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Approved For Release 2002/05/1,7 ; .C1L-RDP78-02771fR0'00500350003-
06 11
to ROM,
by the C1, the
nutzet t h t ttn
. vit . v `-h tt a, as a na? r o the year
f tho aye A p r at1 is uOc *ttte (also, Chalr.,.tan o t
th House, rioultua Sube Mmtee) toured the Sov't Union
Zast ''u a Satellites from, 14 " n ber 22 October
1956, 1 :.L ru Vet 13 days ter . the ungar1 n upr
Th* i ypzpa th1 guari:_A r
of d f : e as matt . ? rade the trip on
t z co U i n, all f which w r am, ;z .nte
because he a
The rpo
register with
area I
&1. r g
at1td ecrlpt1o . tour
a i lengthy report I ash, g
deep r vm over
r' O_? SVlt a m,1 h a
Approved For Release 2002/05/17: CIA-RQP38-02771 R000500350003-3
Approved For Release 2002/05/ 1 -02771 R000500350003-3
Wong* ? r t oppoei
AhrxOnA f^1 A 1-,4 JA"
MaArrilr= IL
his tou, HO comnlakiriAA that
604 U tt eytde aaieet to mappox~t
.. Bch av1den e
OftlY r
4414-8 'G
RKOSUMl t anxi and
.ties t ve r* gi and a
Ha"Can M11.
e wt i he not d di
urng his
no 4"'o
oi ioea a
ctt*d u o ex
W" t-
rie red by t
r"'On WW the fenia-
*tT*Ot*d_bY hydraulic
en toi :o . for
had ate painted
ftkt icular
d be more t_
*ib*Djjtt* at an
Itd within
r.t as Is air
zest io 'lion
biiitie inter&t
by the Chairman
Under Seer-
'n of what tTZ
he saw
and bettor
Whit' id in tk&2,911aff t.hslt ' tar r
their )MQ'M V WW ! *IW W44"gs a n
Stat s# rand ra them con lauoue
Approved For Release 2002/05/17.:. IA-RDP78-02771 R000500350003-3
ion on ovi.,e Vulnerabilities
to his Sube lines.
" a laek of informa-
lowinst Beforo hie trip he
meted to find. out how tl :a
ide gauge ~t made at Brest
c ieeoyered there was no
should not have had this
die procedure at B
to *nyor* pea in
&aeons to which w
1oadin, procedure hag
the ears were old and.
the Jacke were
on!uaion as, to
ponaibie rakr
: e. Stated CIA
br rin for. the
remarks to
his trip and
sae to
t ghee
Approved For Release 2002/05
not getting bncad it..lin
%- Soviet union. gourd in q ationina t=h e
did not a
ppear to & $ of
t of cext sha m in t Slat it
*t am t effect y et i le s of,
A-- such
the Joint; Muta Of 4tafi
"ant '.t Inaxoazes, he said Acx l Radford tied the
t t
o WAS d iar lY On t convictions
been Ott . par nt and president Zj r that there
no ab&26 alms i in death
, pt.rtieuIar1 to u,lti-
t Itentloon for world donlrAtion. Rep. .. ltten
an" fift )%jbA ^,k
G% his trip that there had been all
* t t c u wince taIin S death, which if
Ol W& " 4, .. o s& __4 .t. _
06 for ch*r4p becom Buttt it utly great.
2cr the contusion created US public opinion
by * t tory to j3tA Bch x n ai .a U o tte iai.a
o n d In t Soviet
tat c qtd Inflamed iot re of fear which J smith
o*r s &,bout Ivan Iva ovitch. cited as o :
o of own ctitnta in Miss"
I .i ing trip to the Soviet U4nrj.
T .~,. not to go. They reared he would
the Soviet won alive berms of "what those
NUAStans d
to JFWU the contrary, th
t2*1Z Oka &&+A"4 ais. -
id ze
x. ~
a ?~' .*~3~a. ,3,1~l*5 and
tt4 the s c ti. s h a otrttei d, inc iu i
niattu ro alt
a the ~t
ata+d, the uai?
i ~ tilt t i 149*ra ;.i: , have traditionally
H us a whe reve r
of an 11 "Big Brother;# elec..
t' fallOVU& the OVOPY nt of each soviet citizen
t "`it ?" poles_ b a the neck Of each
sit peasant
44 agenrAtI& ^-,. t
x .a t of inter i an ti
`a- iwll
V*r#*UtAV of the Amritan t e by sex
do .i journalism
l410_ _y.
have this i s: a?3o""
f t
Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP78-02771 R000500350003-3
to fen and the necessary e
i .sails d to nt. This,
*a sd i still cutting a "h t
rout ' lln" sau tes. Wit, he dfta
rt Into such an integral pgrt of the
s aroaalft that etor of pi nt
AMW * =VrO6AA4t1VO nOn -ca .r gooft, which
if on-t. wreck t co .
fy Qnti appropriations each year for de-
ft=* the "ttnt to Bch Congross has built
*V with
With istte
A I the description of the
L5 bill by the Chairman of his
thin for ever
kis MM State an s
Whit deplores because of the parasitic consolida.
cant ate Incresin h yyuarf
en to
I unn cs.ssa funds on
military development
sirabic sites (using
be of political
Tb* 1nt n ` d sc, 2s to snap up new shares
Of StOOU in s t and other defense co. ni
Iddoh 40nt ion as *ppr* r tons for
t , - of these pre. s having a vested interest in rna tetn-
r rt"ti a distorted end Inflamed public opinion.
ftift fear of th* sus reflected Itself so effetty ly
in the rec . C ve s that the lnut budget r :cited In
- -
, #e o grantng the Secretary of fen:e
aaaUei~ably than *von he asked for.
tends that the leek of a balanced nicttwe in infor :-
t R1 k late Pre tt1Fad r or American c+ .eau tion has developed
f. no is *h h., reflected in on-
s It c inly difficult to work ut fang-ter
't which Might now be possible in 'ley of tc~pportunitles
Offtr" by r ce*t gee in the Soviet union) rt of
t rather
Approved For Release 2002/0 78-02771 R000500350003-3
Approved For Release 2002/05/17 CIA-RDP78-02771 R000500350003-3
F-0 61000
at stmA64
iW4 eptioi oft
f3 tao d ezeh& of persons, program to
UOUlt4to pct ee cts t en rian and
SOVIOt e t e ination of present
;WOCOOMents tor fingerprinting exchange visitors
Rapp Whitten said he was as by asked
i r wont in Russia the quoation of When i
t to lift its ire curtain?" He teele
eiale sxaaufficionti r aware of the
t s effort, lei is making to attract
"10% on a i-t basis. Many now hotels are
ilt., one re a t.1 r in Brest a fete with
The Russians claim they
#Oftlete b nzt ewer ne fowl hIzhw&y
Wvsvt to XOSCOW.
sited to take seat aftantage o
t .. a e. Because Aweeians ourro nt
hOO t . With which to campare their own standards,
n1 e aphasia in an Increased exchange progz%n,
4i t COM t in the with those eon-
r s ties wish the Soviet et can-
its cit en , thereby fostering di Bette-
ten with eft Aussians have at home, increasing
` " c - e vela injk demands -which
VUt gratow t Met. Rep. -Whittencited an
?i n iration and curiosity
the Amt now fir. atationwaeon evoked wherever
40 "0, Ths met le'l the Russians have t -
Leh is not even in . produetionHe feels
vulnerability" is one of the most i-
t eel s which an effective US program
`itably exploit,
A e r 4 effort by U agencies responsible for
i e ,i. OMe to wide the ri an people an objet-
tip , balawad picture of Russia and the everyday
MAM am attitudes of its people to relax tension
r*14&ft pie res on CGn s which, in turn,
pelt a sore pooltive approach toward finding,
sawr, of war's solutions to current problems . eeau "
met bee. Observed, cassia realities are no far
below ftaol" c ? f achievement, there t much
in VhUh t people can take comfort and
rttrehi4 also filitte mom fft-wable
Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP78-02771 R000500350003-3
Approved For Release 2002/05/1
++ yy. tl x for tht c t om/. a JaItIon of
e1i #tne . He el ea fia~e* is just &a important
I to ,at of th picture
t is for C -as to tontime to authorize
fUZAS f~W .14,91tUWtO U a ads.
Setw"i the'se tw p.tnti, the 1 ep n ttvfrom
U t& i pleads for a "gem" laa ,*
VA"Ur4l'am Urgef! by if-3,D
s 'W"L 7t+ OU4 + qw
leaAership and pre t$
the tMaIdent *f tue Us,
n d color ad e X a tmkez
on h
' Age Y 8 en a's and Use
Approved For Release 2002/05/17 ,JA-E&PP78-02771 R000500350003-3