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June .19, 1975 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ---HOUSE H 5815 Approved For Release 2005/04/27 : CIA-RDP77M00144R0019Q30$0~5 story and the It is a tragic fact that over the last decade, is resisting the temptation of trying to spend peacetime n a c 1 &., as the forces of big government have been our way back to prosperity, fighting hard to most severe recession in more than a genera- overfed and overnourished, the free enter- hold the Federal deficit for the coming fiscal tion. prise system has gradually been weakened. As year to $60 billion. We have been heartened Ladies and gentlemen: What I have said we have strengthened the public sector, we by the votes of the Congress to impose a to you here today expresses my deepest con- have directed billions of dollars away from voluntary ceiling near that level, but it is not victions as a public servant. I came to Wash- the private sector and we have discouraged yet clear whether the Congress has the will ington two and one half years ago because- savings and investment in the future. to obey its own mandate. There is a continu- as corny as it may sound in this age of The record of capital investment in the ing danger that the Congress could force the cynicism-I wanted to try to repay just a United States in recent years has been the deficit much higher and if so, we will min a small amount of what this country has given lowest of any major industrialized nation in serious risk of setting off a new wave of in- to me. And I am proud to be here. But when the Free World. From 1960 through 1973; flation. It is time that we rejected the glit- I see what is happening in Washington to- total fixed investment in the U.S. averaged tering promises of instant prosperity offered day, I can only shudder about the world that 171/2 percent a year of our real national out. by the big spenders; we should know from we are building for our children. put, compared to 35 percent in Japan, and 26 hard experience just how hollow those prom- I have had the good fortune to spend most percent in West Germany. Not surprisingly, ises are and how they only create a worse of my professional life in the heart of our. our record of productivity growth during this mess than we already have. financial world. Anyone who spends a great same period was also among the lowest of the As we regain our prosperity, our second deal of time there and is willing and able to major industrialized nations. goal must be to restore much greater disci- learn about the workings of the marketplace Increased capital investment leads to in- pline to our fiscal and monetary policies.. In- gains a basic grasp of what constitutes the creases in productivity, and it cannot be said stead of an unbroken string of Federal deft- difference that I referred to earlier between, often enough that increased productivity is cats, we should begin to pursue budget Sur- sound and unsound policies. And I am terri- the only means we have of raising the stand- pluses in good years so that we can free up bly saddened and frequently outraged---as I and of living. more funds for capital investment. am sure the American people must be, too-- WhY have we failed to build and expand Third, we must lift the dead hand of gov- by some of the practices that I now encoun- ter in our nation's Capital. our industrial base? A fundamental reason, I ernmental regulation from the many areas What we are talking about here are, the would argue, is that we have had policies where it smothers economic incentives and issues that will determine what this country which promote personal consumption and growth. This goal is particularly relevant in will be like for a generation or more to come. Federal spending at the expense of savings, the field of energy. If we are to achieve We have a choice: we can either continue to investment and capital formation. Too many greater self sufficiency in energy, as I believe compound the errors of the past, or we can of our financial resources have been diverted we must, then we must accelerate the de- renew the foundations of our economic sys- . to their least production use, the Govern- velopnnent of resources such as coal by strik- tem and begin to build wisely and soundly ment, instead of their most productive use, ing a reasonable balance between environ- for the, future. The American people know the private sector. A related part of the prob- mental and energy requirements. The re- this and there is no question in my mind lem has been the serious deterioration in straints imposed by the Government upon where they stand, but I also believe that as a corporate profits since the mid-1960s. Con- production, sale and use of our energy re- nation we will make the right decisions about trary to popular opinion, after-tax profits sources are unnecessarily restrictive and the future only if more of our citizens measured in real terms have dropped by 50 should be swiftly revised. Americans of strength and character like percent since 1965. It is not unfair, to say Still a fourth basic challenge that we face those of you here today-are willing to fight that we have been and remain today in a in the days ahead is to achieve a funds- for their convictions. I urge you to stand up profits depression in the United States. mental shift in our domestic policies so that and be counted. - The interaction of the various trends that we place less emphasis upon consumption Thank you very much. I have mentioned here today-excessive fiscal and government spending and more upon and monetary policies, overzealous regulation savings, investment and capital formation. by the government, and inadequate capital While estimates of future capital needs are formation and economic growth-has had a. always difficult, a variety of studies have con- number of effects within the economy, but eluded that our investment needs during the none has been more significant than the next decade will be almost triple the amount general inflation that has resulted. Since the of recent years. Investment demands will be mid-1960s, we have been plagued with an particularly acute in the field of energy. Gen- Gen- inflation from on rate that has next. In recent y climbed , eral projections of energy Industry require- was s plateau from on rate one exacerbated thebated nexxt. the r quadrupling over the next decade range from $750 that e drupling 'billion to $1 trillion. Utilities will need the ea (Mr. MILLER of-Ohio asked and was given permission to extend his remarks at this point In the RECORD and to include extraneous matter.) [Mr. MILLER of Ohio's remarks will appear hereafter in the Extensions of Remarks.] but as those special factors disappear, it will " "" and was given per- accelerated be apparent that the underlying reasons for also channel annel tens of billions of development of petImof eum, rat- mission to extend his remarks at this our current inflation have been the mis- t{ral gas, coal and non-fossil f. The po- point in the RECORD and to include ex- guided policies that began back in the mid- tential for future development energy re- traneous matter.) 1960s. sources is great, but it is clear at we will Economists have also begun to recognized not realize that potential so ng as the [Mr. GUDF.'s remarks will appear that more than any other factor, inflation government ignores the financiaealities in- hereafter in the Extensions of Remarks.] was responsible for causing today's recession, volved and inhibits the procecapital eroded, consumer confidence fell and we ex- Finally, we must begin to co greater SMOKESCREEN FOR A COVERUP perienced the worst drop in retail sales in a reliance upon the free enterprise. stem once IN ITIE ARMED SERVICES COM- quarter of a century. again and less upon governme . The pri- MITTEE Similarly, as prices rose, funds were drawn vate enterprise system has long: een a cor- out of the thrift institutions, interest rates nerstone of our freedoms and provided (Mr. HARRINGTON asked and was were driven up, and the bottom fell out of this nation with the greatest pr perity and given permission to extend his remarks the housing industry. We must never forget the highest standard of living er known. at this point in the RECORD and to in- that inflation is our most fundamental eco- But in today's economic turb ., nce, there elude extraneous matter.) nomic problem, and unless we avoid'making are continuing temptations to lace that Mr. HARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, the mistakes of the past, we are doomed to system with the forces of contra d govern- earlier this week the Armed Services repeat the agonies of the last two years. merit. The government has bee a so.huge CommI tee improperly attempted What, then, should be our policies for the so often for solutions that nave lien snore. C011gresS. Chal'ging -that I aT~iefu'sec~ future? of our dreams-that the time s come to to honor the committee's rues o con A the i ~ ng s support the forces of economic recovery so by private enterprise and by in and worn- 11UC1141UJ11,y 111 expos on who are free to determine tl own des- 6 s5 effort to undermine c emocracy lain that we can end the hardships of unempioy- meat. In warming up the economy, however, tinier. 0111 e a riarrOty majors y o 1e members we must be equally careful not to overheat In coming years, if we conti it. to be se- V o t e d to deny me ur er access to any ^~ ~^ it. That may require a slower period of re- doted by the siren songs of bi ' overnment, p the committee's files. covery than we would like, but we are only we will not only inflict enor us damage i can assure, my colleagues that the buying more trouble for ourselves over the upon our economy but we wi also sweep full House will have an O ortLiTii long run if we resort to short-term pallia- away the most powerful engi' a for social t e near U the o ]a5S Ud gm n n_ _S tives. enterprise anywhere in the w id, our free 1 -l g-g~- The most immediate teat of our resolve is enterprise system, and replace it with an extraordinary action. I feel confident f e m wil AOln me n._ a ng l occurring right now as we face up to the economy that is managed and, directed by U1 V, most o1,t question of Federal spe-vli ckf@ F1 er16P ietall 12 Y&47~?4 I ilffd`Fell`1~I~~t14t '' ~tte~'s tty_--- u- 1I 5816 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE June 19,. 19 75 conscionable attem prs?lye + F ttcRelleqe (N~/ 71V -RD" ~~!1OO444ROGt*2Q?$&0O0 thinking that the. end pet ]uetua a the coyeru- p of CIA mis- a ego vo vement of the CIA in the gentleman from Massachusetts had been deeds~a coverup tit hag been aCqui- overthrow of the Allende government In esced m fro yeses-S Arine$ Chile. For the services Su__omml ee on IntelI1 encg_ pspao fully discharging rresponsibilities es and completing the Inquiry, _cannot believe that- ~ma_or_ity Of my as Subcommittee Chairman you are hereby colleagues have come o see ee an informed vested with the authority granted and con- ferred as aaEcfexriociacy~oT, by Section 2(a) of House Resolution 185, 93d Congress to swear witnesses and to free worl Chile _as a threwto I1Q-_ require by sub ens or otherwise, the attend- e e world. 7 in f an a and testimony of such witnesses. and - I order that my colleagues might production of such books, records, corre- better acquaint themselves with the is- spondence, memoranda, papers and docu- sues involved in this matter, I am insert- ments as may be necessary. ing in the RECORD the full transcript of Sincerely, - my appearance before Mr. NEDZI's sub- F. Eow. HEBERT, Chairman. committee on September 25, 1974, where Mr. NEDZI. The rules- of the House require I was questioned at some length about that the subcommittee hearings be an- Iny handling of William Colby's classi- nounced'one week in advance unless the sub- fied testimony, of April 22, 1974, which committee for good cause elects to hold the related to CIA activities In Chile. hearings at an earlier date, and let the record It is also my intention to offer for the show that Chairman Hebert's concurrence with the public announcement of the meet' RECORD, and in.a variety of other forums, ing on September 23, 1974 has been made. my own perspective of the events de- At this time I will recognize Mr. Brays for scribed in the committee transcript: At a motion. the same time, I will pursue those ave- Mr. BRAY. Mr. Chairman, I move the sub- nuea-involving, in all likelihood, the committee now go into executive session. Armed Services Committee, the Commit- Mr. HEBER'r. I second the motion., nd Air. NEDZI? Will you poll the members tee on Standards of Official Cond t uc a , ultimately the full House-by which the plese? Mr. SLATZNSFIEK. Mr. Nedzi, record can be made clear and my rights Mr. NEDZI. Aye. as a Member preserved. Mr. SLATINSHEK. Mr. Hebert. The transcript from September 25 fol- Mr. HEBERr. Aye. lows:' Mr. SLATINSHEK. Mr. Price. [H.A.S.C. N. 94-12] - Mr. PRICE. (No response.) SPECIAL SUBCOMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE IN- Mr. SLATINSHEK, Mr. Fisher. Mr. FISHER. (No response.) QUIRY INTO MATTERSREGUARDINO CLASSIFIED Mr. SLATINSHEK. Mr. Bray, TESTIMONY TAKEN ON APRIL 22, 1974, CON- Mr. BRAY. Aye. CERNING THE CIA AND CHILE .. Mr. SLATINSHEK. Mr. Arends. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COM- Mr. ARENDS. Aye. MITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES, Mr. SLATINSHEK. Mr. Wilson, SPECIAL SUBCOMMITTEE ON IN- Mr- Wn.SON Aye - contacted, and at no time was there any suggestion of unwillingness on the part of the- gentleman from Massachusetts to ap- pear before the subcommittee to testify. Mr. HARRINGTON. My only other procedural question, and one that may appear to be somewhat insensitively offered, is that I, in coming here freely this morning and In hop- ing that you might reconsider the usual set- ting fore meetings of this kind and leave it open, would expect that since I am obviously a principal to this morning's proceeding that I have a copy of the- transcript of this morning's proceedings with you before it is made a part of any record. Mr. NEnzs. The Chair at the moment sees no objection to that, but we will have to put that to the subcommittee, Mr. HARR.INGTON. It' would seem to me to be In a sense an unnecessarily, If this is voluntarily arrived at, causing problems about--- Mr. NEnzr. Let me say that witnesses before the committee have access to the transcript as a matter of course. Mr. HARRINGTON; Would you describe to me so that I have a clear understanding of what that means In this Instance? Mr. SLATINSHEK. Mr. Chairman, If I may interrupt, that means that the witness will. review the transcript. in the committee hear- ing room or In the committee rooms. The traditional procedure of the comiilittee does not require that we provide the witness Witt. a copy of the transcript. We simply make thfi transcript available to him ,for editorial changes and grammatical changes In his testimony and for an opportunity to review mittee or the committee. This is the tradi- tional manner in Which the committee operates. - - Mr. HARRINGTON. Let me then restate my request, that because of the nature of the hearing, because of. the background, this - being requested of me, I would ask that I have not just access to the material, but have a copy of the record for whatever use I may choose to make of It. Mr. NEDZI. The.Chair will restate his re- STATEMENT OF HON. - MICHAEL HARRINGTON, Washington, D.C., September 25, 1974. - REPRESENTATIVE FROM MASSACHUSETTS The special subcommittee met, pursuant Mr. HARRPEOTON. Mr. Chairman, I think to call, at 10:38 a.m. in room 2337, Rayburn it might be, if I may have your permission to House Office Building, Hon. Lucien N. Nedzi be heard while- we still have an audience, residin an f th b o mittee) h i g. (c a rm o e su c m , p Present: Representatives Nedzi, 'Hebert, Bray, Arends, and Wilson. - Also present: Frank M. Slatinshek, chief counsel and William H. Hogan,. Jr., counsel. Mr. NEDZI. The subcommittee will come to order. We do have a quorum present and in order that the record may be clear I would like to state that this hearing is being conducted to inquire Into the procedures regarding class- ified testimony taken by this subcommittee in executive session on April 22, 1974, con- cerning the alleged involvement of the CIA in the overthrow of the Allende government in Chile. - In this regard I would liky to enter into the record the letter from Chairman Hebert to me concerning these hearings and author- izing the taking of sworn testimony and Is- suance of subpenas if necessary. Would you read that into the record, Mr. Hogan? [Mr. Hogan read the following letter:] U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, - COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES, Washington, D.C., September 23, 1974. Hon. LucisN N. NEDZI, Chairman, Special Subcommittee on Intelli- gence, House Armed Services Commit- tee, U.S. House of Representatives, Wash- ington,D.C. DEAR MR. NEDZI: This will confirm our re- cent decision to commence hearings in the Intelligence Subcommittee on or about September 25, 1974 to inquire into the re- cent public disclosure of classified testimony taken by the Subcommittee In executive ses- useful to renew a request I made of you yes- sponse to the gentleman. That (natter- will terday afternoon to consider the usefulness be put to the subcommittee and the gentle- from any perspective one would choose to man will be advised. arrive at of open session on the question that Mr. HARRINGTON. I think it Is important to you pose this morning; and further to In- be understood before proceeding in terms of dicate that despite the stridence of the lan- my own sense of the .need for this and the guage that was used in the letter that has need not to rely on the usual method of op-, been made a part of the record, that a con- oration, and I would expect that the gentle- versation occurred between yourself and my- men sitting beside you might, given the re- self on about September 12 of this year ask- versal of roles, as much as they might think lag whether or not I would be willing to that unlikely, want the same courtesy at- come - before this committee to meet with forded them. them and discuss the subject which has Mr. NEDZI. I hear what the gentleman is prompted this meeting this morning, and saying but, unfortunately, we don't know, further that I agreed readily to do so, sug- what kind of information is going to be dis- gesting that the meeting could be held that - closed in the course of the hearing and be- afternoon if it were convenient to the mem- cause of the experience that the subconiniit- - bers, and that if any confusion ensued, tee has had there is some question with re- which I have no objection to, attendant to spect to the procedures in handling classified setting of the date of the meeting, it ensued Information. largely because of apparently a lack of effec- Consequently, I don't think that the sab- tive communication mutually on the 'ques- - committee Is. In position to respond to the Lion of a date, but there has been no effort - gentleman's request at this time, at this made at not being willing or not being en- point in time, as they say in Washington. tirely in concert with what you state as one Mr. HARRINGTON. I find myself somewhat ing on my part. - - Mr. NEDZI. The Chair will state in response that he confirms what the gentleman from Massachusetts has said. On my first call to him he expressed readi- ness and willingness to attend the hearing at a mutually agreeable time. In fact we talked about one within a day or two, but because of the gentleman's schedule and the Chair's schedule we could not arrange a date prior to today. There was some con- fusion between the Chair and counsel for mation that is the subject of concern has been at least in the broadest sense endorsed or ratified by the President of this country and by the Director of the Central Intelli- gence Agency. What else is there in terms of your concern that would prompt a further concern about wanting to have a proceeding that I am the central figure in available to me on some- thing other than the usual Armed Services Committee basis. Mr. NEDZI. Well, the Chair will state that Approved For Release 2005/04/27 : CIA-RDP77M00144R001200030004-5 June 19, 1975 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE inpH 5817, the is not in position to &~2t~?c eFPX R? @? 12i0Ot5iON21Zt11i'ky~-6IMR,77MOQti1 N"COM?*4ving the House tleman's request at this time and the gentle- ture. Rules. Since House Rule XI, Clause 27(o) man, of course is free to refuse to testily 6. In view of these circumstances, the Com- precludes the use of executive session testi- under the arrangement. That is up to him. mittee, on February 27. 1973, in establishing mony unless authorized by the Committee, Mr. HARRINGTON. I have never really been its Committee Rules, included in Rule No. it appears evident that a direct violation of remotely Inclined to refuse to testify. I am 10, the following language: this House Rule is also involved. just really attempting to establish, so we "All national security,information bearing FRANK M. SLATINSHEK, Chief Counsel. have no ambiguity, and a feeling that I think a classification of secret or higher which has Mr. - SLATINSHEK. Attachements to this is an entirely defensible one, that the rea- been received by the committee or a subcom- memorandum include a copy of the commit son for the hearing is obvious; the witness mittee of the Committee on Armed Services tee rules promulgated by Chairman Hebert that you have is essential to the hearing. I shall be deemed to have been received by by letter of April 3, 1974, the Armed Services would certainly not find it satisfactory to ac- the Committee in executive session and shall Staff Memorandum No. 93-4 of April 5, 1974, cept, even by my silence or any ambiguity be given appropriate safekeeping." and a copy Of. the statement signed by Con- about my response, Mr. Slatinshek's defini- 7. Pursuant to Committee Rule No. 10, greesman Michael Harrington on the 2 days tion of what access means. . ` 'Chairman Hebert, on April 3, 1973, promul- on which he had reviewed this testimony Without protesting that I think. it violates gated rules providing for the proper protec- and this transcript. The dates were June 4, essentially what would be my rights pros- tion of classified information in the Com- 1974 and June 12, 1974. pectively. mittee files and making this material avail- With the permission of the Chair I would Mr. NEDZ=. I think that we have gone as able to Members of the House of Representa- like to Include this memorandum as I have far as we can go on the point and the vote tives. read it in the record. being 5 to 0 in favor of an executive session 8. As previousfy indicated, Congressman Mr. NEDzr. Including the attachments. the Chair will announce the subcommittee Harrington requested access to a Top Secret Mr. SLATINSHEK. Including the attach- will now go into executive session. transcript of testimony received in executive menu. [Whereupon, at 10:49 a.m. the special sub- session by the Subcommittee on Intelligence Mr. NEDZI. Without objection It will be committee recessed to go into executive ses- on April 22, 1974. The testimony was pro- entered into the record. sion.]. . ? vided by the Director of the Central Intelli- [The following information was. received The special subcommittee met, pursuant gence Agency and related to his Agency's ac- for the record: ] to open session, at 10:50 a.m. in room 2337, tivities in Chile. U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Lucien 9. In accordance with the Committee Rule, - COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES, N. Nedzi (chairman of the subcommittee) Congressman. 'Harrington contacted the Washington, D.C., April 3, 1973. presiding. Chief Counsel of the Committee, Mr. Slatin- Present: Representatives Nedzi, Hebert, slick, and was given access to the transcript MEMORANDUM FOR*. FRANK M. SLATZNSHEK Bray, Arends, and Wilson. in question. However, before being providsd CHIEF COUNSEL. Also present: Frank M. Slatinshek, chief the transcript, Congressman Harrington was, svi;,IECT: RULES FOR ACCESS BY MEMBERS TO counsel and William H. Hogan, Jr., counsel. in accordance with the Rules 'established CLASSIFIED INFORMATION IN THE COMMITTEE Mr. NEDZI. May we ask counsel to read a by the Committee on Armed Services, asked FILES memorandum for the record dated Septem- to read the Rules applying to Members of The Rules Governing Procedure in the 93d her 12, 1974. the House who requested access to Congress adopted by the Committee charge Mr. SLATINSHEK. I am reading a memoran- 'classified information in the Committee files. me with the responsibility for proper pro- dum for the record dated September 12, 1974: Congressman Harrington was handed these tection of classified information in the Com- [The following information was received Rules; and after persuing these Rules, signed mittee files and at the same time to provide for the record:] a statement, which reads as follows: for access to such material by Members of MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD "I have read the Rules of the Committee the House of Representatives. on Armed Services relative to access by Accordingly, I have prepared the attached SUBJECT: APPARENT MISUSE OF INFORMATION Members of the House of Representatives set of rules on the subject for appropriate RECEIVED BY A MEMBER OF CONGRESS FROM to classified information in the Committee implementation. - ? - HIS REVIEW OF AN EXECUTIVE SESSION TRAN- files, and I agree to honor those rules." Sincerely, SCRIPT OF THE ARMED SERVICES SUBCOMMITTEE 10. A copy of the Committee Rules is (S) F. EDW. HEBERf, Chairman. ON INTELLIGENCE attached as promulgated by. Chairman HMb- RULES OF THE HOUSE ARMED SERVICES COM- 1. The New York Times, on Sunday, Sep- ert by letter dated April 3, 1973. Also In- MITTEE TO BE FOLLOWED BY MEMBERS or tember 8, 1974, carried a story, dateline Wash- eluded is a copy of Armed Services Staff CONGRESS WHO WISH TO READ CLASSIFIED IN- fngton, September 7, 1974, by Seymour Hersh, Memorandum 93-4, dated April 5, 1973, call- FORMATION IN TILE COMMITTEE FILES' containing information allegedly obtained by Ing attention to these Rules to the members (1) Classified information will be kept in congressman Michael Harrington (D-Mass.) of the staff handling classified material. secure safes in the committee rooms. Mem- from his reading of the Subcommittee on In- SUMMARY bers will be admitted to the reading room tellegence transcript dated April 22, 1974. The news article appearing in the New (Room 2114-A) after inquiring of the Execu 2. Congressman Harrington had obtained York Times and other news media through- tive Secretary in Room 2120, extension 54151. Secret tb tof his classified out the country indicates that Congressman (2) Before receiving access. to such classi- comet", ee y virtue r a hs oral request ed s to "Top Sub- Harrington had addressed a "confidential fled information, Members of Congress will approval Lucien of N. Chairman Nedzi, F. seven-page letter . to Representative be required to Identify the document or In- the subsequent Chairman the subsequent approval Thomas E. Morgan, chairman of the House' formation they desire to read, identify them- Edw. Hebert. Access to the transcript was Foreign Affairs Committee, [which] was made selves to the staff member assigned and sign provided Mr. Harrington with-the clear un- available to the New York Times." Other the Secret Information Sheet, if such is at- scrpt was subject to both, the of the Rules Ofa ttrans- e news media articles indicated that a Simi- tached to the document. House was subject to bath. lar letter was sent by Congressman Harring- (3) The reading room will be open during House of Representatives to Senator Fulbright, Chairman of the regular committee hours. the Committee on Armed s d background, Rule and Services. the XRulles the h of Clause Senate Foreign Relations Committee. . (4) Only Members of Congress may have 3c By way of aall Committee hearings, access to such information. r ) provides that all At this point time, it Is evident that (5) Such information may not be removed xocords, files, etc., shall b be e the property of the Information n received by y the Armed Serv- from the reeading room, and a staff member the House and all Members of the House shall ices 'Subcommittee on Intelligence, was will from preadi at all times. have access to such records. leaked to the news media. However, no in- (6) The staff member will maintain an 4. House Rule XI, Clause 27(o) provides formation is presently available to the Com- as follows: mittee on Armed Services which would indi- access the time of arrival and de ,the "No evidence or testimony taken In execu- cate the manner in which this information ma i as Mthe t having such access t- tive session may be released or used in pub- was leaked to the news media except that It sueh classified Inormation. lic sessions without the consent of Com- appears evident that this information was (h) A staffed will ensure that mittee." obtained as a result of Congressman Har- the classified documents used by the Mem- rington's review of the Subcommittee testi- 5. In view of the access of Members to all monk and his subsequent correspondence her are returned to the proper custodian or documents and data received by the Com- with the Chairmen of the House Foreign to original safekeeping as appropriate. mittee as provided by Rule XI, Clause 27(c), Affairs and the Senate Foreign Relations (8) No notes, reproductions or recordings and the limited safeguard on the utilization Committees. may be made of any portion of such classified of this material as provided by Rule XI, It is apparent that the Committee on information. Clause 27(o) being limited to executive ses- Armed Services must that take the o mess- (9) The contents of such classified infor- sion material, there remained a serious ques- to insure that security leaks of this motion will not be divulged to any unauthor- tion as to how the Committee on Armed Ares ized person in any way, form, shape or man- Services could provide adequate security on kind can not occur in the future. ner. confidential material received by the Corn- In addition to the problem confronting (10) The log will contain a statement mittee outside of executive session as well the Committee on Armed Services, there is acknowledged by the Member's signature Approved For Release 2005/04127 : CIA-RDP77M00144R001200030004-5 that he has read the committee rules and committee specifically, Inter-American Af- and to say that I was startled by the sub- will honor them. fairs Subcommittee, particularly on the stance would probably understate to a great U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, origins of our policy toward the Allende gov- degree. COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES, ernment from about 1970 to the present, and I think Mr. Slatinshek was there the first Washington, D.G., April 5, 1973. the effective or the lack of effective ability time and we had some brief comment which ARMED SERVICES STAFF MEMORANDUM NO. 93-4 that I had had to get, the chairman of the would tend to characterize what I suggest to SUBJECT: RULES FOR ACCESS BY MEMBERS OF THE subcommmttee to have what I considered to you this morning was my reaction. ' HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO CLASSIFIED TN- be hearings Into the origin of that policy. Mr. - SLATINSHEK. May I interject -at this FORMATION UE OR IN THE COMMITTEE FILES I told you I think at the same time that in point? appearing before our committee, in general I observed that this was the usual candor Rule No. 10 of the Rules of Procedure for declining because of the oversight function, with which the comma eet a receivv d testa- the operation of the Committee during the in his own words, being Investigated with mono from Mr Colby He was aiwa s forth- 93rd Congress, adopted by the Committee on the Armed Services Committee, Mr. Colby in- ri-ht and com late in his testinlon and I February 27, 1973, charge the Chairman with dicated that he would prefer to be responsive mentioned that this was the manner n the responsibility for proper protection of to a relevant House committee. v1}ich we lead operated classified information in the Committee files. Mr. NEDzr. Mr. Hebert. Mr. HARRINGTON. You have no disa ee- The third paragraph of Rule No. 10 reads as Mr. IIABERT. Mr. Harrington, would you ment with me on that score. I fon , at follows: Identify the chairman of the subcommittee. least to the de see that it was candid, direct, "The Chairman of the full committee shall Mr. HARRINGTON. I am sorry. ' - IElmost to a agree mono osue~recingno establish such procedures as In his judgment Mr. H$DERT. You said it was the chairman. only the events as far as our involvement on may be necessary to prevent the unauthor_ Mr. HARRINGTON. Dante Faseell. That has the part of various executIve'Yiranc~gencrds Ized disclosure of any national security in- been part of the record in correspondence, in the Allend? neriod,ut a so w lmogt a formation received by the committee classi- chairman of Inter-American Affairs Subcom- sense of inferred pride useful as an insight fled secret or higher. Such procedures shall, mittee of the House of Representatives, the inrwEhhe main t ass, ICS; Qy,.r;. however, insure access to this information full committee being the Foreign Affairs also an insight into the method of opei:ai:ic by any member of the committee or any Committee. -that t_SIe CIA embIoyed r_th~s instance;, other member of the House of Representa- And indicated to you my Interest in at I can infer from mY memory ern toed in tT tives who has requested the opportunity _ to . least pursuing what had been said in re- con uc ~verE or ani T res e #yne offer review such material. Such security pro- peated fashion in the preceding fall by the t7o e cedures as are established by the Chairman Director of the CIA and largely prompted I found the information troublesome. I may be modified or waived In any or all par- by a variety of expectations on my part that think almost the atfernoon to the day of the ticulars by a majority vote of the full Com- the committee would engage in substantive second reading of the testimony an Assistant mittee on Armed Services, a quorum being hearings being dashed or at least not ful- Secretary of State, Mr. Slllaudeman., and I present." filled up to that point. -- am not helpful to the spelling, came before Pursuant to Rule No. 10, cited above, there I think at the time you asked If I would our subcommittee. Is attached the self-explanatory rules pre- make a request to you summarizing that in Congressman Fraser had arrived at, from scribed by the Chairman for access by Mem- some fashion, which I did, and I don't have Independent sources, and I certainly have no bers of the House of Representatives to clas- the packet of correspondence, but I would- reason to not believe him since I had no con- sifted information In the Committee files. say it is the first part of April of this last versation with him prior to the time of that FRANK M. SLATINSHEK, Chief Counsel. year, and the date could perhaps be made a - hearing, general Informationof a similar na- (Facsimile not included in the RECORD.) part of the record if it is useful for the ture. And as I think the afternoon session Mr. HARRINGTON. I have a total facsimile. record. of about June 12, would reflect, both Con- Mr. NEDZI. Mr. Harrington, could you tell us -- I don't think until some time after the gressman Fraser and I asked some pointed what you did with respect to this informa- hearing was actually held that you and I had but still reasonably guarded questions of the tion that was secured- any further communication except to have Assistant Secretary who, by the way, Mr. Mr. HEBERT. May I interrupt? you tell me that you had had the hearing Chairman, I asked to be put under oath and Mr. NEnzI Mr. Hebert. and were in the process of attempting to then withdrew because of the obvious impact Mr. HfBERT. It IS USUal when the commit- get approval or permission from the chair- it had on both him, and I might say, the tee has conducted hearings to place all wit- man to have me get access to the material, committee membership that was there that nesses under oath, and I suggest you have and we had conversations of this kind, I afternoon. Mr. Harrington, If he Is willing, take the would say,, through the latter part of May Mr. BOB WILSON. Was this in executive ses- oath. and I think about at that time that the pro- Sion? Mr. HARRINGTON. Certainly, curement bill came to the floor and a dis- Mr. HARRINGTON. No, It was not, open ses- NEDZI. Any objection? cussion was finally held. I think maybe In. Sion. I think it was Tuesday afternoon in Mr. I ARRINGTON. No. I think it is a proce- volving Mr. Slatinshek, after talking with June. dure that might be applied more often to Yourself, who had indicated that he had At that point I had .determined, so that executive branch members, too. But I am talked with the Director of the CIA and you you don't have any ambiguity about my state glad to. had already, Mr. Chairman, talked with the of mind, that that Information, particularly 112r. NEDZI. Will you raise your right hand, chairman of the full committee, Mr. Hebert, - as it contrasted with what was being stated [Witness sworn.] ` and that it would be appropriate at that time by a variety of executive branch spokesmen TESTIMONY OF ,'ETON. MICHAEL HARRINGTON, for me to come to the committee and to ob- on a regular basis, had to become known and fain access to the material that had been the had to become understood by both the Con- REPRESENTATIVE FROM MASSACHUSETTS - subject of my request In the Colby tests- gress and hopefully the country. ad I don't Mr, NEDzr. As I stated earlier, could you tell mony. really want -to mince or chooosell language us how you handled the information or what I believe I did that the following Monday which is in any way going to suggest that you did with the information which was se- or Tuesday, the first week of June, and went there was any ambiguity of my state of mind cured as a result of examining the transcript back to the committee a second time, the at that point In time. of April 22? - only other time, a week later, and each time I would prefer, and I hope that my rather Mr. HARRINGTON. Sure. At what point, so observing the procedures, which have been In brief service on the Armed Services Commit- that I don't really occupy too much of your a more orderly fashion than I can recount tee would even momentarily afford the char- time, Mr. Chairman, would you like me to outlined by,Mr. Slattnshek, as to how that ity of the observation being joined in, to try to begin? I can give you any kind of material was to be handled and read it I have seen that accomplished by using legiti- background you would like or anything use- . think in the presence in general of one or mate methods to do so. ful for the proper setting. more of the employees of the Armed Serv- ' Consequently, I had conversations with Mr. NEDZI. Any disclosure of that infor- ices Committee. Congressman Fascell, briefly informing him matlon to any Individuals. Frankly, and I can digress a minute so that of the specifics of what I had read. Mr. HARRINGTON. All right. Why don't we I can put at least my philosophy in perspec- Mr. NEDZI. What was his response? take It from about the point you and I be- tive, and I am sure you people have no trou- Mr. HARRrNGTON. An almost audible sigh gan In April and move quickly into June, ble arriving at without my bothering to be and a philosophic shrug of a sense of almost which appears to be the subject of your in- fulsome In detail, I didn't expect much by not wanting to have been made part of the terest, and I will make a statement and an- way of substance to come from the session scope of knowledge and what I would in- wer any questions you want to try to have that you had and It was more by way of terpret as--I do this subjectively-an expres- salLswered that aren't part of what I origi- looking for avenues to pursue what I thought lion of disinclination on his part to involve Wally included in my statement. was a very serious subject, particularly in himself, at least as to the sources and the As you know, I verbally expressed to-you, light of testimony given-I don't know type of information that I provided him. I would say, now attempting to place it In a whether under oath, Mr. Hebert, or not-by Mr. BRAT. Did you inform Mr. Fascell of general time frame, sometime imthe latter R variety of executive branch witnesses to the manner and statement which you had part of March my dissatisfaction with the other congressional committees on the ques- made as to secrecy when you received that nature of hearings that were being con- tion of our involvement in internal {political info m t ducted before our o-V~ ~ ~ ea " O~'51O4 Y !kl6tAAR )P;7~...OG144R0~.1$W4-&s going to continue, Approved For Rel 4 . t:~Ifik *"Vrot 1*?g1200030004-5 June 119, .797 ~ Z June' 19, 1975 CONGRtSSIGNAL RECORD -HOUSE E hlir. Bray, but I indicatedAp~O $C for R n A ~h~7cn i ~ to'I~ciA its bli0'Ar1*'t Mr mtetd to others, the nature of the testimony, I to whom it had been given, and the condi- that, yes, I did tell him but I didn't really do didn't disclose to me but had arrived at tions under which I had read it. I didn't get it with an eye toward saying that I have been about simultaneously with the June 12 date, into the detail that Mr. Slatinshek had char- able to free him of the obligation to be im- talked with Congressman Hamilton, talked That wasn't my intention, far less briefly or in more abbreviated fashion him d . on acterized in his recital of the rules this pose morning. I Infer in general they are gen- Mr. HtnERT. I am not saying you did it with with Congressman Rosenthal and Congress- the what ng Is I am All. that h the crally famil n Bin would o pe al a asltto informations wh chi is sult Is.. If you go aroundiand tell 343 Mem- ofacon ersat on only as a sort of pass-by kind classified, secret or whatever. hers of Congress all of this without pledging That's not really a good way to characterize Air. fRAx. Did you not specifically tell Mr. 'themselves or committing themselves not to it, but as I was talking with Congressmen Fascell the instructions that were given you violate the Jules of the committee, then they Rose t al an 'oH mi ton abou ssubco t this and; and the statement which you signed? are free. abot Mr. iIAniuNGTON. If you are talking about Mr. HARRINGTON. I can't help-besides what should concern themselves with it, Congress- that I told Mr. Fascell that. I signed a cover I have told you there because it wasnt- man Bingham came by and Congressman sheet on the testimony and what my memory Mr. HEnERT. This is what we are interested Rosenthal included him In the conversation was of the language of it, no, I didn't, but I In to the degree of informing him or apprising - I was made it equally clear to him im approximately Mr. FIARRINCTON. Other than my. state of hie NEnzlie Did or whatInclude inythese con- when and where and under what conditions mind, not being with that in mind at the Mr. you and the general tenor of the information and time, but only to take the person to whom I versations the detail which you included- in its categorization by the executive branch, had been for months prior to that verbally your letters? so that I really don't think that there was lobbying to get substantive on the issue of Mr. ITARRINGTON. Not to the degree. In the g anything that was an effort to gloss over the our policy origins and acquaint him with it seas N ni Ei Hots a ore n Affairs and Sen- nature of the sources of my informaion. and tell him that I hoped in a sense that Mr, Mr. BRAY. I believe you stated in the nega- this would trigger renewed interest in the ate Foreign Relations? tive, subject that frankly puzzled me. Mr. HARRrNGTON. No; not in an organized that hat that you did not tell him specifically you signed, for instance-I will read it. I dent know that it is an use to you, but or disciplined sense. I certainly In the con Mr. HARRINGTON. I will accept it as read. i , I never had because I think in my de la ing versations ountned some the oiupe majo tabus know what I signed. with the Helms tenure of the CIA, anything of I and p of. ll but the greatest of respect for the balae Q did not got in the detail that was in. the Mr. BRAY. I mean, did you tell Mr. Fasce what you signed before you got access to of the information the gaye,pa tr ich1_arly letter's. y~ this iniormgtion which you eve to him? contrasted with the military ~a~..i~ lY,~a Mr. Neszr. Is there any reason to suppose gave very tuneful, and I had no canspiratorl that any of these Members may have been Mr. HARRI The gentleman said he didn't, theo about the CIA being brought 1n. the source of information that appeared in speci that in I think tue. chairman and I n ad newspapers? cally Air. of saying that I signed ed did not y some brief o wtheas a sense cover of ssheet ng to o 48 48 a pages of a Director r of conversations ns about t it it. . I frankly d expected to Mr. HARIGTON. As far as I am concerned find, first, nothing substantive or, second, none whatsoever. If anything at all, I would CIA testimonyo . that t took place in April. say the committee response is some Indica-nte but te not political spicl about stall bil-- tion of exactly the opposite, both then and ic stabilization atmy suspicions "I have a se seen nomic confirmation Fascell, in I the went committee, tmi btee, and and mid, talking the Colby testimony and this is what it says ization, so I really had nothing in mind now. when I went to the committee itself. Mr. ARENDS. You didn't talk to any Re- general,and where in Ir. BRAY. I just w I anted wive to clarIfy seen if a Mr HESERT NO; I am just pointing that publican? Ire BRAY. on June w 4,1974 and June Ju1 122, , out as to ro ection. Mr. HARRTNGTON. Just thinking. here you signed en Mr. BOB WmsoN. Mr. Chairman. Chuck Whalen asked me in-let me not 1974 this read t e rules IfEDzI. Mr. Wilson. really qualify meeting as the category you "I have read threlative to e rules of access the Committee on Mr. BOB WrasoN. I can understand that had in mind-but Chuck Whalen asked me of the Armed House Services of .R ktepres resentativeve s t to o clasclassiified fied you were surprised by what you found, but what the subject of our conversation was . information in the committee files, and I didn't you in any way feel bound by what and I just in sort of a passing sense said, you had signed? Some testimony of Colby's that related to agree to honor those cal specifically t~ Mr. HARRINGTON. In a strange Way it is involvement " and he Just-almost literally- You didn't that tget th tell him that you sort of a yes and a no, and this maybe is just went. We didn't have any. further as yo had u ugnsed? d tto get the information which where we well ultimately go because it will such at the time. you u be useful to me to learn from your own as- No, I didn't. I didn't talk. The other people Mr. HARRINGTON. I will try to be responsive that I have talked with in the Congress about Mr. again, Wilson, but it I had been convinced, it on occasions that would run from the then W Mr. ASSNOS. Did you Wilson, that either lives were going to b be by chance use the endangered--and this Is going to be very present reading to prior to September 8, subjective and I am not attempting to do which Is I suppose. the best date to use to phrase that we so often use around this say that it then becomes a different kind of. place, mdid atter you say to Dante Fasten, "This is any more than say I am setting myself up as knowledge, were Congressman Waldie'af the judge of this offering to you that way- s matter off the record." California very early, Congressman O'Neill, Mr. HARRINGTON. No. or that the national security of this country whom I' make life harder for than I have' Mr. ARFNns. Did you use that phrase? would be affected or any of the other, at today on the basis of his reaction to my least legitimate in my opinion, bases for this Mr. HARRINGTON. No. frustrations which were increasing over the Mr. ARENpa. You felt then at that moment inane system called classification that al- summer, and by way of defense of that re- you had complete freedom to tell anything most.becomes an end in itself, I think that marked no encouragement whatsoever for you want to tell. what I have demonstrated In my relation- the course other than acceptance of the Mr. HARRINGTON. To another Member of the ship with the committee and the often- prevailing facts of life here from Congress- Congress? Sure. I .assume that that Is'what heard lectures from the chairman during the man O'Neill, and. Congressman PI would he Is here for, and I assume also that i told 02d Congress that I was exposed to, that I say just prior to our. recess in Pike, ke August. him, in his knowing better than I. Mr. would not have in any way done other than That's the best of my memory of the Mem- Arends, exactly what the conditions are that follow the rules. bers that I had any kind of conversation with the CIA testifies, that I didn't have to spell I dtdnt feel, particularly looking at state- either. In great or narrow detail about the out to somebody who has eight or nine terms ments that I was most familiar with be- subject. basically what I assume to be superior knowl- cause I had followed the Chilean issue very After that and after those conversations, edge to mine of those procedures, closely for some time in the executive the question. In my mind, really was what I don't want to verbally fence with you, branch, feel any compunction at all at that can I do to have this useful, not sensational. Mr. Bray. I did not want to recite in any fur- point in time about those rules, so, super- but get it out and get it out in a legitimate ther detail. Imposed on general willingness to say I way. That is the reason why I talked about Air, BRAY. Thank you for answering the prefer to go the way you suggest the rules Don Fraser-he ran a joint subcommittee question. would indicate, specifically in this situation, with us very often of his own on human I did not d whether or not he would no k i ht d Mr. IIEBERT. In other words, I think your expression now was that you had this infor- mation, that you felt free to tell any Mem- ber of Congress that Information? Mr. HARRINGTON. Certainly. Mr. IIEnERT. That Member of Congress is free to tell It to anybody else if he wants to , . r s-an as e g Mr. Boa WrLsoN. That is all, Mr. Chairman, be prepared to convene that subcommittee Mr. IIARRINGTON. Can I just finish? since he seemed exercised about the whole Mr. Nrozl. Yes; please do. , thing and let me come in and testify to it, Mr. HARRINGTON. I won't make it that long, which I was prepared to do, and again sort in addition to talking with Congressman of philosophic sympathetic shrug, but noth- because he had not signed that agreement ton, talked with Congressman-I said Fraser . So I was really looking at options which and had not been privileged to look at this because I have also talked with him-in led me after some vacillation, and that I testimony. - addition to Fasten talked with Congressman think had been almost the hallmark of my H,5819 hp,~Uaxllr ,rates axrived at a !!fit ff1Ar o that he Approved For Release 2005/04/27 : CIA-RDP77M00144R001200030004-5 H 58 20 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE June 19, 197,5 handling of thisnwhola.~ Q1eai~dl e t o /~ ilat~be @~u~i~,T 4R0@42?,t80@G4y6r of the information ghat in substantial detail not only the nature of the information that I took by memory from the reading of that record, but the efforts at getting the proper committees, in my opinion, on foreign policy to address themselves to it and thus the Morgan-Ful bright letters in mid-July of this year which materialized. And I think about a week later or less I sent you copies or a copy-I am not sure which, Mr. Chairman-of - one or both of those letters and had maybe even briefer conversation with you prior to or thereafter about what do I do now or what do we do now or what does this all mean, but no real substance just almost in passing. Mr. NEnzr'My recollection of our conver- sation was that you said the ball was in your court. Mr. HARRINGTON. Meaning yourself? Mr. NEGzi. Yourself. Mr. HARRINGTON. Oh. Maybe that's a very accurate insight. I had a letter back a week later from the chairman of the Senate For- elgn Relations Committee which I Would characterize politically as disappointing and no response at all from the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to this day. Mr. ARENns. Was that just a mere acknowl- edgement from the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee? Mr. HARRINGTON. I think it is part of the packet that the counsel may have already had but I am prepared to give you all of that correspondence if it is useful for the record to make it a part, anything you like. - Mr. NEDZI. What do we have? Mr. HARRINGTON. It has been made public but maybe in the course of your earlier public decision to have this hearing you had access to the material. Mr. NEDZI. I haven't seen it. Mr. ARENDS. I Just want to ask again was it mere acknowledgement, or detailed reply to what you wrote? Mr. IHARRINGTON. I would probably say it fell toward the acknowledgement category. Mr. ARENns. We have no copy of that. Mr. HARRINGTON. But I would be more than happy to make that available and ad- ditional response which I received the day before yesterday from Chairman Fulbright. Mr.?NEnzi. Who made It public? - Mr. HARRINGTON. Who made Mr. NEnzI. The response, Senator Ful- bright's response. - Mr. HARRINGTON. I did on the Thursday, that Thursday that you and I talked first about this hearing, that morning that I had .a meeting with the press on the entire matter. Just to finish off and you can take it from wherever you want to, about the latter part of July- Mr. NEnzI. Excuse me. - You said that you had another letter from Senator Fulbright. Mr. HARRINGTON. I wrote him again on the Wednesday we returned, September 11, urg- ing in view of the information being dis- closed, and I can again make this available so it is more accurate than my memory, just renewing my request for hearings, and did the same thing with Chairman Morgan. Mr. NEDZI. Would you put that in the record. Mr. HARRINGTON. Oh, sure. I will give you, that whole batch of material. [Inserted at end of record, see p. 30.] Chairman Fulbright replied to that second letter in much the same vein but adding the sentence that the Senate Foreign Rela- tions Committee had met last week and was about to take up something dealing with the oversight as far as broader -degree of over- sight was going to be dealt with in a prom- ising fashion in the near future, but again not what I characterize as a substantive reply. - To go back to the period of mid-July about the latter part of July, I had decided that the committee chairman route would get no place and the question was then op- tions, and the- ultimate option had always been to go to the floor of the House, which I was preparedto do, and do much the same thing as what was in that letter, just take the floor and out. - In the Interim I had thought about pre- paring a resolution of inquiry which could be premised on some of the specific in- formation I had taken from the hearing and directed to whatever, State Department or NSC or CIA, and force the Issue to the floor and force it to a committee at least for some action. Then we had the events of the latter part of July which were taking the first 16 pages of each newspaper of the country. The im- peachment proceeding began and it looked like it was not going to be something con- cluded early. They were talking about the hearings in the House not finishing until August 28 or 29 and I just did not feel that, for the purposes I really intended to try to do something further, it made- any sense at all to attempt to compete with that kind of news Item. So I decided at that point in time that whatever I would do would have to take place in the interim between the impeachment proceeding ending in the House and a -trial expected to begin In the Senate, and we left here I guess sometime the 22d or 23d of August and had done nothing more. I would say about Tuesday or Wednesday after Labor Day I got a call at home and wasn't in because I was involved in the gubernatorial campaign for a friend in Mas- sachusetts, from Sy Hersh of the New York Times. I didn't return the call, largely be- cause I was distracted, and finally on Friday of that week, which would be the 6th of September. I had a telephone conversation with Hersh which -ran, if any of you are familiar with Hersh's style, which is from frantic to more frantic in pace, "I've got the Morgan lettef. I am going to do a story. I want to talk with you. I'll be honest with you." I said: "I assume you are starting out to be honest with me," and he laughed and we went back to the beginning and I said: "I am not going to comment.on what you print until I see it in print." And I said beyond that, and this is where I supposed we should go next: "I have had a conversation, in addi- tion to what I have told you about, with a very decent guy who I don't want to see pay the price for being a gentleman, whom I have had help from on the question of my knowledge of the issue since last fall - and who I basically feel I should notify as far as the substance of your conversation with me since you are specific enough to convince me you do in fact have 'the Morgan letter,'" and I said, "It is Larry Stern of the Washington Post." And at that point in time- he backed off further from wanting to persist in questions. He asked if he could come to see me that weekend. I said: "Only on the condition that the story is in print because I don't intend to contribute to the initial story, if there is in fact an initial story," or know- ing the reportorial effort of saying: "I have I told you I imparted to other Members of Congress and had not done anything with that information because I had really gone to him out of a sense of what you and I had had because of a conversation. What can I do to get this used and get it used in a fashion that will not detract in any way from having the substance and not the issue of where it came from. - Mr. NEnzr. When did Larry Stern indicate to you that he had this information? - Mr. HARRINGTON. I think I gave him some of the specific information probably the pe- riod-I don't know of any other sources he has, and I never really asked him, but to the degree I can. address myself to the question I had a conversation with Stern which could be sometime probably the period--I don't know of any other sources he has, and I had been sent to the people involved. Mr. NEnzI. And this Information was im- parted to Stern? - Mr.- HARRINGTON. Verbally, not anything else. Stern did nothing with it because I sought him out as a person that I had been personally friendly with, asked his advice as to what might be done in some fashion that would be useful to get this information made available. - Mr. SLATINSHEK. I might appear redundant at that point, but we are dealing with classi- lied information which was received by the committee in executive session and under the rules of the House which you presum- ably are aware of, being a Member of the House Mr. HARRINGTON. It is a presumption I wouldn't want to defend day to day. Mr. SLATINSHEK. And the rules read: - - No evidence or testimony taken In execu- tive session may be released without the con- sent of the Committee. It is obvious that at this point you are releasing information that the committee received in executive session and you are dis- closing this not to a Member of Congress but to a person completely apart from the congressional process, and I just want to reiterate and reemphasize this and appar- ently it is consistent with the observation that you made earlier in your testimony at the very beginning of your testimony when you pointed out that after reading the testi- mony in the transcript you made a judgment at that point that this information must in -some 'manner be imparted not only to the Congress but to the public. Mr. HARRINGTON. I think that is a very ade- quate summary. Mr. SLATINSHEK. Right. Without regard to the rules of the House. Mr. HAuRINGTON. Is redundant. Mr. SLATINSHEK. But without regard to the rules of the House. Mr. HARRINGTON. If it embellishes your thesis I would certainly say without regard for the rules of the House. Mr. SLATINSHEK. Precisely. Mr. ARENns. As a followup to that, did there at any time any tinge of conscience come across about your doing exactly what you did, contradicting the rules of the House? Did anything bother you about this at all, the fact that you signed this paper that you would or wouldn't do this and simply con- trary to the rules of the House you very open- ly divulged all this information. - Did that have any effect on this? I am trying to find out what your thinking is on all this information. - Mr. IIARRINGTON. I certainly would not want to put it to a vote here this morning. I thought I wrestled with that to a degree with Mr. Wilson. I would say, and I would not ?aSV .3iU.111l1 t$u Ul 4i3V zuucuIn- subject. It said nothing else substantively. -got something by asking you to respond to mittee, a very decent person that I respect, Chairman Morgan answered me by mail give what you know, and a variety of other people perhaps some- yesterday on my second letter, not alluding So he came up that Sunday. I in the mean- - what more akin to me philosophically had to the first, indicating that be didn't feel time on the same Friday called Larry Stern, that information, or had all awareness of the Approved For Release 2005/04/27 : CIA-RDP77M00144R001200030004-5 Caine 19, 1975 CONGRESSiONAL RECORD- HOUSE 1582:1 information and chose to Qcl fl9ygrfik lqr 'ctlttRi bS~eL~u~Si ~'9~ talRPil~ls iM0044ARG94 20 00 30004 ns and the light of what I think has been a consistent mony received in executive session, and you attitude I ascribed to myself earlier with degree of misstatement on the part of the have violated that House rule in respect to that in mind and not do it the other way. executive branch. So that question bothered testimony received in executive session and I never thought of it. It anything I was rue to a degree but not to the point of being could only be used under the provisions pro- annoyed, with the vacillation I characterized deterred. vlded for the committee. this morning, not having it emerge as it Mr. Boa WILSON. Benedict Arnold could Mr. NEDZI. I have a couple of additional' did. It wasn't any thinly veiled effort to use the same argument. questions, but I would like to have the gen- say take this and use it this way. Mr. HARRINGTON. I don't know that I would tieman" complete his narrative as to where the Mr. NEDZI. To whom on your staff was this like the categorization, but I certainly find information. was disseminated, information available? that the headlong interest is in the periphery' Mr. HARRINGTON. There is not much more Mr. HARRINGTON. Probably in general five rather than the substance, sitting there with I can add. The events of September 8 are rea- or six people, all of whom would have been information that you know has been the sonably well known. I will add one other part involved in the Foreign. Affairs Committee subject of lies by the executive branch wit- of it that I think 1s relevant in the sum area. That is probably too large a number. nesses systematically. I have before me this total of my knowledge of what happened. Mr. NEDZI, What are their names for the morning- In deciding what the options were that i record? Mr. Box WILSON. They weren't lies to the had and deciding, as I alluded to, on the ef- Mr. HARRINGTON. Rodney N. Smith, Law- oversight committee were they? fort to prepare a resolution of inquiry, I rence Tell. Let me think about whether there Mr. HARRINGTON. There is a very narrow die- asked for and received the help of a fellow was any-if you are talking of typists-- tinction. named Jerome Levinson who works for Frank Mr. NEDZX. Anybody who would have had Mr. NEazx. So that the record is clear, you Church, who had been last fall, because of access to this information because of you. are not suggesting that this subcommittee involvement in the Church Subcommittee Mr. HARRINGTON. You have a couple of peo- was given conflicting testimony from the on Multinational Corporations, useful as far ple who would have typed it. I' am not sure executive branch, are you? as providing an insight into the background in what order. I can give, you those people Mr. IARRINGTON, I am suggesting that this of the Chilean setting for; CIA activities, in if YOU want. subcommittee, to the degree that I think drawing up specific questions for the pro- Mr. NEnzI. Yes. there is the problem that is alluded to by posed resolution of inquiry. And that bass- Mr. HARRINGTON. Let me add one other on Mr. Arends, ought to have some twinge of cally was to have the option, in addition the staff level. Steven Sholtz who came in conscience in being complicit by the silence of going to the floor, of having that resolu- mid-June, and Margaret Sharkey, the secre- in what the executive branch is saying to the tion of Inquiry prepared to use if that ap- tarp, the typist, whatever Information is lm- Congress, before relevant congressional com- peared to be the appropriate route. parted from that source, and a girl by the mittees, and what the American public is led Mr. NEDZI. So this information was con- name of Sue Meyers who is no longer with to believe. veyed to Mr. Levinson also? me. I think she is working in Pennsylvania, Mr. NEDZS. Perhaps it was negligence or Mr. HARRINGTON. night. I. can get the address if you would like it, sloth or what have you, but let the Chair Mr. BRAY. The same information which That would be my memory of the staff. advise that to my knowledge this subcommit- you gave is the secret information .you re- Mr. BRAY. Then you did not give a copy of tee was not privy to that testimony which ceived. He was not a Member of Congress. this letter which you mailed to Morgan, the was given to other committees. So we have Mr. HARRINGTON. That is correct and nef- Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Commit- had no reason to assume what was told to us ther was Mr. Stern. tee was in conflict with other executive branch Mr. BRAY. You gave the same information Mr. HARRINGTON. Hand delivered to the testimony, to Mr. Stern? chairman on both side, sealed and marked to Mr. HARRINGTON. I am not suggesting it Mr. HARRINGTON. Verbally again, asking their attention only; and delivered directly ,was given in conflict either. I am suggesting really from the point of view of the conver- to Dr. Morgan and Senator Fuibright, from a variety of sources--Senatorial, con- sation to get advice and help as far as, in Mr. BRAY. Did you over give anyone a copy gressional or House-there have been public the one instance, how it could be responsi- of that'letter? statements repeatedly by people of the di- bly used, and in the second to try to provide Mr. HARRINGTON. After September 8; yes. mensions of former Director Helms of the, a background already gotten, I might say, by I think I told you I made it available on the CIA, former Ambassador Correy to Chile, the access to the executive branch or executive Thursday of that week to the press people present Secretary of State and former head sessions on the Senate side, information who had been interested in It and anyone of NSC, now both, Henry Kissinger, all of from the CIA Director of Information for else-I don't know who else was involved. which were- substantially at variance with Latin America, Mr. Breo, and other infor- Other offices of other Congressmen---the let- information you had on April 22d if not mation taken in March or April 1973. ter prior to that, no; I did not, earlier. Mr. BRAY. Did you tell Mr. Church's-what Mr. BRAY. You did on that date give a, copy Mr. NEDZI: But I repeat that I am not aware is his name? of the letter which you wrote to them? any member of this subcommittee was aware Mr. HARRINGTON. Levinson. Mr. ILtRRINGTON. Correct. They were just of those statements. The gentleman may Mr. BRAY. Did you tell Mr. Levinson the available. They were run off and made avail- argue that we should have been aware, but manner in which you had got what you had? able, not selectively given. to In knowledge there was no cause for us Mr. HARRINGTON. If you are going back to Mr. NEDZI. I note the initials M/L.T. as the to go Into those particular statements in the the question asked by Mr. Fascell, I did not, typist on the letter. time frame we are discussing. I told him about the basic circumstances of Mr. HARRINGTON. Larry Te11. L.T. The "M" M'. HARRINGTON, I don't see any reason to the testimony being given and the nature may be, Margaret or Mayers. I don't know the feel T could really infer more than I said, or of it. code. S could find out for you. would I want to out of fairness to you, what Mr. BOB WILsoN. Did you give Mr. Levinson Mr. NEDZI. Is Larry Tell the typist? your specific knowledge was. a copy of hte lettet to Dr.'Morgan? Mr. HARowNOTON. Larry Tell would be the person who would have done the dictating of Mr. HnEaT. I think the one thing to be Mr. HARRINGTON. No; .I did not. In fact he the letter in conversation with me and a said is that the executive department doesn't asked me for a copy of the letter the Tuesday draft for me. make the rules of the House. The House or Wednesday you were back here in Wash- Mr. NEDZI. I see. And "M" is the typist? - makes its own rules, and we are creatures of ington, the 10th or 11th preceding the Mr. HARRINGTON. Either Margaret Sharkey the House and we live by the rules of the Wednesday, and I said until I make this or Sue Meyers. I don't know which way is House and not the executive department. As known to the general public-and the same goes. Mr. Bray said, you did violate the rules of the thing with Larry Stern-I talked with him Mr. ARENns. Your interpretation is lilter- House. on Friday, the 6th of September and he asked esting, but I am trying to understand you Mr. HARRINGTON. You have an interesting could he have a copy of the letter, and I now. . . situation where the House, despite that ethic said no, I am not about to tell, taking that Mr. HARRINGTON. I am trying to understand which is so admirably adhered to, at least in one step further. That may appear to you you, Mr. Arends. theory, with the executive branch is engaged to be a thin line. Mr. ARENns. That Is easy to do. ,,in efforts that are done in secret for purposes Mr. Bon WILSON. Obviously somebody re- You say you signed this document dlvulg- that I think you people are much more fa-Mil- leased the letter. I want to know if you ing information knowing the House rules? far with than I am-you have been in the think any of your staff released it? Mr. HARRINGTON. Presumptively that is classification business longer than I have- Mr. HARRINGTON. NO: I would say again- correct. using the classification system as an execu- do I think any of my staff released it? There Mr. ARENns, You said it bothered you a tive-inspired tool to prevent not only the would be no reason to, because if I have little bit whether or not you were going to people of the country but the Congress from anything to offer at all it is direction-I don't disclose it. Nevertheless you disclosed it. having anything More than the kind of like indirection-and my intention was Mr. HARRINGTON. I don't think I would eunuch like usage of Information which I never-if you will believe a reaffirmation of want my statement characterized that way. again say Is at variance with what other it today-to go drop something by some- I think you asked me somewhat differently, members of the executive branch are saying. body's door and do what the chairman indi- whether or not I had any momentary concern Mr. SLATrNSIIEn. If I may interrupt at this cated, tell a member the knowledge but in of any kind. I tried to characterize it; yes, to point, Mr. Chairman, I would point out in a his'opinion he would not be bound by what a degree. But along side with what I have very large sense the question of classifying I signed, If I am going to do this, I do it already said, and in no sense being abrasive Approved For Release 2005/04/27 : CIA-RDP77M00144R001200030004-5 1 15822 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -&H USE June 19, 19'; Approved For Release 2005/04/27: CIA-RDP7 M00 4 0 200030004-5 again either to the committee's knowledge or Illusion given us regularly by CIA of being If you mean, o i the other hand, a C Mr. ARENDS. I want to be fair about' the from the nature or the responses or reactions, tingt_ogether a le er s r rble t ma ter. You must have known at that time that the degree of specificity attendant to oI ixlna made Ica6wlf lTdtS you' save a you were going through and experiencing an your knowledge didn't exist before, and the JVg9Xd-Lrk the gages o w at F"+-d1W n hire action which was a falsehood as far as you same thing with Mr. Stennis until Septem- to destabilize or fro mentfae; that f lib dL?- were concerned? her 12 of this year. tinction raw. Mr. HARRINGTON. I never viewed it that way. I would be very happy to make an apology 99x. Let me ask you a hypo- Mr. ARENDS. Yet you knew in your own for the record or publicly for that inference thetical question. mind you were doing something you agreed being drawn. I don't really find it at this Mr. HARRINGTON. We finished on that note you would not do. point warranted. Yes, I am interested in in August, but go ahead. Mr. IIARRINGTON. Not really with a pre- oversight but not the kind that exists right Mr. SLATINSHEK. Yes we did. , conceived intent. I am not going to try to now. Let's assume the Arab countries further quibble with you if you want to characterize Mr. BOB WiLsox. And you want the public- escalate the price situation we have on ener- it as something I engaged in, in talking to to know what CIA is doing? gy .now and it places the Western World Mr. Nedzi or Mr. Slatinshek or Mr. Hebert- Mr. HaRRINGTON. Colby does and I on the brink of complete economic chase beforehand with that intent. It was nob bfjeve him. I t nl he germs into is aInd I and collapse. Let's assume further that a,: mine. It turned out but I didn't have the think Mr. Sla 1 ek takes sssus withit. I diplomatic efforts to resolve this impase idea where and when. It was not something thin o y some s have failed. Then the only alternative op- I had as a predetermined direction I was chaliman VMtca es, o you ni "?W ' tiiTd tions apparently available to the President going to take, because it wasn't. mer can pti geT mile are simply to acquiesce in the economic. Mr. ARENDS. Then I will leave it that I ac pponce we broaden their know edge `x chaos or send in the Marine. still don't understand you. hank you at ke` ssi ue ttr`aI ou`-ic idn'ttfiTnk Mr. HARRINGTON. Frankly, if you get to the Mr. BOB WLLsoN. My reference to Benedict that could be the case. think there ought point of your hypothetical question, letting Arnold was not unkind. tone I re, ant " no us a c on of me hanging on the edge of the cliff as far a: Mr. HARRINGTON. If I may finish with Mr. `nowT clefs r ~ the option, either/or, and we are at the poin Arends, it probably won't be very useful. Tip Mr. SLAATINSHEK. You made the statement where our national survival in somewh :. O'Neill just shakes his head, just shakes his you wanted to see-CIA-completely out of more subtle form as shown as being the his-. head and I say "That is right, I am Joe the covert business. torical threat that calls for war, let the Pres- Harrington's son and so can't be all bad." I Mr. HARRINGTON Right don't know whether he understands me . W ident come to the Congress for approval and either, but that may a her in this Mr. ere is olio What ou are talkiMS ask to go to war. Y P per- ap uo there is olitlcai or aramilitar &Ct10n? Mr. SLATINSHEK. YOU are saying If he does spective. Mr. HARRINGTON. Whatever you want call call it covert or any other word for it, secret Mr. ARENDS. Then I am in good company. It. The nonintelligence gathering side. action in the national Interest, he would have Mr. BOB WILSON. As I said, my reference to Mr. SLATINSHEK. You are starting with the Benedict Arnold was not unkind. The point to come to Congress to get approval? premise. or you are, basing this. on a~remise Mr. 8LATINSHEK. This 1s ridiculous. ~ is, he really thought he was doing what was }mat under na circx;mntances Ls covert aetiv< best for his country in violating the rules of ity-and let's set aside the merit of-the Mr. FLrme as an Only as it applies to what you gave me as an example. the country, and I think you did. But there action In. Chile-under no circumstances is a difference of opinion. I don't think you Sul a covert action be ustified in the did. I think you really damaged this country "" y y national interest. Isn't that what wou Rre tremendously by violating a rule of the sa iy ng? House. You don't think so, but I do. I am _ Mr. HARRINGTON. Yes essentially sure Benedict Arnold didn't think so either. Mr. SLATINSHEK. In other words, you would Mr. HARRINGTON. They are not remotely deny- alike and the comparison I would quarrel up Mr. HARRneoTON. I perhaps like my own and down with. You people frankly-not you, language;, but essentially that is what I. am but those who know or are presumed to saying. know, and who choose to accept what I con- Mr. SLATINSHEK. You would deny to the skier to be a systematic degree of deceit prac- President the option of using covert action ticed by the executive branch. But we could in the national Interest under any circum--- debate that forever and not resolve it. stances? Mr. BOB WILSON. Are you in favor of an Mr. HARRINGTON. I would deny to the Presi- oversight committee for CIA? dent of the United States the ability to use . Mr. HARRINGTON. You are talking now when as an instrument of policy the CIA or any you say am I in favor of this oversight related agency that had a similar capacity, committee? with which I may not be fully aware this Mr. BOB WILsoN. No.,Xotl want a separate morning, the initiative of engaging under pversirht committee for CIA? his direction as National Security Council Mr. HARRINGTON. Sure. - head, activities that could be best described Mr. BOB WILSON. Why? as- . Mr. HARRINGTON. Two reasons: First of all Mr. SLATINSHEK. Covert? let me say that to make sure my views will Mr. HARRINGTON. In the lasting words of Mr. be clear, I,' wantthe-CIA out of tile covert Colby as covert, clandestine, or others of side and have never really been am- that. variety, and that is subject to the biiguous about-that, or apprec atidfl narrow distinction I have drawn already. . which have u Rely expressed for the value That does not, I hope, mean to imply I am and the responsible way in which they con- aiming at a broader target within the frame- ccT-E nTtelllgenct ga an 6vaTua1Ion work of CIA action. which I endorse, azi I have oft people this Mr. SLATINSHEK. Whether it is CIA or any p u b 3 T i c y , i i i f l i rng o y and-ot er~i s agency in Government you would be opposed First of all I would like to get the CIA out to the Executive having any opportunity or of mhaT would call clandestine, or covert, device whereby he could engage in covert or paramilitary operations, w a ever you activity In a foreign country regardless of want -Ii we dons do t1iaE hs all 3ht*7~m steji whether or not it is in the national interest? twt rit sosrietFiing more -as g le c, Mr. HARRINGTON. Now we keep broadening man in .A gust Ethan the fiction of over- the question. rjig_ht am convinced until April of this Mr. SLATINSHEK. I am trying to summarize year, in spite of.having been designate_pnd what you have said, and I want to make you can toll me if I ain wrong-as chat, man sure we understand what you said. - Mr. HARRINGTON. Let me ask you-you of the CIA Oversight Conunittee, I am con- Mr. HARRINGTON. Let's just not quibble on have the benefit of something I suppose is winced tha# un --- eptember_i of hs-Year, the semantics. I don't get into an permanently removed from me to have ac- John $tennis,who.occupies _the _samg_,role opinion on the feeling I think you are try-. cess to. My memory of this, if I could say, in the, Senate as Chairman of the CIA Over- Ing to convey. if covert means the use of is that Colby after 16 or 18 pages of specifi- sight-Committee, did not havethe-kIiid-of methods that we in this country wou re- cally addressing himself to the question of speclHc 'informaion_ _thai was. imparted tO _ gard as illegal or violative of the law to en- Chile gets into more general discussion of Mr, Nedzi on April 22. am not saying that gage in intelligence,atherln ou have no the method of operation employed by the in clear enough fasllifon. problem from me in implic y accepting CIA. If you are reading from that section. I would say from what I could read in tha#,-Tike or no~E^h overnmen can I would agree Colby has made the observa- your reactions to that statement, despite the exercise it. tion at some point that the problem of dis- Approved For Release 2004/27 : CIA-RDP77M00144R001200030004-5 Mr. BOB Wn.soN. I want to commend you for bringing a new ivo`r`into our vocabu- iary Btab1I#ze.-I have Mead'?trie -tdtii3 -tes- timony nil never once was lr worc~'1ztel1: You invent d It an a I'D is''bdaittiiul;"""?'-? - NIr. HARAnVGTGN. a s tZr~l`he real cred- it of Bill Colby. Mt SLATSIN?F3E2{,,`jIma interrtvot at this point Mr. Colby did not use --We woriff`rde- y Mr. BOB WILsoN. That is what I said. Mr. SLATINSHEK. In fact he wrote a letter to the New York Times to this effect. Mr. HARRIxGTON. That Is what I said. Mr. SLATINSHEK. I am sorry I missed that. Mr. NEDzi. Let the Chair return to the problem that really is vexing as far as the subcommittee is concerned, the procedures. with respect to the handling of sensitive information. - - Mr. Harrington, I have absolutely no rea- son to challenge your motives In what' ha. occurred. I similarly was interested in s+,-oing that some of this might be made pub11i. Do you recall reading in the transcript when I inquired of Mr. Colby whether this infor- mation could be made public or not? Mr. HARRINGTON. Not enough to be able to respond right now with anything more than what I have. Mr. NEDZI. The point I am making is while the thought occurred to me, I can't say the thought did occur to me to take it upon myself to challenge the classification of this information on the part of those charged with responsibility of making this kind of classification. Don't you feel uncomfortable when Colby testifies that if this-information is disclosed, he expects that some Individuals Nitre '19, 1975 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE H 5823 cl`Osure could create the s trO\ d faor Release 2K5/aM2ZvbdC11A 7hTM 091MR004 20WAGO 4. ggestions as to described. I didn't really want to have that determinations? what we should do to our procedures to im- seem to be inferred In the instance of going back to Mr. Wilson's question of motive and attitude earlier. In the instance here Colby testified to you that if this information were made known that the lives of individuals or other problems would ensue In Chile, I thought he was addressing himself to the more general question of how the agency dealt with problems of this kind on the broader scale when he made. these observa- tions here. Mr. NeozI. I asked him, what do you see as a problem? Mr. HARRINGTON. What page is that? Mr. Neoss. Page 42. Mr. HARRINGTON. I assumed it is in the general discussion. Mr. NEDZr. He answered: "There are a number of individuals who've helped us who would be caught in.the process, who were the intermediaries, or the recipients, who would be revealed as having received American money, or passed American money, at the behest of the CIA. I think some of them would go to jail maybe, maybe not, but some of them would be very sharply discredited. Because you can't really say that. we are working in this area without saying sort of obviously whom we were working with" and so forth. Mr. HARRINGTON. Was the basis of the answer a question about information being made public? Mr. NEDZi. The basis of It was to determine if, in his judgment, we could release the transcript and--- Mr. HARRZNGTOM., I get the feeling when you get to that point in the transcript Mr. Colby is engaging, because he dominates most of that proceeding with almost a mon- olog, In the description in general of the agency function in this role, who is brought in as far as the other executive branch agencies, how they in general function, and what the change of command Is-as far as approval. But you are engaging in a general as distinguished from a Chilean discussion focus. Mr. NFDzt. That was not the intent of the question. Mr. HARRINGTON. What did he say before that prompted your question? Probably page 41. "Mr. NEDZI. We do have independent in- spections, the Inspector General, and things like that, and sometimes they do come up to sharpen the question whether this particu- lar #uctivity is worth it, or being run well, or whatever. It is the usual thing of running any kind of an organization. You have to have some independent appraisal of how well it is doing." Apparently r had asked him about whether there was any review of these activities to determine whether or not they were success- ful or desirable. And following that it was certainly the Intent of any question to de- termine whether all of the information in the transcript could be made public. The point is, however, you say that didn't trouble you? Mr. HARRINGTON. Not at all, because he didn't get into, as you well know, anything by way of specific references to names, to institutions, to parties, beyond generalized descriptions that one might have cognizance about the area and fill in the blanks. This was not something he testified to you on. Mr. NEOZn. Aren't you troubled by taking it upon yourself to determine whether a rule should be followed or not? Isn't that really what Watergate was all about? Mr. HARRINGTON. Mr. Nedzi, I think- Mr. NFDzI. I certainly sympathize with your motives to a far greater degree than I did the principles in Watergate. But aren't we really talking about a similar problem-somebody altogether about something else. This is about. the Congress and deference or acquiescence with the executive branch. Mr. NEDZI. Don't you believe we are genuinely concerned about national secur- ity involves in that? Mr. HARRINGTON. In Watergate? Mr. NeozI. Yes. Mr. IIARRINGTO'N. It is so hard to find any remaining redeeming facets to the -term. After the President reduced it in the tapes and other things to a ,shambles of meaning, I don't think I could really answer it. Mr. NEDZI. My own feeling is there were some participants there who felt they were doing the right thing and weren't concerned about the law and the rights of others. Just because their own minds were fixed that this was the right thing to do for the good of the country, they did it, and that to me is an undesirable way of operating. I think we do have a Government of laws and of rules and you are really treading on very thin ice when you choose on your own to violate laws and rules. Let me put it another way: Let me ask you the question--- Mr. HARRINGTON. I hesitate because I am looking for a rejoinder. I think the Water- gate runs more aptly toward a continuing coverup of the conduct on the part of the executive which is acquiesced in collectively by the Congress. Mr. NEGZI. I am talking about the activi- ties that the term "Watergate" encompasses. But that aside, do you have any suggestion as to what kind of rules could be promul- gated In order to assure that an individual, because of whatever reason he might have, will not disclose sensitive classified informa- tion that if disclosed could be contrary to the public interest? Do you think our rules are unreasonable? - Mr. HARRINGTON. I think totally? and I think the classification system is a joke. Mr. Neon. Apart from the classification system. That is a separate issue. Mr, IIARRINGTON. That is the root of it, Mr. NFOZI. Are you saying there Is no sen- sitive information that is in our transcripts? Mr. HARRINGTON. In general or specific? The transcript before you? Mr. NEDSI. I am speaking in general. Mr. IIARRINGTON. Sure. Mr. NEOzi. What we are concerned about is having some extremely sensitive transcript available to a Member of Congress, given to him under the same rules and constraints that the transcript was given to you, only to have it disseminated to a member of the press. Mr. HARRINGTON. If we talked about the broadest possible definition of sensitive in- formation existing 'someplace that should not be disseminated, without question I would agree with you. I didn't want to have my answer attempt to be responsive to-some- thing that appeared to be directed to this particular transcript in front of you.. Mr. NEOzx. But each individual should be entitled to make that same determination then, shouldn't he? Mr. HARRINGTON. That I suppose is some- thing we could quarrel over forever, far more than this committee would say is the case if I could judge from the chairman. Mr. NFOzr. Are you saying there is no way to promulgate a rule or we will just have to assume that risk? Mr. HARRINGTON. We will always be in an area where we will never arrive at a point where there will not be fundamental dis- agreements of approach between people who are otherwise reasonable. I think we will never get to a point where you will satisfy all people on this whole question. prove them, if they need improving? Mr. HARRINGTON. I think I did this in my letter of mid-July which I addressed to the chairman of the Appropriations Committee, in which I deal with the subject of the House debate on Monday on the whole ques- tion of oversight functions, and with appre- ciation for the problems you have had as far as time. Mr. NEDZI. But this problem is not going away. Mr. HARRINGTON. I tried to induce some -thoughts about that from your own quarters. Mr. NEDZI. Regardless of how you handle the, oversight function, whether you have a separate committee or not, the problem of this kind of information is not going to go away. Should It be handled in a manner that is similar to the way in which we are handling it or should the. procedure be changed somehow? Mr. HARRINGTON. I think there are any variety of methods that could be available that would go to satisfying some of the more legitimate concerns raised. For in- stance, one of the reasons we have talked about regularly hero is much of what you have in that material has a deliberate and definite bearing on foreign policy decisions of this country. Yet in theory Bill Colby can claim to the Foreign Relations Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee that he has no mandate on the part of Congress .to be responsive. Mr. NEDzr. Let me tell the gentleman that problem Is being addressed very diligently, and we anticipate some kind of contribution toward solving this in the very near future. That isn't the point I was talking about. The point that troubles me is the one which was brought to a focus by this particular instance. I am trying to solicit from you some comment as to what might be done to avoid having 435 members exercising their own judgment as to whether the rules should be followed or not.. Mr, HARRINGTON. I thought I had given you my usual curbstone opinion about that-far less secrecy at the executive branch level, far less acquiescence in it on the part of the Congress, which winds up picking up the pieces of the kind of secretly arrived at policy of the kind we find ourselves address- ing here, and far more trust in general on the part of the Congress about itself. You can say I am example "A" of why that shouldn't exist, but that Is your opinion. Mr. BoB WILSON. Do you feel by your vio- lating the rule you might have made it Impossible for other members to see sensitive material, not this material but other sen- sitive material that might have great use to individuals? Do you think in any way that is jeopardized? Mr. HARRINGTON. I think by violating your rule-and I say your rule perhaps pejora- tively-or the rule, what I resulted in doing is forcing a lot of people, not on this com- mittee who have their own self-interest at stake to a narrow degree and philosophically at odds with my view, but forcing a lot of benign members on my own committee with the intent of perpetuating the fiction of oversight to get into the field for the first time where they should have been a gen- oration ago. I think that has been done to a degree. That wasn't the intention. Mr. BOB WILSON. Does your committee have oversight of the CIA? Mr. HARRINGTON. No, it does not. Mr. Bon WiLsoN. What do you mean? Mr. HARRINGTON. Those who have acceded in this. You asked have I precluded other Members of Congress from getting access to sensitive material from what I have clone in violating the rules. I have said to the con- trary, that out of the mouth of our own Chairman Morgan the Foreign Affairs Com- Approved For Release 2005/04/27 : CIA-RDP77M00144R001200030004-5 115824 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE June. 19, 19 1-5 Approved For Release 2005/04/27 : CIA-RDP77M0014 R001200030004-5 mittee has to deal with. what they have been it is maybe not entirely accurate as it is theory to Mr. Nedzl in response to his ques- in for a long time, the knowledge there has secondhand-I heard It and had to some ex- tion. I thought frankly the Morgan title was been little oversight, and if It has occurred, tent verified It-the Fulbright office was only used in effect to deflect attention from it has occurred Informally. In looking at the frantically looking for copies of my -letter the Senate. statement of Congressman Gtaimo from Con- which was supposed to exist. Senator Case's Mr. NznzI. Mr. Morgan was referred to In necticut on. the floor, gentlemen, and Sena- office called over and asked on Monday or the Senate letter. tor Symington of a week ago in the Senate. Tuesday for the letter. I was told they were Mr. HARRINGTONv. The inference is clear I those theoretically supposed to be on the scrambling around for a couple of days look- believe, in my writing to both chairmen one committees of oversight haven't. penetrated Ing for the material I supposed got to Ful- could be substituted one for the other. - that balloon, but may once full oversight bright back in July. Mr. NEnzi. Have you supplied for the rec- exists. Mr. NEDZI. Was that the orlginal letter a ord now tor the best of your recollection all I asked the chairman this morning-and copy of Morgan's? of the individuals to whom you imparted this you don't have to answer it-slid he have Air. HARRINGToe. Both had the original information either by letter or by oral con- Information before April 22 that goes to the letter. I think I alluded to the fact the chair- versation? - substance of what we are doing. He may man of the other committee-it I had to Mr. HARRINGTON. That is correct. have to a degree. I don't know whether he guess, and this is only a guess, and I said Mr. NEnzs. Actually I don't see an allusion did or not. this to Martin Agronsky when he asked me to the Fuibright letter in the Morgan letter. Mr. BOB WILSON. That is a somewhat re- about it. I would basically see the letter to Mr. HARRINGTON. I will be glad to refresh lated question, Do you feel that President Fulbrighi; or the Senate side being the basis my recollection. I assumed It was or one Kennedy was Ill advised in using CIA with for what happened. I really don't know and could infer. I haven't read that en a while regard to the Bay of Pigs? would be glad, as I told you, If I found out. so I don't know. Mr. HARRINGTON. You bet I do. I would be curious myself. But I did not do Mr. NEnzi. To pursue F'rank's line of ques- Mr. BOB WILSON. With regard to our claD' it, tions, one would have to assume that the destine activities In Laos also? Air. Boa WILSON. You say you would as, Fulbright letter was available and some ad- Air. HARRINGTON, To the disconcertion of sume it would fall," but It may not look as ditional information to the effect that there people who happen to share my same party if. you pushed it? was also a Morgan letter. label I very often hyphenate my criticism Mr. HA.RRINGTON. I think really that- has Mr. HARRINGTON. Correct. of executive branch activity of the kind you been the thrust of It all this morning. I am Mr. NEazr. It was not clear from the letter. have described more generally in foreign more annoyed by what I consider to be vacil- Mr. HARRINGTON. I don't know. I don't policy by alluding to both the Kennedy era lation on my part in not having the courage have the letter In front of me. I assume I and the Johnson era, along with the Re- to face it head. on. I would not engago in made a reference for the chairman of the publican facets in the Nixon era over the that sort of thing. I would be more con- committee, so you would infer it was last dozen years. I think you can say one fortable in taking it to the floor of the House sent both ways. Again, that is my guess are that the Secretary of State clumsily tried and letting you guys do what you want. I not anything beyond that at this poin to get at in testimony addressed to Mr. never had any intention of going that way. Those are the letters, and I can find out th- Church, who tried to keep interrupting Ful- . Mr. SLATINSHEK. I understood you to say method of delivery. Mr. Slatinshek's Inten- bright's efforts to repress that line of in- tion is very clear. quiry, I find the Secretary straining a bit you wrote a. separate letter to Mr. Fhalbright. Is that correct? Mr. SLAT ATINSHEK. The question of the de- with an exaggerated kind of claim of credit Mr. HARRINGTON. I wrote identical letters livery, the individual who delivered. that he and the President were engaging in to Fulbright and Morgan originally. Going whether personally delivered, and give us 1969 and 1970 on direction and departure to Mr. Nedzi's question, original copies. copies of the letters.-This would he helpful of American foreign policy, that we ought Mr. SLATINSHEK. Were they addressed for the record. - to have more charity with decisions made specifically to Mr. Morgan. and in the other Mr. HARRINGTONr. OK. about Chile, with appreciation of foreign instance to Senator Fulbrlght? Mr. NEDzI. The subcommittee will stand policy perceptions existing at that time. They Mr. HARRINGTON. Yes. in recess until further call of the Chair. were once claiming a fundamental departure Mr. SLATINSHEK. Could we have a copy for [Whereupon, at 12:20 p.m. the subcom- in our policy affecting our relationship with the record of both of those letters? mittee recessed until call of the Chair.] the Communists-and this Is what I find Mr HARRINGTON. Sure. - [The following information was received all the more ironic-at the time the secret Mr. SLATINSHEK. So we can insert them in for the record: ] - trips were being planned to China, a rap- the record. - OCTOBER OCTOSER.7, 1 974, proachement with Russia being heralded as Mr. HARRINGTON. YOU can have it all. Hon. MICHAEL HARRINGTON, - a great achievement of the administration, Mr. SLATINSHEK. What I am troubled by, House of Representatives, and one I have publicly said I concur in, you had indicated you had personally handed Washington, D.C. - you get a systematic effort to gut the Marx- them the letters. DEAR MR. HARRINGTON: As, you will recall, 1st government that not anyone yet in the Mr: HARRINGTON. I had caused them to be on Wednesday, September 25, 1974, you ap- most revisionist sentiment have suggested personally handed. I thought I made that peered as a witness before the Armed Serv- came to power did not come to power by a clear. Somebody asked did you mail them and Ices "Special subcommittee on Intelligence. process we endorse for the rest of the world. The Subcommittee is now endeavoring to I said no, they were personally delivered. Mr. BOB WILSON. You determined in your Mr. BOB WILSON. I took you to mean you complete the record in respect to your teati- own mind we gutted it. Certainly the testi- handed the letters to them. mony. However, certain materials- that' you mony doesn't indicate to me that the activi- _ Mr. HARRINGTON. No. - had volunteered to provide for the n? cord ties resulted In gutting the Allende govern- - Mr. SLATINSHExs. In other words, you had a have not as yet- been received by the Sub- -meat. In fact it was very Ineffectual' with messenger hand deliver this and they did committee. - the expenditure of $11 million In my opinion. hand deliver it to Chairman Morgan and to - Specifically, I have reference to your offer If there Is any inference in the testimony Chairman Fulbright? to provide for the record: we have had that resulted In the military - Mr. HARRINGTON. That was the intent. I can - (a) Your -correspondence with Senate coup, that our actions resulted in the mili- go back, if you would like, and see actually Fuibright on the Chilean matter; and tary coup, that Is false, and yet the state- from the committees to whom the delivery - (b) Copies of the original letters sent ments that were made on the floor yesterday was made, of not to the chairman. I frankly Chairman Morgan and Chairman Fulbrigh.:, indicated that we Instigated the coup by never inquired. the manner of their delivery, the Individuals spending $11 million. Air. SLATINSHEIc. I think it would be impor- who delivered the individual letters, as well Mr. HARRINGTON. I never would. tart for the record we know this, as the names of theindividuals who actually Air. BOB WILSON. Let me ask this rhetori- Mr. HARRINGTON. You might check. - ' physically received the letters. cally: How would you like to have $11 million Mr. SLATINSHE*_i. I would like you to pro- I assume that your failure to provide this to run for Governor of California with twice vide that to us for the record information for the record is due to your the number of people? I use the example - Air. HARRINGTON. Any way you want to do exceedingly busy schedule or simple lnad- and analogy of a setting of 9 million people it. vertenee. In any event, it would be helpful in a less sophisticated political mlllteu and to the Subcommittee to have this informa- apply it to Chile against American dollars. Mr. SHEK. That is particularly 1m- tton made available so as to permit it to portent since the Seymour Hersh article re- complete its record of your testimony. Mr. IARRINGTON. I wouldn't run for Gov- peatedly referred to Thomas Morgan's letter, Sincerely, ernor of California if you gave me $11 yet Mr. Morgan I understand did not release FRANK M. SLATINSHF.K, million. the letter In any way. This is my informal Mr. NF.DZI. We have just a couple of more understanding. Chief Counsel.. questions to complete the record. Let me Mr. HARRINGTON. I am quite sure you have OCTOBER 8, 1074. ask you this: How do you think the leak a more Informal understanding of the situa- Mr. FRANK M. SI.ATINSHEK, occurred? tion than I do. Chief Counsel, Committee on Armed Services, Mr. HARRINGTON. I really don't know. One Mr. SLtiTINSImst. I am puzzled by the fact U.S. House of Representatives, Washing-. of the things I said to Seymour Hersh When the Seymour Hersh -leak uses the Morgan ton, D.C. vcMR..SSIwATmalxK: Thank you for your he called, can you tell me where niyoou, agott letter. L-~ aIr-,F, a~ v~, DEAR the one thing? Alt~~r~ lollO P FC-Ae' se /u O C ~-KUr IVI TC~ I GOuu3000 a supplementary mate- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD --HOUSE H 5825 June 19, 975 nnl ` y ~tLg serge here as the SepteAp proFor2ReP ale 2 T03104 ~f' tI~$n~tl ?M~diil $c(}~( e61 oP the s the ria mentioned in my a mony. My apologies for the delay In Agency analys s responding. December 1, 1073 Subcommittees on Inter- mony, I submit the following summary of Enclosed are copies of my correspondence American Affairs and International Organi- its contents as an Indication of what tran- with Senator Fulbright, as well as copies of zations and Movements: "Human Rights in spired eChile. was given on April 22,1974 tile original letters to Chairmen Morgan and Chile"-Dr. Frank Newman The Fulbrlght which you requested. It is my un- May 7, 1974 Subcommittees on IAA and by Mr. Colby, who was accompanied by a Mr. derstandin, that Lawrence Tell, who worked IOM: "Human Rights in Chile"- Charles Phillips, who was apparently the Latin Amer- for me this summer, hand delivered the Porter, former Member of Congress; Ira scan specialist of the CIA. Also in attendance July 18th letters to the personal secretaries Lowe, attorney were Chairman Nedzi and Frank Slatinshek, of the Chairmen and that the secretaries May 23, 1974 Subcommittees, on IAA and Chief Counsel of the House Armed Services were admonished that the letters were per- IOM: "Human Rights in Chile"-Dr. Covey Committee. Approximately one-third of the sonal, confidential and for the eyes of the Oliver, former United States Ambassador 48 pages of testimony is devoted to exposi- respective Chairmen only. June 11, 1974 Subcommittees on IAA and tion by Mr. Colby of A continuous Central if I can be of any further assistance, please IOM: "Human Rights in Chile"- former At- Intelligence Agency involvement in the in- do not hesitate to contact me. torney General Ramsey Clark; Judge Wil- ternal politics of Chile from 1962 through. Yours sincerely, Liam Booth 1973. Most of the, remainder of the testi- MICHAEL J. HARRINGTON. June 12, 1974 Subcommittees on IAA and mony provides a description of the methods _ IOM: "Human Rights in Chile"-Deputy employed by the CIA in conducting such op- JULY 18, 1974. Assistant Secretary of State Harry Shlaude- erations, focusing on the details of how ac- tion. TnoaIAs MORGAN, man tivities in Chile were accomplished. Chairman, House Foreign.A,l7airs Committee, June 18, 1974 Subcommittees on IAA and Over the 1962 to 1973 period, the Forty Rayburn House Office Building, Wash- IOM: "Human Rights in Chile"-Professors. Committee (an interdepartmental body that ington, D.C. Richard Fagan, John Planck, .and Riordan reviews and authorizes all covert CIA activi- DcSAR MR. CHAIRMAN: As you know, for Roett ties and is chaired by the President's Advisor some time I have been actively interested in Following the September 25, 1973 hear- on Nattonai Security Affairs) authorized the the development of United States foreign Ing, Chairman Fascell Issued a statement expenditure of approximately $11 million to policy toward Chile, and particularly since which read: "... the Subcommittee will hold help prevent the election of Allende and, in the overthrow of the Allende government on additional hearings on Chile in the near fu- Mr. Colby's. words, "destabilize" the Allende September 11, 1973, and my visit to that ture. We intend to conduct a full scale in- government so as to precipitate its downfall. country shortly thereafter. It is my purpose vestigation of United States policy toward The agency activities in Chile were, viewed in writing in discuss some of the fruits feel my Chile:" The committed language of that as a prototype, or laboratory experiment, to endeavors . sus en that direction, which I feel pose statement has not been pursued, despite a test the techniques of heavy financial invest oerioc questions about wthe ith Chile ievolvedwhich series of conversations between my office and ment in efforts to discredit and bring down our current relations with Chile evolved, the Subcommittee both at the staff level and a government. and our policies has exercised cimplemented, between Chairman Fascell and myself. Final- Funding was provided to Individuals, po- bear r with with me oversight ly, a request made in writing by me on March litical parties, and media outlets in Chile;. fudhowunction. I request ha Cones that you its oe, since u 7 1974 to Chairman Fascell that he hold through channels in other countries in both th. the orta h of this sub tter ct matter Ifeet requires that hearings on U.S. activvties in Chile resulted Latin America and Europe. Mi. Colby's de- aheimprtance of Its comprehensive presentation of in an inclusive exchange of- letters over three scription of these operations was direct, ompyeensint presenta o months with the end result that the Sub- though not to the point of identifying actual a detailed and of present concern No the doubt evolution you u are re familiar with . nSmea ous committee has promised two days of hear- contacts and conduits. dor tugs, possibly sometime this summer, with A total of $3 million was sent in 1984 to reports, dating from the the time of Salvador Allende's election as President in 1970, al- non-government witnesses. . the Christian Democratic Party in Chile that leging that the United States government The one possible opportunity that was af- was opposing Allende in the national elec- played an active role in trying to influence forded to probe United States policies toward tions. Also In 1964, unidentified American Chilean politics. Immediately after the milt- Chile occurred during the Subcommittee ex- corporations suggested that the CIA serve as tary coup last October, further reports ap- ecutive session testimony in October, 1973 a conduit for corporate funds that would fl- peared which indicated - that the United of CIA director William Colby, who unfortu- nance anti-Allende activities, but that'idea States was involved, either directly or indi- nately refused to respond fully to questions was rejected as unworkable. Approximately rectly. At that time, I made a very brief trip of CIA activities in Chile, citing the juris- $500,000 was authorized In 1.969 to fund in- to Chile which enabled me to gain a sense diction of the Armed Services Committee. dividuals who could be nurtured to keep the of the prevailing attitude there and helped With little expectation that tangible results anti-Allende forces active and intact. add some substance to my earlier impression would follow because of its past deference During the 1970 election, in which Allende that the United States had engaged in pout- to the CIA' in such matters. I turned to the eventually was elected President, $500,000 teal and economic destabilization efforts that Special Subcommittee on Intelligence of the was given to opposition party personnel. An eventually led to President Allende's down- House Armed Services Committee. In my let- expenditure of $350,000 was authorized to fall. ter of April 2, 1974 to Chairman Nedzi, a copy bribe the Chilean Congress, which at that Since that time, I have repeatedly tried to of .which is also attached, I recounted the time was faced with deciding elec- focus attention in Congress on the origins reluctance of CIA Director William Colby to tion between Allende, and the opposition can of American policy toward the Allende gov- fully testify before the Foreign Affairs Com- -didate.'The bribe would have, been part of a ernment to determine its possible influence mittee and requested that Chairman Nedzi's scheme to overturn the results of the elec- in the eventual course of events in Chile. In Subcommittee hold hearings to question Mr. tion in which Allende had gained a plurality, particular, I was concerned with activities Colby directly as to convert CIA operations but that plan, although originally approved of the Treasury Department and the Central in Chile. by the Forty Committee, was later evaluated Intelligence Agency, the latter of which is Mr. Colby testified on April 22, 1974 and as unworkable. the subject of quite limited Congressional after some delay, largely due to Chairman The testimony indicates that the Agency Review that is perfunctory and comes after Nedzi's desire to obtain clearance from role in 1970 was viewed as that of the the fact. As you can readily see from the Chairman Hebert, I was notified on or about "spoiler," involving general attempts to po+ exchange of correspondence which is at- June 1, 1974 that I would be given access litically destabilize the country and discredit tached to this letter, my efforts have not to the transcript. I read the hearing tran- Allende to improve the likelihood that an op- been productive of any substantial inquiries script once on June 5 and again- on June position candidate would win. Into our policies toward the Allende govern- 12, and the information contained in the of Allende, $5 mil- ment. Instead, the few hearings that have Colby testimony convinced me that it is of Following the Forty Commit- situation held focused largely on the Internal critical importance for the Congress and the lion authorized election destabilization efforts during the period for was from more 1e t tab desthe for t i zato additional $e situation in Chile and allegations of denials American people to learn the full truth of tee of Civil and judicial rights. The following American activities in Chile. I wish to share million was spent for the 1973 municipal list of hearings and witnesses clearly docu- this information with you, In the hope that million funds were used municipal rnents that fact: you will feel the same sense of conviction elections. was Some of these support an unnamed but influential anti- American 20, 1973 Subcommittee on Inter- that I experienced upon learning the full ' er. American Affairs: Assistant Secretary of details of significant U.S. activities In the Allende newspaper. State Jack Kubisch affairs of another country without any prior Although a specific request in the summer Sept. 25, 1973 Subcommittee on Inter- consultation of even the committee charged of 1973 for $50,000 to assist the trucker's American Affairs: Assistant Secretary of with overseeing such operations. In fact, ac- strike was turned down, the Forty Com- State Jack Kubisch tual formal notification of that committee mittee did authorize in August, 1973 an ex- October 11, 1973 Subcommittee on Inter- came seemingly as an afterthought, and penditure of $1 million for further political American Affairs: Central Intelligence Agency only after my request was made, many destabilization activities. This final author- witness months after the operations had been con- ization came. without any apparent deter- October 31, 1973 Subcommittee on Inter- ducted. rent being posed by the recently completed Approved For Release 2005/04/27 : CIA-RDP77M00144R001200030004-5 1-15826 CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD - HOUSE June 19,'1975 hearings into ITT4WWl!t3C fnfchtll'Y1@Se 2005/04/27 : CI4-?,BOIQJ444ROOsJncOeq iatOt4ihava repeatedly tried t the Senate Watergate Committee's disclosure Hon. THOMAS MORGAN, focus attention in Congress on the origins of of CIA activities related to Watergate. Chairman, House Foreign Affairs Committee, American policy toward the Allende govern- The full plan authorized in August was 2183 Rayburn House Office Building, ment to determine its possible Influence In called off when the military coup occurred Washington, D.C. the eventual course of events in Chile. In less than one month later. In the after- DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: I am writing to re- particular, I was concerned with the activi- math of the coup, however, funds that had affirm my request to you of July 18, 1974, ties of the Treasury Department and the been committed were spent. These included that you initiate open hearings in connection Central Intelligence Agency, the latter of $25,000 to one indvidual to purchase a radio with United States policy with respect to which Is the subject of quite limited Con- station and $9,000 to finance a trip to other Chile during the Allende period. gressional review that is perfunctory and Latin American capitals to reassure them As you know, Mr. William Colby, Director comes after the fact. As you can readily see,' about the new military leaders. of the CIA, in recent newspaper reports, is from the exchange of correspondence which. Since learning this Information. I have reported as having stated that the CIA Is an Is attached to this letter, my efforts have not attempted to induct some Members to pur- instrument of policy, that it does not make been productive of any substantial inquiries sue the facts of our involvement in the policy, and that in connection with the Agen- into our policies toward the Allende govern- Chilean situation to determine how those cy's clandestine activities Ip Chile during the ment. Instead, the few hearings that have policies evolved and how, they can be justi- Allende period, the Agency was implement- been held focused largely on the internal, tied as being in the national interest. I have tug the foreign policy of the United States. situation in Chile and allegations of denials had a reasonably extended conversation with Hence, I believe that the issue rests squarely of civil and judicial rights. The following list Congresman Fraser, and briefer ones with within the jurisdiction of the House Foreign of hearings and witnesses clearly documents Congressmen Fascell and Hamilton, in which Affairs Committee: who made the policy that fact: I described what I learned from the Colby which led the Central Intelligence Agency to Sept. 20, 1973 Subcommittee on Inter- testimony. While they were indeed distressed undertake the extensive clandestine activi- American Affairs: Assistant Secretary of at the details of CIA operations, nothing ties designed to subvert the Allende govern- - StateJack Kubisch was forthcoming as a result of those conver- meat? - Sept. 27, 1973 - Subcommittee on Inter- sations that leads me to believe that there In my opinion, an accounting to the Amer- American- Affairs: Assistant .Secretary of would be further investigations or hearings Scan people and the Congress Is in Order and State Jack Kubisch into the broader policy questions that such we should demand that accounting from Sec- October 11, 1973 Subcommittee on inter- activities pose. - retary of State Kissinger who, according to American Affairs: Central Intelligence I turn to you as a last resort, having de-, Mr. Colby,, was the author of the policy to- Agency witness. - spatred of the likelihood of anything pro- ward Chile. October 31, 1973 Subcommittee on Inter-` ductive occurring as a result of the avenues It is no longer acceptable for the Congress American Affairs: Defense Intelligence I have already pursued. It is indicative of my to acquiesce in State Department officials' Agency analysis frustrations to note that in the five meet- coming before Congressional committees and December 7. 1973 Subcommittees on Inter- ings this year of the Subcommittee on Inter- making statements which, if not outright American Affairs and International Orga American Affairs, which focused on human lies, are at least evasions of the truth. I ttrgo . nizationo and Movements: "Human Right:- - rights in Chile, only one government witness that your committee, before which State De-- in Chile"-Dr. Frank Newman - - with knowledge of U.S. activities in Chile partment officials have testified on this mat- May 7, 1974 Subcommittees on' IAA at, appeared. At that hearing, Congressman ter,. reopen its inquiry in light of what we IOM: "Human- Rights in Chile"-Charl- Fraser and I questioned Deputy Assistant now know, and determine whether or not Porter, former Member of Congress, Ira Low Secretary of State Harry Shlaudeman on transcripts of their previous testimony attorney - possible CIA involvement In Chile while he Should be transmitted to the Department of May 23, 1974 Subcommittees on IAA and was stationed there as Deputy Chief of Mis- Justice for perjury. - TOM: "Human Rights In Chile"-Dr. Covey Sion from 1969 through mid-1973. His an- Yours sincerely, - Oliver, former United States Ambassador swers, a transcript of which is attached, in- - MICHAEL J. HARRINGTON. June 11, 1974 Subcommittees on IAA and dicated to me some knowledge on his part of TOM: "Human Rights in Chile"-former At- CIA activities that he was unwilling to die- -- - JULY 18, 1974. torney General Ramsey Clark; Judge William cuss before a duly-constituted Committee of Hon. J.: Wf:LLIAM FULSRIGHT, 11ooth - the House. The Inherent limitations facing Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Commit- June 12, 1974 Subcommittees on TAA and Members of Congress in uncovering the facts 'tee, 1215 Dirksen Senate Office Building, TOM: "Human Rights in Chllo"-Deputy As- of covert activities such as those in Chile Washington, D.C. - sistant Secretary of State Harry Shlaudeman requires, I believe, a commitment by those - DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: As you may know, June 18, 1974 Subcommittees on IAA and in a position to act beyond the existing, for Sometime I have been actively interested IOM: "Human Rights In Chile"--Professors Illusory oversight machinery. In the development of United States foreign Richard Pagan, John Planck, and Riordan At his confirmation hearings on July 2, policy toward Chile, and particularly since Roett - 1973, Director Colby said:- - the overthrow of the Allende government on Following the September 25, 1973 hearing, "We are not going to run the kind of in- September 11, 1973 and my visit to that coun- Chairman Fascell Issued a Statement which telligence service that other countries run, try shortly thereafter. It is my purpose In read: "... the Subcommittee will hold ad- We are going to- run one in the American writing to discuss some of the fruits of my ditional hearings on Chile in the near future. society and the American constitutional endeavors 'in that direction, which I feel pose We intend to conduct a full scale investiga- structure, and I can see that there may be serious questions about the manner In which. tion of United States policy toward Chile." a requirement to expose to our current relations with Chile evolved, how The committed language of that statement the American our policies there were Implemented, and how has not been pursued, des people ~a great deal more than might be plea a series of convenient from the narrow intelligence Congress has exercised its oversight function. conversations between my office and the Sub- point of view." - I request that You bear with me on the length committee both at the staff level and between I feel It is time to hold Mr. Colb to his of this letter, since I feel that the importance Chairman Fascell and myself. Finally, a re- Y of its subject matter requires a detailed and - quest made In writing by me on March 7, commitment, as the Congress and the Ameri- comprehensive presentation of the evolution 1974 to Chairman Fascell that he hold hear- can people have a right to learn what was of my present concern. - tug on U.S. activities in Chile resulted in done in our name in Chile. Much as I would No doubt an inconclusive exchange of letters over three prefer to see this accomplished within the you are familiar with numerous channels of the Congressional reports, dating from the time of Salvador months, with the end result that the Sub- g process, its Allende's election as President In 1970, al- committee has promised two days of hear- importance convinces me that our very sys- leging that the United States government ings, possibly sometimes this summer, with tem of government requires that knowledge played an active ,role in trying to influence nongovernment witnesses. of American activities in Chile not remain Chilean politics. Immediately after the mill. The one Possible opportunity solely with a handful of officials and Members that was af- of Congress. Therefore, I urge you to tary coup last October, further reports ap- forded to probe United States policies toward promptly turn this matter to the attention peared which Indicated that the United Chile occurred during the Subcommittee ex- - of- the Foreign Affairs Committee for a com- States was Involved, either directly or in- ecutive session testimony in October, 1073 plate, public investigation of United States directly. At that time,. I made a very brief of CIA director Wiliam Colby, who unfor- relations with Chile. I trust that you will trip to Chile which enabled me to gain a ttmately refused to respond fully to ques- agree that the importance of this matter and sense of the prevailing attitude there and tions of CIA activities in Chile, citing the Its Implications for future foreign policies of helped add some substance to my earlier im- jurisdiction of the Armed Services Commit- the United States demands no less. pression that the United States had engaged tee. With little expectation that tangible re- In political and economic destabilization ef- sults would follow because of Its past def- Yours sincerely, forts that eventu ll l d t y a e o President Al- erence to the CIA in such matters, I turned MICHArL J. HARRINGTON. lende's downfall. to the Special Subcommittee on Intelligence Approved For Release 2005/04/27 : CIA-RDP77M00144R001200030004-5 NI.ESSIONAL RECORD -- HOUSE ~I 5827 'urle 19 ; 1975, Approved F-or a R ease 2005/04/27: CIA-RDP77M00144R0010003000~- of the House Armed Services Committee. In bribe the Chilean Congress, which at that We are going o run one ne American my letter of April 2, 1974 to Chairman Nedzl, time was faced With deciding a run-off elec- society . and the American constitutional a copy of which is also attached, I recounted tion between Allende and the opposition can- structure, and I can see that there may he a the reluctance of CIA Director William Colby didate. The bribe would have been part of a requirement to expose to the American peo- to fully testify before the Foreign Affairs scheme to overturn the results of the elec- pie a great deal more than might be con- Committee and requested that Chairman tion in which Allende had gained a plurality, venlent from the narrow intelligence point Nedzi's Subcommittee hold hearings to ques- but that plan, although originally approved or ifeel it is time to hold Mr. Colb to his tions Mr. Colby directly as to cover CIA by the Forty Committee, was later evaluated y operations in Chile. as unworkable. commitment, as the Congress and the Amer- Mr. Colby testified on April 22, 1974 and The testimony indicates that the Agency ican people have a right to learn what was after some delay, largely due to Chairman role in 1970 was viewed as that of the done in our name in Chile. Much as I Nedzi's desire to obtain clearance from "spoiler," involving general attempts to po- would prefer to see this accomplished within Chairman Hebert, I was notified on or about litically destabilize the country and discredit the channels of the Congressional process, June 1, 1974 that I would be given access to Allende to improve the likelihood that an its Importance convinces me that our very the transcript. I read the hearing transcript opposition candidate would win. system of government requires that knowl- once on June 5 and again on June 12, and Following the election of Allende, $5 mil- edge of American activities In Chile not the information contained in the Colby tes- lion was authorized by the Forty Committee remain solely with a handful of officials and timony convinced me that it is of critical for more destabilization efforts during the Members of Congress. Therefore, I urge you Importance for the Congress and the Amer- period from 1971 to 1973. An additional $1.5 to promptly turn this matter to the atten- ican people to learn the full truth of Amer- million was spent for the 1973 municipal tion of the Foreign Affairs Committee for ican activities in Chile. I wish to share this. elections. Some of these funds were used to a complete public investigation of United Information with you, in the hope that you support an unnamed but influential anti- States relations with Chile. I trust that you will feel the same sense of conviction that Allende newspaper. will agree that the importance of this matter I experienced upon learning the full details Although a specific request in the summer and its ifnplications for future foreign poll- of significant U.S. activities in the affairs of of 1973 for $50,000 to assist the trucker's dies of the United States demands no less, another country without any prior consulta- strike was turned down, the Forty Committee yours sincerely, tion of even the committee charged. with did authorize in August, 1973 an expenditure MICHAEL J. HARRINGTON, overseeing such operations. In fact, actual of $1 million for further political destabili- JIlLY 26, 1974. formal notification of that committee came zation activities. This final authorization .-- seemingly as an afterthought, and only after came without any apparent deterrent being IIOn. MICHAEL J. HARRINGTON. my request was made, many months after posed by ? the recently completed hearings U .S. House of Representatives, into ITT Involvement in Chile and the Sen- the operations had been conducted. Washington, D.O. While my memory must serve here as the ate Watergate Committee's disclosure of CIA DEAR CONGRESSMAN: I apologize for the only source for the substance of the testa- activities related to Watergate. delay in responding to your letter, but have mony, I submit the following summary of its The full plan authorized In August was been diverted by hearings in the Com- contents as an indication of what transpired called off when the military coup occurred inittee and other related matters. in Chile. less than one month later. In the aftermath The question you pose in your letter is The testimony was given on April 22, 1974 of the coup, however, funds that had been one of longstanding concern. The Foreign by Mr. Colby, who was accompanied by a Mr. committed were spent. These included $25,- Relations Committee has attempted from Phillips, who was apparently the Latin 000 to one individual to purchase a radio time to time to examine CIA representatives; American specialist of the CIA. Also in at- station and $9,000 to finance a trip to other when critical questions have been, asked of tendance were Chairman Nedzi and Frank Latin American capitals to reassure them these individuals, we have consistently re- Slatinshek, Chief Counsel of the House about the new military leaders, ceived the answer that they are responsible Armed Services Committee. Approximately Since learning this Information, I have to the President, the National Security Coun- one third of the 48 pages of testimony is attempted once again to induce some Mom- cif, and the informal Committee of Elva in devoted to exposition by Mr. Colby of a can- bers to pursue the facts of our involvement the Senate, and they would not respond to tinuous Central Intelligence Agency involve- In the Chilean situation to determine how specific questions involving their methods I ment in the internal politics of Chile from those policies evolved and how they can of influencing foreign elections, such as 1 1062 through 1973. Most of the remainder of be justified as being in the national interest. Chile. the testimony provides a description of the I have had a reasonably extended convor- I share our frustration in this situation, methods employed by the CIA in conducting sation with Congressman. Fraser, and briefer y such operations, focusing on the details of ones with Congressmen Fascell and Hamill- but, as you know, this has been going on how activities In Chile were accomplished. ton, in which I described what I learned from in places other than Chile for many years.' Over the 1962 to 1973 period, the Forty the Colby testimony. While they were indeed I have sponsored and' supported efforts to Committee (an interdepartmental body that distressed at the details of CIA operations, create a Committee similar to the Joint reviews and authorizes all covert CIA activi- nothing was forthcoming as a result of those Committee on Atomic Energy which would ties and Is chaired by the President's Advisor conversations that leads me to believe that have specific and complete authority to ex- on National Security Affairs) authorized the there would be further investigations or amino the CIA and exercise some control expenditure of approximately $11 million to hearings Into the broader policy questions over their activities. As you will recall, the help prevent the election of Allende and, in that such activities pose. Congress did not support these efforts. Fur- Mr. Colby's words, "destabilize" the Allende i turn to you as a last resort, having thermore, I do not believe that a thorough government so as to precipitate its downfall. despaired of the likelihood of anything pro- investigation by the Foreign Relations Coln- The agency activities in Chile were viewed ductive occurring as a result of the avenues mitten. would produce very much beyond as a prototype, or laboratory experiment, to I have already pursued. It is indicative of that which we already know, and If it did, test the techniques of heavy financial invest- my frustrations to note that in the five unless there is a tremendous change in the meet in efforts to discredit and bring down meetings this year of the Subcommittee on attitude of the members of the Senate, noth- a government. Inter-American Affairs, which focused on ing could be done about it. In short, the Funding was provided to individuals, polit- human rights in Chile, only one government Senate at least has been unwilling to exer- foal parties, and media outlets in Chile, witness with knowledge of U.S. activities in cise serious control of the CIA, and appar- through channels In other countries in both Chile appeared. At that hearing, Congress- ently approves of the activities to which you Latin America and Europe. Mr. Colby's de', Fraser and I questioned Deputy Assist- refer in Chile and which I believe to be a scription of these operations was direct, man ant Secretary of State Harry Shlaudeman on procedure which the CIA has followed In though not to the point of identifying actual possible CIA involvement in Chile while lie other countries. contacts and conduits, was stationed there as Deputy Chief of Mis- The Committee on Foreign Relations Is A total of $3 million was sent in 1964 to Sion from 1969 through mid-1973. His beginning, on the 8th of August, an indepth the Christian Democratic Party in Chile answers,. a transcript of which is attached, study of the problem of our relations with that was opposing Allende in the national Indicated to me some knowledge on his part the Communist world. These hearings will elections. Also in. 1964, unidentified Amer- of CIA activities that he was unwilling to not bear directly upon the problem of the icon corporations suggested that the CIA discuss before a duly-constituted Committee CIA, but will involve the basic policy in serve as a conduit for corporate funds that of the House. The inherent limitations fac- which the CIA thinks it is involved in their would finance anti-Allende activities, but iing Members of Congress in uncovering the covert activities. . thoxim idea was rejected as uh zed work In bin. 1969 969 facts of covert activities such as those in I believe, in spite of our frustration, that proxately vidual 0 who could be nurtured ed Chile requires, I believe, a commitment by the creation of a Joint Committee, with full to fun indi who could those in a position to act beyond the exist- authority to examine the CIA and control it, to keep p the anti-Allende forces active and ing illusory oversight machinery. Is the only practical answer to the problem.. intact. During the 1970 election, which Allende At his confirmation hearings on July 2, The Foreign Relations Committee, in a show eventually was e0,000 1973, Director Colby said: down, never has sufficient votes to overcome was elected d President, $5600 was given to opposition party personnel. An "We are not going to run the kind of in- -the opposition of the forces led by the expenditure of $350,000 was authorized to telligence service that other countries run. Armed Services Committee In the Senate, Approved For Release 2005/04/27 : CIA-RDP77M00144R001200030004-5 H 5828 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE June 19, 1975 but a Joint con i t 0i`ICY toji s1&q e 299 5/04M27forr DPt77 VI 0144R001 O~p13 o0Qn el~ght instances. do so, I think would have sufficient prestige Mr. HASTINGS, for 5 minutes, today. Mr. JENRETTE. to exercise control. If you think well of. this Mr. MILLER of Ohio, for 5 minutes, to- Mr. Russo. Idea I will be lad to loin ith i - i ; g n spon w you day. soring a renewal of the effort to create a Mr. COHEN, for 15 minutes, today, Joint Committee an the Intelligence_ y community. (The following Members (at the re- With all best wishes, I am, quest of Mr. HARKIN), to revise and ex- Sincerely. yours, tend their remarks, and to include. ex- J. W. FULBRIGHT. traneotts matter . ) Mr. FORD of Michigan, for 5 minutes,, SEPTEMBER 11, 1974. today. Hon. J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT, Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Conn- . Mr. Mr. MEEDS, GONZAL for 5 for 5 minutes, today. mittee, 1215 Dirksen Senate Office minutes, today. Building, Washington, D.C. Mr. FRASER, for 10 minutes, today. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: I am writing to re- Mr. KOCH, for 15 minutes, today, affirm my request to you of July 18, 1974, Mr. FORD of Tennessee, for 5 minutes, tion with United States policy with respect Mr. LEGGETT, for 15 minutes, today. to Chile during the Allende period. As you know, Mr. William Colby, Director of the CIA, in recent newspaper reports, is reported as having stated that the CIA is an instrument of policy, that it does not make policy, and that in connection with the Agency's clandestine activities in Chile during the Allende period, the Agency was implementing the foreign policy of the United States. Hence, I believe that the Is- sue rests squarely within the jurisdiction of the Senate Foreign 'Relations Committee: who made the policy which led the Central Intelligence Agency to undertake the exten- sive' clandestine activities designed to sub- vert the Allende government. In my opinion, an accounting to the American people and the Congress is in order and we should demand that accounting from Secretary of State Kissinger who, according - to Mr. Colby, was the author- of the policy toward Chile. It is no longer acceptable for the Congress . to acquiesce in State Department officials' coming before Congressional committees and making statenieuLe which, if not outright lies, are at least evasions of the truth. I urge that your committee, before which State Department officials have testified on this matter, reopen its inquiry in light of what we now know, and determine whether or not transcripts of their previous testimony should be transmitted to the Department of Justice for perjury. Yours sincerely, MICHAEL J. HARRINGTON. LEAVE OF ABSENCE By unanimous consent, leave of ab- sence was granted as follows to: Mr. ERLENBORN (at the request of Mr. RHODES), after 4 p.m. today, through June 26, 1975, on account of official busi- ness. Mrs. COLLINS of Illinois (at the request of Mr. O'NEILL), after i p.m., today, through Monday, July 14, 1975, on ac- count of official committee business. Mr. DIGGS (at the request of Mr. O'NEILL), from 3:30 p.m., today, until Friday, July 18, 1975, on account of offi- cial business. EXTENSION OF REMARKS By unanimous consent, permission to revise and extend remarks was granted to: Mr, HARRINGTON, notwithstanding the fact that It exceeds two pages of the RECORD and is estimated by the Public Printer to cost $2,965. Mr. MOORHEAD Of Pennsylvania, to ex- tend his remarks, notwithstanding the fact that it exceeds two pages of the RECORD and is estimated by the Public Printer to cost $1,251_ Mr. ANDREWS of. North Dakota, to ex- tend his remarks In the body of the REc- ORD, following the remarks of Mr. MooR- READ of Pennsylvania. Mr. WAMPLER, notwithstanding the fact that, it exceeds two pages of the RECORD and is estimated by the Public Printer to cost $695. Mr. FRENZEL, to revise and extend his remarks, prior to the vote on recommit- tal of the energy bill. Mr..C:OHEN, and to Include extraneous matter, notwithstanding the fact that it exceeds two pages of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD and Is estimated by the Public Printer to cost $1,042.50. Mr. GUDE, and to include extraneous matter. Mr. PERKINS in two instances. (The following Members (at the re- quest of Mr. GILMAN) and to Include extraneous material:) Mr. GILMAN in four instances. Mr. CRANE. Mr. STEIGER-Of Wisconsin. Mr. LENT. Mr. ERLENBORN. Mr. GUYER. Mr. PEYSER in two instances. Mr. TIIONE. Mr. KASTEN in two instances. Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. STEELMAN. Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois in two stances. SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED IVIr. ZSUt$ VVILJUIV 1I1 L11ree lnstiances. Mr. AsHBROOK in five instances. By unanimous consent, permission to Mr. RHODES. . address the House, following the legisla- Mr. COHEN. tive program and any special orders Mr. BELL. heretofore entered, was granted to: Mr. DERWINSKI in two instances. Mr. FLOOD, for 30 minutes, today. Mr. DU PONT. (The following Members (at the re- Mr. BUCHANAN. quest of Mr. GILMAN), to revise and ex- (The following Members (at the re- traneous matte pproved For Releaset2005/04/2, : dIA-RDP77M00144R01 i 0 3 0 4~,ize the President of the Mr.. CARNEY. Mr. MIKVA. Mr. CONYERS in three Instances. Mr. GONZALEZ in three instances. Mr. ANDERSON of California In three Instances. Mr. PATTEN. - Mr. BYRON in 10 Instances. Mr. OBEY. Mr. MITCHELL of Maryland. Mr. MACDONALD of- Massachusetts in two instances. Mr. JONES of Tennessee. Mr. GAYDOS In 10 instances. Mr. ROGERS In five instances. Mr. DIGGS. - -.Mr. JOHN L. BURTON in two Instances. Mr, MAZZOLL Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. MURPHY of New York. Mr. HALL. Mr. RIEGLE. Mrs. BuRxE of California Mr. ZEFERETTI In two instances. Mr. MCCORMACK in two instances. Mr. HARKIN. SENATE BILL REFERRED A bill of the Senate of the following title was taken from the Speaker's table and, under the rule, referred as follows: 9. 6. An act to insure the right to an educa- tion for all handicapped children and to pro- vide financial assistance to the States foi such purposes; to the Committee on Educa- tion and Labor.. ADJOURNMENT Mr. HARKIN. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House do now adjourn. The motion was agreed to, accordingly (at 6 o'clock and 36 minutes p.m.) under its previous order, the House adjournef until tomorrow, Friday June 20, 1975, a-. 10 o'clock a.m. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. Under clause 2 of rule XXIV, executive communications were taken from the Speaker's table and referred as follows; 1246. A letter from the Director, Defense Security Assistance Agency, transmitting notice of the intention of the Department of the Navy to offer to sell certain defense articles and services to the Federal Repubi' - of Germany, pursuant to section 36(b) of 1, Foreign Military. Sales Act, as amended: the Committee on International Relations. 1247. A letter from the Executive Director, Federal Communications Commission, trans- mitting a report on the backlog of pending applications and hearing cases In the Com- mission as of April 30, 1975, pursuant to section 5(e) of the Communications Act, as amended; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 1248. A letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a report recommending deauthorization of certain projects, pursuant to section 12 of Public Law 93-251 (II. Doe. No. 94-192); to the Committee on Public Works and Transportation and ordered to be printed. 1249. A letter from the Assistant Secretary E 3340 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Extensions o f Remarks June 19, 1975, tion. The DepartA rRVAO FiWrig@)Aas&L20OAfOAI(Z7siveC IR7,XMOlh4PtPRUQPQ tQ ie'IA. Responsibility for theoretically exists not for the purpose of writing law, but. of administering law as written. In my opinion Congress should set up a commission, or provide funds and direction for an appropriate agency in the Department of Transpor- tation, for the purpose of drawing up legislation to meet this . problem. It party-to work on such commission agency, acting as liaison with _oth brought to the committees it should widely assumed that few changes wo be suggested. BREEDER REACTOR PROGRAM HON. TOM HARKIN OF IOWA Thursday, June 19, 1975 Mr. IIARKIN. Mr. Speaker, the Hou is now considering the authorization b ment Administration. The Des Moines Register, on June 18, 1975, published an editorial on the breeder reactor program, which would be funded under this au- thorization bill. The editorial was very instructive, and I would like to bring it to the attention of my colleagues. The editorial follows: SWITCH FROM BREEDER REACTOR The Ford administration apparently is planning to slow development of the. con- troversial "breeder reactor." Commerce Sec- tary Rogers Morton told reporters the'admin- istratlon intends to shift emphasis from de- velopment, of the breeder to conventional atomic power. . Development costs were expected to exceed $10 billion. The government was willing to commit such a huge sum because of the breeder reactor's ability to make more effi- cient use of uranittin in producing power and because it' produces plutonium as a byprod- uct. Plutonium is usable as fuel for nuclear power. Critics of the breeder reactor program cited the potential risks In operating the plants and the problems of radioactive waste dis- posal. They feared the administration was putting all its energy eggs in a nuclear basket and concentrating on developing a poten- tially hazardous nuclear system at the ex- pense of non-nuclear alternatives. The federal Energy Research and Develop- ment Administration's budget request for fiscal year 1076 included nearly $500 million for research and development on the breeder reactor. The agency asked for $311 million for research and development on fossil fuels, $57' million for solar energy, $28 million for geo- thermal energy, $23 million for advanced en- ergy research and $32 million for energy con- servation. The agency thus planned to spend more on the breeder reactor program than on all, non-nuclear energy programs com- bined. The administration's decision to give lower priority to the breeder reactor program is wise, considering the way the program has come to dominate federal energy research. The government could pump billions into the program only to find that it had created a monster. Meanwhile, other less hazardous en- ergy sources would have been neglected be- researen program ana LO. give emphasis to such non-polluting, non-hazardous power sources as solar energy. We hope the admin- istration's switch in direction onthe breeder reactor program clears the way for a better- balanced program and will not merely mean more spending for conventional atomic HON. BOB WILSON OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, June 19, 1975 Mr. BOB WILSON. Mr, Speaker, in recent months our intelligence commu- nity in general,. and the Central Intelli- gence Agency in particular, have been subjected to varying degrees of criticism in Congress and in the media, with most of it severe. While it is true that any verified ventures eyonathi' 'tatutory limits of the mission of the U.S. Intelli- gence community should r s uy, be scrutinized at the same time it is true that:in ,h . process wQ should ro ?pr, d., vital secret information across the front pies for all to see,or even worse, dis- mantle our intelligence, system ins the process. The intelligence function is indtspen- sable_to oui well_ being a#'liome and abroad. We continue to live in a-Eostile wo_ r dean through our n ell ence oger- at ns must know what other nations are dIoillg. National securi i must ncfude political security against subversion or terrorism against our citizens; it must include economic security against any threats to our economic well-being. Such data must not only be collected but pro- fessionally analyzed and judgments made on a variety of subjects beyond those of military significance. Intelligence assist- ance to negotiations around the world is critical and the Strategic Arms Limita- tions Agreements are perhaps the most typical example- where such agreements rest basically on the identification-of the subjects that must be negotiated. Finally, Mr. Speaker, in the military area intelligence continues to make the major contribution to American decisions as to weapons systems and the require- ments for an adequate defense posture. Thus, I believe the following editorial from the San Diego Union of June 13, 1975 will be of interest to our colleagues in arriving at a calm and unemotional determination of our intelligence re- quirements : I include this as a portion of my remarks: CIA MusT BE SALVAGED The Rockefeller Commission has now laid out a record of derelictions by the Central Intelligence Agency. Some are more serious than others, and it is still hard to say how much it will be possible to reveal at a later time about the still-secret subject of alleged CIA involvement in plotting foreign assassi- nations. The Commission's report already makes it possible to say that we are dealing with something more than illegalities or lapses of tions and Congresses which have tolerated ,ambiguities in the* mission of the CIA and may even have taken advantage of them.. It extends into the -White House, where some presidents. yielded to the temptation to use the CIA for. political purposes. This derelic- tion was compounded by. the failure of CIA officials to resist. Thus we see the CIA, for all its mystique, exhibiting a weakness all too common in government bureaucracy. The venture, of the CIA, into illegal do., mestic surveillance must be condemned, but the judgment of the public and the law must be tempered by an. appreciation of the circumstances under which it occurred. For one thing, the incidents were not numerous considering the many opportunities which exist for the agency to misuse its intelligence apparatus. More Important, activities which appear improper in hindsight could have appeared. justified at the time they were authorized. To theextent that the anti-war movement of the, 1960s was an expression of opposition, to a government policy, neither the CIA nor any other government agency had any busi- ness subjecting Americans connected with it to. surveillance. However, to the extent that demonstrations and riots were perceived as a threat to national security and there were grounds for suspicion that they were receiv- ing foreign support, the surveillance was ap- propriate, even if the CIA was the wrong agency to carry it out. - : . The Rockfeller findings do nothing to diminish the need for an agency like the CIA, with its responsibility for foreign intelli- gence clearly spelled out and with an effec- tive relationship with agencies responsible for domestic security. The Commission has shown how an agency created in 1947 with a specific, bona fide purpose would slip into a role totally repugnant to our free society- that of a "secret police" snooping without judicial process on American citizens. The congressional and Justice Department investigations now proceeding can clarify the extent to which the CIA breached its charter and pinpoint the responsibility. As for sal vaging our government's ability to deal with international intelligence problems, the Rockefeller Commission's recommendations provide a way to restore strength to the CIA and keep it on the right track. We can hope that the latter effort is not waylaid by the pursuit of scandal for scandal's sake by those who have now cracked the door of CIA ' secrecy. We have already come dangerously close to damaging an agency which, whatever its transgressions, is an essential tool for our national survival. TRIBUTE TO THE REVEREND H. SHAW SCATES HON. ED JONES OF TENNESSEE ' IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, June 19, 1975 Mr. JONES of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I want to take the opportunity today to pay tribute to the Reverend H. Shaw Scates, stated clerk of the general assem- bly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Dr. Scates has served long and well in many various positions in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and has been dedicated to each of those posi- tions. Approved For Release 2005/04/27 : CIA-RDP77M00144R001200030004-5 H 5792 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD --HOUSE June 19,. 1975 Approved For Release 2005/04/27 CIA-RDP77M00144RO01200030004-5 this nation that sense of domestic tran- orable John T. Connor, former Secre- tions and others in the business and quility so essential to the pursuit of tary of Commerce in the Johnson ad- bank community. But the 1975 campaign happiness. ministration. Mr. Lane Kirkland, the is blatant and it is obvious that officials GERALD R. Foss. secretary-treasurer of the AFL-CIO, and in the Federal Reserve cannot separate F1 0 041 ' im HousE, June 19, 1975. Dr. Edgar F.. Shannon, former president their massive banking and business in- of the University of Virginia. terests from their public duties. Mr. Speaker, I was one of NELSON . Mr. Speaker, the letterheads of some of ROCKERFEPLIERELLER COMMENDED COMMISSION CIA RocKEFELLER'S ? most enthusiastic sup- the Nation's largest corporations and porters during last year's consideration banks are being used to help apply, mus- (Mr. McCLORY asked and was given of his nomination to the Vice Presidency. cle to this effort to lock the auditors out permission to address the House for 1 I am/45roud to point out to my colleagues of the Federal Reserve. For example, the minute and to revise and extend his re- that the overwhelming margin by which Boeing Co: whose expertise I presumed marks.) we confirmed the Vice President last De- was in the aviation field---is apparently Mr. McCLORY. Mr. Speaker, in the cember has been fully vindicated by his using its time and money to lobby against week since its public release, I have care- excellent service in the ensuing months. the auditing bill. This is a corporation fully studied the report to the President Today, I want to commend the Vice with $1.746 billion in assets and this is by the Commission on CIA Activities President particularly for his most caps- the first time that I realized this corpora- within the United States. Today I want ble performance as Chairman of this im- tion's close ties to the Federal Reserve to voice a royal of the tremendous portant Commission. The country needs system and its auditing problems. Jo which the C airman of the Commis- and appreciates his valuable leadership Mr. Speaker, I have in my possession a stun, Vice President OCKEFELLER, and in this and many other capacities. _ letter signed by Malcolm T. Stamper, the o ear distinguished panel mem ers president, on stationery of the Boeing have performed Tor our count. FEDERAL RESERVE UNLEASHES ITS Co. At first glance, it appears that Mr. r is ut down in speaking the solely body for of the the let- r-;,r e scope of the mandate re- LOBBYING CAMPAIGN AGAINST Ing Co., o. b ceived from President Ford, the oc e- ng Cet AN AUDIT ter he reveals that he is speaking and #eller Corision ygiaion and re- port must be considered as comprehen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a these are his own words--"in my capacity ive. objective, and definitely construc- previous order of the House, the gentle- as president of the Boeing Co. and as man from Texas (Mr. PATMAN) is recog- Chairman of the Seattle Federal Reserve tivP. In its xhaustive review of the do- Board.,, mestic activities of our key orergn nized for 45 minutes. Mr. Speaker, this corporate president the Commission's re- Mr. PATMAN. Mr. Speaker, the big intelligence a enc porkers au or a ive co rma on or lobbying guns are being unleashed has combined and intertwined-in his T refutation of the many allegations which against the legislation to require a full- own words---his roles as an official of the have been made in th area scale audit of the Federal Reserve by. the Federal Reserve and as president of. the w,-Fur hermore, it constitutes a General Accounting Office. Boeing Corp. I sincerely question the pro- reliable source document for the use of The campaign of distortions and scare priety of this close link between a Federal congressional investigation into areas of tactics is a carbon copy of the 1974 lobby- agency and the big business community special concern; and its recommenda- ing which ended up seriously weakening and I think it is atrocious that this kind tions are most appreciated by this mem- the bill on the House floor and blocking of corporate muscle is being combined ber of the House Select Committee on its passage in the Senate. with the Federal Reserve in.a lobbying. Intelligence. Mr. Speaker, this is going to be a major campaign. It is wrong and, once again, I Mr. Speaker, the Rockefeller Commis- . test of this 94th Congress. We will soon say to the House that this is a big reason sion's report contains a comprehensive see whether this House is made of the why it is our duty and responsibility to delineation of illegal and unauthorized stuff required to resist the kind of pres- see that this audit bill goes through and conduct on the part of the Central In- sures which are being brought to bear by that these activities are scrutinized by telligence Agency in this country. This the big boys in the business and banking Independent auditors. part of the report appears to be entirely community-carefully orchestrated by A slight ~variation of this theme Is evi- objective--and complete. In this respect, the Federal Reserve itself. dent in -a telegram from Thomas M. the report fulfills the Presidential man- In 1973 and 1974-when the previous Mieyersieck, who identifies himself as the date with which the Commission was audit bill was up-the Federal Reserve manager, Government and public affairs charged. , . and its Chairman entered into some division, Crown Zellerbach Corp., San Subsequently, it will be recalled, the highly questionable lobbying tactics, end- Francisco,, Calif. Mr. Meyersieck, pre- President requested the Commission to ing up with the involvement of the big sumably using the funds of this corpor- investigate alleged assassination plots. banks and the big business combines in- ation, has apparently sent a number of In this respect, the report is incomplete cluding the fat cat Business Roundtable. telegrams to the Congress urging a flat as the Commission members concede- I had hoped that public disclosure of opposition to a GALS. audit. inasmuch as they hastened to file their some of these efforts would prevent their Many might wonder just what the in- report with the President as expedi- recurrence, but the Federal Reserve Is up terests of Crown Zellerbach might be in tiously as possible. It is obviously the to its old tricks and much of the mail blocking. audits of the Federal Govern- responsibility of the ongoing congres- flowing into congressional offices. was rnent's bureaucracy, until a search of the sional investigations of the CIA to move generated by this agency which operates records shows that the president of this forward to uncover all illegal activities on tax funds. Once again, I question the corporation is Charles Dahl, a director of in this area with the full assistance of propriety of this activity and the ex- the Federal Reserve Bank of San Fran- the executive branch, which the Presi- penditure of public funds on a lobbying cisco. So once again, we have a question dent has. promised. campaign. about the obvious interlocks between the Mr. Speaker, the value of the report, These lobbying activities--more than Federal Reserve and the corporate com.- in addition to the contents itself, is borne anything else-are clear evidence of the munity.. out by the personnel which made up the need for a top-to-bottom. audit. These ef- Members have also received a two- Commission. In addition to the Vice forts dramatize-in stark terms-the page, single-spaced letter attacking the President, the Commission Included the tremendous conflict of Interest inherent audit bill and urging its defeat from Honorable Erwin N. Griswold, former in the entire Federal Reserve System. It Dresser Industries, Inc. of Dallas, Tex., Solicitor General of the United States is an absurd and outlandish situation a corporation with more than $1.2 bil- and former dean of Harvard Law School, which Is not and would not be tolerated lion in assets. This letter, which con- former California Gov. Ronald Reagan, in any other entity of the Federal Gov- tains a detailed analysis of the audit leg- retired Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer, former ernment. Islation, is signed by John V. James, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, IS IT THE FEDERAL RESERVE OR BIG BUSINESS?' president of Dresser Industries, the Honorable C. Douglas Dillon, former In past years, the Federal Reserve has Again, It seems strange that Dresser Secretary of the Treasury under Presi- at least attempted to be halfway subtle Industries-an energy conglomerate- dents Kennedy and Johnson, the Hon- about bringing In Its ties with corpora- has so much interest in a proposal to Approved For Release 2005/04/27 : CIA-RDP77M00144R001200030004-5 [j UNCLASSIFIE INTERNAL CONFIDENTIAL ^ SECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: EXTENSION NO. Legislative Counsel 7D49 DATE 20 June 1975 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) 1. Director Attached are three items of interest from Thursday's Congressional - -- - 2 -~ Record. First is a statement by Representative Harrington on the action of the Armed Services Committee in denying him further 3 access to classified information. He places in the Record the transcript of the September 25, 1974, hearing 4. before the Nedzi Subcommittee on the disclosure of. Agency activities in Chile. He also places into the 5 Record his letters to Chairmen Morgan and Fulbright which were --- - - - the source of the leak. 6 Also included are a statement - by Representative Bob Wilson 7 R., Calif.) on the current Agency problems, and a statement by Representative Robert McClory (R., Ill.) on. the Rockefeller Commission report. George L. Cary -- ~- - ~~ Legislative Counsel 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Approved For Re ease 20 5/04/27 CIA-RD 77M00144R001200030004-5 FORM USE PREVIOUS INTERNAL 3-62 610 EDITIONS ^ SECRET ^ CONFIDENTIAL ^ USE ONLY ^ UNCLASSIFIED 5X1