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afoproved For Release 1999/08/25: C'IA- 8-03107AO02000010006-3 210580" CIA FOREIGN DOCUMENTS BRANCH PERIODICAL ABSTRACTS Prepares by Foreign Documents Branch CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 2430 E Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. REV DATE PAGES- ?EXt R.V Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-R P78-03107AO02000010006-3 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 WARNING THIS DOCUM ONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STA (THIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT. 50 U.S.C.. 31 AND 32. AS AMEND ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO A AUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- HIBITED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THE INTELLI IN THIS PUBLICA- TION IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT SPECIAL AUTHORITY FROM TH RECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE. Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 Alproved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 Foreign Documents Branch C I A Periodical Abstracts 15 Jun 1948 SCIENTIFIC Number 46 Material abstracted in this publication has not been translated. The original-language. periodicals are available in various libraries as indicated. Due to personnel limitations within C I A, each recipient of this publication is strongly encouraged to prepare its own translations of such arti- cles. When an agency intends to make such a translation, Foreign Documents Branch should be noti- fied promptly (Telephone ecutive 6115, Ext 575) in order to avoid possible duplication. Foreign Documents Branch also requests that it be furnished with one copy of such translations.' If agen- cies are unable to prepare translations desired by them, requests for translation of such articles as are considered to be of outstanding intelligence value should be addressed to the Office of Col- lection and Dissemination, C I A, 2430 E Street, NW, Washington 25, D.C.; reference should. be made to the code numbers and letters in the lower right+hsnd corner of each card. Requests for the loan of original-language periodicals which are indicated herein as being available in FDB, C I A, should likewise be addressed to the Office of Collection and Dissemination, C I A. NOTE: All periodicals listed below are available in the Foreign Documents Branch, CIA. Abstracted in this issue: Title Date Russian Periodicals "Avtomatika i Telemekhanika" (Automatics and Telemechanics) Vol IX No 1 Jan 1948 Cards 7-10 "Elektrichestvo" (Electricity) No 2 Feb 1948 Cards 15-2.. "Fel'dsher i Akusherka" (Medical Assistant and Midwife) Feb 1948 Cards 72-74 "Gigiyena i Sanitariya" (Hygiene and Sanitation) No 3 Mar 1948 Cards 75-85 "Khirurgiya" (Surgery) Feb 1948 Cards 48-50 "Kolloidnyy Zhurnal" (Colloid Journal) Vol X No 1 Jan/Feb 19+8 Cards 4-6, 95, 96 "Meditsinskaya Sestra" (Medical Nurse) No 3 Mar 1948 Cards 64, 65 "?gneupory" (Fireproofing) No 3 Mar 1948 Cards 29-31 "Prikladnaya Maternatika i Mekhanika" (Applied Mathematics Vol XII No 1 Feb 1948 and Mechanics) Cards 27, 28 "Priroda" (Nature) No 1 Jan 1948 Cards 1, 2, 32-47, 91-94, 101 "Problemy Tuberkuleza" (Problems of Tuberculosis) No 1 Jan/Feb 1948 Cards 86-9a "Sovetskoye Zdrayookhraneniye" (Soviet Public Health) No 1 Jan/Feb 1948 Cards 66-71 "Stomatologiya" (Stomatology) No 1 Jan 1948 Cards 51-54 "Tsement" (Cement) No i Jan/Feb 1948 Cards 24-26 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107A002000010006-3 FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 4+6 ,.ra n i "Vestnik Akademii Meditsinskikh Nauk SSSi2" (Herald of the Academy No 1 Feb 19+8 of Medical Sciences of the USSR) Cards 55-59 , "'Veatriik Svyazi - Elektro-Svyaz'" (Herald of Communications - No 3 (96) Mar 191E8 Electrocommunications) Cards 3, 11-14, 97-100 "Voprosy Neyrokhirurgii" (Problems of Neurosurgery) No 1 Jan/Feb 191+8 Card 60 "Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii" (Journal of General Biology) Vol IX No 1 Jan/Feb 1913 Cards 61-63 NOTE In indexing these abstracts the following guides are used: MEDICINE - "Quarterly Cumulative Iridex Medicus," American Medical Association; C IEMISTRY - "Chemical Abstracts Subject Index," American Chemical Society; GENERAL - "Subject Headings for. Technical Libraries," US Department of Commerce, Office of Technical Services. Distribution State 6 Army 21+ Navy 20 Air Force 6 Library of Congress 5 AEC 3 RDB 2 CIA 16 FDB 20 2 - Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107A002000010006-3 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107A002000010006-3 POLAND/Academy of Sciences Jan 1948 USSR/Arctic Studies Geogrphy "New Suvoe see of Revived Polish Science," D. V. Ic e Formation f Lebedev, 2 pp "Priroda" No 1 Poland, under democratic government, has made great strides in field of science. Discusses higher scien- tifio attainments in education, briefly commenting on Polish Academy of Sciences, 5 May 1946 and 29 Sep 1946 scientific session, Polish Scientific and Research In- stitute, scientific oonferenoes, and some of the more important scientific journals published in Poland. FDB 46Ti USSR/Ccammunioat ions Telegraphy Telephony "Order No 75: Working Program for Cammunioations Or- ganizations in 1948" 2 pp "Vest Svyazi - Hlektro-Svyaz'" No 3 (96) Order calls for all workers to unite for further in- creases in production of all branches of ' oomomunioationi in order to guarantee a completion and overfulfillment of Five-Year Plan. Gives most attention to completion of revenue and exchange plans, to sharp improvement of quality of work, and servicing all means of communica- tions: Telegraph workers must out delay in telegram FDB USSR/Communications (Contd) Mar 1948- deliveries in half in comparison with last quarter of 1947. Intercity telephone stations must improve ser- vice to subscribers. Line workers must improve tech- nical conditions of lines and cables. City telephone workers sharply to improve technical exploitation of lines. Radio workers to guarantee uninterrupted ser- vice of radio networks. FDB ? 46T3 USSR/Chemistry - Colloidal Chemistry - Jan/Feb 1948 Chemistry - Sorption "Sorption Phenomenon in Capillary Systems," K. V. Chmutov, Mil Aoad Chem Defense, Lab Colloidal Chem, 10 pp "Kolloid Zhur" Vol X, No 1 Shows principle method to determine limits within which Calvin's equations can be applied with reference to phenomenon of capillary condensation. Describes apparatus for creating synthetic capillary system. Submitted for publication, 23 Jan 1947. FDB 46T5 -3- Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 FM Periodical Abstraotb Scientific No 46 Jan 1948 "Geographic Distribution of Ice and Clay Hummooks iz Northern Eurasia," B. A. Tikho:airov, 2 pp "Priroda" No 1 Briefly describes distribution of ice and clay hum- mocks (bugrov-baydzharokhoy) in northern Eurasia. Notes that they have increased on Dikson Island, and author attributes this to increased economy (agri- culture and industry) oausing'greater erosion in that area. States that this phenomenon is found in Arctic permafrost regions and in those mountainous regions favorable for formation of fossil ice. 46T2 USSR/Chemistry - atnulsims Jan/Feb 1948 Chemistry - Colloidal Chemistry "Basic Principles of Formation of Highly Stable Con- centrated Emulsions,". L. Ya. Kremnev, Leningrad Tech Inst imeni Lensovet, 8 pp "Kolloid Zhur" Vol X, No 1 Presents two methods to produce highly stable oon- centr'ated emulsions. Deals particularly with sta- bilizing properties of'mixtures of oleic sold sodium and aliphatic esters, for purpose of manufacturing concentrated emulsions. Experiments show that mix- tures of sodium cleats and oetyl alcohol produce highly stable concentrated emulsions that do not PTO 46T4 USSR Chemistry - Lmmulsions (Contd) Jan Feb 1948 Mar 1948 disintegrate for long periods. Submitted for publi- cation, 5 Jan 1947. USSR/Chemistry - Rubber Chemistry - Oxidation 46T4 Jan/eb 1948 "Research in the Field of Oxidation of Polydienes: II, Modifioation of Chemical Properties of Na-buta- diane Rubber during Oxidation by Molecular Oxygen," A. S. 1hz'minskiy, L. L. Shanin, T. G. Degteva, K. A. Lapteva, Phys Chem That imeni Karpov, Lab Poly- merization Processes, 7 pp "Kolloid Zhur" Vol X, No 1 Data obtained shown that oxidation destruction basically occurs along double bond of linear poly- mer chain. Show that heating of Na-butadiene poly- mers in high vacuum at 1000 results in remarkable PDB 46T6 Approved For Release 1999/08/25-: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 RESTRICTED PDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 46 USSR /Electricity, Circuits) Ferroresonant Stabilizers Jan 1948 "Influence of Frequency Fluctuation in the Operation of Ferroresonant Voltage Stabilizers," B. V. Belya- yev, Inst Automatics and Telemech, Acad Sdi USSR, 15 pp "Avtomatika I Telemekh" Vol IX, No 1 Ecamiaes causes of dependence of magnitude of output voltage of ferroresanant stabilizers upon change of frequency of input voltage. Makes analysis by graph- ic and analytic methods for plan based on ferroreao- nant voltages and for plan using ferroresonant our- 46T7 USSR/Electricity (Coned) Jan. 1948 rents. Shows qualitative and quantitative-influence of basic parameters of the stabilizer on this depend- ence, Examines existing methods of decreasing; de- pendence of magnitude of output voltage upon change in frequency together with author's plan. ]RESTRICTED USSR/Chemistry Rubber (Coned) Jan/Feb 19+8 (up to 20%) decrease in unsaturated nature of the material. Decrease due to structure of polymer. Submitted for publication, 5 Feb 1947. FDB 46T6 USSR/Electricity Resistors, Nonlinear Systems, Electric Jan 19+8 "Thermistore and Their Application in Systems," B. S. Sotskov, Inst Automatics and Telemech, Acad Sci USSR, 20 pp "Avtomatika I Telemekh" Vol IX, No 1 FDB l+6T7 USSR /Eleotric ity Cables Mathematics, Applied Jan 1911.8 "Application of 'Resolution of Equations' Method to Analysis of Lines Operating in Bunched Cables," V. I. Kovalenkov, Inst Automatics and Telemech, Acad Sci USSR, 9 pp "Avtomatika I TelemekhBO Vol. DC, No 1 Explains conditions in resolution of system of equa- tions expressing development of electromagnetic processes along two interacting lines. FDB 1+6T9 USSR/Electricity Jan 19+8 Circuits, Nonlinear Mathematics, Applied Treats thermistors one of the new elements of elec- trotechn.ical systems. Thermistors have resistance changing considerably on heating. Change can be 10 - 1,000 times. Very diverse applications of thermietors possible depending on method of heat- ing, i.e., by ssotue external source of heat or by FDB li.6T8 USSR/Electricity (Contd) Jan 1948 passing current through thermistor. Points out most common applications of thermistors and methods to determine currents and voltage in circuits with thermistors. I FDB 46T8 USSR/Electricity Generators, Electric Amplifiers mar 19+8 "Oscillation Method of Linearization of Some Nonlin- ear Systems," A. A. Krasovskiy, 10 pp "Avtotnatika I Telemekh" Vol IX, No 1 Examines method to change properties of several non- linear systems by means of applying periodic forces of high frequencies to these systems. On the basis of known theorem on neutralization of an equation with a small parameter, shows that with sufficiently high frequencies and aauplitudes of the exciting force, behavior of some nonlinear systems approximates be- 46T10 "Generator for Regulating AC Amplifiers in Main Re- ceivers," A. Ya. Stukman, Engr, 2 pp "Vest Svyaz1 - Elektro-Svyaz'" No 3 (96) To obtain a curve on osoillograph screen showing de- pendence of voltage at the output of the intermedi- ate frequency amplifier upon frequency of signal fed to the input, calibrated frequency modulation oscillator needed, making it possible to adjust and read off deviations in frequency. Principal diagram for such a generator to be used for testing receiv- ers of the main trunk lines shown and discussed. FDB 46T11 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107A002000010006-3 FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 46 RESTRICTED USSR leetricity (Contd) Jan 1948 havior of a linear system. Examines method of tech- nical linearization of system of automatic regula- tion. USSR/Electricity Mar 1948 Currents, Electric - High Frequency Circuits, Volume Compressor "Preparation of Steel Circuits for Compressing High Frequency Currents," P. A. Frolov,'Engr, 1 p "Vest Svyazi - Elektro-Svyaz"' No 3 (96) Compression of steel circuits possible only by ful- filling following conditions: 1) maintaining specif- ic lengths of boosting sectors, asymmetric ohmic values, and asymmetric insulation of conductors; 2) satisfactory attenuation characteristics, without peaks or dips; 3) maintenance of minimum level of transmission attenuation in the frequency range up FDB 46Tl0 USSR Electricity Cables, Communication Coils Mar 1948 "Choice of Coil Loading System for Communication Cables," V. N. Kuleshov, Candidate Tech Sci, V. V. Sokolov, Engr, 3* pp "Vest Svyazi - Elektro-Svyaz?" No 3 (96) Recommends coil loading system of intercity, city and suburban cables as result of analysis. Coils with inductance of 100/,79 millihenrys inserted at intervals of 1.7 kilometers in coil loading of audio frequency circuit cable having cord-paper insulation and capacity of 26.5 ? 10-9 farads per kilometer. FDB 46T13 USSR /Electricity mar 1948 Batteries Corrosion Prevention "Improvement in the Operation of Alkaline Batteries," I. M. Sirota, Engr, l' pp "Vest Svyazi - Elektro-Svyaz?" No 3 (96) In charging alkaline batteries the strong gas current arising in "boiling" carries particles of alkali out of the batteries. Particles settle on iron cups and wooden boxes in which batteries are mounted and be- come salts. Salts then cause corrosion in the parts of the battery. Special type of hole for the battery designed to prevent salt formation is illustrated. FDB 46T14 USSR/Electricity. Feb 1948 Terminology "Problem of New Electrical Engineering Terms," L. P. Podol?skiy, Candidate Tech Sc!, All-Union Corr Ener- getics lust, p "Elektrichestvo" No 2 With rapid expansion of electrical engineering, Sovi? et scientists forced to make use of foreign terms rather than develop a term of Russian origin fitting the case. Suggests that committee be set up to de- velop new Soviet terminology and that one of main tasks of committee be to publish new terms at least twice yearly in the journal, "Elektrichestvo." FDB 46T16 -5 - 46T12 USSR Electricity (Contd) Mar 1948 to 9,000 cycles if two or more circuits being com- pressed, and if light circuits hung on the same pole; 4) construction of input circuit in boost- ing points, as a rule, on separate lines. USSR/Electricity Synchronizers Synchronous Machines 46T12 Feb 1948 "Characteristics of an Amplidyne-Selsyn Synchro- Tracking System," D. A. Popov, Candidate Tech Sc!, Moscow, 21 pp "Elektrichestvo" No 2 Angle of congruence in aruplidyne-selsyn synchro- tracking system linearly dependent on speed of trans- mission and moment of load. System has high coeffi- cient of quality in the order of 600 sec1 , and thus requires high degree of precision in operation. From standpoint of rapid operation of the driving FIB 46T15 USSR/Electricity (Coned) Feb 1948 gear, the time constant for stabilization of the circuit is very important. This time is about 0.1 see for a 0.5 kw drive. The best stability for this system is Tak - 0.15 sec. 46T15 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 RESTRICTED USSR/Electricity Generators, Electric Insulation, Electric "Method of Computing Protection Short Circuiting to Ground," A. Moscow, 6 pp FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 46 RESTRICTED Feb 1948 USSR/Electricity Feb 1948 Electric Systems - Protection Lightning of Generators agains B. Barzam, Engr, "Elektrichestvo" No 2 Describes method to calculate protection of genera- tors against short circuiting to ground permitting easy and.fairly accurate selection of parameters, and also simple means of comparing value of various types of protection. Experimental means to determin amount of current unbalance and the coefficient of FDB l6T17 USSR/Electricity (Contd) Feb 1948 leakage of transformer currents necessary for con- struction and.calculation of the protection. FDB 46T17 USSR/Electricity Electrical Equipment Insulation, Electric Feb 1948 "Preventive Testing of Insulation in Electrical Ma- chines," Prof A. M. Zalesskly, Dr Tech Sci., Lenin- grad Polytech Inst ineni Kalinin, 6 pp "Elektrichestvo" No 2 Shows importance of further study on problem of pre- ventive testing of insulation of electric machinery (generators and motors). Recommends method of using high voltage rectifiers. Discusses various types fox preventive testing of insulation, and notes deficien- cies of these types. USSR /Electricity Electrification Agriculture 46T19 Feb 1948 "State of and Prospects for Development of Agricul- tural Electrification in the USSR," G. K. Susloparov, Eagr, Electrification Adm, Ministry Agr USSR, 4 pp "Elektrichestvo" No 2 One of greatest postwar plans is greater development of agricultural electrification. Briefly gives data on growth of agricultural electrification during pre- war and first two postwar years. Discusses impor- tance of small hydroelectric stations and thermoelec- tric stations using local fuels. Lists most impor- FDB 46T21 "Estimation of Reliability of Storm Protection at High Voltage Substations," M. V. Kostenko, Candidate Tech Sci; V. M. Nashatyr', Rngr, 0. V. Shcherbachev, Engr, Leningrad Polytech Inst imeni Kalinin, 5 PP Describes methods to evaluate effectiveness and se- lection of lightning protection for substations. Explains construction of circuit model to determine the "curve for dangerous lightning" for substation serving the. Institute. Gives fundamentals for se- FDB - - 46T18 USSR/Electricity (Contd) Feb 1948 letting length of lightning rods taking into account deformation of lightning waves as result of corona impulses. FDB USSR/Electricity Generators, Electric Commutation 46T'18 Feb 1948 "Commutator-Type Alternating Current Generator with Frequency Regulation Independent of Speed of Rota- tion," M. P. Kostenko, Corr Mem Acad Sci USSR, Ener- getics Inst imeni 1trzhizhanovskiy, Acad Sci USSR, Leningrad Polytech Inst imeni Kalinin, 21 pp "Elektrichestvo" No 2 Discusses various systems of exciter circuits for driving commutator-type generators, induction of emf in the coils, methods to make additions to windings and methods for generating commutator fields for FDB 46T20 USSR/Electricity (Contd) Feb 1948 improved commutation. Briefly mentions power capacity of commutator-type generators in comparison to DC machinery Discusses basic fields for us-e of commutator-type generators. Submitted at 9 Jun 1947 session of Section of Technical Sciences, Academy of Sciences, USSR. FDB 46T2a Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 46 RESTRICTED USSR Electricity (Contd) Feb 1948 tent tasks facing "Selrelektro" Industry, particular ly on research in agricultural electrification. FDB 46T21 USSR /Engineering Feb 1948 Magnetic Treatment - Ships Degaussing "Degaussing Ships," V. A. Govorkov, Candidate Tech Soil 4 pp "Elektrichestvo" No 2 Reviews process of degaussing ships, with data ob- tained from JIE, Vol 93, No 70, 71 (1946). Gener- ally describes reasons for magnetizing a ship, basic fundamentals of degaussing, and types of magnetism which may be present in ship. Methods to determine surface of magnetic field of ship (while ship is in water). Method to degauss by coils. Temporary FDB 46T23 USSR/Engineering (Coned) Feb 19118 changes in magnetism of ship due to "rubbing." Temporary change of magnetism of ship by impulse cur rent. Transverse and diagonal degaussing of ship axe correction of ship?s magnetic compass after degaus- sing process. USSR-Electricity Dryers, Electric Lumber Feb 1948 "Problem of High-Frequency Lumber Drying " A. V. Netushil, Candidate Tech Sci, TsNILEPS, P "Elektrichestvo" No 2 Lists various journals containing articles on sub- ject of high-frequency.drying of lumber and stresses economy of this method. F USSR/Engineering Cement Efficiency, Industrial 46T22 Jan/Feb 1948 "Tasks of the Cement Industry for 1948" 2 pp "Tsement" No 1 Cement industry produced 110, more cement in 1947 than in 1946. However, plan net for 19117 was-not fulfilled. Plants fully capable of fulfilling plan. Many cement works received government aid in form of riechanized equipment during 1947. Main reason for nonfulfillment of plan; unsatisfactory operation of some cement mills, due to lack of preparation for winter operations. Unskilled personnel also attrib- FDB 116T24 USSR/Engineering (Contd) Jan/Feb 1948 uted to this shortcoming. Urges that 19118 be year where all these little kinks be ironed out so that industry can redeem itself during 19118. FDB 46T23 FDB .116T24 USSR /Engineer Ing Cement Bauxite Jan/Feb 1948 USSR/Engineering Welding Equipment Furnaces Jan/Feb 19118 "Substitute for Bauxite in Production of Aluminous Cement" l2 pp "Tsement" No 1 During World War II, England experienced a def icienc of bauxite, and after some research built factory f production. of substitute for bauxite, and manufacture of aluminous cement. Describes equipment and proc- ess. FDB 46T25 "Rotating Furnace of Welded Construction" 32 pp Describes various methods instituted to expedite process of welding together tubular'sections for ro- tating furnace. Principle of this aid is series of rollers on which sections are placed, and then sec- tions rotated on rollers to produce a continuous seam, without moving the welding apparatus. De- scribes welding on outside surface of the tubes, as well as from inside. FDB 46T26 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 46 RESTRICTED USSR/Engineering i. -- Feb 1948 USSR/Engineering Plates -? Bending Mechanics Mechanics, Applied Dynamics "Review of Works Published in the USSR on the Bend- I ing Theory of Thick and Thin Plates," G. Yu. Dxhanel- idze, Leningrad, 17 pp "Prik Matematika i Mekh" Vol XII, No 1 Gives bibliography of 69 works and discusses under following three headings: 1) research on the theory of thick plates and plates of variable thickness, 2) studies tending in a classical direction, and 3) studies on the theory of thin plates conducted ac- cording to new method . FDB 46T27 USSR Engineering Bricks Refractory Materials Mar 1948 "Problems of Utilization of Statistical Method for Control of Quality of Refractory Materials," Prof S. V. Glebov, 91 pp "Ogneupory" No 3 Describes advantages of statistical method for con- trol of production, especially mass production. Dis cusses-, basic uses of statistical analysis of data for control of quality, use of statistical methods for control of quality of blast-furnace brick, and coefficients for o-orrelation and equation of regres- FDB 46T29 USSR/Engineering (Contd) mar 1948 sion. Terms method new weapon toward increasing quality of industrial products in refractory mate- rials FDB 46T29 USSR Engineering Refractory Materials Clay Mar 19-8 "New Method for Control of Properties of Refractory Materials," Prof P. S. Mamykin, Dr Tech Sci; B. A. Loshkarev, Engr, 31 pp "Ogneupory" No 3 One'of basic methods for controlling quality of re- fractory materials is determination of amount of clay and fireproofing material contained in the mass. This method applies principle of precipitation. Raw refractory material mixed with water and observation made on speed of settlement of components of the re- FDB 46T31 Feb 1948 "Investigation of Dynamic 'Degeneration' Systems by Means of?Diecontinuityl E~rpothesisyll N. V. Butenin, Leningrad Mil Air- Ettgin Acad, 20 pp "Prik Matematika i Mekh" Vol XII, No 1 Attempts to shown that "disc-)ntinuity" hypothesis very useful in examining movement of some mechanical systems, while maintaining simplest mathematical model of the studied object, i.e., "discontinuity" .hypothesis makes it possible to overcome those in- ternal discrepancies arising in idealization of FDB 46T28__ vSSR/Engineering (Contd) Feb 1948 dynamic system being examined. Illustrates those questions of idealization of some mechanical systems A. A. Andronov formulated. FDB USSR/Engineering Foundries Refractory Materials 46T28 Mar 1948 "Production of Foundry Ladle Brick Utilizing Nev?- yarnsk Kaolin," D. I. Gavrish, D. P..Zegzhda, Engi- neers, 6 pp "Ogneupory" No 3 Ural Refractory Works add 30 - 35% Nev?yansk kaolin to their slate for purpose of manufacturing low porus foundry ladle. Discusses historical develop- ment of use of this material as part of the ccmnposi- tion for substance used in production of foundry ladles. Most of tests conducted at N-Tagill Refrac- FDB 46T30 USSR/Engineering (Contd.) Mar 1948 tory Works, and showed that permissable and advan- tageous to add Nev?yansk kaolin to hard baking clays. FDB 46T30 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 USSR /F igineering (Contd) FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 46 RESTRICTED Mar 1948 USSR/Geological Prospecting Jan 1948 Barium Sulfate fractory material. Also possible to determine amount) of refractory material as it precipitates faster than the clay; Describes experiments and results, Formation Temperature of Barite Veins of the West- ern Kopet-Daga," A. V. Sidorenko, i p "Priroda" No 1 Presents data obtained during studies of formation of barite deposits at Kopet-Daga making it possible to arrive at determination of the temperature of formation of these deposits. Determines that tem- perature lies in vicinity of 1050. FDB 46T31 FEB 46T USSR/Hydrology Ice Formation Arctic Studies Jan 1948 USSR/Medicine - Tubercle Bacilli Medicine - Vitamins Jan 1948 "Anomalies in the Ice Cover of Vym' River," I. V. Zykov, 1 p on 2 May 1942 author made flight over Vym' River to determine state and nature of the debacle. At that time he was able to determine anomalous nature of the ice cover from the mouth of Vym? River up to the mouth of the source of Vym? River_ in vicinity of Chetlasskiy Kamen at Timm. Expresses surprise that in spite of the season (May) very few sections of the "Vitamins in Tubercle Bacillus," Prof I. F. Leonty_ yev. i2 p "Priroda" No 1 Recently it was determined that tubercle bacillus contained p_aminobenzote acid, one of the components of water soluble vitamin B-complex. Conducted fur- ther experiments using Mycobacterium, tuberculosis (var homis) cultured for three weeks. Made tests on original culture and on filtered culture. Some of vitamins determined- vitamin Bc, nicotinic acid, biotin, and riboflavin. FDB 46_3__ FDB 46T34 USSR/Hydrology (Contd) Jan 1948 USSR/Medicine - Adrenal Preparations, Effects Jan 1948 river were open, and even surrounding manses frozen Medicine - Blood over. Describes winter of 1942 very briefly. .6T33 "Behavior of Adrenalin in Human Blood," Prof I. F. Leont ?yev, i p "Pr?iroda" No 1 Up to now, positively reliable method to determine small amounts (less than 1 g) of adrenalin in blood has not been developed. Briefly describes improve- ments made in colorimetric method to determine ad- renalin (Whitehorn's micromethod) through increased sensitivity. Describes results obtained from use of method. FDB 46T35 USSR/Medicine Medicine - Anaphylaxis and Allergy _ Dogs Jan 1948 USSR/Medicine Medicine m Seasons - Biology Jan 1948 "Inhibiting Effect of Thorotrast on Anaphylaxis in Dogs," Prof.I. F. Leont?yev, 1 p "Priroda" No 1 Many studies have shown that anaphylactic shock in dogs is result of release in their bodies of pharma- cologically active substances. However, source of this secretion is unknown. Directs attention to activity of retioulo-endothelial system of dogs show- ing anaphylactic reaction. "Seasonal Growth in Yakutsk in 1946," M. I. Matosov, 4 pp . "Priroda" No 1 Attempts to show great significance of phonologic studies and the degree to which they can be used. Gives various data for 1946, such as the first de- bacle, appearance of first flight of geese Anser fabulis, and day when temperature first hit new high, etc. FDB 46T36 FDB -9m FDB Approved For Release 1999108/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 46T37 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 46 RESTRICTED USSR/Medicine Agriculture Jan 1948 Deserts "Scientific Elperiments in Reclaiming Deserts," A. G. Gavel?, 5 pp "Priroda" No 1 Briefly describes some of work dome by Pri-Aral Ex- perimental Station of All-Union Institute for Agri- culture in Desert areas, in attempt to use various desert-areas around Aral Sea for agriculture. De- scribes successes attained with wheat, oats, rye, and potatoes. Also lists articles published by Pri- Aral1acperimental Station. FDA 46T38 USSR Medicine > Immua.ity Jan 1948 Medicine Antibiotics "Plant Immunity and. Antibiotics," D. V. Lebedev, 1 p "Priroda" No 1 Gives general summary of work by various scientists (Tokin, USSR, and other foreign scientists) on ques- tion of plant immunity to various diseases and their antibiotic activity. Tokin was first to make any research in field of plant resistance to pathogenic microorganisms. Other scientists who conducted re- search in this field are Gottlieb, Fontaine, etc. FLB USSR/Medicine - Bacteria Medicine - Microorganisms USSR/Medicine -,Botany Jan 1948 "Results of the Geobotanioal Conference in Moscow," .Prof N. Ya. Kats, 1 p "Priroda" No 1 Conference held, 5 m 8 Apr 1947, at Botanical Insti- tute, Moscow State University. V. 11. Sukachev, G. I. Dokhman, A.-A. Shakhov among those who played leading roles during conference. USSR/Medicine m Antibiotics, Medicine ? Fungi "Antibiotics among.Hymenomycetes," N.. M. Konovalova, p "Priroda" No 1 Briefly describes research by two Swedish scientists, Wiken and Obiim, on the antibiotic action hymencmiy- cetes have toward Staphylococcus aureus. Experi- ments conducted on fungus. Only two types of fungus extracts (Boletus bovines, and Gomphidius glutnosus) showed constant antifungus effects. -46T39 Jan 1948 46T4o FEB 46T41 Jan 1948 USSR/Medicine m Plants, Growth Medicine m Arctic. Regions Jan 1948 "Microflora of the Human Organism and Enteric Bacil- li," Yu. I. Milenushkin, 7 pp "Priroda" No 1 Discusses various types of microflora found in human body. Notes organs having greatest bacteria content, e.g., the large intestine has some 17,000,000,000,000 microorganisms. Prof L. G. Peretts gave much assis- tance. FDB 46T42 USSR Medicine - Vitamins Medicine - Research "Vitamin T," Prof I. I. Kanayev, I p "Priroda" No 1 Jan 1948 "Growth of Arctic Plants and Weather," B. A. Tik- homirov, 21 pp "Priroda" No 1 Presents some data obtained by research conducted to determine effect of climatic conditions on growth. Discusses studies of some 25 types of plants found in northern regions of USSR. 46T43 Vitamin isolated by Goetsch in 1946. First discov- ered vitamin in'termites as well as in certain mush- rooms (penicillium hypomyces). Called it Termitin, or Penicin or Inseotin, but finally called it Vita- min T-complex. Main effect of vitamin- stimulation of process of assimilation. Briefly describes vita- min. FDB 46T44 USSR .Medicine m Cells Jan.1948 Medicine m Albumin "Reaction of a Cell to Destructive Action," Prof V. Ya. Aleksandrov, 10 pp "Priroda" No 1 Studies on cell destruction show that due to inher- ent nature of the live form, reaction is already present in very albumin component of the protoplasm. These particulars discerned as result of study of cells. Describes importance of study of reaction of cells to destructive influences, cytological changes due to destructive influences, and theory of cyto- logical destruction. Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 46T45 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 RESTRICTED FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 46 RESTRICTED USSR/Medicine - Nervous System Jan 1948 USSR/Medicine - Anesthesia Medicine - Narcotics "Second Conference on Problem of Direct Action on Nervous Centers," Prof G. N. Kaasil', 2 pp "Steroids as Anesthetics," Prof I. F. Leont'yev, i p "Priroda" No 1 Second Conference held, 8 - 10 Jan 1947, in Moscow. Various articles read. L. S. Shtern submitted arti- cle explaining theoretical side of the question of spontaneous action in nerve centers. G. N. Rassil?, S. 0. Baayyi'kes,'D. I. Gimpel'son, M. S. Malinovskiy, etc., submitted works. 46T46 USSR Medicine - Purpura, Sohonlein-Henoch Feb 1948 Medicine - Surgery "Surgical Significance, Diagi .osis, and Treatment of Henoch's Purpura," V. I. Parmenov, Surgical Dept, Gomel' RR Hoop; Surgical Dept, Unech RR Hoop Belo- russian RR, 5 pp "Khirurgiya" No 2 Not rare disease, but difficult to diagnose. Pa- tients must be given same type care given to those having undergone serious abdominal operations. Ap- pearance of disease greatly influenced by time of year. Author observes that disease due to decrease in. vitamin content during winter which plays impor- 46T48 USSR/Medicine - Purpura, Schonlein- Feb 1948 Henoch (Contd) tent role in etiology and pathogenesis of abdominal purpura, and that most cases appear in spring. Deputy of Surgical Department, Gomel' Railroad Hospital: Docent G. N. Ambrumyants (deceased). Deputy of Surg- ical Department, Unech Railroad Hospital of Belorus- sian Railroad: Ye. M. Zabusova. FDB 46T48 USSR/Medicine - Calcification Feb 1948 Medicine - Irrigation "Hundred Cases Show Calcification of 'Nonoalcified' Pleural Growths by Bogush'a Method of Irrigation," Maj A. A. Glasson, Med Corps, Chief, Surgical De t, Cent Clinical Sosnovo Sanitarium of Red Army, 14 pp "Khirurgiya" No 2 Method completely harmless and will not bring about deleterious effects. Irrigation makes unnecessary serious surgical operations, such as surgical inci- sion of calcified joint, as well as many operations involving thoracoplasty. Chief of Central Clinical Sosnovo Sanitarium of Red Army: Colonel I.' I. Nis- sel'son, Medical Corps. FDB 46T5o Describes effects and doses necessary to obtain anesthesia with such substances as nembutol, deoxy- corticosterone, and progesterone. Conducted experi- ments to determine-doses necessary to produce surgi- cal anesthesia in mice. FDB 46T47 USSR/Medicine - Injections Feb 1948 Medicine - Sternum "Introduction of Medicinal and Diagnostic Substances into Red Bone Marrow of Lower Part of the Sternum," F. L.Leont'yev, First'Surgical Clinic, Cent Inst Advancement of Doctors; Base of Surgical Dept, Cent Clinical Hoop of Ministry of Roads imeni N. A. Semashko, 9 pp "Khirurgiya" No 2 . Discusses method to introduce into the sternum var- ious liquids, ordinarily., introduced intravenously. Method proved quite successful in newborn babies; also useful in shock cases. Shows apparatus In use, FI)B 46T49 USSR/Medicine - Injections (Contd) Feb 1948 some of needles, and describes application of meth- od. Deputy of Chair of Central Institute.for Ad- vancement of Doctors: Prof V. R. Braytsev. Chief of Central Clinical Hospital of Ministry of Roads imeni N. A. Semashko: Director-General Administra- tor III Rank A. A. Sergeyev. Jan 1948 46T49 USSR/Medicine - Teeth, Diseases Jan 1948 Medicine Teeth, Fillings "Ef'ect of Filling Materials on Microflora, of Cari- ous Dentine," T. G. Gol'dova, Chair Therapeutic Stomatol, Chair Microbiol, Kharkov Stomatol Inst, 5 pp "Stomatol" No 1 Dentine microflora in carious teeth decreases with depth from surface. Tests show that cement fillings do not have bactericidal effects. Lead amalgam has greatest bactericidal effect. Bactericidal gaali- ties of cement increase by addition of antiseptic materials. Deputy of Chair of Therapeutic Stomatol- FDB 46T51 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 RESTRICTED FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 46 RESTRICTED- USSR/Medicine Stomatitis, Ulcerative Jan 191+8 USSR/Medicine Teeth, Diseases (dontd) -Jan 1948 Medicine - Cells ogy: Ya. L. Fridman. Deputy of Chair of Micro'biol- "Importance of Preparation for Taking Direct Smears ogy: Prof S. L. Utevskaya. Director of 1iar'kov of Ulcerative St omat it is in Cytological Research, as 0. Stomatological Institute: Prof P. V. Viasenko. I. Agapova,.Chair Therapeutic Stomatol, Moscow Stomatol That, 6j pp "Stomatol" No 1 From cytological characteristics in smear taken from, prepared ulcerative sto atitie, possible to study systematically each stage of dynamics of recurrent ulcerative stomatitis. Suggested method gives proof of fact that cytological characteristics of prepared smears serve as correct and reliable method to study 46T52 USSR/Medicine - Stonatitis, Ulcerative Jan 191+8 (Contd) each step in development of disease. Deputy of Chair of Therapeutic Stomatology: Docent Ya. S. Pekker. Director of Moscow Stomatological Institute: Prof A. I. Yevdokimov. FDB 46T52 USSR Medicine Hygiene and Sanitation Jan 1948 Medicine Toothbrushes "Bacteriological Research on Toothbrushes," Prof A. A. Minkh, Chair Hygiene, Moscow State Stomatol Inst., 5 pp "Stomatol" No 1 Many scientists have stressed value of toothbrush in maintenance of dental hygiene. Very few, however, realize that the toothbrush is storehouse of various pathogens. Briefly describes some of studies con- ducted to show that use of toothbrushes harmful. Donovan said to have stated that some 90% of dental defects caused by toothbrushes. Minkh states that 46T54 USSR Medicine - Hygiene and Sanitation Jan 1948 (Contd) one method of overcoming this drawback in using toothbrushes is use of good bactericidal tooth paste. Director of Moscow State Stomatological institute: Prof A. I. Yevdokimov. 46T- USSR/Medicine - Nerves, Facial Jan 1948 Medicine - Paralysis "Treatment of Peripheral Paralysis of Facial Nerve by Chemotherapy of Tissues According to Krauze," Capt I. N. Mukovozov, Med Corps, Chief, Stomatol Dept, Okrug Mil Hosp, 1+ pp "Stomatol" No 1 Discusses several experiments made and concludes that quite satisfactory to make use of gauze's method to transplant chemically treated tissues as effective complex therapy of paralyzed facial nerves. Chief of Okrug Military Hospital:. Lieutenant Colo- nel N. A. Koshik, Medical Corps. FDB 46T53 USSR/Medicine Hygiene and Sanitation, Feb 1948 Industrial "Basic Results of Work of Institute of Hygiene of Labor and Occupational Disease in 1947" 6 pp "Vest Akad Medits Nauk SSSR" No 1 Work of Institute directly connected with Five-Year Plan for restoration and development of economy of USSR. Presents results of scientific research work on leading problems, development of which occupies considerable part of collective of scientific work- ers. Topics reported on: problem of silicosis, professional poisoning, dehydration of poison in FDB 1.6T55 USSR Medicine - Hygiene and Sanitation, Feb 1948 Industrial (Contd) organism, pathogenesis of tetraethyl lead poisoning, new methods of research, and important problems of the Plan for 1948. FDB 46T54 I FDB - 12 - Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 46T55 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 46 RESTRICTED USSR/Medicine - Antibiotics Feb 1948 I USSR/Medicine - Antibiotics Feb 1948 Medicine - Chemotherapy "Research on Antibiotics as Problem of Medicine.," V. L. Troitskiy, Corr Mem, Acad Med Sci USSR, 10 pp "Vest Akad Medits Nauk SSSR" No 1 Antibiotics of exceptional interest for medicine be- cause of possibility of using them as chemical ther- apeutic agents. Progress in the last ten years sum- marized and several problems mentioned, Present prob lem not so much finding a rational way for searching for chemical therapeutic substances among antibiot- ics, but rather rationalization of empirical ways of making these searches. 46T56 USSR Medicine Academy of Medical Sciences Feb 1948 "Concerning Work of Members of the Academy not Be- longing to the System of Institutes of the Academy Medical Sciences" i p "Vest Akad Medit? Nauk SSSR91 No 1 Medicine - Microorganisms The Problem of Antibiotics in the Light of Theory," Prof G. F. Gauze, 81 pp "Vest Akad Medits Nauk SSSR" No 1 Gives summary of theoretical aspects of antibiotics used for medical purposes and points out several fields in need of more complete theoretical develop- ment. Most important theoretical problem is study of the mechanism'of the action of antibiotics on microbes. Summarizes directions of study in this field in recent years. Further development of morphologic methods of research has been of consid- FDB 46T57 USSR Medicine - Antibiotics (Contd) Feb 1948 erable interest in studying the mechanism of the action of medicinal antibiotics on pathogenic mi- crobes. Short summary of report given to Academy of Medical Sciences on work of active and corresponding members of the Academy, working in institutions outside the Academy system. One of problems mentioned is evalu- ation of scientific activities of these members to indicate what work has been done under auspices of the Academy and what has been done under auspices of the particular institute in which they work. Meas- ures to be taken to aid these members. FDB 46T58 USSR/Medicine - Vision Feb 1948 Medicine - Ophthalmology "Research on Light Visions" Corr Mem, Acad Sci USSR, $. V. K,ravkov, 2 pp "Vest Akad Medits Nauk SSSR" No 1 In 1936 author established that light sensitivity of the human eye can change oonsiderably under the in- fluence'of simultaneous auricular, irritation. Since then he has carried out many experiments on the ac- tion of several secondary irritations on vision, such as olfactory, taste, postural, or electrical. Study also made of the action on light vision of number of pharmaceuticals. Repox?tte general results of these experiments. FDB 46T59 USSR Medicine - Birds Jan/Feb 1948 Medicine - Rats "Carnivorous Birds as Factor of Natural Selection in the Wild Population of Small Rodents," S. S. Foli- tarek, Inst Evolutionary Morphol inmeni Academician A. N. Severtsov, Acad Sci USSR, "Beloyezhsk Pushcha" Game Preserve, 18 pp "Zhur Obahch Biol9? Vol IX, No 1 ,The theory of selectivity suggested by Shrnal?gauzen presents a different view from. that expressed by Dar- win. Author takes up the relation of carnivorous birds to natural selection in small rodents. Gives data on some 1,5 rodents, of which fairly detailed de- 46T61 FDB 46157 USSR/Medicine Medicine - Surgery - Brain Jan/Feb 1948 "Future Results with Polymethylmethaorylate in Cranioplasty," N. D. Leybzon, Moscow, Nerve Surg Dept, Inst Nerve Burg imeni Academician N. N. Bur- denko, Acad Med Sci USSR, 91 pp "Vopros Neyrokhirur" No 1 Describes operations oonducted.on several patients who had plastic plates inserted to replace part of the cranium which had been removed for one reason or another. Describes some of steps of the operation. States that of some 20 cases who had platen inserted, none showed evidence of any ill effects, due to FDB 46T6? USSR Medicine - Surgery (Contd) Jan Feb 1948 either the operation or the material itself. No definite conclusions reached on this treatment though successful in all cases. Deputy of Nerve Surgery Department: Prof A. A. Arendt. Director of Institute of Nerve Surgery imeni Academician N. N. ? Burdenko: Prof B. G. Yegorov. -13 - 46T60 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107A002000010006-3- Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 RESTRICTED FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 46 RESTRICTED USSR /Medicine - Birds (Coned) Jan/Feb 1948 USSR/Medicine - Cells Ja4n/Feb 1948 Medicine - Growth scriptions given for the Microtus arvalis Pall., Arvicola terrestis L., and Clethrionomys glareolus Schreb. Most of studies conducted at "Belovezhsk Pushcha" game preserve in Brest Oblast BSSR during the period, 13 Jun - 14 Aug 1946. Particular atten- tion paid to the nests of two buzzards. Submitted for publication, 1 Feb 1947. FDB 46T61 USSR/Medicine - Thyroid Jan/Feb 1948 Medicine - Regeneration "Principles of Humoral Regulation of Postembryonic Morphogenesis," A. A. Voytkevich, Kazakh Med Inst, Alma-Ata, 18 pp "Zhur Obshch Biol." Vol 3X, No 1 Discusses the relation between function of the thy- roid gland and the hypophysis and process of regen- eration in the organism. Endocrinal factor is very important in physiological preparation of the tis- sues. Excessive decrease in the concentration of hormones in the organism, and related lowering of the activity of the gland can be studied as condi- "Possibility of Autogenesis in a Developing Cellular System,"'G. V. Lopashov, Inst Cytology, Acad Sci USSR, Moscow, 10 pp Collected information by various scientists who con- ducted studies to solve one very important problem; Is it possible for any lengthy nonhomogeneity to be generated along the axes of the eggs or any part of the organism without any outside stimulation, and only due to internal reasons? Submitted for publi- cation, 25 Jan 1947. FDB 46T62 USSR/Medicine -Intestinal Diseases mar 1948 Medicine - Vaccine Therapy "Prophylactic Inoculation against Acute Enteric in- fections," Prof B. I. Blankov, 7 pp "Medits Sestra" No 3 Describes the more important vaccines used as in- oculations against intestinal infections: Methods for subcutaneous inoculations of vaccines against typhoid fever, paratyphus, and dysentery. Methods of peros administration of antidysentery vaccine. Indicates several points to be borne in mind to as- sure efficacy of vaccines. FDB 46T63 FDB 46T64 USSR/Medicine - Thyroid (Coned) Jan/Feb 1948 USSR/Medicine - Typhus Medicine - Insecticides mar 194? tions similar to those belonging to functional im- poverishment of the gland. Submitted for publica- tion, 10 May 19460 USSR/Medicine - Pediatrics, Clinics Jan/Feb 1948 Medicine - Public Health "In the Collegium of the Ministry of Public Health o the USSR," S. Babichev, 11 pp Summary of report delivered to the Ministry of Healt of the USSR by Comrade M. D. Kovrigin on expanding the force of pediatricians in the Soviet Union. Briefly touches on problems of improving and expand- ing pediatrical service.. "Method and Technology of Insect" Eradication in the Nidus of Parasitic Typhus, and Sanitary Treatment of the Population," Docent B. I. Gandel?smen, 6 pp "Medits Sestra" No 3 One of best methods for fighting spread of disease in community is disinfection. Discusses several methods to effect disinfection. Mentions type K soap, and SK preparation containing chlorinated turpentine, and DDT. Latter used in various con- centrations. FDB 46T65 KOREA./Medicine - Public Health Jan/Feb 1948 46T63 Medicine - Medicine, State "Some Public Health Problems in Northern Korea," V. V. Gemp el' , 3 pp Describes the founding of public health service in northern Korea since the end of World War II, na- tionalization of medical institutions, institution of social insurance, provision of medical care and payments to expectant mothers. More than 60% of the medical personnel is at present in the government service. Discusses difficulties in establishing public health services where no previous provision orr such care existed before. FD B Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 . 46T66 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 RESTRICTED ? FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 16 USSR/Medicine Pharmacy Jan/ Feb 1948 USSR/Medicine - Measles Jan/Feb 1918 Medicine - Parmacopeia, Russian Medicine - Serotherapy and Hemotherapy "Thirty Years of Soviet Pharmacy," I. I. Levinshteyn, "Experiences with Protective Inoculation against Moscow, 7 pp Measles in Consultation and in Polyclinics," M. L. Account of production and distribution of pharmaceutic cal products in the Soviet Union since 1917, with tables on number of pharmacies, increased independent( from imports of pharmaceutical products, etc.. Mostly historical account of developing broader distribution system for drugs and establishment of pharmacies in small villages. FDB 46168 USSR/Medicine - Public Health, Jan/Feb 1918 Administration Medicine - Public Health, Training "Problems of Training Administrative Cadres of Public Health," Docent I. B. Rostotakly, Moscow, 4 pp Taken from report on the work of preparing and in- creasing qualifications of administrative officers of the health service. Believed that graduates of Sovie medical schools do not have sufficient training in the organization of public clinics, hospitals, etc., which makes for poor and inefficient operation. Dis- cusses problems in training medical students for ad- ministrative positions. FDB 16T7O USSR/Medicine - Mosquitoes Feb 1948 Medicine - Malaria "The Struggle against Mosquitoes," M. A. Laryukhin, 6 pp The struggle against malaria carriers and the disease itself not limited to the public health services, but one in which the Soviet and party organizations must - cooperate wholeheartedly. Selection of control meas- cures depends on character of the locality, but in any case combination of two or more of the suggested meth- ods will always improve quality of control measures. FDB 46T72 USSR/Medicine - Malaria, Prevention Feb 1948 Medicine - Prophylaxis "Organization and Execution of Antimalarial Therapeu- tic and Prophylactic Measures in a Village," M. A. Buslayev, 6 pp "Fel dsh i Akusher" No 2 Author set himself task of describing fundamental methods.of therapy, medicinal prophylaxis of malaria, and organization necessary to effect these measures. Measures necessary in project to decrease malaria dur- ing 1948. Yablokova, Ye. M. Ravikovich, Moscow State U Epidemiol and Bacterial, 51 pp "Sovet Zdravookhran" No 1 Gives lengthy report on use of sulfur inoculations against measles. Attempt made to inoculate all children up to seven years of age and all others when they developed case of measles. Believe that with epidemiologists and pediatricians working to- gether it will be entirely possible to organize complete sulfur prophylaxis among children. FDB I.6T69 USSR/Medicine - Hygiene and Sanitation Jan/Feb 1918 Medicine - Epidemiology "Basic Results of the Twelfth All-Union Congress of Hygienists, Epidemiologists, Microbiologists and In- fection Specialists," L. G. Veber, Moscow, 412 pp "Sovet Zdravookhran" No 1 Reports 12th All-Union Conference held Oct 1947, in Moscow. Discussed at the conference: Rational planning of villages, sanitation of air and water supplies, improvement of working conditions, and re- search for more effective means of prophylaxis against various infections. FDB .. 46T71 USSR/Medicine - Vitamins Feb 1948 Medicine - Ascorbic Acid "Application of Vitamins to Internal and Infectious Diseases," A. Ye. Segal, Candidate Med Sci, 1 p Answers rhetorical question on which vitamins to use in treating internal or infectious diseases, with brief data on the effect and use of Vitamins C, B1, and K. FDB 46T73 USSR/Medicine - Hygiene and Sanitation Mar 1948 Medicine - Silicosis "Scientific Conference of Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Academy of Medical Sci- ences, USSR," I. Ya. Sosnovik, 1i pp "Gig i San" No 3 Lists some of reports submitted by members in 1945 - 1946 including "Basic Problems of Labor Hygiene and Silicosis Prevention," by Prof Ts. D. Pik; "Silico- sis Clinic," by Prof S. M. Genkin; and "New Data on Toxicology of Lead," by A. M. Rashevskaya and Prof Z. B. Smelyanskiy. 46T71 I FDB 46T75 - 15 - Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 Approved For Release 1999/08/as ClA-RDP78-03107A002000010006-3 FDB Periodical AURtraots Scientific No 46 RESTRICTED USSR/Medicine Water Supply mar 1948 USSR/Medicine - Air, Bacteriology Mar 1948 Medicine - Phosphorus "Phosphorus in the Sanitary Evaluation of Water," P. F. Obukhov, Chair General Hygiene, Molotov Mod Inst, 3 pp "Gig i San" No 3 Discusses sources and forms of phosphorus in natural waters and -phosphorus in subterranean waters, and de- tails of series of experiments carried out in 1941, 1942, and 1943. Tabulates results, FDB -46T76 USSR/Medicine Hygiene and Sanitation, Mar 1948 Industrial Medicine Air, Impurities "Principles of Normalization of Industrial Microcli- mater" G. Kh. Shakhbazyan N. K. Witte, Kiev list Hygiene of labor and Occupational Diseases, 7 pp "Gig i San" No 3 Discusses research directed to find the physiological criteria and methods to discover unknown reactions and detailed processes taking place in organism in re gard to microclimate, macroclimate, acclimatization, etc. Indicates that Dnepropetrovsk Institute has be working on the adaption factor in the action'of cli- FDB 46T78 USSR/Medicine - Hygiene and Sanitation,. Mar 1948 Industrial (Contd) mate on workers at high temperatures, while Marshak Laboratory has been doing similar work for low tem- peratures. 46T78 IEMMedicine - Hygiene and Sanitation Mar 1948 Medicine - Water Supply "Some Peculiarities of the Drinking Water Supply in North Iran," S. A. Dreyzin, Uzbekistan Sei.Res Sani- tary Inst, 2 pp "Gig i San" No 3' Describes the subterranean water supply and reservoirs of North Iran, indicates that the temperature of the water unaffected by outside atmosphere but remains at -f- 80'-140, and tabulates chemical analysis of the water for various months. 46T81 -16 "Bacterial Contamination of Air in Inhabited Roma with Various Densities of Population,." F. 8. Epsh teyn, E. G. Salamandra, Cent Sci Rea Sanitary Inst imeni Erisman, 8 pp "Gig iSan."'No 3 Gives series of tables indicating bacterial content of the air in various types of living space for difc ferent times of the year. F 46T77 USSR/Medicine - Hygiene and Sanitation, Mar 1948 Industrial Medicine - Ultraviolet Rays, Effects "Effectiveness of Ultraviolet Radiation in Under- ground Work," Z. D. Gorkin, Ya. M. Stanislavs.kiy, R. Yu. Govorchuk, Ukrainian Cent' Inst Hygiene of Labor and Occupational Diseases, Khar?kov, 6 pp "Gig i San" No 3 Describes condition of 122 underground workers sub- jested to repeated radiation and indicates that their general health improved and their tone. and working capacity increased. FDB -46T79 USSR/Medicine - Poisons and Poisoning, Mar 1948 Metallic Medicine - Nutrition "Nutrition and Metabolism during Phosphorous Poison- Ingo I, Character of the Change in Hydrocarbon. Metabolism and the Oxidizing Coefficient in Animals Poisoned by Phosphorus in Relation to Nutrition," Ga P. Eremin, Inst Nutrition, Acad Med Sci.USSR, 51p "Gig i San" No 3 Describes experiments showing that with the system- atic poisoning of animals by small doses of phos- phorus,.the character of nutrition had effect on the weakening of changes in hydrocarbon metabolism and in oxidizing processes. FDB 46T8o USSR Medicine m Seaweed Mar 1948 Medicine - Food "Test. on the Utilization of Marine Seaweed for Food,".N I. Kovalov, M. S. Oemolovskaya,. Ye V Lovyagina, Sci Res Lab, LenGlavRestoran,'2 pp "Gig i San" No 3 Describes food conditions in Leningrad during the siege of 1942 and indicates that attempts made to use edible seaweed, Discusses food value of vari- ous-type seaweed and lists some methods of servring seaweed. 46T82 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 RESTRICTED FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 46 RESTRICTED USSR/Medicine - Food Poisoning mar 193+8 I USSR/Medicine m Hygiene and Sanitation, Mar 1938 Medicine ? Mastitis Industrial Power Plants, Electric ".Role of Staphylococcic Mastitis of Sheep as Source of Food Poisoning Caused by the Use of Contaminated "Dimensions of the Sanitary-Protective Zones for Ewe's Milk Cheese," N. D. Trofimov, Crimean Inst Electric Power Stations and Thermal Power Centers," Epidemiol and Microbiol, 3 pp M. S. Goldberg, Inst General and Community Hygiene, "Gig i San" No 3 Describes o :P?eriments leading to the conclusion that sheep afflicted with staphylococcic'mastitis evidently' form the basic source of contamination of milk used t make ewe?s milk cheese. Cheese prepared in the spring contaminated with pathogenic staphylococci in 26% of oases examined. FDB 34.6T83 USSR/Medicine - Hygiene and Sanitation, Industrial mar 193+8 Power Plants, Electric "Hygienic Problems at the Scientific Conference for Study of Productive Potential of Irkutsk Oblast," Ya. M. Grushko, 2 pp "Gig i San" No 3 Discusses possibility of using the Angar River for hydroelectric purposes and suggests building hydro- electric power plant. Describes the Cheremkhovka coa basin. and suggests that an industrial center could be established in the Irkutsk Oblast using this fuel sup ply. Enumerates hygienic problems of this project any FDB 46T85 USSR/Medicine - Hygiene and Sanitation, mar 193.8 Industrial (Contd) indicates that Scientific Research Sanitary-Hygiene Institute will be established in Irkutsk. Acad Med Sci USSR, 5 pp "Gig i San" No 3 Describes economic advantages of converting electric power stations and thermal power centers, at present using 60 million tons of coal and oil per year, so that they can use local fuel, and detailed analysis of the estimated dispersion area of the dust given off by fuel combustion from sanitary standpoint. FDB 46T83} USSR/Medicine ? Tuberculosis, Therapy Jan Feb 1938 Medicine m Respiratory Tract "Treatment of Tuberculosis of the Upper Respiratory Tract with Mixture of Sulfuric Acid and Ether," A. S. Sherbud, Sanatorium No 13 VTsSPS, 3 pp Various materials used for treatment of tuberculosis of subject tract. Author presents method whereby mixture of ether and sulfuric acid used for such treatment. Mixture considered a bactericide. Treat- ment must be repeated several times to be effective. Director of Sanatorium No 13+a P. I. Guzen, 'Chief Surgeon-, A. V. Piletskiy. 3+6T86 USSR/Medicine - Tuberculosis Jan/Feb 193+8 Medicine - Penicillin "Treatment of Enipyema with Penicillin in Tubercular Patients," A. F. Lenovskiy, V. M. Pustovoytova, Lung Sec, Kazakh Tubercular Inst, Lung Sec, Alma-Ata Oblast Tubercular Dispensary, 1 p "Prob Tuberkuleza" No 1 In most cases, barring recurrence of the disease, penicillin produced good results. Very prompt re- sult obtained by simultaneous administration of large doses intramuscularly and into the pleura. Value of penicillin therapy evident in any sta?e of empyema. Director of Kazakh Tubercular Institute-, 3i.6T85 46T87 USSR Medicine - Tuberculosis (Contd) Jana Feb 1948 A. M. Zadvornykh, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Chief Surgeon of Alma-Ata Oblast Tubercular Dispen- sary; A. F. Leonovskiy. USSR/Medicine Tuberculosis Jan/Feb 193:8 Medicine - Penicillin "Penicillin Notatum in the Treatment of Tuberculosis, Prof I. L. Tamarin, Director, Belorussian Tubercular Inst; Docent S. A. Agranovich, N. Ya. Entin, Candidat Med Sci, Belorussian Tubercular Inat; Belorussian Skin-Venereal Inst, 2* pp "Prob Tuberkiileza" No 1 Penicillin ineffective against Rubrus Lupus vulgaris. Penicillin therapy effective for skin ulcers due to malignant Lupus vulgaris, and Scrofuloderma. Had no effect on specific tissues. In some cases the ulcer- ous growth diminished long after the start of penicil 346T88 FDB 46T87 17 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010006-3 FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 46 RESTRICTED USSR Nladicine m Tuberculosis Contd Jan Feb i91.8 1 USSR Medicine m Tuberculosis Jan/Feb 1948 lin treatment. Penicillin therapy recommended only as supplement to other methods in treating malignant Lupus vulgarize ulcers. Director of Belorussian Skin- Venereal Institute: Academician Prokopchuk. FDB '.6T88 USSR/Medicine - Tuberculosis Medicine - Pneumonia Jan/Feb 1948 "Di:;fferential Diagnosis of Infiltrative Outbreaks of Tuberculosis end Pneuknonia," G. S. Yapol? skiy, Dr Med Set) 5 pp "Prob Tuberkuleza" No 1 Frequently physicians called on to differentiate be- tween tuberculosis and lobular pneumonia. Author shows various means. of differentiating between the tw diseases, and tabulates various symptoms which may be indicated in the same organ in tuberculosis and in pneumonia. FDB USSR Meteorology Storms Solar Phenomena k6T9o Medicine - Allergy ?PConcerning V.. AA. Ravich-Shoherbo?s Article, 'Aller- gy in Tuberculosis?," R 0. Drabkina, Immunology Lab, Ukrainian Sol Res Tubercular Inst. 5V pp "Prob Tuberkuleza" No 1 Article appeared in "Problemy Tuberkuleza" No 2, 1917. Drabkina makes following criticisms: 1) research on the course of reinfection in~the zone of hypersensitization insufficient; 2) 'Ravioh- Shcherbo does not recognize that allergic in :unity imperfect and relative; 3) does not realize that no increase in the strength of the allergy occurs in FDB I+6T89 USSR/Medicine - Tuberculosis (Coned) Jan/Feb 19.8 many infections; 4) does not understand the lethal properties of tuberculin. Director of Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute: A. S. Mainolat. Scientific Collaborator of Institute: Prof N. S. Morozovskiy. FDB USSR/Minerals Silicates X-ray Analysis li.6T89. an 1948 "Secular Periodicity of Thunderstorms in Moscow in Connection with Solar Activity," A. P. Moiseyev; 3 pp "Prfroda" No 1 Q'