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Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02771 R000100190002-6
IQ the fields of
Certain basic difficulties are inherent in the search for infar-
matiaan on foundation support of research activity in the fields of tht
behavioral sciences, caamcmications and industrial organizations The
following were among those encountered.
At present, 3,500..4,000 foundations exist in the United States,
only a small percentage of which are inactive. Of the 4,000, appro$ci..
mate2y 60 are sufficiently we11-funded to engage in or to sponsor broad
program of research. Of this 60, only a few support research falling
in the indicated fields of interest. Moreover, it has not been possible
to delineate specific fields of activity from broad statements of purpose,-
since only a few of the major foundations have issued detailed reports.
Foundations render their support in one or more of the following
1. Fellowships granted to individuals
2,. Grants-in-aid to existing research groups
3. Eatab13slmaent of the foundation 4 a own research activity
Most of the research identified in this survey falls into category 2.
Research is listed by fields in Parts A. B and C of this report.
Where known, the amount of grants and their duration is givens Also
included, as Part D. is a general description of foundation support
to research caunci1s, such as the Social. Science Research Council and
the American Council of learned Societies.
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Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02771 R000100190002-6
Sub ect
Foundation and Term of Grant
Program of research in law and
the behavioral sciences
U of Chicago
$ 400,000
Ford, 1952
Center for Advanced Study in the
Ford; second appropriation
Behavioral Sciences
1952, for establishment and
operations for next 5 yrs.
Organizational Behavior Project /
Princeton U
Not known
Fbrd, 1950
Summer Seminar on Application of
U of Michigan
Ford, 1952; an additional
Mathematical Models to the Behav-
ioral Sciences J
grant made in 1953
Inventory of knowledge on politi-
cal behavior
Columbia U
Ford, 1952
Inventory of knowledge on social
U of Chicago
Ford, 1952
Study of intergroup relations and
Cornell U
Rockefeller, 1950
for 5 more
hostility, to find different
methods of reducing intergroup
Program of methodological research
in field of human relations, by
Research Center for Group Dynamics
U of Michigan
Rockefeller, 1951, for 31 yrs.
Work in parapsychology
Duke U
Rockefeller, 1951, for 3 yrs.
YWith Social Science Research Council SSRC
This Ford grant was made to establish a new center,
of the center is still-undecided.
See also Part C, Industrial Organization.
under direction of Bernard Berelson of Ford. Location
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Foundation and Term of Grant
Follow-up study on group of gifted
Stanford U
Rockefeller, 1951
Research in social phyatce
Princeton U
Rockefeller, 1951
Systematic social psychology
Hadley Cantril
Not known
John Simon Guggenheim, 1950
Studies leading to a book to be
Bertram D. Wolfe
Not known
John Simon Guggenheims 1950
entitled The Uses of Power
Approved For Release 1999/08/24.: CIA-RDP78-02771 R000100190002-6.
Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02771 R000100190002-6
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The interlocking nature of the relationship
between the sources of funds for research, the
researcher(s) and research c a cilee which plans
program and guide research in certain fields,
can best be explained by a descriptions of soar
of these research councils.
1. American Council of iftrued Societ es (AC IS )
The ACTS is a federation, incorporated in 1924, of 24 national
arganizations devoted to the encouragement of humanistic studies.
Representative of the constituent societies are the American Acadet
of Arts and Scienoes, the Modern Language Association of America,
the American Historical Association, the American Political Science
Association, the Bibliographical Society of America and the American
Itaicological Society. Activities of the ACIS include the -
-and promotion of research, dissemination and utilization of the
results of this research, the training of individuals for vital
teaching and the representation at home and abroad of the interests
and accomplishments of American scholars in humanistic fields. In
these activities the ACIS receives grants from various foundations
ands in turn, makes grants to individuals through fellowships or
utilizes the funds for specific purposes, such as the holding of
special conferences. A Rockefeller Foundation grant of $393,750,
made in 1952 fora three-year period, was given for general support.
The various ccmittees established under the ACTS, composed of repre-
sentatives frcm the appropriate constituent organizations, are listed
belay. A filler description is given for the committees which relate
to the subjects of this report.
a. Committee o,AmeriMn Civilization - Principal 1952 activity,
the organization of a conference on "Changes in Systems of
Belief in the United States since World War I."
b. Co!m ttee on Far Eastern Studies - Work of this cc itteo in
1952 was severely hampered black of funds. A conference was
held in Aspens Colorado, in 1952 under the sponsorship of the
Sub-Ccmmsittce on Chinese Thought, to illustrate new approaches
to that subject. Papers presented at this conference covered
such topics as the impact of foreign ideas on China and problems
in the ocnication of ideas between different cultures. Ford
Foundation funds were obtained for the conference a similar
conference is contemplated for "next year" (1954?), according
to the May 1953 bulletin of the ACTS. Current planning includes
publication of the Aspen papers in volume form, as well as a
continuation of publication of various works in the humanities
field for the Far East.
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Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02771 R000100190002-6
1. - c. Cammittaa on the . istor9 of __ a -Principe], aativitisas
sponsorship of various lecture series on specific reZigioc-,
such as the 1953 series on "Religious Trends in Modern China"i
editing of a series of Readers in the world's religions
d. Ccm dttes an the R(t j Am -veto of So en .. Principal
activitys study of the proble8 of intellectual reconciliation
between the humnists and the scientists.
00 - c ttee on Ia~ami t and Art - The focal point of this
8ommittee18 interests is the aoquisition of documents for the
Pernanent co32eetion of the IBlmic Archives. Of a total 70,999
items, 4,950 are outright property of the committee, while the
remainder are held on deposit from interested collectors,
f. CMdt-tee us the Innenam Promm - Fcretaost among matters of
-mmount concsra to this committee is a program for preparation
of materials for teachers of English as a foreign la age A
1952 Ford Foundation grant has made possible a program of opera-
tions for assuring for every significant language of Asia an
olemm =tart gre~arr and textbook, a student's dictionary and a
body graded reading materials. The committee also arranges
linguistic seminars and provides grants under its program of
summer study aids for linguistics,
g. Committee o n N e a r E ester., Si gs - The Near Eastern Translation
Program is the predominant activity of this committee. Under
it a considerable number of Arabic, Turkish and Persian docu-
ments have been and are being translated and published. This
publication is made possible through a promise by the Arabian..
American Oil Company to purchase sufficient copies to finance
ranufacture. "A Guide to Iranian Area Study" and "A Selected
and A=otated Bibliography of Books and Periodicals in Western
languages Dealing with the Near and I .ddle East with Special
basis on Mediaeval and Modern Tim s" were two special c -
mdttee publications completed as of May 1953.
h; Committee on ?1usi o o .. Principal activitys planning for
publication of an encyclopedia of music and a "fiversar" plan
to investigate the needs of mimic and musicology in the US.
i. Joint Committee -on America Native IanMa eB - Principal activity:
formulation of a program of research in American Indian languages,
Joint Ca-Vatted ots the ! _-- f &caeo1o g9 ngsnai&A
Principal activity: programming for domestic archaeological
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1. - k. J tee S Stdim - Established by ACTS and
the Social Science Research Council (SSW,),, this committee ? a
activities include supervision and publication of the C
Dim at tqa Sod_ p e (funded by Rockefeller Foundation
and the East European Fund), and assistance in facilitating
the proonrement and distribution of research materials in the
Slavic field (in cooperation with the Library of Congress ).
The committee Supervised a MY 1952 Conference on Soviet Eco-
nomic Growth: Conditions and Perspectives. Chained by Abram
States, Commerce, Rand , the conference included CIA Bureau of the Budget and other
Government agencies. The ccie ittee has established develop-
ment priorities in the Slavic field, among which those of
greatest interest are: (1) exploration of the possibility of
obtaining a pant to establish a bulletin cm the Soviet econaaW,
as a pilot project; (2) exploration of the possibility of
obtaining a grant to establish a bulletin containing abstracts
of Soviet scientific publications and interpretations of cur-
rent trends in Soviet science; and (3) exploration of the
desirability of undertaking publication of dictionaries for the
varies minority languages of the USSR. As of May 1953 the
East European Fund bad expressed sympathetic interest in these
proposals. A Conference on Russian Intellectual History in
the Nineteenth Century is also being considered for develop-
Joint Committee on Southern Asia - A Carnegie Corporation grant
for support of this coaaotittee terminated in June 1952. The
AC LS and the SSRC de aided, however, to continue committee
operations for another year. Primary interest in that period
was the assessment of the extent of progress in Southern Asia
studies. Carnegie Corporation grants to two universities, the
establishment of new area centers at three universities and
the development of specialised teaching at eight others all
point to marked progress. Among its prospects and objectives
the ca?3ttee includes establishment of an American field
institute of South Asian studies,
m. Committee on International R cb_, ge ofP - Committee
recommendations after screening 5,000 American applications
resulted in 366 Fuibright awards by the Board of Foreign Scholar-
ships. The committee also reviewed 500 foreign applications for
compliance with the Fuibright Act, from which acme 400 were
approved by the Board. The following new countries bring the
total active participants in the program to 221 Denmark, Japan,
Ills may, Finland and the Union of South Africa. Iran and
Korea are being hold in suspense, while China has been discontinued.
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1. - a. National Red.stration Of Rt nests and Social sc affilg&g - In
a survey conducted jointly by ACTS and SSW, aa?e 30,000
hn nests and social scientists responded by categorising their
individual fields of specialty on a checklist developed by the
two councils. The results of the survisY were made available to
the External Research Staff, Department of State. Ramos of
specialists currently engaged in specific studies have been
extracted for inclusion in a forthcoming External Research
Staff catalog.
2, Social Science Research Council (SSRC )
The SSRC, a corporation, has as its purpose the advanoem mt of
research in the social sciences. The SSRC board of directors
includes 21 representatives of 7 national scientific societies:
the American logical Association, American Economic Associa
tion, American Historical Association, American Political Science
Association, American Psychological Association, American Sociological
Society and the American Statistical Association. Membership on SSMC
oosmaittees is not, ha~rever, confined to the board of directors but
draws from qualified personnel within each of the constituent socie-
ties. Funding for council activities parallels that of the ACIS:
a Rockefeller Foundation grant of $1,500,000 in the 1951 52 fiscal
year replaced earlier two- or three-year grants made to the SSRC;
other foundations may fund the work of the catm~ittees established
under the council. The council also has a program of publication
for studies and monographs produced under direction of the various
a. Com@ittees
In the following list, SSRC canaittees have been categorized
according to their primary interest.
(1) Who Conducts Resegaah
These ceemmittees engage in varied forma of activity relating
to financial assistance to the individual scholar and studies
of social science personnel problamss
Arm Research Traininu Fel arphhi one - Sapp rtcd by Carnegie
Corporation of Now
Cross-W& l Education - Supported by grants of $75,000
each from Carnegie Corporation of New York, Ford Founda-
tion and Rockefeller Foundation..
Fcn1tY Research Fellwsbins - Supported by Carnegie Corpora-
tion of New York.
8 .
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Grants!--in-%j4 - Supported by Rockefeller Foundation.
Human Resources and advanasd TraI= - Supported by
Rockefeller Foundation.
international Axchw- cot Persona - See Section I, AC IS,
for a discussion of the work of this joint cemzaittee,
appointed by the Conference Board of Research Councils.
Soci1 Science Personrstl - Supported by Rockefeller Fot da?-
(2) What In Res= ched
The activities of these committees centers generally, on
specific studies of socio-econcmic areas of research.
Definition of areas for research, recoumondations for
additional research and planning reports are the bred
products of coamittee activity. .
22nsw Mono ra ha - Supported by grants of $50,000 frees
Rockefeller Foundation and $20,000 from Russell Sage
Civil-Mi].itarv Relations Research
Economic Growth
Family Repearch - Supported by Grant Foundation,
labor Market Research - Supported in part by Departmrent
of the Air Force.
Miiration Differe- tials_
Social Stratificat
(3) Wh..reR Reamearch Is Center
Development of social science research on problem of given
areas is the broad purpoca of each of the following committees.
Sponsorship of area conferenoes and preparation of bibliog..
raphies which point the need for further research are two
methods employed by the ca ittces in their development
Near and Middle Fast
Slavic Stuc33e4 - Sponsored jointly with the American Couna!2
of Learned Societies, See Soction 1, ACIS, concerning
publication of the cunt D erst of lhl So t I?pesso
Sa?ig Asia - Sponsored yolintly with the ACI.S,
Worms Re
(4) R reh Is Cotucted
The primary concern of each committee 33sted below is
investigation of social science methodology, X_er jM and the
application of now methods to specific fields of research.
Identifleeetionof Talent - Supported by John and Akary R,
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tics and Pssc ho M
MIthematioal 2 i n1fl0 of So {a1 ScievUsIg _ Supported by
Ford Foazdaticn,
Polii tis l Behavior - A specific research project on
political behavior related to the 1952 presidential
election, financed by a $90,000 grant from the
Carnegie Corporation of New York.
PAY atx, and 3adg1 Sctajoe Researe,
ft= and Me o
Soelal BO svige
b. Publicatiam
SSRC 1951_52 publications of possible relevance to this report
Dakio, E. Wight. Organization the Individi . New Haven:
Yale University Iabor and Management Center, 1952. 63 pp.
Photo-offset. A paper prepared for the Conference on
Theory of Organization, 18-19 June 1952, sponsored jointly
by the council and the organizational Behavior Project at
Princeton University.
Tolley, George S. "Decision-NekinSt Its Importance for the
Meaning and Measuzvwnt of Efficiency," &p Uore I
Entree A i His
, Harvard University Research
Center A Entreproneu3al History, x.:44.4 , 15 Ortober-
paper presented at the Inter-university S
Research Seminar on Economic Efficiency in Agriculture,
3. Fist Euronm Ftiznd (W)
Although not a "research council" as such, the activities of tho
East European Fuzed are roughly comparable to those of both founda-
tions and research councils. The EEF has received a grant of
$2#081,500 from the Ford Foundation ('$785,000 said as of 1952)v
"for research on the USSR and to assist in the orientation witlin
the United States of racnt emigres from the Soviet Union," The
Fund achieves these ends in four waya:
a. Through its Research Program on the QSSR, for which quarterly
reports are available to requesters on a continuing basis;,
b. Through its Ghelthcrv Pub iahtns Mo se, whose published books
and plays are listed in the find's annual reports;
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Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02771 R000100190002-6
C. Through fins ndal support to research sponsored by
other or~nisations, s u c h as the ACIS SSRC C d
the Sc EMIls f and
d. foblrlough f=nanca1 support to emigre organiaatious such as the
Georgian Association in the US
Humanity Calls, Inc.
International. Institute, Inc.
Russian Consolidated Mutual Aid Society in America, Inc.
Russian Student Fund, Inc.
Society for Relief of Russian Writers and Scientists In
Exile (Lttfund )
Welfare Committee, World Cossack Association
Free Russian Youth Club in America, Inc.
St. Seraphim Foundation, Inc.
Ukrainiam Democratic Youth Association of America, Inc.
(New Review)
Ukrainian Acadeomy of Arts and Sciences in the US # Inc.
Francis Sk=y= Hrywian ('Wbiteruthenian) Society of Arta and
Sciences in the ti5, Inc.
Ccodttoe for the Framotion of Advanced Slavic Cultural
Studies, Inc.
Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02771 R000100190002-6
Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02771 R000100190002-6
T Rocgsfeller Fvnadatio+e. A RODM- f
T Rockefeller Fct gn, # ,
Chester I. Bernard
T Rockefeller Foandatioe. D ctory gt Fellovshin A 17
Thre Ford Fctuatim, AMMI -RGmrt
East E-growan Fund. First Ammaj 8 1221-2
Job SIMM GuR enhhelm ftod&j Fouadatiom. mod for Mdd 0
American Foandations a Their Fie1ds, 4I Svrv~
Wilmer Shields Rich-,-M.A., and Neva R. Deardorff, Ph.D.
New York: Raymond Rich Associates, 1948
(New edition due, fall 1953)
wig@ Foundations Revue Sew
Fw3da, AMA Foundations
Abraham Flamer
A CIS Newsletter
American Council of Learned Societies
American Council of Learned Societies
Social Science Research Council
M2UMI re2lovshin Board from 22_
National Research Council
Mrs, Shirley Duncan Hudson
Special Assistant, Executive Staff,
American Council of Learned Societies
Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02771 R000100190002-6