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Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000600110004-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000600110004-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-0V 1,200 THE 0 0 of the Soviet Air Forces is currently estimated at and 17,000 aircraft assigned to operational units; combat types, 700 are transports, and 1,100 are miscellaneous types, such as reconnaissance, liaison, ambulance, utility, plus some combat types the identification of which is not known. Approximately 21 per cent of Soviet air strength is located outside the borders of the U.S.S.R. -- 2,700 aircraft in Europe and 850 aircraft in Korea and Soviet-occupied Manchuria, The Soviet Air Forces includes four arms -- the Military Air Force, designed for close support of the ground armies, the Long Range Air Force, the Fighter Defense Force, and the Naval Air Force. These military air arms are supplemented by a Civil Air Fleet of approximately 3,000 major transports, 2,500 of which could be made available for military use in the event of hostilities. By D-Day plus fix months, as result of mobilization, it is estimated that the Soviets could have 22,000 operational aircraft, 20,000 of which could be combat ypes. No recent information is available concerning stored reserves of Soviet aircraft At the end of World War Il? the air strength of the U.S.S.R. was estimated at 82,000 aircraft, including 18,000 new combat types in stored reserves. It is considered extremely unlikely that the Soviets disposed of excess aircraft to as great an extent as the Western Powers, and it is considered quite probable that the Soviets currently possess from 20$000 to 40s00o aircraft in stored reserves. The composition of the various components of the Soviet Air Forces is estimated as follows.; Jet Attack Bombers gilt twit= Trans. orce Mr 1'9:me tense Force Farce 3450 1,100 10450 3,090 210 3,300 1,970 4410 01111111110M, 150 380 240 11?0111.11. 1,000 870 ?wroselpflOrawass. 4,250 ????????? 1,500 .11.1?01111.1 150 6,000 700 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000600110004-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-01.617A000600110004-6 12111,64a A agts.Personnel* L1Ta17 Air Force Long Force Fighter Defense Force Naval Air Force 610 10,000 1,800 2,100 3,100 260 55 40 85 280,000 63,000 52,000 86,000 4111.011111.1k MIO0011?11. 1,103 Me quarters, Trainj Zstablishments? and Service Element 17,000** MIL Fasceara * Personnel estimates are based upon arbitrary assumptjons. ** Does not include 3,000 aircraft of the Civil Air Fleet or Loo aircraft of the MTD. !1.ta.t-y Air Force The Military Air Force is composed of at least 15 air armies five of which are currently atationed outside the U.S.S.R. Total strength ot these air armies is estimated at 10000 aircraft broken down by typee shown above. The basic light bomber of theMilitary Air Force is the TU-2 is con3jd,j to have a 400 nautical mile combat radius with a 3,300 pound bomb load and a 500 nautical mile combat radius with a 2,200 pound bomb load, ntional fighter aircraft of the Military Air Force, such as of the TAX4 with internal fuel only, have a combat radiu of 540 nautical miles. The older models of the 141-9 with 100 gallons of external fuel have a 530 nautical mils combat radius; with internal fuel only they have a combat radius of 410 nautical miles. The M40-9 jet fighter, which baa bean displsy_d with eztaraal fuel tank, has a combat radius of 330 nautical miles with external fuel, and 140 nautical miles with internal fuel only.. The TAX-15 jet fighter is estimated to carry external Ale1 and has a combat radius of 100 nautical milea with Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000600110004-6 2 'Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000600110004-6 internal fuel and 300 nautical miles with external Soviet II-2' and IL-l0 attack aircraft (Stormovik) have omhat radii of 150 and 200 nautical miles respectively. Xn Rang. Air Forge The Long Bangs Air Force is directly sub Armed Forces and consists of three air armies. 0 Long Uanga Air Force is estimated to be 1,800 air types as Shown in the table above. It is currently estimated S. present e us of the of 29 is 2,800 nautical miles with a 10,000 pound bomb load This u.ld be extended to 2,150 nautical miles with the same bomb load rig all defensive armament except the tail turret reduction of the crew by one member, and the addition of an extra 520 gallons of feel. There is o information available, however, indicattrg modification of the Soviet 11-29 in this respect. Although there is very little evidence of Soviet use of aerial ref44133ne techniques, use of such techniqees mould increase the combat radius of the Soviet B-29 by 40 per cent if one refheling operation were employed, and 75 per cent if two refueling operations were conducted. The remaining bombers of the Long Range Air Force consist of a number of four-engtde PE-80 and a large number of twinengine bombers with oharacterietica similar to the American B-25, The PS-8 bomber, similar to the B-17, is con'sidered obsolete, and in all probability not more than 150 of these aircraft are available. Combat radius of the PS-8 ix approxi mately 1,100 nautical miles with 404o0 pounds of bombs. The twin-.engine bombers are considered to have a 400 nautical mile combat radius with 3,300 pounds of booths, and a 500 nautical mile combat radius with a 2,200 pound bomb load. iher Defense The Fighter Defense Force is charged with the responsibilityfor 3 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-01617A090600110004-6 4111411 pproved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-01817A000600110004-6 the protection of the political and industrial centers of the U.S.S.R. The strength of the Fighter Defense Force is estimated at 2,100 interceptor aircraft, 1,000 of which are considered to be jet types (MIO-9 =dux-10. The Soviet jet fighters now operational are believed to be slightly inferior in performance to the best currently operational American jet types. Although the Soviets are known to possess types of swept-backming jet fighters, it is not believed that there are any operational units equipped with these jet types at the present time, but it is estimated that their pyearance in operational units can be expected in the near future. An evaluation of Soviet interception capabilities indicates that approdiaats3 700 jets (M1G-9) would be able to perform combat operations with a maximum speed of 425 knots at that altitude. The raining 800 jets (TAX-15) would be able to operate at 34,000 feet with a speed of 420 knots at that altitude. The balance of the fighters are conventional types with combat operational capabilities from 26,000 to 37,000 feet, with the best types having a speed of 320 knots at combat altitudes. Combat altitude, as used above, is the altitude at which a rate ef climb of 500 feet per minute can be maintained, itave1 lir Force Strength of the Naval Air Force is estimated at 3400 aircraft, broken down by tipes as shown in the table above. It is entire land- based, i.e. there are no carrier-based aircraft and is organized so as to provide support for each of the six Soviet fleets. The aircraft strength in operational units of the Naval Air Force with strengths by Fleet Air Forces is as follows; Fiset Air Force ircrat Regiments North and South Baltic 800 21 North and South Pacific 1,450 Black Sea 5oo 14 Northern 350 lo 3,100 85 Approved For Release 2001/03/02: CIA-RDP78-01617A000600110004-6 Approved ForRelease 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000600110004-6 The NaiaI Air Force uses essentially the same type aircraft as the U,j.Ijtary Air Force plus the basic torpedo bomber, the IL4? with a combat radius of 675 nautical miles carrying a 2,200 pound bomb or torpedo load, and the PE-2 basic dive bomber with a 320 nautical mile combat radius with the eame load. Torpedo operations of the Naval Air Force were conducted only during daylight hours in World War II, but present training emphasizes night torpedo operations and increased coordination between aircraft and surface units of the Soviet Navy. Civil Ai Fleet It is et1ated that the Civil Air Fleet possesses approximately 3,000 major transports. It is considered that 1,500 transports of the Civil Air Fleet are immediately available to the Soviet Armed Forces for airborne operations, but in an emergency it is believed this force could be au ented by an additional 1,000 transports froa the normal Civil Air Fleet requirements and at least 200 transports from the Long Range Air Faroe This gives a total of 2,700 major transports (C-47 type) available for airborne operations. Trainily There are indications that the status of trainin.g in the Soviet Air s is not comparable to U.S. standards, particularly as regards techniques for all-weather flying, high altitude bombing, long range navigation, and mass formation flying. There is no doubt the Soviets fully realize their weaknesses, and are endeavoring to raiae their standards through a training program aimed at self-improvement coupled with the exploitation of new equipment, The outstanding feature of the present Soviet air training system is its flexibility. This allows it to shift emphasis in training as required through the movement of units to various 1ocations where particular types of operations are emphasized. Equipment The effectivenss of an air force depends to a marked degree on the inaiity of its equipment both airborne and ground. In this particular Approved For Release 2001/053/02 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000600110004-6 9 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000600110004-6 Ur OM %NV field the Soviets are considered to lag behind the U.S. Although they have had access to many U.S. and German developments in the field of airborne el-Ictronic equipment, bombsights and navigational instruments ere is no intelligence upon which to base an estimate as to whether they e produced these or similar equipments. One of their greatest inadequacies is their inability to mass produce micro-wave tubes. Witout these tubes in quantities there will be deficiencies in their early warning their ground control intercept radar and their airborne intercept radar. Without this equipment control of fighters, for the interception of bombers, particularly high flying bombers will be difficult and ineffective. Deficiencies may also exist in navigation instruments, mhich might particularly affect Soviet long range bombing missions. fteductinn Aircraft production in the Soviet Union during 1948 is estinated to tiae been 12,000 aircraft of which 6,216 were combat types (including military transports and miscellaneous military types) ? Of these combat atcraft approximately 1,305 were bombers, including an estimated 105 of the B-29 type; the remainder were fighters, including an estim ted 1,619 jet, and ground attack types. Dey.1oants and Technical Trends The Soviets ended World War II tth very little dev1ozent fields of jet propulsion. However, a considerable number of jet engines, production facilities, research facilities, and development data were obtained tram the Germans. These acquisitions have given the Soviets a greatly increased capability in the development of modern aircraft. There is every evidence that Russia is embarked upon a substantial program of air- craft development, and there is no longer any reason to believe that the Soviet aircraft program is materially behind our own. Indications are that Russia has departed from ite World War II concept of air power as being primarily for the support of ground troups. The greatest development noted to date has been in fast jet propelled interceptors for defense of the Approved For Release 2001/63/02 : CIA-RDP78-01617MMUM1-MIND itutin1/4;rommoomme, pproved For Raglease 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-01617A000600110004-6 omeland, and long range b ere for strategic air warfare at greater stancee tram their boundaries than Russia has ever operated before. It is probable that the Soviet 13-29 type now in use will be further developed by installation of improved power plants but there is at present no indication of this. Development may also be expected in the field of 1st bombers. In 1947 two of this type were displayed but neither were considered as advanced designs suitable for production. In July 1946 a twin engine jet bomber comparable to the U.S. 846 type was flown. It is estimated to have a maximum speed of about 470 bots at S.L. It ie known too that development was continuing after World War II on some of the German jet bomber projects. It is therefore estinated that in 1950 the Soviets will have light jet bombers in production. Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-01617A00041