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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 RICORD ONIL A SURVEY OF THE IVOR1.2) ANTIMONY SITUATION' Dticument N CHANGE in class, _E] DECLASSIFIED ss. CHANGED TO: TS DDA Memo'i 4 Apr 77" Awpa: DDA REG. 7 176S ,340414 Ay; ? L.c 1O RT) TO k ELDG. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 compTiazioN or DATA.REGARDING THE WORLD ANTIMONY SITUATION Note.; .This paper Is merely a factual summary of information reopiVea from a variety of sources, without any attempt at interpreta- tion of the data. .Dissemination in this form Is made for the benefit of cOntribUtors and other agenCiOs of the government having A legitimate interest in facts concerning the World antimony situation. by Office of Reports-and Estimates Central Intelligence Agency Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 COMPILATION OF DATA REGARDING XXXEMEXIEVHE WORLD ANTIMONY SITUATION TABLE 07 CONTENTS Acknowledgments and references . . Summary ? 6. ? . World reserves ? gi ? e ? ? ? ? .. Smelting Industry '4 .....? ? fo ? Technology a . ? . ....... . ? Uses . ... ? ? . Substitutes . . ........ 0 Position of the United States . . . . . . , Domestic Consumption Deposits in the United States Secondary Antimony Foreign trade Tariff ? . 'Prices ? ? ? ? REST-',ICTED .. 2 .. 6 8 .? ? ? ? ? 10 . 10 . . 12 ? ? ? 18 ?19 20 20 Present -Situation and Future Odtlook -Emergendy'SUpply and Demand Major World Producers _China . . . . .. . Bolivia ? ? ? Mexico ? ? . Minor World Producers Peru . Argentina . '? ? ? ? ? ? 214., . 24 ? 28 , 37 ? 46 . 55 . 56 RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Honduras . Canada . 0 ? ? ? ? RESTRICTED . 56 57 :Union of South Africa 0 0 S 0 ? ? I ? 0 57 Australia. 0 .. ? ? ... ? 0 58 Yugoslavia ? ? 59 Czechoslovakia ? ? ? 59 Italy Italy . 60 Austria' . ? . 60 Frande . 60 Algeria ? ? 0 ? 61 Spain ? ? ? ? ? 61 Turkey .. . . 0 ? ? 61 Japan 62 USSR 0 ? ? 0 0 ? I ? a ? 62 TABLES 1 - World production of antimony, 1939-48, by countries . . . , 2 - Estimated antimony reserves of the principal produc- ing countries as of 1901 . ? ? ? . ? 3 - Statistical review of antimony in the United States ? ? ? 1938-48 . ? ? ? ? . . ? ? ?? . ? ? ? . 15 4 - Industrial consw-gpti,mn of primary anticiony, 1938-48 . 16 5 - Antimony reserves in the United Statesdas of 1944 ? ? 19 6 - Antimony imported into the United States, 1938-48, by countries . 9 ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? 6 ? ? ? ? 0 . 21 7 - United States preliminary statistics for 1948 ? . 25 8 - Estimated US antimony requirements and supply under ' Emergency conditions . . . . . -0 ? .. 26 RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 9.7 Estimated reserves of antimony in China by deposits 10 - Bolivia Exports of antimony concentrates bY countries, 1938,-48 0 . ? ? ? . 11 - Reserves of the Antimonio district, Sonora ? ? Reserves of the TJOS Tejecetes mines, Qaxaca l!TAFS 1 - China Antimony deposits Index 2? Bolivia 7 Antimony deposits Index ? 3 ? Mexico ? Antimony deposits Index ' ? ? ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? RESTRICTED ? 34 ? 42 47 47 463 44 I ? ? 52 . U53 RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND REFERENCES Special acknowledgment is made here to the RESTRICTED iBureau of Mines for manyihelpfuf suggestions in the prepara- \ tier' of this report. 2 Information was gathered from the Minerals yearbooks, annual editions of Metal :Statistics, iSsues of London Mining Journal African World, ngineering and Miningi Journal, Mining and Metallurgy South African Mining Journal and Mineral Trade Notes, 1940 - 1947. ' jData, were also obtained frum files of the Foreign Minerals Division U.'S.,Bureau of Mines; U. S. Geological Survey; Reports of Supreme Command Allies in the Pacific; Consular reports of the Department of State;;and reports of the ForeignEconomic Administration. REST RIOTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 RESTRICTED SUMMARY There are only three major producers of attimony ore:. Chins? Bolivia and T'e iCO, with' ChinaJbaving the bulk of the world's reser*es The lsrge consumers of sntimnny are the industrialized nations, namely the US, USSR, UK,. France, Belgium, elq1D9M, ? and, formerly, Germany. 411-nfthe consuming countries have, smelt- ing industries.. Control of the smelters and the deposits is held by nationals of the respective countries, except in Mexico where the Natipnal Lead COMpany control's the industry. World production has varied considerably daring the last 50 y -ars. maximum r)utout was in 1916 When more that 80,000 tont were produced under the impetus of a. shrapnel war. New highs since 1916 were r gistered during World War II with th peak.year 1943 when about (53,200 tons were produced. The world output fell to 25,400 tons An 1946, the lOWest tpnnsg since the: early thirties. The decr-ase it Production was due to rising costs, labor diffi7 culties and s fear of-overproductAnn. The greet droP in nonsump- tion, xPected when the wax ended, did not tske place, supplies :became short, and the New York price rose until it reached am time peak Of 41.67 cents (Yew York.December 1948 price) .Compared ?to a fixed price of 15.84 cent S in .1944-45 and 12 cents-in-1939. FUTE:. 'The term ton' in this report refers tn s metric tom of 2204,6 pounds. World production figures are reported in ;terms of recoversble antimbny Content (92 percent of total content; in accordance with:US Bureau of Mins procedure. RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 RESTRICTED terindically, the Yetional Leal Conipemy has raid its price ? thereby effecting en inarease it the world markt pricP. In December 1948 Chinese antimnty waS Quoted t i78.50 cents, duty paid Yew York, wbidh Was phnut thr P cents pPr Pound less than ratinnal Lead Cnmpany's pride in New York.. Imports of metal from Chita :decreased in 1948'. 'Hnwever,:as a rPsult of increased imports of ores and anncentrates from Peru Bolivia end' Mexic0,:bnth Government and industry stocks increaSed in 1948 with supplies beginning to exceed demand, China dotitated the world's antimony industry before the Japanese invasion in 1937 by.supplying about two?thirds of the world's requirements. The industry wasravagPd by war, 9mA the Ick Of edonomic stability crUpled with a shortage of nperating. equipment are hindering nperatinns It will be some time before prnductinn can reach prewar levels. With Chita out off as a. snurpe of antimnny, Bolivia and Mexicn have becnme the principal sources of supply. Bolivia was the Principal producer until 1944 when cancellation of thP United State over?ell purchase agreement caused 9 significant decrease it pro? duction. In 1946 Bolivia regained?European market6,. theraby'repled? ing Mexico as the prindipel prnducer. ,Peru is producing antimony in increasing qUantities. The building of the Laredni Texas, smelter and the US tariff on antimony metal are the fACV,r6 retpnnsible for Mexico's pnsiti. n as the chief US supplier.. SubSidiaries of the National Lad ? Com-any dontrOl MexicOs present prndUd:tion. RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 FT,STRICTED The US id an iMportant producer in the l'Testern Hemisphere. - The oUtput comes mainly frbm the Yellow Pine mine in Idaho 'where antimony Was found assodiated with gold and tlIngsten. Reserves are not large and Self-sufficiency is far 'from possible under any conditions. In 1946 domestic mine production accounted for 14 percent of the primary antimony consumed; in 1947 for about 32 percent, and:in 1948 for 42 percent. ' Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia,. and Hungary shirped substantial tonnages of antimony to GermanY during the war. Production figures for the USSR have not been reported but several deposits are in production and self:-sufficieneyid possible, and may alreaiY have been attained. The Union ofSouth Africa annually produces more than 2,000 tots Of antimony Contained in concentrates recovered from gold ores of the Murchiton Range. All but a few tons are: exported to the UK. US 5upPlies of priMary antimony have been short despite a price more than double that of war :years but,, increased supplies from Mexico, Peru, Bolivia and the US are enabling the US to Meet requirements. Most of Mexico's produc- tion is imported into the US. During 1948 the UK took a substantial Portion of Boliviats production, however, the US received the major share (3,003 metric' ,tons ofcontaited antimony) with &nailer portions going to other European countries, Approximately 6,100 tons (antimony content) ' .were mined in the US and 7,900:tons imported from Mexicb, thus, supplies Will begin to.exceed US demand in 1949 unless the stock- pile program is revised. About 20,000 tops of avpilable secondary antimony will meet all seCondary requirements. REST:RTCTEP Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 RESTRICTED The USSR received shipments of at least 1,000 tons of antimony and tungsten from China in 1948, and probably will receive additional shipments during 1949. It is believed that production of_antimonY in the USSR is possibly sufficient for present reouirements but could not meet a sudden increase in ?demand Therefore, the USSR may have a definite stockpile program for_antimety, such as they appear- to have initiated with tungsten, as a strategic reserve in an emergency. - The capacity of Hungaryi Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia is estimated at about 1.1,000 metric tons annually. Important quantities of 'antimonial lead scrap have been shipped to the USSR from Germany and the Satellite countries. In the eVent of a future emergency about 46,000 tons annually would be required to meet US consumption ApproxiMatelY 23,50.0 tone could be produced domestically from secondary antimony, domestic mines, ? and as a by-product Pf lead ores. -: About 22,500 tons ipuld need to ? be imported, of which Nexico could supply 8,-000 to 10,000 ?tons BeliVia, 12,000:tensand Peru, under-very favorable conditions, 1,500 tons-. As a protection against labor and transport difficul- ties, at least a yearrs supply of primary antiMohy. (27,000 tons) should be steckpiled:to Maintain a conStant flOW to consumers. If an acute shortage should develop, expoi-ts of Bolivia could be in- creased quickly by a slight chage in specifications .- RESTRICTED ?, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 ' 'Tab'. 1e 1 - 'World Prbdilction,of Antimony, "1939-48 by Countries 1/ , ' (Co*died by B. B. Mitchell? Bureau of Mines) (In metric tons) Country .1939 1940 S 1941 North *ell. cp. Canada, ii4ndur-as 5146'404.Y: ' .;2.?Olit1iAmeric ' -: .Argentina ' ? Austria J. ?'Portugal. tSpo.izi'f ? - iYugas26:41a. ? -1k49_,_ry-W,% 'Asia ? ?1-- - aki t 1D? _ s -0.22 , ? Btrmagf- ? _ Indochina - Turkey (Asia Minor)" :30/ -? *,?ar.1,1 ? '550.V ? 1,083 1,329 '-l1,286 10,2111. 241 328, 7 .412 013 97 -- 91 9,255 ?10,813 775 809 123 13,680 1, ?1;p12 - 645 ?102 ?.6714 -630 174 r 2147 22 3. 3.759- 5.791 750 ,___ , , 163 305 '12,017 -8,469, g -122 " ' 1 0 21.40 *q..25 -Ago ? ? See ,' footnotes bottom of next mag. , _ ? o' .7;989::8 19 ,- , igo . 25p: ?1911-2 1943 1q1? '1911.5.? . 19)46 2 , 1947 19)48 1,269 103 . 1465 110 $09 696 ' . , -286 _ - ' 8 . 4go. - 124 . 5 10,759 12,585 ?10,056 8,053, .- 6,o146 ? 6,3i'.'6,'790 ? 2;457 4,638 '3,952 -1,611? ? 2,091 4,11.37 ' 5,1416 \ 100' 71 13 -'16,231 .16,536 ? .6, 852 ?5.093 9,989 11,280 1,457, ' 2 472 ; 93? 2,041 969 1 140 12770 ? ? 3,l30,/ 3/ .1,115 ? 2,156 1, 434 , -1;593 , '1?g 153 .116 '153 -202- , 200 391 571 ? 658 132 ' 15 ' g2 ? ?47 - '667 , ,522 403 348 :330 )430 .135 115 Ef 39 :? ? .6 5 23. 210 ? ? 3.76' ? 128 `. log - '96. 814 jL it 2,200' 5po t,-160, RV. ? 3 ? 3;510, ? - 78%. '505 11 18 . -8 3. .203 25 : .58. :45o . 54.2 26 -.?66 ?,909 3,251 35 36 103 '520 ? -'.210 49 , 100 124 41 gi 104 2 85 , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 - 'Table 1 -World Production of Antimony,- 1939-48, by Countries -'Continud Compiled' by B. B. Mitchell, Bureau of .Mines) ?_.(In:thetric tons) ?Country 1939 Africa: / ,Algeria 246 -)Morocco - 'French i'46o? _,,ppanl.sh - - 514- - 'ISouthern Rhodesia 50 titTpiO, of pc)-1,1qi Africa, 6 Oceania : , etralia \ '.419 New = liey, Zealand . ,Total \ 38,800 3,94.0 194i 4942 1943 194 , .270 469: '67' 101 , 126 . ,'4o4 I.' , '_397 . ' .,;484. . 85 -83''' 1045 '.. ' ;4;052 - ' ' 8 - -304 - 322 144 169 ?990 . ... ? 1, 0)42 : , . ' : , 902 ? _409, 153 ? .164 1,560, , - '532 - ' ? 170 166 '72 .- 116. 2,570 .. , 454. . ... , 46,300 49,000 451,400 .53,266 1945 ' ,, ? 423 . -353 ,?? 52 29 - 2,250 . 194-6 1947. 1948 , , .? , - _,. .260, 493 _ - .. 15 2,330 410 . , - '390 12g 38 M?0,'' '? 217 411' '..5./ ' 10 3;700 172 :.46o. ?3.2 39,j/ ,-..... , . , 26?900 25,400 34,800 .; 141,300 ,Approximate-'recoyerable metal -content of ore produced, - exclusive- of antimonial lead oras; 92 percent of reported gross -icontent is used ' as basis for- ca1culations, in pearly every instance. - -USSR produces antimony but clata, on production are not available. ' , - f.21 Estimate. , . . 1. Date..' not. available; -estimate I.ncluded, in total.' .. - ilt Includek.antimony-contont of ,antimoriial lead'. ? , 1P1 ,1 'Incfudes 'Spanish 'Morocco., - ? January to June,, inclusive. . ; 41/ Te.ta. represent Trianon Hungary ;subsequent to October 19144; 1,V Data represent -area ,designated as Free 'China" during ;the period of (Japanese o'Ccupation. . cv , Fiscal year ended March 20 of year following that stated. .. Revised data; previously shipments were listed in some cases in lieu of produCtion, data. i . 44.1/.., 'Including New :South Wales; data not -available., . 1.21 'Esttmat_ed, by the. author. - \ - , t? ? I. . - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : bIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 REST RIO TORLD RESERVES The geological process of deposition of antimony minerals, in general, is to form Small and irregular ore bodies, thus, an.appraisal of antiMony ore reserves is difficult and highly speculative unless the deposits are thoroughly exPlored. The large scale production possible with other ores is Usually precluded where antimony is concerned because of insufficient tonnage and most of the world's output is mined by hand. Due 'to the irregularity and small size of most antimony deposits the cost of advance deVelopmentito "block out" ore reserves iS not economically possible for it Often would exceed the cost of mining. :Therefore, little development is carried out.in advance of the actual mining, the ore bodies being mined immediately on discovery* For this reason reserve figures on individual prOperties are rare and estimates on-total reserves are available only in the case of China and the US where the rejects were financed by government Besides the output of straight antimony ores, important quantities are mined from deposits of lead and gold ores. In these deposits it is economically possible to "block out" reserve's and figures are available, but the tonnage is relatively unimportant except in the Case of the Yellow Pine mine in the US and the properties of Consolidated Murchison in the Union of South Africa where antimony is associated -with gold. An appraisal of the world's reserves is necessary to predict the future sources of supply in the event of an emergency and to convey some idea as td the tonnage available from these sources. Since the only estimates RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2.013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A00570001000979 RESTRICTED available are those of the US and China,- determined by agencies of the respective governments, the writerhas compiled a table reporting his estimates of the reserves of other countries as a means of indicating the order of magnitude of the supply that might be mind in the future. The industry usually is highly competitive and, since only high grade ore can be mined at a profit in normal years, some mines often are closed down and reported to be exhausted although large quantities of ore remain that can be mined profitably at present prices. TABLE 2 ESTIMATED ANTIMONY RESERVES OF THE PRINCIPAL ' PRODUCING COUNTRIES AS OF 1944 In metric tons ofmetal content 'Country Metric tons ? Major Producers .:China ?3,804870 1/ Bolivia -700,000 ' .,exico 700,000, Minor Producers 'United nates 103,500 .21 Peru 70,000 'Yugoslavia 100,000 Czechoslovakia 5Q, 000 Union-of South Africa- 80,00 Australia 60,000 USSR 150,000 1/ Geological Survey of China 0 2/ US Bureau of Mines and Geological Survey estimate of antimony reserves (measured, indicated and inferred) which could be mined at prices as high as $1,50 per pound). RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 'RESTRICTED SMELTING INDUSTRY China had the world's largest smelting industry until 1944 when the Japanese captured Changsha, the city in which most of th,, plants were located, and demolished many of the plants. ,The-Chinese government is earnestly trying to? rebuild the' smelters to rehabilitate that country's antimony industry. The US now haS the largest smelter capacity in the production of antimony metal and antimony oxide, but UK, Belgium, France, Yugoslavia, -Germany,:.Italy, Japan Australia and the USSR have smelting capacities sufficient to meet domestic requirements. Belgium and the UK import largely Bolivian ore and export most of their production of Metal in normal years. At this time there is not sufficient information available on the status of the industry in foreign coUntries to compile a table covering smelter production and capacities of individual plants. In general, they Are small, many having ,a capacity of only a ton or so a day, with makeshift equipment. Plant caPacity in the US is sufficient to meet the requirement S for antimony metal or compounds, provided. that the ore is available. TECHNOLOGY 0 Most antimony ores are deposited at low temperatures and shallow depths as narrow fissure fillings and erratic replacement deposits. The ore minerals of straight antimony ores are stibnite, the tri-sulfide of antimony, and its oxidation products, occurring in small irregular ore bodies in quartz veins,. Generally the ores range from thr-;e to twelve per cent antimony with ores from several .Chinese and .Bolivian deposits exceeding this tenor. ?,10 RESTRICT7,D Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Due to the small size and irregularity of most of the deposits, RESTRICTED they are selectively mined and the ore is hand4;Sorted, very little equipment being used. In some instances ores and reject of hand-sorting are ) concentrated in jigs but losses are high a Antimony in some locelities occurs associated with lead copper, silver or gold ores and is recovered in the milling or, in the smelting of these Ores: Significant quantities of antimony also are recovered from flue dust at lead smelters. . Lower grade antimony ores are usually improved by roasting, thereby yielding a volatile oxide which may be condensed and sold as such or smelted to metal. Ore and concentrates containing over 50 per cent sulfide usually are liquated for the production of crude. Stibnite has a low melting point which enables it to be drained off from the gangue when it is fused to a melt, producing liquated antimony sulfide (antimony matte, needle or 'crude). 'Liquation and roasting are' relatively easy and more modern methods of bencficiation have been little used by the industry. Antimony metal (r,gulus) is produced by smelting the oxide, the liquated sulfide (crude) or ore in blast furnaces, reverberatory furnaces or crucibles. Ores averaging 3o-35 per cent metal, such'as those from Mexico, are best for direct smelting as they are too high in grade for best work in roasting and too low for very successful results in liquation. Liquated sulfide is usually smelted with oxides or reduced to metal )by fusion with scrap iron in crucible, yielding antimony metal and :a residte of iron sulfide. Oxide and electrolytic rntimony are recovered from Idaho lead ores by use of the Lee Muir process which ?senarates the components of tetrahedrite. Often impurities exceed the one per cant MDXiMUM and the metal must be refined to remove them. This is done in a reverberetory furnace or crucible by fusing the metal with an oxidizing slag. -11- RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 -Many buyers demand "Starred" ingots because thy believe that _indicates high purity, though this iS not AlWaye- "Staring" is produced by cooling the metai bloWly Under 4 specially prepared slag at . a melting point lower than that of antimony: Special brands of regulus (antimony metal) exceed 99,6 per cent antimeny and Command a higher price than ordinary brands of 99 per cent plus. Metal Produed domestically is cast in ingot S lo by lo by 2i ineheb, weighing about 56 pounds, packed 4 to the box (224 lbs.) for small consUmers? 10 boxes to the long ton (2240 lbs.). USES The chief use of antiMony is to impart hardness and mechanical strength to lead. It is a "cheap metal" that is frequently-substituted for more ? expensive metals such as tin. In its Pure state the uses of antimony are limited to castings of a decorative character and as a metal powder to give a steel-like finish to pottery. More than half of the antimony consumed during the war and about three- ? fourths of peacetime consumption is used in the metallic state as an alloy, most often with lead. The strength and hardness imparted to lead by the addition of 4 to 12 per cent antimony permit the lead to be used for many purposes not possible in its normally soft state, such as in bullet cores and shrapnel. The most important uses are in storage battery plates, sheet and pipe, where resistance to sulfuric acid is required. It is also used in cable covering and bearing metals where from 3 to 20 per cent of antimony is alloyed with varying amounts of tin, copper, load and other metals. Although the tonnage used in type metal is small compared to other applications, it is extremely important, for antimony imparts to the melt -12- RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 the property of expanding n'coolingi thus predUting a very sharp,; clear type. Many Other alloys :Contain appreciable aMounts of antimony such as solder, pewter (lead-tin-antiMeny), Brittania metal (lead-antimony-copper), sterline (copper-antiMeny-zinciron) and CAIierit8 metal (tin-antimony-copper- zinc). The principal cempounds of antimony are the oxides and the sulfides. The chief use for the OXide'during a war, although small in peacetime, is the treatment orcanvas and other textiles against fire and rotting, and in fire-retardant paints. The oxides also ard used in the manufacture of enamels, as a pigment for porcelain and glazed earthernware, and as a water-resisting paint. The .oxide and the, sulfide, often are blended to obtain yellowish-red and dark-brown pigments. The sulfides are used in vulcanization, but cheaper methods have largely replaced them in rubber coloring. Another Use is in lining lead chambers for making sulfuric acid. The heads of safety matches are about three per cent antimony tri7sulfide and the striking surface eight per cent. Compounds of antimony are used in dyes, antiseptics, tartar emetic',? 1 furniture -polishes,_ and in fireproofing wood. In time of war there are several uses -which are of direct military value besides the industrial uses such as storage batteries cable coverings and bearing metals which also sdrve military requirements. Shrapnel and range-finding shells in which the bursting charge produces dense white smoke contain antimony sulfide and the shrapnel itself is hardened by six to ten per cent antimony, as are bullet cores. More than 6 500 metric tons of antimony a year, during soMe war years, was used for flameproofing canvas , and textiles for military purposes. - 13 - RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 SUBSTITUTES RESTRICTED There are a limited number of substitutes which could be used in an emergency but they are much more expensive and diffiCult to obtain at such a time. Small percentages of calcium can be used in place of antimony in hard lead alloys for cable coverings, bearing metals and bullet cores. Smaller quantities of antimony can be used in storage battery plates by using calcium and bismuth to replace some of the antimony. Cadmium has replaced antimony to a considerable extent in bearing metals. Tin oxide can be'used instead of antimony oxide in ceramic enamels while cadmium and titanium compounds can be used in some pigments. Substitution can be made also in most other chemical uses. The difficulty in employing substitutes is that antimony is much the cheaper in normal times while ift time of war many of the substitutes are also in short aupply. Important amounts of antimony cat be saved by using calcium to harden lead but the greater part of antimony. used for this purpose is recovered from scrap and roquiresthe addition of comparatively small amounts of primary antimony each year to sweeten the alloy. Much greater substitution was expected with the rise in price but this has not resulted to:any great 6xtent. POSITION OF THE US Domestic Consumption Almost half of the antimony consumed in the US has come from scrap while most of the primary metal is from fgreign ores. The US uinod only six per cent of the primary antimony consumed in 1938 but domestic mine output reached 5,040 tons in 1943 accounting for 28 per cent of primary ? consumption. US consumption of antimony in 1938 was equal to nearly a third RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 ? % of world production, in 1946 it exceeded tweLithirds of the world output, while in 1947 conaumption,WaS approxiMatey one-half Of world production excluding production from USSR. Prior to 1938 the Bureau of Mines did. not differentiate consumption 4 ? ?by product but reported the supply available for consumption. Apparent consumption in 1938 was 18,195 tons .while by 19)41 this figure increased to a peak of 46,831 tons. Antimony. ii,as still being consumed at the wartime rate during 1946, 1947 and 1948 but with a different use pattern. These changes in consumption by product are reported in table 4. A complete review of the antimony industry in the US is reported in table 3. Depesits in the US From 1940 to. 1948 an average of 'about 16 per cent of the primary antimony consumed in the US was from domestic antimony ores and concentrates. Most of the domestic output was mined at the Bradley Mining Company's Yellow Pine mine at Stibnite, Valley County, Idaho. This property is a moderately large low tungsten bodywas grade gold-antimony deposit from which substantial quantities of ores H(scheelite) were mined. during the war, exhausted and mining and milling operations to gold and antimony in 1946. but the scheelite ore were changed entirely The Bureau of Mines and Geological Survey Carried out prospecting and exploration work on antimony deposits during the war in attempts to evaluate production potential and to alleviate the dependency on foreign ores. There has only been one important mine discovered in the last fifty years .(the Yellow Pine) and the possibilities of any impertant deposits being discovered in the future are reported to be remote. Antimony reserves of the US are shown in the following table. About 50 per cent of the total reserves occur in the Yellow Pine mine. The 1943 peak production of 5,040 metric tons - 18 - RESTRICT7D Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Table 3 - Statistical Review of Antimony in the United States, Antimony contained in, ore and. concentrates Antimony content of antiMoniel lead prOduced from domestic and foreign ores Secondary Antimony produced Imports for consumption - Antimony in ore ; Needle or liquated antimony Motel Oxide and other compounds 'Exports Of antimony ore, metal, and compounds 'Consumption of primary antimony: . Average US price in cents per pound World productionof primary :"antimony 1938-19148 (In metric tons and. cents per pond') 1938 1939- .1940 1941 -1942: .19,143 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 590 357 448 1,101 2, 671 5,040 4, 295 ,751 ,272, 4 823 '57 . 1,867 1,005 1,884 2,683 2,964. 1,891 2,592 1,807 1,322 '1,842 N.A. 7,711 8,899 10,34 19,64 16,511 14,046 14,411 15,556 17,341 20,851 19,788 7,550 8,571 14,273 17587 19,1002, 26,086:15,49524543_15,355 84420 12427_6 82- - 207 103: :579,, 474 -1 "- , 15- : 745 948 190 6,776 115 '; 845 266 569 2,352 5,333 2,881 376 157 .5 . 2 1../ 2.1 645 53 250 64-, 209 448,1,197 302 , .419 733 295 10,484V 2 10531J 16,288E/ 27,2102/ 21,6382/17,697 21,551-23,370 15,889 15,102 14,021 12,35 12,36 14.00 14.00 15.55 15.92 15.84 15.84 17,31 33,45 36.67 33,900 38,800 46,300 49,000 51,400 53,200 36,400 26,900 25,400 34,800 41,300 Aj -Less than). ton Ej Primary antimony available for Source: US Bureau. of Mines,. 41. , - consumption- data not strictly comparable with figures for subsequent years. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Table 4 - Industrial- Consumption of Primary Antimony, 1938-1948 (In: metric tone of metal content) Product 1938 1939 1940 1914.1 _ 1942 1943 1944 1945 19 1947 1948 Metal products: AntimOntal lead Bearing metal and _ bearings Battery. metal and _ _ 'battery oarts :Type Petal and .type Cable Covering. Sheet and pipe. Castings _ CollaptibIe tubes and foil Ammunition .SO1der Total petal products ./ Statistics do not differentiate consumption by product- during these.,_ years. 2-621' 4,796 '5,371 4,379 5,599 5,1465 418 2,392 2,563 2,61g i,s6 1,636 2,17.7. 2,124 1,155 983 2/ _ 763 -1,128- 1,726 ,103.. 383 -3,83 249 72 . 55 :56 16o 296 334 198 204 177: - 180 104 242 - 211 117 73 120 103_ 184. _ 110 70 , 28 , 353 - 84 97 : 27 22 19 117 _64 113 255 120 -132 .11,110 11,436 10,580 1 9,155. 8,510 See footnotes bottom of-next page. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Table 4 - Industrial Consumption of Primary Antimony., 1938-1948 - Continued Product 1938 1939 1940 1941. 1.942 1943 1944 - .1945 1946 1,947 1948 Nonmetal products: , Flame proofed textiles 6,307 -6,407 6,963' 88 186 352- Paints an.d. lacquera. Statistics do not 1,686 2,259._-,2,778 1,508 -1,201 1,169 Frits and ceramic s 'enamels 255 454 849- 1,646 1,591 1,146 Glass and'pottery ? differentiate consumption by )487 373 ? 276 318 382 31,9- 'Sodium antimonate 1 43 335 464 1,232 Antimony trichloride ' 139 262 188 96 1/ AmMunition primers product during these 88 ? 39 6o 14 15 5 Matches 16. 9 16 23 '21 34 Other ? years. 349. ; 302 340 ? 386 2,551 2,215 9,370 19,441 11.934 5310 5,947 5,510 TotalwOnmetal 4products Grand total primary Secondary - :Total US consumption 10 4843/ 10.5313416,28a 27,210/ 21,6383/17,697_21 551-.23,370 15,-889 15,102 14,029 , 7,74: 8,899 10,361 19,621 16,511, 14,046 1.4 411 15,556 17,341,20,851.19,788 18,195 19,430 26,649 146,831 38,.149 31,743 35,962 38,92633,230 35,953 33,80 2/ Included with antimonial lead. Included with other. Primary antimony available for consumption; Source: Department of Commerce. data.not strictly comparable ? with 'figures for subsequent years.' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 metal content was eXaeeded in 19L8 A.th e iiieh Of 5,887 tons, and if the present high price continues the BUreau of Mines believes the 1949 production from domestic ores will exceed the 1948 peak. Table 5 - Antimony Reserves in the US as of 1944 1/ , (In Metric Measured and Indicated tons) Inferred ' --TaiMony Tons of ore Content Total ? Antimony Contained Antimony Tons of ore Content Price of antimony at 160 per poundi From antimony ore ? 9,000 890 41500 . 470 . 1,400 From by-product bre 3,901,000 38,000 816,000 10,000 48,000 Total 3,910,000 38;900 821,000 10 500 42,400 Antimony at 170 to :,;1.50 From antimony ore 454,00o 4,400 1/ 680,000 13,600 18,000 From by-product ore 7,802,000 20.,900, 2,450,000 5,420 26,300.- Total: 8 256,000 25,300 3,1303000 191.000 44,300 Grand tbtal 12,166,000 64,200 3,951,000 29,500 93,7Q0 / Rounded figures.- _ . / Nearly all' indicated. Secondary Antimony About half of the annual is recovered from scrap while antimony consumption in normal years in war years this percentage decreases with large increases 'in antimony consumption. A maximuM- of 19,621 tons of., antimony were produced from Strap in 1941 but this tonnao fell to World War II low of 14,046 tons in 1943, and 145)111 tons in 1944. This significant decrease was due partly to the lowor per cent of antimony in battery scrap. In 1942 limits were temporarily sot at 7.5 por cent antimony in battery grids. These limits were discontinued and 1:), 1946 secondary -19- RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 production of antimony had intreaSed to 17'3/0 tons in 1947 reached :20,8l tens, and in 1948 was approximately 19,800 tons, The antimony used in antimonial lead and other alloys is susceptible 1 to secondary recovery. The main Sources of' scrap are the plates, grids and sludge from discarded stbrage batteries of which about 75 per cent ro recovered as scrap. During 1947 and 1948,, as a result of high lead prices and a Shortage of lead, there was separation of considerable lead scrap into antimony- and lead metal. However this is not normally done, all antimony recovered Ordinarily remaining in the alloyed state. Foreign Trade The US was an importer of regulus before the building .of the Laredo smelter. Afterwards, the dependency on foreign metal changed to a dependency ,on foreign ores for most of the supply of Primary antimony. The peak year of imports was 1943 when 27,021 tons of antimony contained in ores arrived in this country. This tonnage amounted to more than two-thirds of the . world production of primary antimony for that year. .Mexico was our chief supplier before World War II but was surpassed by Bolivia in 19143 and 1945. To supplement meagre supplies' in the US, large amounts of regulus were imported from China in 1941, but Japanese offensives prevented further ship- ments until the end of the war. Imports of only 7,709 tons during 1946 were at, the lowest level since 1935; however imports reached 13,77.6 tons in 1947, and 15,375 tons in 19480 Tariff Antimony ores enter the US duty frees,. whereas antimony metal and the oxide are 'dutiable at one cent per pound, .and needle (liquated) antimony , at one-fourth cent per pound. .The import duty on sulphides is one-half cent" plus twelve and one-half per cent ad valorem; tartar emetic (potassium-antiffiony -20- RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Table 6 - Antimony Imported into the US, 1938-a948, by Countries 1/ (In metric tons of metal content) Country 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947. 1948 Argentina 649 198 28 Belgium 23. 173 6 20 51 191 Bolivia 1,028 2,226 - 5,032 6,436 . 6,778 12,549 4,037 10295 688 . e, Chil 2/ . .._ 704 . - 733 5 440 1,419 .. 35 2,209 31&.. 5,.003 236 A China 639 600. 176 6,455 - _ _ 518 1,560 5,275 2,709- rv 1-, , Honduras ? -. - ' 5 10 84 ,31 96 15 7 - 5 1 - Mexico 4,864 5,870 8,659 lo,879 11,279 ..12?080 . 10,257 ' 7,532 4,564 5,568 ' -7,918- Peru -: 367 2., 390 ,. 544 - .531 311 2,195 749 1,360 44 141 963 Others 20- 62 12 31 - 396 61 _ 55 811 / 216 350 .- 1 Totals 8,294 9,519 14,462 24,362 19,581 27,021 15,580 21,194 7,709 13,776 15,375 17- Figures include antimony imported for consumption plus material entering under bond. 2/ Imports shown from Chile probably mined in Bolivia or Peru and shipped from a port iii Chile. 3/ Imports from Japan amounted to 792 tons. Source: US Bureauof Mines. 0,1 Cl), ?Lri Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 0 II- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 tartrate) six cents; and other Salts and compounds; not specifically provided for, are dutiable at one cent plus 25 per cent ad valorem. There has been no change in tariff rates since 1930 except in the case of metal and oxide which prior t 19)8 were dutiable at two cents per pound, and sulphides at one cent plus per c nt ad valorem, Prices Antimony prices are characterized by wide and frequent fluctuations. This is especially true of prices in the New York market. The New York price is the :base price with the,quotations on a duty-paid basis for iMperted regulus (metal) which controls the price of domestic metal in nolvial years. Concentrates are purchased either at a given price per short ton unit (20 pounds of contained antimony) or at a given price per pound of antimony Content which is usually more than half the market price of. refined antimony: at New York. The .highest monthly average price for antimony was in 1917 when it reached 44*71 cents a pound, New York price, compared to a low of 4.32 cents reached :in the postwar depression of 19217,22, -Prices again increased annually reaching an average yearly price of 17,5 cents in 1925,- In the subSequent years the price fell gradually, averaging only 5.62 Cents for the year 1932, but by 1937 it again had exceeded 15 cents. ' During 1939 the price averaged 12,'36 cents increasing to 14 cents in 1941 and was held at that figure by. the Office Of Price Administration.- Cn 13 April 1942, the price was raised to 16.049 cents a pound in Case . lot-S, 10,000 pounds and ever,.but a-reduction-in freight charges from Laredo TeXas, to New Yerk City was passed on to the buyers beginning 3 June-1943y and the New York price was quoted at 15.839 cents from that -7 22 ?- -RESTFIICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 time Until the removal of price control on 9 November 1946: The price then rose to 29.625 cents by 17 December, In 1947 the price for Carle-Ls standard brands -reached a high of 34,53 cents per pound and on 31 December 1948 the price was 40.17 bents. The price fluctuations are attributable to peculiarities both of supply , . and of demand for antimony inwartime, owing to Certain physical character- istics rendering the metal highly desirable for military poses, demand ofOr the metal increases sharply. On the other hand, in a general depression, demand for antimony drops sharply because its peacetime uses are for the most part restricted to inflexible price industries. The volume of supplies brought to the market also shows wide fluctuations, The market has always depended heavily upon Chinese production; shipments from China are quite irregular and the time Of arrival is not generally known beforehand. Coupled with the fact that only small stocks of antimony are generally held in the principal consuming cotntries? the arrival of a .shipment'of:concentrate8 from China usually causes a sharp drop in the market price of the Metal. ?As will be .seen in stbsequent.sections of this report., the price behavior of antimony has resulted (except in wartime) in the working of -- only the high grade podket8 in producing Areas outside China. producers in these areas, e.g., Belivia and Mexico, have been reluctant to reopen . low grade workings under the Stimtlus-of a rise in market price which experience has taught them may be shortliVed. In the light of price and prOduction history and of heavy US dependence, in time of emergency, upOn non-Chinese production, adequate 'supplies Cannot be assured unless profitable prices are guaranteed to the miners (not the smelters) in the Western hemisphere. Belated efforts of the US- RESTRTCT7D - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 to secure stockpiles of antimony after the openingof hostilities in Europe effected a shortage in World l'ar II which could be prevented in the -event of a future emergency. _Present Situation and Future Outlook The US supply of antimonywas in approximate balance with industrial datand during 1947 and 1948. When the needs of the stockpiling prograt: are taken into Account, however, the total demand is above npa supply. As a result of transfers to the stockpile, and withdrawals for industrial .use'during the past two years, total Government and industrial warking stocks, exclusive of the .stockpile, dropped from 16,664 metric tons at-th.e end of 1946 to 14,481 tons as of 31 December 1.948. Present indications, are that new supply of antimony in 1949 till be about 411000 metric tons or nearly the same as in 1948. Reduced scrap recovery is expected to be offset by a slight increase in domestic mine production and in imports from Mexico, Bolivia and Peru. Imports of antimony from China could be also reasonably increased during 1949 China has by far the largest reserves of antimony in the world and is important to the ? U not only as a direct Seurce of supply, but also in that it could satisfy ? the antimony requirements of other nations and thus make more antimony aVailable to the US from Mexico Bolivia and Peru. Any significant change in the present pattern of consumption is not expected in the near future and all demands will probably be met in full. EmergencySupply. and Demand ? In the event of a national emergency about 22 500 tons would be required annually from foreign Sources to augment domestic supplies in ful- filling US requirements..- Large quantities would haveto be obtained from RESTRICTED 2 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 -.mole f ,,- unite?, cycatesTreaaminy DT,UT,11,1Ct., lor i14o 1?,auTi "(Metric tons of contained ; ConSUMption and Exports antimony) Metallic products , . . 28)298 Primary 8)510 Secondary, . . . . 19)788 Flame-proofed textiles . ? [ ? ?? ? ? 352 Paints and lacquers ? . . 4 ? 4 ? 1,169 Glass and pottery . ? -? . ? ? ? a ? 320 Frits. . ? . . . : 1))1114 Miscellaneous 2,255 Processing loss. . 4 a ? ,4 ? -? ? ? 1,503 Total domestic consumption 35,311 Exports and re,-experts . :: . 761 Total demand . ? ? ? 0 36,072 New Supply Domestic ore . a. . 6,072 Foreign ore . ', ? 6 0 ? 12,288 Foreign metal ,' ? 0 ? ? ? a # ? ?? 3)004 Needle . . . ? . ? :. a a, 326 Total primary . . ? , . 21)690 Scrap. ? ? ? . '.?. . ? . . ? ? 24;071- Total new supply /-? . 41)761 StoCks . ? ? . ? 188 5_51-10 Government Ore. . .? Metal ? ? ? ?to ? ? Totalgovertment stocks.. . ? Private 3)728 863 Mine ore Industrial ore , 3,348 Metal . . . . ? ? ? / Sulfide ? . . ? . . 2,188 186 Oxide . ? 1 # ? 1,960 ? Total primary . . . ? ET-575 Scrap . ' ... .. . ? ? ? 4 i i 2,208 Total private stocks . . . - 4 ? .1- a 10,753 Total stocks, government and private . . 114,1481 United States TMborts Metal Q.Una: .: . a ? ? . . Addol.dip: a* 4 ? ? ? a ? Italy . 4' . . . . ? ? ? e Canada. 4 . , .Siam . 4 .-?. ? ,Olgitm- 4 . 4 . . Mexico , ? . 4 a 4 2,612 120 27 1 3 192 48 3,003 Ores (Metal aentent Mexico . ? . . . . ? ? 7 869 Honduras . . ? ? ? ? if ? ?? . French Morocco-. , 4 ? ? c o ? ? :73 Peru . . ? . ? .... . . 963 ? Yugoslavia ? . . ? , 20 Bolivia ? ?. ? ? .,- 0 ? 3026, Portugal . . . ? . . ? 15 Chile . . . . . -. 23'6 , Canada. . # ? ? . : 2'6 Siam . . ?4 41. i?. . Sc? Needle 12,285 China . . . 4 ? ? .r- . 4 ... . ,. 327 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Bolri as well as Mexico. Mexico undoubtedly has sufficient reserves to aupoly US needs, but a considerable increase in the output -of antimony ores, . because of their,geblogical occurrence, cannot be effected as 'quickly as with lead, zinc, copper and many other metals., To increase the output substantially) additional labor Would be required. The supply of- Mexican mine labor is limited and other strategic minerals would be Competing for their servides, therefore it probably,would'be necessary to buy as much as possible from Bolivia. Peru could be depended on for at least 1,000 tons annually and up to 3,500 -tons if necessary. Honduras, due to the inaccessibility of the J deposits and their relatively small potential, would not be important nor. would Argentina, Colombia or Guatemala, who also have antimony deposits, .for their reserves are not. large. The following table shows our probable requirementS, both immediate and after several years, under the accelerated -conditions brought on by a- sudden emergency. Table 8 - Estimated US Antimony Requirements and Supply under Emergency Conditions (In metric tons). Domestic Production (antimony content ores and concentrates) Antimony content.Of antimonial lead produced in US from domestic and some foreign lead ores", Secondary antimony, frot domestic scrap Total supply from domestic, sources Probable domestic requirements' Deficiency which will have' to be supplied from foreign sources (Antimony contained in ore and concentrates) Supplied by Mexico Supplied by BoliVia Supplied by Peru First corn- plete year Third Year 24,50o 1,700 17,000 23,500 ,46,000 22,50C 8-10,000 2/ 10-12,2.00 7/ 1,000 7/ 3,000 20,000 25,000 - 8, coo 1/ - 29,000 1/ 12,000 - 16,()00, 3/ - 3,500 2/ - 1/ Includes 3-4,000 tons for stockpiling in event of shipping shortages. 7/ Peri.' can supply at least 1,000 tons of any deficiency in supply from Mexico -, Or Bolivia and up to 3,.500 tons if necessary. 3/ Within three years Bolivia may be able to supply 16?000 tons annually. - However, if there were transport difficulties it might be necessary to RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 'increase production as much as possible from MeXico thereby reserving available shipping space. for materials more Urgently heeded fromPolivia, such as tin and tungsten. In time of an emergency, the limited, labor supply is the: most difficult problem. faced :by the industry in both exico and- Bolivia; other strategic minerals compete for the labor Supply. It would 'be necessary to have at least a year's supply of primary antimony stockpiled in the US, and more, if possible, to maintain a steady now to consumers and as a protection against labor difficulties and a -shipping shortage Which might develop. However, it is doubtful if this stockpile could he built up after the emergency developed, t,erefore, the most logical plan would be to stockpile in advance. In Mexico, Bolivia and Peru an increase in production Could readily be attained. b a contract which guaranteed purchase of the entire country's output such as the Bolivian over-all antimony agreement made by the United States Commercial Company during the war. The producing mines are hand-:to- moUth operations, their capital is limited and prompt payments an deliveries to the. railhead or port would aid operations considerably. A slight relaxa- tion ? of specifications in purchasing Bolivian concentrates also would cause -a rise in prOduction to meet an unexpected demand. Specifications,for :Bolivian concentrates have been too strict, calling .for at least 60 per cent -antimony and not more than O. per cent lead and arsenic' combined. The aforementioned are the most, important means of increasing foreign production and in all probability will be sufficient. However', in certain spebifit districts with important possibilities but nct much production' technical assistance and small loans made directly to individual operators against monthly production Would also contribute towards increasing the output of both these countries. By using all of those methods, Mexican and Bolivian production might be increased above the figures given in Table 8, proVided other mining enterprises do not compete for the available labor -.7STRTOTD -27- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 In an emergency theJJK.and Cahada may also have to be supplied with their antimony requirements. South African., Australian and Canadian production would not be able to fulfil the teedS of these two countries. Canadian , production is small. and the 'supply', lines from South Africa and Australia are difficult to maintain. Not only WoUld it be necessary to ship to these countries Bolivian ore for part of their requirements, but any output in excess of our needs would be required for the UK and, therefore, it would.be advantageOus to increase Bolivian production as much as possible: Consumption of primary antiMony in the UK during 1947 totaled .5,302 tons, of which 683 tons were used in batteries; 697 tons in other antiMonial lead 595 tons in bearings; 2,804 tons in oxides and other compounds; and 523 tons in various othermaterials. Secondary antimony consumptien amounted to 3,490 tonS, of Which 2,451 tons were used in antimonial lead and 1,039 tons for other purposes. Emergency requirements of the UK and Canada would total 8-11?000 tons of primary antimony annually. MAJOR WORTP PRODUCERS China Prior to the Japanese invasion in 1937,-China dbminated the world's antimony industry, mining almost two-thirds of.all,the antimony produced 'in the period 1913-37. China's huge reserves of antimony, estimated in 1945 by the Chinese Geological Survey at 3 .803000 metric tens of contained metal, dwarf those of Mexico, Bolivia and the US into insignificance,. The 'combination of high grade ores and cheap labor could make it possible for China to. force other producers out of the market in normal years, but the policy of the , Chinese government has been to maintain a fair price) at times withholding - stocks from the market until the price advanced.. China, in the ten year period from,1931-440 produced 116,674 metric tons of antimony metal 14914 tons of liquated sulfide and, 7477 tons of oxide.- R7STRICTED - 2 8 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 With the Japanese occupation of eastern China, Shipments of antimony Could be made only with great difficUlty, pxpOrtS deblined, stocks increased .ahd production had to be curtailed Whereas Chinas output totaled As MuCh as 21401 tons of,metal in 1929 only 9,436 tons (recoverable metal content of ore) were mined in 1938. When the Burma road was but by the Japanese in 1942, it effected a 'complete breakdown of the Chinese antimony industry and production virtually ceased. In June 1944 the Japanese captured Changsha, centt_ of the. Chinese antiteny industry and capital of Hunan Province. Smelters were wrecked and the industry was paralyzed. Because so many smelters were demolished and mining installations were so badly damaged, it will be some time before the mines can regain their foldier position as the world'B leading producers. The industry is starting anew, rebuilding smelters and rehabilitating the mines. Another difficulty which has faced the industry is a lack of economic stability - - too wide a discrepancy in the official and black market rates of foreign exchange. The mines, with some aid from the'government, resumed production late in 1946 ? and are now producing at a rate of about 3,000 to 4,000 tons annually. A drilling campaign is underway at Hsi-kuang-shan, the principal producing area. Meanwhile the severe shortae of Chinese antimony has been felt in world markets, and this is responsible for the Considerable rise in the -world price. Production of antimony during the year 1946 amounted to only 426 tons, for 1947 to 1,909 tons, and 1948 to 3,251 tons. The antimony industry, because of its national importance, is under strict government surveillance and control. The National Antimony Administra- tion was established in 1936 to regulate production and collect taxes. Through this organization the government is now attempting to restitute production tO its former lovels by loans and other aids for acquiring equipment, RESTRICT7D - 29 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78701617A005700010009-9 while the National Resources CethMission is oPerating a few mines, smelters and refineries. All antiMeny MUSt be sold to the government. Local consumption of antimony has been small, rarely exceeding more than 100 to 200 tons annually, Used in the manufacture of 'matches, fire- 'crackers and enamels. After the Burma road was closed by the Japanese offensive, the Chinee government constructed a plant for manufacturing pigments in order to increase dgmesticantiMony consumption. It is hoped that under an accelerated Program consumption will increase to 1,000 tons of antimony annually within a few years. In prewar years about 75 per cent of China's production was exported in the form of regulus, 19 Per\Cent as crude and six per cent as oxide. Prior to the JaPanese invasion the UK, Japan and 'Germany Were the chief buyers of Chinese antimony. Exports to the US gradually decreased after the building of the Laredo, Texas, smelter ih 1930. Host of china's antimony deposits are in. Hunan Province which ustally. accounts for 95 per cent of the countryvs production. The major district is Hsin-hua where two-thirds of the province's "Output is mined. The Chinese Geological Survey in 1945 reported Hunan reserves at 1,995,500 metric tons Of contained metal. Normally the ore is rich, containing from 6 to 18 per cent antimony. There are 24 major deposits in the prOvince with the HsiAcuang-, .shan mines the most important of these. In 1939 Hsi-kuang-shan mined 10,291_ tons (metal content) which was More than the entire Output of Mexico and approximately that of Bolivia. Thesb mines are about 20 miles northeast of Hsin-hua. At Hsi-Kuang-shan stibnite and cervantite occur in:quart,veinS along faults and bedding Planes of Paleozoic strata, as replacement deposits in limestone, and in fractures in the brecciatod crests of anticlines.. The usual occurrence of antimony is in narrow, irregular veins-; however, at - Hsi-kuang7shan, and elsewhere in China) there are many exceptions to this RES=CTED -30-- ________ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 rul: One lode outdropS along the crest of an anticline for over a mile in length; andjs honeycombed with the workings of more than 70 companies. : ReSerVeS of HsiLkunng,,shan in.tertS oit Metric tons of Contained Metal have bopti estimated at 970,000 tons. Two 'other important deposits in Hunan are the 7U-chi near Yuan-ling with reserves of 107,000 tons, and the Pari-chi near 1-yang4 At the Pan-chi there are two main veins, 2,000 feet and 1,600 feet in length and varying from 1 to 25 fPet wide. Average grade of ore is about 16 per cent, Although 95 per cent of Chinals output has come from Hunan several other provinces are potentially of major importance. In Kwangtung Province fthe.Tien-tzu-Jing deposit near Chu,chiang and Mai7hua-chieu near Ju-yuang- each have estimated reserves of mord than 500,000.tons. The Fan-ching-shah deposit hear Chiangklot in Kweichow Province is believed to contain over Wo,000 tons of contained metal. Possibilities also exist in Kwangsiand Yunnan Provinces, Reserves-of individual mines as,published by the, Chinese Geological Survey in 1945 are reported in Table 9. Their locations are shown in the accompanying tap. Mining of ore in China; as in other countries, is chiefly by small groups in scattered workings using primitive methods. In general little machinery and equipment is used, although many are equipped- with electric putps. Most of the work is done on a. contract basis to the smallest unit with many (hundreds of contractors and sub-contractors engaged in mining operations simultaneously. In normal years there are about 24,000 workmen, about 17,000 of Whom work underground. Wages of common laborers were low in prewar years in comparison to wages paid in Bolivia and Mexico. Generally mining is carried out with hand dril1s and the ore is roughly sorted from the gangue after blasting and carried to the surface ib small bnmboo-baSkets. At the surface the ore is hand sorted again and sent to a mill for concentration RESTRICTED -31- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 ?,r Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 by gravitymethodS or concentrated by-breakl.ng the bre in-be fine fragments and then jiggihg to further separate the ore and gangue. The Concentrated Ore assaying 45 to 60 .per cent Sb2 3, is either sent to the smelter where it iS liquated? forming crude fused sulfide Or is made ' into tri-oxide or tetra-oxide by oxidiing the ore in a small reverberatory furnace. The recovery in liquating is between 85 and 90 Per cent of the sulfide content, while 88 to 92 per cent is recovered by oxidation. The crude and _oxides are sometimes Sold as such, but most frequently they are refined to the metal in reverberatory or blast furnaces. In the former recovery is seldom above 88 per cent while in the latter recovery is as high as 95 tr 98 per cent. The metal produced by these two methods is ordinarily further refined, usually in reverberatory furnaces, to roguIus over 99 per cent, 'China is the only large producer of antimony ore also possessing an important smelting and refining i,ndustry. There were more than 24 plants employing over 1 000 workmen Smelting antimony in southern Hunan prior to the, Japanese 'invasion, Most of these were centered about Chang-sha. TWO of these were modern smelters with an annual output of 6,000 tons of regulus. Chinese - regulus is sold. in slabs weighing 30 to 40 pounds each shipped in cases containing 224 pounds. Standard reguluS is over 99 per cent?ahtimony while .special brands have.a guaranteed purity of 99.6.- 99..8 per cent. If economic Conditions should become stabilized, smelters rebuilt, and mines rehabilitated, China could again be able to dominate the world's ? antimony industry. Under normal conditions production could be increased readily to 20,000 tons or more annually and any fluctuations in world demand could be met. Restitution of large scale production would tumble the world price to about 15 cents and would have an adverse effect mainly on Bolivian production and, to a lesser extent, that of Mexico However, the immediate REST=ED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 RESTRICTED future, of the antitbny induStty is nbt hri7ht for demands ,cannot' be met unless internal difficulties and 'bhp exchange problem are solved, and the political situation is settled inc. manner permitting normal trade. China needs to recapture the Enropean, as well as a substantial share, of,the American markets. In the event of a conflict, China could not be considered a major source of antimony to the US over.any period of time. Protection of the artery of the Pacific Ocean and the Chinese rivers is a difficult problem and air transpOrt space Would be saved for tin and tungsten. RESTRICTED -33- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 RESTRICTED Table 9 - Estimated Reserves of Antimony in China by Deposits 1/ CIm Metric Tons of Metal) Province De-oosit Hunan. KwangtUng' Kwangsi Kweichow Hsi-kuang-shan Wu-chi Hou-tung-chUn Lung-shan - Pan-chi Kan-tzu-yaan Hua-pan-chi Lui-tou-tsi Lungkou Chi ang-kou Lacl-chiaHning Tseng-thia-chi Chiang-chi-lung Cha-tzu4cou , KuFngin-tang Eou-tzu-ling Wang-chia-chung Huang7chung Hsi-chung- Others Tien-tzu-ling Mai-hua-chieu Sam -cha-ho ? -Chien-chu-loo Ping.-tou-shan Others Total:fOr Locality Reserves Provinces Yuan-ling ? Shao7yang do I-yang An-hUa do. Tung-an Hsdng-ning do, An-hua. Hus-nu do An-hua HEU-DU Hsdn-hua I-yang Tung-an I-yang. Chu-chiang Ju-yuang Ho-ch'ih and Nan-tan Chung7shan Tung- lan Tien-yang : Tien-tung Ho7---shao-tsai Wujfeng-shan Mia-lung Liu-chang,Kao-tung Shia-;lOad-cheng Pa-ming- Shia-shan Pal-ti Son-ho do Jong-chiang Hsing.-jen Tzle-Hene - 970,000 - 107,000 75.,000 6,00b 56,000 28,000 18,000' 17,000 16,000 =.1,600 10,000 8,300 ? 7,200 7,000 6,400 6,300 6,000 2,200 500 580,000 554,.ono 629,000 . 5,300 1,260 60.000 41,0(0 1?, Q0' 6,000 12,5'0 P,750 8,640 1;995',.500 1,183,000 ? 66.860 RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 t. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 RESTRICTED Table 9 - Estimated Reserves of Antimony in China by. Deposits (Contld) ? (In Metric Tons Of Province KI.Teichow (cont o) Yunnan ? Deposit Total ft.,r Locality Reserves ?Province Fan-ching-shan. pai-poh Miao-ling. Others Chiang-K1ou Jung-.chiang Tu-.shan Yu-Ohia-tou-chang Ping-1 Koi-yuan Hsi-tsu Wen-shan .1,00,000 2,900 3;000 10,000 28,000 20,000 509,810. 48,000 Total Reserves of.China'. 3,802,870 i C.C., Geol. Survey China, Spec. Rept. -35- , December 1945.. RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 S,Z E C NW A N ? .37 , ?-? ? YUNNAN ????----313 I IA/POCH/ NA K WEI CH o ?????'.- ,???? V. , . /3 i IN I ...1 k ,m,____v iy _.:1_ ..?..., ,m,..._,.....:-., %., ? ? ) zz 1 9. ---," f /I 6.6-31 (*. ch,",j-3h4 s:KIANG.5 I ;./? ? .) -19 rr 4 41 r/41 ON Y kfrives CHINA. .;> /00 0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 RESTRICTED MAP 1 - CHIN.A,-ANTIMONY DEPOSITS INDEX Mai) No. 'Province 1 Kirin 4 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Name of Mine or of (Deposit) Liaoning Hunan,: 25 26 27 28 Kwangtung 29 30 31 32 33 Kweichow 34 '35 36 37 Yunnan 38 Kwangsi 1/ Approximate 2/ Coordinates :Ta-huang-kou Wan-ptc-ho,-tzu Man-paa (Hsi-ktuang-shan) .(San-chien-feng) '(Mao-tzu-ling) (Pei7cht.i) (Lung-shah) (Hou-tung-,ch!ung) (Chiang-cht.i) (Pan-"ch"i) (Wang-chia-ch'Ung) .(Hsil-chlung) (Liaochia-pling) (Kan-tZu-yUan) (Hua-pan-chli) (Cha-tzu-ch'i) (Tlien-chuang-Wan) .(Tstung-chli) (Lin-chia-chlung) (Tseng-chia-ch'i) (Kuan-yin7tlang) '(Qhiang-Chli-lung) (Niu-tiou-chai and Hsien7thiang- chlung) (Heng-chtung) (Chiang-ktou.) (Lung-ktou) (Io-chia-Wan) (Ttien-tzu-ling) (Fu-jung-ch'ang) (Li-ttang) (Huo-shao-chai) (Pa-meng) (Fan,--chingshati) (TU.-15i) & (Kuo-,hua) 1Mao-shan) location Hsien seat, Latitude Longitude Location, Deg,Min- Tun-hua An-ttu An-t'u Hsin-hua ? do do do Sha0-yang do I -ang do An-hua do do do do do do. Hsu,Plu do do - 36 - 43- 14 42 51 42 40 1/ 128 13 128 22 128 30 27 46 27 33 1-11 p'n 26. 27 .32 28 09 27 30 27 14 2/ 27 30 28 29 28 23 28 35 31 28 08 28 08 2/ 28 12 28 08 2/ 28 30 28 08 a/ 2 V 27 (4 2,1 27 53 21 27 53 IV Tang-an do Hs in-fling 26 26 26 20 ?2/ ;20,2/ 37:2/ - do 96 31 2/ Lo-chtang 25 22 Chtu-chiang 24 43 Ho-chtih 24 41 Pih-yang 23 07 Wu-ming 23 07 Tu-ohiang 25 42 Jung-chiang 25 46 Chiang-klou 27 J)) San-tu 26 03 K'ai-yuan 23 36 Wen-shan- 23 13 1- 11 32 111 45 111 46 111 28 414 11 2150 111 39 111 39 111 05 111 39 111 40 111 39 111 39 110 40 110 40 110 40 111 14 111 14 110 48 110 48 113 31 113 10 107 53 109 10_ 108 19 .10811 108 26 108 51 107 58 103 07 103 55 RESTRICTED? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 ?Bolivia RESTRICTED When China's production decreased due to the, Japanese invasion, Bolivia, and Mexico increaSed their, outputs'to make up China's deficiency. BoliVia became the world's principal producer in 1941 and held this position until 1944 when a decline of 58.6 per cent in production reduced Bolivia from first place to one subordinate to that of Mexico. The decline in 1944 and that of 1945 was due mainly to the termination of the overall sales Contract between Bolivian antimony prodUcers and the United States Commercial Company, and, to a lesser extent, restricted, by a serious shortage of ships. Bolivia again became the leading world Producer in 1946, when Bolivian tines became the chief source of supply for EurOpean countries. The peak year of Bolivian PrOdUction and also for that of Mexico was 1943 when 16,536 metric tons recoverable antimony content of concentrates were min d compared to Mexicols 12,585 metric tons. There is no antimony smelter in Bolivia and the antimony is exported in the form of concentrates averaging about 60 par cent antimony. There is no consumption of antimony within the country. . The main difficulty of the producers in 1944 and 1945 was the lack of a stable market for Bolivian ore. When the US cancelled its purchasing agreement most of the mines were forced to shut down. Later purchases were resumed on a smaller scale. More rigid specifications (c minimum of 60 per cent antimony and 0.5 per cent combined lead and arsenic contents) were applied but could not be met by many of the small mines. Present difficulties are a high freight rate to the coast and the fear of fluctuating market prices similar to prewar years. In an apparent attempt to assist the industry the Bolivian government reduced export taxes by 50 per cent in 1947. Before World War II, Belgium', the US, the UK, and Japan were the leading markets for Bolivian antimony concentrates. The chief buyer was RESTRICTED ? - 37 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Belgium, where the ores were SMelted and the metal re-exported to Germany. In 1940 and 1941 Japan received most, of the ores,, buying at prices above the London parity. During the war the US received the bulk of,BOlivia's exports with Minor amounts going to the UK and to Argentina where antimony concentrates are consUmed in the manufacture of antimonial lead at the smelter of the National Lead Company. A complete revieW Of Bolivia s exports is reported in the accompanying eTort table. Antimony occurs in numerous and widely scattered deposits in a belt roughly corresponding to the tin belt, though there is no direct association : with the tin deposits. This great mineral belt extends from Achacachi north of La Paz through Tupiza and into Argentina, and follows the general, outline f a granite batholith that underlies the area and from which the mineral deposits originated. The most. important districts are Tupiza, which produces more than half Of the country's production and the richest ore located in the Department of Potosi, and Challapata in the Department of Oruro-(see Map 2' The ore is stibnite occurring in quartz veins which traverse narrow belts Of fractured black slates often more than tan miles in length, (Nine major belts are shown on the attached map. Belts of minor importance also carrying antimony deposits are denoted by a A-.) The veins are usually narrow and 'irregular, yv.ith ore masses oc6urring where veins intersect. Stibnite also occurs disseminated in quartz. There were 166 properties being worked in 1943. Usually the ore as mined averages about 10 per cent antimony and the concentrate produced about 60 percent. The selling value of the concentrate. often is reduced by penalties for high arsenic content. Gold is sometimes present in payable quantities. The antimony deposits in Bolivi. as in 'Toxic() and practically all other countries except at Hsi-kuang-shan in China, are small in size and irregular with no considerable extension 1T,1 depth or along the strike- Many hundreds of deposits occur, but in eVery, RESTIIICTED -3C- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 case there is little development ahead of mining, RESTRICTED Although the Bolivian antimonY deposits are numerous,, almost all of them are small in size and are worked by the most primitive methods, only the richer portions of the veins being mined. The ore bodies are first explored by surface cuts and trenches along the veins. The deposits usually are opened at depth by adits. The ore is hand sorted underground with much of the ore wasted in the attempt to produce a high grade concentrate. The high grade is sacked, the rest tram:led to the surface, often by wheelbarrows where it is further sorted. The second sorting is usually near the mouth of the lowest adit, where women cob waste from ore. Remaining poor ore is hand crushed, screened and jigged. The fines are concentrated in buddies. The fuel problem is a serious one on the Bolivian plateau and the major reason why antimony atici other mines are workedwithout much mechanical equipment. Some of the larger mines have concentration plants and 'ball mills but these are badly in need of replacement parts. With the exception of a few mines, only about- 30 to 60 workers are employed 'in each mine. -Little technically trained help-is employed in the entire industry. Since most of the 'minesare about 5,000 feat-above sea ? level, local labor must be used, as workmen from lower altitudes are inefficient and ?find it difficult to become acclimated to the altitude. The local labor supply is often scarce, becoming the chief problem of the producers when antimony is?in,great demand.. ? ? TranSport i still a major difficulty fading the Bolivian mining industry** Not only are freight rates high, but the transport to the railhead, is often difficult and high cost. From the principal stations near the antimony mines, thSconcentrates are shipped to the ports of Antofagasta ? 39 - RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 and Arica in Chile and some to Santo Fein Argentina. ShipMents to the railroad and nearest highways in some instances are Still m-do by means of llamas and burros. There are several inacPessible areas With important ore dobosits which will not be prodUctive until roads or railroads are built. There are no antimony smelters in Bolivia due to the lack of fuel. During the war plans were proposed for a smelter in the ?Potosi District to utilize domestic crude oil but this apparently has been abandoned. The Banco Miner? de Bolivia, designated by law the official local buyer of minerals) usually buys the product of small mines at a fixed price at the nearest railroacistation.. The price varies with the quality of the con- centrate and the London price for antimony. During the.war, funds were ? advanced for supplies in order to increase production Bolivian producers are now Supplying the European antimony markets and production has increased sharply following the increase in world price. ? Usually production is stimulated after a price rise, gradually meeting all demands and producing a sulplus. The price falls but production does not decrease until sometime after the drop in price when the higher cost producers are forced to suspend operations. Mexice is the least affected because its transportation cost to the Laredo smelterris much less than that of Bolivia. However, with China out of the market for sometime the industrial output probably will not fluctuate until the Chinese mines return to normal..,:. When 'this happens, many problemswill have to be solved in order that Bolivia Pan: compete profitably:. The Bolivian goVernment now is more favorably inclihed toward antimony producers. Taxes have been reduced 50 per cent and limited financial assistance was proffered prior to the price rise.: Freight rates would have to be reduced, technical assitance would be required and internal transport facilities would have to be impreved before Bolivia -Could compete with China on a largo scale. RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP 78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 In the event of a sudden emergency Bolivia again would be one of the two major sources of antimony supplying US requirements, and probably the major supplier. If this should happen an over-all purchase' contract for the entire production-, technical assistance and limited amounts of smell machinery' should be sent to the miners and a system initiated whereby loans for equip- : ment and supplies could be made to individual producers againSt future purchases. A slight relaxation of specifications should'effect-an increase .in production, inasmuch as meeting these.often lowers the output per man shift. USTRICTEp Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 r ? 1. Table 10- BoliVia t:1A.ports of AntimonY.Coneentrates by Countries; 1938-1948 (In T-letrie Tens of Contained Antimony) Argentina :-.31.olgium 7Trante , - ..Germany -? Japan Japan t L-7-- Spain - r\> t United. _Kingdom -13nite-d States: 1938 133 7,051-'. - 21 72 603 15 529 ._ 1,01-7 1939 173 4,761 7 .._ 1,426 - .1,710 .2,390 1940 79 579 _ - - : ' 621 - ? 261 10,253 . 1941 -. 59- '. - _ - 879 , - r 90 ., 13,845 , 1942 414 _ - __ - 15: 17,214 1943 116 - _ -. _ 180 - 17,678 . 1944 1/ _ ... - 1/ . 15,19,75 1944-5 319 -.-.1 _ - ' 24 1946 21 2/ _ _ 2/ . 2/ - 21 1947 2/ ' 2/ ' 2/ 2/ 2/ PI 1948 , 2/ 2j : 2/ ' - 2/ 2/ ? 2/ _ ? Total exports 9,437 10,060 -11,753 14,373 17,643 17,974 -7,44 5,536 7,.676 10,057 12,260 1/ 'All.but a few tons.Were shipped to the United States'. Breakdown .not reported but large quantities are?kno,-n to have been shipped. to EUrepe. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 { , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 BOLIVIA--ATIMONY DEPOSITS INDEX ' Limits of Mineral.Zone Principal Deposits ? SeCondary Deposits .jntrusive Rocks Black Slate Belts ANTIMONY MINES .PrinciPal Mines Owners 1, Espiritu Santo (Vivdp de Pringle 2 Mailiri (Empresa Jose Dominguez) Challviri (Hochschild) 4 La India (Fadic) 5. jripp1rpa (Manuel Solares.) 6. Churat (Stevenson) 7. Churouini (Frishand 1right) 6 Cobija (Testamentaria Cruz) . 9? Santiago (Patino) ? Sthall_Hines Owners 10. San Simon, (Yendez) Huancaparma 12. .4uila (Trepp) 13. S: Teresita (Franz) 14. Huarahuatani 15. Cavari 16. Taruthita (Trepp) 17. Chillcani (Ellis) 18. Challa (Em1-5: 4 Ier.ranos) 19. Antofagasta (GarCia) 20. El Condor .(Herbas C;) 21. -Terremoto (Finingham) 22. Capacirca 23. Cebadillas 24. ChugUiuta 25. Frahcia (Koehler) 26. Guadalupe (3usolic) - LI)4 - RESTRICTED RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 RESTRICT:7,D MAP 2 ? BOLIVIA7ANTIONY DEPOSITS Cont'd) Small lines 6ners (Continued) . 27. Ialluir (Busolio) 2E. Churin (Etienrs): Puntuma (Itocab.ado) 30. Tiefo.rma (RocabadO 31. ,Em,p, M- Quesada 32. aio? Blanco 33. Huarojla (Gericke) 34. Tani (Gericke) 35,: QuillAcas 36. Alianza 37, Cande1,5.ria (San Juan) 38. San PeAro(Gerick6) 39, Sucre (Trmontini) RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 f:lexico ? RESTE7CTED In 1940, 1944, and 1945, Mexico was the world 'S largest producer Of antimony ore. The peak year of prodUctien was:1943 when 12,585 tons ? recoverabI antimony content of ore were mined. Mexico's output dropped in 1945 and 1946 because of increased costs,?labor difficulties, and the curtailing, of public Purchasing by US Government agencies. The demand andl consequently, prices increased Considerably in late 1946. The supply was short and prOduction began to increase. Since Mexico was the chief US supplier just before the war, the demand for Mexican antimony has been more constant than for ores from other countries. Mexico's low cost for trans.- porting. ore to the Laredo, Texas, smelter, the major one ih the US, and the US tariff on antimony metal make it possible for Mexico to supply most of the US' reqUirements during normal years.' In prowar years Mexico shipped between 70 and 80 per cent of its output to the US, about 20 percent to England, ?and the remaining tonnage to Japan, France and BelgiUm. During the war years (19)11-1945) the US ' received most .of Mexico's output. Antimony deposits occur in practically all the states in Mexico, and during 71brld Tlar II ore was mined in eleven states from 'many -hundreds Of . workings. Except for a few properties the deposits are small. The ores vary considerably in richness, but many of them have a low antimony content. Generally high grade ores have come from Oaxaca and .,Sonora. ? Average grade of Mexican ores and ,concentrates -shipped to the US is 35 percent antimony compared to 60 per cent for those from Bolivia. The Bolivian ores are sulfides whereas in MeXico the oxides predeMinate. ,The smelter at Laredo treats these low,grade ores successfully, smelting the oxide ores without roasting. RESTRICTED \ L Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 PE8T RIC T:ED Table 11 - Reserves of the?Antimonio District, Sonora (In Metric Tons) Tons of Ore. No measured ore - Grade - Tons Sb Indicated Ore High grade in veins and placers '% 1,000 - 3,000 45%* 450 - 1,350 Mill ore in Veins " 40,000 60,000 5 10% 2,000 - 6,000 Dump ore 5,000 - 10,000 10 - 15% 5oO .To-61 indicated 46,000 - 73,000 295O -L. 8,850 Inferred Pre High grade in veins 25,000 - 50,000 45% - 11,250 -22,50n High grade in placers 1,000 - 3,000 45% 450 1,350 -Mill ore in veins 50,000 150,000 . 5 - 10% .2,5oc, -15,000 Total inferred 76,000 - 203,000 1-4?200 -38,850 Grand total 122,000 276,000: 17,150 -/17,700 'Table 12 - Reserves of Los Tejocotes Mines, axaca (In Metric Tons) No measured ore Indicated High grade Low grade Inferred Total Tons of Ore Grade. 20,000 - 35,000 55% 30,000 lo - 151 40?000 - 70,000 50%: Tons Sb 11,000 - 19 000 3,000 - 4,500 ,20,000 35,000 90,000 - 135,000 34,000 58,5oo RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 a The size and irregularitly charteriStio of the deposits are such that any attempt to prove meastrable ore would increase Mining costs several times so the development of reserves i8 usually economically impractical. Thus exact data on reserves of the deposits 'are hot available. The principal producing mines are San Jose near Wadley, Zacatecas;. ejocotes, 14 miles north of Chicahauxtla, Oaxaca; Santa Maria de Miera in the Soyatal District of Queretaro; and those of Roberto Moreno at Antimonio, Sonora. Many small deposits occur in one district so that the total output for the area proves considerable over a period of years. Several districts with an aggregate tonnage of importance arc Chicahuaxtla, Oaxaca; Bernal, Queretaro; Charcas and Matehuala, San Luis Potosi; and the Pacheco District in Zacatecas. Both the Los Tejocotes mines,. Oaxaca and those of the-Antimonio District, Sonora, are believed to have produced' at only a. fraction of their potential capacity even during the waryears. The possibilities of these areas can be seen from Tables 11 and -12 obtained' from the files of the Foreign Economic Administration. - In both cases there was no measured ore, for development work needed, to block out ore proved tnprofitable.? Besides straight antimony ores,. antimony is also produced as a by- product from lead ores smelted at Monterrey,: Some antimony has been pre) duced from livingstonite(a sulfide of mercury and antimony averaging 1 per cent mercury, 3 per cent antimony) in the Huitzuco mercury district .of Guerrero. The ore was shipped to the smelter of Menardi,MetalS near Los Angeles,. California. 'Due to the mall Size and ipregularity of the ore bodies mining is principally by hand. In 1943. the Cia. Minera de Oaxaca tried large scale. ? open pit mining with equipment at a mine near San Juan Mixtepec ?in an atteMpt to increase production. 'Not only did the output fail tb increase. substantially but large scale. open pit mining proved too costly due RESTRICTED ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 to the increased proportion Of waste handled and operations ceased after a few months. The buscon system used in MexiCo is a contracting system similar to those used in Bolivia and China.and is successful Where ore bodies are very small and irregular and hand mining i8 involved te a groat extent. It is often used in the exploitation of old mines after formal company operations have become unprofitable. Concentration is mainly by hand-picking but several mines have jigs. he sulfide ore Can be concentrated mechanically, but often the oxide is too porous for Successful concentration. In the jigging operations losses are high. More than 2,000 workers are employed in the Mexican antimony industry. When the Laredo Texas, smelter was constructed 'in 1930 Mexico's smelter, at Wadley, San Luis Potosi was closed down. A small smelter was built several years ago at TlalnePantla near Mexico City by the Cia. MetallUrgica Mexicanna, Metallic antimony is also produced at the Monterrey 'smelter of American Smelting and Refining Company and antimonial lead produced at Peneles by the Cia. Ebtallurgica'Penoles. About 300 to 400 tens of the '.metallic antimony produced is consumed locally. Annual production in recent years is reported below in metrie tons. Tear Refined ? 19b1 19)42 1943 840 734 1,338 1944 1,034 1945 1,060 1946 693 865 881 1947 1948 r .The main difficulties of the producers are the export and other taxes imposed on the 'mining industry by the Mexican goVernment, labor trbubles, and a lack Of technical assistance in mining. TranSport costs are high -- - RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 but have had little effect on the MeXiCan antimony industry Production has not increased as Much as is possiblu due to the wide discrePanqy between the market Price of metal and the price paid for ore by the compmy controlling the industry. The MeXican antimony deposits are most important strategically because of the great distances between the other producers and the US. Though ther individual deposits are small, they are numerous and capable of a substantially incre,sed output. In an emergehCy production Could be increased most readily by guaranteeint. a market for the entire prOduction. Many mines have large .stocks of low grade ore which could be shipped as a last resort in the event of an extreme shortage. About three-fourths of Mexico's annual production has Come from properties of the Cia. Minera y Refinadora Mexicana, S.A0, and the Cia. Mincra de Oaxaca, formerly, affiliated companies of Texas .Mining and ,Smelting Company, but now 1,00 per cent sbbsidiaries of the National Lead Company which acquired theta in 1947 from the Cookson interests of England. (The Laredo Texas, smelter was purchased by National Lead Company from the Cooksen interests on 31. December 1946.). These companies operate three of the four major Mexican mines, and 'many small producers, and if buying from individuals is. included the National Lead Company now controls up to 90 per Cent of the industry. The ownership of these companies formerly consisted largely of British capital and some American, with a smaller share awned by'MeXicanS) mainly the Madera brothers of?Mexioo City. The British capital was Cookson and Company,-Newcastle-on-Tyne, England a firm which first initiated opera- tions In the lead smelting industry in 1704 and started antimony smelting in England about l82, using imported ores. RepubliCan Mining and Metal- Company, also an affiliate of Texas Mining and Smelting leases its properties to the aforementioned companies whose operations are reported below. RESTRICTED -50- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CiA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Compania Minera y Refinadora Mexicana, SA. Bernal Unit operates the Santa Maria de Miera mine located in the Toliman District, Queretaro. Durango Unit operates Many small deposits near .RESTRICTED Semberete, Zacatecas and west of Torreon. Maroma Unit operates the, Lagunita mine and several Small properties near Matohuela,. SanJ_Juie Potosi .Pacheco -Unit - operates a group of small minoe-near Pacheco and another group east of the city of Zacatecas. Sonora Unit - operates small mines scattered in south- eastern Sonora and western Chihuahua, Wadley Unit - operates the San Jose, mines in southern Catorce District of sall Luis Potosi. Compania Minera de Oaxaca,S.A. ?-? A large share of this company is held by the Madera brothers of Mexico City. Tejocotes Mine - located 15-miles west of Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca. This and Refinadora's Santa Maria de Miera are Mexico's two largest producing mines. Chicahuaxtla District - located 13 miles South of Tejocotes. The company has many properties. in the district. ? .YUcunicoco District - located 6 miles Southwest of Tejocotes, the company's properties have important reserves, Cabrillas District located 3 tiles northwest of Tejocotes, the company owns several small deposits. Compania Minera de Cerro Negro S.A. This,cempany'is affiliated with Cia. Refinadora and Cia. Oaxaca .but the exact tide have not been reported. Properties near Tulancingo,. Puebla, were leased by Cia. Cerro Negro in, Oetober 1938. RESTRICTED -ki,?,??,mmm Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 ? 4A,77.,-/i'avy-.0cci/eRewc- ?. , - . ? - Based on map of Mexico prepared (by American Geographical Society INDEX MAP OF .MEXICO ? ? . . . . , -...... -. , .13:iateo /h.f.WV r onme"./Yinriva 7 letoheeig Iskver.evroz,1%-irmizot.Iz.v.o:re-eiem . . Approximate scale , , ? ' ? .'...,?......... 100 lii10 . ..:?."*) Miles . . i : _1,004 00PW.P.00TNI14161 (160:4 ' ''''' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 ? MAP 3 , MEXIM.-ANTIMONY DEPOSITS INDEX No. on No.on -Yap OAXACA STATE 14. 12, 10, 13. 11. 8. 9. CHIHUAHUA STATE - 78. 77. 74. . 75. 72. 73. 76. Adargas Los Trenes' Naica - ,Nuevo :Vesuvius .Santa Rosalia VallecilloS' Virginia: CO,AHUILA STATE Guienagate Llano de San Vicente Lbs TejocOtes San Felipe del Agua Santos Reyes-Princesa Tuauyo,Estrella-Union Jucunicoco pUEBLA STATE 18. Los Homes 61. Chetzalan 80. Tulcingo TURANGOZTATE, QUERETARO STATE 16. 17. Inde, Quien Sabe;.7Perdida' 58. Bernal 1.5. San Bernardo . 57. Cadereyta 55. SovOtal C-UANAJUATO STATE 56: Yitarron 54. Pena Miller aio LUIS POTO6I STATE 52. San JOse 53. XiChu 46. Cabucoco 29. Catorce' GUERRERO STATE 32._ Catorae Real 30. Cedral 67. Buena Suerte 41., Charcas 65. E1 Negro . 47. Cuevas de Coronado 63, El Palmarudo 51. El Rayon 68. Escalecava 49. Guadalcanal 64. Huitzuc0 35.. Guadalupe 69. Las Vinatas ." - 45. La Amarilla 66. Li.,ria-SirenaSta Lucia 40, La CardionCita 62. PiriohahuastO 42. 'La Perla 71. Tlacotepec 34... 'Matanzas 70. Zona de Tenantla 36, Fatehuala EICHOACAN STATE 44., 48 Minas de Antimonio Peron Blanco? 59. Sierra de Tlalpujahua 50%, 31. Reotill4P Potosi-Jacalera RESTRICTED RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 IvIAP-3 =TOO?ANTIMONY DEPOSITS(Continued) SAN LUIS:POTOSI STATE ':(ContIA) 28. .5E?:11 Antonio 43. San Felipe 37. San Jose-Custom-El Pastor 33. San Jose de los Godornides ? 38.: 8anta Domingo: .39, Tierra Blanca soNoaA MITE 6, Antimonio, 7, Ari7,pe.. 2, Cananea 1., Linena-Piedra Azul 4. Magdalena, 3. Moreno Fines 5. hui LCATECAS STATE. 26. FreStillo 21.: Independencia 27. La,Calderona l9 1azapil 25, Noria 22. Paehedo 24. hefugio 23, si..exlva A ufre. 20. Tanger RESTRICTED RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 MINOR WORLD PRODUCERS Peru RESTRICTED Antimony ores have been mined in Peru sinee 1915 with production during the last ten yeas averaging more than 1,000 tons of metal content annually. The peak year of production was.1943 when 2.,472 tots,. recoverable metal ?content..of ores, were produced. Before the war the United. States and UK were the principal buYers of Peruvian concentrates with the United States Comtercial Company taking the entire output ddring the war. Peru is now shipping the major part of its production to these two countries. Antimony bars 78 per cent antimony and 15 per cent lead, and antimonial lead with 5 to 6 per cent antimony are 'produced at the La Oroya smelter. Production has come from 70 small mines scatt3red through seven departments but mainly in the Department of Puno, Irregular ore shoots of stibnite oceur?in quartz veins traversing belts of date and schist. The nines arc worked by primitive methods without mechanical equipment and the deposits are generally lower grade than those of Bolivia. The Bueno Suerte -mite of the Negaciacion Minera Buono Suerte of Azagaro 60 miles north of JUliaca, is believed to be the largest producer, but the itdividual ore ' bbdies being mined are small. Peruvian production could be doubled by guaranteeing a fair set price by small loans to individual miners against monthly production, and by technical assistance. Transportation facilities are very poor and costs . are high, precluding exploitation Of several important. prospects. The country's antimony mines are working at only 4 fraction of Potential. Although most of the concentrates are exported, an important part of. production ie smelted locally atla Oroya smelter of the Cerro de Pasco Corporation where a special recovery plant Wft8 completed in August, 1942. Peak year of smelter prOduction was 1943 when 805 tOns of antimony RESTpIQTED 55 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 1 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 bars averaging 95.3 per cent antimony and 63 tons'of antimeny in antimonial lead bars were produced.' Argentina The yearly output of antimony from Argentine mines seldom exceeds more than 100 tons. Since ainual consumption of antimony is more than 200 tons, antimony concentrates or metal must be imported to make up this deficiency. Exports reported from Argentina originate in the southern section of Bolivia s antimony belt. -Argentine ttatistics do net differentiate as to origin. Before the war China, Belgium and the UKsuppli2d regulUe to Argentine ConsUmors. Tho National Lead Company produdes small quantities of antimony each Year as a byodUct of lead smelting. ,lieweVer', this company now purchases more than 100 tons of concentrates annually from Bolivia for the manufacture of antimonial lead. The largest produaer of antimony ore in Argentina is the El Pabellon mine located in Ceres Gcandos, Department of Rinconada Province of Jujuy, owned by Jose Bach. There are several other properties in the area but the individual deposits are small. Argentina could 'S\upply its own requirements if necessary, but its potential is not important. Honduras Antimony mining in Honduras began in 19140, but production has never been important amounting to only 110 tons, recoverable metal content of ore, in 1943, the peak year. Most of the output has come from the El Quetzal mine, near San Augustin de Copan, owned by Manuel Pueso and Rudolfo Nater. The ,ore was mined by hand from open cuts, hand?picked and a stibnite concentrate averaging 58 to 62 per cent exported to the US by way of Guatemala. This concentrate had to be transported a considerable distance over mountains by burro. Due to the high cost of transport and inefficient mining methods the mine was reported to have shut down in 1946. Tc owners are planning to RESTRICTED ? ???: - - ? r ? ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 exploit other less remote depoits and hope to install a plant for treating the ore in Honduras to alleviate the high cost of transport. Some production has also been reported by the La Union mine, Department of Olancho, owned by Elcazon Vargas, and four other properties, ' as well-as? from the concentrates of the Agua Fa goldmine., There are many occurrences of stibnite in the .country, but they are typically small 1 and irregular. TOOD tranSport hinders their development, btt should this bc remedied) the US still could not depend on Honduras for more than a Very sMall part of its supply, Canada With the advent of World War II and the subsequent shortage of supply, attempts were made to increase dom'estic production. The peak year was 1941 when 1,329. tons were produced. The only producer of consequence was .:the Consolidated Mining and Smelting CompanY1 extracting antimony from flue dust recovered at the company lead smelter at Trail, British Columbia. Production fluctuates considerably and in 1947 was about a third of Canada's estimated consumption of about 1,000 tons. To augment this supply Canada has -imported antimonY from China and the US. There are many stibnite occurrences in, Canada, but these are small and low grade requiring costly method"Sof mining and are, therefore 'uneconomical. In the event of an extreme emergen0y Canada could supply its own requirements /at high cost from deposits in New T3tunSwick) Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia. Union of South Africa The Union of South Africa is now the only important producer of antimony ore in Africa. .Ore has been mined in the Murchison. Range of Transvaal since 1913. The 19)17 output totaled S813 metric tons of concentrates containing 3,020 tons Of antimony, and the 1948 output increased to 3,700 tons of - 57 - RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 contain8d antimony. The ores are principally werked for their gold 'content, the Concentrates being exportpd,to the:UK and Small amounts to Australia and the US for treatment. Local demand is very small, amounting to only a few. tons. Most of the production is hand,cobbed 'ore and flotation concentrates containing up to 60 per sent antimony from the Monarch, Union Jack., and: Weigel Mines of the Consolidated Murchison Goldfields and Development' CoMpany in the Petersburg District of Eastern Transvaal. These are - principally gold mines and are Well-equipped mechanically. In 1946 the company overhauled its machinery and modernized its concentrating plant in an attempt to increase its antimonY output and at the same time began an extensive development program te block out its antimony reserves to maintain a constant mill feed, increasing production and taking advantage of the high price of antimony. In 1946 tons milled, totaled 92)0,20; from 'which 11,708 ounces of gold and 2,330 tons of antimeny were recoNeed.. Improvements in mining and milling have placed the South African mines in a-favorable position even in the event of a highly competitive market. Australia Although production of antimony in Australia ranged as high as 1,052 tons in 1942, the entire output is:: consumed within the country. Most of the production comes from the NilUna and the Moonlight mines in Western 'Australia where stibnite occurs in gold or. Also varying amounts are mined in straight antimony ores scattered throughout the Country and some antimony is recovered as a by-product of lead smelting. The Stibnite ores are smelted at the plant of 0. T. LemPiere & Company, Ltd., Sidney,'N.S.M., and antimonial lead, is produced by the Electrolytic Refining and Smelting Company, Port Kembla, N.S.W., from antimonial slag resulting from smelting RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/0912 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 of lead ores? Although Australia has numerous antimony occurrences the isolated location of many-9f the deposits and the shortage of labor will prevent the country fromq)eing an important contender in the world market. Yugoslavia In 1940, Yugoslavia was the fourth largest producer of antimony in the world with a production of 4,800 tons, metal content, approximately 13 per cent of the world's output. During the war, Yugoslavia was the chief source of supply for Germanyrbut exact statistics for the war years are lacking. Yugoslavia is:normally the chief supplier of antimony for the palkanS. The-main mines are confined to the Department eP Drinska near Krupanj and Ivanjica. Almost three-fourths!of the country's production prior to the war came from the Stolica mines ithen owned by the Podrinje nnes, Ltd., and Maglish company. The company 9Wned a smelt-r at Kr-lenj which was completely modernized in 1938. When the war startel German interests acquired the Lisanki mine near Drinska and completed .a Imelter with an annual capacity of 900 tons of metal. .This mine was reported to,have large estimated reserves. Abut :the same time the ?Zacaja mines neat Krupanj were taken over by the Getman controlled "Montania A.G.". Explorations by the Germans indicated large 0 tonnages Of possible ore, so the cempany constructed a small smelter at Loznica. Three 'smelters 'were repaired in 19.46 hut recent data on the activities of the Yugoslav antimony industry are ribt available at this time. Czechoslovakia Normally domestic production of antimony- is just' sufficient to, meet' domstic requirements hut the output was stepped up during the war to help RESTTICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 C. meet German demands. The CUcina tine in dbUthert EleVakia was the largest. producer before the war, accounting for 6P-thirds of the country's production which totalled 800'tons in 1938; The remaindero.during that year, was a by- product from the 1ead.r8i1Ver mine at l'ribram. The ore from the Cucina mine .was smelted at the company plant at Vajskova. 1. Italy Until 1938 domestic mines fell far short of supplying domestic'require- ments estimated at 1,000 tons but in that year prOduction reached a peak of 851 tons of antimony. The Su Suergiu mine near Villasalto, Sardinia, owned by the S. A. Minieree Tonderie di.Antimonio, has been the major ProdUcer for nearly 40 years. The ore is hand;-sorted to 16 per cent ' antimony and smelted in the compays plant. Two other producers are the CortiiRosas mine near Balla?, 12 miles north of the Su Suergiu, and the Santa Rosa mine near Valdarnol Tuscany. Itis reported that these mines could supply all domestic. demands, if necessary-. Austria The country's ol4put.comes from mines at,:Schilsining in Styria Capacity is belioVed to be 750 tons of antimony content annually.: The ore was shipped for processing to metal to the Herzog Julius Smeltpr at Goslar, Germany's only aitimony smelter. This plant consumed 2,000 tons of sulfide . ores, 40 per cent antimony, annually during the war. Most of this tonnage came from Austria with minor amounts from Hungary and Yugoslavia, both of 1/./hiQh treat most of their own output. France The peak year of production during the, war Was 1943 when 153 tons, .? antimony content, were mined.. This output comes from small deposits in -6o- RESTEICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 the Department of Mayentie in the northwetern part of.France. The 'French: deposits are becoming eXhausted, the Ore is 10W grade and production costs are high. The antiMOny )ore produced is ustally consumed in the manufacture of antimony oxide. Important quantities of antimony ,metal are being imported from Algeria and MOrOcco, as well as concentrates from Bolivia,. ;to supply French demands. . -Algeria 'Algerian production reached a wartime peak in 1943 when .902 tons, , rocoverable-metal?content of ore, were mined. ? The principal 'deposits are. ?situated northwest. 'of Ain Beida in the Province of Constantine. The deposits have been worked for many years; the tonnage of high grade ores is' believed to belimited, but substantial quantities Of low grade ores remain that can be. worked stccessfullyat-high'prices, The ore is smelted locally and shipped to.-France:to augment France s small supply:. - -Spain Antimony ore is mined at Villarbacu in Lugo Province by Antimonids Espanoles, at Almuradiel in Ciudad Real by Metals de?Espana, from numerous . smail mines in Cordobal'and from mines of the Cia. de Beni Mezala in. Spanish M6r0epOi The total production is. smallbut sufficient to fulfill, Spanish requirements of 200 tons a year. ,Th_ reserves are not believed to be large enough for extensive production. There are tmd .smelters in Spain, ? ote in Bilbao and another in Alturadiel, owned by Lipperheide y Guzman.. Turke Production of antitony ore reached a wartime peak of 600 tons (recoverable metal content of ore) in 1942 but has dropped considerably since thattim;:; due to the lack of a market and the accumulation of stocks amounting RESTFIGTED - 61 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 to 700 tons of ore containing about 20 gi 35 per cent antimony. The two principal deposits are near Turhal in north central Turkey. One of the properties is owned by the Eti Bank and the other by Ozd-mir Antimuan, Ltd. The ore is stibnite occurring in veins and stringers cutting crystalline schists. Japan The production of antimony in Japan reached a wartime peak of 423 tons in the fiscal year ending March:31, .1945. .,japanls wartime demands were supplied by. small amounts from Burma, Indo-china, Korea, Manchuria, and by smuggling metal and ore from China. The Nakase mine of Nakase Mining Company in Hyogo Prefecture and the Ichinokowa mine of the Ichinokowa Mining, Company in Ehime Prefecture on Shikoku Island have been consistent producers for many years.. _ads reported that the Japahese often substituted tin, of which they had an oversupply, for Several uSes of antimony during the war. USSR Although antimony deposits have been reported in scattered localities in the USSR, specific information on the Soviet production of antimony, as well as many other metals, is lacking. The US Bureau of Mines does not include the USSR in its world production table because reliable estimates of production are not available, but it is likely that new properties brought into production by intensive prospecting and development work are supplying all of the domestic requirements. Imports in 1937 totaled 1,091 tons of which 860 tons came from China, 127 from Belgium and 103 from Czechoslovakia. Under a barter agreement with China the USSR received 5,950 tons of antimony metal'during 19381 25534 ton 0 in ;1939, and 1 315 tons, in 1940. This decline - 62 RESTRICTED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 201309/12 : CIAIRDP78-01617A005700010009-9 in imports at.a time when USSR Was phoandi6 industrially would appear t ? be evidence of an increasing prodUetiohl At the same time conSumPtion also must have been increasing, stiMulated by growing industrial requirements and later by accelerated military needs. Annual peacetime consumption of ? antimony in the USSR is believed to ber about 6,000 Metric tons including secondary. About 11500 ton 8 of antimony concentrates, were produced annually from the Razdolninskoe deposit in the Krasnoyarsk district Of Western Siberia before the war. This tonnage was treated in a local smelter. Substantial. quantities of antimony ores are reported to have been mined at the Kadamdzai- skoe Mine located along the Shakhitarden River south of Fergana on the northern side of the Alaiskiy Range in the Osh Oblast of Kirgiz. The ore averages 2 to it per cent antimony and the -concentrates ar6 smelted bY the 1 antimony-mercury combine of Im-Frunze in Kirgiz. Mining is believed to, have started in 1934. Antimony is mined at Turgai in Kazakhstan from a deposit containing livingstonite, an antimony-Mercury ,sulfide, yielding both antimony and mercury. ;Only one otherdeposit of livingstonite has been. exploited commer- cially., that is at Nuitzuco, Guerrero, Mexico. Other deposits of antimony ores have been reported at Aramasheveskoe in the Urals and at Nalchik and Tyrny-Auz in the Caucasus at Alden Boguchanskoe, and Leninskoe in the Far East. Probably the widespread geological studies that the Soviet government has carried out ih recent years ? have revealed other deposits in these areas, as well as several new localities. Therefore, self-sufficiency probably can be attained even with increasing consumption, for it must be remembered that the Soviet government does not consider cost as a factor in mining and under such conditions uneconomical low grade deposits are often ekploited to become independent of foreign RESTRTCTF - 63 - ,,?,???mm,_ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 - - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 RESTRICTED' sources: not only wasting 6apitn1 but 4o labor which could be directed. to more constructive OCCupatiens, Large quantities of antimonial lead scrap probably have been shipped into the USSR from the Satellite countries and Germany, which together with domestic secondary should be sufficient to meet the antimoniaI lead require- ments of the USSR for storage batteries, cable-and sheet, There may be a small surplus of primary or secondary antimony available for stockpiling, if domestic deposits are producin7 at wartime rate. Various estimates indicate the .Deserves of the depositF controlled by the Im-Frunze combine are sufficient to supply the entire country for more than fifteen years if necessary. The Satellite countries, Rungary?-Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia have a combined capacity of about, 11,000 metrie tons of primary antimony a year. Pr sent production of these countries is not known; but if the output of these 'countries is less than half of capacity, the USSR has available a .surplus supply of antimony. Yet the USSR still, is receiving shipments from China, For several years antimony has -b-en included With tungeten in the trade agreements between China and the USSR, and from 1938 tp 1948, inclusive, about 13,000 metric tons were shipped, Agreements have been ,made whereby-the USSR is to receive at least 1,000 tons annually from China. until 1952. It the same time the US is also:pUrchasing antimony in China. Whatever the USSR is receiving, reduces the US' supply by an equal amount. Antimony is alsobelieved to be smuggled out of China to the USSR. In view of the USSR'S increase in production of secondary antimony from scrap, and the probability that domestic production,: chiefly of the Tm-Frunze Combine, has risen,,: the antimony from China, as well as some of the tonnage from the Satellites) appears to be for stockpile purposes. . RESTRICTED - 6)4 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9 Document No. NO CHANGE in Class. Ei DECLASSIFIED $ Class. C-!A--7D TO: TS DA remo, 4 Apr 77 Auth: tDA 7-) 'C. 77/1763 ty: ______ Date: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010009-9