Conference Report (Classified) Short Pulse Radar System
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Document Creation Date:
November 17, 2016
Document Release Date:
March 10, 1998
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Publication Date:
March 20, 1959
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CIA-RDP78-02820A000500020058-1.pdf | 149.15 KB |
Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-R
The Mee Project 2112
,r system
ethic use of newly
I beacon system.
beacon and were asked if the radar system could be used solve th
bea x bles. 'slit t :.king any calculAtions, Messrs
could not say whether the radar system old be used 4nd
still newt the weight and size require ttsss of the aircraft and ground
equipments, They were sure, however1 that the - radar awe would
it give the required range, of 15 miles, but agreed to determine the
get the repaired range of 15 mile,, the Arc
system would have to be used against a radio transmitter on
ground, This would allow the aircraft to approach the DZ area,then
the radar system would give accurate (within less than one foot)
range and azimuth the final approach. The coWlwto beacon system
,rout then consist of two independent systems, (1) :~ ground trans-
sitter the sircraft'ss and (2) a corner
reflector on the cround and the miniature s
device in the aircraft.
4. After the representatives of ~ studied the problem with
the reirests given them, they cllated the maxima ranee that
20 hatch 1,959
OC-T discussed the
by M ;it this meeting
esaesntativom of ~ were zive n the racuire is of the
range that could be obtained.
could be obtained with this radar system. This rY e;, regret
was less than one mile, This severely limits the operational use of
ten because:
Approved For Release 2000/09/11 : ;UtJL78-0282OA000500020058-1
Approved For Release 2000/09/11: C
eesszry antenna design) and further limits the
range to less than one mile.
This wuld be for an
h and for larger plnea flying a
old be less than one site.
as width of the radar signal free both the air
and the ground reflector is very narrow (duo to
calculations were m :de for ideal conditions *nd
herefore ideal Crowd reflectors. In order to take
reflector concealable and portable, the efficie nc
would be reducei -:nd further reduce the range.
the weight and cone alabil ity r
ndio Iran tter and reflector on
1 chrano
oC_E/R&D-- /CWs:wj (19 Irch 1959)
Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-
tire to prepare for is drop would