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.Approved For Release : CIA 1617A000300280001-4 CEIY3 AL ITI'TM LIGEIRE AGENCY 1 February l94 ITIPELLIGEIICE NET iOBANDUi4 NO 127 SUB=Ts Significance of Western European Exports to the Soviet Bloc 1, Gorscrl Statist o $a The problem of this paper is to estimate the political and economic consequences to the Soviet bloc which could arise from the denial of imports of selected items from Western countries. The Soviet Union and its Satellites have already not nuwrous obstacles in their quest for Western manufactures and raw materials, It is assumed that by a united embargo they would be completely denied certain industrial requirements, It is further assumed that U carport controls on items in the I -A and 1 lists will be continged asd that the Scandinavian countries, the UK, Switzerland, Western G rIn *r, and the other countries of Western Europe will strictly adhere to the embargo, g, Ib attempt has been made to assess the feasibility of aj lying such an embargo, S1, In this report the following are considered Soviet Satellites: Finland, Poland,, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Albania, The Soviet Zone of Germany is also included in th:a cate?- gory, Austria is not included since It is subject to a pro-Western govern- ment, and Soviet interference with this government so far has not been decisive. Economically the country operates as a units with Soviet in- fluence limited mainly to Soviet-controlled industrial and petroleum interests, For all practical purposes, Finland must also be considered a part of the Soviet bloc, even though the Soviet Union has thus far not seen fit to make it a full-fledged satellites, The Kremlin can reduce Finland to complete dependence whenever such a move is required by Soviet policy. Yugoslavia, on the other hand, is becoming increasingly isolated from the Soviet bloc because the Soviet Union cannot now afford to meet Tito' a terms of political and economic equality, Dociunent No. Oct NO CHANGE in Class. ^ ,WDECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS J S C DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 J ET Approved For Aut:h : DI'.A EG . 77/1763 Date : /?s-Z=.?,? By: 611 DP78-01617A000300280001-4. gF3p J !P 2 C rove enc usions. a. Economic Cgnseauer e2'. If the USSR and its Satellites are un&1e to procure certain essential industrial requirem?nt; from Western Europe, economic develop- ment in the Soviet orbit would be seriously retarded and production in many lines would decline. Important segments of the industrial economy eo7rid not meet their plan requirements in terns of physical units pro- duced. Capital goods production, which is the foundation for the ex- pansion of industrial potential for war, would be seriously impeded. Industrial retrogression would be especial?.-y evident in the Satel- lite states since the Soviet Union Iwo priority on essential machinery, equipment, spare parts and industrial raw materials. A serious economic decline in the Satellite states would offer an excuse for lioscow to tighten its control further; however, despite such moves, the Satr'llite contribu- tion to Soviet economic strength would be considerably less. Czechoslo- vakia,, Finland, Hungary, Poland and the Soviet Zone of Germany would be more seriously affected than the predominantly agricultural countries of Albania, Bulgaria, Rumania, and Yugoslavia. The avowed Soviet policy of accenting heavy industry and military production at the expense of consumers goods would become more evident. Additional emphasis would be directed toward production of machinery, equipment, industrial raw materials, and armament, while consumer lines of production would befurtfior curtailed. Agricultural production, however, would probably be satisfactory. The dollar volume of West European exports to the Soviet bloc has not been impressive in either the prewar or the postwar period. The types of items', however, are such that they are of critical importance to the industrialization of the entire eastern area. Without these exports from the West many basic components of the Soviet orbit economy would suffers Electrio Po}per The primary shortage in the electric power industry throughout the Soviet bloc is in electrical equipment such as steam turbines, water wheels, large generators, boiler sheets and tubes, and, in spare parts for replace- nents in existing installations. The expansion of electric power has a leading priority in most of the countries throughout the bloc. The expansion of many other industries is predicated on the achievement of plans for electric power. Petroleum. Insufficient quantities of refinery and oil-well equipment with which to meet the planner' production of high-grade refined products as - stitutes the major difficulty of the oil industries of the USSR and Satellites, or Release. ? C - P 8-01617A000300280001-4 Approved For Releas 78-01617A000300280001-4 Aproveor Release ? 78-01617A,000300280001-4 Shortages of dril:'.ing equipment and pipe will, hamper the expa :lion of crude oil production and the continued shortage of catalytic cracking equipment will have a serious effect on the supply of high-octane gasoline. Shortages of petroleum will have a disadvantageous effect not only on the military aspects of expansion (particularl - the Soviet air arm) but on many industries as well. Iron. Steel and Fg A11ove. The Czechoslovak and Polish iron and steal industries are dependent upon large imports of high-grade Swedish iron ore. Discontinuance of delivery of swec?ish ore would result not only in a decrease in production in the immediate future but also in the following two or three years until blast furnaces could be converted to process exclusively the lower grade Soviet bloc iron ore. All the industrial Satellites are basing plans for the modernization and expansion of existing facilities upon the procurement of steel producing equipment from the US and the UK, without which iron and steel production goals will not be attained, Nor-Ferrous Tietals. The shortage of tin in the Soviet bloc necessitates large imports from outside sources. The airplane manufacturing and food packaging in- dustries are especially dependent on this tin supply and any export re- strictions by the West would reduce production. The copper supply of the Soviet bloc is sufficient if the Yugoslav supply is included.. E cclusion of Western and Yugoslav copper from the Soviet bloc would have serious effect on numerous branches of Industry. Although a lead embargo would hove immediate disadvantageous ef.'eats in the Soviet bloc, intensification of efforts would be made to increase domestic production in the long run. Yugoslavia could ease the. shortage but apparently is unwilling to do so at present, Chg. The USSR and Satellites are short of certain chemical equipment, such as glass-lined reactors, special valves, recording and control ap-- paratus,,many alloys for special uses' and vacuum and pressure pumps. Without the importation of this equipment from the -lest, .So et chemical production in many lines would become steadily less efficient until such tine as the USSR has the technical knowledge and installs the industrial capacity to supply the Soviet needs. Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 A!proveaor Release : CIA-RDP78-01617(A 00300280001-4 Rubber. The requirements of the Soviet bloc for natural rubber must be net by imports from rubber producing areas. Repbrte purchases and deliveries for 1948 are sufficient for at least one year without further imports', and by conservation, present stocks night last substantially longer. Synthetic rubber production in US"R and the Soviet Zone of Germany is large, suffi- cient to supply- all present require- :opts of synthetic rubber. Additional facilities are planned for Poland, Czechoslovakia, !Yugoslavia, and Bulgaria. Production may bo delayed and decelerated by l cks of equipment and. spare parts. Trananorttation The Soviet orbit, with the exception of Yugoslavia, will attain its railroad freight transportation plans regardless of an e'tbargo. The embargo will, however, impair attempts to expand capacity. Failure to obtain rails, track materials, electrification equipment, motor trucks and components, steel ship plates and marine equipment will prevent realization of plans for railroad construction, double-tracking, railroad electrification, highway transport and ship building. I.3achine Tools an Erecision Instruments. Basically, the USSR is still a machine tool importer, even though ter 3orarily satiated? i ' a glut of dia- ntled suppllet which have not been adequately absorbed by the economy. The industry ;is backward in engineering processes and machinery design and its production in over--simplified in ranwo of size and types. Although Czechoslovakia produces quality machine tools, quantity of production is low. Quality and quantity of production of precision instruments in the Soviet bloc is low. although some i-tprovement may be expected in time due to availability of Gernan technical personnel and production resources in the Soviet Zone of Germany. Ant f ti ti~ n Be~.ringq. Expansion of any industries within the. entire Soviet bloc would be impossible if imports of antifriction bearings and producing equip- ment are embargoed. Suer restrictions immediately affect the whole fiid of industrial machinery and would have far-reaching effects on the military and industrial potential of the USSR and Satellites. Approved For Releas 78-01617A000300280001-4 Approved For Release : CIAO-RDP78-01617A000300280001-4 ]i. Political Conseq epees. (1) Goon . (a) The political effect of economic dislocation and dis- tress in the S#;.tellite area would be strongest in industrialized countries: I .e.9 Finland, Czechoslovakia, Pol.and,? and Hungary. It would be some- what weaker in the agricultural Balkan countries, (b) Although political and social unrest might increase as a result of a further lowering of the living standard, the Soviet-lacked local governments would be able to prevent this unrest from getting out of control. Purges would be initiated or continued; however, neither dissatisfaction with living conditions nor opposition to the Coirliinist regimes would result in defections similar to that of Tito. Consequently, major political changes could not be expected. (a) Soviet and ."satellite propaganda would try to evade responsibility for the Kremlin2a inability or unwillingness to extend assistance, and would make the US the scapegoat for economic distress. (2) =cm (a) Finlarnd. As one of the most anti-Co iriun .at elements in Eastern Europe, the Finnish people would, at least temporarily, recognize the motives for a Western embargo of, essential items to the Soviet orbit. If this sympathetic view should become too articulate, the Kremlin might bring about the overthrow of the present government and impose a Communist regi ie upon Finland. (b) Yugoslavia. This nation, which is no longer within the Soviet orbit except for its ostensible support of the 1ESR in foreign affairs, has been for some time subject to virtual economic boycott of certain critical imports from the Soviet bloc. To out off Western trade with Yugoslavia would tend to. worsen its predicament to the extent that the stability of the Tito regime might eventually be endangered and that it might be supplanted by a government subservient to Moscow. (c) East ggMM. Economic dislocation and deterioration of prevailing conditions in East Germany would strengthen German opposition to the USSR but would not impair Soviet control of this region. On the other hand, continued economic distress would militate against the success of a German puppet regime upon which the Soviet authorities could rely. Approved For Releas 78-0'I 617A000300280001-4 Approvecr Release: CIA-RDP78-0161AD0300280001-4 (3) Concluei__oa. It is estimated that limiting trade with the non-Communist world would put an additional burden upon the already strained Soviet system of control. Economic distress in the Satellite countries would prevent the development of that stability in Eastern f'urope thich is a vital objective of Soviet policy. Since consolidation of the Soviet bloc is based upon the integration of Satellite politics, oco c r, and military strategy, the obstruction of any one, of these aspects would affect the success of the others. Consequently, it is believed that economic dislocation in the Satellite area 'could considerably delay or impede Soviet political and military plans for expansion. 6 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-01617A000300280001-4 Approvedr Release : CIA-P78-01 61 7 40.0300280001-4 3, Economic and Political Obiect veg. 11. Economic Goals. The primary economic goal of the USSR iq the development of its economic potential for war. Within its own borders the Soviet Union has furthered this objective by concentrating on heavy industry and military production and by the geographical concentration of industry in strategic areas. In the Satellite countries, the same objectives are evident and are implemented through Soviet economic control and coordi- nation of the various economies. Only Yugoslavia and Finland cannot currently be considered as, members of this economic orbit, although Finland's economy is strongly influenced by political ties with Moscow, In the Satellite sphere, the long-range goal of the Kremlin is complete economic integration of the Soviet bloc. The most recent stop in this direction was the creation of the Council of Mutual Cconomic P.ssistanoe in January of this year. This simply formalized measures which had already been taken for coordinating these economies and pro- vided a more effective mechanism for closer coordination and eventual economic integration. (1) Egow-mic Qoordiraation. Since the conclusion of hostilities in Europe, the USSR has actively pursued a plan of economic penetration and domination of the Satellite countries and the occupied areas. This domination has been achieved by various means, such as peace treaties, secret protocols, bilateral trade, mutual assistance, economic collaboration pacts, and general control of internal economic life through political tics, Thus, the Soviet Goverment directly, or through the puppet Communist regimes, has broad control of the major aspects of economic planning, production, and distribution. To date, many of the agreements for coordinating economic activity have not been sufficiently implemented to be of real value, and no effective system for over-a1.l direction has been established, However, there is considerable evidence to.indicate the extent of exist- ing control, (a) The Kremlin has, in several instances, either dictated the outline of the economic plans of certain countries, or has at least required that such plans be submitted for approval. In Czechoslovakia the USSR has ordered a shift from light industry, a leading source of foreign em:ohange before the war, to heavy industry, the products of which are directed to the "oviet Union or certain of the less industrialized Satellites. To assist in this Approved For Release$i1I IYP78-01617A000300280001-4 Approved F)or Release : CIA- iRDDP78-01617A~000300280001-4 program, in recembeer 194, Pbseow provided a 200 million dollar loan in gold and hard currency to replenish Czechoalovalcia's depleted foreign exchange balance. The important stipulation was that Czechoslovakia procure sufficient machinery and Industrial raw materials to meet Soviet demands for fabricated and semi-fabricated products. In Rumania,, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary, there is evidence that the Soviets have ordered military production for the strategic bene- fit of the USSR. Expanded munitions output, construction of military airfields, and the development of rail lines for strategic purposes are outstanding examples of such production. Tito recently complained that the Kremlin had planned to give Yugoslavia the status of a '-'colonial," for the purpose of supplying the orbit with certain industrial raw materials. Tito ob- jected to this lbsoow plan, and his dissatisfaction was undoubtedly one o* the main factors in the Cominform rift. In addition to evidence by indirection that the Soviet planners dominate the Satellite economies, there are statements and actions of individual states which more directly confirm this position. The belated withdrawal, on Soviet insistence of Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Finland from the first l?lershiLU Plan discussions in Paris, and Bulgaria's announcement of Kremlin approval of their new economic plan,, are but a few of the n merous admissions of Soviet authority. (b) In the former energy countries of Rtnmla and Hungary.. Soviet control is facilitated through the management of the jointly- owned companies, involving the mast basic industries such as oil.., shipping, aviation, banking, and chemicals; and through reparations. It is estimated that substantial portions of the trade in these countries is accounted for by reparations deliveries and products of the joint companies. In Finland, the USSR also exercises control through reparation demands, (c) The USSR is intensely interested in the joint industrial developments within the area, as evidenced by the insistence on Polish- Czechoslovakian economic cooperation in the creation of a "Second Ruhr" in the Silesia-Morawska Ostrawa Basin, and in the joint use of the Oder River and the Port of Stettin. It is reported that lbscow has under- taken to supply Poland with steel mill equipment and other heavy machinery for the Silesian Basin project. Similar projects are being worked out between other countries, Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 Aoprovedr Release CIA-RDP78-0161 x0300280001-4 OF"- 4OWN01b tow (d) I'itual economic assistance pacts and the military protocols often appended thereto, are in existence among virtually all of the orbit countries. These pacts provide for exchange of commodities and technical assistance, division of production tasks, foreign exchange credits, standardization of products, integration of armament industries, and, in the event of war, pooling of military supplies, economic resources, commwnications, and transport. (e) Soviet supervisory and technical personnel are present in the more strategic industries in the various Satellite countries, Their presence, is reported in munitions and war material industries, such as Skoda, in addition to joint enterprises where they would be expected. In some instances, they are military personnel. (f) At this stage, the Moscow domination of oollectivi- zation of agriculture in the Satellites has been indirect and has manifested itself primarily through (a) the promotion'of political leaders favoring the program and demoting. those opposed, (b) the use of the Cominform to propagandize the program, such as the 28 June 1948 blast against Tito charging him with favoring the individual wealthy farmer class, and (c) the use of the Commuunist,(i.e., Soviet) -controlled Satellite press to publish articles glorifying the life oft the collective farms of the USISR. (g) The Soviet Union has for some time been making a vigorous and sustained effort to integrate inland traffic within the orbit through agreements, joint ownership of transport companies, and direct control over the transport facilities. The degree and type of Soviet transport control varies in each country but iv greater in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Rumania, than in Yugoslavia and Finland. Soviet Army officers are placed at all levels of administration and operations on theliumgsrian railroads, Control by the Soviets in Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia is facilitated by existence of organizations for the overall coordination of transport. In Poland and Rumania, ministries of communication appear to be the instruments of Soviet con- trol, In addition, joint Soviet-Satellite companies have been established for inland m terway transport in Hungary,. Yugoslavia, and Rumania., through which control can be exercised by the Soviets. Since the Tito rift, Soviet control has been relaxed over all transport in Yugoslavia except inland waterways. In the case of Finland, the Soviets have only a transit agree- ment, Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approvecror Release: CIA-RDP78-016170300280001-4 (h) The USSR, to a large extent, controls distribution as veil as planning and production, In internal trade, there are many instances where industries in which the USSR is primarily interested are given priority in the allocation of raw materials,. equipment, and labor. In bilateral trade between the Srtellite states, the USSR has attempted to establish a higher degree of self-sufficiency through a shift away from prewar dependence on 11eatern countries. The forced alteration of the trade pattern in general has not been economic, in the short run, and, despite this poi tear percentage decline in trade with the West, over fifty percent of total trade is still with countries outside the Soviet orbit,, In addition to shifting the trade pattern between Satellite countries, and between the Satellite states and the West, the Soviets have employed foreign trade to exploit this area for their own benefit. Not only has the Kremlin used reparations and -e joint companies to drain these economies, but they have also largely dictated the items to be exchanged and the terms of trade. Price fixing on imports and exports has been a particularly useful instrument in this respect, Control over gold movements and hard currency holdings has given further leverage to the Kremlin. The USSR not only benefits from production within the Soviet domain, but also often gains from Satellite trade with the Vest, either through re-exports to the USSR or through Satellite procurement of raw materials which are fabricated for export to the Soviet Union, (i) The existence of dictatorial governmental powers has enabled the Soviet Union, since its inception, to maintain a strong grip on the economic life of the countryl Based on periodic planning, the principal feature of the Soviet economic structure, various economic -ministries are assigned specific tasks and goals by the State Planning Connlssion. This planning body, together with the 141nistry of Finance which controls the highly centralized banking system, currency, and, credit, wleldt tremendous power over Soviet economic production. The introduction of the Soviet pattern of economic organization into the Satellite areas is clearly evidenced through a series of measures adopted by the latter. These measures have affect- ed every aspect of economic activity of the Satellites. The ownership of industry, banks.. insurance companies, and trading companies, was given to the states through'the process of nationalization. In addition, Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approved For Release: CIA-RDDP78-0161 00300280001-4 Economic Iftnistries and Industrial Centers (or their equivalent) have be=-rn setup in many states to supervise planned production in the factories. The elimination of privately-owned banks and insurance monies has placed the entire financial resources of these countries at full disposal of the governmental agencies. The governments thus exercise full control over the credit policies and coordinate financial neaaurea with production planning, The control of budgetary expenditures and revenues enables these nations to divert funds for sty purpose de- sired, such as development of the war potential, without the knowledge or acquiescence of the population. By elirdrating private trading eom- panies, the governments have acquired a monopoly in foreign trade,, one of the most important inatrumenta for regulating internal economic life. Private trading in precious metals and foreign exchange is strictly forbidden. It must be amphasized that many of the aforementioned measures for ooordi:tation of the Soviet and Satellite economies have been more apparent than real, PJo over-all effective control has yet been established, However, the framework and experience for eventual economic integration is gradually being developed in the fields of planning, production, distribution, foreign trade, and economic organi- zation. Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 ApproveFor ReleaseP78-016100300280001-4 (2) Economic Plans. W The Soviet fourth Five-Year Plan has as its primary objective "the restoration and development of heavy industry and railway transport, without which the rapid and effective recovery and development of the entire national economy could be impossible." The iron and steel industry, to a large extent, sets the pace for the development of all industry. According to plan, in 1950 the smelt- ing of iron and steel and the production of rolled goods is to exceed the prewar level by 35 percent. Production of coal, petroleum and electric power in 1950 is planned to be 43 percent above the prewar figures. By 1950, the machine-building industry is to have do 1 its output as com- pared with the prewar effort. The production of synthetic rubber is to be doubled. On the other hand, per capita production of textiles, footwear, and hosiery in 1950 is planned at an average level of only 23 percent over the extremely low prewar level. In 1950, the per capita annual availability of shoes and hosiery will be approximately 1.2 and 2.9 pair respectively, if these plans are met. The per capita production of grain (predominant in the Soviet diet) in 1950, if the production plan is met, will be about seven percent below the 1940 level. Including grain with vegetable oils, sugar and fish, the average per capita increase in production in 1950 as compared with 1940 in estimated at only six percent, Despite the huge amounts of machinery, equipments and raw materials obtained as war booty, reparations or "imports" from Germany, Austria, and Eastern European countries, the`1JSSR will require many imports. 191+0 and 1950 plan 1940 Adial 1950 percent Increase over 1940 (in metric tons) iron 15,000,000 19,500,000 3 Steel 18,,300,000 25,400,000 39% Rolled ? tal 000 100 13 000 17,300 366 Coal , , 166,000,000 , 250?000,000 of Petroleum 319000,000 35p400,000 Electric Power M050 billion 82 billion 64% Approved For ReleasP78-01617A000300280001-4 Approveeor Release~- r-IA-RnP78-0161 200300280001-4 Sam Economic plans for the development and strengthening of the various nations, controlled directly and indirectly by rk-scow, reflect a high degree of uniformity in the broad objectives. In all countries the accent on the development of heavy industry will be at the expense of the economic level of the average consumer. In those countries where collectivization of agriculture is to take place, the Government's control over the agricuultura, economy will be at the expense of the farmers' standard of cell-being and freedom. In the more industrially advanced countries, such as Czecho- slovakia, Poland, and Hungary, the accent will be on the production of finished and semi-finished products, including machinery, chemicals, trans- portation equipment, and rolled steel. In the industrially backward countries, such as Bulgaria,, Rumania, and Albania, the emphasis will be on the extractive., metallurgical, and potter industries. The role of foreign trade in Satellite plans is and win continue to be, important to the attainment of these industrialization goals; the composition of import requirements will strongly reflect the emphasis on heavy industry. The Bulgarian Five-Year Plan became effective on 1 January 1949. In this plan, greatest importance is attached to stpanded capacity and production in coal, electric power, construction materials, metallurgical goods, machinery, heavy chemicals and agricultural machinery. Light industry is scheduled for relatively smaller gains, but is to be suf- ficiently expanded to provide an exportable surplus. The over-all increase in industrial volume for the five-year period is planned at 119 percent, and heavy industry alone is to show a 320 percent rise. However., even this impressive percentage advance will not give an industrial base to the Bulgarian economy worthy of international note, tinder the plan, foreign trade is to supply a part of the industrial requirements for machinery and materials. Although light industry is scheduled for relatively small gains, it will be sufficiently expanded to provide an exportable surplus to offset imports of heavy industry. C c' ,osl,4y The bill for the Czechoslovak Five-ear Plan went into effect 1 January 1949. Primary emphasis has been placed on the development of heavy industry as opposed to light industry. The volume of industrial output is -13- Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approve lF,or Release~P78-0161700300280001-4 to increase by 57 percent, metal production by 93 percent, and the heavynachinery industry output by 300 percent. Since Czechoslovakia is already a highly industrialized country, the achievement of these goals would add significantly to Soviet economic potential. Prior to the war, light industry vas a leading source of foreign exchange. This means that some substitute for the prewar exports of light industry must be found. The foreign trade plan is organically linked with the economic plan, and the ability to import (particularly from the test) will have considerable hearing on the attainment of industrial objectives. ,roan, Finland has no economic plan similar to those of the USSR or the Satellite countries. Industrial enterprise is based on forest products, and leading industries are the production of lumber, pulp, and paper. As early a s 1945, the gross value of Finland's total indus- trial production exceeded that of 1938 by 50 percent v.ith the lumber and wood-products industry exceeding the 1938 level by 42 percent, in terms of gross value of products. Finnish economy is strongly dependent upon foreign trade. Current foreign trade is being influenced by needs of shipbuilding, mechanical, electrical and wood-processing industries working for the war reparation requirements. Only the surplus will be available for export to other countries to obtain foreign exchange for'the payments of imports to Finland. Jaohinery, trucks, and other aids to production accounted for a large part of Finland's imports. It is a cneeivable, therefore, that a total embargo on exports to Finland might have some effect on industrial production, at Finland's expense, however, rather than at the expense of reparations to the USSR. ?oviot Zone - Germany The Two-Year Plan of the Soviet Zone of Germany, adopted 30 June 1948, is almost completely unrealistic because it takes little account of prevailing conditions in the Soviet Zone, particularly the acute shortage of r vi materials. Virtually the only natural resources of the area are extensive deposits of lignite (brown coal) and vast reserves of potash. 14 Approved For Releas . 78-01617A000300280001-4 Approve_For Release, P78-01617AA000300280001-4 Overall production in 1950 is to increase 20 percent over 1948 to a level of 81 percent of that of 1936. Steel production in 1950 is to be more than four times that of the low level of 200,000 tons in 1948. Lignite output is to be raised to 123 million tons or 116 percent of 1947 output. Hor:ever, there is little prospect of. significantly improving the economic status of the Soviet Zone unless the. USSR reverses its present dismantling and reparations policies. The labor force will be ample, but machinery and equipment will be inadequate. Even though there may be increases in the production of consumer goods, the population will hardly benefit, since reparation payments will probably absorb such increases. In agriculture, the Zone is reasonably self-sufficient. It is probable that a large proportion of increases in production of commodities important to the USSR will result from an increase in productivity of labor brought about through a system of food incentives. &i t In 1946-47, Hungary prepared the Three-Year Plan for recovery and development. Under its schedule, industry is to exceed the 1938 production level by 27 percent in 1949-50. The largest in- creases were to be registered in the production of machinery (68 per- cent over 1938), electric power (42 percent), chemicals (40 percent) and mning (38 percent). More specifically, annual coal output is to reach 11.5 million metric tons, production of rolling stock and loco- motives is to be 6,500 and 160 respectively; tractors are to be turned out at the rate of 3,700 per annum, and electric poorer capacity is scheduled to y1.old two billion M H annually. Steel output, by the planning year 1948-49, should run about 800,000 metric tons annut?;lly. As in the cases of Czechoslovakia and Poland, the success of the plat hinges to a large degree on meeting the foreign trade goals. 'Machinery, industrial equipment, transportation equipment, lumber, iron ore, coke, scrap metals, non-ferrous metals, ferro-alloys, cotton, and wool are all marked for import. Poland although the output of consumer goods was stressed in the first years of the current Four-Year Plan (1946-1949), capital goods and the extractive industries have been receiving increasingly greater atten- tion in each succeeding year. This pattern of production, accenting heavy industry, is similar to the economic trend in the other Satellite countries? 15 - Approved For ReleaseP-OzYMAW P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approved For Release : C$ IAA-$R~DP78-01617AAO00300280001-4 Largest increases over the prewar level of production are assigned to coal, coke, electric power, locaanotives, rolling stock, agricultural equipment, and chemicals, Steel and metalworking machinery are also marked for sizable advances. In general, the per capita pro- duction of producers' goods should be 250 percent above the 1938 level. As a partial indication of actual industrial strength, Polish industry by 1949ziiould be producing 8 billion 41 of electric power, 80 million metric tons of coal, 1.5 million metric tons of rolled steel, 300 locomotives, 14,800 freight cars, 6,550 pieces of metal and woodworking machinery, and 92,000 metric tons of sulphuric acid. Considerable dependence is placed on the foreign trade section of the plan which in the last year, 1949, is to provide sub, stantial quantities of raw materials and investment goods through imports. Foreign capital is presumed to make up 15 to 20 percent of the invcst.'met total, . Rmania, Rumania has prepared no long-range economic plan similar to tole of the other Satellites. Immediate objectives have been announced in a one.-Year Plan for 1949, with primary emphasis assigned to the develop- ment of heavy and extractive industries. More specifically, this includes significant increases in the production of crude oil, iron ore, cast iron, processed metal products, agricultural machinery and implements, coal, lumber, cement, caustic soda, sulphuric acid, lampblack, and cotton and woolen textiles. Of these industries only petroleum has any real-inter- national significance, and Rumania's industry in general is still in the incipient stage of development. The export-import program is an integral part of the plan and the expansion of trade is essential to the attainment of the plan objectives. Yui*oslevia At the inception of the Five-Year Plan in 1947, speeches by Tito, iebrang (Chairman of the Federal Planning Commission), and Kidric minister of Industry), all emphasized in the strongest terms the contention: that the foundation of the Plan is increased production for heavy industry, mining, electrification, and the rehabilitation and new construction of communication and transport facilities. These objectives were restated by Tito in a speech on 26 Iovember 1918, in spite of his admission cd difficulties arising -16? Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approved For Release P78-016177AA000300280001-4 4V2IrIV%IW2WW MW .from the changed relations with his former allies. He said, "The main target for the 1949 phase of the Plan will be capital construction in basic heavy industries and housing fqr the rapidly increasing industrial population." He strongly asserted that "local interests much not dis- locate the general plan" and added "eft we have created the basic con- ditions of our indt ialization.....then we will throw ourselves into production of articles needed by 22 people." Combined planned production of industry,' mining, and electric power in 1951 is to be almost five times the 19391evel, with industrial production at 64 percent of total production in 1951 as compared with 45 percent in 1939. 'Of total industrial output the production of capital goods in 1951 is to be 57 percent of the total while the production of "consumption items" is to be 43 percent. This is an exact reversal of the situation in 1939. Strong efforts are being made to expand vitally-needed foreign trade, particularly in view of the fact that the US6R has reduced the volume of trade with Yugoslavia by seven-eightbs. Yugoslavia has recently executed a 4120,000,000 short-term trade agreement with Great Britain, with provision for negotiation of a long- term agreement. Yugoslavia is also trying to expand trade with Switzerland,, Sweden, and the Letherlands. ,a significant item, under Belgrade date line of 23 January 1949, is the reported shipment from Yugoslavia to the US of ;3,676,000 worth of non- ferrous metals since 1 December 1948, an amount almost equal to similar total,shipments in the year 1947. Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approved For Release : CIA-RLDP78-0161 00300280001-4 %W *10W 8 Political Gcials. Orthodox Communist doctrine considers the capitalist system a declining civilization, to be replaced by the "socialist" system, and precludes the possibility of 'the enduring coexistence of the two. Implicit in this doctrine is the unchangeable goal of Soviet foreign policy: eventual domination of the nations of the world through uni- versal acceptance of the Corim mist ideology as it is interpreted in floecow. While the means by which this goal is to be attained will vary from region to region, the Kremlin's basic policy In Europe is believed to be the completo consolidation of Ecstern ruropo, including East Ger- marny, as a bridgehead vital to Soviet security. This consolidation can be achiever' only by suppressing nationalism in the area. The Cor_minform was organized to achieve this along with political confomity. The organization of an Economic Council formalizes economic coordination. The possible future esta',liahnent of a Defense Council --. following the conclusion of a T Torth Atlantic pact -- may well' coordinate the .Satellite area militarily under Soviet Command. Fir an where the Kremlin has not yet established political con-. trol is as yet free of the degroe of integration achieved in other Satellites, though the USSR may decide, at its leisure, when and how to establish such control. Yugoslavia, hiving once been a leading satellite, resisted the Kremlin's exploitation and withdrew from the orbit, with the result that initial measures for economic integration and military coordination were intexrr upted. Since there is no chance for an Ir iediate return to the Tkacovito crap, Yugoslavia will remain, for the time being, outside the area of integrationp even though it has not relinquished its theoretical opposition to Western "imper: ilism" o East Germany is scheduled for eventual integration into the Soviet orbit. The USSR must, therefore, attempt to break down German nationalism and to develop reliable Communist elements for the assumption of control. Communist political control is essential for any effective cooperation between East Germany, Poland, and Czechoslovakia, particularly in the field of economic planning. It is believed that economic and military assignments to implement Soviet plans. are given anywhere within the security-zone on the basis of specific needs. With nationalistic rivalries, eliminated, Eastern Europe will be organized as a unit, and the resources of the area - political, economic, and strategic _- will be pooled and distributed under orders from Moscow. Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approved For Release': CIA-RD P78-01617 000300280001-4 *NORA Noe 4a Deoe n ence on Western Europe for Selected IteMR. (1) Electric Po . With the exception of the ISSR and Czechoslovakia.. no country in the Soviet orbit appears to have facilities capable of producing all its requirements of mechanical and electrical machinery for generating electric power. To-meet these requirements, there must be access to (a) foreign markets, which, for the principal items of electrical equipment are virtually limited to Western Europe, the British Isles, the Scandinavian countries, and the US; (b) reparations and requisitions; and (c) mutual assistance within the orbit. It appears that since the war, the USSR and Czechoslovakia have not only restored but also somewhat augmented their electrical manu- facturing industry and should, therefore, be in a position to render some assistance to the Satellites. The amount of this assistance cannot now tie accurately measureed, however, and it would be seriously affected by restriction of imports from foreign markets, which are now important sources of electrical equipment. Finland, Poland, and Hungary have significant electrical manufacturing industries, which, however, are not large enough to be of material assistance to the other Satellites. The remaining countries-of the orbit are largely dependent on outside sources for heavy mechanical and electrical machinery and equipment. The oft repeated objective of greater mechanization and electrification of manufacturing processes cannot be attained without adequate supplies of electric power. While old methods can still be- relied upon, production goals, based on greatly increased use of electricity, cannot be reached without its The cumulative effect of an early total embargo of exports of electrical machinery and equipment, such as steam turbines, water wheels, large generators, and boiler sheets and tubes, would almost surely be failure to reach industrial goals in all the orbit countries., with the possible exception of the USSR itself. For example, assuming that the USSR and Czechoslovakia can take care of themselves and render some assis- tance to the Satellites } er present conditions, if needs now met from sources outside the orbit were borne by the manufacturing facilities of the USSR and Czechoslovakia, they could not meet the added requirements and still realize their own industrial expansion plans. A total embargo, aside from its immediate result--failure to reach the planned industrial goals--would also have collateral effects on transportation and agriculture in that it would slow up railroad and rural electrification. Continued restrictions on electric power would contribute to labor unrest and create considerable inconvenience, parti- cularly in the larger urban centers. This could have a serious effect on morale., particularly when accompanied by continuous pressure to meet planned deadlines. Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 ApproveF r Release,; P78-01617_A00300280001-4 $R has extensive manufacturing facilities for heavy 10 mechanical and electrical machinery capable of producing the largest sized turbines, generators, transformers,. boilers, and boiler tubes. Although the Soviet Five Year Plan envisages tremendous increases in the installed capacity of electric stations (doubling the prewar plant capacity by 1950), the progress to date has been brought close to the goals by Soviet manufacturing ability plus reparations, requisitions, and foreign purchases. The USSR is still buying from Western countries, but electrical purchases from the US have fallen from 44 million in 1946 to $5j - million in 1948, probably as a result of US restrictions. The great volume of new equipment required to meet the Plan for the Electric Industry probably precludes much "leeway for foreign defaults or domestic deficiencies. Ajk=jj is entirely dependent on imports for additions to its electrical facilities and could be'of no assistance to other orbit countries. However, curtailment of imports of such equipment would have little effect on Albania's predominantly agricultural economy. Maria depends largely on imports for additions to its electric facilities. Present demand for electric power is far ahead of supply, particularly in the Sofia area. Planned hydro development, already behind schedule (30 percent of the goal), would be seriously affected by an embargo. C z choslovekia is probably the most nearly self-sufficient of the Satellites, not only in the supply of electric power but also in its ability, in the event of an embargo, to continue additions and replacements to its plant capacity. Czechoslovakia is now exporting such items as large steam turbo-generators, electrical measuring instruments., and switchboard equipment. In 1948, a 25,000 Ki and a 45,000 XV steam turbo-generator were shipped to Denmark by the Skoda Works. In July 191+8, exports of-Czech electrical apparatus reached the highest point since prewar, and if the rate for the first seven months of 1948 could be maintained for the rest of the year, the 1948 exports should almost equal those for 1946 and 191+7 combined. Czechoslovakia is, therefore, pre-eminent among the Satellites in the pro- duction of electrical equipment. In FLU19W, demand for electricity outstrips supply, and the Finns are strenuously trying to add to their hydro plant resources. This program would be seriously affected by an embargo because Finland is now attempting to buy in all foreign markets, including tS, to supplement its own manufacture. Electric power restrictions are now in effect, and the paper and pulp industries, backbone of the Finnish economy, are being retarded by the shortage. Lack of power will probably result in failure to meet requirements for heavy reparations to USSR ($300,000,000 in manufactured goods by 1953). in mar ,although there is considerable manufacture of heavy machinery in the Budapest area, it is not enough to meet the electric ex- pansion planned for Hungary. Present imports of electrical machinery, principally from Czechoslovakia and the USSR, would dry up in the event of a total embargo. - 20 - Approved For Releas -P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approved For Release ? P78-0161 00300280001-4 Po nd is in a relatively good position in electric power supply, but still does not have enough to meet the demand if the plan is to be met. Most Polish electric power is generated in thermal plants in which the boiler and steam equipment is reported to be old and in poor condition, requiring extensive replacements and additions, much of which must come from outside sources. Boiler tubes are a particularly critical item since they require alloy steel as well as special care in manufacture. The Polish Government now has cn order a 60,000 R 1 steam turbine from Switzerland, as well as large boilers and high-tension switching equipment from western Germany. An embargo on electrical generating equipment would quickly be reflected in a shortage of power and a reduction in coal production, the latter the most important item in the Polish economy. Lack of sufficient coal would not only have a serious effect industrially on- Poland and the neighboring orbit countries but would also reduce Poland@e prime. source of foreign exchange. Rumania is almost entirely dependent on outside sources for heavy machinery and electrical equipment. It has only a small manufacturing capacity and can therefore be of little help to the orbit countries. The Rumanian econony will be.less seriously affected by an embargo than most of the other Satellite economies since it is less dependent on electric power. However, failure to develop the power industry will seriously retard planned industrial-development. Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approved) For Release,~ P78-0161400300280001-4 (2) ~ . Insufficient refinery and oil-wen equipment with which to meet the planned exploration of new fields and planned production of high- grade refined products, constitutes the major difficulty of the Soviet oil industry. This industry has never been self-sufficient in oil equip- ment and has had to rely heavily on foreign countries, especialIy.tha IS. Another adverse factor is the Soviet limitation in operational efficiency and maintenance caused by a shortage of skilled workers and proper repair facilities. Although the ISSR is apparently fulfilling its crude-oil pro- duction goals, the shortage of high-grade refined products indicates that up-to-date refining equipment continues to be the outstanding deficiency in the Soviet petroleum industry. This deficiency, which retarded the prewar development of the petroleum industry, was aggravated during the war by destruction of plants producing refinery equipment and by conversion of oil-equipment plants to armament production. Recent IB restrictions on the export of petroleum equipment and products to the USSR have also been effec- tive in bringing about this shortage. Soviet refining capacity now exceeds crude oil output-by about forty percent, but, because of-the restricted cracking plant capacity and limited'plant flexibility, high-octane gasoline is in relatively short supply and will continue to be for several years at least. Catalytic cracking facilities are very Limited. Domestic production of improved cracking units is still in the experimental stage, introduced only after the end of the war with the shipment of four Houdry units under lend-lease. The orders for two plants were cancelled at the end of the war, and the general lack of technical skill in the Soviet petroleum industry will obviate full utilization of the two completed units. This shortcoming is evidenced by Soviet overtures for technical assistance from the TS companies that took part in installing the plants. The lend-lease refineries represent only four percent of the total crude-intake plants in the W SR; yet because the Soviets had no catalytic cracking units prior to their receipt, they take on a special significance. Withholding shipments of this type of equipment from the lB would not only have the effect of restricting Soviet production of light fractions, particularly high-octane gasoline, but would also accentuate the present shortage for several years. (Reported completion of the first Soviet-made catalytic units indicates that the 1SSR is attempting to pro- duce equipment in imitation of the American Houdry units.) Also in short supply are pipe,: drilling equipment, fabricated steel, and other material required for Soviet crude-oil production. Increases in crude output achieved in 1948, however, suggest that there has been some improvement in the supply of this equipment. Approved For ReleasdPO@M P78-01617A000300280001-4 ApprovegFor ReleaseP78-0161 00300280001-4 Since the planned expansion of the petroleum industry depends on the availability of equipment, the USSR has placed heavy emphasis on the rapid development of the Soviet oil field equipment industry in order to lessen Soviet dependence on foreign sources of supply, By 1950, Soviet oil-field equipment production is planned to be 2.5 times the output in 1940, with a considerable increase in the variety of items manufactured. An indication of Soviet requirements may be found in the $10 million worth of equipment shipped to the USSR from the US; about?half was drilling equipment, and the remai eg cement- ing and prospecting equipment. A shortage in fabricated steel and measuring and control instruments will further hinder the expansion of oil equipment production. The Soviets have improved their postwar supply of oil. field equipment by dismantling oil field facilities in the Satellites. The difficulties now being encountered in the Rumanian oil industry are attributable to the removals of large and diversified types of oil equipment from Rumanian oil fields. In Austria it has been reported that the Soviets in 1945 removed eighty percent of the oil-well drilling and field maintenance equipment. It is also estimated that the Soviets dismantled in Germany synthetic fuel equipment totalling approximately 1 million tons in refined products capacity. Recent Soviet trade - arrangements with Czechoslovakia and Sweden indicate that the Soviets are concentrating particularly on obtain- ing pipe and tubsfor their oil fields. Czechoslovakia is expected to deliver 50,,000 tons of oil-well tubing by 1952. Sweden is scheduled to deliver 955 drills by the end of 1953, or an average of about 160 drills per annum for a six-year period. A recent report. indicates that the Czechs have concluded another trade agreement to deliver more oil field equipment. This Czech-Soviet negotiation, however, may have merely clarified the amount that was to have been delivered under the previous arrangement. While the Soviet Union is expected to continue importing badly needed oil field equipment, it will probably make a gesture of supply- ing oilfield equipment to Poland. In view of the shortage of equipment in the Soviet Union, it is doubtful if these shipments will indicate that the Soviets can adequately assist the Satellites in overcoming the critical shortage of their petroleum equipment, US shipments of approximately $64 million worth of petroleum equipment to the USSR during 1941-194" was a decisive factor, in keeping the Soviet petroleum industry in operation. TB shipments from 1945?-48 of some $44 million worth of equipment aided the Soviet oil industry to a point where the present production has reached the 1941 level. A continua- tion of such oil equipment shipments to the USSR would aid the Soviets in production and increase the rate of expansion. - 23 - Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 ApproveFor Release~- A-RDP78-01617 00300280001-4 A GSestern embargo on oil-field and r+fiuery-equipment shipments would not drastically hamper present So nt oil, proth tioa. Rather, this action on the part of the fleet would be iastr e;atsi..,n 1' nits soviet oil field exploration and azpl oitation, -would d'la ? ex- pansion of refinery facilities prinoipai y for the production of Ugh- octane gasoline,, and would also delay any Soviet schemes of stockpiling strategic quantities of high-octane gasoline and lubricants. ktpjAU& production of crude oil is sufficient to meet present requirements; however, there are definite shortages of special refining equipment for the production of high-octane -asoline an certain other petroleum products. Aviation gasoline is so inadequate that it has been necessary to curtail aharply all civil aviation in Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. P,ibtor gasoline is in short ' supply in Bulgaria, C zechos] o- vaki.a, Yugoslavia, enl. the Soviet Zone of Germany. ? There is a general shortage of lubricating oils tkroighout the entire Soviet bloc. The success of the various "Planed depends chiefly on the ability of the Satellites to obtain machinery and equipment. As a result of the premature exhaustion of .reserves in Rumania, the -future of its petroleum indzatry hinges on its ability to obtain drilling and refining equipment for the development of new fields. The same is true in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Because sufficient machinery and equipment cannot be obtained within the Soviet countries, they have been forced to turn to the West. Rumania, especially, cannot hope to attain the goals set unless it obtains rigs, motors,, tool joints, drill collars, bits, drill pipe, easing, and other specialized equipment. 'The 5Mcst5 s' nthetie gasoline plant in Czechoslovakia is operating at only a fraction of capacity as a result of its failure to obtain squi.r.nt promised from the French Zone of Germany. Efforts to obtain the necessary machinery and equipment made in the ti$, the iS, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, Belgium, Brazil, Bizone of Germany., and the French Zone of Germany have met with little success. A number of trade agreements between East and West have included oil, equipmento As far as can be ascertained, however, no significant amounts of oil equipment have been received in the Satellites from the West since early 1948. At that ti .c the M sent a shipment to Constanta. Since the Tito-Cominform broak, Y +slavia has been-forced to turn to the Wept for crude petroleum and products. Its efforts have been successful to some extent. Purchase's have reportedly been made in Trieste, Tangier.. the Middle East, tho TM, and Italy. The tE is consider- ing the shipment of lubricating oil ansd..grease to Yugoelaviao An embargo on such shipments would be very serious for Yugoslavia, but would have little or no effect on the USSR. Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-0161 W00300280001-4 (3) iron and Steel and Ferro Eil1oys. The Soviet orbit could use considerably more iron and steel but will be able to manage with present output even though this pro- duction is not meeting the ambitious economic plans of the bloc. High quality iron ore is the principal deficiency of the Soviet bloc. Both the Czechoslovakian and Polish iron ands teel indus- tries are dependent upon large imports of Swedish iron ore for mixture with orbit ores to improve the quality of the furnace feed. Ins illations and equipment in these countries are designed and constructed for processing mixed ores of this kind and cannot be easily adapted to handle alone the lower grade and lower quality ores available in the bloc. Rolled and semi-finished steel products from Poland and Czechoslovakia are an important contribution to the Soviet v:ar potential. Cessation of shipments of high-grade iron ore from Sweden to Czechoslovakia and Poland would paralyze lhe steel industries of these two countries and. indirectly would seriously affect steel production throughout the SatellitQ9. From two to three years viould be needed before complete conversion of equip- ment could be made to utilize low-grade iron ore. Satellite countries are basing their steel plant moderni- zation and expansion plans on imports of installations and equipment from the Viest9 principally from the US and the UK. Inability to procure this machinery and equipment is retarding significantly the achievement of ob- jectives. Unsuccessful Soviet attempts to import such equipment from the krest are also contributing to the Soviet failures to meet planned gbaals for steel production. Total embargo against the bloc would retard expan- sion even further. This action would force the USSR either to help the Satellites materially at its own expense or to accept a lesser contribution of the Satellite countries to the overall production of the Eastern bloc. IM USSR steel production in 1948 is estimated at 17.4 million metric tons and will at most reach 20.0 million metric tons in 1949. This compares to 1940 steel production of 18.3 million metric tons. It is likely that the 1950 goal of 25.4 million metric tons of steel will be met. Limiting factors in Soviet steel production ares inade- quacy of conveniently located quality coke, difficulties in the production of metallurgical equipment, inadequate technical knowledge and ability, shortages of certain ferro-alloys, and inadequate transportation facilities to handle requirements and production of the iron and steel industry. 25 Approved For Release ? P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approved` For Release: C$R~DP78-01617AAO00300280001-4 The total embargo on the shipment of metallurgical equipment from the West would impede the realization of the Soviet steel expansion goals. Soviet Zone of Gerniaav Although the steel Production of the Soviet Zone of Germany is relatively small, it is a contribution to the total steel pro- duction of the Soviet bloc. In addition, the Zone has sizeable quantities of scrap, much of which is shipped direct to the USSR. 40 A .bania Albania has no iron and steel industry. An insignificant quantity of chrome and manganese is mined. DMIgarj& Bulgaria has no iron and steel industry, but it does have rich chromite deposits,, some manganese ore and a small coking industry. Jxparts are for the Soviet bloc. 9zech2aleVAJA The Czechoslovakian iron and steel industry, which pro- duced an estimated 2,370,000 metric tons of raw steel in 1948, is of parti- cular importance. to the Soviet bloc because of its production of special steels and products plus the technical skills involved in processing. The coke industry is well developed and.provides a surplus for export. Iron- ore mined in the country is of a low grade and must-be supplemented by large high-grade ore imports from Sweden and a lower quality from the USSR. In 1948, an estimated 937,000 metric tons were produced in Czechoslovakia which vas augmented by imports of 1,026,000 metric tons from Sweden, 400,000 metric tons from the USSRaid 20,000 tons from France,. Since Czechoslovakian blest furnaces are designed to blend high-grade Swedish orn with the lower grade, cessation of shipments of Swedish ore would paralyze the nation's heavy industry until changes were made in the furnaces to permit the use of only lower grade ore. Czechoslovakia is negotiating to import 1,300,000 tons of Swedish ore in 1949, but Sweden has offered only about half of that amount. With the view of future independence from ore imports from the -rest, the Czechoslovak Government is planning the construction of blast furnaces in Slovakia to utilize native, low-grade iron ore. Thus Slovakian and Soviet iron ores would form the basis of the steel industry in Czechoslovakia. 26 - Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approves iF r Release ? P78-0161700300280001-4 Scrap is in short supply in Czechoslovakia, and attempts are being made to import scrap from Bizonia and the Soviet Zone of Germany. In 1949, an estimated 800,000 tons of rolled steel will be shipped to the U36R. Embargo on the purchase of installations and equipment for the Czech steel industry and on the shipment of high-grade iron ore would have serious effect on the Czech steel industry. It would affect,-indirectly, the Soviet heavy industry. Finla Finland, which processed an estimated 85,000 metric tons of steel in 1948, imports coke, iron ore, pig iron, crude steel, scrap, rolled steel and ferro-alloys in varying amounts from both rsestern and Soviet bloc countries. Restrictions by the Vest on such exports wwould significantly reduce production. Such restrictions, however, would have little effect on the USoR except that the Soviet bloc would have to sup- ply Finland's deficiencies4 Hunearv lxpansion and modernization of the Hungarian iron and steel industry, which produced an estimated 650,000 metric tons of raw steel in 1948,depends largely upon imports of machinery and equipment from the West. Such expansion could provide rolled steel for the USSR and other Soviet bloc countries, Poland Poland produced about 1,800,000 metric tons of raw steel last year, but its ample reserves, of low-grade iron ore must be supplemented with large quantities Qf Swedish ore and lesser amounts from Norway and France, Scrap is in short supply but could be made up within the'Soviet bloc. Discontinuance of high-grade iron ore exports from the West would necessitate major changes in furnaces to-permit the exclusive use of lower grade ores. Rumnla Rumania's iron and steel industry is relatively small. Production amounted to only 183,000 metric tons in 1947, and depends on importsror metallurgical coke, iron ore, some pig iron, crude steel and rolled products. However; Rumania ships large amounts of manganese to the Soviet bloc countri ens, Rumania needs imported installations and equipment to rehabilitate and expand its iron and steel industry. Approved For Releas 78-01617A000300280001-4 Approved For Release : CIA- P78-01617A000300280001-4 ,L os1an In 1948,about 80 percent of Yugoslavia's iron ore pro- duction of 613,000 metric tons was exported to the USSR. Raw steel pro- duction was estimated at 235,000 metric tons in 1948. The country is entirely dependent on outside sources for metallurgical 'eoke, and to meet the 1949 coke target more than 500,000 metric tons will have to be imported. Yugoslavia has a large exportable surplus of antimony and also ships out some manganese, but it is dependent entirely on foreign sources for other ferro-alloys. Expansion of the iron and steel industry requires machinery and equipment imports from the Viest. Immediate needs are a blooming mall and coke plants. Approved For ReleasOitftft 78-01617A000300280001-4 Approve For Release :? CIA--RWDP78-0161 00300280001-4 (4) UAL-,Ferrous 921018- It is estimated that Soviet tin Production in 1949 will be under 9,000 toes while requirements will total at least 179,500 tons. In the Satellite States there is practically no production. Inability of the TESR to obtain tin under the allocations procedure of The Combined Tin Committee has consequently forced the Soviets to obtain it by smuggling from southeast Asia and China. A total embargo would be felt almost immediately by the entire Soviet bloc.. At present, apparent tin consumption in Czecho- slovakia, and Hungary is greater than the CM allocation granted them.- In 1948 the situation was as follows: Allocation C O-Unky LWA' MLU (2? o (Long (Long Tons) Czechoslovakia 2100 1391 Finland 240 250 Hungary 720 162 Poland 1200 2125 Rumania I80 Yugoslavia 420 610 The balance made up from small imports from ERP countries and the Soviet Zone of Austria and from the smuggling from southeast Asia and China. The present search for new sources of supply and the increase in purchases demonstrate the seriousness of the shortage within the orbit. Co_nr. . . Mile primary production and secondary recovery of copper in the USSR may equal 250,000 tons in 1949, requirements will run from 300,000 to 350,000 tons. The lower figure may be nearer the mark because aluminum has been substituted for copper in many inst=ces. Imports from the Soviet Zone of Germany and repatations in copper from Finland ease the need from other-sources. If it could also be procured from Yugoslavia, there would be practically no shortage. Thus far, copper has been obtained from Belgium, Norway, and Chile. Sig- nificant quantities have been obtained through the satellites. Finland has bech shipping copper to Russia,., and, in tum, importing it from the Hest to most its own industrial needs. Czechoslovakia exports copper to the USSR in the form of manufactured articles. The supply of copper within the Satellite countries is suf- ficient to meet their requirements., if Yugoslavia makes her resources available for, with the exception of Poland and Hungary, the Satellites are 29.. Approved For Releas 78-01617A000300280001-4 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-01617A 00300280001-4 NWII =j"ORu all partly self-sufficient in its production while Yugoslavia has 4 surplus for export, A total embargo would cause-the Soviet orbit to restrict the use of copper. If Yugoslavia were to withhold its supply fro the Soviet bloc entirely, the shortage would be serious. In view of Ytugo- elavia's trade shift to the West, it is doubtful that the Soviet bloc will receive sufficient supplies from that source. . As a result of low mine production and metallurgical diffi- culties, lead production In the WSR during the war fell off considerably. Mine production now is probably higher. The metallurgical problems have been largely overcome, but the TDSRR will still be unable to supply its needs.- Poland and Germany will make up some of the deficit, and Bulgaria may also help, but unless imports are obtained from Yugoslavia, there will still be a deficit. As in the case of copper, lead sent to the Satellites will help the USSR directly and indirectly. The Satellites are fairly well supplied with lead. Yugo- slavia and Poland have large szapplies, with a surplus for export. Rumania is self-sufficient and Czechoslovakia partly so. Bulgaria can supply a quantity of lead ores for export. Hungary depends mostly upon imports, some of which can be obtained from the Soviet Zone of Germany. These supplies, plus available secondary lead, should most Satellite require- Monte. An embargo on lead would cause an acute shortage in the Sovie' orbit unless substantial quantities could be obtained from Yugoslavia. At the present time it is unlikely that Yugoslavia would be willing to make up this deficit. - 30 -s Approved For Releas 78-01617A000300280001-4 Approved For Release : CIA-~R~DP78-0161 00300280001-4 (5) al Prior to World tar IT,, all of the countries of Eastern Europe Were dependent upon Germany for most of the chemicals essential to their econonq, with the principal exception of a for basic heavy chemicals largely used for the manufacture of fertilizers or in their limited heavy industries. It was the plan of the I. G. Farben to gain complete control of essential intermediates, dyes, drugs, pharmaceuticals,, and many essential solvents. .A. substantial part of the German chemical industry was located in what is now the Soviet ,Zone and in the present -western provinces of Poland. ]cost of these plants were destroyed or seriously damaged during the war. The remaining usable equipment was claimed as reparations after the war by the USSR and the Satellites. In .addition, a part of the equipment in the chemical plants of the i5 and British Zones was claimed for reparations. The USSR realized the necessity for chemicals, both for the. civilian econory and for industrial mobilization to sustain a war, It was also ealized that the Satellite countries must have basic chemical production in order to supply the needs of agricultu o and in order to utilize the chemical by-products from other industries, such as coke ovens, petroleum refineries, and gas plants. Hence, under the reparat ons agree- went, removal of plants and equipment to the USSR and the Satellites was effected for these expansion purposes. In expanding its ecru chemical production, there is evidence that the Soviet Union plans restrictive production of certain products in the Satellites in order to increase their dependence and to control the production of chemicals, as did I.G. Farben before the war. Since much of the reparations equipment was , unusable by the time it arrived at its destination,, the Soviet Union, according to reports, Is supplying new and heavy equipment from its own production. The Soviet Union has had the assistance of German scientists and engineers in designing, rehabilitating, and operating; its chemical plants. In view of this technical help it is safe to assume that the USSR has a large volume of production of basic chemicals and that the quality is improving. (Tonnage production of most products, however, is from 1/5 to 113 of that of comparable products in the W.) Prior to the war, most Soviet chemical plants were of German design and used German, equipment. Although some useful equipment and spare parts were obtained under reparation., in view of the destruction of German plants manufacturing ohemical equipment,, it is doubtful that the Soviets can obtain other parts or units and must, therefore, manufacture these required spare parts and new units themselves. This will be a tremendous undertaking. Glass-line equipments special valves$.recording and control apparatus, many special alloys for special use, reactors, and vacuum and pressure pumps will be needed. All of this equipment requires specialized knowledge, technique, and skilled - 3X . Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approver& or Release: CIA-RDP78-0161 W00300280001-4 labor to manufacture, and, it is questionable whether the Soviets can perform all of these functions. None of this specialized equipment is produced in any of the Satellite nations, with the possible exception of limited production in Czechoslovakia. Therefore, without the importation of special equipment from the West, Soviet chemical production in many lines will become steadily lose efficient until such time as the USSR has the industrial knowledge and the capacity for supplying the needs. A strict priority on requirements will have to be set up. In spite of the expansion of the Chemical Industry, it is improbable that the Soviet Union makes all of even the most essential chemical products. There is little likelihood that the TBSR will be able to make up any chemical deficiencies from the Satellites for many years to come, P?land Prior to the Ware Poland produced limited tonnages of heavy chemicals, primarily for the fertilizer Industry in the eastern provinces. Poland was, therefore, dependent upon Germany for most organic chemicals. With the transfer of this territory, those plants not destroyed were lost to the T.ESR# but in returns, Poland obtained a large and complex chemical potential in the plants. located in the former Bast. German territory. Although reportedly 80 percent destroyed, many of these plants have been rebuilt and rehabilitated with reparation equipment. In consequence, sufficient heavy chemicals such as sulphuric acid, alkali, and alcohol are now produced to meet the agricultural and heavy-industrial economy. In additions plants for recovery of basic coal-tar products from coke ovens have been started. Benzol and toluol in excess of national requirements are being produced, and some Benzol is being offered for export, even to the West. The British trade agreements recently signed will supply a tonnage of u:ns ffiod chemicals essential to the now Polish industrialized economy. Bece.ass the Poles re- ceived insufficient amounts of equipment from reparations, the USSR is supplying Poland with some necessary heavy equipment. It is believed that, for some time to come, the T.ESR not only will receive little benefit from the Polish Chemical Industry other than some coal-tar intermediates, but will probably be forced to send equipment and certain finished products into Poland in order to keep up Polish economy. C zeQhoslova . The Czechoslovakian irdustrries were dependent upon the German Chemical. Industry for their essential fine chemical requirements. A limited tonnage of heavy chemicals necessary to the fertilizer and soap industries was produced, howeverf, Since the wrar, there has been in Czechoslovakia a definite realization that a Chemical industry is essential - to industrial recovery, and efforts are now being made to install capacity sufficient to satisfy these needs within the next two years. Organic intermediates will be obtained from Poland over and above this production. The Czechoslovakians plan to produce a substantial share of dyestuff requirements. Pharmaceutical -32- Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-01617A000300280001.-4 production is being : pa iod, and at present the large -volume products representing about 10 percent of the number of the essential pharmaceutical products we being produced The balance must be obtained from the West. The country can help the USSR in only a. limited manner for many years. From the mobilization standpoint, production of wasential military chemicals is negligible. Production of, chemicals in Rumania is eac:trenely small. The total annual, production of sulphuric acid necessary for fertilizer pro- duction anti used in almost all industries is less than one-half day's pro- duction in the TiS; in :fact, practically all chemicals must be imported, Companies jointly owned with the USSR have been combined to produce ferti- lizers and a few basic chemicals, but the USSR is controlling production and suppler of all other products. Additional carbon black production is being installed to satisfy Soviet-bloc needs. 2akwrll Bulgaria is not an industrialized co-cntx'y, and like the rest of the nation.a, was formerly dependent upon Germany for chemicals. Sulphuric acid and atmospheric nitrogen plants are being installed to produce, fertilizer chemicals, in samaary, although a complete embargo of List 3A and 113 will impede the development of Soviet bloc industry and. agricif ture, it will also emphasize the necessity of accelerating the installation of capacity to produce the ossen,,, chemicals. For insta+ce, to make up the serious shortage of carbon black, the T,SR, having the neesaay rant materials, can, given time, produce sufficient quantities to meet internal requirements. In the case of the chemicals essential for propellents and military explosives in list U, the USSR, having dye-plant and nitrating Ino:iledgo, can male these materials if forced to do so. 33 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-01617A000300280001-4 Approved%MFor Release : CIA-RDP78-01617 A 00300280001-4 oll (7) Trawprortation Railroads are by far the most important transport facility in the Soviet bloc and account for the movement of about 90 percent of all inland freight traffic. All transportation facilities in the W SR and Satellites was severely damaged and disrupted duming the war but are now moving freight traffic at about the prewar rate. In 1948 the Soviet and Satellite railroads carried a total of apprwdmately 481 billion ton kilometers of freight, amounting to 98 percent of the annual ton kilometers carried just prior to the outbreak of the war. The USSR alone carried 417 billion of the above total and virtually equalled the prewar level, A significant factor in postwar traffic development has been the greater average length of haul as com- pared 'w th yrowar which requires more transportation per ton of freight originated. Therefore, while total transportation produced measured in ton kilometers is now near prewar ]ever in the entire area, the total tons originated is lagging behind somewhat. (See Appendix I) Plana exist in nearly every country, including the USSR, for ambitious Increases in freight traffic accompanied by increases in the inventory of motive power and rolling stock, extension and double t.racking of rail lines, and in some cases railroad electrification. The Soviet Union is planning for a total of 532 billion ton kilometers of freight traffic in 1950, an increase of 27 percent as compared with 1948. The Satellites plan increases during the immediate future ranging from 12 percent in Hungary to 250 percent in Yugosslavi,a. To achieve these increases In traffic plans also exist for increased production of locomotives and cars, and for an increaaased supply ate. rails. The current stock of locomotives compares favorable with that held, before the war. In certain countries it is actually larger and is composed of unite with higher tractive effort. :Freight cars, while somewhat below the prewar total in the Satellites., are more plentiful in the USSR today than they were in 1939. The average capacity of freight cars has increased during the postwar period through the building pf larger ears. The USSR is receiving material assistance in building pup its supply of transportation equipment from the Satellite producers of this equipments G sechoslovakia, Finland, Hungary, Poland,, Rumania, and the Soviet Zone of Germany. The Soviet ikon has shipped small amounts of transport equipment to Albania end Bulgaria only. These are intended chiefly for 'military purposes. In addition, some German transportation equipment has been made available to the Satellites. There is a smell ex- change of transport equipment (largely components) between the Satellites that produce this equipment, and these countries have also made certain items available to Bulgaria and Yugoslavia after fulfilling Soviet and domestic reequirements. - 35 c Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approver or Release CIA-RRDP78-01617 AQ00300280001-4 Curt ailment of US and '.Jeatern 1nropean exports of railroad equipment will neither prevent achlovement of railroad fright ? ,ransport plant in the USSR nor in any of the Satellites except Yugos:[.avia. Attainment of these plane, although of the gv3ateat importance to economic and mili- tary strength, will not mean that transportation vi. ill no longer be a weak- ness* While there is sufficient production of b+,nam locomotives raid freight cars within the orbit t3 fulfill inventory platen for these items? production of steel rz:?.Is is ii2uffioient fnr vaplademeitts, and assistance from the West will br, neeeesavy for completion of ambitious plans for railroad construeti(fl QnA d!*rbie tracking. Moreovers dtt"ieieoies iz the production of mate?:ials for s'4lroFO a l!ectrifice?tion wil%- prevent the orbit from achieving itr plans in :his" field. Pleas for railroad construction, double track fig and electri- fication r.,re important for increasing the traiCic capacity f the railroad systems, but falluro to compt.ete these plans viii not materially affect the economic and military strength of the orbit. Post.rar emp& t} the lB R and Satellites has 'on on the development of : aiaroad~'Li. ile $ Passerger trmifie is at a ~~l. parable to pre~:rar but passenger service and accommodations he.7,3 dete~_?,,ynted asworpared wiih prewar etaadards. If no assistance is obtaixi from west, freight traffic will probably be maintained at the a xpenaoof passenger seriice and the equality and porisibly quantity of the 3 utter may be affected. It must be vamembered, howover,, that passenger tra fit can be curtail -:i with little r:ffect on the coonomia and military potential. Inland waterways, highway tr?insport, and civil aviation cur- rently carry a small pw*u of inland traffic, The potentialities of 'ki-wOO facilities are limited, and even if developed to the fu .l est, =an inorgase total freight movements 7ery little. Inland watezrays will continue to aarsy their share of the traffic burden without assistance from the West4, but current plans for highway transport probably cannot be achieved Without imports. Aircraft production is sufficient te, most plans for civil, aviation.. The merchant nmines which is Is,-g=. }::Away than in the prewar period, is concentrated in the fleets of t'h= zaR, Finland, Yugoslavia, and Poland. The Soviet.and Polish fleets have been increased through lend-lease and reparations. This has offset the Finnish and Yugoslav losses. Demands on the merchant fleet are being met, and unless pur- chases and charterings of Western shipping are halted, plans for tonnages can be achieved. Without western aid, plans for shipbuilding will not be achieved, because of shortages of skilled labor, finished steel, oom- pone3nts, and technical assistance. (See., Appendix IT-) - 36 - Approired For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approvec4For Release :: CIATP78-01617A 00300280001-4 The Soviet orbit, with the exception of Yugoslavia, grin attain its railroad freight transportation plane. despite.a Western embargo on railroad equipment. Such an embargo would, however, prevent realisation of plans for railroad construction, double-tracking, rail- road electrification, highway transport and shipbuilding. Moreover, further deterioration of railroad passenger service and accommodations may be expected if exports are stopped, since achievement of the railroad' freight traffic plans can be accomplished only at the expense of passenger service. While the railroad freight traffic plans are most important for economic and military strength, achievement of the planned goals does not mean that transportation generally will no longer be a woakness. -37 - Approved For Releases@ '.'DP78-01617A000300280001-4 Approve For Release ? CClA--BR~DP78-0161 00300280001-4 %wi (By Thousand Uetric Tons) CCU M 1948 ... .. Bulgaria 6,000 8,450 Czechoslovakia 73,000 75,156 Finland 15,700 1,600 Germany 180,009 78,000 20,074 17,984, P Poland n 75,000 113,000 Rumania 27,632 20,000 Yugoslavia l9.032 Total 4,16,438 353,670 USSR e 594, (21IILD TOTAL 99 t lo 93 Bulgaria (By iIil.lion Ton..Kilameters) 1,007 1,955 Czechoslovakia 18,450 13,690 Finand 2.7 n 2 515 Germany 23 4 , 10,200 Hungary 2,534 2,898 Poland 23,368 25,000 Rumania 6,019 3,907 Yugoslavia 4,24-2 Total 8 64.,065 USSR 4S,8l0 c;UND TOTAL 490,490 4g A Including area east of Oder-Neisse line.. - 38 y 1. 1RxFFIC Approved For Relea P78-01617A000300280001-4 ApproveJor Release ? CCIIA-R~DP78-0161 00300280001-4 20 not_, fives Bulgaria 510 Czechoslovakia 4,115 Finland 753 Germany 7,415 Iiungary 1,876 Poland 5,16(i Rumanx: 3,615 Yugopiavia , "otal 25;,618 Ur? GRAflD TOTAL 1w 1,000 5,410 791 6,000 1.9570 5,860 2,645 2537 52,37+ 1w 1 300 30 18O 176 250 70 Fret O Bulgaria .L0,646 15,000 0 Czechoslovakia 97,000 86,600 16 650 Finland 24,588 19,600 , 1 200 Germany 100,000 70,000 , 1 300 Hungary 40,035 35,000. , 7 000 Poland 155,932 145,000 , 16 000 Rumania 56,294. 74,200 , 3 250 Yugoslavia 20 -2ka! , 2 0 0 * Total 815 536 501 906 _ . ' USSR , ry 4 , Q Q , 870,000 4 ',4000 Q,- GRAND TOTAL -1,321,215 1,371,906 Q 127,409 * Possibly suspended. -390 Approved For Relea u'P78-01617A000300280001-4 ApprovedFor Release : CIA-RRDP78-0161 W 00300280001-4 APPENDIX ,, SOVIET kND SILTI;LLITE Pr1ERGfl0T (1000 Gross Tons and Over te a. Soviet Urion 354 1,136,000 560 1,964,4594 Finland 232 531,000 168 416,754 Yugoslavia 98 376,000 38 164,382 Poland 31 114,000 42 159,967 Rumania 25 103,000 2 12,367 Bulgaria 8 23,000 1 4,191 Hungary 6 23,000 1 1,002 Albania Czechoslovakia - -- 1 1,756 TOTAL * 754 2,286,000 81.3 2,725,013 Postwar totals are tentative. Bulgaria, according to other estimates, has 20,000 GT, Poland 164,000, and Finland 392,000. +* Including Lend-Lease Vessels totalling 535,000 GT. -40- Approved For Relea'RDP78-01617A000300280001-4 Approvedjor Release ? CIA-RDP78-0161 003002800b1-4 (a) Machinery production and industrial installations cannot be evaluated, even in part, in terms of quantity; those additional factors must be considered a Jechnologioal stanndards, size of unit or installation, quality of component parts, processing for quantity (a matter of engineering skill), and replacement of manpower (ration of man- power to machine power). The application of these factors to aiW field of industry demonstrates that the advantage lies overwhelmingly with the West, To some degree, the industrial development of Czechoslovakia and Hungary, the strongest units in the Soviet industrial complex, furnishes a few items of acceptable quality but insufficient quantity. The t8SR produces certain other items in some quantity, but totally lacking in quality. The field of machinery and industrial installations includes: machine tools, mining, oil and construction equipment, agricultural machinery (tractors), precision instruments (mechanical and otherwise), optical . and electrotecbnical equipment, power lifing equipment (cranes, ate.) ferrous and non-ferrous metals processing equipment (from classifiers to blooming mills), primary power equipment (Diesels, turbines, etc,), abrasives, and all other capital equipment and its related industries making component parts. one Tools - The present Soviet inventory should be ade- quate in quantity in a limited number of items. With. the exception of approximately 100,000 machine tools, furnished by the US under lend- lease, Soviet additions to inventory since 1940, in the order of 700,000 units, represent the dismantling of equipment in the border countries or in controlled areas, resulting in deficits of required production equip- ment in the Soviet Zone of Germany,, Poland, Hungary, Austria, and Ruaaaia. Much of the value of this additional equipment to the ESR must be dis- counted because of damage in transit, lose and lack of required spare - parts and auxiliary tooling supplies such as cutters and abrasive products, breakage in dismantling and installation, shortage of facilities for full utilization of equipment, and the lack of engineering and skilled labor. To some extent the addition of looted and lend-lease equipment represents a potential reserve of constantly depreciating equipment. Soviet machine tool production is involved in a technological struggle. At the end of the war, existing installations were obsolete, over-simplified in range and typo, and handicapped by poor workmanship and poor quality of materials. The industry has sought partially but unsuccessfully to rectify these mistakes in the postwar period., with the result that production has fallentelow even the goals of the third (prewar) Five Year Plan. Consequently, the WSR is still basically a machine tool importer. Requirements have been temporarily net from dismantled and looted supplies which have not been fully absorbed by the economy. ..41- Approved For ReleaMPO DP78-01617A000300280001-4 Approvor Release P78-0161700300280001-4 Range of types, size, and quality are far more significant than the factor of quantity production in estimates of machine tool values. Oalty Czechoslovakia, of all the Soviet orbit States, meets Western European technical standards in a for limited (light and mediums) sizes of machine tools, such as light turret lathes, one or two models of multiple drills, horizontal planers, and milling machines. Though quality is adequate, production techniques are antiquated; hence there are limita- tions,to quantity production. Current production, mostly of medium to small-size machines, is about 10,000 units yearly. This is roughly equal to the Swiss output and less than that of Italy. In view of the Moscow- directed conversion of the Czechoslovakian machinery industry production to heavier types and special items to meet Soviet deficiencies, it is questionable whether even this present standard can be maintained. If this conversion is to be successful, it requires a motor change In organization and additional equipment for which the Czechs are dependent upon Western Europe and the tE, Precision ,trumente - Soviet production of-precision instru- ments is limited to basic mechanical and measuring instruments such as micrometers, calipers, and a few simple gauges, aid rulers. These are of poor quality. The TSR has not yet started the manufacture of Johaunsen blocks (a world-wide standard precision measuring device), Various scales and gauges, copies of iB and Western European products, have been "invented" by Russian scientists.. but production has been nil. However, German technical and production resources in the Soviet Zone for the manufacture of a wide range of standard precision instru- ments should be assumed to be at Soviet disposal if facilities are provided in the MBSR. 9 start toward the production of precision optical instruments has apparently been made with the partial removal of Zeiss facilities to the 1SR, thereby providing technique, facilities and personnel for a previously non-existent industry. Hungary produces some technical precision equipment, primary medical instruments, but not in great quantity nor in a wide range. Czecho- slovakia. has made some instruments for use within that country, but only on a "custom basis." It remains an importer of precision instruments, While the Satellite countries have made ambitious plans for developing heavy industry, even partial realization is dependent on technical assistance and fabricated equipment from Western Europe and the lB. Thus while there exists within the bloc the ability to create tieces of industrial equipment which will satisfy the five governing factors, the capacity is so limited that only one product at a time can be made from the thousands of types, sizes and characters of industrial machines required9 42 Approved For Relea P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approve For Release ? P78-0161700300280001-4 (9) Ant, tion a ' as, With the exception of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Zone of Germenn. thew are no sources of anti. friction (bell, roller, and needle) bearings within the Soviet orbit. Ended industrialization, within the Soviet Union or the Satellites, will be unsuccessful if the Soviet orbit is to depend on its own re- sources for this oommodity. Even the Soviet orbit?s utilization of existing industrial equipment is complicated by the fact that standard bearings (presupposing standard quality on the best world level) are among the few vulnerable and non-durable parts In all types of nachinery. Therefore, a very large part of bearing production goes S into new equipment, but into replacements and repairs. Since the USSR may be considered the sole source of bearings within the orbit (total Soviet Zone, Germany,, production goes~to the Soviet), the industrial effort within the orbit must de. pend on the adequacy of the Soviet antifriotion-bearing supplies, un- less such bearings are imported from some other country. Present estimates of Soviet production vary from 30 million unite per year to 60 million. The bulk of evidence indicates that the former figure is the more reliable. (The latter estimate seems to include repaired bearings for which aparox mtely 50 percent of the Soviet bearing meunufacturing equipment is used.) Parts used in repaired bearings must come from prime production.- Soviet papers have even re- quested citizens to turn in steel bells. This production rate compares with a Western European capacity of over 200,000,000 units a year and a DS capacity production rate of 4M,000,000 a year, or a total Western World production rate of from 400 to 600 million units a year. The absence of self-sufficiency in orbit bearing production becomes much more striking when one considers the factors of quality and variety of types. The largest Soviet factory produces only 200 types of bearings (other Soviet factories probably account for another 100 types). In contrast, 30,000 types exist in Western production, of which 5,000 are basso-standard bearings. In addition to the limited range, the quality of Soviet-produced bearings Is adjudged to be the poorest of any of those made in the principal production centers of the world. The two essential features of producing bearings of adequate quality are material (which involves highly technical engineering, use of electric furnace alloy steel of high carbon, chromium,, and nickel-molyb?? denum content); and precision machinery which requires the finest type of machine tools, cutting tools, grinding abrrasives, and skill. 43 Approved For Releas 8-01617A000300280001-4 ApproveFor Release~P78-0161700300280001-4 In the production processes alone, the Soviets employ techniques which have been obsolete for 25 years. The poor quality of Soviet bearings shows itself in the unecononLo and unfeasible attempts to repair bearings, the constant complaint of users within the USSR, and the rejedtiona of Soviet bearings by Satellite technicians as unusable even in the smell quantities that have been suppplied. In recognition of the Soviet industry's own inadequacies with respect to quality, Soviet factories formerly furnished all tractor and farm oquipment with a complete duplicate set of bearings for repair and maintenannce. During 1948,, however, Soviet users of such equipment have complained that this practice has ceased. Since production-usere (transportation, min-, farm equipment, and machine tools) have more frequently blamed breakdowns and work stoppage on bearing failures than on any other component part, it would seem that the failure to supply duplicate sets may worsen an already bad situation. likewise, since the quality of Soviet bearings is so poor, it is likely that more than 50 percent of the Soviet's annual production is required for normal repair and replacement of existing bearings. (US-produced standard bearings are generally rated at 3,800-5,000 hours life at =xbm capacity. some bearings used in precision instruments, however, have to be replaced every two months). The problem for the Soviet Union becomes Immeasurably greater as time passes, both because of the constant increase of new equipment inventory, and the replacement required in looted and import- ed foreign- ads equipment. There is some evidence that the Soviets have even purchased new equipment from outside the orbit in orderto procure certain special bearings, with the intent of either discarding the equip- ment or trying to replace the Western bearings from Soviet production. Beyond the fact that Soviet production cannot replace standard bearings in equipment manufactured outside the orbit, the Soviet position in regard to, foreign-made equipment becomes even more vulnerable in the field of machine tools, which require many special bearings. From a factory study it seems apparent that most of the Soviet machine tools are of foreign manufacture. The US alone, under Lend-Lease, supplied 100,000 units to the USSR. Of the 700,000 machine tools avail- able in the Soviet Zone of Germany, it is believed that the Soviets have acquired the greater part. Although this increment (quite apart-foram the extensive import of machine tools before the war), may not be in total use, and though some cannibilization would be economically permissible, neither factor provides a stabilizing solution, nor will it deter more than temporarily the increase of the Soviet inadequacy in bearing-production. Approved For ReleaseNOLR P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approve o For Release P78-0161 x;;100300280001-4 24eanwhile, in the Satellite states, the problem has already become acute. Under the beat of circumstances the supply of bearings has existed on a hand-to-mouth basis, depending almost entirely on imports from. Western States, particularly Sweden. The existence of German stocks of bear- ings (mainly war supplies accumulated by the Germans), were of temporary help. European imports from the US remained abnortally high until March 1948 restrictions. Swedish production sources were taxed to the limit and even now consist of heavy backlogs, After the March 1948 restrictions on US exports were imposed, the shortage of bearings In the Satellite countries became notably more severe. Czechoslovakia, the most industrialized. of the Satellite nations, has been the chief sufferer. Smuggling; activities and haggling over a handful of bearings have become standard practice. In one instance, a plane was sent directly to Sweden to bring back to Czechoslovakia less than a dozen bearings. Permanent machine breakdowns have been noted which resulted from the lack of bearings. Temporary work stoppages in factories have been necessary. Although Czechoslovakia actually produces a neg- ligible quantity of bearings, the process has never been successful, either in quantity or quality. The Czechoslovakian God has constantly made and revised plans for the erection of a new bearing plant but at present is making no headway because of dependence on unobtainable US machine tools. Poland has held off an acute shortage by settling its account with Swedish SKF, and importing bearings through Third-Party countries. Because of progressiive failure of both of these sources, how- ever, the Polish situation is becoming more acute, It is to be noted that both Poland and Csechoslovskia, in spite of indigenous need, have been buying bearings for direct export to the USSRR. No such actual in~- stances have been reported for the other Satellites but quantities sought, would indicate a similar condition. Poland is also reported planning the erection of a ballbearing plant. Hungary produces a negligible amount of bearings and has made most strenuous efforts to procure them through- out the world. ? There is no evidence of a pooling and priority arrangement for the distribution of this commodity within the Soviet orbit. In all cases, the priority of demand has been established by the Soviets, and re-distribution has been solely within the Soviets' power. Thus, for instance, Rumania has officially boasted of receiving a shipment of some 3,000 bearings from the Soviet Union. (If this-shipment'is similar to others made by the Soviets to the Satellites, in all probability the bearing manufacturer was other than the Soviet Union). In turn, it has become quite apparent that Czechoslovakia and Hungary have also taken 45 Approved For Release . 8-01617A000300280001-4 Approve For Releas P78-01617A 00300280001-4 their boaringshortage problem to the USSR. Mutual assistance in the purchase of bearings outside of the Soviet orbit seems possible and probable. It was reported, in September 1948, that Bulgaria was seeking $200,000 worth of bearings from the US through Italy. When this effort apparently failed, the same figure was used in seeking a trade agreement with Italy. Hungary, in September 1948, asked for $200,000 worth of bearings from Switzerland, when a trade agreement was being sought. It was reported, in Tlovember 1948, that officials of the Soviet Zone of Germany had been ordered to-set aside $$200,000 for the purchase of bear- ings. in addition, all Satellites have sought fantastic quantities of bearings well above their normal prewar requirements which according to State Department reporters included more than a single customer country,e potential needs, It has already been noted that, as war stocks diminished' and abnormal imports from the 15 were shut off, the shortage of bearings became more acute, and that direct s uggling and exploiting of illicit purchases through Third-Party interests resulted, Such purchases have been made both for US bearings and for other makes. The trade seems to have included such widely separated points'as- rgentina, Tangier, and Iceland. In any case, the quantities so handled have been insufficient to permit more than a very temporary solution. All reports indicate that the small quantities of bearings have been allocated for use in equipment of the greatest priority, Although bearings are but one of many factors,, industrial reports from all of the Satellite countries have emphasized the lack of bearings in explaining factory failures to meet production plane and other work stoppage, The Soviet Union has apparently made no recent direct effort to procure bearings. The bulk of evidence, however, would indicate that Satellite endeavors have included the USSR an the potential user. In certain specific instances, reports have shown the USSR to be the direct benefactor of Satellite imports, notably Fblish. In Czechoslovakia, since much of the equipment using bell-bearings was to be manufactured for the Soviet accounts it is obvious that the USSR benefits indirectly. Soviet efforts to procure Austrian bearings, both in equipment and: as units, have been notable. USIA, the official Soviet purchasing agent in Austria, has paid premiums for smuggled Austrian and German bearings, an well as making exchanges of certain equipment dependent upon procurement of bearings for its own account. In Rumania, the 3,000 or more bearings reported to have been shipped by the Soviets were presumably to be used by the State rail- ways, which presumably would benefit the Sovietged oil industry. (No confirmation however, of the Soviets actually shipping bearings to Rumania has been received.) .. 46 - Approved For Rele 78-01617A000300280001-4 Approved For Release : CIA-R416DP78-0161 00300280001-4 ONNOM Western European countries have now reached the stage of rehabilitation in industry which would seem to permit an export of bearings to the Soviet orbit sufficient to fill all practical needs for a year. Of Western European exports of bearings, the Swedish supply is tho most iriportant, both in terms of quantity and quality. No in- forn ti!rt ^; sts which accurately shows Swedish exports of bearings to the Soviet orbit countries. However, if this prime source would adhere to an embargo along with Italy, Fiance, Switzerland, Germany, and the United Kingdom, it is quite possible that Eastern European countries' plans for further industrialization not only could be out short but that such an embargo possibly would seriously disrupt existing industrial processes. If maximum efforts were made by Satellite and Soviet countries, two solutions might be possible in a period from three to five years hence, The first expectation would be that new plants would be created. At present, however, all such plans (including those of Poland and Czechoslovakia and the USSR).hinge on Western assistance both for technique and equipment, while even such plants as would be built in the aforesaid period would. be insufficient to balance quantity imports alone, much, less quality. The second solution is a re-designing and re-building of equipment substituting plain bearings for all rolling antifriction sur- faces, and consequent replacement of all existing machinery utilizing roller bearings. Such an under would be tremendously difficult and would not lessen any of the Immediate shortages. In addition, even if successful, such a step would put Eastern European industrial processes in an extremely inferior technological and productive position as compared with the Went. Such a step would be, in affect, replacing a power lathe with a cold chisel, -/+7- Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 . A rove For Release : CIA-RDP78-01617AD0030028000 1-4 'WESTERN CAPA PRODUCTION TYPES QUALITY LUROPE IN UNITS Sweden 25,000,000 Several. thousand Superior. Standard & Special aircraft and S a UK 55 000000 ditto ditto Germany prewar - 92,000,000 Military limita- Iailitary li- resent - unknown tions only mitations only Austria 2,400,000 Standard primarily Equal prewar Some special aircraft German stan- dards France 251,000,000 Several thousand World average Mostly standard Switzerland 4,400,000 Primarily special bearings Superior Italy 22,000,000 Mostly standard Majority cheap. bearings quality, gen- _.. ..~..~. _ a a Total 133,800,000 , excluding G a a 2 0 00QQ) USA 400,000,000 All types Superior Air- craft and TOTAL 533 000,000 USSR 30 - 60,000,000 Approx. 300 Very poor. No aircraft or instrument Sov. Zone 1 - 3,500,000 Dependent on 90% of balls and rollers Germany (2 of 3 plants) from Bi-Zone. (dismantled) Present production entirely devoted to r 2 air of bearings . Czechoslovakia Negligible Few small sizes - dependent on Western Germany ,r for component is Hun ry Ne igible Poland --- Rumania Bulear,La ....- Y oslavia ~...~. ~..-... Finland -_- . 48 Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4 Approved For Release$ ( rP78-01617A000300280001-4 Nam* "Milow (10) I=trist Die ndsa Since the production of industrial dianmonds is almost nil in the USSR and in the Satellites, practically all requirements, totaling between 500000 and 100,000 carats per ;year, must be obtained outside the Soviet sphere. Current difficulties in the purchase of these items abroad have forced the USSR to procure a part of its requirements through smuggling. In addition, the USSR has probably acquired some from the Satellites which, however, are themselves dependent on outside sources of supply. L1, total embargo would not be felt at once, since stock have been built up in the past, but within a year or so the failure to procure this item would significantly impede industrial production. 49 to, Approved For Releas P78-01617A000300280001-4