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Sanitized - Apptoied For Release - CIA-RDP78-901-5R000200070001-1 Itritm Cop! 25X1A2g . TH-T, TR.ADE UNION .INTERNATIONALS, OF THE . WORLD r1i.74,7RATToTs or TRADE UNIONS (,,An-iuru) A =WARY JULY 1950 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 Aanitized - Appied For Release : CIA-RDP78-149015R000200070001-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. T.U.I. of Seamen and Dockers III, T.U.I. of Land and Air Transport Workers IV, T.U.T. of Miners V. T.U.I. of Metal and Engineering Industries VI, T.U.I. of Chemical Industries workers VII, T.U.I. of Teachers VIII. T.U.I. of Postal, Telegraph, Telephone and Radio Workers IX. T.U.I. of Building and Wood Workers X, T.U.I, of Workers of the Food, Drink, Tobacco, Hotel, Cafe, and Restaurant Industries XI, T.U.I. of Agricultural and Forestry Workers XII. T.U,I. of Textile and Clothing Workers XIII, T.U.I. of Leather, Shoe, Fur and Leather Goods Workers Appendix A - Statutes of T.U.I. of Seamen and Dockers Appendix B - Check List of Communist Maritime Unions Appendix C - Organizational Charts of Profintern and WFTU Appendix D WFTU Officers (a) General Council (b) Executive Committee (c) Executive Bureau Appendix E - Alphabetical Name List Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 ( Sanitized - Apphtialtd For Release : CIA-RDP78-6V15R000200070001-1 I. INIR.22,= Purpose The purpose of this brief is to set forth in a summary form available data about the organization and personnel connected with the various Trade Union Internationals or Trade Departments of the World Federation of Trade Unions and the methods and aims of the WFTU program as it will be carried on by these Trade Departments. These organizations, as is generally known, have been newly created by the Secretariat of the WFTU as a result of the failure of the WFTU to incorporate within its fold as Trade Departments, the sixteen non-Communist International Trade Secretariats already in existence. The failure has been ascribed to differeces with regard to financing, the reluctance of the Secretariats to jeopardize their independ- ence, and their apprehension of the political ideology of the I:\IFTU? . WFTU Structure The sovereign authority of the World Federation of Trade Unions is the 'forld Trade Union Congress which convenes biennially. Provision is made, however, for the holding of extraordinary congresses. Representation and voting power at the Congress varies with membership according to an agreed-upon scale. The Constitution of the WFTU also provides for a General Council, an Executive Committee and an Executive Bureau. The General Council is elected by the Congress and each affiliated organization is represented on it according to its numerical strength. The Council is the governing body of the Federation in the periods between congresses. Its functions include those of approving the annual budget and electing the General Secretary. It meets at least once a year. The Executive Commit- tee, also elected by the Congress, is the governing body of the Federation in the periods between meetings of the General Council and meets not less than twice a year. The Executive Bureau is elected by the Executive Committee. It is composed of a Chairman ( or President) and seven Vice- Chairmen ( or Vice-Presidents) and is the governing body of the Federation Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 Sanitized - ApilOved For Release : CIA-RDP7 915R000200070001-1 between meetings of the Executive Committee. The Executive Bureau appoints the assistant general secretaries to serve under the direction of the General Secretary in the permanent Secretariat.* The Secretariat is presently composed of the following elements: 1. General Secretary: Louis SAILLANT, 2. Assistant General Secretary: Sergie ROSTOVSM mho heads the Department of Relations with the National Centers, Press and Information. 3. Assistant GeneralSecretary: Boleslaw GRT, who directs the Department of Trade Departments (T.U.T. s). 4. Assistant General Secretary: This office is being left vacant. An incumbent would manage the Economic and Social Department. According to a NFTU bulletin, the office of the director of the Economic and Social Department is being reserved for a representative of the British and American workers whenthuy again become affiliated to the WFTU. In addition to the three departments listed above, there are Departments in the Secretariat for Accountants, Translations and Shortli nd and typing. With a representative of the Soviet trade unions in the key position of director of the Department of Relations with the National Centres, Press and Information, it is obvious haw strong a control the U.S.S.R. has in the Secretariat of the WFTU. C. WFTU Liaison Bureaus 1. Liaison Bureau for Asia Liaison Bureaus are being organized by the WFTU to unify and extend its command over labor forces through the world. At the Asian Trade Union Conference in Pei-Pling which was held in November 1949, a WETU Liasion Bureau for Asia was founded. During the conference, measures in various * The officers of the General Council, Executive Committee and ExeCutive Bureau, as elected by the Second Torld Congress of the WFTU at Milan in 19491 are listed in Appendix D. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 Sanitized - Appltaded For Release : CIA-RDP78-4015R000200070001-1 forms were drawn up for the purpose of: a. urging workers of Asian countries to take up arms for national liberation; b, requesting workers of the capitalist nations -- United States, Britain, France, and the Netherlands to demand the recall of their countries' troops from, and otherwise oppose military intervention in, Korea, Malaya, Indochina and Indonesia; c. asking the Trade Unions of France, Turkey, Salvador, India, Australia and the Philippines to demand the withdrawal of their representation from the U.N. Commission on Korea; d. protesting the action of SCAT preventing Japanese delegates from from attending the Poi-P'ing conference. The Liaison Bureau for Asia is to consist of four members with one each representing the All-China Federation of Labor, the Ail-Indian Trade Union Congress, the Soviet Trade Unions and the Australian Trade Unions, The Bureau members are, respectively: UNIDENTIFIED (China) VAIDYA, D. S.(India) UNIDENTIFIED (U.S.S.R.) THORNTOIT, Ernr.t (:Aittralia) The headquarters of the Bureau will be in China, and the Chinese trade representative will serve as chairman. The functions of the Liaison Bureau for Asia were described at the Pei-P'ing conference by Soviet delegate L.N. SOLOVYOV (or SOLOVEV) and can be summarized as follows: 1) to assist trade unions of the area in explaining and carrying out the decisions of the WFTU Executive. To circulate widely infor- mation on all WFTU activity and aims; 2) to collect information for the WFTU on trade union activity in the Asian countries; 3) to extend WFTU membership by establishing contacts in non-affiliated unions and to fight divicionist activity; 3 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 t'anitized - Applsoied For Release : CIA-RDP78-44015R000200070001-1 4) Representatives of the Bureau are to take part in meetings of the national trade union centrals and of the trade unions and feder- ations; The Liaison Bureau will submit to the Executive Bureau of the WFTU every three months, a complete report on its activity. 6) The Liaison Bureau, as a working body of the WFTU, is not to act as a block between the WFTU and the national trade union centers. The latter have the right and duty to maintain direct relations with the IUTU Executive. 2, Liaison Bureau for Latin America According to a WPTU publication, the CTAL (Confederation of Workers of Latin America) has been designated by the 7FTU Executive to serve as UFTU Liaison Bureau for Latin America. One of the resolutions made by the WFTU Executive Committee during the May 1950 Conference at Budapest reads: "The Executive Committee proposes to the secretariat of the WFTU that it support the work done by the T.U.T.Is in the colonial and dependent countries; that in its work of organization it avail itself of the Asiatic and Latin-American Liaison Bureaus of the WFTU;". While the task of organizing labor groups into effective components of the WFTU, is an important function or the CTAL; a second function, the collection of information for the WFTU, appears to be equally as essen- tial. The CTAL conference which took place at Montevideo, Uruguay, 27-31 March, 1950, was designated a "Conference of Information" by the WFTU Secretariat. According to one report, the delegations of the par- ticipating countries wore directed to bring information prepared within their own countries, based on the following guide: "Production; industrial development; agricultural problems; wages (statistics for the last five years); prices (food, housing, transportation, clothing, entertainment, etc.); degree of imper- ialist penetration -- in industry, commerce, agriculture, economy of the state, the administrative machinery, and in the defense of the country, treaties signed, most current forms of penetration; 4 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 .?'Sanitized - Apkroved For Release : CIA-RDP7 111411,11.11 915R000200070001-1 monetary situation; State Budget -- how is it distributed among the various ministries; program of claims -- in the economic, political and social fields; experiences of strikers struggles; defense of the national economy -- in which case was there a united action of the proletariat, of other economic sectors, what were the results; trade union organisational experiences; trade union unity (committee of community action, fight in common with various trade unions; what influence does tle. CTAL and '!FTU have and what is their duty?" The highly diversified information targets sought by the 'ZTU -- some of which are quite unrelated to trede union activity and interest, (such as information concerning the State budget, treaties with the 'imperialists") are clearly indicated in this outline. Liaison Bureau for Africa At the Budapest Conference of Trade Union Internaaonals, May 1950, a proposal was made that the IFTU organize rapidly and carefully an African Trade Union Conference for the early establishment of a Bureau of Information, Liaison, and Coordination for Africa. M.CARROUE, Vice- President of the Agricultural and Forestry Workers' T.U.I. stated that such action is very necessary in view of the "increased imperialist pene- tration through investments in application of TRUYAN's Point 4, while Africa is being transformed into a base of aggression for the imperialist war plans." D. Foundin of the Trade Union Internationals Organizational committees set up by the UPTU to prepare constituent conferences of international trade departments, met from 8 to 13 April 1949 in Paris. It was apparently decided to hold several of these con- ferences prior to and shortly after the 71FTU Congress which took place in Milan, Italy, from 29 June to 10 July 1949. The rapidity with which the program has been implemented is probably dictated by a desire to begin an effectual organizational drive before the non-Communist labor movement 5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDF'78-00915R000200070001-1 Sanitized - Aped For Release : CIA-RDP784015R000200070001-1 is in a position to establish effective international controls. Twelve of the Trade Union Internationals have been founded and in May 1950 sent representatives to a Consulatative Conference at Budapest where their activities and tasks were reviewed. The Trade Union Internationals which have been founded to date are the following: Trade Union International of Seamen and Dockers, Fishermen, Inland Waterways and Port Workers Trade Union International of Land and Air Transport Workers Trade Union International of Miners Trade Union International of Metal and Engineering Industries Trade Union International of Chemical Industries Workers Trade Union International of Teachers Trade Union International of Postal, Telegraph, Telephone and Radio Workers Trade Union International of Building and Wood Workers - Trade Union International of Workers of the Food, Drink, Tobacco, Hotel, Cafe and Restaurant Industries Trade Union International of Agricultural and Forestry Workers Trade Union International of Textile and Clothing Workers Trade Union International of Leather, Shoe, Fur and Leather Goods Workers Detailed information on the trade union internationals listed above appears in the sections which follow; four additional trade union internationals have been planned, hut have not as yet been constituted: Trade Union International of Oil Workers Trade Union International of State, Municipalities, Commerce and Office Workers Trade Union international of Press, Typographical and Lithographical Workers, Engravers and Binders Trade Union International of Fine Arts, Theater and Cinema Workers, Painters, Musicians and Other Liberal Professions. A pattern of organization for the administration of the various Trade Union Internationals was apparently prescribed by the WFTU Secretariat and has been followed by the Trade Union Internationals thus far consti- tutud. The Trades Conference of the individual Trade Union International is its chief authority. It is to be convoked every two years. The functions of the Seamen and Dockers Trades Conforence are outlined in Article V of the Statutes of that T.U.I. (see Appendix A). The Trades Conference elects the Administrative and Auditing Committees, pro-rating 6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 A sanitized - Appkwied For Release : CIA-RDP781015R000200070001-1 the number of members among the affiliated organizations. The Adminis- trative Committee directs the activities of the Trade Union International between sessions of the Trades Conference. The responsibilities of an Administrative Committee are described in Article IX of Appendix A. The Administrative Committees consist of a President, two or three Vice-Presi- dents, a Secretary General and anywhere from six to twelve committee members. The officers of these committees (President, Vice-Presidents, and Secretary General) form the Administrative Bureau. Tho Auditing Committees examine and certify the accounts and submit their reports to the Administrative Committee and to the Trades Conference. The headquarters of the individual T.U.I. appears to be permanently staffed by the Secretary General and a few assistants. The Secretary in nearly every case is a citizen of the country where the headquarters of the T.U.I. is located. The members of the Administrative Bureaus and the Committees appear to convene only periodically. At the nudapest conference in May 1950, more "collective work between members of the Administrative Committees" was advocated. F Functions and Ob'ectives of the Trade Union Internationals Explicit statements setting forth the functions, activities, objectives and methods of the Trade Union Internationals appear in the May 1950 issue of the WFTU bulletin, World Trade Union Movement. These can be outlined _ Oworro0/01.. and summarized in general as follows: 1) Each TUI must study and examine in detail the complex problems of its particular industry in the capitalist countries, the relation of the government and the employers to these problems, and the workers' exact situation; the T.U.I. must coordinate activities of the workers struggle to attain their immediate objectives -- improved working and living standards, social security measures, etc. The T.U.I.'s must fight against speed- up of work processes. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 , -*Sanitized - Aplielved For Release : CIA-RDP784915R000200070001-1 The T.U.I.'s must organize effective solidarity in the respective trade for workers on strike. An example cited where effective solidarity was demonstrated was the support given to the strikers at the Michelin rubber and tire factory in France by the T.U.T. of Chemical Workers, 3) Information bulletins should be published outlining workers' problems and supporting the struggle fo-r. "proletarian inter- nationalism" solidarity of workers, the struggle against splitters and strike breakers in the respective trade unions and the struggle against ftwar mongers" and in defense of peace. The Administrative Committees of the T.U.I.'s should convene conferences of workers employed by the same international trust or cartel in order to work out a common program of demands. 5) The T.U.I.'s should assist the unions of Asia, Africa, and Latin America in the formation of national unions -where only local unions have existed. 6) The T.U.I.'s must constantly discredit the leaders of non-Communist unions, described in a WFTU bulletin as "socialist splitters who are disrupting labor unity". The T.U.I.'s must develop connections with progressive workers in ? capitalist countries where the "reactionary" trade union leaders have withdrawn from the 'JFTU and must make known to these workers the program of the WFTU for "international trade union unity and for peace". The practice should be made of inviting repre- sentatives of those outside trade unions as guests or observers to meetings, conferences and the sessions of the executive bodies of the T.U.I.'s. "Liaison committees" should be organ- ized by the T.U.I.'s in capitalist countries to implement the work of splitting the "'bourgeois " organizations. 8 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 !Sanitized - Aphipsved For Release : CIA-RDP764915R000200070001-1 The T.U.I.'s must fight for the defense of peace by energetically coordinating and popularizing the activities of Permanent Commit- tees for the Defense of Peace in the workshops. 9) There should be closer coordination between some of the morc important T.U.I.'s -- such as the Metol Workers' T.U.I., Seamen and Dockers' T.U.I., and certain others, with all other workers fighting against war preparations. f. proposal to coordinate activities of certain T.U.I.'s with those of youth and student groups in opposing war preparations was made at the May 1950 conference. 10) The T.U.I.'s should examine and publicize "industry by industry the repercussions and effects of the Marshall Plan, Clayton Plan ... and all other plans for world domination and expose them down to the smallest detail". G WFTU Direction of Trade Union Internationals Close coordination of T.U.T. activity by the WFTU had been provided at the Second World Congress in Milan in 1949. The Congress had author- ized the Executive Committee, at its first meeting in 1950, to complete the election of two more Executive Committee members and three substitutes from candidates nominated by the T.U.I.'s which would then be in existence. One T.U.I. representative, Ernest THORNTON, of the Metal Workers' T.U.I., had been elected to the Executive Committee of the WFTU at the Milan Congress. At the Budapest Conference therefore, the following candidates wore nomi- nated and, in the usual manner, wore -"endorsed unanimously": Members: ELLIOTT, 7.V., of the Seamen's and Dockers' T.U.I. LI Chieh-po, of the Land and Air Transport Workers' T.U.I. Substitutes: Rm., Ilio, of the Agricultural and forestry Workers' T.U.I. Two more substitutes, representing the Textile and Clothing Workers' T.U.I. and the Miners' T.U.I. aro to be designated by their respective organizations. Criticism of Boleslaw GEBERT's work in directing the Department of Trade Departments was voiced by several T.U.I. officers at the Budapest Conference. 9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 - :Sanitized - ApillOved For Release : CIA-RDP784915R000200070001-1 migeM? Henri JOURDAIN4 Secretary of the Metal and Engineering Tk)rkerst stated that the help and guidance given by the WFTU Secretariat T.U.I.'s was "quite inadequate" and that the general directives T.U.I., to the issued to the T.U.I.ts by the SeCretariat were both belated and insufficient. F. MAURICE, President of the Leather, Shoe and Pur Workers/ T.U.I., and T.BEREZINI Vice-President of the Metal and Engineering T.U.I. were also openly critical of GEBERT. BEREZIN specifically requested that the WFTU Executive direct This dissatisfaction with his staff to enable it to or could possibly lead to the "practical day to day work" of the T.U.I.Is. GEBERT's service may load to a strengthening of give more effective direction to T.U.I. activity, the replacement of GEBERT as director of the Department of Trade Departments. H. Comarieen of WFTU and Profintern Structures The charts in Appendix C showing the organizations of the defunct, Profintern (Red International of Labor Unions) and the IIFTU indicate certain factors common to both bodies. The Profinternts use of auxiliary organizations such as the International of Seamen and Harbor Workers and the Pan-Pacific Trade Union Secretariat to attain world-wide control of labor organizations is comparable to the UFTUts present and contemplated use of Liaisen Bureaus and certain key Trade Union Federations to realize such scope. The functions of the Red or Revolutionary Trade Union Opposi- tions of the Profintern wore generally to organize and promote Communist propaganda among workers, to initiate and supervise Communist splinter groups, to penetrate "reformist" trade unions, etc. At the May 1950 Cona;Itztive Conference of Trade Departmente of the WFTU in Budapest, although the primary importance of attaining the immediate needs of the workers was stressed, it was pointed out that the Trade Departments shOuld "link" these immediate aims to the broader objectives of the WFTU -- "the defense of trade union rights, democratic liberties and peace". The _,rade Departments, as has been stated above, have been directed to set up "Peace Committees" in every factory -- groups which in the Western countries would 10 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 ? .-Sanitized - Ap ed For Release : CIA-RDP784915R000200070001-1 obviously be an indirect support for any Soviet or Communist move, and whose propaganda, although in a more subtle presentation, parallels the propaganda activities or the Trade Union Oppositions of the Profintern. The Department of Relations with the National Centres, Press and Infor- mation in the Secretariat of the WF1U is divided into five geographic bureaus, reminiscent, of the regional secretariats of the Profintern. Clandestine As cots of tho WPTU Program In effecting th:, establishment and development of contacts with workers in countries where the trade union centers are not affiliated to the WFTU, activity toward which the T.U.I.'s wore directed to pay "particular attention", it is realized that many of these contacts will be of an unofficial and more or less covert nature. To date, only a few of such contacts have come to attantion. The Industrial Organizer of the British Communist Party, George ALLISON, is known to have had talks in Paris with WFTU officials for the purpose of assisting the WFTU to acquire a footing in Great nribain. It was agreed that certain Party mombers in the various industries would act as contacts with the related T.U.I. I? Such contacts have reportedly been sot up in Britain for the Seamen and Dockers' T.U.I. and for the Metal and Enj_neering T.U.I., while others have already been considered. In April 1950, Alphonse tROUARD, President of the Land and Air Transport Workers' T.U.I., tried to visit Britain, but was refused permission to enter the country. Recently one NAHON, a courier of the Seamen and Dockers T.U.I. went from Dcl'r to Latin America and was arrested in Uruguay. The numerous addresses found in his possession show how extensive his mission was. In view of the emphasis placed upon the importance of developing contacts with workers in capitalist countries, it is most likely that more and more of these contacts will be made clandestinely in order to spread WFTU and Communist propaganda among workers in western countries. It may also be assumed that the T.U.I.'s will have a share in the co-ordin- ation of industrial sabotage during the current crisis, particularly in 11 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 Sanitized - Ap ed For Release : CIA-RDP7819015R000200070001-1 le= connection with the "Peace Campaign". Definite evidence to this effect, however, is, lacking. Im ortanco of Colonial Areas to WFTU Pro ram Considerable emphasis was put by several of the speakers at the Budapest Conference of May 1950 on increased T.U.I. work in colonial and semi-colonial areas. M. CARROUE, Vice-President of the Agricultural and Forestry Workers' T.U.I. proposed that the T.U.I. Conference ask the "i;FTU to: 1. "organize rapidly and carefully the African Trde Union Conference which should include observers from all interested T.U.I.'s; 2. establish a "Bureau of Information, Liaison and Coordination for Africa." The African delegate, Abdoulayu DIALLO, Vice-President of the UFTU and member of the Postal Workers' T.U.I. urged that efforts be made to organize into the appropriate T.U.I. port workers along the western coast of Africa in the Camoroons, Nigeria and other countries, and railwaymen, miners, and postal workers. The "Asian Liaison Bureau" at Pei-P'ing would continue to centralize the WFTU-T.U.I. work in that part of the world. Ernest THORNTON, Vice- President of the Metal eTkers' T.U.I., emphasized that the work in Asia should be in concrete, specific support of the insurrectionary movements in Indo China, Malaya, the Philippines "and others". "Mon addressing the Asiatic workers therefore the T.U.I.'s could not limit their action to abstract appeals against war generally," advised THORNTON. K. Increasin, Significance of T.U.I.'s Direct organizational support will undoubtedly be given the T.U.I.'s by the WFTU. The necessity for doing this was pointed out at Budapest by Henri JOURDAIN, Secretary of the Metal and Engineering 'Terkers T.U.I.: "The main activity of the WFTU leadership should boar on guiding the Trade Union Internationals." 12 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 Sanitized - Ap ed For Release : CIA-RDP78-4015R000200070001-1 Ho proposed that the TFTU should: "delegate some comrades capable of advising the leadership of the respective T.U.I.'s particular effort should be made at least for the most important T.U.I. those which play a decisive role in connection with the struggle for Peace and for International Trade Union unity." DI VITTORIO, in his closing speech, endorsed JOURD=s proposal. Inasmuch as it could boassumed tha.:b the national affiliates of the WFTU (such as the CGT, CIL, etc.) were fairly self-sufficient in "resources and the necessary personnel to fulfill their own .tasks,?;it would there- fore be correct for the Executive Committee of the WFTU to give more assistance, attention, material moral and financial aid and help in leadership to the Trade Union Internationals." The decisions of the WFTU leadership in this matter are not ,-ut known? - but it appears probable that professional UFTU organizers and propagandists will be assigned to work directly on the T.U.I.'s and that WFTU funds will be put al:2211z to the used of those considered most important 13 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 Sanitized - AplikroWed For Release : CIA-RDP7 915R000200070001-1 toor II, TRADE UNION INTERV:LTIONAL OF SEZEN AND DOCKERS 2o22?ag.c.r,..9,21u) Marseille, 15 - 18 July 1949 Headquarters: Administrative Committee: 401..111P1.0.-.......? ? mieiMbnilimortailmoOMM. 5 Place de la Joliette, Marseille (offices of the CGT Port and Dock Workers Federation, Marseille) Secretary General: FRESSINET, Andre Marius President BRIDOEC, Harry (USA) Vice-Presidents BUDZOV, Aloksandr (USSR) ELLIOTT) Eliot V. (Australia) DE STEFANOt Marino (Italy) CHIU Chin (China) Members: KLEINS1,11,, Dirk (Netherlands) VILENIUS, t. (Finland) CRUENAIS, Augustin Joan (France) Four as yet unnamed members from Latin America, Poland, Germany and Japan APPENDIX A, reproducing the statutes of the Seamen and Dockers T.U.I., indicates that the following measures are contemplated for the part to be played by the T.U.I. in the implementation of major Communist policies: 1) strikes, demonstrations, and the distribution of propaganda in the ports and aboard chips in support of the anti-AP campaign, the "peace offensive" and of strikes, etc., engaged in by other Communist groups; 2) exchange of information, possibly to include maritime intelligence; 3) exchange of organizers, financial support, etc.; 4) establishment of seamen's clubs in the ports, libraries aboard ships, etc. The importance of T.U.I. headquarters, as such, in the recent port activities against MDAP shipments, has not been clearly demonstrated. Moat of those activities appear to have been directed, not from T.U.I. headquarters at Marseille, but rather from national and local organiza- tions of labor unions, such as the CGT COIL and their trades affiliates, or from Party offices themselves. If the Budapest decisions calling for increased support to the T.U.I.'s are implemented, it may be expected 14 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 'Sanitized - Aped For Release : CIA-RDP784015R000200070001-1 that the role of the Seamen and Dockers T.U.I. in the coordination of Communist maritime and port work will become greater. certainly be expected to be enlarged in the attempts of this T.U.I. to set Its staff should and there may be a further increase up secret contacts abroad (see introduction). Recent reports have indicated that the local authorities at Marseille will not rocognize yet unconfirmed report has boon transferred to Antwerp. the legality of the T.U.I., and an as received that the headquarters are to be 212zE22111.2a1 Data ConcesEaL_Officers of the Seamen and Dockers T.U.I. ! FRESSINET, Andre Maros: Secretary General, Marsoillo Maritime Workers Union, Born 29 Feb 1904, Dioulefit (Drome). Arrested 21 Mar 1950 for Communist anti-MDAP activities. Address (1949): 81 rue Tilsit, Marseille. BRIDGES, Harry: President, International Longshoremen's and Marc- housemen's Union, USA. According to testimony in his recent trial, was a secret member of the National Committeo/CPUSA. Awaiting deportation procodings pending appeal of conviction of perjury in his naturalization affidavit. BUDANOV? Aloksandr: President, Central Committee, Maritime Trans- port 7orkers Union, USSR. ELLIOTT, Eliot Valens: SecrAary, Seamen's Union of Australia, member, CC/CP Australia. Born 12 Sep 02, Hently, New Zealand. Australian passport # C 14162, issued 14 June 1949, valid to 15 June 1954. DE STEFANO: Marino: General Secretary, Italian Federation of Fort Workers, Born 3 Oct 030 Naples, Addresses: Via Doncompagni 19, Rome; Piazza Garibaldi 13, Naples. Passport 00819 P. Rog. 375/1945, renewed 1949. CHIU Chin: Formerly loader of Shanghai Seamen's Union. Elected to Executive Committees, ACFL, 20 Aug 1948. GRUENAIS0 Augustin Jean: Secretary General, National Federation of Maritime Unions, France. Born 9 Aug 1909, Saint-Helen (Cotes-du-Nord) (also reported Saint-Helen). Served in French Navy, Sep 1939 - July 1940. Active in London during war organizing Free French Semen's resistance groups. Appointed Secretary, French Seamen's Union, with headquarters in London, Sop 1942. Returned to France July 1946. Passport # 03972, issued 17 Jan 1946. VILENIUS, L.: Possibly identical with Lauri WILENIUS. Latter, member of the Finnish People's Democratic League; Co-founder, with PLuri RYOMA1 of the "Society for Peace and Friendship with, the Soviet Union". This was dissolved, late 1940 and WILENIUS and RYOMA were imprisoned. On release, Sep 1944, they took part in establish- ment of "Society of Finland and the Soviet Union" (also known as "Finland-Soviet Society"). Delegates to Constituent Conforenco (Listed in Appendix B under each country) 121ftillimo 15 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1- Sanitized - Apphoed For Release : CIA-RDP78-V15R000200070001-1 III. TRADE UNION INTERNATIONAL OF LAND AND AIR TRZSPORT WORKERS Constituent. Conference: Bucharest, Rumania, 10 - 14 December 1949 Headquarter : Bucharest Administrative Committee: President: DROUARD, Alphonse J. (France) Secretary General: MORARU, Stolian (Aumania) Members: MASSINI, Cesare Italy (According to one report, STIMILI is the Italian member of the Administrative Committee) LI Chioh-po China SHEVCHENK00 Andrei U.S.S.R. CHWALEK, Roman Gorman Democratic Republic SIYANEK, Vaclav Czechoslovakia STACHACZ1 Stanislav Poland One seat each was ,reserved for trade unions of Africa, Anglo-Saxon countries and Latin America, Auditing Committee: ANTONIZZI, Guido Italy STOYANOV, Stoyan Bulgaria Snrior Hungary Fifty-five delegates, plus observers, attended the Constituent Conference, Among these wore: Albania MISHA0 Kristak: Executive Member, General Union of Trade Unions of Albania. Represented the Transport Workers Union, Bulgaria DAMYANOV, Raiku, Dr.: President, Viorkers1 General Trades Union of Bulgaria. Born 10 December 1903 at Gergina, Gabrovo district, Bulgaria. Elected President of Bureau of National Assembly, 9 December 1947. HRISTOV, N.M. ST. PUEV, L. STOYANOV0 Stoyan: Head of Bulgarian delegation. President of Bulgarian Transport Union. on WICKRAMSINGHE, S.A.: President of Transport Workers' Union of Ceylon. Communist Chairman of Ceylon Trade Union Federation. China CHEN Chin-sheng CHEN Eh (E, En, Erh or Eng) CHEN Hsing-sheng: Member of Standing Committee of the Shanghai General Trade Union, a member union of the All-China Feder- ation of Labor (:..C.F.L.) 41216m, 16 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 t'anitized - Applkoded For Release : CIA-RDP78-W15R000200070001-1 Cuba HSU Chih-chun: Secretary General of the All-China Federation of Labor (ACFL). Chief of the Culture and Education De- partment of tho ACFL; formerly one of the leaders of the 11,n-Yoh-Ping General Labor Union and later leader of the Hopei-Chahar Printing Presses Labor Union. Subject and YEH Koh-ming headed the Chinese delegation. KANG Kuo-chon LI Chioh-po: Elected to Executive Committee of the WFTU at the Consulatative Conference of reprosent-tivos of the Trade Union Internationals at Budapest, May 1950. LI Jung LIU Tei-huan CALCINES, Faustino: Represented the National Lransport -orkors' Fodoratior of Cuba. Coumunist. Eloctod Vice-Socrot,:lry Gonoral of National Tobacco ?iorkors' federation, Third Congress, November 1946. A member of the Executive Committoo of the Confederation of Cuban Uorkers (CM. Secretary General of CTC for Santa Clara Province; Delegate to WFTU Congress at Milan, 29 June to 9 July 1949. 2=22. 7IARTIDES, Andreas; Secretary General of Pap-Cyprian Federation of Labor (P.E.0.). ZIARTIDES and A. FANTIS, both Communists, control the PRO. Czeolcwslovakia DAUBNER, Vojtoch HOUMA, Antonin KOLAR, Jaraslav: Represented the Road Transport 16orkers' Union of Czochoslevakia. SMANEK, Vaciav. France ALIN, Gustavo ANGUETIL, Pierre: Secretary Railway Workers' Federation, South- eastern Section. GRAPIER, Jules DEDIEU, fnu DROUARD, Alphonse J.: Secretary of French Railwaymen's Federation. DUFOUR, Alfred. GARCIEN, Charles TREIKS, Leon: Secretary Railway Workorst Federation, Western Section. azaaa BANSCH, fnu CHWALEK, Roman: Chairman, Berlin D,ranch Free Gorman Trade Union Association (FDGB). Born 24 July 1898 at Woinowitz; locksmith; joined Independent Socialist Party Association of Railway Workers, 1916; later became a loading trade union functionary, Oppcln district; mombor of town council, Oppoln; Communist delegate in Reichstag, 1930-1933; engaged in illegal trade union activity 1933-1945; imprisoned; engaged in similar activities after his release; organized the Free German Trade Union Association, Perlin, 1945. 17 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 , Sanitized - A r ved For Release : CIA-RDP78-915R000200070001-1 t"Pm' KRUEGER, Hans SCHLIMME, Hermann: President of the FDGB Berlin. Representative of the Transport Workers Trade Union. Member of New Berlin SED Board, Hungary FOLDVARY? Alador: Secretary General of the Transport 'forkers' Union Federation. GASPARD, Sander: Secretary-General of Transport Workers' Union FederaLion, TOTH, Bola: Also a Secretary-General of Transport Workers' Union Federation, Indochina LUU Due Pho: General Secretary of National Union of Railwaymen of Viet Nam, Italy ANTONIZZI, Guido: National Secretary, Road Transport Workers' Federation of Italy. Member Partita Socialista Italiano. Alternate .member Directorate CGIL, 1947. Born 19 June 1909 at Naples. ATILLIO, Bonati AVIZZANO, Francesco: A Communist Party loader from Naples; Execu- tive Committee Labor Chamber, Naplus. BUCCI, Elia: Member Partita Secialista Italiano. Vico-Secretary Italian General Confederation of Labor (C.G.I.L.) Assistant Secretary Rail Transport Workurs' Union of Italy. DAVILI0,-Charini DEBLAZIO? Giuseppe DUGERA, Giuseppe FERUCCIO, Bassio MANCINI, Lamberto: Assistant Secretary Streetcar Workers' Union. National Secretary, Transport Workers' Federation of Italy. MASSINI, Cesare: Communist, born Perugia province, 23 July 1886. Lives at Homo. Former railway worker, a stoker, and later an engineer. In 1922 became Secretary of the Italian Communist Party (PCI) and a deputy to Fifth Congress of the Comintern. Member of the Central Control Commission of the PCI. Member Executive Committee of the CGIL. Communist member of Italian Senate. Was a speaker at Consultative Conference of repre- sentatives of TUI's at Budapest 10-14 May 1950. Secretary of Rail Transport Workors' Union of Italy. STIMILI, Sandro VERINI, Dovilio Korea KIM Bon-Giu: South Korea. KIM Chi Kak: Represented North Korea Transport Workers' Union. KIM Han Il.: Head of delegation. Represented North Korea Trans- port Workers' Union. (Probably identical ith KIM Han Il, a representative at North Korean Peoples' Assembly and import- ant member of Byuckchon Gun Co-operative Society.) KIM Fong Kyu: Represented Korean Railway Workers' Union and Transport Workers' Union Affiliated with South Korea Federation of Trade Unions, KU Ir Son (K00 Il San?) 1$ Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 a 'Sanitized - Appialied For Release : CIA-RDP78-00015R000200070001-1 Poland KURYLOWIC:, Adam: President of General Council of the Polish Railwaymen's Union. Elected Second Viee-Presidont of. Central Executive Committee of Polish Socialist Party, 25 August 1946, Born 1890. In February, 1947, became Socretary-Goneral of Polish Central Committee of Trade Unions (K.C.Z.%). nUDOWSKI, beef: President of Transport Union. STfiCH (7,, Stanislav: President of Railvay :orkers' Union. LalaLa.. YORARUI Stelian: President, Rail.:/aymen's Union of the Rumanian People's Republic; Deputy for Braila county; member General Confederation of Labor (CGM) Executive Caunittee, T1=144 DORSAL, Tahar: General Secretary Tramway Workers' Union of Tunisia. USSR KLIMEA0V? H. P. PANIN(-1 ), Ivan: Represented the Railwaymen's Union of the U.S.S.R. (Possibly identical with Soviet diplomat of same name, an Attache, born 26 September 1929, who 117,-7 served in Sweden.) SHEVCHENKO, Andre I.: President of Central Committee of Railwaymon',1 Union of the U.S.S.R. Attended Congress of Railwaymen's Trade Union of Norway at Oslo, April 1950. SUDACHEV? V.- TARATUNIN? TRUHALEV, S.M. ZHURAVLEV, Aleksei Fodorovich: Director-General of the Third Rank. Director of Changchum Railway- and advisor to Chinese Communist Government at 1-tcrbin. 2.9slaa2.1a MIQUILENA, Luis: General Secretary Road Transport Workers' Union of Venezuela. A leader of left-wing Communist Party, Partido Revolucionario del Proletariado Communist ih Venezuela. ILIZIL1.2.4L1 VJEKOSLAV, Janiu: President of Central Committee of Railway Workers and Employees' Federation of Yugoslavia. (Accord- ing to one report, Rumanian authorities refused to grant visas to Yugolav delegates.) ? rQvlsional Qrganizir Committee of the and and .W Txans ort Workers which had met prior to the cnstitucnt ConXerence): DROUATO,, Alphonse ItgX,21.%. acAian SCHLIMIE? Hermann SHEVCHTNYO? Androi ZIARTIDES, Andreas France Rumania German Democratic Republic U.S.S.R. CYprus IttW??? 19 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 Sanitized - ApigOved For Release : CIA-RDP7841915R000200070001-1 IV TRADE UNION INTERNATIONAL OF MINERS Constituent Conkrence: Florence, Italy 15-18 July 1949 Headouartors: : U.I.S.M., 14 Avenue Fonsny, Brussels Administrative Committee: President: MARTEL, Henri (France) Vice-Presidents: ZAITSEV? Sergei (U.S.S.R.) MARI, Marie (Italy) =MINSK' (C7E1wINSKYL)? Marian (Poland) Secretary: SCUR07,DER, Antoine (Luxembourg) Members: SHELAMIN (CHIlLAKhENE), Pavel (U.S.S.R.) FRITSCH, Max 1ii1coLn (Eastern Germany) KOTLE (KATLE), Nikola (Yugooiavia) Places were reserved on the Administrative Committee for representatives of the trade unions of Africa, India, China and Latin America. Audit in:; CommisSion: SLIVA, Frantisek Czechoslovakia SCHWARTZ., Nicelao Rumania GERBER, E. Germany BioPraphical data concernin7 officers of the T.1T.1. or Miners FRITSCH, Max alhelm: Member of administrative Committee. President of the Minor's Federation of Eastern Germany. Born at 'eisson- stein 20 December 1903. Einor. GERBER, 7.: Member of Auditing Commission. President of a Work Committee in tiestphalia and Conner rAimber of the Bureau of the Minors Federation o2 Western Germany. YOTLE or KATIE, Nikola: 'Member of Administrohive Ce:dmittee. Born at Drvar Novcmber 1915. LIve.3. at BelLrade. r,embor (-A CP since 1939. Member Central Committee of CP. 7rosident of F.ho r ,-Central Administrative office of Labor Unions of Yugoslav Miners. lARI,ci resident. Communist. Nitional Responsible Secretary of the ItS 7. 41rof Federation. Alternate member of Directorate of the CGIL. MAR,TEL, Henri: President. Secretary of the Frenchaner eration. s, Born at Bruay sur l'Escaut, 3 August 1898. Miner. Lives wu Pod Sin Le Noble. SCHROEDER, Antoine: Secretary-General. Vice President of the Federation of Free Trade Unions of Metal icrkers? Minors and Building ;iorkers of Luxembourg. Born at 73eckorich 25 Scp 1901. Mine Director. Lives at nsch ; a presiding officer at the constituent conCerenre of the T.U.I. of in Florence at which he was elected Secretary GQ,noral. Works with one secretary in BrusselE in the samo offices as the Belgian Communist Syndicate Uniques. Attended Consultation Conference of representatives of at Budapest, May 1950. SCHWARTZ, Nicolae: Member of Auditing Commission. Member of the Executive Bureau of the Rumanian Miners' Union. Holds service passport 71/4 0198 issued at Bucharest, 28 May 1949. SHELAKIFIN (CT1T=IINE), Pavel. Member of administrative Committee. Dorn 1906. According to one report, he is assistant secretary T.U.I. of Miners and a dangerous axiet eq;ent. ?16.0.4*. 20 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 4 anitized - Appiapfed For Release : CIA-RDP78-1015R000200070001-1 164614 SLIVA, Frantisek: Member Auditing Commission. President of thu Czock Ninors1 Federation. Born at Ostrava) 21 Nov 1903. Lives at Ostrava. tERVINSKI (CTIWPSKY narian. Vice Presidont. President uf tho Polish Lanc.rst Tederation. Born at Oswiecim, 8 May 1903. Miner. Lives at Katowice. Passport # 002667 issued 11 Sep 1947. Mcmber of the Presidium of Contra], Committoe of Trade Unions; member of Central Commission of Party Control, Union of Polish Wcrkersr Party. ZAITSEV? r;ergui: Vico President. President of the Central Committee of the Coal Worker' Union of the. U.S.S.A. Born at Sondousa in 1909. Passport i 00876 issued at Moscow 10 Juno 1949. D,lo .ateo at Constituent Conference; bania Nobahet: Born 1916 at Gjinokaster. Active woman Communiet. Stated she would make contact with Italian Communist teachers. 221LLZ SCHROTDER, Antoine; Sec above ROSIER, E.,nri: Secretary General of algian Syndicat Unique dos Min ours. Lssists Antoine SCHROEDEa. Born at Montegnee on 10 .lugust 1899. Communist. Pensionod minor. Circulr,tion editor of newspaper, L'Action Ouvriere.. Chile OC, TO, Paste Salvador: Born at Illapel 1 January 1912. Linotypist. Former Seercitary General Chilean CTC. Chilean Communist Senator who was one of founders of Chilean CP. Instrumental in establishing diplomatic rolations botwoen Chile and the U.S ,A. ssiA-,,nt Secretary CML. Provides labor organizations with propaganda. JECNY, Debromil; MALIK, Frantisek: Prague, MELIOVYkt, Ondrej: Bratislava, Frantisok: V0NDa3? Vladimir: Born at Ivanovice. Born at Retenice 22 December 1885. Born at Mhisany 28 November 1920. Born at Ostrava 21 November 1903. Born at Domazlice 3 March 1922. Lives at Lives at Soo above. MARTINES0 Nola: Born at Panay, 26 November 1914. Foremost WoMan Communist leader and propagandist of Ecuador. Member Central Committee of OP of Ecuador. Journalist. Ecuadorian delegate to World Peace Congress at Paris 4ri1 19/9 4. ? Uses "nationalistie" lino in her appeals to the wcrkors; strouses :L'ho importance of prohibiting foreiyi companios from oPorating in Ecuador. Exa...22,1 CADEN, Germania; Born at Maulain 30 December 1937. CATH,Lt? ime: Born at Rosieu Tam 9 February 1921. BOUSUET, Donise: torn at Paris 27 April 1920 DGTJLT Viotorin; Porn, at Plant, 28 July 1905. Secretary. DOMINP4I, Marcel` torn at Neuilley 23 June 1905; miner. (sic) Miner. 21 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 'P Sanitized - Apptaited For Release : CIA-RDP78-460015R000200070001-1 LUKAS0-Adrl_enne: Born at Nice. Lives at Paris. DURAND, Pierre: Lives at Paris. Holds pasonort # 14675 at Paris, GRANDFJELN? Lucien: Born at Metz. MARTEL', Else: Born at Masmenos 11 May 1896. Lives at MARTEL, Henri: See above for biographical data PERRILON, Luciana: Born at Paris 25 March 1912. PRETECEIILE, Marcel: Born 1 October 1891. Journalist. name is OGIYA do aLLETECEILLE. Spanish Communist Paris. $ANGUEDOLCE, Joseph: Born at Sammatuio, 18 December Secretary. Lives at Roche do Moliere. Militant of Lyons district. ESC, Rene: Porn at Henin, at YonLyguy. TURREL, Henri: Born in Paris. ZAMT,UX, Dayai: Born at Nachtelinvan, 13 at San issued Sin Le Noble. Real living in 1919. Communist 1 October 1919. Secretary. Lives Ville, 10 July 1910. Ge rman3r (Soviet ZonoJ Minor. Lives December 1908, FRIEDRIK, Wilhelm: Born 14 April 1909. Minor, FRITSU, Max Wilhelm: See above for biographical data available. GOB, Josef: Born at Wurzburg 16 July 1901, Miner, HANDTKE, Paul Heinrich: Born at Graben, 14 1899. ]Tine''. LINDAU? "ilhelm. Ernest: Born at ';Joissenstein 21 January 1909. SCHUST2R, Paul Valli: Born at Eisleben, 6 December 1901, Miner. Greece NALPANIS, Anatole: Born at Kiev, 7 February 1911, journalist. Lives at Paris. Holds Creek passport 1/- 1069 issued by Greek Consulate General, Paris. Also attended conference of Metal Workers at Turin 21 - 24 Juno 1949. Italy COCCO, Pietro: 'Born at 1g1L,sias, 26 March 1917. Minor. Lives at Iglesias. SASH, Attilio: Born at Casteguolfo, 6 October 1876. Secretary of the Miners' Federation. Lives in Rome. Member of Direct- orate of CGIL 1945-1947. Alternate member of General Doundil of WFTU 1945. Was a minor in the United States about 1920. Luxemb.v.21 5CHR,Ctb2'2, See ahoy.. for biographical *tails. SCHRO2D22., :,nna: Born at 'Bisson., 11 'March 1926. Student. 22 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDF'78-00915R000200070001-1 Sanitized - A - ed For Release : CIA-RDP7814915R000200070001-1 co GARCIA Moreno, Antonio: See biographical data under the T.U.I. of Metal and Engineering Industries. Poland APROAO, Franciszek: Porn dt Pazyawcz (Pazurek?), 21 Oct 1909, Miner. Lives at Brzesc. CZERWINSn, Marian: See above. GEDERT, Boleslaw: Vice-Secretary FTU and Assistant President of the World Miners' Federation, LIPSKAI Eugenia Joanna: Barn at Rybinsk, 27 May 1 Polish Embassy an Rome. PLONSKA, Trona: Born at Lodz, 13 February 1913. POZNANSKA, Starewicz Krystyna: Born at 'iarsaw 15 Secretary to GEBERT. Lives at Warsaw, SAB03, Jovpf: Born dt, Biskupice, 10 March 3.03. at Buda S. Savias 916. Lives at Chemist. November 1916, Miner, Lives Rumania BIRO, Martin: Holds Rumanian Service Passport ft 0203, SCII:ARTZ, Nicolao: !':ember of Executive Committee or Fode ration of Miners. Delegate to 2nd World Congress of the WIU at Milan Juno - July 1949. Reportedly a Commissar of Political Felice at Bucharest. Holds service passport # 0198. STERN, Anota: Interpreter. Passport # 0208. Soviet Union ALEXEYFV, Evguoni: Born at Hazen, 18 July 1921. Lives at Moseow. BRITKINA, Olga: Born at Moscow, 6 February 1919. Interpreter. Lives at Moscow. ZAITSEV, Sergei: Soo above. Spain Do SANTIAGO Rivera, Enrique: Born at Tortosa? 14 July 1891. Translator, A member of the Central Committee of the Uni- tarian Service Committee. in France, Negrinist. Member Spanish General Union or Workers (UGT). Communist sympath- izer. Attended an Extraordinary Congress of the CTAL (Confederation of Latin'American Workers) in Paris Oct 1945 as-a fraternal delegate. PASTOR, Rosa: Born at Cairo, 21 October 1927. Lives in Paris. Holds identity card # 00222 (or 00282) issued at Paris. Switzerland ROCCER, Moritz: Born at Lorcrn (Luzern?) 3 June 1921. SCHEINER, Otto: Born at 8, Gallo. Holds passport // 29846. Tunisia TUDJANI, Abid: Born at Tunis, 30 April 1927. Lives at Dorissa. United States HEINRICHES, Leo: Born at Milwaukee, 12 Neember .926. 'SAMPOS, dao rca: Born at Milwaukee, 20 August 1928. 4 23 f." San itiZPII Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R04 0200070001-1 L. 'Sanitized - AptirOved For Release : CIARDP780915R000200070001-1 AMATEV, Zurida: Born at New York, 9 January 1924. - GRANTOR, Isaac: Alias lake GOLD. Born at Now York, 12 -April 1893. Writer of column "Change the World" in Daily Worker. Became a member of PUSA when it was founded. 1Tritor of several books, plays, short stories. In October 1940 was chairman of a political rally held under the auspices of the CP for metal workers in New York City. In 1945 was a member of Henry Forbes Communist Club. Considered one of the most able Commun- ist Party organizers among the Jewish People. A member of numerous communist-front organizations. Venezuela MagommoRWOr41#140somer GARCIA Salzar, Pantaloon: Born at Juan Priego, 11 December 1917. Lives at Caracas. Yu',oslavia GRIT, Karel: Born at Sv. Kriz, 6 January 1914. Lives at Ljubljana. KOTLE (KATLE), Nikola: See above. MILANKOVIC, Dusan: Dorn at Budapost in 1914. Lives at Buddpest. Functionary of the Yugoslav Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Also attended Metal Workers 1 Conference at Turin 21 - 24 June 1949. SULJTOVIC; H. (HASAN?): Born at Kroka, 20 March 1925. Lives at Kreka, VUGLEH, Stjopan: Born at Falsovar, 24 August 1913. Lives at Zagreb. Miscellaneous Notes_;_ allin?MPino.mmummes.r.....MivoNaoroemaawatft?Maya A meeting of the Administrative Committee of the T.U.I. of Miners was held 30 - 31 January 1950 at Paris. Present were: Henri T4AR1IL, Antoine SCPRO:AER, Mario FAliI and Pavel SHELAKRIN, members of the Committee and B. GEBERT, Vico Secretary of the WFTU. The following reports and statements were on the agenda: a) a report of the T.U.I. Secretary, SCFROE,DER, on the activity of the International since its founding; b) reports of members of the Administrative Committee on the situation of minors in France, Italy, the U.S.S.R. Belgium and Luxembourg; statement by GEBERT on the situation of minors in the United States and in Great Britain; d) statement by MARTEL on the growth of uneroloyment and poverty in capitalist countries, 24 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 v' Sanitized - A halved For Release : CIA-RDP7M915R000200070001-1 . TRADE UNION INTERNATIONAL OF MIT,41, FNGI 77NG Constituent Conference: Turin, Italy - 21-24 Juno 1949 1-1.2L2,11aSt?rP Paris, 8?, France - 10 rue Vezelay Administrative Committee: President: ROVED:i., Giovanni (Italy) Vice-Presidents: milEzINn; Vladimir (U.S.S.R.) THORNTON, Ernest (Australia) Members: ' HAVELKA, 7. (Czechoslovakia) MEYERS, H. (Netherlands) PESCHKE,'fnu (Germany) Pnu (Rumania) SCARNELLI, fnu (Trieste) GARCIA Moreno Antonio (Mexico) CHAO Kuo-chiang (China) Two places on the Administrative Committee wore reserved for the Trade Unions of the Anglo-Saxon countries. Auditing Committee Representatives of :Ale Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Hungary wore elected to the Auditing Committee. Names not known. Biecra, hical Data Concernin Officers of the T.U.T. 0r, Metal and Engineering Industries BEREZINE, Vladimir: President Central Committee Ergincering Industry Trade Unions of the U.S.S.R. mg) Kuo-chiang: No biographical data available. GARCIA Moreno, Antonio: Member of the National Committee of the Union General do Obroros y Camposines do Mexico (U.G.O.C.N.), General ? Union of Workers and Farmers of Mexico. A voting member-of the Mexican Committee in Defense of Peace. Born 19 Nov 1915, at Monterrey, N.L. Chemist. HAVELKA, V.: This is possibly Engineer Jiri HAVELKA, the Director of Rosearch-and Development for the nationalied Czech electronics industry, TESLA, and a qualified scientist. jOURDAIn, Andre: Born 2 Sep 1904, Androsy, Seine-et-Oise, Franco. Tool maker; entered syndical movement 1936. Union Secretary of GrandoCouronne Chemical Products Company; member, Executive Com, mittoo, Chemical Industries Union and member of the Seine-Inferieure Departmental Union. Delegate, 2nd Congress of 'FTU at Milan June- July 1949. EARIN, inu: No biographical data available: MEYERS, H.: No biographical data available. PESCHKE, fnu: Is probably Paul PESCHKE, well-known German Communist who was active in Sweden during Lorld "Tar II, and who returned to the Soviet Zone in Germany in January 1946. Paul PESCHKE was a Gorman delegate to the 2nd World Congress of the 'TFTU at Milan, June-July 1949; he was born in 1890 and carried passport # 15418/44. anitipm 25 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-09915R0100200070001-1 Sanitized - A ved For Release : CIA-RDP74)915R000200070001-1 "44?0iiift ROVEDA, Giovanni: Born at Mortara (Pavia) on 4 June 1894; syndical organizer; Senator; effective member of the General Directorate and of the Central Committee of the Communist Party; resident of Turin, Italy. Mayor of Turin 1945 - 1946; Executive Committee of CGIL-1949. SCARNELLI, fnu: No biographical data available. THORNTON, Ernest: General Secretary United Iron Workers' Union of Australia. Attended 10th Congress of All'Union Trade Unions at Moscow. A leading Communist of Australia. Active in waterfront and affiliated unions in Australia. Attended Conference of the Pakistan Trade Union Federation 21 - 23 April 1950; attended Conference of the Metal Trades Secretariat of the WFTU at Karachi, Pakistan, April 1950. Spoke at Consulation Conference of represent- atives of T.U.I.'s at Budapest 10 14 May 1950. 25a Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 Sanitized - Ap ed For Release : CIA-RDP78-41115R000200070001-1 000011?. Dolc_ates to the Constituent Conference of the T.U.I. of Metal Workers Albania vormormsa...inew. BAHIRI, Nobahet: See note under T.U.I. of Miners. Australia THORNTON, Ernest: Sec biographical note above. British FOULKES, Frank: Born at Rockdale, 31 March 1899. Clerk. Communist. General President of Electrical Trades Union. KEEN, Margaret: Born at London, 30 September 1927. Student Lives in London. ? WALKERS, Jose0a. Born at Liverpool, 15 May 1903. Lives at Liverpool. Canadian HARRIS, George W.: Born in Canada, 8 August 1910. Merchant. Member of National Committee of Canadian CP. Finland KIVI, Jacob: Dorn 21 October 1892. Syndical organizer. Lives at Helsinki. Old-time, active Communist. Reportedly is convinced that the cause of Communism may best be promoted by capturing the trade unions. Vice Chairman of Engineering Workers' Trade Union, MYKKANENTREVI, lima: porn at Helsinki, 13 April 1926. Student. Lives at Helsinki. France BEAUMONT, Henri:* Metal Worker, Lo BOORVELLEC, Ginette: at Chareton. BOUSQUET, Denise: Born Lives in Paris, FERRIER, Simone: Born Lives in Paris. MASDARELLO, Livio: Worker. SCHULZ, Tride: Born at Lichtenrade, 1 August 1909. Lives at Paris. Identity card as Gorman refugee issued by Paris Police Prefect, 8 June 1948. Born at Paris, 2 May 1909. Lives at Paris. Born 19 September 1923. Typist. Lives ih Paris, 27 April 1920. in Paris, 25 March Born in France Secretary. 1912. journalist. 15 September 1919. Metal Greece NALPANIS, Anatole: Soo note under T.U.I. of Miners. Euaaaa GASPAR, Sandor: Born 15 April 1915. Employee. General Secretary of the Railwaymen's and Seamenls Unions of Hungary. SZEMNER, Rerso: Born 15 January 1914. Employee. Lives in Budapest. KOMI, Miklos: Born at Szeghalom, 16 August 1920. Employee. Resides in Budapest. YHENDE, Istran: Born*at Maramoros, 13 March 1913. Employee. Lives at Budapest. Sanitized - Approved For Release : 61A-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 Sanitized - Ap ed For Release : CIA-RDP7840915R000200070001-1 letr" 1,0=4AR, Koshov Wolkanlh: Born at Waidylovayan, 7 August 1896. Worker. Lives at Bombay. Itix41?. MA4E.S, Joaquin: Born at Barcelona, 24 December 1900. Resides in Mexico City, Mexico. Metal Worker. 'oiblancis BUZELAARI Gerrit Cornolis: Dorn at Soest, 24 Pebruary 1912. Rosie', in Amsterdam. Salaried secretary of the Central Committee of the Metal Union, KLLIIM,? Dirk: Born at -11stonlm 11 ray ( ,n(thor report gives date of birth as 11 April 1982,) Technician. Lives in Amsterdam. According to a report of September 1949, he was to reslan his position as Chairman of the Central Committeo of the A.B.T. (General Transport Union) to servo as Secretary of the T.U.I. of Seamen and nockors, NOOTER, Hendrikus Jacobus: Born at Amstordam, 20 November 1920. Technician, Resides in Rotterdam. Salaried propagandist of the Metal Union of Workers in the Meta,1 IntIstry and affiliated branches joining in the United Trade Unions Central (E.V.C.). A member of the Central Committee of this Union. Poland BNAPEZYK, Josef: B orn at Sosnomec, 30 October 1903. Mechanic. Besides at Warsaw. RUSTECKY0 Jan: Born at Warsaw, 21 June 1903. Lives in Warsaw. Metal lathe werkor, In 1945 elected to the Warsaw Trade Union Council. Momber pf Polish Communist Party before World War IL Organized Communist cell at POttSX factory. Plected to Polizh Parliament in 1947 from the "Democratic" ;doe from the District of Warsaw-. "WO WECHSLER?'Edith: Born at Bucharest, 4 October 1909, Lives at Paris. DEREZINE, Vladimir: See above. BORISOVA, Varvara; Born 16 October 1899. Typist. Lives in Paris. DRANOV, Vasili: Born in tho U.S.S.R., 25 December 1913. Attended CQngress of WPTU held in Rome An spring of 1948. EVANOV-1 Pavel: Born at Voroneb in 1912, Soviet syndical delegate. GLEBOV, Dmitri: Born in the U.3.S.11,1 1900. Soviet Commercial RspresentatIve in Switzerland. KHRISTOV, Ivan; Porn in the U.S.S.R. in 1914. Delegate. Des- cribed in one report aa a "naval specialist". KOTOMINA Irena: Born 5 October 1924. Interpreter. Lives in PariQ, KYKOV, Pavel; Born in the u.s.s.n. in 1914. Sydical delegate. PASSYNKOVA? Tamara: Born in the U.S 1 Nay 1920. Employee of the Soviet Commecial Representative in Italy. PICHUGIN(E), Anatoli: Soviet Commercial Representative in Italy. Born 8 August 1911 at Moscow. 27 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 Sanitized - Apphded For Release: CIA-RDP784015R000200070001-1 DORRAS Libis, Pedrafila: Born in Soria, 18 March 1890(?). Mechanic. Lives in Paris. PASTOR, Rosa: See -note under T.U.I. of Miners. Do SANTIAGO Rivera, Enrique: See note under T.U.I. of Miners, United States BLAKE, Ruth (AliasBLECH? Ruth): Born in Now York, 30 April 1921, Student. Described in one report as "untrustworthy, unstable and definitely a-Communist." FRANICH (or GRANICH), Marie: Born 12 March 1905. Typist. Lives in Paris. Venezuela TORRES Eloy, Felix: Born at Caracas-, 1 December 1918. Employee, Lives at Caracas,. Member of Political Bureau and of Central Committee of the Venezuelan CP. Zuela2.14ia BUDIMIR, Franici Born at Sarajevo,30 January 1921. Worker. Lives at Sarajevo. MILANKOVIC, Dusan: See note under T.U,I. of Miners. MOZETIC, Boris: Born at Ljubljana, 12 April 1919. Lives at Ljubljana. SUBASIC, Janan: Born at Gospodinci, 14 December 1915. Syndical functionary. Lives in Belgrade. VANIC, M!_rko: Born at Sisak, 6 May 1908. Lives at Belgrade, Member of Executive Committee of Federation of Labor of Yugo- slavia (3SJ). VRABEC, Tome: Born at Krisevei, 6 December 1913. Coppersmith. Lives as Zagreb. Miscellaneous Notes: In addition to the delegates, observers from trade union organizations of Belgium, Great Britain, Canada and Finland attended the Conference. Since they were not granted visas by the Italian government, the delegates of Bulgaria, China, North Korea, South Korea and Japan Imre unable to attend the conference. Tho Secretary of the T.U.I. of Metal and Enginooring Industries took part in the sittings of the Committee on Steel of the UNO Economic Commision for Europe. WTUM - October 1949, The International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter "orkors of the United States has just affiliated to the Trade Unions International of the The President of the Union has stated that his union "supports the WFTU be- cause the fight for world peace must be the concern of workers everywhere in the world". WTUM March 150. Sanitized - Approved For ReleaseCIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 Sapitized-App41106:1ForRelease:CIA-RDP78-6615R000200070061-1 "MA!. iAt UNToN T.U.T. of Workers in Chemical and Allied Industries Conference: Budapest, Hungary, 12 - 14 March 1950 Head(uarters: Budapest Administrative Committee: President: GUIDI, Eugenio (Italy) Vice-Presidents: KOVALTEV, Nikolai (U.S.S..) PIGELET, Robert (or Paul (France) Secretary: BOZSOKI, Ferenc (or Ferer) (Hungary) Members: EPIC, fnu (Czechoslovakia) (Probably Josef SPIC, who was a Czech delegate to II Korld Congress of WFTU at Milan, June-July DROZDZ, Victor (Poland) Members will be nominated later to represent the German Democratic Republic, China and Latin America, Auditino Committee: PAUL, Robert (France) BUTUZA, Gavrila (Rumania) KRIVOCHIEV, Dimitar Hristov (Bulgaria) A Preparatory Conference had boon hold 12 - 14 November 1949 at Bologna, Italy. It was attended by: GUIDI, Eugenio (Italy) BADULIK, Adolf (Czechoslavakia) WOHRYZEK? Jan (Czechoslovakia) FINCK, Edouard (France) REITESNEHEN (REITIESL7HEN),Max L. (Germany) RADIO, Arpad (Hungary) GEBERT, %lc:slaw (Poland) BLAKE, Ruth U.S.A. Biooraohical Data Concerning Officers and Organizers of the T.U.I. of Workers in Chemical Industries: GUIDI, Eugenio: President, Trade Unions International of Wor1?is in Chemical and Allied Industries. Member of Italian Communist Party. From Terni, Italy. Member of Directive Committee of the OGIL (Italian General Confederation of Labor): National Secretary, Chemical Workers' Union, KOVALIEV, Nikolai H. Vice-Prosident, T.U.I. of Workers in Chomical and Allied Industries. Born at Begisto (or Bleiza) in the U.S.S.R. in 1907; Chairman, Chemical Workers' Union, u.s.s.n ? attended the First Congress of Austrian United Trade Union, 18 May 1948; attended Thu National Congress of Chemical Workers (Italian) hold at Florence, Italy, 26 - 28 Juno 1949. Lives in Moscow, BABULIK, Adolf: Born at Zoverce, 27 May 1891." Lives at Suchodol, Czechoshwakia. Secretary and Interpreter. BLAKE, Ruth: Sue note under T.U.I. of Metal and Engineering Industries, Sanitized - Approved For Release4CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 Sanitized - Apped For Release : CIA-RDP78-01015R000200070001-1 FINCK, Edouard: Born at Paris, 28 March 1891. Secretary General of the Chemical Workers Federation of France, RADIC, Arpad: Dorn in Budapest, 31 August 1901, Lives'in Budapest, Secretory General cf-the Hungarian Chemical Workers. REITESLEHEN(REITESNEHEN), Max Lea: Born at Pazin? 21 February 1900. German. Domiciled at Berlin. Secretary General of the Chemi- cal rorkers'Federation of the German Democratic Republic of the Soviet Zone, WOHRTEK, Jan: Born at Drosech, 7 March 1919. Czech, residing in Brogue. Secretary General of the Czechoslovak Chemical Workers, Delo ates at Constituent Conference of Chemical Workers (This is not believed to be a complete 1i5t7 Austria PAULS, Hans Bulgaria KRIVOCNIEV, Ddmitar Hristov Czeche42,Yeall BADULIK, Adolf SPIC, fnu WOHRYZEK, Jan France ???????...1.10.1100 CUIPION? Abel FINCK, Edouard PAUL Robert PIGELET, Robert (or Paul) CQ /Ina** REITESNZI1EN (REITESLEIEN GrOOW THEOS, Constantino 2.11.42'4Ia BOZSOKI, Ferenc() (or Ferer) RADIC, Arpad 4a1;17 GUIDI, Eugenio VINTSENZO, fnu Korea Max L. LEE Do Chin: Representative of North Korea Chemical Workers Trade Union PAK In San: Representative of North Korea Chemical Workers Trade Union Poland DROZDZ0 Victor GEBERT? Bole slaw 30 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000200070001-1 f ? 1. HT:1'17: ? Sanitized - App ed For Release : CIA-RDP78-16015R000200070001-1 Rumania PUTU:A, Gavrila %atQa ???fien P:11,...H