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Sanitized -Appr&Awed far . IA-RDP78-00915R000100010004-5 I ITELLIGLWTCE BRIEF) NOO 22) STAR DEPART OFFICE OF THE ASSISM".1 SECRETARY CF TZAR STRATEGIC SERVICE'S UNIT Washington. D.C. Copy L p Sbkomorandum #6 14 October 1946 P21=RATION OF COMMIST PARTIES: PRELIMIN&RT BRIEF .I. The collection of secret information on the internal organiza- tion, and covert or semi-covert activities of the major Communist Parties throughout the world has been established as, a priority I objective of this agency? This brief outlines the main considerations of operational approach and specific targets involved in obtaining such information, and provides certain briefing mtorialso , For practical purposes the essential ole nts of information roq Trod on individual Corununist Parties nay be separated into tea categories: a. Information concerning a specific . Comnunist Party (CP) ? as. an overt national political roue or rty concurrently engaged in. cove or subversive activitieso b. Information concerning a specific CP an one section of a covert international organization directed by the Ceen ru orem ea of t e omnun-s o the ova unions 3o The intelligence approach to the Communist Party as a. national political oup involves the -aocunulation of an" extensive amok ode= tailed oz Ei ion on the orb-aniiation, political auid propaganda aotivi-. ties, outside relationships o front and affiliated oruaa izations. etc., of individual Conuauuiet Parties. This information is. in large pz rt mailable from public sources of infor ation. and satisfactory general estimates of the activity, plains, and potential power of the Party can often be hale without recourso to additional sources* However, to obtain information on internal Party controls and purges, sources of funds, covert infiltration of other groups and or,geniiatione, pares-military activi- ties or plans, etc., secret sources are essential, 4{, keerationfl aUroacht Ruch of this information is readily pro- ' curable from luformants not mbeers of the CPo and the groat preponderance of reports on the OP received in the past has consisted of,reports from the large number of anti-Comnunist groups and individuals currently active in almost every country, renginc from members of 'Socialist and right-winu parties, goverru nt officials, and businoss and clerical fiti~ures to aarnti- Soviet emigre* and professional informants. These sources provide general Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010004-5 25X1 C8a .02r Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010004-5 data an the str two said oremaishtiort of the Paarty. the names of load- ?ing OM-Mists (va&wiot*13y their spooiPio position in the ,orarohy) and of C- An specific cruete the political activities of the Paxky sta4 Its rolaUom*1dp with other parties and non-political Groups and or Ms ixatikena# the part r tins as it .aeries in hP publications and lessor s, bout sta}s*tions t}Irouch a#i1chVW ltrtr works, oto. +Qadaslo *1l1 VM0 9464P seurws are a a position to supply Mails an 4= 6 of these, to at an v4w opts relations aid th'n mbers of the Soviet, fie os: IattsUlgeM. services, but the extent and preci- siau of~ ~~tba ape sharply liaitsd emlese they themselves bear vowvd to ptastrat? the OP at over level or mother* 1 ZMatriLtion of bocci cells and sections of a dg otfers tw prosur" r pr.Giss details an t OP as a national politis*1?s ki rsf*s org n iaattoa. to p r a vide the adequate data for sWIP" s! . its pimp-and potential. Paasetrattan at a low level can be Carried VA In ? cyst satin basis with reasouaAbIs ease, but. the Iimita- tions of the intsll$genas thus procured must be constantly kept in mind? This intelliConoo will be of action value to Ue.:8. agencies only for a limited period in specific areas (Germanyt?Austria, Italy, China, !ores.e and dapan). Purely local. law-level CP coveraGs in other areas. such as Frances Italy, the Near East, and southeast Asir has a email ixltelligence in (3ernsny and Austria (Russian and American sonar), France, Cseoho- Low-level penetration operations are now important and feasible Slovakia, Rwn,ary, Italy, and Switzerlssid. S. Tnforaetion tai+gets: The General airs of low-level penetrations in any a ? ra on of a precise picture of CP or .isation and activities by obtaining such Information on. the following topics as is not available from ? lie sources of information or from the usual State a sources in the a rear oration . to structure Nuns, funotiona and background or seotional, r egional and national party funotionarie'se location of sectional, regional.w d national Party off ices. Precise data on. density of cells in industrial .td rural areas. 25X1 CE 25X1X7 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010004-5 Sanitized - Approved For W 78--00915R000100010004-5 ParV control Directives from high-level offices to lour eahvlonsq Disciplinary controls (purges, and the reasons there- for; clandestine surveillance of party -vewbers) o- Adninistrative controls. Origin, administration and amount of available funds. Party budget. 4. _embership Strength of active members in industrial end rural areas. Strength of non-active rteribers. Sympathisers smongt Labor circles Intellectuals and educators ?tilitary and government porsonnel Defections and fluctuation of membership; reasons. Morale and degree of fanatisism of memberahip0 b. Political Activities 1. Policy and Strata ?r Open and secret decisions of~Politburo, Central Com- mittee and Party Conference; Implementation by lower tsarty echelon5a Sucoes or failure of po:.ioies, v.nd ensuring rerrisic Pre-revolutionary activitisea Names and activities of chief organisers of strikes and other demonstrations. Agents provocateurs, eto. Available arms and arrwnition. iiilitar - training centers. 0. Aelationships 1. Party-Goverrmmont Activities of Couniet government memberso Front men in govornrmenta Presto roe and influence on non-Communist key t ersonn ,.` in governr36nt circles. nNe Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010004-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010004-5 2. Party-Labor Infiltration and domination of Labor Unions and other Labor organizations? Attitude toward, and method of oofibattinga Labor opposition, 3o Party &rn~ Infiltration of armed forces. Communist cells and aymja thising merii ejrs. 40 Partya?Iinority Groups Infiltration, or control of dissatisfied racial or colonial minority groups. arty-Churoh Methods of neutralization of Church. influence Use of liberal Church elements. ?artytorn and RIS representatives in most countries, 8m Operational Appr?oache The high-level penetration of the Com- munist Pa y presets verI difficult operational problgna. The current 25X6D cal statement On possible operational approaches, eithor on the basis of direct subversion of Central Corritteo nembera or the infiltration of agents into District and Federal Committee levels, can be rade at present in the light of the current lack of basic facts on CP personnel. organization, and functions at this level for most countries. The initiation of such o e rations can hardly be anticipated for the near future, but a systematic collection of the data' outl fined under the pre- ceding paragraph represents an indispensable first stop in producing the items of operational intelligence required to plan such opoationa0 9* Information Targets of such high-level penetration operations are i ao Identity,, biography? personal characteristics', and non- public activities of members of the Central Committee. b0 Functioning of the Appa rat. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010004-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010004-5 1, Identity of ruanberaQ 2, Contacts of ra3nbers of App.rat (end of Centre'". Com- mittee) with ( ) Comintern foreign reprosentati*.,?-e in area, (2) RIS (cup. MGB) reprosontative, in a rear, (3) Soviet diplomatic or otho- goverztmsntaa off io ial s in area, (4) CP intellir;encs agents at lower 2evo1a through normal Party ch .nnc is ) (not Ca Courier rolationahipe bot:vee+n the 'ocal App rat and than Central Comnitteo and Party sections in Moscow, either dir ctiy or through local Comintern or RIS roproraentatives, 1. Identity and routes of couriers,,. 2, Funds transmitted and purposes, 3. Directives trcr.. nittede 4o Identity and mission of special reprosa:at: tives dis- patched from Moacowr, do Regional rnaetinf;s of natiorsaal Cr 1ea :ors : af;onda and decision, e:, Structure and activity of TIosco r "Conaizitern" headquarters x 1. Personnel 20 Orginizatiom 3a Nature aad artent of name files 4? Training institutions 51, Precise position in Party bureaucracy fra -Developments in Comintern strategic polioya 1o Texts of directives issuad P jor policy discussiozia and decisions 3. Coordination of national CP propt.ganda with Agitprop Section of the Russian Ccrimunizt Part.-j. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010004-5 Sanitized - Approved For RDP78-00915R000100010004-5 go Comintern infiltration and exploitation of all Liternation_%l organizations, including Russian Orthodox Church, 1Cd Briefing noto: In order to facilitate the prol_rrirLa y collecW tion of apDra io-na for ration on the CP at the strategic lsvel,, a aeries of briefing momorande will be issued on the fol?o:sinF, mr-j-peota of the Comintern: ac History of Comintern Activities b,; Preliminary Report on the Current Structy mid 0p I.-atolls o,; The OP Apparat and Ille gal C? Act v t ios The Function of the CP in RIS A.ctivitiea T. _V1. TUD41- - Colonel,, Infantry Director Attachment I: "Notes on Low-level Penetration of the Cr>rsr urr.iast ?arty " :ttachmant 11 -. History of the CMU 25X1 C8a 25X1 C8a Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010004-5