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ed For Release 2005/06/02 : CIA-RDP77M00144R001100220011-7 Public Law 94-397 94th Congress, H. R. 3650 September 3, 1976 21ct To clarify the application of section 8344 of title 5, United States Code, relating to civil service annuities and pay upon reemployment, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) section Clvii ser- 8344(a) of title 5, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: vice aimuities. "(a) If an annuitant receiving annuity from the Fund, except? Reemployed "(1) a disability annuitant whose annuity is terminated because annuitants. of his recovery or restoration of earning capacity; "(2) an annuitant whose annuity, based on an involuntary sep- aration (other than an automatic separation or an involuntary separation for cause on charges of misconduct or delinquency), is terminated under subsection (b) of this section; "(3) an annuitant whose annuity is terminated under subsec- tion (c) of this section; or "(4) a Member receiving annuity from the Fund; becomes employed in an appointive or elective position, his service on and after the date he is so employed is covered by this subchapter. Deductions for the Fund may not be withheld from his pay. An amount equal to the annuity allocable to the period of actual employment shall be deducted from his pay, except for lump-sum leave payment purposes under section 5551 of this title. The amounts so deducted shall be de- 5 USC 5551. posited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Fund. If the annuitant serves on a full-time basis, except as President, for at least 1 year, or on a part-time basis for periods equivalent to at least 1 year of full-time service, in employment not excluding him from cov- erage under section 8331(1) (i) or (ii) of this title? 5 USC 8331. "(A) his annuity on termination of employment is increased by an annuity computed under section 8339 (a), (b), (d), (e), (h), and (i) of this title as may apply based on the period of employ- 5 1.15C 8339. ment and the basic pay, before deduction, averaged during that employment; and "(B) his lump-sum credit may not be reduced by annuity paid during that employment. If the annuitant is receiving a reduced annuity as provided in sec- Survivor tion 8339(j) or section 8339(k) (2) of this title, the increase in annuity annuity payable under subparagraph (A) of this subsection is reduced by 10 payments. percent and the survivor annuity payable under section 8341(b) of this title is increased by 55 percent of the increase in annuity payable 5 USC 8341. under such subparagraph (A), unless, at the time of claiming the in- crease payable under such subparagraph (A), the annuitant notifies the Commission in writing that he deed not desire the survivor annuity to be increased. If the annuitant dies while still reemployed, the sur- vivor annuity payable is increased as though the reemployment had otherwise terminated. If the described employment of the annuitant continues for at least 5 years, or the equivalent of 5 years in the case of part-time employment, he may elect, instead of the benefit provided by subparagraph (A) of this subsection, to deposit in the Fund an amount computed under section 8334(c) of this title covering that 5 USC 8334. employment and have his rights redetermined under this subchapter. 90 STAT. 1202 Approved For Release 2005/06/02 : CIA-RDP77M00144R001100220011-7 Approved For Release 2005/06/02 : CIA-RDP77M00144R001100220011-7 Pub. Law 94- 3 97 - 2 - September 3, 1976 If the annuitant dies while still reemployed and the described employ- ment had continued for at least 5 years, or the equivalent of 5 years in the case of part-time employment, the person entitled to survivor annuity under section 8341(b) of this title may elect to deposit in the Fund and have his rights redetermined under this subchapter.". (b) Section 8344 of title 5, United States Code, is amended? (1) by redesignating subsections (b) and (c) thereof as sub- sections (d) and (e), respectively ; and (2) by inserting immediately after subsection (a) thereof the following new subsections: "(b) If an annuitant, other than a Member receiving an annuity from the Fund, whose annuity is based on an involuntary separation (other than an automatic separation or an involuntary separation for cause or charges on misconduct or delinquency) is reemployed in a position in which he is subject to this subchapter, payment of the annuity terminates on reemployment. "(c) If an annuitant, other than a Member receiving an annuity from the Fund, is appointed by the President to a position in which he is subject to this subchapter, payment of the annuity terminates on reemployment". (c) Section 8344(d) of title 5, United States Code, as redesignated by this Act, is amended by striking out the last sentence. (d) Section 8339(f) (2) (C) of title 5, United States Code, is amended by striking out "8314(b) (1)" and inserting in lieu thereof "8344(d) (1)". SEC. 2. (a) Except as provided under subsection (b) of this section, the amendments made by this Act shall become effective on the date of the enactment of this Act or October 1, 1976, whichever is later, and shall apply to annuitants serving in appointive or elective positions on and after such date. (b) The amendment made by subsection (c) of the first section of this Act shall become effective on the date of the enactment of this Act or October 1, 1976, whichever is later, but shall not apply to any annuitant reemployed before such date. Approved September 3, 1976. 5 USC 8341. Effective date. 5 USC 8344 note. Effective date. LEGISLATNE HISTORY: HOUSE REPORT No. 94-336 (Comm. on Post Office and Civil Service). SENATE REPOR1S: No. 94-877 (Comm. on Post Office and Civil Service) and No. 94-1030 (Comm. on Appropriations). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: Vol. 121(1975): July 21, considered and passed House. Vol. 122(1976): Aug. 9, considered and passed Senate, amended. Aug. 25, House concurred in Senate amendments. Approved For Release 2005/06/02 :94215VRDIP457M00144R001100220011-7 GPO 57-139 --,Elup,st .9, 1976 - TAITOcgitid IFtitRetease12005LONOZ tiCrlAi-RP FATIANIA4 %NAP RP qj 177 (Mr. GRIFFIN), Carnegie Tech stitute to form Carnegle-Mellon Univer- our national commitment - to R. & D. the Senator from Nebraska (Mr. I believe the next 50 years will .bring benefits to mankind that are only dimly perceived today. - President Ford and the Congress have taken a step to insure continuity in our science programs. Moreover, the Presi- dent has selected a very distinguished scientist and administrator to be the first Director of Science and Technology Policy. Dr. H. Gaylord Stever has had wealth of experience both in Govern- -meat and out. I believe he is highly-quali- fied to advise the President on a wide range of problems that require techni- cal or scientific consideration. Dr. Stever's nomination received the unanimous support of the members of the Committee on _Aeronautical and Space' Sciences. -I heartily endorse his nomination and h'ope the Senate will approve' it over- whelmingly. e - Mr. 'THURMOND. Mr. 'President, -re- luctantly, I will oppose the nomination of Dr. S tever. . - ? - It Is my general view that the Presi- dent should have the right to choosehis' Rey aides and top advisers:. In this in- stance, I believe the most prudent course is for the Congress to deny confirma- tion until serious ? questions surrounding the nominee have been cleared up. ? I am troubled by questions which the senior Senator from North Carolina (Mr. 'Hux,-ms) and others have raised concern- ing the alleged withholding of key docu- ments from Congress, as well as the alleged manipulation - of - the National Science Foundation grant process. Mr. President, until -these questions have been answered, I believe it is most prudent for us to withhold confirmation. - Mr. McINTYRE, Mr. President, I am prepared to yield back the remainder of the proponents' time. . ..? -Mr: HELMS. Mr. President,' I yield back the remainder of my time. ? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ques- tion is, Will the Senate advise and con- sent to the nomination of IL. Guyford Stever, of the District of Columbia, to be Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy: On this question the Yeas and nays have been ordered and the clerk will call the roil. . The. legislative clerk called the roll. . Mr. ROBERT maw_ I announee that the Senator from_ Delaware (Mr. Milian), the Senator from Iowa (Mr. ''Cx.foix), the Senator from Louisiana (Mr. Lowe), the Senator from New Mexico -(Mr. Mowrova), the 'Senator. from Cali- fornia (Mr. TUNNEY) , are necessarily ab- sent -- ?I further announce that the Senator from Connecticut (Mr. RxincorF), is ab- sent on official business. . - I also announce that the Senator from Michigan (Mr. PHILIP A. HARD., the Sen- ator-from Massachusetts (Mr. KENNEDY) are absent because of illness. - further announce that, if . present and voting, the Senator from Iowa (Mr. CLARK) would Vote "yea." Mr. TOWER. I announce that the Sen- ator from Tennessee (Mr.. BLocz), the Senator from Nebraska (Mr. Gnats) , the Senator from Hawaii (Mr. Fonu), the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE ? S 13963 sity:with a total endowment of almost 1;120 million. A. new school of Urban Af- fairs was created to met the demand for persons capable of dealing with our growing urban 'problems. A college -of Humanities and Social Sciences was also established, -Significant -changes in en- gineering and science curricula- were made, and a major -science building was erected. - ' ? - While ? a resident of -Pittsburgh, Dr. Stever's interests _extended into many civic enterprises and educational activi- ties beyond the University. campus. He was a trustee of the Sarah Mellon Scaife Foundation and -the Buckingham School; a director of the ',Pittsburgh Symphony Society, the Regional Indus- trial - Development. Corporation, the Fittsburgh-Alleg,henY County Chapter -or -the American Red_ Cross, and ?the Metropolitan Pittsburgh Educational Television- (WQED). . ' . . - A long list of honorary degrees held by Dr *Stever includes the following .from Pennsylvan ia---Lafayette College, - Uni- versity- of - Pittsburgh," Waynesburg Col- lege; Allegheny College, -Seton Hill- Col- lege, Washington and Jefferson College, Widner: College and -Villanov.a Uni- versity. . ? - Dr. Stever's -directorship of the Na- tional Science- Foundation has likewise been 'marked- by growth and expansion of the Foundation's activities. We can anticipate thatunder his direction the new White House science office will strengthen the role of science in relation to the national welfare and will increase the public's understanding. of- science as it ? affects important decisions. An im- portant . addition, to the reestablished White House office will be a new Inter- governmental Science, -Engineering, and Technology Advisory Panel, which will be established to help to solve regional, State, and local civilian problems, Dr. Stever will bring to the new set? once -office a -background of varied and rich associations wtih'' educational 'in- stitutions, government agencies, indus- try, international . organizations, and professional -societies. These represent many important facets of our country'ts scientific enterprise, and Dr. Stever rec- ognizes the Importer ee of. cooperation with all of them. . . Mr.: GOLDWATER...Mr.' President, rise in support of the. nomination of Dr. H..Guyford Stever to be ?the Director of the -Office of Science and Technology Policy. In this ?capacity, -Dr. Stever will be the principal science adviser to the President. . - ? I believe any 'President .should be allowed great latitude in organizing the 'White House according to his needs and his selection- of advisers should -receive sympathetic consideration from the Sen- ate ?barring any. serious -objections, ? President Ford wisely sought the part- nership of Congress in creating the new Office of Science and Technology Policy thereby providing high visability and greater support for this new Office. The Importance of science, technology, and engineering to the future welfare of the 'United States and the whole world HausKA), the Senator from Nevada (Mr. LAXALT) , the Senator from Pennsylvania - (Mr. HUGH SGOIT) , the Senator from Vir- ginia (Mr. WiterAm. L. ScoTr) , are necas- sarily absent. - - The result was announced----yeas 78, nays 6, as follows: [Rolleall Vote No. 512 Ex.] YEA ? Abouresk Glenn Muskie Allen Goldwater Nelson Baker Gravel Nunn Bayh Hansen Pack,x-Ced Beall Hart, Gary Pastore Belirnon - Hartke, Pf`firS011 Bentsen. Haskell Pell Brooke Hatdeld Percy Ilaths.way Proxmire Bumpers Burdick Hollings Byrd, Huddle:Arm Harry F., Jr. ICumptney Byrd, Robert C. Inouye CEalt1011 _Jackson Ca6E davits Chile-3 Johnston Church Leahy , Cranston Magnuson Culver Manstelci 'Dole Mattlas _ Dornenici McClellan Durkin McGee - Eagleton.McGovern. F-astlandMcIntyre Metcalf Mondale Mass NAYS---G Helms Morgan McClure Thur.monif NOT VOTING--15 Hart, Philip A. Hibicotf ' Hruska Scott, Hugh Kennedy Ecott, Laxalt William L. Long Tunney Montoya Fannin Ford ":Garn. Bartlett Buckley Hideo. Brock -Clark Curtis, Tong Randolph Roth Schweiker Sparkro tafrOrd Stennis Stevens Stevenson_ Stone Symington Taft `Palm s.dgek 'Tower Weicker Will l'-irna Young So the nomination was confirmed. - ? Mr. CANNON. Mr.-President, I ask :Unanimous consent that the President notified of the 'confirmation of the nomination. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. nEfiLL) . Without objection, it is so ordered. LEGISLATIVE SESSION ? Mr. 'CANNON. Mr. President, I ask unanhnous -consent that the Senate re- turn to the consideration of legislative business. . The PRESIDING 'OFFICER_ . Without objection,' it is so ordered. - - Mr. CANNON. Mr. President, what is -the pending business? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair informs the Senator that there is no order of pending business. . CIVIL SERVICE ANNUITIES AND RE- EMPLOYMENT PAY AMENDMENTS OF 1976 Mr. McGEE. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate pro- ceed to the consideration of ILR. 3650, which we have an agreement to proceed on at this time. The PRESIDING OFFICER: The bill will be stated by title. The assistant legislative clerk reed as follows: A bill (HR. 3650) to clarify the applica- tion of section 8344 of ti.tla 5, United States Approved For Release 2005/06/02 : CIA7RDP77M00144R001100220011-7 13964 - CONGRESSIONAL RECORD SENATE lAugust 9, 1 if-; pproved For Release or RVease 2005/06/02 ? CIA-RDP77M00144R001100220011-7 - Code. relating to eivi&mce annuities a position not subject to tne retirement !untied, and tile terminated annuity Is pAy upon reemployment, and for other pur- poses, - The PRESIDING OFFICER Is there objection toethe request of ,the Senator from Wyoming? There being DO objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the bill. Mr. MeGEE, Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum, so that Senator tIrsvaNs might get here to manage the other side of the aisle. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will call the roll. - The assistant legislative clerk pro- ceeded to call the roll. - Mr. IVIc0F.iE. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order, for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. ? Mr. McGEE. zrgiesi ent the noncl- in' matter before he law, the regulations provide that: The annuity continues; The salary is reduced by the amount of the annuity; No retirement deductions are made, . -ANNIJ/TANTS INVOL UNTARILY SEPARATED, ILR 34150 - In the case of an annuitant involun- tarily separated who is reemployed in a position subject to the retirement law, HR. 3650 affirms sta,tutorially the pren- Hee established by civil service regtfn- tons. The annuity laterminated, retire- ment contributions are withheld, and future annuity rights are determined wider the law in effect upon subsequent separation. In the case of an annuitant Involun- tarily separated who is reemployed in a Position not -subject to the- retirement law,, such as a temporary appointment, H.R. 3650 provides the same terms for re- employment as those governing- the re- employment of an annuitant voluntarily retired. Such a reemployed annuitant would -continue- to receive his full an- nuity, but his salary would be reduced by an amount equal to his annuity allocable to the period of actual employment. If such annuitant serves on a full-time basis for at least 1 year, or on a part-time basis for periods equivalent to at least 1 year of full-time service, the annuitant would be entitled to a supplemental an- nuity based on the period of reemploy- ment..- If the period of - reemployment continues for at least 5 years, or the equivalent of 5 years in the case of -part- tit n e employment, the annuitant may elect to deposit in the retirement fund .an amount computed in accordance with the provisions of law and have his an- nuity recomputed on the basis of his total service, including the period of reenn, ployment As noted above, under exIet- ing law the right to a supplemental an- nuity, or recomputation niter 5 years of service, extends only to annuitants whose annuities are based .on voluntary separations. . H.R. 3650 also amends existing law to alter the terms of reemployment for the following classes of . annuitants: ...--- ? ..A nonmember annuitant reemployed in a position subject to retirement cov- erage by Presidential appointment. , PRESENT LAW Pay in the reemployment position is reduced by the amount of annuity alloa cable to the period of reemployment: No current retirement deductions are ?Ween from pay. If the annuitant serves on. a full-time basis for at least 1 year, 11.6 be- comes entitled to a supplemental an- nuity; if the same annuitant continues to serve on a full-:time basis for at least 5 years, he may elect to deposit in the re- tirement fund the retirement deductions which were not withheld from his pay and , have a complete recomputation? new retirement rights?of his . annuity. H.R. 3 1150 Annuity is terminated, Retirement de- ductions are taken. If subsequent sepa- ration occurs before the 1 out of last 2 years covered service requirement Is met,- retirement deductions are re- - resumed in the same amount. If subse- quent separation occurs after the - out of -last 2 years covered service re- quirement Is met, after reemployment, annuity is recomputed?new retirement right. ? ? A member' annuitant who is reem- ployed by Presidential appointment not requiring confirmation by the Senate. ? PRESENT LAW . Annuity continues and the annuitant also gets f idi 'pay. Such cases have been rare. If reemployment is subject to re- tirement -coverage, retirement deduc- tions are withheld:. from pay and addi- tional annuity benefits are earned. If reemployment is not subject to . retire- ment coverage, retirement deductions are not withheldeand- no additional an- nuity benefits are earned.' ? - -- ? ? - ? .Ha. 3.650 . t Annuity and pay would not be payable simultaneously and the member annui- tant would be treated like any-other re- tired Meniber of Congress_ who now be:- comes reemployed. - The .committee is aware that the pro-- visions .of this bill will, affect the allow- ances for administrative and clerical as- sistants to Senators and legislative as- sistance to Senators. Since this legisla- tion requires that the appropriation ac- counts must be charged , with the full salary costs, these allowances must also be charged with the full amount of the annual salary of a reemployed aimu- itant rather than the current practice of charging the allowances with the net amount after reduction for the annuity. However, it is the judgment of the com- mittee thata this matter should be re- viewed and considered 'by , the proper Senate Committee; namely, the Sub- committee on Legislative Branch Ap- propriations' of the. Committee 'on, Ap- propriations inasmuch as that Commit- tee considers all matters relating- to sen- atorial allowances. I urge the Senate to approve H.R. 3.630 and permit the matters relating to sen- atonal allowances to be-Tesolved by the appropriate :committee, 3:3 the House of Representatives report indicates is also the intent in the other body. - Is deducted fro :uary 1 11USI,I.I aaeareateat, n ali.nui antt obtain his sery- raM an cost. II). elict, Se re- -_ ose a e.n iles bear as ? 0 irdIREINMEMVITair ?a VI -111nt .a `11---Tere 4.-MM-71 major purpose of pending the se 'bill vtt,?vides that in IC oni e salaries (Lag. w2122aire re rees. e , ill snakes clear the in- tent wiI reear rITETruS-61-titeynentnianteetmp o e, whose -27,17111= an asec ii _-riiirif617.-7-In separation. The 7= TMc on reemployed involuntarily retired annuitants should be treated. Accordingly, the Civil Service Commission, in the absence of :specific statutory language, - has issued regula- tions governing this class of retirees. The Commission's regulations apply to two classes of -employees who retired involun- tarily: ? First, an annuitant who retired in- - voluntarily and is reemployed in a posi- tion subject to' the civil service retire-T. xnent Second, an annuitant who retired in- voluntarily' and is reemployed in a posi- tion not subject to the civil service re- tirement law, such as. a temporary -ap- pointment. ? ? :- In the case of the annuitant involun- tarily retired who Is reemployed in a position subject to the retirement law, the regulations provide that: The annuity is terminated upon reemploy- men t; Retirement contributions - are withheld. from the pay; Future annuity rights are determined un- der the law in effect upon subsequent separa- tion. - ? In the case of the ammituant Involun- tarily retired who Is reemployed in a - ? ports that: Fauictment /of IV. 3650 would result hi a transfer of funds nom re ant y p us a crest accuse nmEignOtistr NO. 2163, . _eftersic don in the Pro- visions of the bill is in order because of tne proviSuf trATr=a,1 en a ? e e cc ti-se (Tate of e et a. on so the, I not become e ? ective priar the aeginning ol fiscalyear19rI. ' The PRESIDM"75771tER. The amendment will be stated. The legislative clerk read as follows: The Sene,ter from Wyoming proposes ail amendment numbered 2169, - Approved For Release 2005/06/02 : CIA-RDP77M00144R001100220011-7 14.gust 9, 1976 'CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ?SENATE S 131)65 41.1e t t el 44 1 YO-2.t.?drA-RDPIe7t1W00144R2641145tiplf-71- 3YRD. Mr. President, h. page 5, lia , . sort .a ter .'; LAVIO suggestabsence of - a quorum. Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I sug- Mr. TOWER. Mr. President., will the gest the absence of a quorum. - Senator withhold that? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Yes. will call the roll. ?_ _Mr. TOWER. I_ wonder If we can get The second assistant legislative clerk a lineup of the program for the re- Proceeded to call the roll. - matador of the day and tomorrow. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. I will ask the unanimous consent that the: order for majority leader.. the quorum call be rescinded. - - The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. GAser). Without .objection, it is so tiered._ following: "Or October 1; 197.6, whichever- is later,". ? " On pago 5, line 8, atrike out "the date of Cne enactment of this Act" and insert In lieu thereof "such date". On page 5,. line 11, insert after "Act" the following: "or October 1, 1976, whichever LI later,". On page 5, line 12, strike out "the date of enactment of this Act" 14nd Insert in lieu thereof "such date". Mr. McGEE. Mr. President, rticalit of the ameneh CW e, as or ti on the amen merit. ? The PRESIDING OFFICER,. The ques- tion is on agreeing to the amendment. The arnenclmtut Was azrepel fci sTEVENS. Mr. President, I am not going to object to passage of the bill. This bill does, however, pat the Federal Government in a different position from all other employers. Civil service retirees who go to work in the private sector or for a State or local government will net have to make. this contribution. ' In view of the status of the civil serv- ice retirement fund, it may be a well meaning proposition to assist in restoring moneys to that fund for those people who are given reemployment by the Fed- end Government. But I do think that it is going to be a deterrent to some areas of government which might reemploy those who are already retired in order to take advantage of their special skills and capabilities. With that reservation, and in view of the status of the civil service retirement fund, we do not object to the passage of the bill. Mr. McGEE. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum, with. the time to he charged equally against both sides. The PRESIDING .OFFICER. Without objection, it Is so ordered. The clerk will call the roll. The second assistant legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. . Mr. McGEE. McGEE. Mr. ? President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the Quenon call be rescinded. ' The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. The bill is open to further amendment.. If there be no further amendment to be proposed, the question is on the engross- ment of the amendment and the third reading of the bill. The amendment was ordered to be en- grossed and the bill to be' read a third time. ? The hill was read the third time. ? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is all time yielded back? ? ? Mr. STEVENS. 'I yield back my time. Mr. McGEE. I yield back my time. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill having been read a third time, the ques- tion is: Shall it pass? ? The bill cam 3650) was passed, as amend . ? . S LEVENS. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote by which the bill passed. Mr. McGEE. I move to lay that motion on the table. AUTHORIZATION OF PAYMENT F'ROM SENATE CONTINGENT FUND Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I-ask unanimous consent, under the suggestion previously made by the leadership, that the Senate now proceed to the considera- tion of Calendar No. 080, Senate Resolu- tion 403. The PRESIDING- OFFICER. Is there objection? The Chair hears none, and It is so ordered. The clerk will state the resolution by title. -?-? ? The legislative clerk read as 'follows: A resolution (Senate Resolution 463) au- thorizing the payment out or the contingent fund of the Senate of the expenses incurred by Senator PaC>XMDiE in defending a civil action brought against him. ? The Senate proceeded to. consider the resolution which had been reported from the Committee on Rules and Administra- tion with aut amendment: On page 2, at the beginning of _line 2, in- reit "in an amount subject to the approval of the Committee on Rules and Administra- tion,". Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President,- Task unanimous consent to suggest the ab- wince of a quorum without the time being taken out of either side, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. The clerk will call the roll. ? The second assistant legislative clerk proceeded to trail the roll. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD, Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent. that the order for the quorum mil be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so .ordered.- ORDER FOR ADJOURNMIingT UNTIL 9 A.M. TOMORROW Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that when the Senate completes its business today it stand in adjournment until the hour of 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is se ordered. ORDER FOR THE RECOGNITION OF SENATOR11.1eCLURE TOMORROW ? Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that after the two leaders or their designees have been recognized on tomorrow, Mi. McCenin4 be recognized for not to exceed L5 minutes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. .. LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, it is the intention of the leatteeship to call up Calendar No. 839, N.E. 12937, on which there is a time limitation.. The best I think we can do tonight is to get started. . Then we have bills to ea-tend the Ex- port Administration Act of 1969. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. How about the swine flu bin? Mr. MANSFIELD.. There is a possibil- ity that tomorrow we will take up the bill, Calendar No. 1072, S. 3735, the so- called swine fin bill, which has been re- ported from the committee and has been on the calendar since laat Friday. We had hoped we could bring up the military construction bill, but that will have to go over until after the recess. hope it will he possible tomorrow to take up Calendar No. 1063, 8.3737, a bill to authorize appropriations for purposes - of making certain grants under the In- dian Elementary and Secondary Assist- ance Act, The Senator froze- Arizona (Mr. .Faoung) has a great interest in that, So I would say the prospects tomorrow are very good for taking up a swine flu bill, that we would continue with the consideration of the CETA bill, Calendar No. 839, and other matters as they comb along, which we will bring to the at- tention of the Senate at that time.. ... Mr. TOWER. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Tine Senator intends, after the consideration of Senate Resolu- tion 463, we will turn to the considera- tion of Calendar No. 339, H.R. 12987, the CETA bill, is that correct? Mr: MANSFIELD. That is correct. Mr. TOWER. I thank the Senator. Mr. MANSFIELD. I would point out that we have some very important pieces .of legislation yet to be reported to the Senate, the rivers- anal harbors bill, the.. revenue-sharing bill, the legislative ap- propriation bill, and the District of Co- Itunbia appropriation bin, in addition to those on the calendar. ORDER FOR PERIOD FOR TRANS- ACTION OF ROUTINE MORNING BUSINESS AND CONSIDERATION OF N.E. 12987 TOMORROW Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. Presi- dent, I ask unanimous consent that after the order for the recognition of Mr. Mc- Cause tomorrow there be a period for the transaction of routine morning busi- ness of not to exceed beyond 15 minutes, with statements limited therein to 5 minutes each; at the conclusion of which the Senate will resume consideration of H.R. 12987, the CETA bill. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Approved For Release 2005/06/02 : CIA-RDP77M00144R001100220011-7