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Foreign Documents Branch C I A Periodical Abstracts
9 Jun 1948
Material abstraoted in this publication has not been translated. The original-language periodicals
are available in various libraries as indicated. Due to personnel limitations within C I A, each
recipient of this publication is strongly encouraged to prepare its own translations of euch arti-
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Documents Branch also requests that it be furnished with one copy of such translations: If agen-
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should likewise be addressed to the Office of Collection and Dissemination, C I A.
NOTE: All periodicals listed below are available in Foreign Documents Branch, CIA.
Abstracted in this issue:
Russian Periodicals
"Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Novaya Seriyh" (Reports of the Vol LIX No 5
Academy of Sciences of the USSR, New Series)
Cards 5-100 2342, 55, 72, 94-99
"Giglyena i Sanitariyan (Hygiene and Sanitation)
Cards 3, 43-50
"Khirurgiya" (Surgery)
Cards 51-53
"Klinicheskaya Meditsina" (Clinical Medicine)
Card 54
"Ogneupory" (Fireproofing)
Cards 1, 21, 22
"Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk" (Progress of Physical Science)
Cards 11 73, 74, 100-102
"Vestnik S14 zi - Elektro-Svyaz" (Herald of Communications -
Cards 12-18
"Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy 1 Teoreticheskoy Fiziki"
(Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics)
Cards 75-89
nZhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fizikin
Cards 4, 19, 68-71, 90-93
"Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy
Cards 2, 20, 56-67
No 2
No 3
Vo1 XXVI No 3
No 2
Vol XXXIV No 2
No 2 (95)
Vol XVIII No 2
(Journal of Technical Physics) Vol XVIII No 1
(Journal of Technical Physics)
Vol XVIII No 2
Feb 1948
Feb 1948
Mar 1948
Mar 1948
Feb 1948
Feb 1948
Feb 1948
Feb 1948
Jan 1948
Feb 1948
In indexing these abstracts the following guides are used: MEDICINE - "Quarterly Cumulative Index
Medicus," American Medical Association; CHEMISTRY - "Chemical Abstracts Subject Index," American
Chemical Society; GENERAL - "Subject Headings for Technical Libraries," US Department of Commerce,
Office of Technical Services.
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I a;LacPu 20T01441T0 Mo 011
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PDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 44 RESTRICTED
Air Force
Library of Congress
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Amsamila FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 44
USSR/Academy of Sciences Feb 1948
Refractory Materials
"Scientific Session of Silicatists and Chemists" ip
"Ogneupory" No 2
Session held in Leningrad toward era of 1947. Some
500 people attended; representing workers in chemis-
try, technology of silicates, as well as workers in
factories. Some 50 papers submitted and evaluated.
Among papers submittedg Those by P. F. Budnikov, D. S.
Belyankin, I. V. Grebenshohikov, and P. A. Rebinder,
USSR/Academy of Sciences Feb 1948
"Stientifie-Technical Conference of the All-Union Sci-
entific Research Institute of Heating and Ventilation,
N, A. Tsiper, pp
"Gig i San" No 2
Conference held 24 - 28 Oct 1947, at Moscow. Aim to
assemble wnrks of the Sanitary-Technleal Organization
for the past ten years. Gives brief. account of die- -
cussion and some of major suggestions adopted for
future work by the organization,
USSR/Academy of Sciences Feb 1948
"Fifteen Years of Work of Institute OfPhysics of
Metals, Ural Affiliate of the Academy of Sciences,
USSR (1932 - 1947);" M. N. Mikheyev, Dist Phys
Metals, Ural Affiliate, Acad. Sci USSR, Sverdlovsk,
5i PP
"Maur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
From inception, institute directed efforts to solve
basic problems in theory of metals and alleys and
develop new methods and materials desired by tech-
nology with improved physical properties. Very
valuable results obtained in developing general
FDB 44T2
USSR/Academy of Sciences (Contd) Feb 1948
bases of quantum theory of hard body With calcula-
tion-of interaction between electrons. Important
scientific achievements in study of diamagnetism of
gases and vapors, magnetic properties of rare ele-
ments, theory of technical curve of magnetization,
methods of magnetic defectoscope analysis, and
magnetic structural analysis. Briefly discusses
several other phases of their work.
USOR/Acedemy of Seiences Jan 1948
"Bibliography of Materials Available at the Scientific
Library of the Leninarad Phyeicoteehnical Institute,
Academy of Scienoes; USSR" 8 pp ?
"Zhar Tekh Fiz" lid XVIII, No 1
Lists all books available and authors, including num-
ber of foreign authors, under following headingsg
acolietics, mechanical qualities of materials, amor-
phoue bodies and polymers, dielectrics, semiconductors
electronics, X-ray, gas discharge, laboratory tech-
nique, wad spectroscopy.
USSR/Chemistry - Synthesis, Organic Feb 1948
Chemistry - Aluminum
"Use of Metallic Aluminum in Organic Synthesis
(Friedel-Craft's Reaction)," V. D. Azatyan, App
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LII, No 5
Describes yetis) of metallic aluminum without any
additions and without activation in Friedel-Craft's
synthesis. Ekplains experiments Conducted to show
that metallic aluminum can be usefully employed in
such reactions. Submitted by Academician V. M.
Rodionov? 16 Dec 1947.
FDB 44T5
USSR/Chemietry Percmides Feb 1948
Chemistry - Butyl Benzene
"Peroxide of Secondary Butyl Benzene," K. I. Ivanov,
V. K. Savinove, V. F. Zhakhovskaya, All-Union Thermo-
tech Met imeni F. E. Dzerzhinskiy, A pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LII, No 5
Secondary butyl benzene reacts very slowly with the
oxygen molecule in liquid state, however, reacts rela-
tively easily with oxidizers under effect of ultra-
violet light at 85? and under conditions described
earlier. Describes first product obtained from per-
0E14025. purified and analyzed. Submitted
en' 8. S. Nametkin, 23 Oct 1947.
oxidizing C
by Academic
USSR/Chemistry - Amides Feb 1948
Chemistry - Dispersion
"Degree of Polydispersion of Polyamides," V. V. Kor-
shak, V. A. Zamyatina, Inst Org Chem, Azad Sci USSR,
4 pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LII, No 5
Describes fractionating experiments on series of
polyamides to determine degree of polydiepersion..
Results obtained differ from those obtained by
Flory, who on the basis of statistics arrived at
conclusion that product of the reaction of polycOne
densation must be polydispersed mixture, composed
of chain of varying size. Submitted by Academician
A. N. Nesmeyanov, 1 Dec 1947.
44T6 FDB
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FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 44
USSR/ChemiStry Electrolysis Feb 1948
Chemistry - Iron, Activation of
"Activation of Iron by Chlorine Ions in Anode Polari-
zation," L. Vanyukova, B. Kabanov, Sec Electrochem,
Inst Phys Chem, Aced Sol USSR, 4 pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR Nova Ser" Vol LIX, No 5
Action of suoh sybstances as chlorine on iron, for
most part? due to ease with which chlorine ions pierce
passive oxidized film on the surface of iron. De-
scribes experiments conducted to explain mechanism of
activating action of chlorine ions on iron during
anode polarization in alkali solutions. Submitted by
Academician A. N. Frumkin, 8 Dec 1947.
USSR/Chemistry - Chromatography Feb 1948
Chemistry - Chemical Constitution
"M. S. Tsvet's Theory of Chromatographic Analysis,"
Ye, N. Gapon, T. B. Gapon, Moscow Tech last Fish In-
dustry and. Econ imeni A. I. Ndkoyan, 4 pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol DIX, No 5
Discusses Langmuir's equation2
for conditions where . and initial
concentrations of substances I and II in the solution
are the same, Submitted by Academician M. M. Lubinin,
28 Nov 1947.
FDB 44T10
USSR/Chemistry - Dyes Feb 1948
Chemistry - Photochemistry
"A. N. Tarenin's 'Photochemistry of Dyestuffs and Re-
lated Compounds'," E. Shpol'skiy? 2 pp
"Uspekh Fiz Nauk" Vol XXXIV, No 2
Reviews 353-page book published by Academy of Sci-
ences, USSR, 1947. Terenin discusses two main cate-
gories: photochemical processes in dyestuffs, and
photochemical reactions in dyestuffs. Book is un-
doubtedly great contribution to world literature.
FDB 44T11
USSR/Communications - Equipment Feb 1948
USSR/Chethistry - Beat ofWetting Feb 1948
Chemistry - Barium Sulfate
"Absolute Magnitudes of Thermal. Adsorption of Liq-
uids. Adsorption from Solutions and Beat of Wetting
Barium Sulfate," A. V. Kiselev, T. S. Elseleva,
Inst Phys, Moscow State U imeni 14. V. Lomonosov? 4pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LIZ, No 5
Describes results obtained from previous studies on
heat of wetting barium sulfate powder, similar to
results obtained by B. V. I].' in. Specific surface
of this powder determined by adsorption isotherm of
solution, while heat of wetting determined by means
of adiabatic calorimeter, described by B. V. Il'in
FDB 44T9
USSR/Chemistry - Heat of Wetting (Contd.) Feb 1948
in another previous article. Submitted by Academi-
cian M. M. Dubinin, 28 Nov 1947.
Cables, Electric
Feb 1948
"Results of All-Union CongresS on Improving Condi-
tions in the Field of Communications," M. U. PoIyak,
Chief, Tech Sec, Ministry Communications, 2 pp
"Vest Svyazi-Elektro-Svyaz" No2 (95)
Congress closed recently. More than 300 articles
submitted for judgment. Total of 72 prizes awarded.
Members attended from all parts of Soviet Union.
Much work done in field of inventions for telegraph-
ic communications. Of great-interest: suggestion
to put 4 - 8, ST-35 apparatus on one operating .
FDB 44T12
"Means of Increasing the Reliability of the ST-35
Apparatus," V. I. Shlyapoberskiy, Candidate Tech Sob,
3 PP
"Vest Svyazi - El ktro-Svyaz" No 2 (95)
Gives general description and study of rectifying
ability of the ST-35. Discusses connection between
rectifying ability of the ST-35 and voltage range of
the phase regulator. Ability noticed from moment that
electromagnet is inactivated, and therefore also de-
pendent on steepness of the current build-up in elec-
tromagnetic coils,.terbSion spring of rotor, and
FDB 44T13
USSR/Communications (Conti) Feb 1948
cable. If this proves successful in tests, possible
that will replace all existing multichannel systems,
including the 9-channel Bodo radio. Many other sug-
gestions submitted.
FDB 4.4T12
- 4 -
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RESTRICTED FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 44
USSR/Communications - Equipment (Contd) Feb 1948
dimensions of air gap between rotor and the core.
Regulation of rotor spring tension and gap between
rotor and electromagnet should be timed to maximum
range (phase).
Telegraph Equipment
Telegraphy .
Feb 1948
"Comments on A. R. Kofman's Article, 'Accounting and
Planning of Production in Telegraph Units'," I. A.
Podgorodetskiy, Deputy Chief; Planning and Finance
Adm, Ministry Communications; A. K. Rakhman'ko, Chief,
Planning Sec, Cent Teleg USSR; A. S. Dolotkazina,
Chief, Planning Sec, Tashkent Cent Teleg, 2 pp
"Vest Svyazi Elektro-Svgaz"" No 2 (95)
Briefly comment and praise article highly. Urge adop-
tion of Kofman's suggestions.
Communications - Equipment Feb 1948
Cables, Electric
"Experiment on the Operation of Interurban Cables,"
F. A. Perts, Mgr., 1 p
"Vest Svyazi Elektro-Svyaz" No 2 (95)
Chile put into operation one year ago. Long cable,
and sections run for 15 - 20 km without interruption.
Discusses operation of cable.. Notes that inefficient
to put untrained personnel an new cable and permit
them to gain experience by operating it. Author sug-
gests that untrained personnel undertake period of ap-
prenticeship, to be fully qualified specialists by
time new cables put into operation.
FDB 44T17
Jan 1948
"Problem of High Voltage Polarization in Solid Dielec-
trics," Ya. M. Kbendzov, 8 pp
"Zhur Teich Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 1
Describes solution of problem of diffusion of poten-
tials in state of equilibrium during movement of
charges of one sign, in turn facilitating solution of
reason for high voltage polarization in calcite.
Regulators, Current
Distortion, Frequency
Feb 1948
"New Subscriber Service Volume Regulator," V. M.
Drugov? Engr, l pp
."Vest Svyazi - Elektro-Svyaz" No 2 (95)
Describes new-type volume regulator, produced to
overcome frequency distortion, occurring in old
regulators. Describes the circuit and operating
characteristics. Suggests that with very slight
alterations can be used with "Rekord" loudspeaker.
FDB 44T14
USSR/Communications - Equipment Feb 1948
Transformers - Design
"A New Step-Down Transformer for Subscriber Service"
B. I. Rokhlin, Mgr, 2 Pp
"Vest Svyazi Elektro-Svyaz'" No 2 (95)
Describes performance and construction details of
new transformer. Contains table giving winding
specifications for 10- and 25-volt transformers.
Gives data for the core, primary and secondary
windings and average performance characteristics
of samples tested.
Cables, Electric
Cables - Insulation
Feb 1948
"Determination of Points of Low Insulation in Coil
Loaded Communication Cables," A. A. Khshutin, Mgr,
3 PP
"Vest Svyazi - Elektro-Svyaz" No 2 (95)
Recent equipment to determine points of low insula-
tion so constructed that unnecessary to make several
measurements before being able to Iodate the point.
Contemporary apparatus makes use of simple formula:
1x ik, Where lx is distance from weak spot to
point from which measurement being made, 1, length
FDB 44T18
USSR/Communications (Contd) Feb 1948
of section being measured, and k, reading an scale
of the instrument when there is equilibrium on the
bridge. Author recommends that the enameled wire,
on which measurements made best, be placed so that
it is on the upper side of cable. Mainly explains
mathematical formulas.
- 5 -
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RESTRICTED FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 44
Currents, Electric
Heating - Electric Unite
Feb 1948
"Induction Heating of Hollow Artioles with a Current-
Carrying Rod," N. IC Rodigin, 14 pp
"Zhur Tekh Fie Vol XVIII, No 2
Solves problem of intensity of magnetic field and
density of currents in hollow cylinder; having cur-
rent-carrying rod through its axis. Calculates act iv
and reactive power. &amines case of single-layer an
multi-layer hollow cylinder. Describes conditions In
which maximum capacity of eddy currents exists for th
single-layer cylinder.
Steel Casting
Refractory Materials
Feb 1948
"Wear of Refractory Material in Steel Casting," M. S.
Kameniohnyy, Engr, 5i pp
"Ogeleupory" No 2
Greateet eves for wear of refractory material: as-
aoelation lath molten steel, alloys, and slake. Nhch
depend on method and care exercised while casting
and on type of steel being amelted. Shows how wear
increases with increase of temperature of the molten
mta1. Disoueees some step's for decreasing wear.
Beet suggestion: improvement of quality Of refractory
FDB 44T22
USSR/Geophysies Feb 1948
"Influence of the Relief of the Bottom on the Direc-
tion of the Average Transmission Caused by the Wind o
the -Field of a Ma ee in a Heterogeneous Ocean," V. B.
Shtokman? Inst OceanOlogy? Aced Sci USSR, 4 pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSR, Nova Ser" Vol LIX? No 5
Formula taking Into account factors er.17'rae
mass field; the bottom current field and wind fields
permits determination of effect of the sea bottom on
direction of bottom currents. Discusses currents as
affected by various types of ground and mass forma-
tions. Submitted by Academician P. P. Shirshov,
2 Deo 1947.
FDB 44T23
USSR/Medicine - Shellfish Feb 1948
Medicine - Parasites
"Somatic Substitution in Parasites," V. L. Vagin,
Leningrad State U, 4 pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LIX; No 5
Details of evolution in parasites give series of data
on progressive and regressive changes. However, var-
ious parasites evidenoe various reactions. Experi-
ments on somatic substitution conducted on crab-like
parasite of Ascothpracida family and mollusk parasites
of Styliferidae and Entoconchidae families, Submitte
by Academician I. I. Shmalggauzen, 11 Dec 1947.
Refractory Materials
Feb 1948
"Disintegration of Siliceous Rock, and Technological
Methods of Using Them in PrOdUction of Close-Grained
Dines Brick," Prof I. S. Xaynarskiy, Mr Tech Soil
"Ogneupory" No 2
Recommends method to manufacture close-grained dines
brick from loose siliceous rock. As result of meth-
od, possible to take substance out of class of semi-
valuable raw materials for produation of dines
brick. Also permits improved quality of dines
FDB -44T21
USSR/Engineering (Contd) Feb 1948
brick, usually prepared from ordinary high-quality
raw material,
FDB 44T21
USSR/Mathematics - Geometry, Analytic Feb 1948
Mathematics - Methods, Graphic
"Crystallographic (Symmetrical) Methods of Solving
Geometric Problems," N. V. Belov, Corr Mem, Aced Sci
USSR, 2 pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova See Vol LIE, No 5
In previous artlicle, author discussed use of terti-
ary, as well as quadruple and sextuple axial sym-
metries for the solution of geometric problems, ac-
cording to method deecribed by Ye. S. Fedorov ("Bas-
ic Formulas for-Analytic Geometry from an Improved
Standpoint;" SPb 1888, Zap.Min.ob.4a,25,1.1889).
Applies same formula to crystallographic method for
FDB 44T24
USSR/Mathematics - Geometry, Analytic Feb 1948
solution of geometry problems. Submitted, 18 Nov
-6 -
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RESTRICTED FDB Periodlcal Abstracts Scientific No 44
USSR/Medicine - Regeneration Feb 1948
Medicine - Colchicine
"Influence of Colchicine on Regeneration of Organs in
Anuran Amphibians," L. V. Polezhayev, A. Ye. Gervioh,
'net Cytology, Histology, and Ebbryol, Mad Sci USSR,
3i PP
"Dolt Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LIX No 5
Gives experiments to further data obtained in previou
studies to determine effect of colchicine on phenom-
enon of regeneration, as well as to attempt to solve
some controversial points on regeneration. Submitted
by Academician I. I, Shmalugauzen, 26 Nov 1947.
FDB 44T26
USSR/Medicine - Skin, Regeneration Feb 1948
Medicine - Skin, Transplantation
"Influeseec of Foreign Skin an Development and Re-
generation of EXtremities in Anuran Amphibians,"
G. I. Gintaburg, Bast Cytology, Histology, and
Embryol, Aced Sci USSR, 4 pp
"Dolt Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LIX, No 5
Series of four experiments set up to: I) &plain
effect of replacing by foreign skin, the skin
formed during first and last stages of regeneration.
2) Attempt to iselate effect of korium and explain
'effect of epitela of the skin of the head on re-
generation of transplanted extremity. 3) Xplain
FDB 44T27
USSR/Medicine - Flies Feb 1948
Medicine -.Taxonomy
"New Type of Drosophila - Drosophila Ineretensis," N.
N. Sokolov, Inet Cytology, Histology, and Embryol,
Acad. Si USSR, 2 pp
"Dolt Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LIX, No 5
Gives eharaeteristice of Drosophila tmeretensis, firs
observed in 1940. Tests and further studies an nativ
Drosophila populations of Khtais showed more evidence
of this fly. Named "imeretensis" due to fact that
first observed in vicinity of city of Imeretiya,
Georgian SSR Submitted by Academician L. A. Orbeli,
10 Dee 1947.
FDB 44T28
USSR/Medicine - Plants Feb 1948
Medicine - Photosynthesis
"Photoperiodism and Capacity of Plants to Bloom," M.
Kh. Chaylakhyan, Inst Plant Physiol imeni K. A. Timir-
yasev, Aoad SI USSR, 4 pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nava Ser" Vol LIX, No 5
EXperiments set up to solve problem of whether typical
short-day plants have capacity for light in continual
darknese or whether deprived of this capacity due to
prolonged dark period. Submitted by Academician N. A.
Maksimov, 19 Dec 1947.
FEB 44T29
USSR/Medicine - Cells, Growth Feb 1948
Medicine - Stains and. Staining
USSR/Medicine - Skin, Regeneration (Contd.) Feb 1948
whether or not there is change of characteristics
In ontogenesis of skin used in regeneration of ex-
tremities. 4) Determine if foreign transplanted
skin takes an characteristics of the skin in region
to which transplanted. Submitted by Academician
I. I. Shmal'gauzen, 26 Nov 1947.
FDB 44T27
USSR/Medicine - Plants Feb 1948
Medicine - Photosynthesis
"Growth of Plant Cells and Relationship of Cell Cover-
ing to Acid and Basic Stains," V. G. Konarev, 4 pp
"Dolt Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol MK, No 5
Gives basic results of studies on adsorption of acid
and basic fuchsin by parenchymal cell coverings,
mechanical elements, and various vessels with various
values for pH. Submitted by Academician N. A. Mak-
simov, 20 Nov 1947.
FDB 44T31
"Attenuation of Photoperiodic Impulses," A. Pota-
penko, 2i- pp
"Dolt Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LIX, No 5
Ekperiments conducted to obtain attenuation of
photoperiodic impulses in pure state, during absence
of leaf concurrences, such as found in various
phototropic conditions. Studies conducted on short-
day Chenopodium album, giving quantitative reac-
tions. Submitted by Academician N. A. Naksimov?
17 Dec 1947.
USSR/medicine - Bacteria
Medicine - Antibiotics
Feb 1948
"Primary Decomposition of Bacteria under Influence
of Antibiotics," V. A. Dorfman, D. P. Shcherbacheva,
Cent Sci Res Control Inst Vaccines and Serums,
Ministry Public Health USSR, 3i7 pp
"Dolt Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LIX, No 5
Describes quantitative relation Of effeet of
lysozyme antibiotic to its concentration-. In these
experiments, zone of concentration of lysozyme
greatly increased, and very important to conduct
measurements of effect at proper time. Submitted
by Academician B. L. Isachenko, 9 Dec 1947.
FDB 44132
- 7 -
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RESTRICTED FMB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 44
USSR/Medicine Ehbryology
Medicine - Pituitary Bodies
"Activity of RYpophyseal-Thyroid Complex in the Embry-
ogenesis of Newels," M. S. MitskeVich? Dist Evolu-
tionary Morphol imeni A. N. Severtsov, Aced Sci USSR,
14 pp
Feb 1948
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LIX, No 3
Describes studies conducted to explain activity of
the hypophyseal-thyroid complex during the period of
embryologic development of mammals This is in keep-
ing with study of embryologic endocrinal correlation
in higher vertebrates. Submitted by Academician I. I.
Shmel'gauzen? 16 Dec 1947.
FDB 44T33
USSR/Medicine - Planta Feb 1948
Medicine - Growth
"Acylphosphate Type Labile Substances in Green
Leaves of Plants," A. N. Khzmin, M. Ya. Shkol'nik,
Lab Growth Substances, Inst Biochem imeni A. N.
Bakh, Aced Sci USSR, 3ipp
"Dok Akad Nauk MR, Nova Ser" Vol iax, No 5
Discusses experiments with asparagine, as well as
ethyl ethers of vinegars, and apple, citric and
tartaric acid to determine conditions necessary to
bring about reaction with acylphosphate or anhy-
drate acids, to prevent any reaction with asparagine
or citric or vinegar acid ethers, and produce only
FDB 44T34
USSR/Medicine - Infusoria Feb 1948
Medicine - Reproduction
"Some Data on Metamorphosis of the Nuclear Apparatus
of Infusoria in Conjugation," L. S. Peshkovskiy, Inst
Cytology, Histology, and Etabryoll Acad. Sci USSR, 4 pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR Nova Ser" Vol MX, No 5
Describes only Certain points in conjugation process
Of EUplotes patella and Climacostomum Stein Pays
particular attention to reconstruction of the nuclear
apparatus. Submitted by Academician L. A. Orbeli?
10 Dec 1947.
FMB 44T35
USSR/Medicine Infusoria Feb 1948
Medicine - Temperature, Effects
"Adaptive Changes and Lane Modifications in Infusoria
Paramecium Caudatum Caused by Action of High' and Lav
Temperatures," YU, I. Polyenekly A. P. Orlova, Lenin-
grad State Pedagogical Inst imeni A. I. Gertsan, 3i pp
"rook Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LIX, No 5
Discusses experiments to show effect of prolonged
periods of hot, and cold temperatures an stability of
infusoria to action of lethal high temperatures an
Paramaecium caudatum. Submitted by Academician I. I.
Shmalggauzen, 16 Dec 1947.
FMB 44T36
USSR/Medicine - Stains and Staining Feb 1948
Medicine - Poisons and Poisoning
"Comparative Toxicity for Cells of Diffused and Granu-
lar Dyes," N. L. Fel'dmen, last EXperimental Med, Aced
Med Sci USSR, 4 pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LIX, No 5
Basic stains divided into two groups: granular and
diffused types. Lists various stains used in experi-
ments and classes them in the two categories. Admits
existence of intermediate stages of stains. Conducted
studies to determine toxicity and staining character-
istics of each of Mentioned (16) stains. Submitted by
Academician L. A. Orbeli? 15 Dec 1947.
FDB 44T38
USSR/Medicine Plants (Contd.) Feb 1948
traces of hydroxyl acids. Submitted by Academician
A. I. Oparin, 19 Nov 1947.
USSR/Medicine - Skin -
Medicine - Respiration
Feb 1948
"Seasonal Change in Respiratory Function of the Skin
of Tritons, A. G. Bannikov, Met EVolutimary
Morphol imeni A. N. Severtsov, Abed Sol. USSR, 4 pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR? Nova Ser" Vol LIX, No 5
Describes the two stages of respiratory function of
the triton: Period during which upper fin dilates
with accumulation of blood vessels, and earth-bound
period when dilation all but disappears. Submitted
by Academician I. I. Shmaligauzen, 4 Dec 1947.
FDB 44i-57
USSR/Medicine - Chlorophyll Feb 1948
Medicine - Photosensitization
"Photosensitizing Action of Chlorophyll on Oxidiz-
ing-Reduction Reactions," A. A. Gurevich, lab Plant
Physiol and Miorobiol, Moscow Agr Aced imeni K. A.
Timiryazev, 5i. pp
"Dok Akad Nook SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LIX, BO 5
Describes experiments conducted to show photosensi-
tizing action of chlorophyll on oxidizing-reduction
action -which in itself, without sensitizing, is com-
pletely nonsensitive to light. Submitted by Acade-
mician N. A. Maksimov, 22 Dec 1947.
- 8 -
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RESTRICTED FDB Periodical AbstraCts Scientific No 44
USSR/Medicine - Butterflies Feb 1948
Medicine - Cells, Nuclei
"Study of Structure of Nucleolus of Cells of the Sali-
vary Glands of Butterfly Larvae," P. I. Zhivago, Mat.
Cytology, Histology, and EMbryol, Acad Sci USSR, 4 pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR Nova Ser" Vol LLC, No 5
greatest work on study of thin structure of chromo-
somes is in oonneetion. with study of "giant" Chromo-
somes cf the ealivary glands of bialates. Several
methods used. in study, among which was use of photo-
graphs. Submitted by Academician L. A'. Orbeli, 15 De
USSR/Medicine - Acid, Adenylic
Nedicine - Spectrum Analysis
"Ultraviolet Spectra of Absorption of Mixtures of
ligcleotides and Amino Acids," A. A. Ferkhmin, Inst
EVolutionary Physiol and Pathol of Higher Nervous
Activity Imeni I. Po Pavlov, Acad. Med Sol USSR, Selo
Pavlov (Koltushi), 3 pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova See Vol LIX, No 5
Describes absorption spectra of muscular adenyl acid
aM 1-tyrosine. Data obtained conforms favorably to
data obtained in tests on other nuoleotides and amino
acida. Submitted by Asademician L. A. Orbeli, 15 Dec
Fro 4442
ussRimedIJAne - Streptococcus Lactis Feb 1948
Medicine - Cheese
Feb 1948
The Interrelation. of Streptococcus Lactis and
Stapbylococous Aureus in Eve's Milk Cheese," N. D.
Trofimoya, 4k pp
"Cig i San" No 2
Shows Streptococcus lactis in ewe's milk are antago-
nistic to Staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococcus
rapidly die off, and transform to nonpathogenic form;
and endotoxin disintegrates. Staphylococcus aureus
has negative effect on Streptococcus lactis, produces
early metamorphism, affects toxicity of ewe's milk,
and lowers its acidity.
FEB 44T44
USSR/Medicine - Vitamin C Feb 1948
Chemistry - Hydrogen Sulfide, Absorption
Capacity of
"Hydrogen Sulfide Apparatus for Vitamin tract Ion,"
Maj I. L. Koretkov, Med Corps, SE? (San-Epidem Sec-
tion), Nth Okrug, 2 pp
"Gig i San" No 2
Shows that, despite lack of proper equipment, possibl
to extract vitamin C by means of hermetically sealed
test tubes and absorbent material. Describes appara-
tus and absorbent material, in this case, hydrogen
sulfide. Effective apparatus to determine Vitamin 0
content in food.
FEB 44T46
USSR/Medicine - Parthenogenesis Feb 1948
Medicine - Silkworms
"Artificial Temperature Parthenogenesis in Chinese
Oak Silkworms(Antherdea Pernyi Guer.-Men.)," B. L.
AbYaurov, hist Cytology, Histology, and EMbryoll
Acad. Sci USSR, 4 pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ste Vol Lit, No 5
In 1947 experiments conducted to confirm new data
obtained on increased parthenogenesis under condi-
tions of higher temperatures (artificial). Submit-
ted by Academician L. A. Orbeli, 15 Dec 1947.
FDB 44T41
USSR/Medicine - Hygiene and Sanitation Feb 1948
Medicine - Water Supply
"A Century of the Gor'kiy 5inicipag Water Supply,"
I. I. Belyayev? 2 pp
"Gig i San" No 2
In 1947 this water conduit celebrated 100 years of
service. Inaugurated in 1847 at which time had
capacity of 40,000 buckets per 24-hour period.
Presents brief history of. development of water sys-
tem to present size and magnitude.
USSR/Medicine - Poisons and Poisoning, ,
Medicine - Arsenic and Arsenio Compounds
"Case of Chronic Arsenic Poisoning," G. I. Nfironov-
Yavel'berg, Cent Sanitary-Hygiene Lab, Rostov Don
Munioipal Health Sec, 1 p
Feb 1948
"Gig i San" No 2
Describes case of man working in storehouse for
agricultural insecticides. Describes symptoms and
diagnosis. Found that patient was susceptible to
arsenic paint on walls orhis office.
FDB 44T45
USSR/Medicine - Hygiene and Sanitation Feb 1948
Medicine - Water Supply
"Problem of Water Supply in Demolished Towns," Maj
B. P. TuMbotin? Med Corps) Nhj I. M. Tsvang, Med
Corps, 1 p
"Gig i San" No 2
Discusses some of problems met in restoring water
supply to part of city of L., which had prewar pop-
ulation of 100,000. One of most important opera-
tions is constant check on bacterial content of the
water, and particularly on that part of water sup-
ply going to outskirts of the town. In addition to
ascertaining purity of the water, conduits should
FDB 44T47
-9 -
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USSR/Medicine - Pediculi Feb 1948
Medicine - Delousing
"Hot Vapor Mixtures as a Means of Disinfection," M. I.
Badanov, A. S. Borshchanskaya, M. L. Kliz'minova, Sec
Disinfection, Uzbek last Epidemiol and Mdcrobiol, 3 p
"Gig i San" No 2
Eiperimente show that 15-m1nute exposure at 700 re-
sults in 100% mortality to lice and nits. Vapor mix-
tvres reoommended to disinfect epidemic typhus, as
well as disinfecteespiratory infection cases under
conditions established by means of experiments and
FMB 441'48
USSR/Medicine - Hygiene and Sanitation Feb 1948
Medicine - Air, Impurities
"Hygienic Control of Composition of Air in Railroad
Tunnels during the Paesage of a Locomotive," I. N.
Popov, 5 pp
"Gig i San" No 2
EBB been noticed that acoumulation of gases by loco-
motive smoke in tunnel can be poisonous to locomotive
and train personnel. Study conducted on composition
and amount of poisonous gasee released by average loe
comotive. Ekperiments conducted to determine neces-
sary ventilation to clear tunnel of such gases to in-
sure safety for train pereonnel. Presents some 14
points; which will aid greatly in decreasing danger.
FDB 44T49
USSR/Medicine - Epilepsy, Jacksonian Mar 1948
Medicine - Tissue
"Experience with Tissue Therapy of Epilepsy Patients
by Academician Filatov ee Method," of S. A. Bakkal,
L. L. Papadato Odessa Med lust, 5 pp
"khirurgiya" No 3
Mdscusses clinical reports on five cases. Concludes
that Filatov's method at present suitable method for
treating traumatic jackson's epilepsy, effective and
perfectly safe. In genuine epilepsy, use of tissue
therapy also gives very good results for a time, after
which attacke may'recur. However, matter requires
further study.
USSR/Medicine - Hemorrhage
Medicine - Blood, Coagulation
"Stanching Encephalic Hemorrhages by Electrical Coag-
ulation," A. G. Sosnovskiy, Hosp Surgical Clinic,
Odessa Med last; Odessa Br, Ukrainian lust Urgent Sur-
gery and Blood Transfusion, 5 pp
"Khirurgiya" No 3
Discueses results of experiments on dogs and rabbits.
Concludes that: Electrical coagulation has good hemo-
static effect in cerebral hemorrhages. Hemostasis
cannot always be counted on in hemorrhages from
medium-caliber meMbrane and cerebral vessels, since
coagulation scab may come off and start another
FDB 44T53
Mr 1948
UBSR/Medicine - Hygiene and Sanitation Feb 1948
be cleansed periodically, and water should be suf-
ficiently chlorinated.
FDB 44%7
USSR/Medicine - Hygiene and Sanitation Feb 1948
Medicine - Air, Impurities
"Microclimate of a City as Object of Hygienic Re-
search," B. V. Rikhter, 3 pp
"Gig i San" No 2
Recently in connection with general study of climate
has arisen the new field, study of microclimate.
Discusses same questions on methods of studying it.
Microclimate greatly affected by local conditions,
and study particularly important in large cities.
Sets forth facts which must be noted in plotting
microclimate of a city. Concludes that most impor-
tant future task to determine effect of mioroclimate
on diseases of population.
FDB 44T50
USSR/Medicine - Typhus )'lar 1948
Medicine - Stomach, Perforation
"Acute Stomach in Infectious Diseases," I. I. Zal'-
tsberg, Faculty, Surgical Clinic, Second Moscow Med
last, 6 pp
"Khirurgiya" No 3
Discusses number of clinical cases, concluding that
In typhus, any symptom of acute stomach requires
constant attention, that unnecessary to give seda-
tive unless all standard symptoms of perforation
evident, and preferable to resort to operation which
may be useless than to ignore perforation.
FDB 44T52
USSR/Medicine - Blood Pressure, Venous Mar 1948
Medicine - Blood Pressure, Determination
"A New Model of a Phlebotonameter," N. M. Davydov,
V. B. Blank, Leningrad, Second Chair Internal Dis-
eases, State Order Lenin Inst for Advancement of
Doctors imeni S. M. Kirov, 2 pp
"Xlinich Medits" Vol XXVI No 3
Describes new model for apparatus to measure blood
pressure in veins. New method overcomes earlier
objection to use of phlebotameter: Fact that values
Obtained to be used as scale had to vary according
to pathologic condition of patient. Gives diagram
of apparatus, and brief account of operation.
10 -
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USSR/Medicine - Hemorrhage (Contd) Mar 1948
hemorrhage-. Electric coagulation quite unreliable in
large Cerebral blood vessels. Electric coagulation
may increase and prolong brain inflammation resulting
from operational trauma.
Metallurgy, Ferrous
Feb 1948
"Combustion of Carbon," Z. V. ChUkanov,Corr Mem, Ace
Sci USSR, Bur Oxygen Use, Ministry Ferrous Metal USSR,
4 pp
'"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR Nova Ser" Vol MX, No 5
Discusses oxygen zone in carbon channel. Presents
differential equation for determination of diatribu-
t ion of oxygen concentration. 'observes that dimen-
sions of oxygen zone vary little with changes in tem-
perature of the reaction. Submitted, 15 Dec 1947.
Alloys, Ferroud
Resistance, Electric - Changes
"Special Features of Change in Electrical Resistance
of Various Ferromagnetic Alloys in a Magnetic Field,"
S. V. Vensovskiy, Inst Phys Metals, Ural Affiliate,
Aced Sci USSR, Sverdlovsk, 4 pp
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
Indicates possible explanation for some recently dis-
covered peculiarities in relationships of signs of
longitudinal and transverse Thomson effects in number
of ferromagnetic substances.
Feb 1948
FDB 44T57
USSR/Metals Feb 1948
Alloys, Ferrous
Resistance, Electric - Changes
"Change in Electrical Resistance of High Coercive Al-
loys in a Magnetic Field (Thomson Effect)," V. I.
-Drozhzhina, Ya. S. Shur, Inst Plus Metals, Ural Af-
filiate, Acad. Sci USSR, Sverdlovsk, 4 pp
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
Attempts to explain connection between magnitude of
coercive force and relationship of signs of longitu-
dinal and transverse Thomson effects on specimens of
high coercive algn1 gig alloy (58% Fel 27% NI., 15%
Al) in which, by varying conditions of thermal treat-
FDB 44T58
USSR/Medicine - Blood Pressure, Venous Mar 1948
Deputy of Second Chair of Internal Diseases: Prof
I. M. Flekeli.
FDB 44T54
USSR/MetalS Feb 1948
Alloys, Ferrous
"Theory of Ferromagnetism in Binary Alloys," S. V.
Vensovskiy, lhat Phys Metals, Ural Affiliate, Azad
Sci USSR, Sverdlovsk, 14 pp.
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
Gives simple generalization of quantum theory of
ferromagnetism for case of binary ferromagnetic
alloys. Finds that dependence exists between ferro-
magnetic Curie point Of -these alleys and concentra-
tion of components and degree of close arrangement
in distribution of atoms about nodes ofcrystallic
FIB 44T56
USSR/Metals (Contd) Feb 1948
lattice of alloy. Shows that in low temperatures,
also place of similar dependence of spontaneous
magnetization upon the temperature in pure ferro-
magnetic metals. Gives critique of quasi-classic
treatise on ferromagnetism of alloys by Bitter.
Feb 1948
"Effect of Anstenite on Magnetization Curve of
Steel," V. V. Parfenov, R. I. Yanus, last Phys
Metals, Ural Affiliate, Aced Sal USSR, Sverdlovsk,
6 pp
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
Gives experimental magnetization ourves for tempered
forms of MG steel containing 74% austenite in
field intensities of 20 - 12,000 oersteds. Shows
that proportionality between magnetization and con-
centration of ferromagnetic phase, natural in the
FDB 411259
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RESTRICTED;:,' FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 44
USSR/Metals (Contd) Feb 1948
pods ibis to measure magnitude of cdercive force
over wide range. Provides answer to quest'ilan of
whether or not "anomalous" behavior of Thomaon effect
caused:by same structural transformations ceasing ap-
pearance of high coercive force, or whether "anomaly"
independent of structural transformation and main-
tained even in considerably decreased coercive forces
of same form and same chemical composition.
USSR/Metals (Contd)
Feb 1948
range of high flux, maintained to considerable de-
gree also in range of lower flux, in spite of cal-
culations published earlier by Sadikov.
Steel, Transformer
Feb 1948
"Effect of Procegges of Relaxation and Recrystallize-
tion on MagnetiO'Properties of Weakly Magnetic Mate-
rials," V. I. Di-ozhzhina? M. G. Luzhinskaya, Ya. S.
Shur, Inst Ph(s Metals, Ural Affiliate, Acad. Sci USSR,
Sverdlovsk, 7. pp
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
Reports on study of magnetic properties of previously
deformed specimens of most frequently used soft mag-
netic materials: Transformer steel and molybdenum
perMalloy, after tempering at different temperatures
USSR/Metals (Contd) Feb 1948
and periods, because of fact that these different
specimens are distinguished by degree of regularity
of crystallic lattice. On basis of results, rational
technology of preparation of. magnetic conductors fram
soft magnetic materials tested.
FDB 44T60
USSR/Metals , Feb 1948
Steel Alloys
"Magnetic Properties of Chrame-Nickel-Molytdenum
Steels after Various Thermal Treatments," P. N. Zhu-
kova, M. N. Mikheyev, Inst Phys Metals, Ural Affili-
ate, Aced Sol USSR, Sverdlovsk, 10 pp
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
Studies magnetic and electrical properties of two
chrome-nickelmolybdenum steels in comparison with
mechanical properties after different thermal treat-
ment. Establishes possibility of magnetic control of
quality of thermal treatment of product of,18KINMA
Stresses - Plates, Circular
Feb 1948
"Stress Situation in Circular Iron Plate with Sharp-
ly Defined Texture during Deep Drawing: I," K. V.
Grigorov, Ural Affiliate, Aced Soi USSR, Sverdlovsk,
11i pp
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
Calculates azimuth distribution of sheering stress
in circular iron plate with sharply defined texture
in drawing cylindrical socket. Also calculates all
system of slipping in different types of textures.
Azimuth distribution of sheering stress sharply
FDB 441161
USSR/Metals (Contd) Feb 1948
anisotropic and depends upon character of texture.
Explains unequal drawing, formation Of creases and
folds in places of least drawing, of transverse and
longitudinal cracks, and unevenness of thickness
and hardness in edge of product.
Crystals - Elastic Properties
Feb 1948
"Distribution of Deformation According to Volume
in Metallic Crystals during Their Deformation by
Sliding," D. G. Khrnosov, N. M. Tronina, M. V.
Yekumovich, 10 pp
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
Plastic deformation of monocrystallic specimens
localized only to indignificant degree, but more
distributed throughout entire volume of crystal (in
slight deformations). Fact, established experi-
mentally, that entire volume of crystal affected in
12 -
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USSR/Metals (Contd) , Feb 1948
steel. Eatablishes different magnetic properties with
same mechanical properties for tempered products from
18KhNMR steel after high temperature annealing, prep-
erties depending on rammer of cooling product in hard-
Steel Plates - Stresees
Steel - Thermal Measurements
Feb 1948
"Residual Stress in Cemented Steel Plates Chilled to
Temperature of Below Ac ," E. S. Yakovleva, M. V.
Yakutovich, 4 pp 3
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVIII, NO 2
Describes experimente made to explain magnitude of
streas arising in incomplete Cooling of cemented
specimens. Obtained ourses for magnitude and distri-
bution of stress arising in cemented-plastic low-
carbon steel cooled to temperature of below An .
Fa3 -44T64 .
USSR/metale Feb 1948
"Effect of Remote Arrangement and Composition 5f
Atompi an the Hall Effect in Regulated Alloys," A. A.
Smirnov, last Phys Metals) Ural Affiliate, Aced Sci
USSR, Sverdlovsk, 8 pp
"Zhur Tekh Piz" Vol XVIII, No 2
Calculates Hall's constant for regulated alloys, and
shows it possible to obtain change in sign of Hall's
constant in process of regulation. Not a quantitative
description of Hall effect in regulated alloys, as ex-
perlments conduoted in simplified models of the metal
and in some caees artificial alloy structure used.
FDB 44T66
USSR/Metals Feb 1948
"Nature of Hexagonal Chrome and Structure of Electro-
lytic Chrome Deposit)" S. A. Nemnonov, last Phys
Netals? Ural Affiliate, Aced Sci USSR, Sverdlovsk, 7
"Zhur Tekh Fie Vol XVIII, No 2
Hexagonal chrome and hexagonal nickel obtained by
electrolytic precipitation must be looked on not as
allotropic modifications inherent to dense metallic
chrome and nickel, but as metastable phase of intro-
duction of hydrogen in chrome and nickel. Furnishes
basis to explain observed variety of structural
USSR/Metals (Contd) Feb 1948
process of deformation, beginning with very slight-
est degrees of deformation, permits us to understand
consolidation of all crystals in deformation without
admission of presence of exceptionally sharply de-
fined heterogeneity of structure.
Feb 1948
"Texture of Iron Slag: IV, Research at 'Intermedi-
ate' Zone of Temperature," V. I. Arkharov, F. P.
Butral Inst Phys Metals, Ura]. Affiliate, Aced Sci
USSR) Sverdlovsk, Molotov State Tx, 4i, pp
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
No texture observed in slag formed by oxidizing iron
in air at temperature of 5000 C. At 5000 C texture
arises in external layer of slag charaoterized by a
grouping of c?-Fe20x phases parallel to surface.
Describes changes irf texture for gradual increases
FDB 44165
USSR/Metals (Contd) Feb 1948
In temperature. Structure of slag, characterized
by newly discovered texture, reflects condition
intermediate between low-temperature stability
against oxidation and high-temperature strong oxi-
dation of iron.
Steel Alloys
Heat Treatment
Jan 1948
"Thermoelectric Study of Certain Processes Taking
Place in Alloys: I."Yu M. Margolin, 11 pp
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 1
Describes experiments designed to study use of
electromotive foroe in process of tempering and
cooling various types of carbon steel, and process
of transformation in tetragonal martensite during
FDB 44T68
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FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 44
USSR/Metals (Contd) Feb 1948
peculiarities of various precipitates of electrolytic
chrome, as well as to explain variation of physico-
mechanical properties of these precipitates.
FMB 441'67
USSR/Metals Jan 1948
Steel Alloys
Currents, Electric - High Frequency
"Transformation during Heating by High Frequency Cur-
rents," I. N. Kidin? Moscow Steel Inst tmeni I. V.
Stalin., 10 pp
"Zhur Tekh Piz" Vol XVIII, No I
Established theory on transformation and carried out
extensive study of U7 steel showing that when heating
by high frequency current possible to obtain struc-
ture of cryptocrystalline martensite.
FIB 44T70
USSR/Nuclear Physics - Electrone, Positive Feb 1948
Nuclear Physics - Gamma Radiation
"Angular Distribution of the -Quanta Which Are
Formed in the Annihilation of Positrons," N. A.
Vlasov, E. A. Tsirel'son, Phys lust, Leningrad State
37-ar PP
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LIX? No 5
EXperiments set up to solve two problems: 1) to deter
mine form of distribution, and 2) conclusively deter-
mine sensitivity of calculators based on insufficient
data on relation of positrons to electrons. Submitte
by Academician P. I. Lukirskiy, 8 Dec 1947.
FDB 44T72
USSR/Nuclear Physics - Neutrons - Measure- Feb 1948
Nuclear Physics - Neutrons - Cross Sections
"Interaction of Neutrons and Nuclei," V. N. Kondrat'-
yev? 92 pp
"Uspekh Fiz Naue Vol XXXIV, No 2
Discusses theory of nuclear reaction, methods of
measuring cross section, and experimental data. De-
scribes theory as it applies to cross-section measure
ments. Contains some 57 pages of tables showing ele-
ment tested, the En per Mev, source of neutrons,as,
a- ofdispersion, ad of absorption, and various re-
marks. Long bibliography contains many works of
foreign scientists.
FMB 44T74
- 14
Steel, High Speed
Jan 1948
"Effect of Boron an Structure of High Speed Steel,"
A. K. Shevelov, Gor'kiy Physicotech Res last, 6 pp'
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" -Vol XVIII No 1
Describes X-ray research on carbon steels., includ-
ing details of experiments on alloys, and tabulates
results. Concludes that addition of boron permits
preservation in calcinated RF1 steel of residual
Jan 1948
"Some Problems of Combustion," V. Ss Pushkin, 11 pp
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 1
Discusses combustion of coal particles, burning out
of coal seam from the surface, and combustion of
coal wall in a passage. Includes formulae and ex-
perimental data.
FDB 44T71
USSR/Nuclear Physics - Nuclear Research Feb 1948
Nuclear Physics - Isotopes
"Direct Methods of Isotopic Identification in Nu-
clear Research," A. P. Grinberg, 4 pp
"Uspekh Fiz Rauk" Vol XXXIV, No 2
Describes two methods used to determine mass number
.of isotopes resulting from absorption of neutrons.
In first methods substance tested subjected to pro-
longed and powerful neutron bombardment. Tested
material must have its natural isotopic content.
Possible to determine the isotope that absorbed
neutrons. In the second test, materials prepared
so that they had particularly high content of one
FDB 441173
USSR/Nuclear Physics - Nuclear Research Feb 1948
particular isotope. Isotopes differed with samples.
Studies conducted to determine amount Of absorption
by each of various samples. Most of material in
article is from foreign sources.
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USSR/NUclear.Physics - Electron Theory Feb 1948
Nuclear Physics - Nuclear Theory
"Derivation of the Schwarzshield-Nordstrem Type for
Ordinary Point Charges (Classical Theory of the Elec-
tron)," M. F. Shirokov, Moscow State ur, 7 pp
"Zhur Eksper I Teoret Fiz" Vol XVIII No 2
Shows that for the point charge etc) general solution of
the equation for Einstein's tension and the electro-
magnetic field, including product functionA (r),
after proper selection, can be applied to gravitation-
al as well as electromagnetic field and yet have no
particular characteristic for all ranges of measure-
ment for r within the limits of zero to infinity.
FDB 44T75
USSR/Nuclear Physics - Electron Theory Feb 1948
Shows that electron has right relative 4-vector energy
Impulse and that the tensor of the energy impulse
satisfies Lau's theorem. Submitted for publication,
5 Jul 1947,
FDB 44T75
USSR/Physics Feb 1948
USSR/Nuclear Physics - Mass Spectrometers Feb 1940
Nuclear Physics - Haloids
"Mass Spectrometric Study of Formation of Negative
Ions of Haloids during Interaction ofHaloid Salts
With the Surface of Incandescent Tungsten," N. I.
Ionov, Phys Chem last, Aced Sci USSR, Leningrad,
13 pp
"Zhur Eksper I Teoret Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
Mass spectrometric study made on
(NaC1, K011 RbC11 CsCl, etc.) on
sten. In all cases, possible to
of negative haloid ions entering
of the salt studied. Shows that
negative ions
incandescent tung-
determine the atom
into composition
temperature re-
USSR/Nuclear Physics - Mass Spectrometers Feb 1948
lationship for formation of negative atom ions can
be calculated on thermodynamic formula, analogous
to Sacks-Langmuir's formula. Submitted for publi-
cation, 6 Jun 1947.
FDB 41076
"Theory of Electroconductivity of Strong Electroly-
tes," I. Khalatnokov, Inst Phys Problems, Azad Sci
USSR, 14 pp
"Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
Describes nonstationary problem: The binary electro-
lyte with equal movement of both types of ions at the
instant when time t =0, is acted on by constant ex-
ternal electric field X. Determines electroconductiv-
ity of this electrolyte, as function of time and in-
tensity of constant electric field. Submitted for
publication, 18 Jun 1947.
FDB 44T77
USSR/Physics Feb 1948
Electromagnetic Waves
Fields, Electromagnetic
"Remarks on Spherical Electromagnetic Waves," V. Soro-
kin Ivanovo State Pedagogical Inst, 8 pp
"Zhur Eksper iTeoret Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
With aid of vector functions, author shows how it is
possible to obtain, by elementary methods, functions
and representations for electromagnetic spherical
waves in empty space and electromagnetic fields of
multipoles. Submitted for publication, 25 Jun 1947.
FDB 44T79
Quantum Mechanics
Feb 1948
"Quantum gydromechanics," K. P. Gurov, 16 pp
"Zhur Eksper I Teoret Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
Discusses construction of general macroscopic hydro-
dynamic equations for "normal" fluids, based on
quantummechanical equations for the molecular sys-
tem. Pays particular attention to fundamentals of
such construction and to analysis of physical pre-
requisites, and fundamentals of method hereby de-
veloped, Which appears to be quantum analogy of
Bogolyubov. Evaluation of final results shows that
FDB 44T78
USSR/Physics (Contd) Feb 1948
initial quantum-mechanical picture reflected in
formulas for the coefficient of hydrodynamic equa-
tions. Submitted for publication, 17 Nov 1947.
FDB 44T78
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RESTRICTED FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 44
Zinc Oxide
Feb 1948
"Spectra of Luminescence of Zinc Oxide," F. I. VergUn-
as, F. F. Gavrilov, Siberian Physicotech Inst, Tomsk
I-T, 3i PP
"Zhur Eksper I Teoret Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
Studies spectra of luminescence of zinc oxide, gen-
erated as a result of thermal processing at various
temperatures. Submitted for publication, 23 jun 1947.
FDB 44T80
Low Temperature Research
Feb 1948
"Electroconduotivity of Ferromagnets at Low Temper-
atures," S. V. VOnsovskiy? Inst Phys Metals, Ural
Br, Acad. Soi USSR, 5 pp
"Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XVIII No 2
Electrical resistande at low temperatures deter-
mined by means of experiments on apProximate models
of ferramagnets, acted an by various "outer" s-
electrons of conductance, and "internal" d-electrons
which cause spontaneous magnetization. Shows that
process of collision of sselectrons and "ferramag-
FDB 44T81
USSR/Physics Feb 1948
Spectra, Band
Spectra, Adsorption
"Theory of Adsorption Spectrum of Molecular Crystals,"
A. S. Davydov, Inst Plays, Acad. Sci? Ukrainian SSR, 9p
"Zhur Eksper I Teoret XVIII, No 2
States general theory of energy state of electrons in
molecular crystals. Shows that in this type of crys-
tals occurs displacement and division of energy levels
Into two components, having different polarization.
Submitted for publication, 19 jun 1947.
FDB 44T82
USSR/Physics (Contd) Feb 1948
none" ("spin wave" of d-electrons) during magnetiz-
ing, generates electric resistance specifie for
ferromagnets which vary with temperature V. Sub-
mitted for publication, 16 Oct 1947.
FDB 44T81
Spectra, Adsorption
Feb 1948
"Theory of Adsorption Spectrum of the Diphenyl Mole-
cule," A. S. Dayydov, last Phys, Aced Sci, Ukrainian
"Zhur Eksper I Teoret Fie Vol XVIII, No 2
Calculates spectrum for the. diphenyl molecule on busts
of observations of division of energy stages of the
phenyl group. Submitted for publication, 19 Jun 1947.
Feb 1948
Feb 1948
"New Opinion on Electronic Conductivity in Ionic .
Crystals," S. I. Poker, Inst Phys, Aced Sci,,Ukrain-
ian SSR, Kiev State is, 5 pp
"Zhur Eksper I Teoret Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
States that basic Current flew in semiconductors not
that formed by electrons in conductance zone but by
"polaron" current (formed by electrons, localized in
ideal ion crystal). Gives methods to calculate
movement of "polarons" in external electric field.
Submitted for publication, 14 Jun 1947.
FDB k4T84
"Polarization of the Line of Combination Dispersion,"
M. V. Volgkenshteyn? State Opt Inst, 11 pp
"Zhur Eksper 1 Teoret Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
Rules for general approximation based on valency-
optical system. Rules applicable to polarization of
the line of combined dispersion, and considered sup-
plementary to Plachek's rules. Gives experimental
confirmation of rules. Submitted for publication,
24 May 1947.
Polarographio Analysis
Feb 1948
"Depolarization of Light Dispersed by Polymer Solu-
tions," E. Frisman, V. Tsvetkov, Leningrad State U,
12 pp
"Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
Studies depolarized light, dispersed by some rubber-
like polymers in solution, for various conditions of
polarization of the falling light. Determines con-
centration relationship of depolarization in poly-
styrole solutions and high molecular isobutyl (op-
panol). aperiments show that the whole macramole-
FDB 44T86
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RESTRICTED FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 44
Crystals - Color
Feb 1948
"Nature of the Centers of Luminescence in Photochemi-
cally Colored AlkalisHaoloid Crystals," M. L. Kate,
Saratov State U, 10 pp
"Zhur Eksper I Teoret Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 2
Studies relation between luminescence of photechemi-
cally colored crystals of liaC1 and EC1 and concentra-
tion of color centers, and determines that lumines-
oence of theee crystals not accidental result of ad-
mixtures of foreign atoms, but result of optical and
thermal dissociation of the Fscenters. EValuates
FIB 44T87
USSR/Physics (Contd) Feb 1948
mechanism of illumination of colored alkali-haloid
crystals. Submitted for publication, 4 Jun 1947.
USSR/Physice Feb 1948
Nhthematics, Applied
"Principle of Illumination," A. N. Tikhonov, A. A.
Samarskiy, Nbseow State Dr? 6 pp.
"Zhur Ek per i Teoret Piz" Vol XVIII, No 2
Formulates general principle of illumination for wave
equation to find limited solutions that satisfy this
equation (where t-40infinite) in accordance with Kosh's
works. Shows that for unlimited spaces, method pro-
duces solutions conforming to solutions obtained by
-Zomerfelgd. Submitted for publication, 8 Jul 1947.
Amplifiers, Photoelectric
Cathodes, Photoelectric
"Photoelectronic Amplifier with an Antimony-Cesium
Cathode," S. M. Faynshteyn, Inst Automatics and Tele-
mech, Acad Sci USSR, 10 pp
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 1
Describes experiments on special photoelectric ampli-
fier, and gives details of method of research, method
of activation, photosensitivity of the cathode, sec-
ondary electronic emission of Cu-S-Cs-layer,'and spec-
tral sensitivity.
Jan 1948
USSR/Physics (Contd)
Feb 1948
cub e is dispersion center in the Solution. Mole-
cular chains have appearance Of .irregular knots.
Submitted for publication, 7 Jun 1947.
'Feb 19118
"Influence of Distribution of Eleotrons:Actording
to Level of Localization on Course of Luminescent
Processes in 0a3-SrS-Ce, am, La-Phosphori? and Num-
ber of Multiple Localized Electrons," V. L. Lev-
shin, Plays Inst imeni P. N. Lebedev, Aced Sol USSR,
15 pp
"Zhur Eksper i Teoret Piz" Vol XVIII, no 2
Shows that the progress of various illuminating
processes of subject substances dependent not only
on number of ionized centers and corresponding lo-
FDB 44T88
USSR/Physics (Contd) Feb 1948
calized electrons, but also on distribution of elec-
trons along levels of localization :Discusses phe-
nomenon of recurrent discharges and phosphorescence.
Gives schematic calculation of build-up of light
discharges and phosphorescence during intense dis-
charges, as well as illamination of phosphors with
Infrared rays. Submitted for publication, 50 May
Luminescent Materials
Jan 1948
"Photoelectric Photometry of Temporarily Luminous
Bodies," S. A. Fridman, N. 0. Chechik, Inst Auto-
matics and Telemech, Aced Sci USSR, 4 pp
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 1
Discusses fading effect of temporarily luminous
bodies, points out necessity of detailed study of
this effect from theoretical and practical View-
point, and makes suggestions for photoelectric ex-
FDB 44T91
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RESTRICTED FMB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 44
Sound Waves
Sound - Measurements
Jan 1948
"Sound KeY and Homogenous Sound Lens," L. D. Rozen-
burg, Phys That imeni P. N. Lebedev, Acad. Sci USSR,
, 24 pp
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 1
Describes in detail experiments designed to produce
accurate solution to problem of the passage of sound
waves through prdsm or lens, and tabulates results.
FDB 44T92
USS/Physics Feb 1948
Spectrographie Analysis
Spectra, Vibration
"Frequency of Vibration of the Hydroxide Group of All
phatic Aid s in the Gas Phase in Spectra of Combina-
tional. DispeSeics Light" M. I. Batuyev, Inst Org
Chem, Aoad Set USSR, 3* pp
"Dok Akad Nauk sasR, Nova Sar" Vol LIX, No 5
Many studies eonvineed seientists of absence of the
frequency 0 -H in combinational speetrums of aliphati
acids. Series of theories developed to support this
fast. Author describee series of experiments he eon-
ducted, Reeulte disprove all previous work done on
subjeeto Submitted by. Leademician B. A. Kazanskiy,
6 Deo 1947. Ees8
? 44T94
US5R/Physics Feb 1948
Alloye, Magnetle
"Phenomenon of Retardation of Abrupt Changes in Mag-
netization," R, V, Teleeia, Sci Res Inst Phys, Mose()
State U imeni M. V. Lomenosov, 2 pp
"Dok: Akad Naek SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LIX, No 5
During coarse of ?avestigating magnetic viscosity of
ferrous-nickel alloys, new phenomenon determined:
intenee retardation of abrupt changes in magnetization
(Barkhausen effect). Describes experiments set up to
clarify phenomenons anfirevaluation of results.. Sub-
mitted by Academician Vo F. Mitkevieh, 4 Dec 1947.
FEB 44T96
Feb 1948
Vibration, Supersonic Frequency
Vibration - Absorption
"Absorption of Supersonic Vibrations by Hard Bodies?"
S. Ya, Sokolov, Leningrad Electrotech Inst imeni V. I.
Uluysnov, 3i pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LIX, No 5
Gives results of studies on absorption of supersonic
vibrations by hard bodies. Experiments conducted on
various metal-containing materials, as well as mono-
crystallic quartz, and rock salt. Concludes that de-
gree of absorption greatly dependent on amount of
elastic irregularities present in material being
FDB 44T98
USSR/Physics '
Jan 1948
"Theory of Centrifuging," V.1, Sokolov; AU-Union
Sci Res Inst Chem Mach Construction, 6 pp
"Zhur Teich Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 1
Describes experimentsleading to conclusion -that
use of laws of ground mechanics permits subjection
of centrifuging process to theoretical analysis and
discovery of relations characterizing its kinetics.
Crystal Structures
Feb 1948
"Crystallic Structure of Lai," Ye, Se Makarov, 1 p
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol L, No 5 _
Briefly describes crYstallic structure of the min-
eral compound InBi and In2Bi. 'Submitted, 9 Dec
Gas Flow
Feb 1948
"Some Movements of Gas with Variable Entropy And
Full Ehergy," Yu. V. Rudnevs 2 pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR? Nova Ser" Vol LDC, No 5
Describes case of plane-parallel wholly ideal gas
with established adiabatic movement. Submitted by
Academician M. V. Kel'dysh, 3 Dec 1947.
FDB 44197
USSR/Physics Feb 1948
Mathematics, Applied
"Horizontal Waves and Relay Waves in Anisotropic
Medium," V. A. Sveklo, Karelo-Finnish U, Petro-
zavodsk, 4 pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LIXs No 5
Describes method for calculations on, and also die-
cusses horizontal waves as well as Rayleigh waves
for, elastic anisotropic semiplane. In Particular,
describes operation of source of fluctuation in
elastic semispace. Submitted by Academician V. I.
Smirnov, 8 Dec 1947.
FDB 44T99
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FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 44 R)MBI1M
USSR/Physics (Contd) Feb 1948 Feb 1948
tested. Submitted by Academician M. A. Leontovich,
20 Dec k1947.
FDB 44T98
USSR/Physics Feb 1948
Heaviside Layer
"Contemporary Status of Question of Research an the
Ionosphere," Ya. L. Arpert, 4 pp
"Uspekh Fiz Nauk" Vol XXXIV, No 2
Discusses general outline on propagation of radio
waves in the ionosphere, structure of, diurnal and
seasonal motions of, data on various layers of, and
Irregular phenomena of the ionosphere. Author States
that not his intention to discus's entire subject, .
However, he presents data on the. ionosphere assembled
basically by radio-physical methods. Long bibliog.,
raphy contains works by Soviet as well as foreign
authors.. FDB 44T101
List of Abbreviations
used in FMB Periodical Abstracts
"A. G. Staletov's 'Collection :of Papers: Vol III,
Introduction to Acoustics and Optics'," N. Andreyev,
1 p
"Uspekh Fiz Nauk" Vol XXXIV, No 2
ReviewS 624-page book released by State Publishing
House for Technical and:Theoretical Literature in
1947. Consists of collection of artibles bY var-
ious scientists in field of acoustics and optics.
FMB 44Tioo
USSR/Physics Feb 1948
"Annotated List No 3I of Nonperiodiaal Literature
on Physical Sciences Published in the USSR during
the Third Quarter of 1947," S. A. Shorygin, 10 pp
"Uspekh Fiz Nauk" Vol XXXIVI No 2
Lists books published by various authors in the
Soviet Union indexed according to author. Briefly
describes contents of various books and articles.
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List of Abbreviations
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