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Approved For.ReleUe 2002 ,$-00433A000?0060019-6 2 6 Cx 7971 Chief, Records Administration Branch ?ossib1* Projects Your memorandum to tC/SSS dated 30 August 1971 1. I I and 2 have given your referenced memorandum a have wide-ranging implications for the CIA records management program, as well as for your trench. I would like to have you treat separately the formalization of controls for limiting directorate Records Center deposits. Please provide me by 27 October 1971 with a written response to the questions contained in paragraph 1(A) `"1 ':aA4 Actions (first page of attachment). Be prepared to Initiate preparation of the associated policy paper (paragraph Z(B)) imediately following our discussion of your response -- this is indeed a first ,xiority. 2. In the attachment, I have. provided comments and questions Lch:you should respond in writing, before proceeding with the. projects. I would like to have your response also treat the following general questions a a. Identify any changes in priorities you feel are prate. b. Firm up YwhichB personnel will work on each proje (1) developing a project plan (2) Implementing Monitoring after Implementation c. When will work begin on, each project plan? d, ~iov long will it take to: slop each project plan (bearing in mind com-- petition for time from on-going work and other proposed 3 projects)? (2) Implement and complete each project? Approved For Release 2002, t". Ihi YA1?Q , 60019-6 d,tir, t ,tt~ St,;~ Approved For ReI se 2 RIMEWIREP78-00433ANUI00060019-6 VC means should you consider our treatment of your project proposals as all-encompassing. Feed free to add brief ob- ervations where clarity will be nerved in respond as well as the substance of the attached. Although I want to see your response in writing, please seep if you wish to 25X1A discuss all or any part of this. After I receive your written answe a should jointly establish specific time frames for development of ct plans (or initiation of projects) for those undertakings 4. 1 would like to have your response to this memorandum, paragraph 1) and attachments no later than 19 evber 1971. /s1 Chief art Services . taff DDS/SSS/LRF:pea (21 October 1971) o & 1 - C/ l -- 1 - 1 - 0. E.b ect 1 - SSS/Chrono Approved For Release 2002Ic! 1 W I-00433A0001 00060019- Approved For Release 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433A000100060019-6 First Priority Group 1. Formalize controls for limiting directorate net annual volumes retired to the Records Center. (A) RAB Actions - 1. What statistics will we provide for RMO's? How often - monthly - quarterly - etc.? Will they be accepted by the directorates? 2. At what point do we "blow-the-whistle" when it appears they are exceeding annual net growth? (after 6 months?) a. Will we be prepared to offer specific "guidance" on directorate records collections - e.g.: (1) Recommend reduction in retention periods? (2) Urge microfilming (e.g., DCS - contact and case files). b. Will the guidance be formalized by memo to senior RMO's? 3. At what point do we advise directorate managers that they have problems - i.e., take it out of RM channels? a. Who advises who - Mr. Coffey to directorates, or to Exec. Officer?) STATINTL (B) Prepare policy paper from C/SSS to Senior RMO's defining our policy on (but not limited to): , Approved For Release 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433A000100060019-6 Approved For Rel a 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433AOOW0060019-6 1. Records Center reduction effected by directorates from their 1 July 1971 base. If there is a net reduction any one year, who gets credit? Assume the directorate concerned and that they can use this gain to increase their succeeding year allowance. 2. Conversely what limits shall be placed on directorate "overdrafts" if they exceed their 1000 cu. ft. annual net increase? For instance, if DDP is charged with 2,500 cu. ft. of OF records -- how long will we let them carry the "overdraft" this will create? 3. Transfers to Archives to reduce directorate balances at 0 How will this be done? What approval required? Who makes "determination"? Are the records truly archival? How do we staff this - if detailed analysis is required? Approved For Release 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433A000100060019-6 Approved For Rele 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433A0000060019-6 18 October 1971 First Priority Group II. Analysis of forms functions, consolidating similar forms, and evaluation bulk procurement. (A) Analysis and consolidation: Of what does analysis consist? Review of form file? Desk audit? Comparison of forms? How start? How much time to complete? Begin when? How many man-hours per week? Role of components? Records Officers? Who develops consolida- ted new forms -- RAB or components? Should we have a forms management seminar to kick off? How many forms are subject to analysis? When do we next screen forms, query components as to their continued utility? (B) Bulk procurement of forms: Does this just mean making larger unit purchases? How does appropriate level get established -- past usage? What about unplanned obso- lescence? Are possible savings going to outweigh losses from obsoleted forms? Who will store bulk? Where? What about the other side of the coin -- microprinting, where only small quantities required? Possible savings? Speed of response to requests? Break-even point on numbers of forms? Cost of specialized equipment, if needed? PSD capability and willingness to handle? Approved For Release 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433A000100060019-6 Approved For Rel a 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433AODW0060019-6 18 October 1971 (C) Training of component RMO's in forms management programs: assume we can get management backing to insist that selected components who are the largest users of forms have one or two people designated and trained in forms analysis and design. Specifically the two-week forms management course at NARS. Which components are involved? Assume every office in DDS, but what about other directorates? Come up with proposal on how we manage a training program to identify, select and insist that right personnel from the right components get needed training. Approved For Release 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433A000100060019-6 Approved For Re a 2002/06/05: CIA-RDP78-00433A00W00060019-6 18 October 1971 First Priority Group III. Accelerate directorate completion of retention plans to identify their records of permanent value and offices of record. Develop glossary - undisputed definition of terms. Develop precise state- ment as to progress in each directorate, plus DCI area. Who is working latter -- Progress statement should give brief history, directorate protagonists and antagonists, steps required to resolve issues, timetables, RAB role, management level assis- tance required, purposes to be served, beneficiaries, prognosis of success in each directorate. How are directorates approaching identification of offices of record? Who makes final decisions, or are there any? Special problems DD/P may have, if any? Who will update retention plans? How frequently? Periodically? Who approves retention plans? Coordination/concur level? Who, at the working level, will actually use retention plan? Who will. have copies? Approved For Release 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433A000100060019-6 Approved For Rel a 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433A00GM0060019-6 First Priority Group IV. Complete the computerized central data base of all Agency records (past ten years) and present related records equiment. While you have this as one of your number one priorities, I am .not sure it should be so in light of your estimate of approximately one man year (2 persons 1/2 year) required to format the input and intro- .duce it into the computer. I have difficulty reconciling the benefits you described (4 October) with costs inherent in losing the services of two people rrom your Branch STATINTL for 6 months or so. Nor do I see SIPS loaning us a qualified individual to work on this problem, especially since they are aiming to begin SIPS operations in May 1972, and a real crunch will exist in terms of SIPS need for skilled manpower. Nonetheless, with the strength of your convictions, I believe you should draw up a staff paper on this subject, iterating: background, ingredients, personnel involved, time required, where accomplish, outside skills needed, politics - if any, beneficiaries of product, identify product -- with specific examples, frequency of update, machine time, frequency of output, relationship of output to Records Center deposit restrictions on directorates. Attach copies of any previous staff work completed regarding this subject. Approved For Release 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433A000100060019-6 Approved For Rel a 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433A0O 00060019-6 Second Priority Group 1. Develop improved communications with RMO's and support officers relative to records program opportunities and requirements by greater use of meetings, inspections of component programs, reports and publications. This is listed as a number two priority but I think it might better be classified as a number one priority. I would think that a first move should be a careful analysis of what our communica- tions objectives are with (a) RMO's and (b) support officers. This analysis should be extended to separately examine all the various means by which communications practicably can be improved, how they can be employed, frequency, personalities and politics involved, etc. I suggest that a bit of soul searching would be profitable here, before diffusing our engeries on spasmic, illy-coordinated attacks, upon isolated elements of the communications problem. Approved For Release 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433A000100060019-6 Approved For R se 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433AOe 100060019-6 Second Priority Group sultants and NARS experts for in-house workshops and seminars in: Forms Analysis and Design RMO Duties and Responsibilities Records Program Orientation for Office Heads Correspondence and Mail Improvement Vital Records Policy in Government and Agency Records Inventories and Schedules File Operations Records Equipment and Supply Standards and Procedures My initial reaction is, by all means yes! Upon further reflection, however, I find myself challenging the validity of presenting the listed courses when they appear to be of a variety similar to those NARS and/or the Department. of Agriculture present. I ask then, should we present these in-house because our CIA procedures and needs in a given area (forms, files, etc.) differ significantly from other government agencies or industry? Or is it that we can secure attendance (e.g., Records Program Orientation for Office active role inj:.egords training for Approved For Release 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433A000100060019-6 Approved For ReI a 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433A00 00060019-6 (.leads) only by having an in-house presentation? I would think that we should isolate each of the suggested courses, then weigh such things as: a. Proposed. benefit? To whom? b. Who would conduct? c. How long? Frequency? ? d. e. f. Where Who outlines? At what point? For which course(s) is there the most urgent need? Why? g. Role of OTR? invites us to bring the ra w STATINTL problem to him, discuss before we work out details. I think we have much homework to do before we even talk to OTR). h. Specifically how close are external training programs coming to meeting our needs? (Review catalogs, brochures, etc.) i. Are we confronted with serious procedural differences between directorates which would hinder or reduce to generalities presentations on some or all. of the suggested course subjects? J. Aside from microfilm seminars, are there any relatively new records subjects or new Agency procedures which would lend themselves to short, 1 to 3-day, presentations? I am unsure of our present procedure for encouraging attendance at records programs. Is this all worked through senior RMO's? RMO's? Do we involve support or admin officers at all? Directly? Should Approved For Release 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433A000100060019-6 we if we do not? Approved For Refs se 2002/06/05: CIA-RDP78-00433AOI 4+100060019-6 Second Priority Group III. Establish Agency Archives Operations and Staff. a. This subject is a whopper but I find myself still in the dilemma of being unable to predict with any confidence: 1. Whether there will be a formal CIA Archives Pro- gram. 2. Where organizationally the Agency Archivist will (not should) fit. b. We (SSS) aren't going to "establish" an Agency Archives operation and Staff but perhaps we should be better prepared to discuss more intelligently a number of operational/procedural matters if the Agency gets an on-going Archives Program. Where could it be placed organizationally? (excluding O/DCI, as even Dr. Ehrmann has given up on that) Several possible arrangements occur to me: 1. In SSS reporting to C/SSS 2. In SSS reporting to C/RAB 3. In O/DDS reporting to DD/S 4. In O/DDS reporting to EO/DDS 5. In an entirely new unit (e.g., combination Archives and Records Management) reporting to the DD/S Approved For Release 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433A000100060019-6 6. Other Approved For Re se 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433AOW00060019-6 c. How procedurally (be specific) would an archives program be implemented if proposed ere approved STATINTL essentially as now written? 1. Identification of archives: (a) Who does it? From what? Tie in retention plans and records control schedules. (b) Role of component records officers, senior RMO's, directorate archivists, directorate historians, directorate management, CIA Records Officer, CIA Archivist, Chief, A&RC (and will the latter's role be changed upon approval of a CIA Archives Program?). (c) Who resolves disputes? 2. Responsibility for protection of identified archives? Access approved by whom? 3. Any changes in procedures for destruction of records? 4. What would be the physical location of: (a) The CIA Archivist (and staff) (b) The directorate archivists (c) The archives 5. What educational measures would be required in order to initiate an Archives Program: (a) Brief supervisors? (b) Publish implementing directives? (c) Conduct short archives course (for whom?)? Approved For Release 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433A000100060019-6 Approved For R6Xse 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433A0100060019-6 Third Priority Group I. Analyze the potential savings possible with an Agency reports management program and outline a formal plan and procedure. A. While the recent reports study and report required by 0MB generated mild management interest, was the interest sufficient to promise receptivity to a continuing reports management program? Is this again a case where very senior level CIA management must be convinced of the need before we could get our foot in the door to implement a reports program? If we had such backing, could we deliver with a program that would be demonstrably beneficial to the Agency? (In other words, not just a "papering" exercise.) B. Did the content of the Agency's report on reports (0MB) have sufficient validity to use it for a springboard for a con- tinuing reports program? C. Do we have the manpower to monitor a continuing reports program? Will the component records officers carry most of the burden? How much would RAB do? Optimally? Minimally? Approved For Release 2002/06/05 : CIA-RDP78-00433A000100060019-6