered
. with the weather in an
effort to wreck the Cuban
sugar harvest and bring
? down ? , the Communist
-regime. of Dr Fidel Castro,
former scientific consult-
ant _ -to Pentagon
claimed at the weekend. .
? Lowell Polite said the
Cl A and the Pentagon had
-'seeded" wind currents. that
---carry rain to Cuba in 1969 and
1970. The harvest did fail but
,it was .not clear if that was a
result of the project having
He said he had learned of the'
project front staff at the Penta-
gon who were directly concerned
with the operation, but the
..Pentagon yesterday denied talc-
?ing part in any such scheme,
saying: We have never con-
ducted weather" modification.,
around Cuba." A Spokesman'
:said such. tactics had only been
. ? ?
used once in a secret Operation,
and that was in. Vietnam. There-
rain was made to fall in an at-
tempt to turn trails used by the
Viet Cong into impassable:
Mr Ponte; who is Shortly to
publish, a book on weather .
manipulation, said the purpose
of the Cuban operation was the-.
. opposite--to get the *clouds to -
discharge their moisture before*
they ever got to Cuba and thus
to wreck the, harvest. .
Ile said the idea ? was first
tried out in 1969, and stepped
up the. next year after Dr Castro
staked his reputation on a record
10 - million ton sugar, cane
'?" The 'CIA calculated, follow-
ing Castro's statements,' that ,
failure would demoralise his.
people and make Cuban com-
munism ? .appear ? a failure'
throughout., the world." When ,
the harvest failed Dr Castro i
did, as the CIA had hoped. i.
offer to resign, but later clanged j
his mind.
Back at the turn of the' century the technique ?
wasn't perfected so we sometimes left our ? ?
paw prints around. Thus, the first Cuban
? Constitution (Article III) had a remarkable
'clause in its conceding ? "that' the United
States. may exercise the ..right to intervene ?
for the preservation of Cuban independence,
? the .maintenance of a government adequate-
for the protection of life, property andindi-
? " virtual liberty, and for the discharging the
obligations. with respect to Cuba imposed by .
? the Treaty of Paris ... ? The aforesaid
?Treaty of Paris ended the Spanish-American;
War, and although it determined Cuba's fate
' until the coming Castro, the Cubans
neither drafted it nor signed it. ?
? :Under this intervention clause, known as ?
the Platt Amendment, we thrice sent troopS
into the country. The worst was in 1906 when
we sent a certain Charles Magoon of Ne-
braska to* the governor of Cuba. The indig- ?
may or it! To be ruled over by a man
named Mego.on. In the America ..of 1906 or
? now, such as a Magoon should aspire to
: nettling higher than saloonkeeper or alder-.
? man.'
alageon- was but one ? of a succession of
Americans sent to -Cuba to teach "the cheat-
ing amanana' lot," as Theodore Roosevelt
. .called the inhabitants of that island, how to.
conduct themselVes. in a democratic and
.manner. The Cubans were had
? ? pupils. They rieted'and revolted under a pro-
cession of Quisling president who :Jet neap
'records for theft, peculation and diversion
? of famds front. ti public purse.
The . American penetration and. domina-
tion of tho Cuban economy ?Ieft the little'
island it a tondition of near vassalage.
? A U.S. Department of Commaece publica-
tion in 1956 imule the point. better ihnn
??etly .Marxist-Leniniat. could: "Ameriean
participation. exceeds .eo per cent in the
telephone mid electric eerv2ece, about 50'.
. 'ear cent in. eervice radwrres nurt
roughly: o5 per .eent. in raw sugar peothata
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thin. The Cuban branches 'of the United
States banks are entrusted with almost
one-fourth of. all bank deposits . e The
outlook for additional investment is also
-good." (As quoted in "Revolution in Cuba,"
by Herbert fa Matthews, Charles Scribner's
Sons, New York, 1975).
The American policy has been anything
but empathetic. While playing down the
actual history of the relations -between the
two countries, in pane Castro. has been
4 JUNE 1 976
denominated a bandit, and .in secret the
scum of the Mafia were sworn into the
CIA and told if their hit men scored on
the, Cuban leader they could have their
whorehouses back.
If our Presidente should decide to return'
to the Caribbean, next time he might fore-
go the threats and offer El Jefe Supremo
our apologies with a promise not to do it
6 months of political strife
By john Hatch
0 1976. The Washinaton Post/
Mine. Features Syndicate. Inc.
ES see be
KINGSTON,. Jamalea?"CIAga" is .a
common sign chalked on in ?this
City of 700,000 inhabitants long known ?
* for its tropical tourist attractions but
recently the target of political violence.
The term is a play on the?name of
Edward Seaga, leader of the opposition
atlamaiaa Labor 'Party: .1.1LP] ? the"
, more conservative of the island's two
. major political factions, and the United
States' Central Intelligence Agency.
Some members of the ruling People's.*
National Party 1PNI'l blame the via:-
lone? in the last six months on Seaga :
the CIA, for two reasons, ?
First, the PNP won. four :by-elections:
last yeer and has remained popular
since coming to power in 1972, despite
being faced with the political adversities ..?
? of oil price increases and world reces-'
non. So, Seaga as opposition leader
'faces' near certain defeat at the next
'election, to be held before next Febru-
Second, Washington is believed to
have become worried about the direc-
tion. of Jamaican politics. The PNP gov-
?-ernment openly declared its objectives
to be socialist and madc no secret of its
? friendship with Cuba. Thus, it is' alleged,
the CIA began six .months ago to focus ?
on determining the credibility of Seaga
? as an alternative to Prime Minister and
PNP leader Michael Manley.
IT IS SUGGESTED that Seaga, who
had a reputation? for using violence in
"earlier political' battles, secured money
from ? the .CIA which he determined to
John Hatch iz a British
teacher. .
28 June 1976
journalist and
ihid bullets
?uae for bullets where words failed to per-
suade voters. ?
This .scenario is by no means univer-
sally accepted. But what is unquestioned.
is that citizens have died in the last six
. months in Kingston as guns have prolif-
erated along with Molotov cocktails and
arson. Many victims have been young
members of the PNP. Military discipline
has been instituted, and Manley . and
? members of his government have joined
an expanded Home Guard.
What alarms Jamaicans is that their
country is being hit by violence of a
clearly Political ? and evidently foreign
? nature. It is not aimed at ? the
wealthy, nor at. the tourists who cortin-.
ue to crowd .the sun-drenched beaches
on the north ?coast seeking tropical de-
lights. It is in the poorer parte of King-
ston, .and among the political protago-
nists, that the heat is felt.
The allegation of CIA interference has
gained credence with. the exposure of
the agency's adtivities in other nations,.
especially in Latin America. ?
JAMAICA AND. CUBA are . natural
friends. They lie only 90 miles apart and
share many .common problems. At Man-
ley's invitation; .Cuban engineers are
building local irrigation darns in Jamai-
ca and training Jamaican workers in
their construction and use. ?
That is the ?kind 'of mutual aid Third'
World countries are increasingly seeking
as an alternative to reliance on the rich
incluetrial states for a transference of
technology. Yet, it is generally accepted
that such nations do not interfere in
each other's
Jamaicans, with their history of turbu-
lent political pluralism, are little inter-
ested in the conformity of cornea:mist-a
? and this is recognized by Cubans.
h Kingdom Goes to Vkiaste7
Recently, Jamaican Prime Minister
Michael Manley invited supporters at-
tending the tenth annual conference of
his Central Kingston constituency to.
study closely a film called :Inc Rise and
rf an? CIA. a British-made doeti-
mentary a tpaut alieged agency opera-
tions in Lar.r.i, Viet Nam and Salvador
Alleride.'s Chile. "t cannot prove in a
court of law that the (IA is here," Man-
ley told his audience. "What I have said
is that certain stranee thines are hap-
pening in farnalca whieh we have not
seen before."
By "strange things," the Pi hue Min-
ister meant random nets of violence that
so farthie year have led to the death of
more than MO people, mi.,stly- in the
slums of West 'Kingston, ast week..
though, Peruvian Ambassador Fenian-
Seaga and Manley. agree national de-
velopment is the 'essential objective..
Seaga calls his policy nationalism; Man-
ley. speaks of. .democratic socialism.;
communism has. never been an issue
between them.
Manley's socialisin is recognized as
preserving Jamaica's democratic tradie,
tins of a free and critical 'press, free
speech and association. The trade un- :
ions are divided between the two par-
ties. The police, security forces, and ju-
diciary are independent.
If Jamaicans became convinced their 1,
free choice between the parties at the
next election was being subverted .front
outside, much el the Third World would
be incensed.
? AT THE SAME TIME, the real alter-
natives would be submerged. Seaga rep-
resents the business interests cf this
country and believes the national econo-
my can grow only if government con-
trots. are removed from all but the rural ,
Manley would seek to narrow the gap !
in living standards between the minority .
elite and the common masses until it
disappears. He says government must
create new jobs, insist on a minimum
wage; build houses and roads, provide
'tensions and health services, end supply
'food to the needy.- in addition to contael-
Eng utilities and educational institutions.
If the PNP should be defeated in the
coniLrig elections, by either constitution-
al or subversive means, there would he
a real danger that right- and leitewing
forces would engage in a death stru;azle
to impose their brands of totalitarian-
ism. And if they did, the chances ? for
peace on this island and of trust in the
West throughout the Third World would
be dashed for many years to COMC.
do' Rodriguez Oil va.wasstahlletl to death
by burglars in his home in an upper-
class section of the capital.
*In a stern effort to halt vicaetice neu
has been causing a death a clay in Ja-
maica, I'vlal).kY's V?overilment
extrenie step of declaring a 'tate of
emergency. This move g,4cs the
Seciirity 1-.4.-iive broad alLe L.
posse I'S 1.0 1.17 Li irk ho',' and order. Sa;ki
ihe prime minister: -we ha": V,
a type and scale ef a.iolence
our histm,y, terrorist ities
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? unknown to us which have caused fear
? and concern to every decent Jamaican
? citizen." Security forces, he insisted, had
? found evidence that terrorism was to be
deliberately stepped up this week.
Nighttime Sounds. The Prime
Minister, announcing the state of emer-
-genes,, also gave a vivid example of the
kind of violence he intended to stop. On
the night of May 19, Manley recalled,
in what has become known as the "Or-
ange Street Massacre," a gang seeking
vengeance for the stabbing of one of its
members set fire to a tenement house.
With gunfire the gang held
?. bey and the occupants inside the burn-
ing building. Fight children and three? ?
adults died in the fire. .
? Even before the State of emergency,
police and soldiers of the 8,000-man Se-
? curity force:had been-carrying Out night-
ly cordon-and-search operations in
? Kingston under the country's weapons
? control laws (automatic life imprison-
ment for anyone caught with guns, gres
nades or explosive devices). A new ad-
? dition to the nighttime sights and sounds
of the city is the loud whir of an irmy
'helicopter with a powerful searchlight.
hovering over an area where security
forces have moved in to make a sweep.
' U.S. Ambassador Sumner Gerard
has protested that the CIA is not in any
manner trying to upset the Jamaican
government, even though Washington is
less than happy about Manley's warm-
ing friendship with Fidel Castro. Ge-
rard's denials were reinforced last week
by William H. Luers, Deputy Assistant
? Secretary of State for International Af-
25 June 1976
Post-Allende repression:
fairs, who told a House subcommittee
that allegations of U.S. interference were
"totally false.- If American citizens are
engaged privately in "destabilizing.' ac-
tivities, Luers added, "we are prepared
to cooperate fully with the governments
of the area to bring them to justice."
Prime Minister Manley is not total,
ly. convinced. "We have not said? that
destabilization in Jamaica is the result
of deliberate top-level U.S. Government
. he told TIME Correspondent
Bernard Diederich last week. "Dr. Kis-
singer has said that it is not so, and that
may be so. Nonetheless, what upsets
people now is that assurances were be-
ing given Allende and his ambassadors
up to a few weeks before this death]
?bland aesurances saying 'Of course
we're not doing that'?and yet we now
know it was happening."
Specifically, Manley blames the vi-
olence on his right-wing political ene-
mies who are trying to impede Jamai-
ca's path to socialism. If, in that, they
do get help from American sources,- he
claims, it is partly because of his friend-
ship With Castro (who may visit Kings-
ton in August) and partly because Ja-
maica backed the pro-Soviet regime of
Agostinho Neto in Angola. The U.S., ar-
gues Manley, "has been resentful of any
country in the Western Hemisphere that
came out in support of Neto and the Cu-
bans against the South Africans. They
have been very bitter about it."
A more plausible explanation for
Jamaica's unrest is Maniey's efforts to
turn the island republic into a socialist
state. Even the Prime Minister's sup-
porters concede that the economy is in ?
a shambles. Unemployment is running
at about 22rda and is particularly high
among urban youth. who police say
are guilty of most of the recent mur-
ders. The country's foreign exchange
earnings, principally from bauxite, sug-
ar and tourism, are down 40 to 60% .
below last year's total .of $400 million,:
and reserves have dropped from more
than $102 million in November to less
than $38? million. Wealthy Jamaicans
have illicitly exported perhaps $200 mil-
lion abroad; some of the currency has
been smuggled out in fake cigarettes, ,
fortune cookies and pork carcasses. Says. -
One member of an intelligence force try-
? ing to halt the financial outflow:. 'It ?
has replaced the smuggling of ganja
(marijuana) to Grand Cayman; Miami
and Canada."
Chance of Winning. In additiOn;
many wealthy Jamaicans have set up
. second residences abroad. Whether they
emigrate will depend on the outcome.of
the next general election (probably in ?
February). Manley's People's National.
Party currently has 35 seats iii Parlia-
ment, to .17 . for the opposition Labor
Party. led by Edward Seaga. An able
economist. Seaga faces the. ethnic dis-
advantage of his Lebanese ancestry; he
is light-skinned in an overwhelmingly
black nation. Nonetheless, he stands .a
goixi chance of winning if these is more
violence and the economy continues to
stagger. Many Jamaicans are convinced.
that will be the case. In the sad words
of a current hit by Ernie Smith, one of
Kingston's top reggae singers, "As we
fight one another fe de power and de
glory, jab kingdom goes to waste."
U.S. squeamishness b ffles Chile
Sun Staff Correspondent
Santiago, Chile ? The
words come with a rush Of
puzzlement and fear that they
will be misunderstood: "We
thought the United States
would welcome the change. ?
We hoped all the Comrnunists
would be killed." ?
'She toys with her Coffee
cup in a Valparaiso cafe, a
trim, attractive, upper mid-
dle-class housewife who might
be a social leader in Roland
Park or Chevy Chase. Her
husband, whose English is
better, cringes faintly.
In Santiago, Col. Gaston
Zuniga Paredes, the military
government's director of com-
munication, echoes the first of
the two thoughts. "There has
been some amazement," he
says, "because Chileans
thought the ? United States
would help after, they threw
out the Communists. There
has been some surprise that
the United States. instead of
helping, backed away."
Doubtless there is more
than a touch of disingenuous-
ness in these attitude& at
least on Colonel Zuniga's part.
? They suggest none of the corn-
.pletity Cf the 'U.S.-Chilean re-
lationship since Gen. Augusto
Pinoehet's military, junta
? overthrew Salvador Allende,
the Marxist president, in
September, 1973. ??
But an element of unaf-
fected naivete, or simple ideo-
logical. ? ? self-righteousness,
runs through the attitudes of
much of Chile's' middle class
? and military government. All
things considered, the United
States has been remarkably
forthcoming to the junta.
All things in this case
include the Nixon administra-
? tion's efforts ? to prevent
.Allende's.election in 1970: And
after his election with 36 per
.cent ? of the vote, its support
for the democratic opposition
and its barriers, in .effect, to
? Chile in the international
motley market.
? How much U.S. policy had
to do with Allencle's mail and
death' will be disputed for
years.' For Allende, paradoxi-
cally. a Marxist who partook.
liberally of the good life, also
naively assumed that
enforced communism and
? democracy were compatible.
The result predictably was
hews. Never huareseed by a
' 01
? majority, of the public or in
? Congress, he tackled capital-
ism in a way that drove
capitalists, technicians or
anyone else who could salvage
his assets out of the country.
.Strikes paralyzed much' of
industry. By the fall of 1973
the inflation ? rate - was
? somewhere about 500 to '600
per cent?.no one knows for
? sure?and Chile was sinking
under its social, economic and
political burdens. ?
? Finally ? the ? disaster
brought .the military out of its
historic submission to civilian
rale. As so often happens, the
? .cure may be Worse than the
illness. What, made the junta
? of .General Pinochet, 60, an
? instant embarrassment to the
United States was its iron
repreSs.ion of dissent.
Pertiaps as many. as 2,500
were slaughtered during, the
coup. The junta has suspended
the majority parties ..of :the
center, abolished those of the
left, suspended ali political
activity, locked up anyone
vocally to the left of tt faint
. rose coloration, weeded even
moderate le.fti5tS out of the
taiiversines and generally has
imposed on Chile an apolitical
ideology of ?faire
Under Allende the techno-
crats fled Chile. Under the
junta Chile's abstract thinkers
have fled.
' But worst of all, to the out-
side world, have been the doc?
umented executions, the dis-
appearances, and the. torture
conducted by DINA, the Di-
rector4e for National Intel-
ligence .:1-the ? secret police.
Operated by Col. Manuel Con,
treras, DINA runs three
camps. near. Santiago. It re-
ports only to General Pinoch-
et, and some outside analysts
suspect that in the way of se-
cret police everywhere it op-
erates beyond even his con-
The abuses have 'slowly
accumulated on the record.
They are on the record in
large part for a peculiar rea-
son.. For despite its represe
sten, the government still
admits foreign correspond-
ents who poke artnmd with
some considerable freedom.
Their findings, and those of
several international agen-
cies, rue a familiar grisly
gamut. There are the persons
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arrested whose bodies are
. found later, brutalized. There
are the electrodes attached to
genitals. There are the rapes
by persons unseen from
behind blindfolds. The list is
Nevertheless, Alvaro Pu-
ga, a political adviser to the
government, argues that none.
of the major U.S. publications
has been willing to listen
rationally to government
objectives or to its
? Basically, both Mr. Puga
and Colonel Zuniga admit
there have been abuses by
physical mistreatment of pris-
oners. In fact, Mr. Puga says,
109 police, military men or
members of DINA have been
punished for abuse?including
ooe offender sentenced to 10
years in prison. e
Basically also, they deny
abuse in the general pattern
tA arrests and imprisonment.
In the general pattern of left-
ist activities, they portray a
Communist conspiracy, sup-
ported by the Soviet Union, to
take over Smith America.
"Chile," says Colonel
Zuriiga firmly, "Is the only
country really fighting the
Whether the colonel and
his leaders really think in
such simple terms is one of
the frustrating questions in
assessing Chile. Certainly they
have been successful in sup-
pressing anything resembling
effective opposition. There
are known Communists still
on the job in Chile today?and
they are resolutely silent.
Punishments can be subtle.
One radio editor who became
too lax in self-censorship was
banished to a mountain town
at 12,000 feet in the Andes, an
ordeal for a flatlander. He
came home in the limited
amnesty that honored the ar-
rival of Henry A. Kissinger,
the Secretary of State, earlier
this month.
Outsiders who specialize in
Chilean affairs will attempt
anonymously to shed perspec-
tive on the current leadership,
recognizing that perspective
can be mistaken for
"These are military techni-
cians, unsophisticated politi-
cally, pragmatic and driven
by emotional anti-Marxism,"
says one. "They are honest
and without personal ambi-
tidn in conventional terms.
Their politics is utter loyalty
to Chile as a state and their
economics is that of William
E. Simon [U.S. Treasury
Secretary]. Adam Smith is
alive and well in Santiago and
Somewhere between 300
and 400 political prisoners are
held at any given time under
extralegal state of siege
terms, one reports. It is these,
passing through what another
calls "DINA's revolving
door," who are most often
subject to physical mistreat-
About 1,500 persons are in
the process of indictment and
trial for recognized offenses?
such as carrying or conceal-
S JUL 19-16
Stuff nits Threatened
By Marlise Simons
Suede! 0 The Vishin-stan Post
The editorial staff and man-
agement of Mexico's leading
newspaper walked.. off the
job today, saying*their cnly
alternative was ti fight it
out with dissident ecuscrva-
lives in the cooperative en-
terprise who had occupied
the plant earlier in the day.
The staff feels lteedom of
the press in Mexico is at
Excelsior, the only impor-
tant independent newspaper
in Mexico and one of the
few remaining. in Latin
America. has come under
attack recently. by elements
who the editor 'believes are
supported by the govern.
morn of President Luis
Echeverria. The paper often
has criticized the president.
_ ?
ing arms. Perhaps 2,000 more
have been tried, convicted and
are serving sentences for
charges growing out of 'the
political transition.
"Theoretically," says one
source, "this ties down all the
corners, accounting for every-
body. But in fact there is a
fourth category." This is the
category of those arrested but
unaccounted for by DINA,
which still fails in many cases
to fulfill new government
requirements for full account-
ing, for physical examination
of all prisoners by doctors,
and for notification of
families when a member is
Some of the extralegal
prisoners, an analyst says,
would be a severe threat to
the government by any objec-
tive standards. These are
assassins and bomb-throwers
of militant communism,
members of the Revolution-
ary Left Movement. But many
are victims of arbitrary judg-
ment, and no outsiders, appar-
ently, have a clear idea of
where the lines are drawn. -
The abuses and ambiguity
have helped create a double
standard in the appraisal of
Chile by outsiders. To some on
the left, Chile's repression is
reprehensible, Cuba's defensi-
ble. Even some Latin govern-
ments with scarcely liberal
governments are quick to
attack Chile's record.
The reasons are plain,
according to a foreign diplo-
mat. First of all, Allende was
t widely perceived as a social
democrat, not a Communist.
Then the coup, 'when it came,
was quite bloody. Then, the
source adds, "there is simple
hypocrisy along with effective
Communist prcipaganda."
For its Ipart the US.. is
trying to walk a delicate line
in its relations with Chile,
. joining the pressure for politi-
cal reform without cutting its
strategic lines. Strategic
? interests in the area are clear,
given Chile's position along
the whole southern half of ,
.South America's west coast. '
. The U.S., one specialist
reports, "is trying to move the
leaders along politically. It
certainly is not trying to over-
throw them or to replace
them. It sees no reasonable al-
ternatives for the short term."
That is why Mr. Kissinger's
words on human rights earlier
this month were so carefully
framed, to avoid condemna-
tion of Chile while keeping up
. the pressure for reform. Pre-
sumably that also is part of
the reason credits to keep
Chile's struggling economy
; afloat have become available.
Indeed, according to one
American analyst, the dual
policy seems to be working as
Chile's leaders feel the inter-
national heat. The level of
, actual mistreatment of
Chileans, he asserts, "is down
considerably from a year ago,
though it still is not something
to trumpet from the
Mexico Paper
Printers and others oc-
cupying the plant. said they
would not allow publication
until editor Julio Scherer
left. They sent word that
they had removed vital parts
of the presses to make their
point. Scherer left, saying
"our decision was to avoid
violence or bloodshed at any
Early this morning, about
50 conservative members of
the cooperative invaded the
Excelsior plant and stopped
the presses. The paper later
appeared ?with a blank back.
page that was. to have con-
tained an editorial staff
manifesto declarin g that
freedom of the press was.
? being threatened..
In a later assembly of tiie
cooperative, which lacked a
quorum, ? the conservatives
. claired that Scherer and
of the prinev's top
managers were fired,
The entire 'management
and editorial staff, filen con-
?voked their 'own assembly
.with a quorum of 812 of the
1,300 members. This group
called for a new and legal
assembly on July 21.
Until then, they said they
would not produce a paper,
claiming there was no guar-
antee the dissenters would
not sabotage its contents.
A month ago, a group ap:
parcntly?backed by the gov-
ernment illegally ? occupied
property owned by Excelsior
claiming the land is !mons.
0 1 h or newspapers and
television stations have earn-
pair' 01$ to embarrass Excel-
sior's editor by puhiisning
insulting ads and picturing
the land occupation as legal.
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