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25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20 :f8]-RIDP77M00144R000600070003-9 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel e Counsel Page 3 Monday - 8 December 1975 25X1 8. THIRD AGENCY Received a call from Roger Whidden, in the office of the Assistant Attorney General, concerning Senator Edward Kennedy's (D. , Mass.) letter as Chairman, Senate Labor and Public Welfare Subcommittee on Health to the Attorney General requesting that the Agency documents on distribution of drug files be publicly released with the names deleted. He asked who in Justice had advised the Agency that public release could jeopardize the constitutional rights of a? former employee. I told him that we were so advised by Mr. Thornburg, with the concurrence of.DepLuty_Attorne _General T Whidden said he was handling the request and will let us know their decision. 9. 25X1 HEARING Arranged for security inspection and monitoring of room S. 116 Capitol and reporter's notes pick up for Director's meeting with Senator John Sparkman (D., Ala.) and Senator Clifford P. Case (R. , ). 25X1 10. LIAISON Paul Hoff, Counsel, Senate Government Operations Committee, called to alert me that the Committee had invited Mr. Colby to testify before the Committee on the subject of congressional oversight during the week of either 19 or 26 January 1976. He said they would probably ask Mr. Colby to lead off one of the days of testimony and asked that I be back in touch with him regarding what. day would be best for the Director. He also said it was his understanding that the Senate Select Committee had decided to cancel its oversight hearings in order not to duplicate the work of the Government Op'erations Committee. 25X1 ? U. CONSTITUENT Received a call from Louise Buchanan, in the office of Representative Jack Kemp (R., N. Y. ). She asked how a constituent, might apply for a legal position 25X1 with the Agency. I explained that we had a very active minority hiring program. and agreed to send her an application and information on the Agency for forwarding to the constituent. 12. LEGISLATION Called Don Henderson, on 25X1 the Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, regarding the mark-up on S. 2662, the military foreign assistance legislation, scheduled by the Subcommitt on Foreign Assistance and Economic Policy of the Foreign Relations Committee for 10 December. Henderson said he was not the one to talk to on this bill, and referi ed me to Norvill Jones or Dick Moose, both of the Subcommittee, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600070003-9 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600070003-9 - ? ADDENDUM TO JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 3 December 1975 25X1 CONSTITUENT After discussion with OGC, I called Emily Thurber, mail assistant, of Senator Alan Cranston's (D., California) office. I advised Ms. Thurber that the constituent letter concerning the Glomar Explorer was more probably the action of the Department of justice. She explained she did not know what to do with the diTginal letter, but now understood that Justice should handle the inquiry. She asked that we refer the letter to Justice for action. Accordingly, a copy of the original letter was given to for passage to John J. McCarthy, Chief of the Litigation Section of the Tax Division, Department of Justice. 2. BRIEFING Called Clark McFadden, Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee, and confirmed Monday, 8 December at 10:00 a.m. for him to come out and have a briefing by Carl Duckett, DDS&T. It was later arranged that McFadden would have another briefing on 11:00 a. m. and possibly stay for lunch. Mr. Duckett and CCI, have been advised. 3. BRIEFING Charles Snodgrass, Defense Subcommittee, House Appropriations Committee staff, called and said that there had been a change in plans and now the Subcommittee still wanted to have a briefing on covert action but would take a Deputy in place of Mr. Colby. I told Snodgrass I would have to relay this to the Director and be back in touch. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 4. LIAISON DDS &T OSI, 25X1 called and said that a consultant on the West Coast, 25X1 who is a member of the Director's Nuclear Intelligence Panel, thinking that Representative Mike McCormack (D., Wash.) should have a briefing because he has some ideas for legislation on nuclear proliferation. 25X1 said the panel has been given briefings on this matter and that the Congressman is now aware of the information that we have in the Intelligence Community. Felt it would be helpful if we could get to the Congressma25X1 or his aide, John A.ndalin, and provide them a briefing. I told 25X1 Mr. McCormack was a member of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy and that he should be able to go to the Committee for any information he I would check with and be back in. 25X1 will be in the Washington area on 10 December 25X1 may want. I told touch with him. to meet with Andalin. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/20: CIA-RDP77M00144R000600070003-9 25X1