Career Development Slots

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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
July 25, 1953
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-00699A000100030006-9.pdf180.25 KB
Approved For Re DP78-0069WO0100030006-9 MEAQBANUUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Career Development Slots ment under its control to accommodate individuals who would necessarily be absent from their assigned work for longer than six, mcnt i"s ,while taking part in training or develo ental activities as approved by the Chi. Career Service Board, (See Tab A Examples of such career development programs are attendance at Defense Department schocle, or at colleges or universities, as well as rotation for training purposes among CIA components, the Agency's over-all personnel ceiling, fifty slots be reserved for allot- 2 $ FACTS s The CIA Career Service Board has ' reconmme.nded that within meats in order to participate in career development programs o to PROBL 4: To hold in reserve a pool of personnel slots to pro- ,vide ,positions for employees who are absent from their re 1lar assign- 3o DISCUSSIOU: a0 At present, fifty Rotation Loan Slots are allocated among Agency components. These slots are in addition to regular tables of organ- ization, ciable impairment of operations0 by The CIA Career Service Board believes the present Rotation Loan Slot system has failed to function as originally contemplated (See Tab A) Therefore, it recommends that all Rotation Lo m Slots be with- drawn from the individual officers, and grouped together as a pool of slots over which the Board would have jurisdiction, oQ The CIA Career Service Board proposes to al-lot a slot to the office from w,h ch an employee will be absent while he is participating in career development activities m This slot would be taken from the block of slots reserved . f or such use, The slot would terminate upon completion of the training, rotation, or other career development action for which the slot was allotted, da Allotment of slots to offices who release employees to take part in career development programs will provide a means whereby their positions can be filled during the period of their absenceo e. Setting aside fifty slog would provide desired administrative flexibility to accomplish sound career development programs without appre- Approved For, Rele P78-00699A000100030006-9 Approve 0 7 -00699AA000100030006-9 M~ko 4 That the Acti be authorized to rea ;a`b~k of 'fif y slots wi tithe Agency" e s .t~ota~. total personnel ceiling aufihoiization for subsequent allot en.t by the `CIA Career Board on the basis of individual career development actions neces- Service sitating prolonged absence of employees from their regular duties, L. 1 o White Acting Dept ,r tires (.Administration ). Attach sntt ACTTt( BY APPRO'V G AUTHORITY: APPRO D: ei ed rector o, en rat Date z,., 28 Ju? r' 1953 A P~r?W+~~PS~ PYrI~ CONCUIRI /e/ a Kirkpatrick Chem a CIA areer Tate: 23 Ju Y53 ;00699A000100030006-9