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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
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$x 5 A! i G 18 Approved For Release 2007102/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617A006000040033-2 11R-I T GENERAL 1. USSR re cried not preparln for hostilities--Replying to a Department of Army query, certain US' military attaches abroad report no Indication in their areas of possible Soviet intentions to open hostilities. Military attaches at The M RP, Bern, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Warsaw, Athens, Ankara, Tehran, and Nanking concur in this opinion. The in Moscow, after considering available evidence, ezpresse ,, the belief that the Kremlin is preparing, for eventual rather than Immediate war. The MA in Warsaw points out that Poland should be a good barometer of Soviet intentions to wage war in Europe but that no evidence Is available of such intentions. The MA in Tehran states that the USSR seems. to be interested In-furtlierbig its Iranian alms by covert means,,wtth no apparent intention to open Immediate boetYit- ties. The MA in Nanking indicates that signs of aggressive Soviet policy in Chinna, are lacking but concludes that the K rem- lian might easily devote its main attention to Europe and bass the Far East. 2. Iran and Tra csr discuss unification of command to Palesti ne TTRepresentatie ler iii Amman reports that the Iraq and other Iraqi officials have arrived in Amman to discuss wif In King Abdullah of Trans Jordan the implementation of a unified'. command of Iraqi and Transjordan forces In Palestine. Accord- ing to Stabler, Abd illah's principal aims in the current talks are: (a) to put Iraq in the position of having to assume at least some of the blame in the event of future adverse developments; (b) to give the Transjordan Arab Legion a freer hand in the defense of jeru- salem by persuading Iraq to take over some of the Legion's com- mitments elsewhere; and (c) to obtain additional financial aid from Iraq. Stabler feels that Abdullah will have difficulty accomrn- ;plisbtnng these aims because the Iraqis are aware of the trap he setting and realize that they will gain nothing by accepting his plan. DIA & DOS review(s) completed. TOP,SbCRE1 t h: D Class. TO: TS S C 111,,2-,o, 4 JR,pr 77 Document No. 9/ NO CHANGE in Class. ^ )kr DECLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : Cli .780 (4a06D00QQ 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617AO06000040033-2 TACT THE AMERICAS 3. CHILE: A enttina May retain Soviet diplomats --US Embassy Santiago s e xrom the oref Gtt' fee that Argentine Government Pas agreed to retain Soviet diploma lc representatives (who are scheduled by mutual agreement to be returned from Chile to Russia through Argentina) if the Soviet Government fatly; to ret Chilean dlplo :tic ~ersc *t- nel via Finland. 25X1 1 :1 T!1D ~ECRE. T Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP78-01617AO06000040033-2