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Publication Date: 
March 2, 1959
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-01634R000100120003-5.pdf44.07 KB
Approved For Rele#se 2002/07/22: CIA-RDP78-01634R000V 120003-5 2 March 1959 Re East Germany - Emigration 1. I have had a fruitful discussion largely on the element of GDR Planning and emigration with 0 25X1A9a 2. He says under the 5-year plan there have been indications in heavy equipment that although quality and design have not been up to Western Standards, this equipment is suitable for under- developed countries. Orders rushed for planning purposes inclined to be faulty. Basic vulnerability in GDR lies in: 1. Insufficient raw materials. 2. Insufficient orders from abroad. 3. He also attributes to GDR1s faulty planning the question of emigration to West Germany, a GDR responsibility. Reasons for emigration: a. GDR violation of private and public life standards of citizens. b. GDR pressure on citizens to decide between "black and white". Professions a. If better off economically would not think of leaving GDR. Disadvantage in GDR to be the son of a professional man. Small business men and farmers a. Little economic hope for future, - no amenities. b. Future not permanent enough. Under these circumstances East Germans think (referring to the West Germany) "Why not try it over there"?* * East g,#rmany desk here 4hould have figures on emigration and re- emigration. Approved For Release 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP78-01634R000100120003-5 Approved For Release, 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP78-01634R0001,90120003-5 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2002/07/22 : CIA-RDP78-01634R000100120003-5