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Approved For Releaser 999/08/24. A-PP P78-02989W00400050008-8
10 N
25X1A6a /fsk--
6'hile on the subject of supplyy, there have been several apparently well
informed individuals assigned to a rd passing through ~vho maintain that an
amalgamation of Conunications Supply into the organizational supply complex is
contemplated, if not imminent. must assume that such a move would or could have
ramifications in our T/a, among some of our perFsonne .., and certainly in reference
to our established channels of com:,unieations on supply problems. Probably it is
too early for the H.O. to make any prognostications on these or other ramifications
of the proposed amalgamation, but If not we -would appreciate any information
available on the subject to condition our thinking. Knowing as little as we do
about the situation, it is difficult to form an opinion when individuals
presumably better informed than we announce that certain changes will be inevitable
under the "new set-up." Your opinion as to whether, when, and under what conditions
such a change will take A6a would be invaluable to us in our dally liaison on
supply problems.
On 9 October the - signal center closed permanently, the equipment
returned to stock, and the personnel deployed to other duty stations. It might
(? be said in passing that the station was a model communications support activity.
GR l Vhen the station required a signal center, a building was built, personnel were
sent from the H.O., housing was found, transportation provided. The signal
center operated without incident until the station notified that on 9 October deact the requirement would no longer exist. The station 2was 5X1 A6a ivated on schedule.
Negotiations have been initiated with - contractors to determine the
cost acid time estimates relative to the construction of four 3-bedroom. dependent
houses on property adjacent to the M Air Force base. The investigation is being
conducted in coordination with NAC Logistics, and a joint statement of recommen-
dations will be forwarded for H.O. approval and action at the earliest possible
date. Indications are that it will he the mo$t economical venture of its type in
the Far East and everyone familiar with Miho and its environs will recognize the
necessity of the program. 25X1A6a
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999/08 /24s~"C' AJt 89A000400050008-8
Approved For Release'4999/08/24 : CIA-RDP78-02989AQQ,A400050008-8 .
Arising from what is probably a variety of reasons (i.e. the wait-and-see
atmosphere surrounding the new China Command set up, ban on overflights,
seasonal decline, unsettled conditions in _ etc.), there has been a
definite lull developing in the field of new operations requiring communications
support. Ve are assuming that it is the.quiet before the storm, and are attempting
to take advantage of it by opening a concerted campaign on the long range and true
staff activities which normally must take a back seat to pressing operational
25X1A6b problems.M ng the projects we hope to advance or complete during this period
tanding Operating Instr=uctions, simulation studies, storage space
for strategic stockpiles, and the movie. A great deal of work is also being
e mounting and olacemett of crypto machines, log desk
pad room equipment and
other signal center equipment, in the attempt to find the most efficient arrange-
ment possible which retains the highest security standards and maintenance
availability. The results of this experinmentation have been gratifying and it is
our belief that the new signal center will be a model layout.
25X1A6a 25X1A6a
The move of based agent circuits into is described in the
Operations section o is report. Interesting is the fact that in most cases
the readability of both the base and the agent increased appreciably. Also there
is no evidence that contact failure has resulted from the change.
continues to net as monitor on the transferred plans. -,, . 25X1A6a
25X1A9a 25X1A9a
assumed his duties as Chief of Como Station,
during a report period. interim Chief of Station, conducted
the station ? s activities with the quiet excellence we have come to expect from
any of his assigned duties. 25X1A6b
The radio monitors completed their survey of M radio operations during the
report period. chile we have no particular comments to make on the recent inspec-
tion, the. value of such inspections has been so obvious we are looking; forward to
the day when it will be possible to assign personnel within the theater as permanent
radio monitors to conduct a continuous survey of all stations. The success of such
a program would depend on the availability of personnel as highly qualified as the
present roving monitors, of course, and this would be the most serious obstacle.
e35X1A6a 25X1A6a
As report previously, all supply and radio maintenance personnel have
25X1A6a transferred to - The new JTAG BO Q is nearly completed and will billet our
entire complement. Supply correspondence is routed through the office of
the Chief, exactly as though the unit were still located in Cables
25X1 A6b to field stations on supply matters are Cite: - and cables coming in are
still addressed to A dais;, courier service is employed to move corres-
pondence between Chief, and 25X1A6b
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25 fMb 25X1A6a
The program of agent contact analysis is very time consuming,, Each contact
analysis requires an average of approxirra e 3 hours which means a total of 150
hours for each month. Needless to say. =Security with it's two permanently
assigned persons does not have time to devote to this type project,
Signal Center has cooperated and supplied the persons to help in writing the in-
formation into the analysis charts. 25X1A6b
T~rnring September, inforration concerning each M station's crypto links,
crypto cover, type systems, crypto format procedure, and assigned system indicator,
was compiled for submission to headquarter s. These were forwarded 21 October,
information was current as of 1 L' ctober 1953 and should give Headquarters a. complete
and accurate file on - crynto links,. 'This also was a time consuming project
which required approximately 80 man-hours to complete.
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Approved For Relea 190P s CIA-RDP78-0298400400050008-8
ANNEX VIII. Supply 25X1A6b
1. Durinp September the Material Support Section of =moved into the
new warehouse at . A complete inventory is being prepared and copies will
be forwarded to headquarters when completed.. The section will finction as if
physically located at utilizing a pouch system for cables, dispatches
and administrative memorandums. It is anticipated that a closer check can be
maintained on our shipments to the various field stations by our being located
at the principal shipping station,,
25X1A6b 25X1A6a
2. A conference was held between the Chief of Logistics, NAG, the Deputy
Chief. Material Officer at relative to storage space
at or emergency equipment storage under humidity controlled conditions,
The Logistics Section of NAC will inform us as to cost estimates as soon as
3. Pictures of the new warehouse have been taken and will be forwarded
with the next monthly report together with a description of storage methods
and conditions,
4. During the month of September the Iaterial Support Section handled the
following amount of communications equipment:
Total weight
15,626 lbs
total cube
Shipped :
Total weight
6,596 lbs
total cube
Shipment activity was slightly curtailed during our move to the new ware.
house A' ' cents were made thr?i? normal KUBARK channels and by rail to
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