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Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 CtJNF'IDEI~tTTAL ~ 25' April 1955 3UB(~9Mi~ITTEE d?~J EX~LOTTATYOR OF FbREIC3N I.AEC3UIIA~3E PvBI,I $~ ~.1 1'3aJJ YT1A~1~7~YlCl ~F~R l~faHJ[6 ~i A aso~nwcm ~a~sxsn~on- ie~r w~.~sn~.~: The tollc~ing is a description of the, _ oua~ent FIND program for the exp3.c~itation at to~ceign language dots on Near East, 3auth As3.a, and Atricao Thi.a .progratit is de~v3.a~id to memt flee needs of the IAC agencies as g+ra~sioualy exprassed by theia~ s~presentativea on the ttae tor. the Exploitation of Foreign Langoage Publications a~n.~dga8 mDdi~fied through subsequent operatio~l liaison mith IAC iiidiML,gata b The eoua~es oar~ered by the program ~netude central esd pr+oririoia7. aeirspapex~a of the respective crnmtries of the 'Fear East, South Asia, . and Africa; so].eoted periodicals dealing ~-ith the snb~eats indicated; and selea~ed n~onographao ~~r~m33~=~tr~~ ~d~~t ea, -- ravel and contaata and East- ReauZ.ta cif the exploitation program ~ published in the foll~ing sah~duled reports: l~io Information R rt an Arab States ~ Pion Informs n R on recce Tur a and. ~r~~~C~ ~ on epo on ~ _ - ,and A`~ a~n; The tour mor.~th~.y reports are "tdRCLASSIA"I1" and marked "F+QR OFP'ICIAIa 'USE QI4LY". International Press. West trade saes resorted in the meekly 5eleated Efriefs frame the Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 `~ CON~'SDENfiTAI, l o ~?'~..Iaf ~nmtion Retort an the Arab ~tatas This r?~*t ~csnr3~es eu~?rsnt ir~f'orm~tion ?a the falloari~g sub~est eateg,~ies is the form of extrasitsa abstraotsa 8~ summaries oa the Arab Siestas by eonatries~ (a) Military imform~tion far~a ~'~ya air faarse} (b) Papul~r raaotioa taxed interagl and external affairs (e.~o ICE Defense; Arab M~tts~l Saaurity Paot; Arab Lea~o treatment ~' minaaritias; ACC actieiti~es; oil agreemeats a attitudes toward tho Soviet bSos, mmmber nations of the W~tsra blo?a axed neutralism) ~s) ~~or le~isletive shangee ~d} Qrganised labor asti83tioa is the Arab States fie} Ae~tieities of politiosla religiousa anti minoa~ity groups, is the Arab : tatsn ~e og o e ccac ohur?hes a A~slem ~otberh A Paamislamica Conferensaa Committees of Arab Laegue) ~f) Population strwature aatd problama (to support NLR Sastioa No ~.) Constitutioaa]. system oP NZ~S Bastion loo b~, (ta support N7.S Bastion No ~1) Transportation telesoxaamtnisationa I~ustry sad agr3sulture (inoluding toreiga pw~tieipation in ixrduatrial ooaatrustiona petroleum itadustrya and ?upport Goographis iafo~tion ~surveys~ a~ouats of tra~e38 in little known erase} . (k} Biographies (based on gpa?ifiex regr~sts) 25X6 25X6 Approved For Release 2007/07/25 CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 CONFIDENTIAL 2. rZo~ Tnfar~mtian an 4reece ?T aZyd zran This reporrt provides current information on the follcreing subject categoxdes in the Sorm o! e~ctraats, abstract, and swmoetriea oa t~reeae, Tui~aeyi axed IraA by countrfss: (a) Na,tiaonl. and prvtinaiAl political dsvelcypa~meirEs (inaludin~ activities of secret acrd army officers groaps) . (b) Activities of adaaarrity' cad religious groups (a) Laba~r dsvelopmerr~s (da Pagrul~-r raaation towrd iaternal aad e~zternal aiiairs (iualuding cotap~-ints about cast of 1lving, smuggling activities, acrd iare3$n eaanamta activities, esaegt U~ ga~srn~nt groups; cif agreements) (e) Public wel.!'sdPe intor~astioa an 4rseae tto auppazt NIS Seatiosa No ' ") cf) Tssnspartatiaa and telecommturicatiotxs Cg)~ Industrg and Agriculture (including foreign participation in iudvatsaSB]. ao~r~stswatian) (h) Lleo~*phda infatmatioe~ (aur+re~s, accounts o~ trarrels is Lttle 1caa~n are$s, especia173r in Tnrlo~r) (i) Air farms and Hate]. iniarxao-tian (~) 8lographia (bsaed on speattia regneats) -3- Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 3. Monthly Report a~ India. Pakistan, and Afg~ *+i_atan This report prov#.des current iafarmatian an the following subject .categories in the form of extracts, abstracts, and suma~aries on India, Pakistan, and Afghan.4.stau., by countries (a) Data on Soviet economic penetration in Afghanistan (b) Comment on exl:erna7. affairs (from the provincial press only) (c) Developments J.n and Indians relation xith Kashmir, Nepal, Sikkim, k~huta~.~, Assam, and Tibet (from the lacal?language press on~r) (d) Political. activities and developments in Pakistan (i . e. Asad Kashmir; the North West Frontier province, tribal areas, and Mates; Baluchistan province and states; and East Bengal (e) Characterisi:ic of the people in ma~ar regions of Pakistan (i.e. Benga"3, Baluchi, Sindhi, Punjabi, Pashto, Fahari regism of A+sad Ifashmir and Pakistan-occupied 4ilgit and Western Ladakh as support far NIS Section No l~2) (f) F~eligion, Eckucatian, and Public Information in Afghanistan (ta supparf NIS Section Na 1r.3) (g) Comments on Aindu~+ioslem relations (!s) Organised :labor activities (i) Military information an Afghanistan (~) Transpartatian and telecommm~,catians (including graph3.c information on airfields) (k~) Industry and Agriculture (1) Qeagraphic informattion (surveys, accounts of travels in little knotan areas) (~) Information on governmental stt?t~ttctore, both central and local, far Afghanistan) Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 CONFIDEN'rIA~, ~p Mdn~hly r~~o...~...nmt,~on~,~A~'r ~ This report porov3dea current infozmation on the follaaring subject categories in the tom of axctraatts, abatr~-ats, and summu-ries on Africa by countries: (8) Aativitisa orF political part3ea and argeaisations (espeolallY native, settler pressure, anti European 8='oul~ ix- Tangier, Ft~enoh and Spanish Nartb Africa, Belgian Congo, Union of South Africa, and Portuguese Africa; North ~rg~ tio~os of French political parties in French (b} Folitical ?gitstion and tribal u>erx'est {includ't~ag detailed dNartb Africa) n p~aoxsa-].ities, end b~ti~,dixiga involved in (c) Information and coxt?ants on internal and eatern~al eftairs (3.ncluding political and social raf'oa~x~; spread cf' Ialem axed Christianity in Belgian Goxago, French West sad Equatorial Africa; federation of Eritrea with Ethiopia; Somalia es pa~eparat3An f ~ ~epehclenas by 1960 } (d) Sociological developments affecting growth ~ nationalism (e} Qrganisod labor activities (iraaluding affil3~e-tion, at~rexxgtbs personalities, and el~+ctiona} (f) i~litary for Africa south of Sabers (local military axed ssc~arity Parcae ix~luding personalities; bibliographic referexscds to military snot eaanomin pnb~].icatiom) (8) ~anspbrtation east telecoammxnications (ix~luding logistic ptcoblems ) (h) Indust-y and Agriculture (snslxxaing mS.ning} (i} t~ograPbiffi (surveys, accounts of travels is little knaWa areas) (j~ Siograp,~,c (infen~tion on leadiag economic l~rsonalities ana third-strata officials} '~` Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 ~' CANFILAENTTAL ~ 5, The ~ollQ~ing reparta bass been prroduced under the FDD Eaploitati~on Proem for Nsar Eurt, South aria, and Africa ae of 29 April 195Sa 25X6 NDNTBLY IHFO~MdT30~: REPORTS ON ARAE 3TATSS No 1 ~ No 290 No 2 " No 3 " ~ No l~ " No 1101 ~6 " x~o46 MJIdTALY IbT~ORI+ILTION REPORT ON QREECE, Tq$~Y, ApD IIdIN No 1 9 No 265 " ~~ ~ No~15 " ~ 5 p ~ 42~ ~bki b " Ida ebb I~JI~'TRLZ INFORI~TION T ON I~1D1A, PABZSTAN, ANA APC~RANISTAN Rio 2 No 340 " No !~ " No X15 No 5 " Na 45i~ ~1a 5 " No l19b I~DtTALY ]xdF0~8TIQg RBPOBT ODT A~"RIC.~ No 1 No 300 lto 3 ~ " K 3b5 ~ 5 Rio !~ 9 s3+ic- 5 ~' Bio 11611 ~ ~ei~ ~~~ -b- COAJFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 c:vlwr .wrdtvr 1 A 1 PAO~SED FDD EIP'tOYTATTi~ P.ROaRAM P'~ IQEAR EAST, ~~~rwr~~r~wriwrr~ gaprerl~irrnnriur~ S~A ALSiR ~~ AFFtI(~ The fOl~AM~Ug ~Idd.j' ~.oit~..01~! oi'' t~ib O ;p!'a~,Ta1R 8,3~ Z'eOA as a xestz7.t of oommsxtt Sroa tPre subatantirre o of the int'a~tion presented 3n t2s~ sohsdu]~ed rspa~rts rnxtt]~ued aberse. T~a~r mod33Ya~ations X371 nat affect the current Yaark load agaiwst ~hiah full manpower available in FDD is applied for work on Neo~r East, Srnxth As3,a, and l~.friaa, except far a partic~~. reserve in some areas to support specific requests. The sutb,~eat categories are listed acaordin~ to priaritye le It is reoammendod that the infarme.tion an Libya be published in the Mo nfarmation art an the Arab States instead __~~~ ~ of in a !an .~v ~n arms on`~epooc~' on"I': [X?AiF'IJDENT][AL Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 ' Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 . . CONFIDEN~'IAL 2. Monthly Information Repart on the Arab States) Sub,~ects: (a) Militarg information (army, navy,-air force, police, national guard, pare-military organisation) ~ ~,~,,,~ ~--~:. (b) Arab League and inter Arab affairs (c) Popular reaction toward internal and external affairs (eog, ME Defsnse; RCC activities; US economic and mili- tart' assistance; attitude toward Soviet bloc, Western bloc, and neutralism) (d) Activities of political, religious, and minority groups (e) in the Arab States and political activities Mayor legislation and decrees (including budgets of individual ministries, and provi.~ncial and municipal administrations) j Population structure and prnblems (to support NIS Section No ~.1) Organized labor activities (h) Economic information (transportation, telecommunication, industry, and agriculture, foreign participation in industrial construction; semiannual and annual sta- tistics on foreign, trade ~ (i} Sociological information (health and medical facilities, (~) educational and cultural activities, public housing, wind public informatiomm msd~) Geographic information (surveys, accounts of travels in little known areas) (k) Biographic information (based on specific requests) NOTE: The category of"Constitutional System in Israeli has been dropped because of the pae~ci~C,y of inf'ormatioa avaS].abio iat tlter~al ~ublicatiana. r ~.{ Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 ~,,,~ COI+1F'7DENTLI~ `'~ 3p Subjeotss (a) Iran?a relations with ?rags Turkey. Pakistan, ~gbnaaistan, and the Persieaa t}ulf region fib) ~~ seoo~so No ~)tian on Greece (to support ~o) Netions7. and pa~o?iuesnl dees3.op~ts {inoluasag aeti~-ities ~' secret a~ ~~ aff~?~~ groups) (d) 6a~tivities of ~3an~ity aact religious groups (s) Qrganiaied labor aetivities ~f) Popu3ar reaation tam interns. cad e~cternal affairs ~inolus~ling oomp~inta about coat of lining; s~oo~ggling sotieitiea; oil sgrsonentsi for?~ eoonomio aotieities except U5 governmeat groups) fig) ~monomio inf~crostion (transp~tatione ts~eo~nioations s industry, and agrioulture? i~luding f~ceig~n partieipation ~ ~imstr3~-1 oonstruction) ~h) gpublia~i~eilfare ~ ooi+~. ref va~aas )n health ~ edwaation, (i) G,eographio infcrmatian (ey, aasaounts of travels is little lrno~ra erase ) (~ } Aar foe cad naval infors~tioa (k) Biographio (based on apooifio regusets) -9w CQ13F~ENTIAL Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 CONF'II)ENTI~.L ~? Manth~r ? r~ ~ of i~FYtion iiR~~.o`=~ri;~ui ~ riirrw~i~r~ 1 ~.~IPt~ Snb~eatas (a) ~)nt an external atfaira (tram the provincial press (b) Develapmants in and Indie, ~ s relst iron with ILaah~.r, Nepal., Sikkim, Bhntan, assess, and Tibet (S`rom the local-langaage press on]y) (c) Political activities acid deve].opmsnta in Pakistan (i.e? Arad 1~-ahmir; the North Weat Froaatier pravinoe, tribal areas, and states; Balnchtetan pry and states; and East Bengal) (d) Gbaracteriatic of the people in the border regions at Pakietam alai Afghanistan (e) Religion, Ednisation, and Pablic Information in Afghanistan (to support NI3 Section Na t~3) (f) Gomments on Hindn~-Maslem relations (inclv~ctiag Islam3.a tendencies and sasooiatiana is Pakistan) (g) organised labor activities {b) Military informe,tion on Afghanistan (i) Economic iaf'orm~.tion (transportation, including graphio intoramtion an airfields; teleaommun3.cation; i~natry; sled agriolilt+are) {~) t~eographia information (smc~s, acoaunta of traTela in little kcnown ~-s~eaa) (k) Intormation on grnrernme~nl straatare, bath central and locsal, for Afghanistan (to support kPI3 3eotion) NOTE: Informmtion on Sa~v3.?t eaanomia penetratiaa in ~tgha~ert~n is reported in the meekly Selected Briefs ~m tkae International Press ~....? ~lo- Gorr~In~TiaL Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 _ CoN~In~rtx~ 50 ~r"~?~..t~rt on Africa Sub,~scts: (a) Activitiem~ of political parties and organisations vrith apecia,1 emphasis on Preach North Afrioa, Madagascar, and Somalia (including native, settler pressara, and g~grapean gi in Tangier, Frea~ch and Spanish Ai'rica, Be Como, Un3ron of South Africa, and Fbrtugnese gfrica; local 4rganisationa of French political parties in Ftench Africa) (b) Political~agitatioa and tribal unrest (including detailed data on units, personalities, and buildings involved in North A#rioa) (c) Information on fraternal auad external affairs (including ~,ntel'?territorial. Cooperation; political and social reforms sparead of Islam and Christianity in Belgian. Congo, b West and Equatorial Africa; federation of Eritrea frith Sthiopia; SomaliaQS preparation for indergandence by l9SC;'eciitorisl opinion on Nationalist party policies ardd politics na uell ae on IIS moves around t1c~e tarld prtablished iu the Die Btarser, Cape Tom) (d) Sociological factors aftecting grarth of nationalism such cue popglatinn gra~eth, uaasmploymexat, poor boos , educati~aas arad public cad- ~9.tate mslfars activities (e) or~mised labor activities (including afi`9,liation9 strengi~h, persoitiea, and elections) (f) Social. exchanges bet~reen European and natives (inclredir~g social visits betueen l~slems cad French oitisens in French North lfkiaa anr3t eooial contacts bet~n educated natives and European in Black Attica) (g) Military (local militaag and security forces including personalities for lfrica south of Sebara; training maneuvers for all AfS~ica; bibliographic references to militate and ea ,~ paxblicat3n+ns } Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0 ~..~` CQATFIDENTIAL (h) Et:oa4mia (trapapartat3on, to]maomawnicatioa, induat~ry, and agricn~].ture; pen~stratioa) { i) t3sogxapric (snrrsys, acconnta of ttc~avnla in little knotna areas ) {~) Biograp'hiey {3nformati+oa opt l~eding economic mi saient3.fio pea~eonalit3,es inclnrling II9 citisana and third?atrata ott'ici+~ls) CC.~1'~`~o~'i'I~.~ Approved For Release 2007/07/25 :CIA-RDP78-03130A000100030083-0