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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200060045-3 PROPAGANDA FORG ALLISON CABLES 7-59 ? ALPHABETICAL LIST Two cables, surfaced in the 28 September 1937 issue of Blits. Purportedly sent by U. S. Ambassador ALLISON, in Iedons to the U. S. Embassy is Taipei. The first reported on necessity of increasing military aid" to the revel farces in Indonesia, while the second was a "progress report" on U., S. is to overthrow President SUKARNO. The second closed with a note on details of packaging arms shipments for smuggling to the dissident DARUL ISLAM leaders in -Indonesia. rfaced in Blitz, 28 September 1957. BERRY LETTER L*tter purportedly written by U. S. Assistant Defense etary Frank B. BERRY to Defense " cretary Neil MC ELROT on 27 March 1938. The letter was a ''confidential report" to Secretary Mc ELROY, stating that medical examinations had shown that 67.3 percent of all U. S. Air Force flight personnel were psychmourotic (alcoholics, sex perverts, etc.) due to the strain of flying with atomic bomb loads. Surfaced in Neuss Deutschland, 7 May 1958. N/EISENHOWER CORRESPONDE E Beret letter thich Israeli Premier BEN OUR exchanged with President EISENHOWER since about 16 July, i. ee. , two days after the revolution in Iraq, and continuing to date. " Surfaced in Cairo daily AL ARRAM, with the above Introduction, on 3 October 1958. Tied by subsequent replay with the RAELI GENERAL STAFF campaign, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200060045-3 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200060045-3 ALLISON CABLES Two tables, surfaced in the 28 September 1957 issue of B . Purportedly sent by U.S. Ambassador ALLISON, i* Indonesia, U. S. Embassy in Taipei. The first reported on "thee bile the second yeses a " arogreess report" on U.S. iflorts to overthrow President SUKAR tO. The second close with a note on, details of packaging arms shipments for smuggling to the dissident DARUL ISLAM leaders in Indonesia. Surfaced in Blitz, 2d September 1957. BERRY LETTER Letter purportedly written by U. S. Assistani Secretary Frank B. BERRY to Defense Secretary Neil olution, in Iraq, and continuing "confidential report" to Secretary Mc ELROY that medical weaea iaeaf i+ no had shown that 47.3 pare* all U.S. Air Force flight personnel were psychonsurotic coho w x. 61 >'v , ate.) due to the strain of flying with atomic bomb leads. Surfaced in Neuss Deutschland, 7Ila, daily AL AHRAM, with the BEN GVRION1F October L9$8 -Tied by subsequent replay with the ISRAEL; pity of increasing military aid" to the ravel forces in LROY on 27 March 1958. The letter Was 9 days aft. . " Surfaced NHOW at E$ NHO ER since about 16 July, Bich Israeli Premier BEN OU N has above introduction, on ERAL STAFF campaign. Sanitized - Approved Fo - P78-00915RO01200060045-3 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200060045-3 DISH P DI"CTrVz Allegation, in Wits of 13 July 19 57, of the existence of a State Departn nt active to .Ann radon BISHOP, in Thailand, ordering him to use all local U, 8. ietiligettce facilities "t+ screen the loyalties of the King and Me C ov'ernnt members. " S $ E SI-Ova forgery of an entire issue of a bo fide Czech emigre newspaper, CAE SLOVO, which is pub shed by Czech CVAKE SLOVO was going out of existence becaus e .an editors were disillusioned with the Wiest, axe carried other anti-Western propaganda. Mailed "black", June 1958. SANG lA-s}c LETTI R TO EISE niOWER Blitz of 15 December 1958 reported that CHIANG k had recently written a letter to President EISENHOWER, warning that "every third soldier" in the CHINAT Army was disloyal. t3AAND'M S c et memorandum" allegedly written by U. S. Mary of State DULL to President E P OWER, han to real ob ctiv, of U. S. policy in the Middle a to suppress national independence movements and to establish the U. S. in the colonial role previously occupied { Sanitized - Approved FoN?~rYy, Release: Release CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200060045-3 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200060045-3 BISHOP DIRECTIVE Allegation, in Blitz of 13 July 1957, of the existence of at State Department directive to Ambassador BISHOP, in Thailand, ordering him to use all local U.S. Intelligence facilities "to *croon the loyalties of the King and his Qovernmeent moem rs. !: editors were disillusioned with the West, and carried SLCVO [unich. The forged issue announced that CESKE SLOVO, which to pub i#hed y of an entire issue of a bona tide C CESKE SLOVO was going out of existence because its other anti-Weesteern propaganda. Mailed "black"s June 195$. C Kai-shek had recently written a letter to President EISENHOWER, warning that "every" third soldier" the CHAT Army was disloyal. ETTER TO EISENHOWER Bits of 1 December 1958 reported that CXUA kxrdum" allegedly written by U.S. to DULLES to President EISENHOWER, o suppress national independence raovornont* and to areal objective of U. S. policy in the Middle establish the U. S. la the colonial role previously occupied by Great Britain and France. Surfaced is an article on the ROCKEF'ELLER LETTER. The article ended, "it is clear that the (DULL ZS) memorandum met with the agreement Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200060045-3 Sanitized - Approved' For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200060045-3 of the National Security Council and served as a o-called ZOENHOW. R DOCTRINE. " Surfaced in dues yi"Wand 10 March 193?. ETT];R allegedly written by Ludwif ER ARD, West it star of Economics, to Chancellor ADENAUER, "thee highest representatives of the West r y support ARENA UE,R,'s policy nation without reserve and emphatically kUER to frustrate all attempts teed a relaxation ational tene-ion, to prevent the convening of the Summit ace, and to reject along with the U.S., the Policy of Aceful coexistence. " Surfaced RUDE PRAVO (Prague),, ay 1938. FROST LETTER Letter allegedly written by Rear Admit FROST, Chief of U. g. Naval b telfligencs Beau, to Indonesian rebel leader KAWILARANG. The letter I just because the U. S. on the surface, non .inteerfetreene aesian civil war, re and added, W. will aontinus giving stance to you through Taiwan and the Philippince and other channels. " Surfaced in Time Mirror, Rangoon, 8 June 1938. HOOVER LETTER Purportedly written by former U. g. Under secretary of State Herbert HOOVER, Jr., to "the American capitalist CURTIS who is now In Vane mmueela. " The 1e ,ter is a confidential offer to CURTIS of the job of directing the Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200060045-3 S- --C .R_E>T Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200060045-3 Neu es Deutscbltnd. 10 March 1957. for the so-creed EISENHOWER DOCTRINE." .of the National Security Council and served as a basis tter allegedly written by Ludwif ZRHARI, West Minister of Economics , to Chancellor ADENAUER, that "the highest representatives of the West smeat industry support ADBNAUER's policy of international tension, to prevent tl* convening of the emit Conference. and to reject aloft with the U.S., the Policy of of ret ilitarisation without reserve and emphatically ask ADENAUER to frustrate all. attempts toward a rela al 11 Surfaced RUDE PRAVO (Prague.), FROST LETTER Lotter allegedly written by Re FROST, Chief of U.S. Naval Intelligence B Indonesian rebel leader ', A ILrARAN . The lust because the U. S. issued statements expressing, on the surface, nen-interf,reence in the Indonesian civil wax. " and added. assistance to you through Taiwan and the *Is. " Surfaced In The Mirror. Ra HOOVER LETTER Purportedly written by former U. S. Under Secretary confidential offer to CURTIS of the job of dire of State Herbert HOOVER, :r., to "the A terican capitalist CURTIS who is now in Venezuela. " The letter is a Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200060045-3 S -E-C-R> ?T Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200060045-3 U. S. Government program. for wresting control of the Sai oil fields away from France and obtaining oweeership for U. S. oil companies Instead. (Thee letter did not show the identity of the aeidr eie~seeee, which was suppled editorially, as above, by Neu** Deutschland in surfacing the forgery.) urt&ced In lead 2 January 1958. STAP1 PLAN The first was launched as a rumor campaign, in ddle Vast, that the French and Israeli Gone ,r on a plan for joint Israeli/French ors March-April, 1957. The tocond-tied with the first in latsr replay--wave a propaganda forgery entitled "Strategic Plan the Israeli Army for 1956.57 -? Translated from the original to Hebrew, f ,published in a booklet entitled ".gagger of Israeli" by BLITZ, in Bombay, in fall of 195?. The "Strategic Plan" purpor+ show israeai , planning to seise the terr#to: s of all its Arab igghbor s. 'JOHN H" LETTER, in the BE ,UT AL.MASAA and au versions was signed "3O H" but in the Soviet ritteen -to members of the !U.S. Army Task Force in ,y versions was signed "JOHNSON". Letter purported to Munich on 27 July.... A ew day* ^ go we received s-g, 11 arrived together r.'ith a group of American officers in by an .officer in the 75th U.S. Engineer Battalita. orderer to remain in Lebanon for 15 uiosths to insure U. S. security and "tranquility. In addition to this, it is intended to carry out large-scale technical work to Labanon,for turning the Riyaq and Al-C 1yat airports into bases for 4 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200060045-3 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200060045-3 -C -R-E -T lawa