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Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP78-01617AO05800040002-9 State Department review completed Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP78-01617AO05800640002-9 2 OCT 1946 Approm for Release 2006/03/15: CIA-RDP78-01617A005800040002-9 TOP SECRET .3 CONFIDENTIALL GENERAL 1. Byrnes urges increased UNRRA help for Greece--Secretary Byrnes has a vised the Acting Secretary that serious economic difficulties have re- sulted from the disorders in Northern Greece and that ,a food shortage is in prospect. Byrnes urges that every effort be made to induce UNRRA to revise upward its allocations for Greece. 2. US to counter Communist props, ands on Wallace Incident--The State De- partment has instructed US diplomatic missions in Paris, Lisbon, Madrid, Algiers, Rome, Cairo, Beirut, Baghdad and Jidda to counter the Commu- nist assertion that the bulk of US opinion backs Wallace's views. The Department suggests. dissemination through press and other channels of (a) statements, such as those of Senator Vandenberg, showing bipartisan support of US policy, and (b) public opinion summaries, including Gallup poll results, indicating the proportion of the US public supporting present US foreign policy. r- 3. British views on Arctic--A Foreign Office official has told US Embassy London informally that the UTr has been too preoccupied with other mat- ters to give "any consideration" to Arctic matters, and is "inclined to recognize" the paramount interests of Canada and the US in Greenland and Iceland. The official adds that the UK Is, however, "closely watch- ing" developments in connection with Spitzbergen and Bear Island (north of Norway) for evidences of Soviet Interest. EUROPE 4. GREECE: Liberal Party's terms for entering Government--US Ambas- sador MacVeagh reports that Sophoulis, Liberal Party leader, has stated that he will enter the Government only if he is assured of (a) equal appli- cation of laws to both Left and Right, including amnesty to all citizens "who have taken to the mountains ' and (b) a Government based on a coalition of all parliamentary parties except the extreme Left. All oppo- sition leaders have criticized the King's failure to call party chiefs and "listen to their opinions." I Approved For ReleaTe Document No. Q W, NO CFIANGE in Class. DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS S 15 DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 ` uth: DDA REG. 77/1763 ' Pl178-01 lA2 80O $ 5X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP78-01617AO05800040002-9 TOP SECRE' IAl ,,:IL~f_ 5, VENEZIA GIULIA: F onement of US troop reduction urged--US Poli- tical Advisor Caserta suggests that the State Department may wish to request postponement of the scheduled decrease by 5,000 of US troops in the Mediterranean, especially in view of the recent reduction of British forces there.- Military authorities contend that the decrease would make the 88th Division operationally ineffective. 6. GERMANY: Administrative changes in UK zone rumored--US Charge Gailman reports that rumors are circulating in London that the British Minister for German Affairs is to be replaced, possibly as a result of (a) charges of inefficiency and dishonesty in the administration of the UT zone, (b) failure of the German Socialists to win greater success in the recent elections, and (c) reported opposition by many UK Zone ad- ministrators to the "introduction of socialist measures on the scale desired by the Labour Party and the Trade Unions." 7. AUSTRIA: Reaction to increased German food ration--USFA reports that news of the proposed 1550-calorie daily ration in the US and UK zones of Germany has provoked "considerable unfavorable comment" in Austria, where the daily ration remains at 1200 calories with no immediate prospect of improvement. NEAR EAST-AFRI'A 8. TURKEY: Direct talks on Straits opposed --A high Turkish Foreign Office official has told US Charge Ankara that Turkey will not conduct direct conversations or negotiations with the Soviets concerning their latest note on the Straits and will not, even at a conference on the Mon- treux Convention, discuss restriction of the Straits regime to Black Sea powers or joint defense by Turkey and the USSR. 9. IRAN: Qavam to head UN Delegation--Qava.m has informed US Ambas- sador Allen that he, and not Ambassador Ala, will head the Iranian Dele- gation to the General Assembly. He stated that he is basing his Govern- ment's policy on the UN and that while his Government's case against Britain and the USSR is hard to prove he may have a better basis for an approach to the UN later. Approved For Relea Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP78-01617AO05800040002-9 TOPC U10 1"T TIAL Proposed new policy of national sovereignty- -Qavam has informed Allen that the Iranian Governments policy of conciliation towards Azerbaijan has not yielded favorable results and has further led other sections of the country to make impossible demands. Qavam therefore contemplates a sharp change of policy based on assertion of Iranian sovereignty throughout the country. Soviet-Iranian airline monopoly in northern Iran--Allen under- stands that the Iranian Cabinet may approve the Soviet request for a joint aviation monopoly in northern Iran. This monopoly would put all airports in northern Iran, except possibly Tehran, in Soviet hands with Soviet control of communications and ground facilities. THE AMERICAS 10. CHILE: Entire Argentine Fleet to attend inauguration--The Chilean Foreign Minister has told US Ambassador Bowers that Argentina is planning to send its entire Fleet to attend Chile's Presidential inaugura- tion. Approved For Releft- QQ6{ 5'''Cr RDP78-01617A005800040002-9