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Approved For Release ? CIA-RDP7R-MG1-9PQQ ZQQQ7QQ DIRECTORY OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DEMOCRATIC LAWYERS (IADL) 17 July 1961 rr EmO9VE FROM FILE Approved or a ease : IA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 DIRECTORY OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DEMOCRATIC LAWYERS (LADL) 17 July 1961 (This directory is based on information received by 1 May 1961.) Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 DIRECTORY OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DEMOCRATIC LAWYERS (IADL) 17 July 1961 Note. This directory has two parts. The first and smaller part deals with the headquarters of the IADL. The second and larger part deals with the national affiliates. We have included in this second part those countries in which the national affiliate is inactive or not firmly organized but has some contact with the IADL. .Contents Page I. Headquarters .. ....................... ............. Address ........................... ............. .. 2 Other Offices .................... .2 Membership ....................................... 2 Officers .............................................. 3 Editorial Board ..................... 4............... 3 Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. 4 Special Commissions ............................... 5 II. National Affiliates and other Contacts. (The arrangement is alphabetically by country, from Albania to Yugoslavia) 9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Directory of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) Part One. Headquarters Address of Secretariat 234 rue de Trone, Brussels 5 , and Editorial Board Belgium Cable address Telephone Other Offices Membership Interjurist, Brussels 48.99.75 A "Centre de Documentation" was maintained and may still be at 70 Avenue le Grand, Brussels, apparently the home of Lucienne Bli:eck-Bouffiaux,, former IADL treasurer, Office of the secretary general, Joe Nordmann, 19 Quai de Bourbon, Paris, tel. Danton 72.45. Office of the Czech national section in Prague as well as Warsaw office are believed to be very important. A Latin American regional committee to be established in Cuba (with representatives from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Peru) was planned at the 1960 IADL Congress. 70, 000 in 57 countries (claimed). Correspondence with 80 countries Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 Officers (October, 1960) Honorary President Collective Presidency Vice Presidents Dennis Noel PRITT (Britain) Pierre COT (France) Rudolf BYSTRICKY (Czechoslovakia) A. B. PERERA (Ceylon) Mme. Gerty ARCHIMEDE (Guadeloupe) Ali BADAWI (Egypt) Henrique FIALHO (Brazil) Jose SANTIAGO (Cuba) Yoshitaro HIRANO (Japan) Octavio ANDRADE Delgado (Venezuela) Marian MAZUR (Poland) K.P. GOR SHENIN (USSR ) Boris LOZANO (Bulgaria) Henri ROSSIGNOL (France) LI Shen-yu (China) SHEN Chun-ju (China) Teja SINGH (India) Umberto TERRACINI (Italy) Note: Places were reserved for vice presidents from Britain, Indonesia, an Arab country, two Black African countries, and another Latin America-n country. Secretary General Joe NORDMANN Secretaries Eugene BENEDEX (Hungary) Mario BERLINGUER (Italy) Ion MANOLIU (Rumania) Osny DUARTE Pereira (Brazil) Joachim RENNEBER.G (East Germany) TRAN Cong Tuong (Vietnam) Treasurer Jean DEGUENT (Belgium) Editorial Board D.N. PRITT, Editor (Britain) Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 S. BRA TUS (USSR) Rudolf BYSTRICKY (Czechoslovakia) Gerard LYON-CAEN (France) Mieczyslaw MANELLI (Poland) Ugo NA TOLI (Italy) Guglielmo NOCERA (Italy) A.B. PER ERA (Ceylon) Peter PA-IN (Britain) Raymond SAURRAUTE (France) Luben VASSILEV (Bulgaria) Roland WEYL, Editorial Secretary (France) Review of Contemporary Law (former title, Law in the Service of Peace). Currently published only in English and French and only twice a year, in June and December. Price for the two issues, 150 Belgian francs or $3 US. IADL Commentaries and Bulletins on subjects of current Soviet policy such as Contribution to the Study of Disarmament Problems, U-Z, and After, Study Circle on Nationalism. Proceedings of the Commission on Private International Law. Proceedings of the Commission on Penal Procedure. Proceedings of the Commission on Legal Problems of Peaceful Coexistence Review of the Trial of Manolis Glezos, Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 Special Commissions and Committees A prime operational method of the IADL is to organize special commissions or committees to investigate or report on specific situations currently being exploited by Soviet propaganda. Some of these bodies are the following. 1. International Committee to Save Farjallah Hilu (formed in 1960) Joe NORDMANN (France) Edmund AWN (Lebanon) Antun TA BIT (Lebanon) Mario BERLINGUER (Italy) Jean BOULIER (France) Henrique FIALHO (Brazil) Daniel LA TIFI (India) John TAKMAN (Sweden) 2. International Commission of Lawyers for Review of the Trial of Manolis Glezos. Rene William THORPE (France), former President of the Paris Bar Sonja BR-ANTING (Sweden) S. BATTAGLIA (Italy), Supreme Court Lawyer Rene BLUM (Luxemburg), former Minister of Justice and President of the Chamber of Deputies M. BONDUELLE (France), Appeal Court lawyer Maurice CORNIL (Belgium), Appeal Court M. LEVY-BRUHL (France), Appeal Court Joe NORDMANN (France), Appeal Court D.N. PRITT (Britain), Queen?s Counsel David LAMBERT (France) Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 3. International Lawyers Cmmmi-ssion to Exa-mine the Karlsruhe Trial (A trial that withdrew legal recognition from the 'e-st German Communist Party), formed- in 1954-but still in-existence. This commission issued a pamphlet in May 1960 entitled "Des Juristes Temoignent pour la Lega?lite du Parti Communiste Allemand. Members of this commis-sion are: Abbe Jean BOULIER (France) Benedict BIRNBERG (Britain) Mario BERLINGUER (Italy) Francesco GER-ABONA (Italy) Cha-rles FISENMANN (France) (fnu) FRANK (Sweden) Daniel LATIFI (India) Guglielmo NOCERA (Italy) Joe NORDMANN (France) D.N. PAR-ITT (B?ritain) Domenico RIZZO (Ita-ly) Henri ROSSIGNOL (France) Raymond SARRAUTE (France) Henry TORRES (France) Yorma UITTO (Finland) Among other lawyers who supported this commission were. Dr. AMMANN (GFR) M. BERG (GFR) Paul BONCOUR (France) Anders BRATHOLM (Norway) Rudolf BYSTRICKY (Czechoslovakia) Albert CHATELET (France) Pierre COT (France) Georges DASSESSE (Belgium) Pierre DELON (France) A. de CayeuxDE SENARPONT (France) Ernest FUCHS- (GFR) Victor HANSEN (Denmark) Andre HARIOU (France) (fnu) HOSTETTLER (Britain) 6 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78; 00915RO01300070001-9 Jorgen JACOBSEN (Denmark) Colette Emile KAHN (France) Alphonse KHAN (GFR) Josef KOVACIK (Czechoslovakia) Herbert Kreuger (GDR) Bernard LAVERGNE (France) Andre LEROY (France) M. MOK (Netherlands) J.E. MOR TIMER (Britain) Karl PFANNENSCHWARZ (GFR) Albert PFRIMMER (France) M.D.-PROPER (Netherlands) Heinz R ENNER (GFR ) Dominique RIZZO (Italy) Herman -SCHIEMER ('GFR;) Raymond VALABREGUE (France) Pierre VILLON (France) 4. Commission to Collect Information on Legal Aspe cts of the Algerian Question: President Secretary Sarda-r Teja SINGH (India) Harish CHA-NDRA (India) Dr. Alfred FRISCH (Austria) HAMIANI (Morocco) Prof. Jasoji KAZAHAYA (Japan) Domenico RIZZO (Italy) 5. Other special bodies include: a. Commission to investigate the fate of Spaniards. repatriated from the Soviet Union. b. Commission for a definition of neutrality. c. Committee on the legal problems resulting from the development and use of atomic energy. d. Committee of jurists to visit Spain, Portugal, South Korea, Laos, Iran, Argentina, and Greece to study violations of democratic freedom. Approved For Release : CIA 15R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 e. International Commission on Algeria-:- Chairman Harish CHANDRA (India) Standing committees still in existence include: a. Committee on Human Rights. Chairman, Pierre COT (France) b. Committee on Constitutional Law, Chairman, Boris MANKOVSKIY, (USSR) c. Committee on Colonialism. Chairman, Iraj ESKANDARI (Iran) d. Committee on Maritime Law. Chairman, William L. STANDARD- (USA) e. Committee on War Criminals, Chairman, Mario BERLINGUER (Italy) f. Committee on Family Law, Chairman, Jerzy JODLOWSKI (Poland) g. Committee on Labor Law. Chairman, Ernest ROSENBUSCH (Switzerland) 8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915R001300070001-9 DIRECTORY OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DEMOCRATIC LAWYERS (IADL) Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Society of Albanian Jurists (Sh'egeria JuristP-ve Shgipetarl~) Members of the Presidium Luan OMA-RI, .dean of the Law Faculty Ga~go FLOQI, vice president of the Supreme Court Bilbi KLQSI Membership 300 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 A "Committee of Organization" for a national section was established in 1953. The organization of an Algerian section was again decided upon in 1960 at the Sofia conference of the IADL at which FLN lawyers, Maurice COURBEGE and Michel ZARIAN, were present. Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78'-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-0091 5RO01 300070001-9 ARGENTINA Lawyers Council of Argentina (Consejo de Abogados de la Argentina), established in connection with the Argentine Syndicate of Lawyers (Sindicato de Abogados de la Argentina) Officers Secretary General Secretaries Branch Address Officers President Secretary Rudolfo ARAOZ Alfaro Rodolfo ALVAREZ Colegio de Abogados de Mendoza Gutierrez 88 #6, Mendoza Dr. Joaquin LOPEZ Lawyers A-ssociation of Buenos Aires Dr. Maria Dolores Fonrouge de SAGIER Lawyers who have taken part in IADL-sponsored projects Dr. Marcos ANGELES David BAIGUN A. BARCIA Lopez, professor of civil law David B-OVERMAN Juan Atilio BRAMUGLIA, former minister and UN delegate Aaron BRIGIN A. BUSTELO 12 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 Artemio CAMPANELLO Emilio CARREIRA Elvira Elliacuria de DEL CASTILLO Manuel DURNA R, dean of Law Faculty of University of Sucre Iemael FELDMAN Carlos FONTAN Balestra, professor of penal law Norberto FRONTINI Juan Martin GUIDI Hernan Jorge HENRIQUEZ Uana JURI Isaac KO1 NBLITZ Enrique KOZICKI Antulio Horacio LENCINAS Miguel Carlos LOMBARDI Jose LUCA OLIVA Dr. Benito MARIANETTI, vice president of the Mendoza Bar Dr. Pedro MIRANDA, attorney in Argentine Presidency Secretariat Alfredo L. PALACIOS, rector of the University of La Plata Dr. Jose PECO Dr. Enrique RAME, director of Jove etude Radical Dr. Jorge de RIO, vice president of the National Institute of Social Welfare Salvador Aldo SAR BAR Samuel SCHMERKIN Julio SCHVERDFINGER Hipolito SIX TO Jimenez -Humberto Florencio -SUAREZ Prof. Carlos J. VARAGOT, director of the Faculty of Cordoba Eduardo WARSCHAVER 13 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Australian Section of the IADL, also called Council for Democratic Rights Leader Ha-rold RICH M.G. Jollie SMITH Enderby KEPPEL Eliot JOHNSTON Council for Democratic Rights of New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 AUSTRIA Austrian Section of the IADL (Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Rechtsentwickelung) Officers Secretary General Dr. Konrad MARASCHIK, Vienna 2, Kleine Sperlegasse 1 Participants in recent IADL activities Heinrich BRANDWEINER Olga CZERNAK Heinrich DUERMAYER Hugo EBNER Fritz HANACIK Kurt HEITLER Annie HOTCHEK Otto HUBEL Eduard RABOVSKY Margaret REINELT Stefan SCHWAMM Max VERAUER Johann WEISS Jakob ZANGER Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78'-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 BELGIUM Belgian Association of Democratic Lawyers (Association des Jurists Democra?tiq+ es de-la Belgique) The secretariat appears to be at the home of Marie Louise Moerens, 684?Chaussee d'Al&&emberg, Brussels, who is the secretary of the section. President Jules CHOME Participa-n-t-s in recent IA-DL activities Pierre BAUTIER Lucienne BLICK-BOUFFIOUX, a former treasurer of the IADL Leon CORNIL - Fernand " CUVELIER Georges DASSESSE, former preeide'tat Leon DEFOSSET Jean DEGUENT, IADL treasurer, tel. 44 40 94 Cecile DRAPS Madeleine FILMANT Jean FONTEYNE, Communist -s-enator, former IADL secretary Niko GUNZBERG Pierre HA-VELANGE Francine LYNA Paulette MARCHAL Jacques POLLET Jean TERFVE Andre THOMAS Raul Jules VAN DEN BULCKE Claudine VAN LAERE Jules WOLFE, president of the Judicial Section of the Belgian League for the Rights of Man and permanent delegate to the UN Human Rights Commission Approved For Release : MCIA 0915 R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 BOLIVIA La Paz Bar Association (Colegio de Abogados- de La- Paz) This association was reportedly affiliated with the IADL without the knowledge of its general assembly; it is not Communist dominated. It is not known whether any action was ever taken to disaffiliate and Bolivia has been represented at various IADL meetings by: Prof. Jose VALDIVIESCO Dr. Valentine ABECIA Dr. Jorge Salazar AR ZE Prof. Manuel DURAN (fnu) SIMONE Rene ZA LLES- A Bolivian federation of lawyers (Federacion Boliviana de Abogados) was reportedly formed in 1959. Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 BRAZIL Brazilian Association of Democratic Lawyers (Associacao Brasileira de- Juristas Dernocraticas) Address 21 Rue Mexico, Rio de Janeiro Membership Figures for membership have ranged from over 1000 to more than 200 Honorary President President Vice Presidents Senator Attilio VIVACQUA, president of the Federal Council for the Bra-zilian Legal Profess-ion Henrique FIALHO, judge of the Court of Justice of the Federal District Artur S. MARINHO, minister of the Federal Court of Appeal Sady C. GUSMAO, judge of the Court of Justice of the Federal District ivair Nogueir ITAGIBA, former president of the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro Elmano CRUZ, member of the Federal Court of Appeal J. P GALLOTTI, member of the Court of Justice of Santa Catarina Alberto AMER'ICANO, professor'at the National Faculty of Law Osny Duarte PEREIRA, Interior Judge of the Federal District Euz ebio da R OCHA , former federal deputy Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Treasurers Geraldo Irineo JOFFILY, Interior Judge of the Federal District Letelba Rodriguez de BRITO, lawyer Magarinos Torres FILHO, lawyer Sinval Palmeiro VIEIRA, lawyer Nelson COUTINHO, attorney at the Institute of Alcohol and Sugar Sinval PEREIRA, attorney at the Institute of Industrial Pensions Francisco CHERMONT, lawyer F.S. CARPENTER, professor of law at the University of Brazil Legal Representatives L.M. XAVIER, attorney of the Federal Savings Bank of Rio de Janeiro Maria Wert .eck de CASTRO Librarians Paulo MERCADANTE Arnaldo FARIA Consultative Council Carlos Sussekind MENDONCA, sub-attorney of the Court of Justice of Federal District Graco A o S, P o VASCONCELOS, Judge of the Federal District Jose Aguiar DIAS, member of the Federal Court of Appeal Homero PIRES, professor at the National Faculty of Law Jayme LANDIM Evandro LINS E SILVA, criminologist Alfredo TRAJAN Julio TEXEIR A Joao Pereira SAMPAIO, judge of the Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul Carlos de FIGUEREDO SA, judge in Sao Paulo Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 A. Saturnino BRAGA, chief of the Legal Service of the National Roadways Dept A.F. de BULHOES CARVALHO Others who have taken part in IADL-sponsored projects Oscar ARGOLO Carlos Xavier BARRETO Rodolfo Aguilez BERLIOZ Jose de Patrocino CALLOTTI Carlos CAMPOS (University of Belo Horizonte) Joao Amaral CASTRO (Belo Horizonte) Iva CHERMONT A. Lopes da COSTA (University of Minas Gerais) Nelson COUTINHO Lauro DEMORA Vitor GRAEF (president of the Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Sul) Francisco JULLAO Jose Dalmo de MATTOS Onofre MENDES (Procurator of Minas Gerais) Francisco Rodriguez de MIRANDA (Belo Horizonte) Jose Ortiz MONTEIRO Marcio PAIVA Alberto PONTES (Belo Horizonte) Mario de Salveiro Martin RAMOS (former ambassador to Guatemala) Sylvio B OLIN Buy SANTOS (professor of law at the Faculty of Economics, Minas Gerais) Sebastiao de SOUZA (judge) Paulo VALLE, lawyer Paulino de VARGAS VARRES (presi- dent of the Bar of Rio Grande do Sul) Altair de Oliveira LIMA 20 Approved For Relea. DP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Publication Revista de Dereito Contemporaneo, 151 Avetsilda Rio Branco, Office 707 Henrique FLALHO Edgar de Moura BITTENCOURT (Sao Paulo judge) Jose KONFINO, Caixa Postal 2746, Editor Rio de Janeiro Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 BULGARIA Union of Bulgarian Lawyers (Suyuz na Bulgarski Advocati) Membership 3000 Officers President Boris LOZANOV Participants in recent IADL activities Luen VASSILEV Boris KISSEV Lesanov KIOSSEV Nikola TSVETKOVSKI Anton YUGOV Boyan BULGARANOV Todor PRAKOV Rayko DAMYANOV Boris VELCHEV Kimon GEORGIEV Encho STAYKOV Georgi TSANKOV Radi NAYDENOV Mincho MINCHEV Nikola RUSCHEV Bulgarian Institute of Legal Sciences Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 BURMA Thakin CHIT, president of the Burma Lawyers' Association, led a delegation to the I,ADL-sponsored Asian Lawyers Conference. Z3 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 CAMEROUN Cameroun was represented at the 7th IADL Congress by Clovis ABOGCO, Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Canadian Association of Democratic Lawyers (inactive in recent years) Participant in recent IADL activities Norman A. ENDICOTT, son of a president of the WPC Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Ceylon Association of Democratic Lawyers 375 Dawn Street, Colombo (office of the secretary general). IADL Colombo Conference in 1958 held at 130 Hultsdorf Street, in G.O.H. Building, tel, #79221, ext. 1 President or Chairman M. W. H. DE SILVA, died in 1959, succeeded by A. B, PERERA Vice President (Deputy A. B. PER ERA, made a president Chairman) of the IADL in 1960, the Ceylonese representative at the UN and a former ambassador to Cairo Vice President A.C. NAFARAJA (also spelled NADARASA) Secretary General DR. DURGABAKSHI Other members K, K, Va ALAGIYAWANNA C. NAGALINGAM M. I, S. JAYASEKERA K. L. V ALAGIYAWANNA Hari Hara AIYAR, editor of the Ceylon Law Review T. DURAISINGAM V.A. SARAVANAMUTTO GTE Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Chilean Association of Democratic Lawyers (Asociacion.L Chilena de Jurista-s Democraticas) Address 53 Calle Catedral 1165, Santiago Membership Publication Officers President Figures never published but it is one of the strongest Latin American sections Derecho Contemporaneo Santiago WILSON, former minister of labor (not known when he succeeded Don Enrique ROSSEL) Vice President Ma-nuelo CONTRERAS Moroso Secretary Mario CARASCO Participants in recent IADL activities Hermes AHUMADA_:. Fernando ALBONICO Valenzuela Santiago ALEGRIA Alfaro Graciela ALVAREZ Eduardo ARRIAGADA Unda, secretary of the Amigos de Czechoslovakia Hector BEHM Rozas Alvaro BUNSTER Briceno, secretary of the University of Chile Antonio CABELLO Soriano Elena CA FFAR ENA de Giles Angel CALDERON Mario CARRASCO Balthasar CASTRO, former president of the Chamber of Deputies 27 Approved For Release : CIA-R R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Elena CONTRERAS Acuna Carlos CONTRERAS Labarca Enrique CRISOSTOMO Gazardo Guillermo DEL PEDR EGA L Raoul ESPINOSA Fuentes Clodomiro FIGUEROA Rene FRIAS Cesar GODOY Urrutia Enrique GOMEZ Miguel GONZALEZ Castillos Alberto GRAF Marin Jorge GULES Sergio INSUNZA Barrios Jorge JILES Pizarro Hugo LEA Plaza Luis MALAQUIAS Concha Mercelo MARTINEZ Candia Enrique MANZUR Balarce Humberto MAR TONES Quesada Humberto MEWES Vincente MONTI Dr. Antonio OSBELLO Sertano Fernando OSTOMOL Fernandez Maximo PACHECO Gomez Alejandro PEREZ Maria PEREZ Poblete Eugenio PUGA Dominguez Laura Herminia REYES Basualtoa sister of Pablo NERUDA Mario ROJAS Diaz Miguel SAIDEL Weinstein Marco Antonio SALUM Yasigi Enrique SCHEPELER Vasquez Sergio TEITELBOIM Volosky Volodia TEITELBOIM Volosky Raoul VARELA Carlos R. WEISS Carlos WOLFF Palma Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Branch Association of Democratic Lawyers of Valparaiso President Heraclio MENDOZA Active Member Sergio TEITELBOIM Volosky, Calle Condell 1176, office 16 Valparaiso Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 CHINA (People's Republic of China Chinese Association of Political and Legal Sciences (Chung-Kuo Cheng-Chih Fa-La Hsrieh-Hui) Membership Officers President Vice Presidents 9, 000 (1953) WU Te-feng CHANG Chih-jang CHANG Yu-yu, director of the Legal Science Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Secretary CHU Ch'i-wen Council Members KO Pai-nien, vice pr-esident of the Institute of International Relations HAN Yu-t1ung, deputy dean of the Institute of Political and Legal Sciences of Peking YANG Hua-nan, dean of the Law Faculty of the People's University of China SUN Ya-ming, d-eputy director of the Legal Office of the Permanent Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China SHEN chan- ju, chairman of the China Democratic League MIN Hang-han CHANG Chih-jang, vice president of the Supreme People's Court Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 Other members WANG Liangppresident of the Peopl0?s Middle Court of Peking TSAO Meng-chun LIU Chi-han The Chinese Institute of Political and Legal Sciences has a number of associated groups one of which is: The Peking,Lawyersa Association Chairman CHIEN Shou-io director of office #5 of the Ministry of Justice Publication Studies in Political and Legal Sciences circulation 28, 000 China New Law Research Association Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 ownep"Tom COLOMBIA Association of Democratic Lawyers of Colombia (Asociacion de Juristas Democraticas de Colombia) Chairman Apolinas DIAZ Callejas, Avenida Jimenez 8-74, Bogota Secretary R. Humberto OVIEDA Hernandez Participants in recent IADL activities Alberto AGUILERA Comacho Eugenio BARNEY Cabrera Joaquin.Fr-anco BURGOS Luis Eduardo GACHARNA Perdono, manager of Horizontes magazine Bernardo GARCIA Zapata Diego MONTANO Cuellar Juan Francisco MUJICA Santiago PENA Basa Luis Carlos PERES Mario PEREZ Velasco Alvaro PEREZ Vivez Nelson ROBLES Horacio RODRIGUEZ Plata Felipe SALAZAR Santos Jose Domingo VELEZ Escobar Jorge ZALAMEA Borda Publication Revista de Derecho Comparado Editor Alvaro PEREZ Vivez Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 CUBA Committee of Socialist Lawyers (Cornite de Abogados Socialistas) Dr. Jose SANTIAGO Cuba, prosecutor (procurator) of the Republic of Cuba Jesus VALDES-Garcia, judge in the Havana Court Andres SILVA, president of the Law College of Havana University Osmal FRANCIS, member of the Law College of Havana University Rigoberto AGUILA, member of the Law College of Havana University Fernando FLORES, assistant prosecutor of the Cuban Supreme Court Members of the Judicial Bureau of the Popular Socialist Party (PSP); Mirta AGUIRRE Carreras Delio 13ATISTA Dieguez Juan P. BLANCO Rodriguez Augusto CANOSA Sanchez Rafael CISNEROS Ponteau Eduardo CORONA Zayas Marcelino W. DORADO Gouraige Anibal ESCALANTE Dellunde Eladio ?L. GONZALES Carvajal Francisco L. GOYRI Reyes Juan MARINELLO Vidaurreta Gregorio ORTEGA Suarez Sara PASCUAL Canosa Jose Miguel PEREZ Lamy Carlos TABLADA Garcia 33 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78'; 00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Participants in recent IADL activities Luis PEREZ Rey Leonel SOTO Carlos RODRIGUEZ Dr. Cleofe DOMINGUEZ Bustamante De Luillo LOIG de Leacheveming Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915R001300070001-9 CYPRUS Cyprus has been represented at IADL meetings by: (fnu) POTAMIS of Lirnassol (fnu) POUYQURQS of Famagusta, at one time mayor of Famagusta 35 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Association of Czechoslovak Lawyers (Jednota Ceskoslovenskych Pravniku) Officers President Vice Presidents Prague 1, Parizska, Faculte de Droit Rudolf BYSTRICKY, one of three presidents of the IADL, professor in the Law Faculty of Charles University Dr. Jozef LITERA, vice minister of Justice Secretary Dr. Zdenek JICINSKY Other members Prof, Pavel LEVIT, rector of Charles University, professor of administra- tive law Prof. Frantisek STAJER, corresponding member of the-Czech Academy of Sciences, professor of civil proce- dures at the Law Faculty Dr. Karel PETRZELKA, chief of department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech representa- tive at the International Atomic Energy Agency Dr. Otmar BOCEK, president of the Center of Lawyers Colleges Dr. Jozef BRESTANSKY, president of the Bratislava Regional Court Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78 00915R001300070001-9 Dr. Geza MENCER, chief of the Int national Law Department of the Czec Academy of Sciences Dr. Senta RADVANOVA, in charge of family court of law in the Charles University Law Faculty Dr. Jaroslav ZOUREK, Czech representative at the UN Jan BAR TUSKA Jaromir BERAK Ferdinand BOURA Bohumil ECER Pavel LEVIT Vladimir SOLNAR Hodinova SPURNA Publication The Socialist Law Bulletin de Droit Tchecoslovaque Director Dr. Vaclav ALES Editorial Committee Dr. Theodor DONNER Dr. Vladimir PROCHAZKA Josef TURECEK Vaclav VANECEK Jaroslav ZOUREK Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Association of Democratic Lawyers of Denmark Erling ANDERSEN Mogens FOG Jacob JACOBSEN Carl Marius MADSEN Robert MIKKELSEN Tyndescof PETERSEN Mogens,RUTZOV Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 ECUADOR Association of Democratic Lawyers of Ecuador This section has been represented at IADL sessions. by: Benjamin CEVALLOS Arizaga Cesar SALTOS.Guaranda Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78! 00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Finnish Section of the I-A DL-e?staMished but no members known except: Aane KESANEN Mortti MEHTO (fnu) HYNYNEN Yorma UITTO Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915R001300070001-9 FRANCE National Judiciary Movement (Mouvement National Judiciare)9 sometimes referred to as Association Francaise des Juristes Democrates May be office of Joe Nordmann9 secretary general of the IADL9 at 19 Quai de Bourbon9 Paris Officers Honorary President Leon LYON-CAEN President Henri DOUZON Secretary General Joe NORDMANN Other members Jacqueline AIMOT Andre BOISSARIE Abbe Pierre BOULIER Charles BOURTHOUMIEUX Maurice BOUVIER-A JA.M. Solange BOUVIER-A.JAM Guy BRAIBANT Michel BRUGUIER Laurent CASANOVA Bernard CORNY Pierre COT Leon COTTENCEAU Maurice COURREGE9 FLN lawyer Calude DUCREUX Georges`FISCHER Christian GABOLDE Jean GA R CIA (works in Nordmann? s office) Robert GLASS (Strasburg) Senator Leo HAMON Marie Louise JACQUIER-CACHIN 41 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Marc JAQUIER Jean KAHN Maurice KRIEGEL-VA LRI-MONT Charles KUGLER Patrick LANGLOIS, President of French Women Lawyers Pierre LAVIGNE (Strasburg) Pierre LE BRUN Charles LEDER MANN Mireille LEHMAN Gerard LYON-CAEN Marcel MANVILLE Jean MAZZARD Jacques MERCIER Louis NOGUERES Simone PR ENA UD Raymond SAURRAUTE Yvonne TOLMAN Henri TOR R ES Jean Pierre VIGIER Noely WA TIN Monique Picard WEYL Roland WEYL Roland WOLF (does special work for IADL) Michel ZARIAN, FLN lawyer Revue Progress .ste de Droit Francais A new organization of French lawyers to be affiliated to IADL was organized by Joe Nordmannand Pierre Cot in ear'y 1961. This group will also include professors, scientists, doctors, and so forth interested in specific aspects of the legal profession. Organizers Joe NORDMANN Pierre COT Antoine BOBBER Maurice BOUVIER-AJAM R. DUCK OUX P. Gonzales de GASPARD Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Patrick LANGLOIS (President of the Union of Lawyers) Charles LEDERMAN Jean MAZARD P-. R OSSIGNOL P. VIL,LARD Roland WEYL Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (EAST GERMANY) Association of Democratic Jurists of Germany (Vereinigung Demokratischer Juristen Deutschlands) Address Membership Officers President Secretary Secretary of the Bureau Berlin C2, Neue KtSnigstrasse 40 4800 (1956) Dr. Arthur BAUMGARTEN Dr. Walter BAUR Louise STEINBERG (Vice President Max FECHNER was liquidated and vice president Hilde NEUMANN died in 1961) Anneliese ADRIAN Dr. Reiner ARLT Dr. Rudolf AR ZINGER Walter MULLER Joachim RENEBERG Josef STREIT Dr. Heinrich TEOPLITZ Dr. Martin TEUBER Dr. Fritz WOLF, president of the Berlin Bar Law and Leg~slation in the German Democratic Republic Dr. Arthur BAUMGARTEN Walter BAUR Hans EINBORN Dr. Hans NATHAN, dean of Law Faculty of Humboldt University 44 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Dr. Joachim RENNBERG, director . of Penal Law Department of Deutscher Akademie ftr Staats- and Rechts- wissenschaft "Walter Ulbricht" Dr. Heinrich TOEPLITZ, president of the Supreme Court Committee for the Protection of Human Rights Chairman Friedel MALTER Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 T GERMAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC (WEST GERMANY) Working Group of Democratic Lawyers (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Demokratischer Juristen) Address Officers Chairman Secretary Executive Committee Klosterstrasse 60, Dusseldorf (1956) Hermann REBENSBERG (Wuppertal) Dr. (fnu) WEINSTOCK Walter BEHN (Hamburg) Dr. Heinz KOERBY (Kiel) Dr. Werner KORN (Stuttgart) Dr. Richard GOLDBACH (Munich) Chairman in Bavaria Dr. Wilhelm BEYER (Munich) Secretary Reinhold PEA TZER (Munich) Participants in recent IADL activities Dr. W. AMMAN (Heidelberg) Dr. Hans BADER (Nuremburg) Wilhelm BEYER (Munich) Dr. Heinrich BOCK (Cologne) Siegfried ESSNER (Hanover) Klaus FEUCHT (Frankfurt) Dr. Wolfgang FURMANS (Bonn) Dr. Kurt GOELLER (Stuttgart) Dr. Heinrich HAR TMANN (Cologne) Dr. Gerhard HERBES (Kiel) Dr. Liselotte HERX (Munster) Josef JOSCH (Frankfurt) Alphonse KAHN (Coblentz) "Fritz KOOPMAN (Hanover) Kurt KORN (Stuttgart) Approved For Release ? ~L-Rpm-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915R001300070001-9 Dr. Robert KUBICA (Cologne) Dietrich LOEBNER (Hamburg) Dr. Friedrich MAASE Dr, Hans MERTENS Frederick MUELLER (Wiesbaden) Konrad NEUMANN (Heidelberg) Dr. Arthur PEICH (Munich) Dr. Karl PFANNENSCHWARZ (Ulm) Dr. Karl PORKORNY Gerhard BALL (Munich) Ernst RALLE (Munich) Hermann. SCHIR MER Dr. Peter SHUMA CHER (Munich) Kurt WESSIG (Hamburg) R. L. WINDELBAND (Hamburg) Publication Die Justiz Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 The Haldane Society This society was one of the most important of the national affiliates of the IADL until its disaffiliation in late 1958 over dissatisfaction with the IADL's attitude towards Soviet action in Hungary. Originally (early 1930's) a forum of Labor Party lawyers, the Haldane Society was taken over by its Communist members until it became practically a Communist front. This caused a loss of members from 520 in 1948 until only 188 remained in 1959, at which time the non-Communists, led by Stuart Shields, would have left if the society had not agreed to disaffiliate. Address Officer s President Vice President Secretary General Treasurer 10 Ings Bench, London E. C.4 Peter PAINE D.N. PRITT Bernard MARDER David LEA Participants in recent IADL activities A. ABRAMS M. M. CHILL Dudley COLLARD John ELTON Juanita FRANCES Jack CASTER R.K. GEORGE Geoffrey HEGGS Mark HEWITSON E. M. HOR TS McGregor HOSTIE E. L. YOHN SON Neil LAWSON 48 Approved For Rele -00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 John Platt MILLS J. E. MOR TIMER Ben-PA..RKIN P. G.. SEDLER B. C. SEDLEY Albert G. SHARP Dorothy Scott STOKES. Michael TURNER G. R . WHITTY R. D. WOOD 49 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 League of Greek Democratic Lawyers Address Officers President 9 Evripidon Street, Athens;; Themistocles TSATSOS, MP (Residence, 3,N. Gyzi Street, Athens; Office, L9 Asklipiou Street Vice President Angelos TSOUKALAS, MP (23 Ippocratous Street) Secretary General Anastasio ENGOLFOPOULOS (founder) Residence, 6a Kastellorizou Street; Office, 10 Lycourgou Street) Constantine STEFANAKIS (Residence, 6 Papadiamantopoulou Street; Office, 39 'anepistimiou Street) Ilias TSIRIMOKOS (Residence, 8 Irodotou Street; Office, 22 Emmanouil Benaki Street) Participants in recent IADL activities Dimitrios AGRAFIOTIS Fotilas ASSIMAKIS Pantelis DEMAKOS Papaefstratiou ESTRATIOS Georgios GAROUFALIAS Gapoufalias GEORGIOS Constantine GIOMPRES Panos KALIDOPOULOS Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 Nicholas KARAMERTZANIS Evangelos KATSAROS .Elias ILIOU Alexander LIPOVA TS Evangelos MACHAIRAS Demosthenes MIRASGETZIS Kleon NASLAS Spiros PALLIS Mikos PA PA DIMITR IS Dimitrios PAPASPYROU Nicholas PAPPAS Ilias PARASKEVAS Militiades POR PHYR OGENIS John POTHOULAKIS Konstantine SARLIS J. A. SIA FLEKIS Panagiotis VAR ELAS Vasileios VASILEIOU M. YOMBR ES Organizations whichcooperate with IADL objectives. 1. The United Democratic Left (EDA) Lawyers Association Membership A 1959 meeting was attended by 120 members Secretary Ilias DOTSIKAS Executive Committee Leonidas KRYKOSD Chairman, Director of EDA newspaper Avgi Tassos ENGOLPOULOS (Anastasios) Eleftherios LEMBESIS Stamatios KAVVADIAS Evangelos MA..CHAIRAS Ioannis MONASTIRIOTIS loannis MICHOPOULOS, Treasurer Ioannis PAPELIS Dimitrios HA TZIANASTASIOU (fnu) VRACHNOS Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Other members Georgios DAMASKINOS Was DOTSIKAS Minas . GA LEOS Evangelos HA TZIANGELES Leonidas HATZIGEORGIU (fnu) PAPPAS Sotirios POULOS (fnu) TAINAKIS Dimitrios. TRACHANis. (fnu) ZAFEIRIOU 2. Panhelle-nic Union of Democratic Lawyers 3. Athens Bar may affiliate with IADL) Offic er s Pres-ident Menis PA-PAGEORGIOU Vice President Spyridon PALLIS Secretary Anastasios VOURNAS Other members Tasos ENGOLFOPOULOS Ivi PAPA IOA NNOU 4. Thessaloniki Bar Association 5. Greek Union for the Rights of Man and of Citizens Offic er s President Other members Dimitrios LALITSOUNAKIS M. ANTONAKAKIS M. ARAZOUMIS Ariadne CHRISTOPOULOS M. GALEOS S. IOMERITIS N. KANELLOPOULOS Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Andrew KONKENIS Emmanuel KOTHERIS A. PA NSELINA S 1. PAPELIS 1. PARASKEVAS D. S?TRA TIS Panagiotis VASILIKOPOULOS Constantine VETS Faidon VIEGLERIS Anasasios VOULODEMAS Elias Y SIR IMA KA S Youth Branch Governing Board Markos DRAGOUMIS Maria DRIVA Doris MATHAIOS Adonis SOUR LAS Theodore STAVROPOULOS Evagelos ?FYTIZAS 53 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78'; 00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Represented at 2nd and 6th Congresses. Mme Gerty ARCHIMEDE of Guadeloupe was elected a vice president of the IADL at the 7th IADL Congress in 1960, Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 GUATEMALA-- Guatemala A-ssociation of Democratic Lawyers (Asociacion Guatemalteca de Juris-tas Democraticas) Quiescent since overthrow of the Arbenz regime, as is the Lawyers Bloc of the Revolutionary Action Party. Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 GUINEA A section is reportedly in existence. Guinea was represented at the 7th IADL Congress in 1960 by. Louis. Paul FABER Keita FA DIA LA Pofana KRAHIMA Other member Balram Singh RAI Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 Honduras was represented at the 2nd. Congress of the IADL. A group to cooperate in IADL activities was called the Patriotic Committee for the Defense of the Peoples Rights (Comite Patriotico para la.Defensa de los Derechos Populares), 1956. 57 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Federation of Hungarian Lawyers (Magyar Jogasz Szovetseg) Membership Officers President Secretary General Other members More than 4000 (1300 of whom were reportedly expelled after the revolt in 1956) Erik MOLNAR, minister of Justice Dr. Eugene BENEDEK Imre SZABO Geza HERCZEGH Gyila HA JDU Janos PATAKI Gyula BENKO K. PONUNSIVAMI Johan GOTZ L. R . SIVASUBRAMANIAN Dr. Matilde B TOTH, president of the Central Tribunal of Pest District Dr. Kardy GSENDES, assistant procurator general Dr. Tavadar GAL, chief of the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers Dr. Janos PETRAN, first secretary of the Hungarian embassy in Sofia Publication Magyar Jog (Hungarian Law) Institute of Political and Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Jogtudomanyi Kozleny 58 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 All India Association of Democratic Lawyers Headquarters 27 Baker Road, Calcutta Membership Estimated at more than 1, 000 in West Bengal Branch alone President Daniel LATIFI (4 Harhners Road, Malabar H.1, Bombay) Vice President Nageshwar PRASAD Secretary Genera-1 S. K, ACHARYA Secretaries To K, CHATURVEDI Kamal BASU Branches Bihar Branch President Vice. Presidents Basant Chandra GHOSH Ranen ROY Rafiuddin BALKHI Secretary General Rashbihari SINGH Assistant Secretary Tribeni P. SINGH Treasurer Kumar Narayan SHARMA Members 59 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 West Bengal Branch President Secretary Members P.K. DAS R. C. DEB Kamal BASU A.?. CHA TIER JEE Sadhan GUPTA Harish CHANDRA Kameshuwar GARWAL Y. KU MA R Jamardan SHAR MA Uttar Pradesh Branch T. R . CHATURVEDI V. AGNIHOTRI Asif ANSARI Branches were also established in Allahabad, Bhopal, Jabalpur, Orissa9 Delhi, Punjab, Bombay, Hyderabad, Madras, Rajasthan, Assam, and the United Provinces. A lawyers branch of the CPI Rash Bihari SINGH Umesh Chandra SINHA Birenda SINGH Indra Sikar SINHA Chandra Prakash AGARWALLA Others who have cooperated with I.ADL sections: A. B. L. AGNIHOTRI Jalil A HMA D A S. BADHAN S. C. BAGCHI B. BAJPAI P. C. BARUA Bijay BANNER JEE Jiten BANNER JEE Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 F. C. BEDI Sudhi K. BHOSA D.K. BOSE S. M. BOSE Mrs a H.K. BURMAN K. K. CALIT C.M. CHAKRAVARTY Srimati Jyotsna CHANDA Harish CHANDRA ASR. CHARI A.C. CHATTERJEE Haren CHATTER JEE Arun Prakash CHATTOPADHYA Subrata Rai CHOWDHURY BOB, DAS (Patna) Sailen DA TTA P. N. DE A. K. DUTT B. DUTTA Arabinda GHOSAL Sachin GHOUDHURI F. GODIWA LA Atul Chandra GUPTA N.R. Das GUPTA Pa K. Sen GUPTA R. KARMAIR Srirnati KRISHNA Sumati MA JUMDA R S.A. MASUD Vishwananath Prasad MISHRA Nirmal MITTRA P. K. MUKERJEE S. S o MUKER JEE S. NEOGI Dr. Radhabinod PAL K. K. PA LIT Rajni PATEL A o A. PEER BOHOY K. PONUNSWAMI Jaganath POREL Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Bhupati RAY Siddharta ROY Ramesh SANGHVI A nil SA R KA R Bhalandath SEN P. N. SEN Harden SINGH L.P. SIVAUBRAMANIAN Nalini SUR Gordon VAS D.R.D.WADIA L. M. ZAVARI Publication Democratic Lawyer 62 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915R001300070001-9 Democratic Lawyers of Indonesia The IADL has reported such a national section on various occasions but there is no verifiable information that it was ever established. Indonesia was reported as represented at several IADL congresses, Names reported in connection with this group: Suhunan HAMZAH Sartini SUPAR TE (Mrs.) The president of the Union of Indonesian Lawyers, Lieutenant General Wirjono PRODJODIKORO, contributed an article to the IADL Review of Contemporary Law, December 1959, entitled "Agrarian Reform in Indonesia. ?t Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78 00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 IRAN The Society for Democratic Lawyers (Jam'eh-yi-Huqugdanam-i-Damukrat) This group is underground if still in existence. Iran has usually been represented at IADL congresses by exiled Iranians such as. Muhammad ALI BAYAR Ahmad SHARI ?ATZADEH Seyed Ali-Akbar BORGHEIA Iraj ESKANDARI, very prominent in IADL activities Chebab FERDOWS Mahmud HORMOZ Malik ISMAILI Amin JAHANBAGLOU Nos.:ratollah MOJABAI Ahrnad REZVANI Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78 00915RO01300070001-9 Iraqi Lawyers Association (Jamiat al-Muhamiyin al-Iraq) Affiliated to IADL in 1958. A legitimate, professional body to which all lawyers are required to belong but which has been strongly influenced by a Communist faction. Membership 773 votes cast out of an expected 1300 in 1960 election of officers (the Communist faction did not win out in this election) Officers President Abd-al-Razzaq SHABIB First Vice President Al-Haj Numan al-ANI Second Vice President Ahmad Zaki al-KHAYYAT Administrative Committee Mahdi Qasim KUBBA Muhammad al-ATTIYA (aka ABTA), Secretary Shukri Salih ZAKI Yahya YASIN Tawfiq BARAN Noil RASSAM Reserve members Husayn Haji ALI Abd- al- Sattar Ali HUSAYNI Karim HASHIMI Yahya DARRAJI Communist list of candidates Abd-al-Razzaq DHAHIR Muhammad BA BAN Faiq TA W FIQ 65 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Nadhim HA MID Mushin NAJI Abd-al-Bagi al-SUWAYDI Husayn HASHIM Hasan Muhammad ALI Mahdi al-KHARSAN Participants in recent IADL activities Ibrahim ABD-al-QADIR Jalal ABD-al-RAHMAN Muila Jamil AHMAD Fawzi Mahdi al-AHMAR Fadil Husni al-ALA WI Abid Farhan al-ANI Muzzhar A ZZA WI Laman al-BAKRI Abn Muhammad al-BARNAMI Abdallah Ismail BUSTANI Ibrahim a1-DARKAZALLI Abd-al-Wahhab al-HASSAK Aziz a1-HUSNI Abd-al-Qadir ISMAIL Husayn JAMIL Shakir JARBO Rose KHADURI Abd-al-Hamid KHAYR Sadiq KHUDAYR Latif MA?HMUD Kazim Jafar al-MUHAMI Salah al- MA LLA K Tawfiq MUNIR Abd-al-Ghani MUTAR Hasan Abdallah MUZZAFAR Hasan Kazim al-NAHR Awad All NAJM Ismail RASHID Qasib al-SAD Daud al-SAYIGH 66 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 Aziz SHARIF (head of the Iraq Peace Committee) Jamil al-SUAWWAF Dihia Abshauk TAHA Saad UMAR Naji YUSUF Shukri Salah ZAKI Abd-a1-Razzaq ZDBAYR Iraqi Democratic Lawyers League (formed in 1959-- may have been formed to counteract the above group since it was announced the league would be in close cooperation with IADL and since many of the above group are Communists) Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Organization of Democratic Lawyers (Igrud Hamishpatanim Mitgademim) Address Officers Other members 21 Brenner St. Ahawah Club, Tel Aviv Dr. N. NIR -RAFALKES (NIEDER FLEKS) Dr. Samuel EISENSTADT Fischel HERZBERG Michael LANDAU Hanna NA?GARAH Moshe RODITI Dr. Hanan R UBIN S. SACHHEIM Meacham WACHMAN Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Italian Association of Democratic Lawyers (Associazione Italiana dei Giuristi Democratici) Headquarters Rome Strength Claimed over 700 members, with branches in all major Italian cities. Publication Special pamphlets Officers Chairman Umberto TERRACINI Secretary General Vezio CRISAFULLI Secretary Zara ALGARDI Provisional Committee which set up the section Ellenio AMBROGI Roberto AGO, professor at Faculty of Law, Genoa, and president of the Association for Studies of International Law Zara ALGA RDI Vittorip ANGELONI, professor of Commercial Law, Law Faculty of Rome Ernesto BATTAGLINI Aldo BOZZI, former deputy Frederico COMANDINI, former president of the Bar Association of Rome Giorgio FENOALTEA Aturo Carlo JEMOLO, professor of Canon Law, Law Faculty of Rome 69 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Angelo MACCHIA, professor of Civil Law, Law Faculty of Rome Tomasso PERASSI, professor of International Law, Law Faculty of Rome Giovanni SELBAGGI, president of the Bar Association of Rome, former high commissioner of Sicily Massimo SEVERINO, magistrate Ferdinando TARGETTI, vice president of the Chamber of Deputies Umberto TERRACINI, former president of the Constituent Assembly Executive Committee Zara ALGARDI (partial list) Mario BERLINGUER Aldo BOZZI Luigi CAVALIER I Giorgio FENOALTEA Domenico Peretti GRIVA Mario JIULIANO Achille LORDI Angelo MACCHIA Giuseppi NITTI Massimo SEVERINO Umberto TERRACINI Participants in recent IADL activities Ellenio AMBROGI No BARBINI Lelio BASSO Mario BERUTTI Amadeo BORDIGA Giuseppi BRANCA Antonio BUGUARELLI Piero CALAMANDREI Maria Pia CARDACI Francesco CERABRONA Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 Antonio GRAMACI Gustavo INGROSSO Dino LUZZATTO Ugo NA TOLI Guillermo NOCERA Mario PALERMO, senator Giovanna PRATILLI, president of International Federation of Women in the Legal Profession Salvatore PUBLIA TTI Dominique RIZZO Luciano VENTURA Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 JAPAN The International Jurists. Liaison Association of Japan (Kokusai Horitsuke R enraku Kyokai) Officers President Vice President Executive Director Other members Law Office of NAGANO Kunisuke, Saiwai Building, 2-3, Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo NAGANO Kunisuke HIRANO Yoshitaro KATO Gaiji YASUI Kaoru TAKAGI Umon TA KA YA Sadakuni TOZAWA Tatsuhiko OKAMOTO Mitsuo TSUYAMA Kunibachi NAKANO Yoshio KATAYAMA Tetsu Japanese delegation to the 7th IADL Congress in 1960: KATO Gaiji KAINO Michitaka SHIKATA A is ushi YONEMURA Masaichi GOMAMOTO Tsutaichi YAMAZAKI Sueji NISHIOKA Isamu SAITO Kazuyoshi MUNEMOTO -Koji YASUDA Ikuko (Miss) 72 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 KATAOKA Ken, editor at Iwanaimi Publishers NUNOI Yotaro NISHINA Akira USHINONI Toshitaka MIYA ZA KI Shigoki MIYA JIMA Hisahi Other groups which are possible IADL affiliates include- The Japanese Committee for International Conferences of Lawyers The Liberal Lawyers Group (Jiyu Hos? Dan) Address 21 Kotohiro-cho, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo, c/o Tokyo Joint Law Office Officers Executive Director AOYAGI Morio Representative KAMIMURA Susumu Membership 181; five chapters Publications The Liberal Bar News Japan People?s Relief Society (Nihon Kokumin Kyuen Kai). This group has also been know as the Society for Relief of Liberation Movement Victims, the Workers Livelihood Protection Society, the Labor-Farmer Movement Society, and the Proletarian Belief Society. Address Onaka Building #12, 7-chome, Shimbashi, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo Officers Vice Chairman NANIWA Hideo 73 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Business Affairs OKAMOTO Mitsuo, bureau chief MAJIMA- Ken IWAI Subetsugu KAZAMI Akira NINA GA WA A rata KAMIMURA Susumu SUEKAWA Hiroshi Membership 140 affiliated organizations The Japan Democratic Lawyers Association (Nippon Minshu Horitsuka Kyokai) formed 1961 Chairman KAWASAKI Mitsunari Tokyo Bar Association (Tokyo Bengoshi Kai) Lawyers Council to Prevent Revision of the Security Treaty (Ampo Kaitei Soshi Horitsuka Kaigi) Young Lawyers Association (Seinen Horitsuka Kyokai) Lawyers Group for Protection of the Constitution (Goken Bengoshi Dan) Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 There is no known Jordan section of the IADL. Jordan has been represented at IADL meetings mainly by exiled lawyers such as Shafiq IRSHAYDA T, Yahya HAMUDI, Farah ISHAQ, Muhsin Abdallah ABU- MAYSIR, Farid GHANNAM, Abdallah RIMAWI. Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 No affiliate or contacts known. Kenya affairs have been the subject of much IADL propaganda, particularly in favor of the release of Jomo KENYA TTA . Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 KOR to (North) Chosen Democratic Lawyers Association (Chosen Minju Pophakcha Tongmaeng) Chairman Vice Chairman KIM Chin-t?aelC,vice minister of Justice PAK Se-chang, prosecutor's office, former ambassador to Albania and to Czechoslovakia CHO Song-mo KIM 11-eh PAK Sok-kyun Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 TAT Lebanese League of Democratic Lawyers (Raabitat Huquuaiviin ad-Dimugrativiin) Secretary Mikhail AKIL Chief of Lebanese delegation to 7th Congress of IADL (1960) Ha s ib NIMIR (NIMR ) Secretary of Lebanese delegation to 7th Congress of IADL (1960) Husayn SIDANI Former secretary of Lebanese section Ha s ib MIKHAIL Other members Yusuf ALIM Ghita al-ASSAL Edmun AWN Nadim DAQQASH Zuhayr al- JA BI Muhammad KHATTAB Faruq MASARANI Nakhli Ilya s MU TR AN Aziz (Ahmad) SAWAYA Ramiz SHABAN Ilia s SHAHIN Suayd TAHA Membership 150 lawyers. signed the Stockholm Appeal Al-Hak (The Law)` Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 The IADL reported that Libya was among those countries in which preparations for participation in the Congress. for Democratic Liberties (1954) were going on. 79 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 LUXEMBURG Luxemburg Section of the IADL has been represented at many congresses, on the original Provisional Committee, and on the Permanent Commission for the Study. of Crimes against Human Rights and of Acts Committed in the Interest of the Enemy. Representative Marcel WUR TH Beni BLUM Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78 00915RO01300070001-9 MADAGASCAR Madagascar was represented at an IADL meeting by REZAFINDRALAMB?. Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Martinique was represented at an LADL meeting by George GRATIANT, aw",~r'F Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 National Association of Mexican Lawyers (Asociacion Nacional de Abogados de Mexico) Officers President Other members Dr. Jose FERNANDEZ Ignacio ACOSTA Lagunes Alberto AROMANTZ Clementina Batalla de BASSOLS Concepci6n CEBALLOS Dr. Paul CERVANTES Ahumada Valentin KINION Dr. Fernando LAGARDE Vigil Vicente LOMBARDO Toledano Alarc6n MER CADO Fernando Carmona de la PENA Professor Wenceslaos ROCES Dario VASCONCELOS The Socialist Front of Lawyers (Frente Socialista de Abogados) Officers Secretary General Jose Maria SUAREZ Tellez Internal Secretary Miguel AGUILLON Guzman Corresponding Secretary Hector Margarito HERNANDEZ Financial Secretary Jose ROJO Coronado Recording Secretary Mario PADILLO Other members Valentin RINCON Cesar BARIZURISTA Luis CANTANO Monect Noe de la FLOR Casanova Membership 35 members 83 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78'-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Mongolian Jurists Union (Juristes de la Republique Populaire- Mongole) Chairman B. SODOBSUREN (SODORSUREN) Vice Chairman H. DAMDIN Secretary NAMSARAI Council of nine members, headed by Procurator-General ENDONDONTCHIR Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 MOROCCO Morocco was represented at the 7th IADL Congress (Sofia, October 1960) by: Ralph BENAROSH-MOUDY Jean Paul R A ZON EL ALANI Mohammed LOUDGHIRI Tafiq Ben SLIMAN Jean LUIGI Mohammed SEBTI (Paris) Tayab NIMOURS 85 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 NETHERLANDS Dutch Section was established in 1949. Dr. Benno STOCKVIS M.D. PROPER A.A. de JONGE (fnu) MOK and HOOYKAAS Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 NEW ZEALAND New Zealand Section of the IADL was established in 1949 and was represented at early conferences but is now apparently inactive. Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 NICARAGUA Nicaragua was represented at the second IADL congress. 88 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 NORWAY Norwegian Section of IADL Represented by Carl BONNEVIE R o nna nz ELIASSON Georg RONNESTAD 89 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 _a. PAKISTAN Pakistan Section of the IADL Secretary General Mahmud ALI Treasurer Ghulam HAFIZ Other members S. Ahmad RAFIQ Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915R001300070001-9 Panama has been represented at IADL congresses by Dr. Mendez PEREIRA Carlos Ivan ZUNIGA Bolivar DAVALOS The juridical status of the Panama Canal formed the subject of meetings organized by: Diogenes de la ROSA Rogelio SINAN Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78; 00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 PARAGUAY Paraguay was represented at IADL meetings by: Carlos Luis CASABLANCA Dr. Vincente Chase SANZ Dr. Antonio BA LMA C EDA Camilo PEREZ Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915R001300070001-9 Peruvian Association of Democratic Lawyers (Asociacion Peruana de Juristas Democraticos) Officers President Secretary Moises ARROYO Posadas Carlos.YAHYA Estrella Arequipa Branch (the most active in Peru) Officers President Secretary Treasurer Other members Dr. Raul TORRES Fernandez Dr. Alvaro COLLANTES Dr. Roberto POSTIGO Cesar ABARCA Luis BORGA Febres Dr. Luis BRAMONTARIAS, (San Marc os University) Anibal GA LDOS Godofredo GARCIA RENDON (Lima) J.M. GOMEZ Oviedo Carlos Fernand GUADROS Y VILLENA (Cuzco) M. HIDALGO Luis HUACO Zavalag.a Dr. Jose LEON Barandiaran Policarpo LINARES Valentin LINARES Vincente MENDOZA Diaz (Puna) Feliz NAVARRO Irvine (Lima) Luis NIETO (Cuzco) Humberto NUNEZ Borja 93 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Carlos PALACIOS Quintana Alfredo RAMOS. Barredo German RODRIGUEZ Escobedo Dr. Victor SOTOMAYOR Perez (Puna) Julio" TORR ES Isaac TORR ES Oliva Jorge VALDEZ Salas The Arequipa Bar Association (Colegio de Abogados), formerly headed by Raul TORRES Fernandez, elected a new board of directors in May 1961 and replaced TORRES Fernandez by Juan Manuel POLAR, who cancelled the invitation extended by 'TORRES Fernandez to lawyers from Iron Curtain countries. Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 PHILIPPINES Philippines was represented at the second congress of the IADL, in 1961 lawyers were reportedly being organized by: Moises NICOMEDES Pedro NUGUID Leopoldo PONELAS 95 c T-r- Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78 00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 "OftwaTwa Polish Lawyers Association (Zrzeszenie Prawnikow Polskich) Membership Officers President Marian MAZUR, Deputy Procurator General Secretary Secretary Foreign Liaison Officer Executive Board (1956) M. DUBOIS Antoni MACIEJEWSKI POKLA WSKI-KOZIELL Prof. Jerzy JODLOWSKI Stanislaw- GROSS Cp1. O. KARLINER Pt of. S. ZAWAIYZKI Jan FRANKOWSKI S. KUROWSKI Prof. J. LITWIN J. MAYZEL Aleksander BACHRACH Z. R FISH Prof. STAROSCIAK E, STYPULKOWSKA R emigiusz BIERJANEK Leon CHAYN Witold C ZA CHOR SKI S. EHRLICH Emanuel ISERZON Kristina Bielawska JACKOWSKA Mauryey JAROSZNSKI K. KA KOL Zenor KLISZKO Manfred LACHS 96 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 Ka-zimierz LIPINSKI Meiczyslaw MANELLI, dean of Warsaw Law Faculty Prof. Stanislaw MATY-SIK, rector of the School of Economic Sciences at Gdansk Marian MUSZKAT Sofia MYCZKOWSKA, judge Kazimierz OPALEK Halina PIEKARSKA S. POMER SKI Zygmunt RYBICKI Andrezej SKOWRONSKI Jerzy STEMBROWICZ Wladislaw TOMOROWICZ Stanislaw WALCZAK Zofia WASILKOWSKA Maria Regent ZACHOWISZ, judge Publication Panstwo i Prawo (The State and Law) and Prawo i Zycie (Law and Life) Editor Stanislaw EHRLICH Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 POR TUGA-L Portugal has been represented at IADL congresses, mainly by exiles; this country is an.1larea of interest" to the IADL and the subject of many protests. Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 PUERTO RICO The San Juan Lawyers Association Leader Moises NICOMEDES iT Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 RUMANIA In 1954 the Rumanian section of the IADI.r-merged with the Society of Juridical Sciences, forming the Rumanian Peoples Republic Lawyers -Association (Asociatia Juristilor din RPR), which affiliated with the IADL-. In 1955 all private law practice was abolished in Rumania and replaced by collective legal assistance bureaus (Birouri Colective De Asistenta Juridica), which employ all lawyers admitted to the bar. Membership Officers Former President formerly 10, 000 C. PARASCHIVESCU-BALANCEANU, pre`side'nt of the Bucharest Bar Former Vice President (fnu) GEAMANU, dean of the Law Faculty of Bucharest University Publication Justitia.Noua (New Justice) Delegates to the 7th IADL Congress in 1960 Constantine SASSU, president of Jassy Regional Court Prof. CETERCHY, of the Law Faculty of Cluj Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 SPAIN Represented at 7th. Congress of the IADL in.1960 by: Antonio ALONZO Bano Jose Jose Federico CAR VA JA L Jose.GORGAS Galan Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 A country in which the IADL claims only individual members although both the Sudanese Advocates. Union and the Sudan Bar Association may be affiliated to IADL. Officers President of the Sudan Bar Association Abdin ISMAIL President of the Sudanese Advocates Union Abdin ISMAIL Other members Abd-al-Wahab Muhammad ABD-al-WAHAB Uqayl Ahmad UQAYL (Ahmad OGEIL) Ali Muhammad IBRAHIM Ahmad SULAYMAN Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 SWEDEN Swedish Section of IADL is usually represented by: George BRANTING John TAKMAN 103 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 SWITZERLAND Swiss Section.of IADL Officers President Other members Dr. Ernest ROSENBUSCH (Zurich) Jean VINCENT (Geneva) Fritz HEEB (Zurich) Alfred Julien LOEWER (La. Chauve-du-Fonds). Francois DUMAR THERY (fnu) LIPSCHUTZ (Bern) (fnu) ABRAMOVICZ (Geneva) ~We"ITMW Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 THAILAND Thailand has been represented at IADL congresses and.has been called a "candidate for organization. " Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 TUNISIA Nataonal LADL Section.. Represented at several?][ADL congresses Tafiq Ben SLIMAN, reported as a member of the Moroccan delegation at the 7th LADL Congress in 1960 (may have been Dr. Sliman Ben SLIMAN of Tunis, active in several front organizations Ben ALEYA Maurice NIZARD Duran-ANGLIVIEL J, M. VERDIER Henry de MONTETY Claude PERROUD (fnu) TAIEB Abdelkar TABOURY Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 iJNION OF SOVIETeSOCIALIST_.REPUBLICS The Legal Section of the Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship and Cultural Relations with ForeignCountries (formerly VOKS) is considered the IADL affiliate and constitutes a considerable number of the membership claimed by the IADL. Among these are some high-level Soviet legal figures, such as: M.I. LAZAREV, secretary general of the union Valerian NESTEROV, secretary general of the Legal Section of the above union (M. P. TULISOV also named as secretary general) Vladimir BA SHIN L.M. BRA TUS (Sergei) Victor CHKIKVADZE J. EFIMOV Fedor GLOUCK Konstantine P. GORSHENIN Victor GORSHKOV Vassili GOU.NTCHAROV Kadmes IONESSIAN Ch. KOZHEVNIKOV Peter KUDRJAVTSEV Zacar LOUNTZ Lidya MOD JOR IA N V. MOUCHIN Peter ROMASHKINE Roman A RUDENKO Khadytcha SOULEYMANOVA Aron N. TRAININ Ivan VETROV E. L. ZEYDIN Sovetska Gosudarstvo i Pravo ? (Soviet State and Law) Cosyurizdat (State Law Press) Sotsialisticheskava Zakonnost (Socialist Legality) (mouthpiece of the attorney general; from 1949 until 1955 it was not allowed to be sent out of the Soviet Union) Approved For Release : CIA- 01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Sovetskaya Yustitiva (Soviet Justice) Pravovedeniya (Jurisprudence) Yearbook of International Law (mouthpiece of the Soviet section of the International Law Association) Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA Innes Society of Democratic Lawyers Vernon C. BERRANGE Sam KAHN Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC EGYPT Participants in recent IADL activities Y us of HILMI Abdul KHAYR Saud-al-Din Kamil al-BINDARI Charles Bey AYUB Rauf MUKHTAR Sulayman SHA R IF Amin Abd-al-Husayn MUHAMMAD SYRIA League of Democratic Lawyers (Jamiat al-Muhamiyin ad-Derrmocrati) Membership 85 "Syrian. lawyers and intellectuals" signed pro-Communist petition Officers Dr. Adnan al-QUWATLI Lawyers who signed above petition included Mustafa AMIN Nasib al-ASALI Fawzi-al-Din AWAD Faysal al-AZMAH, former judge Rida al-AZMAH Sadiq al-BAHLAWAN Ata al-BAKRI Hani BITAR Husayn Abd-al-DIN Hilal al-FARAZLI Musallam al-HAFIZ Abd-al-Rahman HAMMAR Dr. Abd-al-Karim al-HUSANI Abd-al-Sattar KAHHALAH Husayn KANAFANI Approved For Release : 8-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Badi LULU Nasuh al-MAMLUK Jibran QANDALAFT Musaid al-QUDSI Ratib al-QUDMANI Muhyi-al-Din SABBAH Zuhayr al-SHALAQ Salim SHARABATI Khalil al-SHA TTA Amir Babjat al-SHIHABI (Damascus) Baha-al-Din ZAYN Dr. Salim al-ZAYYAT Participants in recent IADL activities Jalal A WIL Darwish BARAZA Mustafa BARUDI Ibrahim BA T TA L Emil FA TTI Nassuh al-GHAFFARI Nuri GHA ZI Ibrahim HANZAWI Issam INGLIZI Malak KABBAR R is d MALKI Subhi SABBGH Ahmad SULTAN Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78 00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) The National Lawyers Guild disaffiliated from the IADL in. 1951 in protest against the expulsion of the Yugoslav section.. However, the group has continued to be represented at IADL meetings. Some of the guild members making such contacts have been: President Thomas EMERSON President of Executive Board Max DEAN Chairman of the Central Committee of the Executive Board Pearl M. HART Members of Executive Board Leo LINDER Richard GORDMAN Lazar HENKIN Participants in recent IADL activities Gloria AGRIN Robert ANSPACH Emanuel BLOCH Malcolm BURNSTEIN Albert COLLOMS W. E D. DUBOIS Clifford J. DURR Lawrence EMERY Mitchel FRANKLIN Laurent FRANTZ Soloman GOLAT Albert Whitney GROSSMAN Charles HOWARD Robert JACKSON Robert W. KENNY, at one time president Arthur LARSON Leo LASKOFF Francis MORRIS 112 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Isadore NEEDHAM William L. PATTERSON Jean PESTANA Martin POPPER, former executive secretary Rose S. ROSENBERG Harry SACHER Alexander. SACK Simon SCHACHTER Robert SILBERSTEIN William STANDARD Abraham UNGER Nathan WASSERHEIT Annette WILCOX James H. WOLF Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78'-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 URUGUAY Uruguay is listed by the IADL as "maintaining relations and having active observers and correspondents. " Guillermo GARCIA Moyano, represented Uruguay at the 7th IADL Congress in 1960 Luis HIER R O Gaxnba rdella , president of the South American Committee for Amnesty for Spanish and Portuguese Political Prisoners (the headquarters of this organization is in Montevideo) Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 VENEZUELA Venezuelan Association of Democratic Lawyers (Asociacion Venezolana de Juristas Democraticas) Officers President Vic ,e President Jos4 Maria.SANCHEZ Mijares Humberto CUENCA, also president of a pro-Fidel Castro organization Secretary General Relations Secretary Treasurer Other members Quanare Branch of AVJD Officers President Juan LATOUCHE Dr, LEANEZ Varga Perla MONSERRAT Dr. Octavio ANDRADE Delgado, former president of the AVJD Dr. Pedro BARRIOS Guzman Ada RAMOS Lisandro URRIOLA Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 VIETNAM (NORTH) Vietnam Lawyers Association (Association of Vietnamese Lawyers) Officers Pres-itlent Secretary General Other members TRAN Cong Tuong BUI Lam .BUI Thi Cam DO Xuan Sang HO Dac Diem LE Van. Chat NGUYEN Huy Nan NGUYEN Manh Tuong VU Trong Khanh Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78.00915RO01300070001-9 Yugoslavia was,, expelled from the IADL in 1949 as "a fascist outfit serving anti-Soviet policies of Tito." Since that time, after the change in Moscow's attitude, the IADL has tried to regain this affiliate. Yugoslavia was represented at the 7th IADL Congress in 1960 by: Dr. Zore SLAVKOV Dr. Milorad DOSTANIG (Dostanic ? ) 117 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01300070001-9 Approved For Releas 1 -RDP78-00915R001300070001-9 Approved For Release :`CIA-RDP78.00915R001300070001-9