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Document Release Date: 
January 23, 1998
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Publication Date: 
March 22, 1963
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-00915R001400360008-9.pdf119.54 KB
Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01400360008-9 B. Political POLITBURO ISSUES OPEN DECLARATION -- Tel Aviv, Kol Haam, 22 Mar 63 On 20 March_ the Politburo of the Communist Party of Isra.-l issued a declaration on "the recent events in the Middle East." The following are the highlights of the declaration: The military takeover was followed by bloodshed in Iraq and Syria -- both being the results of machinations of the Amer- ican and British imperialists, of the internal reactionary and imperalist agents in both countries. These takeovers are based on pro-imperialist and extreme anticommunist takeovers. All false slogans of the murder cliques who seized power in Iraq and in Syria, such as "Arab Unity," "Arab Socialism," and "Anti-Imperialism," are incapable of witholding the basic facts that they are giving a hand to imperialist efforts for breaking the anti-imperialist Arab unity, destroying the front of the forces for national adn social liberation, and under- mining the friendship between the Arab states and the USSR and the other socialist states. Our Communist Party expresses its indignation in view of the vulgar Fascist murderous campaign of the Iraqi ruling cliques against the Communists and other democratic forces. Our party condemns the murderous campaign of the Syrian re- volutionary government toward the Communists and Syrian democrats. Our party is in solidarity with the Syrian and Iraqi Communists in their struggle. The reactionary military revolts in Iraq and Syria hurt not only the national interests of the Iraqi and Syrian peoples, but also all. nations of the area, including Israel.... The re- cent developments also prove that the principal and joint enemy of all nations, for Arab and Israeli nations, was and is imper- ialism. We appeal to the ruling circles in our country not to interefere in internal matters of the Arab countries... and to maintain the tranquility of the borders'. In view of the negative changes and also plots in our area, it is even more urgent now to work for a joint activity of the working class and all workers for a wide democratic national front in the struggle for peace and security, for democracy, and for guara.ntee.of the workers' rights. Approved For Rele R001400360008-9 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01400360008-9 We appeal to all members and sympathizers of the party to intensify the political and organizational activities to car~^y out joint activities of the party. The bitter experience in Iraq and Syria must teach the per- tisans of peace and the'democratic forces in our country that anticommunism is deadly poison to the nation and fatherland, that there can be no democratic-national unity without and against the Communists, and that the special conditions are now in the country, as well as ways and means, to make pos- sible the most energetic struggle for a wide democratic-national unity for a change in Israeli policy and rule, both in the pre- sent and in the future. SOVIET AMBASSADOR VISITS HECHAL SHLCMO -- Tel Aviv, Hatsofeh, 13 Mar 63 Soviet Ambassador Mikhail Bodrov visited Hechal Shlomo on 12 March and was received by Chief Rabbi Yitshaq Nissim. [The organ of the National Religious Party car- ried an extensive front-page report, stating that the Director of Hechal Shlomo, Maurice Jaffe, told Bodrov that the institution has hardly any ties with Soviet Jewry, although it is in contact with most Jewish communities abroad. The talk also touched on the principles of socialism in the Bible. Bodrov expressed an interest in various examples given to him, e.g. legislation governing property rights.] Tel Aviv, Haarets, 13 P'Iar 63 [The independent daily carried this item in a back-page box, reporting that the visit, which included lunch, lasted 4 hours. Bodrov was shown rare Russian-Hebrew books on Jewish subjects. The Soviet Ambassador showed great interest in Jewish and religious questions pertaining to Israel and the Diaspora, e.g., the education of American Jewish youth. The discussion revolved around Jewish national assimilation and such general topics as art in the Soviet Union.] Approved For ReleaCp - cin-RDP78-00915R001400360008-9