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Publication Date: 
November 30, 1958
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Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-0282OA0004000400 MONTHLY REPORT 1 NOVEMBER - 30 NOVEMBER 1958 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE BRANCH ENGINEERING STAFF 1. The last nine modified KY-1 Units received from NSA have been inspected and repaired. It is hoped that installation will be accomplished in the next reporting period. One technician and, when available, two technicians have spent the last four months repairing the modified units. When these units are installed it is hoped that the KY-1's will become a routine matter. 2. The installation of the AS-8 equipment has been beset with many difficulties. The base station as received from the Warehouse was not in operating condition, the 231D was modified for the AS-kA and was also defective, manuals for installation arrived three weeks after the installa- tion began. A separate report will be made of the difficulties encountered on this installation. Two G.E. 25 watt V.H.F. transmitters and receivers were installed Installation was fairly routine although special requirements were difficult. /+. The secure room at the Installation and Maintenance Branch Teletype Shop at has not been completed as yet. We hope to have it meet security standards by January when we are to receive our first shipment for KW-26's. Test, repair, and shipment of KW-26's are to be done from this Shs-p. 5. Two new Electronic Technicians reported on duty during this reporting period. Twelve men are processing for Overseas assignments and one 25X1A technician departed PCS to Chief, Installatio and Maintenance Branch, OC-E Approved For Release 2002/ SMd 'd s 0A000400040003-0 M6.14-4 r R ee IL- Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-02820A000400040003-0 SECRET I WIRE MAINTENANCE SECTION A. Trouble Reports 1. The Wire Maintenance Shops in the Washington area have reported a total of two hundred and thirty (230) troubles for the month of November. The troubles as broken down for the different locations are as follows: Signal Center 178 1717 "H" Street 22 OCI 25 Outside Area 15 2. This total shows an increase of eleven (11) troubles over last month. B. Daily Activities 1. The "Que" Building Signal Center patching arrangement was rewired. A switching panel was installed behind the broadcast transmitter distributor which controls the circuits "in" or out" of the broadcast. This eliminated the necessity for patch cords on the switchboard. 2. An additional M-28 printer was added to the circuit in the "Que" Building Signal Center. This printer was installed in the location of an M-28 reperforator which was relocated to facilitate easier handling of tape by the operators. 3. A bi-monthly preventative maintenance schedule is being per- formed on the KW-26 equipment. This has reduced the amount of trouble calls considerably, however we are still continuing to have troubles with the Balance Amplifier tubes and adjustments. Other troubles have been two bad core circuits, a loose start switch on a receiver and a chipped card cutting knife. 4. Several line troubles occured during the month on th circuit. The Telephone Company was notified and all line trou es have been cleared. 5. On the 18th of November, the permanently assigned terminal equipment in the Signal Center which had been tied down on circuits 10-GC-542 and 10-GC-126, were removed. The terminal equipment was then terminated on miscellaneous jacks and is being used as spares. The two circuits mentioned above were left on looping jacks and are being used on an on-cell basis. Approved For Release 2002/05/OS:cP78-02820A000400040003-0 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-02820A000400040003-0 6. On the 20th of November, the modification suggested by the 25X1A6b IF Wire Technician was performed on a Quadri-Head Tiny Tot in the Signal Center for test and evaluation by operating personnel. 7. The Rehab. Shop assembled and tested a new ASR set and two Model 14 HB/RO non-typing reperforators and returned them to the T & I Shop. 8. A call from Space Maintenance indicated that the degreasing room in the Rehab. Shop would not have to be explosion proofed if Varsol was not used. We are now using Trichloroethelene only. 9. Two Model 19's have been delivered to the Manual Code Branch of the Signal Center. Installation of these units is awaiting the placement of A.C. receptacles by electricians. 10. An ET reported into this section for two weeks familiarization of Teletype and wire. 11. This month we have four men in training. Three men on the KW-26 and one man on the Flexowriter. One man has returned from six weeks training on Teletype, Model 28 and Tiny Tot. 12. Negotiations have began to obtain a room at "H" Street for the )yi..'C.L Maintenance Section. The present location is inadequate to take care of the work load. C. Special Projects 1. The overhaul of forty major pieces of equipment at our Rehab. Shop has barely begun. We have only one man on Special Projects and it will take considerable time before this work is completed. 2. Listed below are the projects we have on hand. a. Continuation of the overhauling of equipment in the Rehab Shop. b. Check all Teletype motors in Warehouse stock and PTI all Sprayett motors Class 4, as they are classed obsolete. c. Drawing equipment from stock in Class 3 condition, repair, overhaul, and reclassify this equipment to Class one condition. II ELECTRONIC MAINTENANCE SECTION A. Microwave 1. Regular maintenance visits were made to both microwave ikma7da~ Goo Qle i2OOAlM4i: Wi+ .400040003-0 SECRET 25X1A L Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-0282OA000400040003-0 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-0282OA000400040003-0