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Approved For Rase 2000/05/05: CIA-RDP78-016 R000100040005-2 OPERATIONS COORDINATING BOARD J!ow Washington 25, D, C, November. 6,, 1956 RECORD OF ACTIONS BOARD ASSISTANTSI MEETING OF'NOV'EMBER 2. 1956 Agenda Item 1 ~-. Status of Materials Dealing with World-Wide Soviet Economic Pene~a.~Fation Available as Basis for a Future Bng Central Intelligence Agency (a) Noted the briefing on present program for development of intelli- gence materials and materials now available on Soviet Bloc economic activi- ties in the Free World, (b) Agreed that CCB has a continuing responsibility within policies approved in the NSC for developing courses of action to counter these Soviet Bloc activities in areas where national security policies have been assigned to OCB, (c) Agreed that the working group currently preparing an Outline Plan of Operations for Indonesia should give particular attention to actions doeigned to counter Bloc economic activities in that country and that the group, if required, should request assistance from any government agencies not now represented thereon,, (d) Agreed that arrangements would be made, if possible, for a presen- tation at the next meeting of the Board Assistants of the status of current responsibilities and activities of va'ious government agencies and inter-- departma,,ital bociiesp including CFEP., concerned with the Sinn So[riet economic offensi:vea Agenda Item 2 - Briefing on AEC Overseas Assistance Program ~i~'rU (%iatls Voge?y Assto Da.xecuer for per it, Davisi.on of International Affairs, and Mro John McGruderj, Atomic Energy Commission; Mr, John Fn Lipp: ann, Office of Special Assistant to the President for Disarmament, and Major Richard Orphan., USA,, M litary Assistant to the Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Atomic Energy., were present for this item,,) Noted the briefing and expressed appreciation for the helpfu]. informationo 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2000/05/05: CIA-RDP78-01634R00p005-2 Approved For Rase 2000/05/05: CIA-RDP78-0 663'4R000100040005-2 -. t Agenda Item 3 - Progress Report on International Broadcasting Aspects of --- NSC 169 (Mre Barry forth ~n.9 A, u, Radio Program Manager,, Policy Application., VOA, and Mro Mitchell Stanley, Txrbelligence Research Officer, Production Division: 1RI, U0S, Information Agency, were present for this item,) Revised and concurred in the 'T,.-ogress Report on International Broad- casting", dated October 25, 1956 for transmittal to the Board for its consideration on November 14, Agenda Item ) ..-. Possible Ad Hoc Assignments Relating to Western Europe Agreed that no working group or groups for special assignments relating to Western Europe or prance would. be established at this time, but that the matter would be left open for further discussion whenever any of the Board Assistants may suggest a specific problem on which coordination might be desirable* Agenda Item 5 -~, M:vnutes of October 37, 0CB Meeting Discussed and suggested revisions in the minutes of the October 31 0GB meetings Agenda Item 6