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OPTIO AL /pg''l,,,~~:,7 MAY 1982 EDI .AY I'N. REG.NprOved For Rele*l~fb 21 i 21DF 78-00487A000020005-3 GSA UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum Chief, Records Center DCS Records Management Officer SUBJECT: Authorization to Destroy DCS Records 1 REFERENCE: telecon this date, same subject DATE: 20 October 1972 1. The Records Center is hereby authorized to destroy the IBM punched cards retired under DCS Job No. 64-303. These are machine record cards which serve as an index to al Included are retired under a previous records schedule which required that they be retained at the Records Center for 20 years after publication of the corresponding intelligence reports. The present records schedule authorizes destruction of the cards by DCS twelve years after publication of the reports. The cards were 2. The cards have been converted to magnetic tape by the Office of Computer Services. Further, computer output microfilm (COM) listings have been produced by OCS in both duplicate diazo copy has been retained in DCS. The COM has been random checked for accuracy, and the computer tape can be utilized in the future to manipulate the data in any manner required. There- fore the punched cards may be destroyed. I The original camera negative oltFie CON has been forwarded to the Archives and a Chief, Records ministr on Branch J AppW,yycF~)rf A"e~~1~flar~ly o nphe7P yroll7a00020005-3 gs Man 25 25 25 25 Approved For ReI -2W6i=f-l 2''-:?eFA440PP7 TA 0020005-3 SUBJECT . DCS Memo 20 Oct 1972 to Records Center about Destruction of DCS Job No. 64-303 I talked to the DCS/RMO about the request. He said the material at the ecor s Center that he is requesting destroyed is dated up through 1956. The material dating from 1957 is said the item is covered on the DCS Records Schedule under Item 55 a which is the index to the Report File. The disposition instruction for Item 55a is "Temporary. Destroy 12 years after report is published. Prepare machine listings before destroying." being retained by Contact Service not sent to the Center. If the Records Center is using the date of retirement of those records as the countdown for retention of the records then it's too soon for destruction and the Records Center wouldn't know the date of the records unless it appeared on the outside of the box or on the retirement request submitted by DCS. A review of the content of the box when destruction request is received would give them a quick clue and settle any doubt. Also note, there's a machine listing made before destroying the cards which gives DCS an updated index. Therefore, I think there's no further need to keep the punch cards for DCS at the Records Center. I agree with Chuck that Records Officers should sumbit a change to our staff notifying that they have converted their files from hard copy to Microfilm or mag tape, or whatever. We can make the change on our schedule from this request if you will sign it, please. "In the old days" and his predecessors had been prompt in submitting any change for the DCS Records Schedule. But since the advent of the microfilm era this has become a gray area for us as well as others. I would say that we do not get notifications for changes on the schedules when they have been converted to Microfilm. I feel that we have gotten the message to some records officers but sometimes they forget or don't think about it. With time and energy this will right itself. In the meanwhile, if Records Officers continue to send the notices to the Records Center bypassing this Staff, then Chuck should refer them to us. ST ST Approved For R, ase=2005 1121- t1X-R1 78 6U48-iA600400020005-3 2 2 NO 11912 Approved For Releft 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP~78-00487A00 0020005-3 ARM' SUBJECT: Procedure for Changing Records Control Schedule to Reflect Microfilming Attached is the memo from DCS requesting destruction of records because they have been microfilmed. This like the case we just had with the CRS Source Cards involves destroying records sooner than called for in the existing schedule. I think what we need is an SOP whereby the Records Officer sends this type of authorization to your staff, along with a revision to their Records Control Schedule. Then after review and approval, the Records Center will take the necessary action as approved. If I can be of further assistance to you, do not hesitate to give me a call. ST uVIJIN USE a Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 ITEM NO. 561 Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA b. Contact Specialist (CS) File - Maintained by CS name and by report number thereunder. (1968-69 to date) These are files of machine record cards which provide information relating to DCS activities from which listings are run periodically. Files are also used to prepare statistical and progress reports for management and reference purposes. DISPOSITION 1,54- SEP 1970 Temporary. Destroy 12 years after report is published. Prepare machine listings before destroying. ~_c p ~ r Y S; ? o ?U) Temporary. Destroy when no longer needed for reference. Temporary. Destroy three years after report has been released. Temporary. Destroy after three years. Re- move inactive cards when case becomes inactive and destroy three years thereafter. SECRET FORM NO. 139a USE PREVIOUS I JAN 56 EDITIONS. Approved For Release 2005/11/21: Cl d. Retired Records Control File - Consists of cards prepared for records currently being retired to the Records Center and for those which have been deleted from the previous listings of inactive records. Used to update the magnetic tape on which is recorded the list of DCS records in retirement and which is used to prepare an annual listing of these records. (current) e. Special Group Card File - These files have been discontinued. Temporary. Destroy when no longer needed for reference. FORM NO. i39a USE PREVIOUS 1 JAN 56 J EDITIONS. 87A000400020005-3 k\ SEP 1970 Temporary. Forward cards to the Office of Computer Services annually for preparation of the new listing and subsequent destruction of the cards,thereafter . Temporary. Update as necessary each year. Destroy old cards. ApffGved RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION SHEET REfkvWF 8PIRe GM14&5/11/21 : CIA- T SCHEDULE NO. A/0 agg- 87 - I'1-68 CONCURRENCE OFFICE. DIVISION. BRANCH SIGNATURE (SECTION ABOLISHED. DUTIES OO/C Deputyl ASSUMED BY DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF DCS DATE TITLE ITEM NO. FILES IDENTIFICATION (TITLE, DESCRIPTION, ARRANGEMENT, AND INCLUSIVE DATES) VOLUME (CUBIC FT.) DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS 57.^ CORRESPONDENCE SUBJECT FILES File was screened when individual left and destroyer. or incorporated elsewhere. File now eliminated. 58.- Eliminated 59.- CONSULTANTS WORKING FILES Eliminated 60.- REFERENCE PUBLICATIONS Eliminated 61.- LIBRARY MATERIAL Eliminated S Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA- DP78-00 7A000400020005-3 FORM NO. 139 USE PREVIOUS 1 JAN 56 EDITIONS. (41) SCHEDULE NO. 7 REC~IL ~1k6 A .0~ 1-68 Re 05/11/21: CI O CONCURRENCE OFFICE. DIVISION, BRANCH SIGNATURE 00/C Intelligence and Source Analysis Staff TITLE DATE ITEM FILES IDENTIFICATION VOLUME DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS NO. (TITLE, DESCRIPTION, ARRANGEMENT, AND INCLUSIVE DATES) (CUBIC FT.) STAFF ABOLISHED AND FILES DISPOSED OF. 62,M OPERATIONAL SUBJECT FILES a.. Surveys, studies and reports transferred to Permanent. No disposal authorized.. Records Center. b. Background. material for surveys File discontinued- and. material destroyed. 63:- INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION REPORTS File discontinued.. SEC-ET, Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA- DP78-00 87A000400020005-3 FORM NO. USE PREVIOUS 1 JAN 13 9 56 EDITIONS. (41) RE@4" lrrROLRcgggggLIZQ05/11/21 : CIA SCHEDULE NO. 87A00040002tbq% -68 CONCURRENCE OFFICE. DIVISION, BRANCH SIGNATURE 00/C Graphics, Maps and Publications Procurement Staff TITLE DATE (STAFF ABOLISHED AND FILES DISPOSED OF) ITEM FILES IDENTIFICATION VOLUME DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS NO. (TITLE, DESCRIPTION, ARRANGEMENT, AND INCLUSIVE DATES) (CUBIC FT.) 64. STAFF SUBJECT FILE File discontinued. 65. MAP COLLECTION File transferred to Analysis Section/Services Division/DCS t 66. REQUIREMENTS CASE FILES Files distributed to DCS Operating Divisions 67.- PUBLICATIONS AND FILM CONTROL RECORDS Files transferred to Soviet Bloc Division/DCS (Publications) and to Soviet Bloc/Format Staff (Film) (See page 44) 68.- REFERENCE PUBLICATIONS File discontinued. 69. LIBRARY MATERIAL File disocntinued. YY,, Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-F DP78-004 - FORM NO. 139 USE PREVIOUS (41) 1 JAN 55 EDITIONS. Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 ? 70/ 71 J 72 J 73 J 71t .J Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE FILES Consists of copies of correspondence, reports, and other documentation necessary for the internal operation, administration and management of the Division. Maintained for immediate reference and convenience of Division personnel. Filed by subject. (1969 to date) Consist of copies of correspondence, reports diary items, publications, and other miscellaneous material which is of interest to and maintained by the Chief for convenience of reference. (1968 to date) Consists of copies of correspondence and tele- types maintained for reference purposes. Filed chronologically. (current) Consists of carbon copies of information reports handled by the Division. Maintained for reference purposes and arranged numerically by report number. (1969 - 1970) FORM NO. 139a USE PREVIOUS I JAN 56 J EDITIONS. Cliff Approved For Release 2996M 4Q4 ! .... _1 .2 DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS Z6i 87A000400020005-3 SEP 197Q Temporary. Destroy after one year. Cut off file at the end of each year, retain for one year and destroy. Temporary. Destroy when obsolete or no: longer needed. Temporary. Destroy after six months. Main- tain a six month level and each month destroy the material for the oldest month in file. Temporary. Destroy after six months. Main- tain a six month level and each month destroy the material for the oldest month in file. Temporary. Destroy when obsolete, superseded or no longer needed. 8;A@9)499929996 3 Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 0 ITEM NO. FILES IDENTIFICATION ? VOLUME DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA -3 SEP 1970 h. Translation Requests. Discontinued. 77- REFERENCE PUBLICATIONS File discontinued. Material destroyed, re- turned to CIA. Library or transferred to Services/ Analysis Section (Item 31) 78J LIBRARY MATERIAL Return to Library, etc. when no longer needed for reference. 79 Temporary. Destroy after one year. Cut off file at the end of each calendar year; retain for one year and destroy. 80'J PROCESS SHEET copy #3 retained in area divisions Destroy when no longer needed for reference (usually six months). 81- PRELIMINARY REPORTS Reports relating to estroyed. Program discontinued. 8CRE E CI -RDP78-0 487A000400020005-3 FORM NO. 139a USE PREVIOUS I JAN ?6 EDITIONS. RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION SHEET ITEM NO. FILES IDENTIFICATION WWII : DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : ClX 1wft9)1 487A000400020005-3 82- EVALUATION REPORTS SEP 1970. Conducted at random periods -- discontinued. 83, TRAINING MATERIAL Discontinued. Material destroyed or transferred to Training Officer, O/Director/DCS. (Item 122) 84- SPECIAL PERSONNEL FILES Discontinued. 123 EVALUATION FILE Discontinued 13P ON LOAN FILE Consists of copies of routing slips recording Temporary. Destroy 90 days after material the transmittal of loan material to consumer has been returned offices and the subsequent return of the material Maintained as a tickle file an or re erence purposes. (current) SECRE r Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CI -RDP78-0 487A000400020005-3 FORM N139a USE PREVIOUS IJAN56 EDITIONS (41) RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE -CONTINUATION SHEET ? ITEM NO. FILES IDENTIFICATION DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS ?4 67a- PUBLICATIONS CONTFIARGLr1or Release 2005/11/21: CIA 87A000400020005-3 File being phased out SEP 1970 108 BRIEFING FILES Consists of material relating to the program Permanent. Disposal not authorized. Transfer of the now defunct to Records Center when no longer heeded for which has been discontinued. reference purposes. 1434 WORKING PAPERS Consists of material used in'day to day activity 48 Temporary. Destroy when superseded, documents of editing reports, writing memos etc. destroyed, or transferred, or no longer needed for reference. 1184 1 Temporary. Forward to operating division case officer when case is established; if no case established, destroy six months from date of conference. 2 Temporary. Destroy when no longer needed. c. Chronological cross reference file - File discontinued. Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA A000400020005-3 FORM I NO * 139a EDITIONS~ous RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE -CONTINUATION SHEET RE0WPGD 0d-HWtRgbWW9Q05/11/21 : CI KO SCHEDULE NO _ 41-68 ~5 CONCURRENCE r OFFICE. DIVISION, BRANCH (POSITION ABOLISHED. DUTIES SIGNATURE OO/C Deputy for Support ASSUMED BY DEPUTY DIRECTOR/DCS) DATE TITLE ITEM FILES IDENTIFICATION (TITLE, DESCRIPTION, ARRANGEMENT, AND INCLUSIVE DATES) ( VOLUME CUBIC FT.) STRUCTIONS. DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS. 85- CORRESPONDENCE SUBJECT FILE File discontinued. Material transferred to Office of the Director Subject Files (Item 1) 86 - REFERENCE PUBLICATIONS File discontinued. Material destroyed or transferred to Services Division/Analysis Section (Item 31) 86.1 - LIBRARY REFERENCE FILE File discontinued. Material destroyed or transferred to Services Division/Analysis Section (Item 31) A1212roved For Release 2005mm - - FORM NO. 139 USE PREVIOUS 1 JAN 56 EDITIONS. (41) SCHEDULE NO. 5 041-68 RE IFIALR(ICI !05/11/21 : C 00 87A000400020 ffm CONCURRENCE OFFICE. DIVISION. BRANCH SIGNATURE DOMESTIC CONTACT SERVICE/OPERATIONAL SUPPORT STAFF (DCA/OSS) T I TLE DATE ITEM NO. FILES IDENTIFICATION (TITLE, DESCRIPTION, ARRANGEMENT, AND INCLUSIVE DATES) VOLUME (CUBIC FT.) DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS 87'1 STAFF ADMINISTRATIVE FILE Consists of correspondence, memos and reports 1.5 Temporary. Destroy after one year. Cut which are maintained for internal operations, off file at end of-each year; retain for administration, and supervision of the Staff. lzw -lue one year and destroy. Included are records relating to pay, leave, personnel, training and other related material. Filed by subject. (1948 to date) 88 ~ OPERATIONAL WORKING FILES These are working.copies and reference material 1 Temporary. Destroy when obsolete or no accumulated by the Staff Chief in the performance longer needed (except that specially of his duties. The file also includes sensitive handled material be incorporated into material which require personal handling by the other Staff or Office Files when applicable) Chief. 89?' CHRONOLOGICAL FILE (READING) Consists of extra copies of correspondence 1 Temporary. Destroy after six months. Main- and teletypes originated by the Staff. Main- tain chronologically and destroy when six tained for reference purposes. (current) months old. Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA- P78-004 7A000400020005-3 FORM NO. I49 USE PREVIOUS I JAN 56 J EDITIONS. Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 Consists of correspondence pertinent to the description of each request and the action taken. Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA 94 ,i'? IBM INDEX CARDS b. Index to requests from "Interagency Source Register". File consists of 3x5 cards or slips which serve as an index to the correspondence received by the Staff from components of the DDP. Main- tained for reference purposes and filed by originator and chronologically thereunder. (1965 - 1970) Arranged by and chronologically thereunder. Maintained for record, reference, and historical purposes. - (1964 to da 0005-3 SEP 1970 Temporary. Destroy when superseded, or transferred, or no longer needed for reference Temporary. Forward cards to Office of Computer Services every two years for preparat:on of a new listing and subsequent destruct-ion of cards thereafter. Temporary. Destroy when no longer needed for reference purposes. Temporary. Destroy after five years. Cut off file at the end of each year, hold in current files area five years and destroy. Temporary. Destroy after five years.t off file at the end of each year, hold in current files area five years and destroy. RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION SHEET ? 14x+-11 145 vi WORKING PAPERS Approved For Release 2 Consist of material used in day to day activity of Case Officer. (current) SEO R FORM NO. 1$$d USE PREVIOUS 1 JAN 56 1 EDITIONS. SEP 1970 Temporary. Destroy when no longer needed for reference. Temporary. Destroy when superseded, documents destroyed, or transferred, or no longer needed for reference.; RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION SHEET Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 ITEM NO. FILES IDENTIFICATION VOLUME DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CI 6 487A000400020005-3 N" SEP 197J 97 REVOLVING AND EMERGENCY FUNDS FILES Consist of correspondence and related form 2 Temporary. Cut off at end of one year. records pertaining to the administration and Retain additional three years and destroy, operation of the emergency and revolving funds provided audit has been completed. for the Staff. Funds are set up to provide read cash for expenses ' red in the Staff is accountable to .ice o Finance and records are subject to review. Files maintained by type of fund. (1967-70) 98 PROPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY RECORDS Property inventory records for non expendable 6 Temporary. Destroy when new inventory equipment issued and received. Information list is received. includes nomenclature, receipts, location, cost and. such other information required for property accounting. (1969-70) 99 " WORKING FILES Files discontinued and destroyed. 100J 2 Permanent. Retire to records center when no longer needed for current reference. Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA RDP78-0 87A000400020005-3 FORM NO 139a EDITIONS!OUS I JAN RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE -CONTINUATION SHEET I41 0 ITEM NO. FILES IDENTIFICATION VOLUME DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS 51 Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA Mar 87A000400020005-3 i SEP 1970 l0l .l 1 Temporary. Destroy when no longer needed. except that material that may be pertinent to source records should be filed therein. 102 REFERENCE MATERIAL 8 Temporary. Destroy when obsolete or no longer needed for reference purposes. 103- INVESTIGATION REPORTS b. IBM card index to destroyed. 10+4 LIBRARY MATERIAL These are technical and foreign language 1 Temporary. Return to CIA Library when books which are obtained on a loan basis from no longer needed for reference purposes. the Library for reference purposes. Approved For Release 2005/11/21 m CIA- - FORM 139a EDITIONS~uus RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE -CONTINUATION SHEET I JAN 56 0 ITEM NO. FILES IDENTIFICATION VOLUME DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA- t 87A000400020005-3 1r5J CASE FILES 1^ Te_-porerT. Then case is closeC _fcrTrzrc1 to jervices /Ccntro1 rriiere it Trill he 3 i_nco~~cratec into the Item -,I!,7 files for fur the' Cis ositien. 106 INDE ' AM SUIT RY CARD" Consist of cc.rc'. series which are uses as . Z' Tempcrn.rr. Destroy T-Then obsolete or no cross refer n e inde> to the cn ,e files and longer neec"eC for reference Furposes. indi vicualsiIhandleC b;r the Cta)"f. . Cp.rc s contain sunari_zerl infornnntion chant each case or indivic un l and are filed nLil-neri c^ i_l y anc a lphn -- beticallfir. for cross reference Fu17 coses. 3-07- STAFF 0PER^_TI0NS LCu A l_o- maintai_ne0 on the c.niiy n:o-pointments Te?:mernrr. Destroy nftcr one year. Cut and activity of the S,ta :- case o.?tcers. Filed off file at the end of each gear; retain chronolo-ice, 11and mn.i nta _ned for conl.-enience for one freer anc Cestrc~r. V or record. (current) SECRET Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA- DP7 - 020005-3 FORM NO. 139a USE PREVIOUS I JAN 56 EDITIONS. RE 1fKgLR jg05/11/21: CI ~0 SCHEDULE NO. 87A0004000200 0l+1-68 CONCURRENCE OFFICE. DIVISION. BRANCH SIGNATURE OO/C Office of the Chief - ;;q TITLE DATE VIET BLOC DIV DCS STAFF ABOLISHED; FUNCTION ITEM NO. FILES IDENTIFICATION (TITLE, DESCRIPTION, ARRANGEMENT, AND INCLUSIVE DATES) VOLUME (CUBIC FT.) DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS l08^ BRIEFING FILES File discontinued and transferred to Soviet Bloc Division. 109 CASE FILES Files discontinued. Material destroyed or transferred to the Soviet Bloc Division (Item 75 and 76a) 110 CHRONO FILE File discontinued and material destroyed 111 ASSESSMENTS FILES Files discontinued and material destroyed. 112 TRAINING RECORDS File discontinued. Material destroyed or transferred to Training Material File (Item 122) Approved For Release 2005/111 - FORM NO. 13 9 USE PREVIOUS 1 JAN 56 EDITIONS. Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA- PINK COPIES OF I PORTS File d.iscontinvec . . ~terial d.estro,,Tec_. 0 Pi_l_es discontinued. J,.; te~i_^l_ cestroyc( or transferred. to Briefing File (Item 100) Discontinued and destro;rec... 9 SEC1 ET FORM NO. j39a USE PREVIOUS I JAN A roved Floic Relwase 2005/1 /21 VIAL DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS 87A000400020005-3 4R7nnanannn2nnns-i 56 EDITIONS. RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE -CONTINUATION SHEET Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 NM O. FILES IDENTIFICATION oved For e 12 ,` OPINION REQUEST LOG Consists of a chronological log which serves as an index to opinion requests distributed to members of the community to solicit their com- ments with regard to a future exchange involving a Soviet Bloc country. Used for reference pur- poses and as a tickle for the replies to the request by the recipients. (1968 to date) 1261, STAFF C ONOLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE FILES a. Outgoing Chrono - consists of all corres- pondence (copies) originated by the staff to Agency and non-Agency addressees. (1968 to date) b. Incoming Chrono - consists of all corres- pondence (copies) to the Staff from Agency and non Agency elements. (1968 to date) 127( STAFF ADMINISTRATIVE FILES Consist of miscellaneous material maintained for the internal operation and management of the Staff. (1968 to date) 1560) IIAGE STAFF MEETING MINUTES Consists of copies of minutes of the meetings of the Interagency Intelligence Advisory Group on Exchanges (IIAGE), 1 -1 Meetings are held at irregular, infrequent intervals. Main- tained for reference and record purposes. Filed chronologically. (1971 to date) 3- 4-Temporary. Destroy after five years. Upon completion of each log hold in current file area for five years and destroy. Temporary. Destroy after five years. Cut off file at end of each year; hold in current files area for five years and destroy. Same as Item 126a. Temporary. Destroy when obsolete, superseded, or no longer needed. Permanent. Disposal not authorized. Cut off file at the end of each year; hold in current files area for five years and transfer to the Records Center. Records Center will notify DCS/RMO at the beginning of the calendar year in which records become 30 years old and arrange for their review for declassification. FORM NO. 139a E E D I T I PREVIOUS O N S . RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE -CONTINUATION SHEET (4') t JAN 56 REC4RDG0VQ0f Rg F@05/11/21: CIa_ Blp A L SCHEDULE N0. 87A00040002006&1P3- 10 L CONCURRENCE OFFICE. DIVISION. BRANCH SIGNATURE CEP DCS/Soviet Bloc Division/Format Staff TITLE DATE ITEM NO. FILES IDENTIFICATION (TITLE, DESCRIPTION, ARRANGEMENT, AND INCLUSIVE DATES) VOLUME (CUBIC FT.) DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS 1'J SUBJECT FILE Consists of correspondence, reports, guide 2 requirements, charts and other substantive-material which document the policies and programs of the Staff. File also contains records accumulated in performing general housekeeping and adminis- trative functions relating to budget, security, personnel, training, etc. Filed according to subject. (1947 to date) Permanent. Disposal not authorized. Cut off a. Substantive and documentary records. at the end of each calendar year; retain in current files area two years and transfer to Records Center. b. Administrative and Housekeeping Records. 1 Temporary. Destroy after three years. Cut off at the end of each calendar year; retain in current files area two years then.destroy. 2 INFORMATION REPORTS 12 Held for convenience of consumer. Format has copies. A d F R l 2005/11/21 CIA , B~ 0 87A000400020005 3 pprove or e ease : - - FORM NO. IS 9 USE PREVIOUS 1 JAN $6 EDITIONS. (41) pprove Temporary. Destroy.when superseded or fulfilled. a. 5x8 cards maintained on all requirements served or levied on Format by other offices. File discontinued. b. 3X5 card index on requirements levied on Format. Maintained alphabetically by subject. (1961 to date) LIBRARY REFERENCE MATERIAL These are books, manuals, dictionaries, etc. used by Staff personnel for reference. Individual files maintained on each item exploited and analyzed. They consist of noti- fication of receipts, specific requirements, copies of contracts, and bills for service ren- dered, findings and analyses, and copies of the final published reports. (Original contracts filed in Logistics; bills sent to Finance). Filed by Item number. (1954 to date) File discontinued. Material filed in the Item files (Item ~t5 above) to which they relate. Consist of publications, pamphlets, reports, manuals, catalogues, etc. Maintained for ref- erence purposes. Filed by subject category. Temporary. Return to CIA Library when no longer needed. Temporary. Destroy after 12 years. Place in inactive file when evaluation is com- pleted and report published; retain in current files area for two years, then re- tire to CIA Records Center. The above retention is necessary for Cross Reference purposes. Temporary. Destroy when obsolete, superseded, or no longer needed. Arnrnvarl For RPIPaCP 2005/11/21 : CIAI-RDP78-001487A000400020005-3 RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION SHEET ITEM NO. 9/ Approved For Release 2005/11/21 CHRONOLOGICAL READING FILE Copies of correspondence originating in the office. Maintained as a convenience file, in chronological sequence. (1960 to date) CROSS REFERENCE INDEX SYSTEM Consist of indices to the various case, item and project files maintained by the Staff. a. Item Number Control Log - used to control the assignment of numbers to and list descriptions of items on which the Staff has information or mater- ial and for which they handle the procurement. (1955 to date) b. Kardex 5x8 Card Cross Reference - a cross reference, by item number, to Item Files. Discontinued c. 3x5 Alphabetical Cross Reference File - a cross reference, by subject category, to the case item and project files of the Staff. (1960 to date d. 3x5 Numerical Cross Reference File - a cross reference, by number, to the case, item, and pro- ject files of the Staff. (1967 to date) e. Report Log - a log maintained on reports pre- pared and/or released by the Staff. Maintained by report number. (1951 to date) f. 3x5 Action Office File - a cross reference, by action office, to cases handled by the Staff. (1967 to date) g. 3x5 Originating Office File - a cross reference by originating office, to cases handled by the Staff. (1967 to date) DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS Temporary. Destroy after five years. Cut off file at the end of each calendar year; retain in current files area five years and destroy. Temporary. Destroy as related Item Files are destroyed by Records Center (see Item j','5) Temporary. Destroy when obsolete or no longer needed for reference purposes. Temporary. Destroy when obsolete or no longer needed. for reference purposes. Temporary. Destroy when obsolete or no longer needed for reference purposes. Temporary. Destroy when obsolete or no longer needed for reference purposes. Temporary. Destroy when obsolete or no longer needed. for reference purposes. FORM NO. 139a USE PREVIOUS - -r r- - - --- - -- - -------- ----- - ---.__. I JAN 56 EDITIONS. RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE -CONTINUATION SHEET (411 Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA CONTROL CARDS 8x12 cards showing date of receipt, item number, and status of material being exploited. File discontinued. Logs discontinued. Records handled by Services Division/Message Center and, for Top Secret material, the DCS Top Secret Control Officer. T1487A000400020005-3 SECEI Temporary. Destroy after 12 years. Place in inactive file when transaction is com- pleted. Retain in current files area for two years then retire to Records Center. The above retention is necessary for Cross Reference purposes. COURIERS CLASSIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS File discontinued. Records handled by Services Division/Message Center Section. File discontinued. Records handled by Services Division/Message Center section. I (41) J No. 139a USE PREVIOUS RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION SHEET M JAN 56 EDITIONS. Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA- 87A000400020005-3 l1 130" PROJECT FILES These files relate to the exploitation phase of 2 Permanent. Disposal not authorized. the activities associated with special projects Transfer to Records Center when no longer handled and coordinated by the Staff. Much of needed for current reference purposes. the material in these files is of a Sensitive nature. (1964 to date) IR 131J .2 Temporary. Destroy when five years old. Cut off file at the end of each calendar; hold in current file area for five years and destroy. 132 FOREIGN MATERIAL INDEX CATALOG This is an annual listing published by the Staff Temporary. ;Send one copy to Records Center listing foreign material items on which the Staff each year upon publication. Hold extra has information and which may be of interest to copies in current files for use as necessary the intelligence community. The brochures are and destroy when superseded. by a. new disseminated to various members of the community. Brochure. This is the office of record for this publication. 67b- FILM CONTROL RECORD Consists of a 3x5 card index listing films .4 Temporary. Retain indefinitely in current collected. for Graphics Register. Information files area. Destroy when no longer needed includes film title, case number, requirement, for reference purposes. number, etc. Cards filed by title. FORM NO. 139a USE PREVIOUS 1 JAN 56 EDITIONS. RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION SHEET ITEM NO. FILES IDENTIFICATION VOLUME DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA RDP78-0 487A000400020005-3 134 30 Temporary. Destroy when no longer needed for reference purposes. 140.E FORMAT CASE FILE Temporary. Send to Services/Control upon closure of the case where it will be incor- porated into Item 37 File for futher dis- position. 1411 INTERAGENCY TRANSFER OF FUNDS This file contains the authorities from other Permanent. Disposal not authorized. Cut government agencies for funding foreign material off at the end of each year, retain in current procurement. files area for ten years and then transfer to the Records Center. 1424 CUSTOMER ADVANCES AND EXPENDITURE FUNDS Permanent. Disposal not authorized. Cut This file contains thei allocation of interagen off at the end of each year, retain in current funds, by customer, for foreign material pro- files area for ten years and then transfer to curement. 1191 - r_1A1 Pr)Q7R_nn the Records Center. L7 FORM NO. 139a USE PREVIOUS I JAN 56 EDITIONS. RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION SHEET Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 Records Control Schedule 25.042-69 for Domestic Contact Service is approved and authority hereby given to implement the disposi- tion instructions contained therein. Prepared: Approved: 25 25 $ 8 JAN 1969 25 Records Management Analyst Chief, Records Administration Branch Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 Records maintained by DCS are considered to be working papers and are of a temporary nature. The RECORD copy of those items covered in responsibility of DCS Headquarters. records for a longer period of time than is stated in this It is recommended, when possible, that they be held for a shorter period. ST ST ST Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 in Aippr'oved Forelease 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487 0400020005-3 21 January 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: CIA Records Administrator SUBJECT: Revision of Records Control Schedule for (25.0+2-69), Item 3 Attached hereto is revised page 2 of the Subject records schedule. It is forwarded for approval. The disposition instructions for Item 3 have been changed from Temporary to Permanent, but otherwise it remains unchanged. Gnu? I Excluded irum aua' ~!~1in railing aad Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A00040002 0U$~ei siiiaic? 25 SCHEDULE NO. RE6R060t09fj LR9 E2P05/11/21 : CIA-RDP78-00 87A000400020 - RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULE FOR DCS ITEM FILES IDENTIFICATION N0. (TITLE, DESCRIPTION, ARRANGEMENT, AND INCLUSIVE DATES) OPERATIONS AND ADMINISTRATIVE FILE 25.042.69 TITLE VOLUME (CUBIC FT.) Consists of correspondence from Head- quarters, reports, studies, and similar records reflecting the policies and procedures in support of the office. File also contains material re- flecting the internal administration of the office such as personnel records, travel documents training, and related activities. Filed by sub- ject. Office of Record Headquarters. FORM NO. 139 USE PREVIOUS 1 JAN 56 EDITIONS. TEMPORARY. Destroy when obsolete, super- seded or no longer needed for reference in the operation and administration of.,the office. (Continued on next page) Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP78-00487A000400020005-3 Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CI RDP78- 487A000400020005-3 SECS TEMPORARY. Destroy when PS #1 and printed report are received or, optionally, when one Consists of a carbon copy of each report unles year old. If retained for one year, as the an and number six copy of the segment for each month is completed and process shee or each report issued. Filed added to the file, the corresponding monthly numerically and chronologically. segment of the previous year should be destroyed. Consists of a list of numbers used to control assignment to outgoing memoranda. Filed numeri- cally and chronologically. Consists of carbon copies of memoranda origin- ated by the office except controlled (SENSITIVE, EYES ONLY, etc.) documents. Copies of memoranda are also filed in the office, source, case, administrative and subject files to which they relate. Filed numerically and chronologically. Consists of completed Weekly Activity Report Form 2927 (Report of Contact Form 2560. Filed chronologically, in monthly segments, by Contact Specialist. Consists of copies of manifests describing the contents and documenting the receipt of pouches sent and received by the office. TEMPORARY. Destroy when no longer needed for current reference. (Retention not to exceed two years) TEMPORARY. Destroy when two years old. As a portion of the file for each month is completed, the corresponding segment of the second previous year should be destroyed. TEMPORARY. Destroy after two years. As each monthly segment is completed for each Contact Specialist, the corresponding segment for the second previous year should. be destroyed. TEMPORARY. Destroy after one year. As each monthly segment is completed the corres- ponding segment for the previous year should be destroyed. SECAT FORM NO. i39a USE PREVIOUS I JAN 56 EDITIONS. ITEM NO. FILES IDENTIFICATION VOLUME DISPOSITION INSTRUCTIONS Approved For Release 200511-1/21 : CIA -RDP78-0 487A000400020005-3 ILLE (a) Expense File - Material TEMPORARY. Destroy 12 years after the documenting the expenditure of official funds period of the account. for In erance o the mission. ese records are ancillary to Item 15, but are not transmitted to the Office of Finance in records are made avail- able on an ad hoc basis to the office of Finance certifying officer on demand. Filed chronologically. (1955 to date) APPROV E! ' Da e CIA Records Acuuinistration 0_ ices FORM NO. I3(]a USE PREVIOUS I JAN 56 97 EDITIONS. Approved For Release 2005/11/21: C14-RDP78-09487A000400020005-3 SECURITY CHECK TICKLE FILE Consists of copies of Request for Security Check (Form 2941) on individuals on which the office has current or pending name checks. Used to update security checks and source records. Filed chronologically by date of request. SECURITY CHECK ALPHABETICAL FILE This is an optional file which, if maintained, consists of copies of (Biographic Data) on which the office has current or pending name checks. Used for convenient reference purposes. Filed alphabetically by surname. FINANCIAL RECORDS Consists of bank statements, cancelled checks and other miscellaneous accounting material. FORM NO. 139a USE PREVIOUS I JAN 56 EDITIONS. TEMPORARY. (a) destroy when new security check request is prepared or (b) when re- quest is five years old, transfer to Source File (Item 2)'and handle in accordance with disposition instructions for that item. TEMPORARY. Destroy (a) when replaced by a new Security Check Request or (b) when the corresponding Security Check Tickle File (Item 13) copy is transferred to the Source File. date of check. TEMPORARY. Forward. each month to office of Finance (OF) thru DCS/Admin Staff, OF will audit and retain the material under an OF Voucher Number. Material may be re- trieved thru OF (via Machine Records) by OF will destroy after legal requirement has been fulfilled.