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y ?-?
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*le ??? 7
I. 15
March 1948
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1. Reports issued in the M-series generally pertain to
territorial questions, geographic intelligence, evaluation of
available map information and technical intelligence on mapping
in foreign areas.
2. This copy may be either retained or destroyed by
burning in accordance with applicable security regulations, or
returned to the Central Intelligence Agency by arrangement with
the Office of Collection and Dissemination, CIA.
This document contains information affecting the national
defense of the United States within the meaning of the
Espionage Act, 50 U.S.C., 31 and 32, as amended. Its trans-
mission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to
an unauthorized person is prohibited by law.
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MARCH 191:8
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I. Dimensions of the Earth, and Geographic
III. Triangulation
Triangulation up to 1938 7
Maintenance of Triangulation
Stations and Restoration of
Station Marks 12
The Situation in 1938 14
1. Areas with Adequate
Triangulation Nets 15
2. Surveys Planned or in
Progress 18
Connections of the Gorman Triangulation
with that of Other Countries ? . ....... 23
Czechoslovakia and Austria ? ? 0 .. ... 26
Switzerland 28
France 28
Luxembourg 31
Belgium 32
Netherlands 32
Denmark 33
V. The Reich Level Net
VI. Hydrographic Net
VII. Magnetic North
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Summary of basic geodetic
information for German States
Triangulation Nets of
Greater Germany
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. 1. Great Circle Maps for Air Navigation
(Grosskreiskarten) 9
2. Relation between Connecting Nets
Facing Page
1 .
Figure 1. Germany; Main and Connecting
Triangulation Grids 8
Figure 2. Net of Precision Leveling ..... 0 . . 34
Figure 3. Bavarian Precision Leveling,
1868-90 ?34
Figure 4. The Principal Triangulation
Nets of Greatdr Germany 1944 . . 0 ? ? ? ? 48
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Germany is one of the few countries in the world that has complete,
accurate, and detailed geodetic and topographic surveys of the major part
of its area. The program of unification and coordination of surveying and
cartography initiated in 1935, however, created several serious problems
for German geodetic and cartographic agencies. Most of the German states
except Bavaria and WUrttemberg had adopted the Bessel ellipsoid. Polyhe-
dric projections with degrees of longitude measured from Ferro (Canary Is-
lands) were used on many of the older, large-scale maps. The large-scale
maps of Bavaria and WUrttemberg and the cadastral maps of many north Ger-
man states and provinces, however, were compiled on the Soldner and Soldner-
Cassini grids; and Bavaria used the Bonne projection. In the recent unifi-
cation program, the Gauss-Krager projection was introduced. All large- and
medium-scale maps published since the beginning of World War II have a geo-
graphic grid based on the Gauss-KrUger projection superimposed on them.
The Gauss-KrUger projection has been developed in three-degree bands by
the Reichsamt fUr Landesaufnahme and in six-degree bands by the General
Staff of the Army.
Although Germany is covered by a number of dense and accurate
triangulation nets, they were poorly integrated because they were
surveyed at different times and by different states. By 1938, sev-
eral nets had been resurveyed, and other areas were scheduled for
resurveying. In some areas, where differences between nets were not
too great, adjustments had been computed. The outbreak of the war
slowed down surveying, but along the Westwall Germany attempted to
NOTE: The Intelligence Organization of the Department of State and the
Office of Naval Intelligence have concurred in the report; the
Intelligence Division of the Department of the Army and the Air
Intelligence Division) Directorate of Intelligence, Department
of the Air Force, had no comment.
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complete new, accurate triangulation nets; and between 1939 and 1941,
first-order triangulation? of Mecklenburg, Wrttemberg, Bavaria, west-
ern Austria, and southern East Prussia were completed or continued.
Before the war, Germany had started to connect its triangula-
tion not with those of adjoining countries, but the Gorman not dif-
fered considerably from those bf France and Poland. After these
countries were conquered, their nets were adjusted to the German net
even though comparatively large junction differences had to be ab-
sorbed. The first-order connection of the German-Bolgian nets was
completad, as were also the Gorman-Polish nets with the exception of
the Werth? not.
The level net was renewed continuously because of deteriora-
tion due to slight shifts or lose of bench marks. At the outbreak
of war, approximately one-third of Germany had been covered by new
first-order and small parte by a second-order level net. An older
first-order level net eel/wed all Germany. Although many of tho old
markers have been lost, a number remain and are accurate within a
few millimeters.
Until 1941 hydrographic surveys along the German coast were
continued by the Deutsche Soowarte, the leveling being done by the
Reichsamt fUr Landeeaufnahme. The results of these surveys, however,
may have been lost.
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Germany is the classic example of a country that has complete,
accurate, and modern horizontal and vertical control surveys Of the major
part of its area. However, technical advances in road Conatruction, min-
ing operations, land redistribution, and military science require surVeys
of increasingly higher degrees of accuracy. in the past, the planning and
execution of a comprehensive program for the production of large-Ocala maps
were hampered by the existence of&numerous small survey districts whose
activities were not co-ordinated. To remedy this situation, Germany
inaugurated in 1935 an extensive Surveying program to provide a uniform
basis for large-scale topographic maps. This paper, which outlines the
status of this program at the time hostilities ceased, has been revised
?? 1
to include immediate postwar developments.
One of the basic difficulties in the unification of German cart-
ographic work is the use by various states of different dimensions for
the "geoid" or earth ellipsoid. Since the smaller state cartographic
agencies were either absorbed by the Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme or
followed its lead, only the three assumptions that are discussed in the
following paragraph remain to be considered.. .
The Wurttemberg map projectiOn was based on the ellipsoid of the
,Wiurttembergian astronomer Bohnenberger. .The Bavarian projections were.
based on a sphere with a radius of 6,388,172 meters. The dimensions of
this sphere were determined from the Laplacian spheroid, which has an
? ...?? ? ????
equatorial..circumfercnce of 40,000,000 meters and a curvature at the
latitude of Bavaria that is almost identical with the Bavarian' reference
& ? ,
1. Unpublished report by Captain Spencer D. Smith, in charge, Land
Survey Office, Bamberg, Germany, September 15, 1947.
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sphere. Prussia and all the states following its lead adopted the
dimensions determined by Bessel who, in 1841/ computed the polar radius
6,356,078.963 meters and the equatorial radius 6,377,397.155 meters)
On some airway maps there are notes stating that a "normal" radius of
6,370,000; 6,382,750; or even 6,3951000 meters has been used.
BY 1924, all German etates, most of which had previously used
Ferro, had adopted Greenwich as the prime meridian. On their surveys,
Prussia and Bavaria calculated that Greenwich was 17? 39' 57.5" east of
Ferro and subtracted 170 401, Since German topographic maps are bounded
by meridians and parallels, the subtraction of 17? 40, made it possible
to retain .the old borders without change, For example, 20o 50! E of
Ferro became 30 101 E of Greenwich. Only for Baden did the sheet borders
have to be changed. These changes were made during the war. The margin
of error introduced was less than 0.5 mm.I even on the 1:1001000 map.
Baden and Wurttemberg relied on the Wurttemberg Observatory at Tubingen
in establishing their latitude and longitude. Owing to a mistake in cal-
culating the latitude and longitude of.Tbingen and to a slight torsion
in the established prime meridian, these two states could not easily
adjust the established geographic grids to the accepted Greenwich-equator
system. Baden, which had based its prime meridian Ofi the now demolished
observatory at Mannheim, discovered an eastward deviation from the true
north of 10.7914" along this meridian north of Mannheim. The amount of
deviation along the WUrttemberg meridian based on Tilbingen is not known.
1. The internationally accepted dimensions are those of Hayford - for
the polar radius 6,356,911.946 meters and for the equatorial radius
6,3781388.000 meters. In Germany these dimensions are used as
reference only for leveling connections with Baltic countries. Figures
for the Bessel ellipsoid are given in Gorman legal meters, whereas
those for Hayford are in international meters, 1, legal meter .
1.000,0131355 international meters.
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When the borders of the Baden and WUrttemberg surveys were compared) a
? difference of 4.32" in latitude and 2.58".in longitude became apparent.
On the ground, this error amounted to between 135 and 141 meters in latitude
and between 35 and 40 meters in longitude, respectively, The Wurttemberg
and Bavarian nets, however, were adjusted satisfactorily, leaving a mean
error of two to three meters. The difference between the Prussian and
,Baden nets was 9.1" in latitude or 280 meters on the ground..
In projections differences between states were even more complicated
because a single state migh,t use a variety of projections, depending on the
scales of the naps produced. WUrttemberg and Bavaria used the Cassini-
Soldner projection and co-ordinates for their large-scale maps at 1:2,500
and 1:5,000. This projection virtually shifts the poles and equator of
the sphere in such a way that the primi'meridian and equator intersect
at the center of an area durveyed. This Means that if a 1-degree area is
projected as a quadrangle, the distortion is reduced to a minimum. The
zero of the co-ordinate system for WUrttemberg is the observatory in
Tubingen, and for Bavaria the co-ordinate zero is the northern tower of the
Liebfrauen Kirche in Munich.
Originally the Prussian topographic map at the scale of 1:25,000
(Messtischblatt) was drawn according to the Prussian polyhedric projection.
This projection disregards the curvature of the earth, and considers each
part of the sphere as a plane bordered by two successive Ferro meridians
and two successive parallels. Length, area, and angles are absolutely
correct at the corners of each of the isosceles trapezoids so formed and
the error at the center is insignificant. The Bavarian map set at 1:25,000,
on the other hand, was drawn in two forms; a topographic map (Gradabteilungs-
blatt) on the Prussian polyhedric projection with Bessells reference
spheroid, and a location sheet (Positionsblatt) on the Soldner polyhedric
projection bordered by parallels and meridians. Recently the latter have
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been made On the Gauss-Kruger prOjdetYori, using the same sheet lines as
0 ?
the Prussian Messtischblatter. The prime meridian adopted by Bavaria in
the Seidner system was 29? 161 08.8" east of Ferro. Bavarian latitudes
also have had to be adjusted by adding 02.6" -.owing to the use of
independent astronomic locations. Bonne's projection with Soldnerls
reference grid is used for the maps of the Bavarian Topographic Atlas
at 1:50,000. The standard parallel is 45?N and meridian is that of
the old Munich Observatory, which has now been demolished.
Polyhedric projections wore used also ontho Baden and Hessian
1:25,000 maps. Because parallels are drawn as straitht lines on all
polyhedric projections, instead of beint., slightly curved, there is an
insignificant error along the middle line of the raps. The greatest dif-
ference between the lengths of the chord on the 1:25,000 map and the are
of the true parallel is 0.13 mm., or 3.2 m, on the ground, and on. the
1:100,000 map 0.3 nm., or 29m, on the ground. These errors lie within
the margin of uncontrollable error in map production.
About 1928, ths Reichsamt ftir Landesaufnahme adopted the policy of
superimposing on all German topographic maps a plane co-ordinate grid
derived from the Gauss projection, a technique suggested by the use of
the Lambertlgrid by the French. Krdger was editor of Gauss' papers after
his death, and completed and amplified some of the Gauss computations.
The Gauss-Kruger projection, from which the co-ordinatee of the same
' name are taken, is a moaified transverse Mercator projection adjusted-tie
the spheroid. The projection cylinder is tangent to the spheroid along
a meridian, which therefore, like the equator in the Lercator projection
, , ?
has ne Sbale.error. lh order to keep the distortion within mall limits,
the exteneion of ?the?projecti?on to.the east and west of this central
I. Meridian is limitcd to 10 301 on German non-military maps. Thus, from
? :ehast to west new cylinders are used as projection surftces At progressive.
intervals.of:3 degrees of longitude. This results in a series of. narroW.
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strips or bands. The ordinates of the Gauss-Kruger projection are not
meridians but sMall circles parallel to the central meridian. The
abscissas are not parallels of latitude, but great circled perpendicular
to the principal meridian. All grid lines appear as straight lines,
distances can be measured easily, and angles are conformal.
The projeCtion
is not equal area, but the distortions are too small to be measurable if
the band is sufficiently narrow. The main disadvantage is that true north
is coincident with co-ordinate north only along the central meridian.
In February 1942, the Army adopted the Russian system of 6 degree
meridian banda.for its maps. This difference in width of projection bands
distinguishes the army grid (Deutsches Heuresgitter, DHG) from the grid of
the Reichsamt fir Landesaufnahme (Deutsches Reichsgitter, DRG).
The distortions are) of course, more pronounced on the military
grid than on the Reichsamt grid. The following tabulation, computed for
55? N) shows the comparative distortions at the edges of the meridian bands:
(3? bands) (6? bands)
rAeasured Distance
1 km.
10 km.
1 km.
10 km.
N-S distortion
0.11 m.
0.45 in.
4.76 m.
E-1,1 distortion
0.2 m.
2.4 m.
0.5 in.
4.8 m.
The Gauss-Kruger co-ordinate grid divides the map into squares whose
sides vary in length according to the scale of the map. The relationship
between the size of the squares and the scale of the map is given below:
Size of Square
(In cm.)
Size of Squaru
(In km.)
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The co-ordinates are Sc numbered that the meridian 6? is marked 2,500,000 m.;
that of 9? is 3,500,000; that of 12? is 4,500,0000 and so on. Between these
principal meridians) measurements are made in meters which, as Germany is
east of Greenvieti, are designated as Rechtswert or rechts (to the right);
Latitude is measured as the true length in meters from the equator and is
called Hochwert or hoch (high). The following tabulation gives a comparison
of the DRG and DHG numbering systems:
1,500,000 m.
1,500,000 m.
2,500,000 in.
? 3,500,000 in.
2,500,000 in.
4,500,000 in.
5,500,000 In.
3,500,000 m.
The Germans used two types of reference grids. The Army grid
(Heeresmeldnetz), used for tactical purposes, was based on the Gauss-Kruger
projection with 6 degree bands (DHG). The geographical reference grid,
(Gradmeldnetz), used for operational purposes (especially by the Air Force),
was based on parallels and meridians.
The 1:1,000,000 map of. the world was drawn on a modified polyconic
projection with straight meridians. On each sheet, the meridians 1 degree
west and 1 degree east of the central meridian arc true in length.
The Army surveyors have used the Gauss-Krilger grid with 6? bands
exclusively in recent years. The Navy has always used the Mercator projec-
tion for its maps; no exception is known. There is no indication that the
Navy will follow the lead of the Army. Obviously, in order to take advantage
of rhumb lines in air navigation, most of the general maps used by the Air
Forces are drawn on the Mercator projection. .0n these maps, the scale i8
correct for one of the three parallels 70? N., 510 N., or 23? N., depending
on the area covered. Occasionally other projections are used, including the
gnomonic with an oblique axis and the center of reference at latitude 50cN
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- -
but at different longitudes the stereographic, and the azimuthal with
various centers (Table 1). Maps on a larger scale were planned, but nothing
is known about projection selected. In the meantime, ,the air force has used
an adaptation of the old Vogel map at 1:500,000 on the Bonne projection) or
the general rap at 1:300)000 (see above).
A. Triangulation- before 1938
Germany was covered by a dense network of triangulation points, but
the observations were made at different times and with various degrees of
accuracy. Those areas for which the coveraEe was considered unsatisfactory
were either resurveyed or were scheduled for new triangulation. In some
states, such as Mecklenburg, the triangulation had to be repeated since the
original values could not be adjusted to the general system.
The resurveying of the first-order net was begun in 1936 and was
scheduled for completion in 1942. Most of the second-order nets completed
since 1900 could be converted to the new datum. Only a small amount of
second- and third-order work was required along the Eecklenburg-Prussia,
Saxony-Prussia, Bavaria-Prussia,. and Bavaria-Austria boundaries. Some of
the third-order work in Bavaria and Wurttemberg would normally have required
two to three years, and the triangulation of Germanflithin its prewar
boundaries could have been completed by 1945 if the war had not intervened.
Figtre 1, though dated in 1938, actually gives data for 1935. By 1938, the
new triangulation of Mecklenburg, Warttemburg, and Bavaria Was nearing
In Germany the accuracy of triangulation usually was established by
plotting all values of a given point as determined by the various observa-
tions. If these values fell within an ellipse whose major axis did not
exceed 0.30 in. in length) the triangulation was regarded as sufficiently
accurate. The pertinent figures for triangulStion of first order are:
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(1) The average length of half of the major axis of the ellipse is
A :lc 0.04m., the maximum error should not exceed three times the absolute
-mean; (2) the mean deviation from the adjusted direction is 4- 0.2" computed
for a mean distance of 40 km., and the maximum deviation is in accord with
the newer first order (i 0.15" to 0.20"); (3) the accuracy in measure-
ments of base lines increaSed progressively, from 1 in 2,000,000 in
earlier measurements to 1 in 3,000,000 in 1935 for the base line of the
Island of Rugen.
A nation-wide triangulation net of three orders of accuracy was
planned to replace the various state systems. The Reich was to be
responSible through the Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme for the establishment
and maintenance of the first-order triangulation net, although for the
time being Bavaria, Wurttemberg, and Baden were allowed to continue their
separate triangulation nets. Wurttemberg and Baden surveyors Were at-
tached to Reich survey parties, however, and Reich and Bavarian surveyors
took part in the execution of triangulation in Wurttemberg and Baden. The
reconnaissance and signal tower construction for the new Bavarian first-
order net was done by the Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme, and the observa-
tion by the Bavarian surveyors under the supervision of the Reichsamt.
In first-order triangulation a distinction was made between principal
and intermediate triangu2ation stations, the latter being observed only
after the establishment of the principal net. Their accuracy, however,
equalled that of the principal stations, and after August 1940 both were
accepted as comprising the Reich Triangulation Net.(Reichsdreiecksnetz)
and were designated as TP(R). Points of the third order were to rake up
the State Triangulation Nets (Landesdreiecknetze) and were designated as
TP(L). All points of fourth order were included in the Survey Net and
designated as TP(A). The relation between points of various orders is
shown below,
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, .
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Table 1.
Center of Radius of the
Scale at Center
Sphere Earth
of Projection
(in mm.) (in km.)
North Polar Region
Polar Azimuthal .
North Polo
479.0 6,370.7
Northorn Atlantic
Oblique Azimuthal.
Lat. 40? N
392.0 6,370.0
Long. 30? W
Middle Atlantic
Equatorial Azi-
Lat. 0?
217.5 6,372.75
Long. 300 W
Oblique Azimuthal
Lat. 30? N
205.5 6,370.5
Long. 75?
-1. Ordered by the Minister of Air Navigation and Suprome.Commander of the Air Force, compiled by the
Deutsche Soewarto, Hamburg, printed by Gobruder Sinter, Hamburg 36.
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Satze Length of Sides Density
(1 point per)
(1st 12 (30 km. (average)
TP(R) (
(2nd 6 6-15 km. 50 sq. km.
TP(L) 3rd 3 3.5 (average) 5 sq. km.
TP(A) 4th
In the above tabulation, na2.1_11" is used in place of "Number of
Pointings," since the latter night be misleading. In the Schitiber
method of ebservations used by. the Reichsamt.fUr Landesaufnahrae, each
angle and all combinations of angles about a station are measured a number
of times, according to the total number of angles. ';For example, in first-
order observations from a five line station, each angle and combination of
angles is measured five tines with the telescope in the direct positicn
and five tines with the telescope in the reverse position.
Triangulation stations were characteristically marked by stone plates
surmounted by stone pillare. The pillars had crosses chiselled on the
top, and the letters TP and a triangle were engraved on the sides.
Aufnahme or fourth-order stations were marked AP on one side and a metal
pipe or bolt was used for the subsurface marker. Metal bolts or plates
were used only as bench marks. Church spires and lookout towers used as
triangulation stations had leveling bolts at their base. The bolt,
stamped TP (or HP if it is also a levelling point), had a hole dMlled in
the top. The center axis of the hole was used as an eccentric station
Second- and third-order triangulation stations are distinguished
from first order only by a lower degree of accuracy, which means that
observations were not repeated as often'as for those of first order.
In many second- and third-order nets, however, the accuracy is as good
or better than the average for the Reich triangulation nets. Only in a
few cases is the maximum permissible error for first-order triangulation
exceeded, and then usually because of forced adjuatments to older adjoining -
nets. Similarly, in many cases the probable error of the adjusted direction
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:-?- ?? ?
is well within the Reich average. In the old third-order nets, however,
the error is much larger, amounting to a maximum error of 15.3" in the
southern part of Pomerania. .me error in the new first- and third-order
nets are well within the Reich average. The triangulation program called
eventually for a density of stations averaging about one station to each
square kilometer. There are about 54,000.triangulation stations in
Prussia. The number was to be increased to between 250,000 and 300,000.
This density was considered necessary (a) for military reasons, (b) to
create a sufficient number of control points for the use of aerial
photographs, and (c) to enable the local authorities to fit their local
surveys into the national net. There were 6,000 additional stations in.
the smaller north German States, and 60,000 in southern Germany. Of these
triangulation stations, 12,000 were of first-order accuracy in 1938.
Since then, the army established an unspecified additional number of
points.; especially in the territory of the West Wall, where they are
called artillery points (AP).
? For purposes of surveying, the French _Ind -Belgian division of. the
right angle into 100 degrees, 10,000 minutes, and 1,000,000 seconds,was
adopted, *even the French abbreviations being retained. It was decide4, -?
however, to express measurements in decimals rather than use the
abbreviations for minutes and seconds. The term "Neugrad" (new degree)
was coined for this new unit) Instead Instead of manufacturing new theodolites,
. ,
it was planned to equip those already in use with the new scale by
April 1, 1945. Computations have been made in this new system since 1938.
1. Circular Order.. .of October 18, 1937, concerning the division.of
angles, ibid., Vol. 14, No. 2, 1938. The centesimal system was not
used for first-order triangulation. This exception was officially
sanctioned by SectionII, paragraph 2,. of. Circular Order nf
October 18, 1937.
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The decimal graduation was printed also on airway maps, together with
the much older division of the circle into 64 points (Striche), each
one subdivided into 100 points (also called Striche).
The German Reich is thus covered by a system of triangulation nets
of various ages and degrees of accuracy. Originally triangulation arcs
were surveyed, which were later used to combine .isolated nets. For
these arcs and nets, base lines from 3 to 10 km. (2 to 6 miles) in
length were measured, which were expanded by triangulation to a junction
with the larger sides of the nets. To insure accuracy, most of the base
lines were remeasured and compared with the bases of 960 m. at Potsdam
and of 1248 m. near Munich. These remeasurements were necessary also
because all base lines were originally measured with the Bessel apparatus
rather than the recently introduced invar wires. The Munich base line
was the first tote measured with invar wires. The use of two primary
base lines for purposes of control was adopted because of the possibility
of changes in the true length of one of them. No triangulation point
was to be more than 200 km. (about 120 miles) from the nearest base line.
B. Maintenance of Triangulation Stations and Restoration of Station Marks
Even a perfect triangulation net needs continuous supervision.
Buildings are removed and highway and building construction destroys
station marks; mining operations may change the surface of the earth,
and station marks may be damaged by the negligence of landowners. The
restoration and maintenance of station marks is, therefore, a continuous
process. Before the war, reports on station marks were made semi-
annually by local policemen. Geodetic engineers usually recovered about
90 percent of those reported as lost.
Since the outbreak of World War I, maintenance has not kept pace
with needs. In 1935) about 3,900 of the 55,000 triangulation stations
in the Reichsamt net were reported to be damaged or lost, and by now
the figure is probably much higher. Furthermore, systematic restoration
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in some areas showed that 30 to 60 percent more station marks than
estimated had to be either restored or replaced. Such restoration Can be
done only by experienced surveyors and, until 1936, sufficient trained
personnel was not available. During 1936, 1,546 station marks were
restored, but in the following year, when surveyors were needed for other
work, less than half that number was restored. Triangulation stations
known to be damaged or lost as of April 1, 1938 numbered 20944.
Restoration has progressed furthest in Silesia and Pomerania, the state
of Lippe, and the northern part of the Rhineland.
The restoration of lost station marks, especially if the surface
plate has been lost, is both time-consuming and expensive. The Reichsamt
fur Landesaufnahme, therefore, charged one of its surveyors with the
problem of experimenting with the parallactic polygon chain method, which
Professor W. W. Danilow of Moscow had formulated. The theory is based on
the fact that the lengths of the longer diagonal of a very long and narrow
deltoid (kite-shaped
smaller diagonal and
longer diagonal. In
quadrangle) can be determined from the length of the
the very small parallactic angles at the ends of the
practice this involves the
difficulty of
very small angles and distances with sufficient accuracy. If the follow-
ing conditions can be fulfilled, however, the method is accurate enough
for use in replacing triangulation stations of second and third order.
The smaller diagonal line must be measured with absolute accuracy by an
invar wire, and its two parts, formed by its intersection with the longer
diagonal line, must not differ more than 0.2 m. The angle at the inter-
section must not deviate more than 21 from a right angle, and the line of
sight from the theodolite to the marker should be high enough above ground
to exclude refraction. The theodolite itself must be accurate. Under
these conditions, the deviation from the true length is less than 1 in
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It is. understood that this method has proved satisfactory in at
least tw6 trial measurements; once in 1935, when two lost points In .,-
Holstein were restored, and again in 1936, not far from Berlin along
the planned route of a super-highway that cut through the woods?and
H offered, .therefore, conditions unfavorable' for the usual method of
triangulation. The parallactic polygon chain method was not intended
for use in mountainous areas.
After., the outbreak of war, the Germans stopped showing the exact
locations of subsurface station marks on their maps, in spite of the
resulting inconvenience, because such information was cOnsidered too
valuable- to the enemy.
C. The Situation, 1938-44
It is possible to give a fairly accurate picture of the condition
of German triangulation in 1935 as well as the plans for the future from
a report of President Vollmar of the Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme of
December 1, 1935 (see Figure 1). The scattered information on plans
for triangulation during the next few years has recently been supplemented
by an unpublished report prepared by Captain Spencer D. Smith, intcharge
of the Land Survey Office, Bamberg, Germany. Of the first-order nets,
the Mecklenburg net was completed in 1938, the Danish connecting net in
19391 the two Pomeranian nets in 1936 and 1937, the Saxon:tonnecting
chain in 1941, the North and South Bavarian nets in 1940; the Baden-.
Wtrttemberg net in 1937, and the Austrian net in 1940. ' In Germany all
?modern nets of first order are completely adjusted to adjacent nets.
Older triangulation data are still in Use, especially in land registry,
because the 1:2,500 and 1:5,000 maps were often bordered by to-ordinate
lines on the old grid system, and because thousands of fourth-'order
(Aufnahme) stations were given in the ola state survey systems. .A
summary of the situation is given in Appendix A.
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The Temporary Reich Survey 1928 and the,final
Reich Survai Net. was ready Tor publication in 1944. The Reichsamt fur
Landesaufnahme had assembled a complete card file for.Greater,Germany
showing for each triangulation station, (1) geographic positions and
elevations; (2) Gauss-Kruger co-ordinates (DRG) in the temporary system,
i.e., the system wherein adjustments are made without taking into con-
sideration the base lines and Laplace stations outside northwestern
Germany; (3) co-ordinates in the final system in which all possible
adjustments are made, and (4) the Eilitary Gauss-Kruger co-ordinates (DMG).
These files were used in all HVA's (Hauptsurmessungsabteilungen) and the
Army Cartographic office received several copies of all cards. At the end
of the war, the file for the final Reich Survey Net was loaded into two
trucks. One half was sent to Wittenberg and may be in Russian possession
and the other half was sent to Imrsbruch and is believed to be in the
possession of the French Army in Paris. No examples are in U.S. or
German possession.
Such files are necessary, since maps can show the positions of
triangulation stations only Within graphic limits. On 1:50,000 maps,
triangulation stations are given with an accuracy of t10 m., other points
00 m. On maps at 1:25,000, the accuracy increases to t5 m., and L20 m.,
respectively. To obtain the position of a point with an error of not more
than one meter, it is necessary to use the Grundkarten at 1:5,000, or .
cadastral maps for states such as Baden, Bavaria, Hamburg, He$sen, Saxony,
and Wurttemberg, and for parts of Thuringia.
1. Areas with Adequate Triangulation Nets
The regions discusied in thu following paragraphs are provided with
adequate triangulation nets, though not necessarily of all three orders.
In Germany, moreover, a distinction must be made between an arc of
triangulation and a triangulation net. The former covers a strip of land
50 to 70 km. wide, while the latter may be any irregularly shaped area.
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a. Prussia West of the Elbe and Connecting Nets. Adequate triangu-
lation was established in this region between 1878 and 1900.1 The
different triangulation arcs and nets have been adjusted satisfactorily.
The Prussian net was the largest of the German nets and contained the
datum point of Rauenberg (related to the observatory in Berlin), and the,
base lines of Berlin 1846, KOnigsberg 1834, Strehlen (Silesia) 1845,
Break (Holstein) 1871, Oberbergheim (Alsace) 1877, Ogthingen 1880,
Meppen 1883, and Bonn 1892. Consequently all other nets were converted
to the Prussian system. The newly measured nets of East and West
Prussia, with the base linos of Schubin and Gumbinnen, were adjusted. to
each other and connected with the Prussian net by holding the border
stations fixed by the old net.
In 1924, the Prusiian system was transferred to the Gauss-Krilger
grid and was called the Preliminary Reich Survey Not. Mecklenburg,
Werttemburg, Saxony, Bavaria, and Baden thereafter were converted to the
system by computation only and without additional measurements. Many
discrepancies remained along the borders. All stations in all orders were
completely converted to this adjustment and the results were published in
trigonometric lists and on index cards.
In 1936 it was decided to hold the northwestern part of Germany
invariable (nets underlined in Figure 4, Appendix B) in order to avoid
changes in position. The eastern nets were adjusted internally without
base or Laplace conditions, were connected to adjacent nets by the Helmert
method, and then connected with the northwestern nets. The southern nets .
were connected to the combined northern net. The adjustment was further
enlarged by addition of the Polish, Czechoslovakian, and Austrian nets in
1944. The result was called the Final Reich Survey Net.
In July 1945, the U.S. and the British Armies decided to readjust the
Final Reich Survey Net by the Bowie method, u8ing all base lines and
1. "Official Triangulation Grid," ibid, Vol. 16, No. 5, 1940.
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Laplace stations. The junction figures and sections of this adjust-
ment were completed in July 1947 and called the .Central European Net.
The polygons should be completed by July 1948.
b. East Prussia. Triangulation of all three orders has been
c. West Prussia. Triangulation of all three orders has been
completed in the former Province of West Prussia. The greater part of
this net, however, lies beyond the 1937 boundaries of the Reich) in the
Polish Corridor and Danzig. A small part of the triangulatien is in the
section of West Prussia that was joined to East Prussia in 1919, but it
is still referred to in German publications as part of the West Prussian
net. ? ?
d. Berlin-Schubin. A first-order triangulation arc connects
Berlin and Schubin, the latter in the part of Poland that belonged to
? West Prussia before 1919. At Schubin, the arc connects with the East
and West Prussian nets mentioned. .The adjustment of the Berlin-Schubin
. .
arc revealed large junction errors. By moving the Prussian nets 2.3 in.
(or 0.118411) to the west, these errors were reduced, but a slight dis-
tortion developed in the north (see Table 2).
e. Markisch-Silesian net. Principal, first-order triangulation
(without intermediate points) has been completed for this area. The
second-order has been remeasured and the third-order partly remeasured
in the eastern part cf the area. The base line near Wohlau, which had
not been used before, was remeasured in 1941 and was used in;adjusting
the net.
f. Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and Lubeck. Triangulatim of all
. _ . ? -- '
three orders has been completed.
g. Eastern Pomerania. The principal first-order triangulation has
been completed for Eastern Pomerania, and the intermediate net was "
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scheduled to be completed in 1936. The net roaches from Jordansee
(on Wollin Island), Vogelsang (near Stettin), and Gornow in the west
to the Berlin-Schubin ,triangulation arc in the south. Northeast of
Stolp, a new base line 9.6 km. long was measured with invar wires in 1935.
..As the triangulation data were urgently needed for the area east of the
meridian 150 201 E. because of the many new German settlements in the
area, the second and third-order triangulation, though observed
independently, was done at the same time as the first-order triangulation.
, The necessary adjustment to the first order stations, a relatively simple
office procedure, was scheduled for the winter of 1938-39.
h. Vorpommern (Northwestern Pomerania), A first-order triangula-
tion net was completed in this area. A base line of 4.8 km. was
measured on Rii,gen and another of 10 km. was planned for the Werbelliner
heath. In'1938,.there was no plan for second-. and thirdl-order triangula-
tion and, because of the war, it is unlikely that any has been done.
2. Surveys Planned or in Progress
a. German-Danish Net. In the east, the German-Danish net joins
the Vorpommern net, which in turn joins that of East Pbmerania at
Jordansee, Vogelsang, and Gornow, and in the south the Berlin-Schubin
arc. This German-Danish net Was to be enlarged to include the northern
part of Mecklenburg and to-join the Holstein net in the west. This
would provide a trustworthy framework for the future triangulation of
Southern Mecklenburg. The first-order triangulation was completed in
1939; seeondand.third-order triangulation was planned only for the
Mecklenburg-Prussia border. '
Markisch-Silesian Net. In the area covered by the Markisch-
Silesian net, observationS-for intermediate first-order triangulation
stations were scheduled to begin in the summer of 1938. Second- and
third-order triangulation was completed in parts of Upper Silesia
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because of settlement projects, but no plans had been made for the rest
of the pecond- and third-order nets, since it:Was considered unnecessary.
c.. :East Pomeranian Net. In the area West of ,meridian 154201 in
East PoMerania, second- and third-order triangUlatich, started on completion
of the first-order net, has been completed..
d.rAforpommern Net (Northwestern Pomerania). Same,hs above.
-;Berlin-Schubin Arc. 'Oben the BerlihtSchubin triangulaticn arc
was,tappieted, plans were made for future second- and third-order triangela-
tion gemputations were started to,adjust the b6:rkisch-Silesian net to':
the Berlin-Schubin arc, but theadjustments could not be completed because
of other.Onnectichs with adjoining nets. The adjustment/. of the. Magigsch-
, .
.. . 1 : .
Silesiah het however, would move the points in southeast Sile'sia abeut-,
, . .
6 my.:whiah was'notiacceptable tolland-registry authorities. btherypes
of adjustments Were, therefOrarlinder investigation% The Markisth-
Silesian.triangulation net had its own base line near Wohlual%teasured
as early as 1914. No adjustment to this base line was :made at the ti-1110i.
because ef the outbreak qfXorld.;1ar I. It was necessary, therefore, to.
remeasure the base line, which was kinally done in 1941 (see .0tiove).
Sachsischer Anschluss. A reconnaissance -was made in 1935 for
the Sachsischer Anschluss (Saxon connectin)?,covering a small area
located between the principal biarkisqh-Silesian triangulation net, the
'Saxon-Hannoverian triangUlatit,h.arc of 18g01881,:and the principal ;
Saxon. triangulation net: ,Firetrorder triangulatioh ha S been corpleted,
as well :-as a small amount of lower-order trianollaticn along the Saxon
g. :Mecklenburg-Iiirkisches Net. The Mecklenburg-Markisches
firSt-order triangUlation was cbserved between 1936 and 11939, and in
1941,a base fine' Was meaSiaredZn the Schoilfheide. 'Thip net is bordered
' by the 'Elbe arc:or:1874-15; the,Hostein arc of le69;" the. Garman-Danish
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A. After adjustment
Rflb-East Prussia
West Prussia
RfL - Mecklenburg
Bit - Saxony
Baden '
B. Before adjustment
Baden - RfL
Common Points
Number Location
6 3 north and 3 south
on Pomeranian border
All first-order tri-
angulation stations .
in Mecklenburg
Average Distance Apart (in meters)
Shortest N-S E-W
Distance (Hochwert) (Rechtswert)
0.90 (N)
1.46 (s)
fa a
?? a
All firet-order Saxony
Along the border
near Ulm
-0.74 to
41.64 to
SE corner of,
+3.55 to
-5.97 to
Along the common
40.59 to
-1.62 to
dE. a
(or 4.32")
(or 2.58")
a ?
about 280
(or 9.1")
East and West Prussia nets moved
2.3 m. westward as a unit
Maximum: 1:50 in.
Minimum: ,coincidence - 2 cases
Maximum: 0.60 - 1 case
a. Although the Baden net is connected with the net of the Reichoemt fUr Landesaufnahme via WlirtteMberg, the two nets touch
at one point. The error introduced by indirect connection results in a difference of 9.1" or about 281 m. in the N-S
direction, using the Gauss-Erager system. Those discrepancies are for identical stations along the boundaries of
adjacent states, but will not appear in the final net, which should be completed in July 1948.
b. RfL - Reichsamt fUr Landesaufnahme.
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connecting net, which coVerg.r7.iithern'MeckleribUrgahd'the-Principal
triangulation net of Western Pomerania, which comprises parts of eastern
Mecklenburg, the Berlin-Sdhubin connecting triangulation arc, and the
principal Saxon triangUlation net. The older Mecklenburg first-order
triangulation, originally obeerved in 1853-60, had to be discarded
because of excessive errors in azimuth, which Prevented satisfactory
adjustraent-tc the Prussian triangulation. Most of the old Lecklenburg
stations, however, were scheduled to be absorbed into the new net as
second-order triangulation stations.' First-order adjuStments Wore'com-
plated in 1939. For Mecklenburg, second- and third-order nets were
remeasured between 1910 and 1912. The computati,n to connect the
second- and thitd-order first-ordir was started in 1944 and
is now' (1947) being coPpleted by HVA VI.
11... Bavarian Trianpalation. In tiavaria new first-order triangulation
was started in 1920. It was connected with the Hessian, Thuringi_tn, and
Saxon triangulati= nets, followin the :nethods and rules established by
the Roichsamt fur Landesaufnahno. A base line was measured near Schleis-
sheim, but the base line near Nurnbberg was not agreed to by the Ministry
of the Interior and was not measured during the survey work of 1941.
Reconnaissance and remeasuring uf the entire first-order net was completed
by the Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme and Bavaria. No intermediate
triangulatien was undertaken, and second- and third-order were planned
only for some area. At Schleissheim, Bavaria measured a base line with
invar wires in order to compare it with another Older base line near
Eunich, which had been measured with the Bessol apparatus. There are,
however, two bases in Germany that may be used as standards of corpariscn
at Potsdam and at Munich. Thus, it is possible to detect tectonic changes
in either one.
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i. Bavarian Palatinate Triangulation. In 19371 second-order
triangulation was completed for the Bavarian Palatinate. No plans were
made for immediate continuation of third-order triangulation, presumably
because the surveyors were needed on the main Bavarian triangulation.
Since the army did a tremendous amount of triangulation in all areas
crossed by the West Wall, presumably the Bavarian Palatinate was
included. To what extent the army survey fulfilled the requirements
for the third-order triangulaticn is unknown.
j. Baden and Wurttemberg Net. Although the old triangulation net
of Baden and Wiirttemberg was connected with the old Rhine Survey net,
which afforded a connection with Prussia, it was not satisfactory and
new triangulation was considered necessary. Observations for the
principal first-order stations were completed in 1937. Because of
nearness to the Schleissheim and Cberbergheim (Alsace) base lines,
no others were planned for Baden and Wiirttemberg, but several Laplace
astronomical stations were planned. Intermediate triangulation was net
completed in the southern part of the area but is now being done by
HVA XII and should be finished by the end of 1947.
k. Hessen Net. Inasmuch as Hessen adopted the principal,
triangulation net of the Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme, there was no
obstacle to the integration of its lower-order net into that of the
Reich. In 19370 the positions of a number of intermediate first-order
stations were published.
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In general the German triangulation net is connected with those
of adjoining countries. Where there are junction difficulties, they
are due less to insufficient common pc*ts than to the peculiarities
and, in some cases, deficiencies of adjoining nets. During the war,
the Germans conceived a far-reaching program for the unification of
surveying and mapping in all Europe. Preliminary steps were taken,
especially in Western Europe. The first German triangulation in
France included the parallel from Paris to Brest, the parallel of
Rochefort, and the secticn of the meridian of Bayeux that connects
the two parallels. Extensive second-order triangulations were carried
out along the Atlantic and Channel coasts.
The two most important states adjoining Germany - Russia and
France -.had no elaborate triangulation like that of Germany. Instead,
between the triangulation arcs that criss-crossed the countries were
wide intervening areas that were filled in more or less adequately
with lower-order triangulation.
On October 14-16, 1943, a conference of military survey officers
. was held in Vienna to create a European Geodetic Union under the
leadership of the German Army. The army proposed to take over most
. ,.of the work of the Reichsamt fur Dandesaufnahme. The adjustment of
a European net was planned and later executed for large areas of Europe
by the army. The results, which were inadequate, were in the possession
? of Plq army only.. Since, differences became progressivdly larger as the
distcnce.from,the,north3,mqt German block increased and since the block
.was regarded as fixed, the difference could not be adjusted adequately.
Discrepancies along the eastern borders of Moravia and Austria, however,
were only about, one meter. It was stipulated that maps of all European
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states should be made according to the same specifications, on the
Gauss,Kruger projection using the Gauss-Kruger. military grid.
In July 1945, the U.S. and Britisl--1-ii.-Mies decided to undertake
the readjustment of the Final Reich Survey Net, using the Bowie method.
This was to be called the Central European Net, the title indicating
its ultimate scope. (See above p. par.
A. Lithuania
Among the successor states of Czarist Russia, only Lithuania and
Poland had common borders with Germany. The northwestern part of
Lithuania is crossed by a triangulation arc that has four points in
common with the East Prussian net. This arc forms the backbone of the
Lithuanian triangulation. Lithuania adopted the Gauss-Kruger grid and
its recent map, scale 1:25,000, has the same sheet size and scale as
the German Topographic hap. Consequently, the new Lithuanian maps
and the adjoining German maps fit together accurately. The Lithuanian
triangulation was scheduled to be completed in 1943, but was retarded
by the war. The work completed, II/mover) was done by Lithuanian surveyors
under German supervision.
B. Poland
Poland tried until 1927 to combine the parts of the German,
Austrian, and Prussian triangulation nets within its borders, but
failed because of the lack of a sufficient number of common points.
The locations of first-order triangulation stations differed by as
much as 5 meters, the differences where the triangulaticn nets joined
in the border areas were up to 120 meters; and some station marks could
not be recovered. Thus there were junction errors not along the German
border of 1919, but along the pre-First World War border, which
coincides with the 1919 border only in East Prussia and approaches the
1920 (Versailles) boundary only in Upper Silesia. Difficulties were
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encountered also at one place along the Pomeranian border of the
Polish corridor, when the new East Pomeranian net was surveyed. The old
nets of this area were discarded, but Poland and Germany could not come
to an agreement that would rake possible the connection of their
respective nets.
One of the original Russian arcs followed the border of Suwaki
Province from its northern border to north of Lomza. Southeast of
Lyck, it was connected with an old Prussian arc of 1859. This arc
is retained only as the connecting link between the newer East Prussian
net and the old Russian arc, although it has only two stations - near
its northwestern end - in common with the East Prussian net of 1903-08.
Its other stations are no longer used for German internal measurements.
A Russian arc leading north from Warsaw had two stations along
the German border, but no connection with the Prussian net was established.
Another arc from Warsaw followed the Vistula River and originally joined
the discarded Prussian Weichselkette of 1853 near Torun (Thorn). At
this point another old Russian arc branched off to the south, paralleled
the old border, and joined the "Anschluss Tarnowitz" of 1852, which was
still legal and in use in 1944. The survey of a new first-order net,
howeVer, is in progress in the area.
In the broad area between the Lomza-Lyck and Tarnowitz reLions,
junctions errors could develop because the nets were surveyed
independently; but, in the areas most distant from the junctions (2 the
nets, the adjustment is purely an internal Polish problem. To overcome
difficulties along the historical boundaries within Poland, differences
have been temporarily adjusted graphically on the maps. As a result,
maps covering areas on both sides of the old border cannot be considered
A new Polish triangulation net was begun in 1927.
Arcs. of
triangulation were planned to cross and join one another, thus forming
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10 more or less regular polygons. The triangulation .around eight of
these polygons was completed by 1939. The remaining triangulation arcs,
which were to close the two remaining polygons, were postponed because
they were in territory formerly belonging to Prussia, where the, old
triangulation seemed most nearly adequate and where a new survey was
therefore least urgent. In general) these arcs were of first-order
accuracy) except in a few areas along the eastern border (now in
Russia) and around Warsaw. Bessells reference spheroid is used.
The use of a new projection waS planned for future maps, a stereographic
projection according to Roussilhe. As far as it is known) no maps on
this projection have been published.
After the conquest of Poland, the Germans tried to adjust this new
Polish net to the German net, 'despite the difficulties arising from the
use of a different reference spheroid and the long distance from the
Northwest German net. An intensified program of observating was planned
to complete the gaps in the new triangulation, but only the work in the
Suwaki region was completed. Contrary to professed principles, most of
the work in 1940 and 1941 was done along the Sovietborder; later the
tempo of the whole program seems to have slackened.
C. Czechoslovakia
Czechoslovakia and the Republic Of Austria, both heirs to territory.
of the old Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, may be discussed together. The old
Austrian Empire was the first large country to cover its entire area with
a triangulation net of uniform accuracy and specifications. This net is
usually called the grid of the idilitary Geographical Institute, after the
agency responsible for it.. A feature of this triangulation to be noted
is that it stopped some distance from the international boundaries. No -
first-order stations were established with a view to connecting the net
with, the triangulation of other countries. In 1878, an 'esterreichischer
Anschluss (Austrian connection) was established by means of the Prussian
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triangulation in the southeasternmost part cf Upper Silesia', which
connected with the Austrian triangulation in Austrian Silesia (after
1918 Czechoslovakian SileSia and the Polish part Teschen). Along
the other parts of the border also, German triangulation was extended
across into Austria to the triangulation stations of the Military
Geographical net, which later became the Austrian and Czechoslovakian
state nets,
The Austrian Republic and Bavaria had new triangulation underway
at the same time and worked in close collaboration with each other.
After the conquests of Austria and Czechoslovakia, the triangulation
nets of both countries were adjusted to the Reich net. In Bohemia, a
new net' - probably containing only first-crder stations - was surveyed
in 1943.
Maps of both countries differ slightly, from those r:f Germany.
Austria as well as Czechoslovakia retained the polyhedric projection,
the unit being a quadrilateral framed by two meridians 301 apart and
two parallels 151 apart. Longitude was measured from the meridian of
Ferro. Germany, however, had given up use of the meridian of Ferro
dnd, even on older sheets where it had been used, the projecticn unit
was a 1-degree quadrangle. Practically all German maps, with the
exception cf the Bavarian Positimblsatter, use longitude referred
to Greenwich. The Positi(nsblatterl-which have boon replaced by
newer raps to only a small degree, are similar to the Austrian and
Czechoslovak sheets but differ slightly from them. On the German
sheets, including the Positiwisblatter, the bounding parallels are
straight lines, the secants of arcs; whereas on the Austrian and Czech.
sheets arcs are used and the resulting parallels are slightly curved.
Both Austria andCzechoslovakia coneistently made allowance for this
slight curvature,
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Bessells reference spheroid is used in Austria and Czechoslovakia.
It is also used in-Prussia and Saxony and is- Sufficiently similar to the
one used in Bavaria to 'avoid bad junction errors.
Though such theoretical differences may be of minor Concern, the
difference in basic scales employed creates a practical difficulty.
The Austrian and Czechoslovakian scale of 1:750000 is not used on any
official German map. The few existing Austrian maps at 1:25,000 are
of large cities and their environS. 'Czechoslovakia, however, has a
considerable number of 1:250000 sheets along the German border. The
new Austrian sheets at 1:50,000 like the German sheets at the same
scale, are few in number.
The Austrian and Czechoslovakian general maps at 1:200,000 are on
the polyhedric projection with a 1-degree grid - a combinati:n that was
never-employed by the Germans. Since. the corresponding GerMan raps
have greater distortion at the corners of the sheets (up to 5mm., the
equivalent of 250 m. in the field), it is difficult to match them to
Austrian and Czechoslovakian sheets, Along the'edges'where the maps
are joined) discontinuities appear in the form'of gapsl'overlaps?'or
displacements, amounting at places to as much as several hundred meters.
topographic maps.
like Bavaria, -used
Bavaria, hcWever,
the Bonne projection for its
is the south-German state with the
shortest common boundary with Switzerland. The triangulation of all
south German states ha-s been closely connected with that of the Swiss
for many years.
E. France
? The condition in France is badly confused) partly because of
inadequate adjustment between the French triangulation nets, (and
consequently between the maps themselves) and partly beeause of the change
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in allegiance of Alsace-Lorraine. Alsace-Lorraine was connected with
the other German nets through the 1876 triangulation arc. In.1899, a
temporary connection was made with the triangulation arc of the parallel
.of Paris in the Department de Vosges. A short time before the outbreak
of World War II, the French surveyed a new triangulation arc extending
along the parallel of Paris to the Rhine) incorporating triangulation
stations cf the earlier German triangulation. Through this.rearrangement)
the arc of the parallel of Paris now joins the German triangulation
through two ccurmon stations that form one side of Belchen-Kaiserstuhl
of the Rhine-Baden triangulation) as well as of the French triangulation.
? This new trianEulation was not completed for all orders, but serves as
. control for the 1:10)000 and 1:20,000 maps (Plans directeurs)) and the
1:50,000 map (Nouvelle carte de France). Other French raps are based on
older triangulation. Conversion tables have been prepared for trans-
ferring the old positions to the new system. At sone distance from the
main triangulation arc, junction differences of 100-150 meters develop.
This is especially noticeable on the 1:80)000 map and consequently on its
enlargement to 1:50,000.
The 1:80,000 map is the only map of large scale that covers all of
France. It is drawn on the Bonne equal-area projection, using the
reference spheroid of Plessis. The latter is an adaptation of the
spheroid according to Delambre, insofar as it assumes a periphery of
. 40)000 km for the spheroid, which creates an error cf.1 m. for every
.13.8 km. This does not exceed the normal error of drafting or of
expansion or contraction of paper. It is also consistent with the
French adaptation of the decimal system :to longitude and latitude)
Thus, a second is exactly 10 meters long and a.minute 1 km. However
1. According to this system the.right angle is divided into 100 degrees
of 100 minutes .(100c) each, which are made up of 100 seconds
(100c') each.
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the more recent geodetic work in France is based on Clarkets spheroid
of 1880.
The Bonne projecticn for France used the Paris meridian as its
central meridian and latitude 5CC (45?) North as its central parallel.
The error in azimuth may be as great as 30c (171), or 0.5 meter in a
1 kilometer. The scale error may amount to 1 in 400, or 2.5 meters per
kilometer. Since the First World War, a grid based on this projection
has been used on French raps.
In 1920) the Lambert projection was adopted. This is a conformal
projection, with parallels shown as concentric circles and meridians
as straight lines; The. distortions are less than on the Bonne projection.
Scale error increases with distance from one of the standard parallels.
For this reason, three slightly overlapping zones were established, each
with a width of 4g latitude. The scale error generally is less than 1
in 6,250, but in outlying areas such as Alsace and Brittany it may
amount to 1 in 2,000.
On its own Lambert projection, there is also a separate zone,
Nerd de Guerre, whose central meridian is 6' east cf Paris, central
parallel 55g, and with standard parallels 53g and 57gN. This zone
is to be eliminated' gradually, but at present many maps use this
grid. The older maps are shaped according to the rectangular Bonne
grid, which has its origin at the intersection of the central parallel
with the meridian of Paris. They do not fit together exactly however,
because the main triangulation arcs were not adjusted to one another.
There also are similar differences between individual sheets, depending
on which triangulation arcs they are based on. For example, the
1:80,000 StrassboUrg sheet differs as much as 20 to 30 meters from
adjacent sheets at its corners, and as much as 50 to 100 meters at
the middle of the upper edge. Because about 70 percent of the old
triangulation station marks have disappeared, the geodetic data in
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these areas are insufficient for the control of aerial photogrammetry
and for artillery range-finding. This is less significant for maps
at 1:80,000 or mailer scales, than for the old maps at 1:10,000 and
1:20,000. The new French sheets on the Lambert projections are bounded
by meridians and parallels.
The newest French survey and mapping program progressed furthest
in eastern France. Since the new triangulation was not connected with
the German until 19431 it cannot have had much practical influence on
the cc-ordination of German and French maps. There was, however,
another older indirect connecticn via the Belgian net.
Few general statements about the relatiknship between French and
German maps may be made, since junction errors and distortions can be
found even between adjacent French sheets. Because Germany continues
to use 36CP for its topographic maps, and France has adopted the 4006
division, sheet sizes differ in the two countries, and it is impossible
to correlate them. The new 1:50,000 French map, however, is.a well
designed accurate set covering the entire border region. It may,
therefore, be assumed that disturbing features will develop only at
a distance from the border if the new French set is used, but may be
expected to develop anywhere if the older sheets are used. The dis-
tortions of the Lambert projection on the French side are too slight
to affect the fitting together of adjoining French and German sheets.
F. Luxembourg
The Luxembourg triangulation net was surveyed by the Belgians
about 1930 and was closely linked up with the survey cl Belgium. Good
connections were also established with two French triangulation arcs.
During World War II, the Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme surveyed a new
net, which was closely integrated with the triangulation in the Rhineland
and with the Old Alsace-Lorraine triangulation arc.
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G. 'Belgium
Belgium was linked with Germany through connecting triangulation
in 1894. During the World War II, the Germans wanted to integrate the .
Belgian triangulation net into that of the Reich, but had not quite
completed the computations when the Allies liberated Belgium:
The older Belgian maps are on the Bonne projection; recently the
Lambert conic conformal projection was introduced. The distortions of
the Bonne projection are insignificant for as small an area as Belgium,
The same is true for the Lambert projection; The scale error does not
exceed 1 in 10;000 or 10 centimetere ih 1 kilometer. The Hayford
spheroid of reference was adopted at the same time as the Lambert
H. Netherlands
The Dutch triangulaticn is well connected with the German through
two nets. One net has several stations in common with the Gorman
triangulation between Limburg in the south and Bentheim in the north,
and was surveyed in 1889-92. The second, a smaller net with three
common points in Friesland, was established 1884-88. The German and
the Dutch computations of the geographic positions of these stations,
however, differ from i to 2 meters. r.
The Dutch reference spheroid differs little from the Bessel
spheroid used in Germany. The Bonne projection is used for older
Dutch maps, but in 1940 it was about to be replaced by a stereographic
projection. Cluing to the smallness of the area, distortions on both
projections are so insignificant that German and Dutch sheets at the
same scale can be joined without difficulty.
The prime Meridian of the older Dutch sheets is Amsterdam,
40 5310.0"E, and of the newer maps thu meridian of Anaersfoort,
5? 34'15.5"E.
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- ? -
? In adjusting the triangulation nets of Belgium, the Netherlands,
and Luxembourg to the German Reich net, only minor difficulties were
encountered. The junction errors remaining along the Dutch border
average 0.40 m. and do net exceed 0.60 m. The comPutations of the ?
Belgian-Luxembourg adjustment were almost completed by the middle of
1944. ?
I. Denmark
Danish and German triangalatien nets were connected across the
narrow seas at an early date, more than 100 years ago. In 1869, a
triangulition arc was surveyed throuch Schleswig and Holstein, which
has a direct drintinuatiun in Danish Jutland.- The German-Danish
connecting net across the Baltic was resurveyed in 1929-32.
Danish maps are on a Lambert conical projection. Direct evidence
is net available, but it may, be assured that owing to the smallness of
the country no significant distortions have developed, and that
because cf the integratien of the triangulathn nets at an early date,
adjacent Danish and German sheets fit together well. The prime meridian
for Danish maps is Copenhagen, 12334140" E.
. ? P I .
Because of natural soil mevements, cultural changes, and other
factors, level nets deteriorate rapidly and should be renewed once in
- ?
each generation. The old German net is based en leveling performed
. t _
during the years 1869-1900 and was being releveled when the Seccrid
3 -7
World War broke out. Details of the new leveling were
Die Nivellements von heher Genauigkeit. The first volume (1923)
covered a part of Mark Bradenburg, the second (1927) northwestern
Germany, and'the.third.(1935) the administrative districts -
(Rerierungsbezirke) of DUsseldorf, Aachen, Cologne, and Arnsberg.
(See Figures 2 and 3.) A series of booklets entitled Errebnisse der
4.1 4
? r
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Feineinwagungen, started publication in 1930 and continued? until 1939.
One booklet was issued for each Regierungebezirk and the series',covers
all Germany with the exception of Bavaria:_ The series contains the
most recent published results of levelling and supersedes,all,otner:
publications on elevations.
Since more urgent problems needed attention, only a few lines,
around Lubeck and Stettin were leveled. First- and second-order
leveling in Holstein led to the discovery that the entire region
between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea is slowly rising most
perceptibly in the northwest. Germany is connected by lines of level
with the Danish islands via ,Fehmarn, and with the Netherlands, Poland,
and Lithuania, in most cases at the reeluest of these countries.
The most important levels of 1936;1937, and 1938 were in
Thuringia, Anhalt, and the Regierungsbetke of Hildesheim and Kassel,
which were for the purpose of connecting these regions with the Bavarian
net. The results of leveling were published in pamphlets, one for each
Regierungsbezirke. In them the results of the 1868-90 levelings are
called "heights in the old system." The results Of the old and new
levelings differ very little. When the conhection is comparatively
completed, Bavaria, whose (An sta4Veys are progressing comparatively
rapidly)- will be able to adjust its levels to the new system of the
Reichsamt. The leveling of Thuringia was also initiated to connect it
with the level net of Saxony, which had been completed several years
earlier. Both the Bavarian and Saxon level nets were consistent within
themaelves, but lacked any connection with leveling lines leading to
N.M., the standard datum point.2 'The leveling of Silesia' was coMnleted
1. The comparatively.rapid progress of the Bavarian leveling is due to
the, fact that first-order lines usually follow railroads, Whereas.
in Prussia and Wurttemberg the lines follow highways in order to '
secure greater stability of bench marks.
2. N.N. is the usual German abbreviation for Normal Null' or norMal
zero, the standard datum point.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/06 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600020001-0
Feineinwagungen, started publication in 1930 and continued? until 1939.
One booklet was issued for each Regierungebezirk and the series',covers
all Germany with the exception of Bavaria:_ The series contains the
most recent published results of levelling and supersedes,all,otner:
publications on elevations.
Since more urgent problems needed attention, only a few lines,
around Lubeck and Stettin were leveled. First- and second-order
leveling in Holstein led to the discovery that the entire region
between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea is slowly rising most
perceptibly in the northwest. Germany is connected by lines of level
with the Danish islands via ,Fehmarn, and with the Netherlands, Poland,
and Lithuania, in most cases at the reeluest of these countries.
The most important levels of 1936;1937, and 1938 were in
Thuringia, Anhalt, and the Regierungsbetke of Hildesheim and Kassel,
which were for the purpose of connecting these regions with the Bavarian
net. The results of leveling were published in pamphlets, one for each
Regierungsbezirke. In them the results of the 1868-90 levelings are
called "heights in the old system." The results Of the old and new
levelings differ very little. When the conhection is comparatively
completed, Bavaria, whose (An sta4Veys are progressing comparatively
rapidly)- will be able to adjust its levels to the new system of the
Reichsamt. The leveling of Thuringia was also initiated to connect it
with the level net of Saxony, which had been completed several years
earlier. Both the Bavarian and Saxon level nets were consistent within
themaelves, but lacked any connection with leveling lines leading to
N.M., the standard datum point.2 'The leveling of Silesia' was coMnleted
1. The comparatively.rapid progress of the Bavarian leveling is due to
the, fact that first-order lines usually follow railroads, Whereas.
in Prussia and Wurttemberg the lines follow highways in order to '
secure greater stability of bench marks.
2. N.N. is the usual German abbreviation for Normal Null' or norMal
zero, the standard datum point.
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. .
before the war, but results have been published only for the
Regierungsbezirko Liegnitz and Oppeln in Upper Silesia. First-order
leveling has been completed in the northern half of Wurttemberg.
Plans for 1936 and 1939 provided for the determination of elevations
by the Reichsamt' in the Regierungsbezirke of Koblenz, Wiesbaden, and
Trier, the State of Hessen, the Bavarian Palatinate, and the Saar
Territory, and for .the continuation of the work in Baden, southern
Wurttemberg, and Bavaria: ,In Bavaria, the level net, even the first-order
net, was far from completion at the outbreak of war. In Baden, the
levels still require some checking, especially in the region of
occasional earthquakes. Only Hessen, Regierungsbezirk Wiesbaden, and
possibly the Saar were completed when plans had to be dropped because of
The Reichsamt far Landesaufnahme also started leveling along the
Baltic coast. This leveling was scheduled in accord with the decision
of the Ealtic Geodetic Commission and adjustments were to be made
accordinz to a common plan. Leveling of the entire coastal area by
all of the Baltic states was decided upon; and by 1939, Denmark, Latvia,
and Lithuania had cornleted their parts and German leveling extended as
far east as Koslin in Pomeranii. The old leveling between Koslin and
anigsberg has an accuracy of only +6-8 mm. The rise of 0.12 m. in the
level of the Baltic Sea from TravemUnde near LUbeck to Pillau near
KOnigsberg noted by the Germans was therefore probably based on readings
of several open-sea water gages.
? The aeichszimt flir Landesaufnahmc planned to follow first-order
leveling by second-order leveling. Although no definite programs had
been prepared for most regions by 19381 the work was regarded particularly
important since the principal 'first-order level lines were in some cases
more than 100 km. apart. As a rule, second-order levels will be run in
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only one direction. Second-order levels are not as acCurate as first-
order levels but should be sufficientayaecurate for technical and
economic.purposes. SoMe Of.the larger cities', including those in the
Ruhr area, started second-order leveling without waiting for the
Reichsamt. The leveling in the Ruhr region was especially urgent because
of ground settlements caused by niining: For this reason, the Reichsami
program provided for a loop of first-order circuits around the Ruhr on
stable ground and a connecting second-order line passing through it.
Levels in urban areas were to start from these lines. In. addition, ,
many second-order levels along their rights of way have been measured
.by railroads and along rivers by the Landesanstadt flit. Gewasserkunde.
All are connected with the first-order leveling of the Reichsamt fur
In 1935, the .level net of the Reichsamt ftir Landesvermessung in-
cluded 15,000 accurate elevations, which were connected by 16,000
leveling lines. The number in southern Germany is proportionately
large. In addition to the leveling connections with Lithuania, Poland,
and Denmark, which have been made during recent years, there are Older
conneetions with all adjoining countries, including not less than 5
from Prussian Silesia into Czechoslovakia, several into Belgium and
France, and one from Baden into Switzerland. Bavarian levels were
connected at two points with the Prussian levels in the old net and
at all crossing points of the new net. Nothing is known about leveling
across the Bavarian border, to the south except that Bavaria formerly
based its elevations on the old Auetrian sea level datum at Trieste.
Consequently, there must be at least one line from Bavaria into Austria.
The Reich elevations are referred to N.N. which is supposed to be
the same elevation as the Amsterdam spa level datum (A.P.). It is
actually 16 mm, above thisipoint and 66 mm, above the mean level of
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the Baltic Sea at Swinemunde. A bench mark (N.H. or Normal -Hochpunkt
1879) was established at the former Astronomical Observatory in Berlin
in 1879 to insure the constancy of N.H. In 1912, it was replaced by
a new bench mark near kilometer 40.7 on the highway from Berlin to
Manschnow (N.H. 1912), which was connected with N.H. 1879 by lines of
precise leveling. The establishment of N.H. 1912 did not change
N.N., and all elevations in Germany are still measured as above N.N.
Since about 1930, all of the south German states have completely
revised their separate systems and now refer their elevations to N.N.
Originally the elevations in southern Germany were based on the mean
level of the Adriatic Sea, as evidenced by older maps still in circula-
tion. Some old Bavarian maps state that elevations on them are about
1 m. higher than they would be if measured from N.N. Recent leveling
however, seems to indicate differences of as much as 2 m. in Bavaria
and 1.74 m. in the Bavarian Palatinate. Until 1910, Baden referred
its elevations to the floor level of Strassbourg.Cathedral, which is
actually 143,730 m. above the mean level of the Adriatic Sea although
it had ben erroneously assumed to be 145,752 m. Wurttemberg referred
its net to an elevation of 272.5 m. above N.N. which seems to have been
derived froM the Baden level and, therefore, shares its error. Both
the Baden and Warttemberg reference levels were especially unsatis-
factory because large parts of both states lie at levels lower than
their reference points. Only the Hessian maps refer to the mean level
of the Baltic Sea, which is not the same as N.N. The accuracy of
elevations in Hessen, varies from 0.10 to 0.15 m.
The unification of the elevations within Germany also correlates
them with points in most of the neighboring countries. Only Belgium
has widely different elevations, because they are measured above mean
low tide at Ostende, which is 2.34 m. below the German N.N. Other
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, - -
international differences are given below.1
-2.34 m.
/0.26 m.
/0.307 m.
/0.36 in.
/0.36 m.
? Poland
-0.24 in.
Elevations above mean
low tide at Ostende..
tue to slight inaccuracy
by deriving the german
NN. from the Amsterdam
sea level datum (A.P;)
Mean level-of the
Mediterranean Sea at
The newer maps show
elevations 3.26 in. lower.
than the older maps. -
Mean sea level on the
Adriatic Sea at Trieste.
Same as Austria.
Derived from the Amsterdam
sea level datum via the"
'German N.N. Elevations
theoretically equal.
Referred to pea level'
datum at Eronstadt near
On nautical charts, plevations near the coast are referred to mean
_ .
high water, and therefore have no common reference level.
1.. Plus sign (/) indicates that datum point is higher than N.N.;
and minus sign ( -) lower.
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The German navy (Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine) had its own
nautical division, charged with all matters pertaining to surveying
and mapping. Though the coastal features were taken from topographic
maps, the navy was equipped to do its own surveying in order to keep
correct the continuously shifting features of the coast line. Likewise,
hydrographic surveying was continuous in order to keep the depths on the
nautical charts correct. In general, the navy was able to keep the data
reasonably up?to?date. Unlike the trianEulation and leveling nets the
depth measurements along the German coasts never became so out?of?date
that new systematic soundings throughout whole areas became necessary..
The hydrography in the German parts of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea
seems to be satisfactory throughout. A service was maintained through
private firms that enabled ships to obtain revised charts at every port
of call.
The plane of reference in the North Sea is mean low water; in the
Baltic Sea it is mean sea level.
The Mercator projection is used for nautical charts.
Since 1930, most German raps have carried some information on
magnetic declination. The newer maps, however, instead of showing
the declination (Missweisung) from true north, show the deviation
from the straight lines of the Gauss?KrUger grid (Nadelabweichung).
On Reichsamt maps the deviation is shown in the margin, and on the
maps of the south German states additional numerical information is
given. The magnetic declination is westerly throughout most of Germany,
and it is decreasing by 0.2? yearly. Only in parts of East Prussia
is the declination easterly. Formerly, German maps gave the declination
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for April 1925 in order that computations could be made on a uniform
basis. The accumulated deviations, however) had become so large that
a new basis was adopted as of the middle Of 1936. On more recent air
force maps the basis for calculation of the declination may be either
1938, 19400 or 1942.
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Summary of the basic geodetic facts of the German states.
Origin of
the azimuth
Origin of tho
Location of Coordinate
Files -
Gauss-Krliger Coordindtee:
Status Location of records
Bavaria. ?. W .
(on the rieht )14
bank of the N.
Rhino)._ . .
Former astronomic
observatory in
Northern tomer
of the church
of Our Lady in
Mulch ?
a. SourcerTranheft-Urciaideutaehes-ESich, 1944.
b. EVA - Eauptvermessungsabteilung
1. EVA XII in Stuttgart
2. Baden Ministry of
Finance and Economics,
Cadastral and Survey
Div. in &Hort
3. Survey offices.:
1. EVA XIII inMunich
2. Oberfinanzprileident
in Munich and branch
offices in Augsburg
and Landsh0;.:Ober-
finanzprilsidont in
NUrnberg and branch
offices in Aisbach
and WUrzburg
3. Survey offices
All geographic
positions are
computed provision-
ally for large
areas in NE,
NW, and S and
for the vicinity
of .garrisons.
1. General Command of
the 5th Army Corps,
DiV. le Aessin
Stuttgart . .. ?
2. EVA XII in Stuttgart
EVAXIII in Munchen
. . ' ?
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Origin of
the azimuth
Origin of the
,Location of/Coordinate Caws-Kreger Coordinates
Files Status H . Location of records
. renter astronomic
observatory in
Same as Prussian
? '
HVA XI in Wiesbaden
TorapOrtt c date
1. Landoskultur and Temporary coordi-
' Vermeseungsamt mites
? (Agricultural and
Surveying Office)
2. Landosforstver-
_waltung (State
? Poiest Administra-
3: Mayor's Office
? SurverDivislon of
the Buildings
4. Prussian Neumessung-
y ??samt (New Survey Office)
Herman Gering Werke
in Wolfenbettel
. :
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/06 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600020001-0
HVA XI in Wiesbaden.
?1.:Heereavotmeas s-
stage 'cArmy,purvey-
Ise Serviegr.
fdr Landes-
c ' c"'% Hann.
4. Landeskultur-II und
Vermessungsamt in
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/06 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600020001-0
Origin of Triangulation
the azimuth Origin of the
(counted Coordinates:3
Location of Coordinate Gauss-Kruger Coordinates
Files Status Location of records
Hamburg...7c," f
Astronomic observa-
tory at Sceburg_
Spiro of GroSe
Survey Observatory
of Mittingen and
31 survey districts
triangulation station
of therTGaussf.:
-triangulation as
points of departure - - -
for:Cad-astral Survey
Vermossungsamt Bremen Temporary
Thuringian cadastral
office of Gotha
EVA VI in Hamburg
HVA VII in Gifhorn
Definite. .
available for.
most triangu-
lation stations
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/06 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600020001-0
1. Heeresvermessungs-
?toile (Army Survey)
2. Reichsamt ffir Landes-
3. INA VII in Gifhorn,
4. Yermessungeamt in
am a
1. EVA VI in Hamburg
2. Vermossuncsamt of
the city administra-
tion of the Hansa
City Hamburgi
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/06 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600020001-0
Origin Of
the azimuth
Triangulation _
Location of Coordinate Cause-KA-ger Coordinates
Files Status Location of records
? 'Reason-
(state Hesse)
Nassau (not
quite coin-
cident with
the present
Province of
(comprises a
,0q111.0Aftt larger
area than the
present Pruosisni
' ?
cJTOwn church of
station at
-- of. Martinskirche
EVA XI in Wiesbaden
Hessisches Landeo-
vermessungsamt in
EVA XI in Wiesbaden
All old trian-
gulation stations
of let and. 2nd
Order: 96 'percent
of 3rd. order, and
51 percent of 4th
order arc Gauss-
85 percent of the
stations were
computed provi-
,HVA XI in :Wiesbaden: :Mae-majority of
stations are
computed provi-
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EVA, XI, in Wiesbaden
HVA..XIflin Wiesbaden
ATVA ifinWiesbadaS
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Origin of
the azimuth
Origin of the
Location of Coordinate Gauss-EYEger Coordinates
FilesStatus Location of records
(part of
' Oldenburg
Old Oldenburg
Newer Prussian
? N
TOwer of the,.
Schwerin ?
spird Of
Two/4'ot the__
castle in ' -
EVA Win gaihurg
Thuringian Cadastral
Office in Moiningen
1. OldepbargicOlenTLTc
rel;t1on -
2. CadaStral offices
3. EVA. VII in Gifhorn
The lot-order
st4lops are
computed, the
Only the
corners of a
few sheets
are computed
1. EVA V1H-inTEadburg
2., MeCklenbargitehrde
samt in Schwerin
Thuringian Cadadtral
Offlce:ln Meiningon
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Origin of
the azimuth
Origin of the
Location of Coordinate Gauss-Kruger Coordinates
Files Status Location of records
Prussia and
enumerated .
For Topographical
south of Berlin,
: and since 1923 :
Eelmort tower
of the Geodetic
Institute in
Potsdam. For the
Vadastral Survey--
10 different points
of origin; since
1927 Gauss-Kruger
coordinates used
in new surveys.
Topographic survey
of let order in,:
Grossothain; Cadae-
tral Survey; three
local conformal
1. Reichsamt:fEr
3. Cadastral offices
4. RegierungsprEsi-
All trigonom-
etrical points
1. Reichestatthaltor Completed
(Reich governor)
in Saxony, State
government 1
2. EVA III in Dresden
. _ _ .
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1. Roichsamt fEr
3. Generalkommandos
(Army district
4. LuftgaUkammandos
(Air force district
1. Reichsetatthalter
in Saxony, state
2. EVA III in Dresden
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Origin of Triangulation
the azimuth Origin of tho
(counted Coordinates
Location of Coordinate Gauss-Kruger Coordinates
Files Status, Location of records
(part of
WUrttemberg and
Point of origin
of the Schreiber
Ida Tower
station mark
Posson Tower;
since 1892
Observatory in
TUbingen; no
longer extant
SOURCE: Planhoft Crossdeutsches Reich, 1944
EVA VIII in Magdeburg Provisionally
EVA VIII in Gifhorn
1. EVA VIII in Magde-
2. Thuringian Rentamt
(treasury) in
computed most
I. EVA XII in Stuttgart Provisionally.:
2. WIrttemberg Ministry computed
of the Interior,
Cadastral and Survey
3. Messungsamtor
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EVA VIII in Magdeburg
EVA VIII in Gifhorn
, EVA VIII in Magdeburg
I. General Command of
.8th Army Corps.
Div. IA Mese in
2. EVA III in Stuttgart
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Tho appended German map, dated 1944, showing triangulation
completed during the oarZy years of the war has become available
since the completion of the foregoing report. Since prActically
all of the now triangulation was for occupied areas, the map adds
little new data for Germany proper. It does, however, confirm the
deduction drawn from other sources that derma trigonometrical ac-
tivity came to a standstill after 1941, due apparently to the
drain of trained personnel into the army.
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An/age 12 (zu Mr 11)
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Obersichtither die Hauptdreiecke des Reichsdreiecksnetzes
? 4i pa
44P;A\ '40%* 4C1/774"
7r/01464A rnila.20A?404044. PiAttrgrli"haArtt
1044144 rA. AVA4140 Itir110,14,0 r
.4tkjrorg.ltKirtheVqf*var_%__)?.:;_'1-7!4--jil. 1140
.tiriont 411W-Wilik *kr
2st: i
Ataravaskril"_worAwrorAw 94
4 Ha
ipoL. ttt' W
"400 OftAria.?4 I I%
giOtiVri4,46,110.6.1ilif4" ie1/41.44vartgriVoo.
.4trieltoutk,ART:,,,AAgf fr- Al AI
."414111;prillir rials.-.7"..9%kiliVATIONSWAIPW 1111"Pgr
Ita 1111"JAA .41211421&4 410A1AftirrAl
nier* votktotiosover*,40,?,
.04-0T,AvAgi PlikvA00447-1"-.4"4"Avr
IP7404.41P 414tIkvitk
?Owrigittiwr Attffroit-4%
Heavy lines: the boundaries between the triangulation nets.
Light lines: sides of the principal triangles.
Dashed lines: proposed nets.
Empty areas outlined in the East; triangulation nets of the
Polish survey, adjusted provisionally .to the German net.
Figures: the years when first order triangulation was surveyed.
Hauptdreiecksnetz or H Dr N.; first order triangulation net.
Hauptdreieckalo3tte or H Dr K.: first order triangulation chain.
Verb ixidungskette: connecting triangulation chain.
Anschlys: connecting grid with a foreign country (the name of the
neighboring country always indicated).
Unger. Masstab: approximate scaie.
Fr.:. formerly.
7 -
The names and years of the triangulation nets and. chains which are
underlined, are considered of 'sufficient accuracy to be a basic
block to which surrounding triangulation nets should be adjusted.
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tinge Mal3stab 1 : 4000000
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Special Assistant to the Secretary of State, Research and Intelligence
Chief, Acquisition and Distribution, DIM), Department of State
Director of Intelligence, General Staff, US Army
Chief of Naval Intelligence
Director of Intelligence, US Air Force
Secretary, Research and Development Board
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/06 : CIA-RDP78-01617A002600020001-0 A