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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-03527A000300030009-1.pdf683.16 KB
W01/Of!/28 : CRA-RDI'*78-O3527AO6b3OO DEPARTMENT OF STATE A-10 SA3IC F#REIC N 5MVICE ArIFIC] S I CO DE k'E Y V2IL 12A3 (5St1k) CLASS BIOGRAPHIC SUMMARIES SOULEN, Garrett H. - Course Coordlinator Is. February 8) 1915 - MilwaukeP, Wisconsin Education: U. of Minnesota; AS.Econ. Zoology, 1939 Texan A & M~C., MS U. of Michigan, Graduato work Experience: U.S. Forest Service 1933-35 and 1939-4n; Asst, professor, Texas A & M College, 1941-42 and 47 U.S. Army: 1942-47; included teaching and training at staff level and overseas duty; Lt. Col. Foreign Service Experience: Agricultural Economics, Moscow, 1948-50 South Asia Studies, U. "c`f Pennsylvania, 195051 Executive Officer., Calcutta, 1951-54 Chief of P41itical Section, Karachi, 1954-56 Officer in'Ch ' ge Pakistan-Afganistan A `fairM, Dopt., 1956-59 Deputy Chief of Mission, Reykjavik, 1959-62 Local Residence: Rt. '1 `Bcx 7134i Accokeek, Maryland Local Telephone: 283-2856 Marital Status: ~Married: Wifels name: Josephine; Qhildron: Garrett N., 11; Michael H., 9; Martha J., 9. BEAMAN, Chester E. - Assistant Course Coordinator be January 16, 1916 - Kokomo, Indiana:; Education: BePauw University,-AB 1938 U. of-, Michigan, AM 1939 U. of'California 1944 American Institute for Foreign Trade, 1948 'U.S. Army: 1943-46 Government Experiences U.S. Civil Service Commission, 194-41 Federal Security Agency, 1941-42 War Department, 1942-43, and 1946-49 Foreign Service Experience: Attache, Frankfort and Bonn, Germany, 1949-52 Attache, London 1952-54; Consul, Cardiff, Wal..s, 1954-56; Arabic Language Study, Washington and Beirut, 1956-57; Consul and Asst, Commercial Attache, Cairo, 1957-55; Consul, Port Said, 1959-61 Professor at Foreign Service Institute since July 1961 Local Residence: 1506 - 22nd Street South,, Arlington, Virginia Local Telephone: 684-8855 Marital Status: Married: Wifets Name: Mary; Children: Bruce, 8.; Anina, 7. Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-03527AO00300030009-1 State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file Approved For Release 200.1/07/28: CIA-RDPA-83527A000300030009-1 ACHILLES,, Norman L. - FSO-7 b May 12, 1935 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Education: Allegheny High, Pittsburgh, Pa. Carnegie Tech, 1953-57; Civil Eng.; BS 1957 Harvard Univ., 1957-58 and 1961-62; Business Admin.; MBA 1962 Edinburgh Univ., 1959-61; Literature; MA 1961 USAR: 1958-59; Trait>ing - M.P. Legal Residence:' Pittsburgh,-Pennsylvania Marital Status: Single BLAND, Merton Louis - FSCR-7 be August 22, 1931 - Rochester, New York Education: Univ. of Sllinoia, 1949-55; BFA Middlebury College, 1955-56; MA r UCLA, 1956-61 San Jose & Fresno St. College, 1959-62 Jobs: Teacher, Whittier Union High School Distriot,.19S7-58 Teacher, San Juan-Union Elem. School District, 1958-60 Teacher, Fresno City Schools, 1960-present Local Residence: 1949 Rosemary Hills Drive, Apt. 3, Silver Spring, Maryland Local Telephone: 588-8160 Marital Status:: - = Married - wife's names Janine BLOCK, Stephen M. -'FSO-7 b March 4; 1936 -.Philade .phia, Pennsylvania Education: Central High,'Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Univ. of Pa., 1953-57; Philosophy; BA 1957 Yale Law School, 1959-63; Labor Law; LLB 1963 U.S. 'Navy: 1957-59; ; Lt. (3g); Line Officer Jobs: Law Clerk, Baker and Diamond, Stamford, Conn., summers 1961-62 Legal Residence: New Haven, Connecticut I I Local Residences 5233 South 12th Street, Arlington, Virginia Local Telephones 671-2357 Marital Statuss Married - wifess name: Miriam Ann; Children: Lisa 21 mos.; Heidi 3 mos. BROWN, Richard C. - FSO-8 be January 11, 1937 - Tulsa, Oklahoma Educations Eunice High School, Eunice, New Mexico Graceland College, 1956-58; Liberal Arts; AA George Washington Univ., 1958-60; Gov't: Foreign Affairs; BA 1960-61; Latin American Affairs; MA Nat$l Autonomous Univ, of Mexico, 1962; Mexican Hist.; Grad. credit Jobs: Roustabouts Bateman & Whitsitt Oil Field Serv., summers 1952-58 Ben Alexander Constr., summer 1959 Oil Field Rantal, summer 1960 Field, Assistant,;.-IDttl Chiefs of Police, Wash.,. D.C., 1961 Legal Residelnce: Eunice,'. New Nfez1co Local Residences 1800 N. 16'th Street, Apt.- B.,,Arlington.94 Virginia Marital Status: Single CARROLL, James Be - FSCR-8 - be November 23, 1937 - Abilene,Kansas. Education: Notre Dame, 1955-59; BA Univ. 'of Chicago, 1960 (2 months) otre D 81/0M28 60-61? MA Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-03527A000300030009-1 (continued on Page 3) Approved For Release 2M1107128 : CIA-RDP78-03527A0003006"16009-1 CARROLL, James B. - continued Jobs: Summer employment in factories, 1953, 54, 55, 56 English Corrector, Department of English, Notre Dame, 1958-59 Cab driver,Village Cab Co., Oak Park, Illinois, 1959 Case Worker I, Cook,County Department of Public Assistance 1959-60 English Corrector, Department of English Notre Dame, 1960-61 Rehabilitation Counselor, Welfare Rehabilitation Service, 1961-present Local Residence: 1923 N Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Marital Status: Single CONNOLLY, Ruth M. - FSCR-8 b. December 13, 1939 - Cambridge, Massachusetts Education: Emmanuel College, Boston, 1957-61; AB Bridgewater State College, 1960 Kansas State Univ., 1961-62; MA Jobs: Salesgirl, Mr. Webster C. Clark, 1956-61 Schemer, U.S. Post Office, 1958, 59, 60 (December only) Research Asst., Kansas State Univ., 1961-present Local Residence: 1400 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. Local Telephone: HO 2-6300 Marital Status: Single EMMONS, Robert D. - FSO-7 b. March L"1932 1932 - Los Angeles, California Education: No. Hollywood High School, No. Hollywood, California Univ, of California at Los Angeles, 1950-54; Intel Relations; BA 1954 Univ. of California at Los Angeles, School of Law, 1954-57; Law; LLB 1957 Jobs: Contract Analyst, No. American Aviation, Inc., 1958-60 Contracts Admsr., Litton Industries (electronics), 1960 Project Contract A:Iministrator, No. American Aviation, Inc., 1960-62 Executive Asst., Navan Products, Inc., 1962-63 Legal Residence: Los Angeles, California Marital Status: Married - wifels name: Susan Mary; Children: Robert C., 3 FINNERTY, Thomas Edward - FSCR-8 b. September 17, 1937 - Detroit, Michigan Educations Univ. of Detroit, 1955-60; PhB Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1960 Jobs: Stockboy, J.L. Hudson Company, 1955-60 Research Asst., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1960 Social Investigator, Wayne County Welfare Dept., 1961 Caseworker, United States Senate, 1961-present Local Residence: 1127 E. Capitol Street, Washington 3, D.C. Local Telephone-. 546-6281 Marital Status: Married - wifess name: Margaret; Children: one child, 2 mos. GOOD, Paul Lawrence - FSCR-8 b. February'8; 1939 - Wilmore, Kentucky Education: Cascade College, 1955-59; AB Ball State, Muncie, Indiana, 1958-59; MA Univ. of Arizona, 1961 Jobs: Teacher, Union High District, Milwaukie, Oregon, 1959-61 Teaching Asst., Univ. of Arizona, 1961-present o a Re idence: a , Dandria Virginia 1 a~ toartus sa eel.07 f AWN-0 RD30 ~~0A two ages 1 and 2 14 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-03527A000300030009-1 GOOLD, Robert P. - FSO-7 b. May 30, 1935 - Oxnard, California Education: Ventura High School, Ventura, California Harvard College, 1953-57; History; BA 1957 Jabs: Analyst, Security First National Bank, 1962-63 U.S. Navy: 1958-62; Lt (3g); Sea Duty; Deployments to Orient Legal Residence: Washington, D.C. Local Residence: 3217 Connecticut Ave., Apt. 22, Washington, D.C. Marital Status: Married - wife's name: Elizabeth C.; Children: Elizabeth, 1 HAIL, Francis S.- FSO-8 b. August 16, 1932 - Brooklyn, New York Education: Boys' High School, Brooklyn, New York City College of New York, 1951-52; Business 1955-58; Social Studies; BA 1958 In-Service Training: FSI (three weeks) September - October 1960 Code Training (one week) October 1960 Records Management (one week) October 1960 Communications Training (six weeks) January - February 1963 U.S. Army: 1952-55; PFC; Clerk; Japan; received Parachute, Badge Jobs: Clerk, Circulation Dept., Wall Street Journal, 1956-60 Legal Residence: Brooklyn, New York Local Residence: Francis Scott Key Hotel, 20th & F, N.W., Washington, D.C. Marital Status: Single JURECKY, John P. - FSO-7 b. March 7, 1933 - Chicago, Illinois Education: Lane Tech. High School, Chicago, Illinois Northwestern Univ,, 1950-54; Business Admin.; BS 1954 U.S.-Air Force: 1951-57; at Lt.; Supply Officer; Japan Jobs: Director-owner, In'a.-~,.*o Norteamericano de Ingles (educ.); 1957-60 Computer systems un~y'y,.a, Defense Automotive Supply Center (U.S. Gov't) 1961-63 Legal Residence: Warren, Michlglf n Local Residence: 708 S., Lincoln A7 m;iie, Alexandria, Virginia Local Telephone: 351-3544 Marital Status: Married - wife's name: Maria; Children: Jane 7; Ann 6; Mary 4 KNOBLOCH, Evelyn K. - FSCR-8 b. January 29, 1938 - Brooklyn, New York Education: Queens College, 1955-59; BA Columbia Univ., 1959-present; MA Jobs: Clerk, S.S. Kresge & Co., Jamaica, N.Y., 1951-56 Asst Librarian, Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc., New York, N.Y., July-Sept. 1959 Write summaries of and route mail to Foundation officials, The Ford Foundation, 1961-present Local Residence: 2440 - 16 Street, N.W., Apt. 219, Washington 9, D.C. Marital Status: Single Approved For Release. 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-03527A000300030009-1 Approved For Release 2001/07/28: CIA-RDP7$-0527A000300030009-1 LaGAMMA, Robert R. - FSCR-8 b. July 30, 1939 - New York, New York Education: Brooklyn College, 1957-62; BA Univ. of the City of New York, 1962-present Jobs: Part-time Page,.New York Public Library, 1961-present Local Residence: 1923 N Street, N.W., Washington 6, D.C. Marital Status: Single LAMBERTSON, David Floyd - FSO-8 ? b. June 30, 1940 - Sabetha, Kansas Education: Fairview Rural High School, Fairview, Kansas Ottawa Univ., 1958-59; Pre-engineering USAF Academy, Colorado June 1960-May 1961; Pre-engineering, Political Science Univ, of Redlands, Feb. 1960-June 1960; Pre-engineering Sept. 1961-July 1962; Political Science; AB 1962 Occidental College, Sept. 1962-January 1963; Graduate school; Intrl Relations U.S. Air Force Reserve: July 1962-present Jobs: Combine operator, Orville Lanning, 1958 Laborer, Copeland Constr. Co., June-August 1959 Warehouseman, Blue Ribbon Growers, Sept.-Nov. 1959 Truck driver, Lobue Brothers Inc., Nov.-Dec. 1959 Clerk, May Company, January 1960 Equipment installer, Ayton & Ashton Equipment Co., June 1961-July 1962 Cook, Law's Oak Glen Coffee Shop, 1962 Legal Residence: Fairview, Kansas Local Residence: 2644 S. Lynn, Arlington 2, Virginia (temporary) Local Telephone: OT 4-8179 (temporary) Marital Status: Single LEVITSKY, Melvyn - FS0-8 b. March 19, 1938 - Sioux City, Iowa. Education: Central High School, Sioux City, Iowa Univ., of Michigan, i256_60; Political Science; AB 1960 Univ. of Chicago, 19 i a:=L 1: Law State Univ. of Iowa, 196.1-63; Political Science; MA February 1963 Jobs: Laborer, Sioux City Brewery (summer} 1957-58 Clerical, Fruit Center Grocery (su-nmer) 1954-62 Teaching Asst., 'State Univ. of Iowa, 1961-63 Legal Residence: Sioux City, Iowa Local Residence: 2523 - 20th Road North, Arlington 1, Virginia, Apt. 202 Local Telephone: 527-1659 Marital Status: Married - wife's name: Joan LOLLIS, Edward Wesley, II - FSO-8 b. July 15, 1937 - Indianapolis, Indiana Education: Thomas Carr Howe High School, Indianapolis, Indiana Mass..Inst. Tech., 1957; Geology Yale Univ., 1955-59; Geology; BA 1959 Univ. Melbourne, Australia; 1960; Geology Princeton Univ. Grad.; 1959-61; Geology U.S. Army: 1961-63; 1st Lt.; Asst. Operations Officer, Artillery Battalion (continued on Page 6) Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-03527A000300030009-1 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-03527A0003 0030009-1 LOLLIS, Edward Wesley, II - continued Jobs: Projectionist, High School, 1954-55 Laborer, Iron Ore Co, of Canada, 1955 Soils survey asst., Quebec N,S. & L. Railway, Canada, 1956 Lab Asst,,, Univ. (Yale) geochemistry lab, 1957-58 Field researcher, Nova Scotia Research Foundation, 1958 Lab Asst., teacher, Princeton Univ. geology department, 1959-61 (All summer or school-term jobs) Legal Residence: Indianapolis, Indiana Local Residence: W-906 Arlington Towers, Arlington, Virginia Local Telephone: 524-6171 Marital Status: Single McCONNELL, Malcolm A. - FSCR-8 b. September 18, 1939 - Elmhurst, Illinois Educations Univ. of Wisconsin, 1958-62 Jobs: Asst. Playground Director, Municipal School Board Recreation, 1958 Assembly line gun welder, American Motors Plant, 1959 Postal Carrier, U.S. Post Office, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1960 Bowling Alley Maintenance man, U. of Wisconsin Memorial Union, 1960-pres. Local Residence: 1930 Columbia Road, Apt. 707, Washington, D.C. Local Telephone: 332-4911 Marital Status: Married - wife's names Carol Lynn MUDD, Donald E. - FSO-8 b. December 25, 1936 - Jersey City, New Jersey Education: St. Joseph's Academy, St. Augustine, Florida Catholic Univ., Washington, D.C., 1954-59; History; AB 1959 George Washington Univ., 1962-63; Education Jobs: Teacher, Board cf Education, Prince Georges County,'1959-62 Courier, Dow Jones & Co., 1962 Grad. Asst., George W=~,-shington Univ., 1962-63 Legal Residence: Washington, D.C. Local Residence: 9 Snows Court, Washington 7, D.C. Local Telephone: 338-8415 Marital Status: Married - wife's namo: Carol MUNCIE, Peter Cary.- FSCR-8 b. November 13, 1937 - Baltimore, Y- gland Education: Kenyon College, Gamier., Ohio, 1955-59; AB Jobs: Mail Room Clerk, Standard Oil Co., 1957 (summer) Weed puller, U.S. Forestry SernTice, Idaho, June-July 1958 Gas Station attendant, Wisco 993 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June-August 1959 Newspaper Reporter, Harford Democrat, Aberdeen, Md., June-Sept. 1960 Local Residence: 3510.- 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Local Telephone: CO 5-0195 Marital Status: Single RITCHOTTE, John F..- FSCR-7 b. May 24, 1932 - Mount Vernon, New York Education: St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia, Pa., 1949-54; AB Fordham Univ., New York, New York; 1958-60; MA (continued on Page 7) Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-03527A000300030009-1 ' - 7 - Approved For Release 2+981/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-03527A000300036009-1 RITCHOTTE, John F. - continued U.S. Air Forces Lieutenant; air police officer Jobs: 19L19-1953, various odd jobs Receptionist, Dorothy E. Kane School, N.Y., March-May 1958 Clerk, Lamb's Book Store, N.Y., September 1958 Market Research Interviewer, O'Brien-Sherwood Assoc., N.Y., October- December 1958 High School Teacher, St. Nicholas High School, N.Y., 1959-60 Private Tutor, self-employed, 1961 Employment Development Asst., DC & TSC, Dept. of Defense, Philadelphia, Pa., 1961-present Local Residence: Hotel 1)440 - Room 424, DJ40 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W. Washington 25, D.C. Local Telephone: ADams 2-7800 Marital Status: Married- wife's name: Rowena ROUSE, John Hall, Jr. - FSO-7 b. June 22, 1933 - Baltimore, Maryland Education: Baltimore City College, Baltimore,,Maryland Johns Hopkins Univ., 1949-54; History of Art; BA 1951 .Univ. of Maryland School of Law, 1955-57 and 1959-61; Law; LLB June 1961 In-Service Training: French Language; Foreign Service Institute; 1958 Jobs: Erector,'Bethesda Steel Ship Repair Yard, .1957 Cashier, Eutaw-Savings-Bank, 1954-55- Foreign Service Officer, Department of State, 1957-58 Bailiff, U.S. Dist. Judge.,W. Calvin Chesnut, 1959-60 Law Clerk, U.S. Dist. Judge W. Calvin Chesnut, 1960-61 Law Clerk, U.S. Ciro. Judge Morris A. Soper, 1961-62 Legal Residence: Baltimore, Maryland Marital Status: Married - wife's name: Vida; Children: Garrie 5; Margaret 3 SANDERS, Cameron Harkin, Jr. -'FSO-7 b. December 30, 1932,-,Cincinnati, Ohio Education: Wa`lnut' Hills High School, -Cincinnati, Ohio Brown Univ., 1950-51 Univ, of Cincinnati, Ohio, 1951-52 Kenyon College, 1952-55; French Lit., AB 1955 Columbia Univ. (School of Gen'l Studies), 1961-62-63; Gov't & French USAF: 1956-58; lst Lt.; Radar Intercept Controller Jobs: Laborer, Armco Steel Fabricating Plant, 1955 Manager of Educational Services, Look Magazine Public Relations Dept., 1960-62 Acting Editor, Book, Division, Cowles Magazines and Broadcasting, Inc., (parent company of Look) 1962 Legal Residence: New York, New York Local Residence: 2853 Ontario Road, N.W., Washington 9, D.C. Local Telephone: CO 5-0800 Marital Status: Married - wife's names Mary Elizabeth SIMMONS, John F., Jr. - FSO-8 b. September 11, 1937 - Washington, D.C. Education: St. Albans School, Washington, D.C. Princeton Univ., 1955-59; History, Lit.; AB 1959 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-03527A0003@Qga%q%Oe11 on Page 8) -8- A proved Fo ReI ase 2001/ 7/28: CIA-RDP78-03527A000300030009-1 SIMM~I~S John ~F., eJr. 014 nued Education: Johns Hopkins School of.Advanced Intrl Studies; lst year Washington, D.C.; 2nd year-Bologna, Italy; 1959-61; Economics, History;. MA 1961 U.S.Army Res: 1957-present; Spec. 4; Intelligence Jobs: Aide, Chase Manhattan Bank; 1961-63 Legal Residence: Washington, D.C. Local Residence: 2915 - 44th Street, N.W.0 Washington D.C. Local Telephone : EM 3-5470 Marital Status: Single SMITH, Karen - FSCR-8 b. February 27, 1940 - Princeton, New Jersey Education: Univ. of Colorado; 1957-59 Univ. of Munich, Germany; 1959-60 Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, N.Y.; 1960-62; BA Jobs: Counselor - summer camp: summer 1955, Mrs. C.S. Cortelyou; summer 1956, summer camp; summer 1958, Rocky Hill, New Jersey Office H 1p, Dr. Ralph Shaw, Rutgers School of Library Service, August- Sepiw,:. ; 'Der 1960 Trainee: n.c'ederal College Intern Program, Voice of America, N.Y., 1`?61-present Local Residence: Meridian Hill Hotel, 2601 - 16th Street, Washington, D.C. Local Te?;':.< re: CO 5-1000 Marital Single SNOW, Christopher - FSCR-8 b. October 22, 1940 - Winchester, Massachusetts Education: Yale Univ., 1958-62; BA Univ. of Utah Summer School, 1960 Jobs: Ranch Hand, Diamond Bar X Ranch, 1955 and 1956 (summers) Lift Operator, Mt. Majestic Chair Lift, Brighton, Utah; November-May 1956-58 Laborer, Utah Concrete Pipe Co., 1958 (summer) Cook, Yale Buttery, 1958-59 Research Assistant, Explosives Research Group, Univ. of Utah, 1959 Laborer, Building Supply Center, 1961 Laborer, K. Grant Hale Floor Service, 1961 (summer) Local Residence: 3300 - 28th Street South, Apt. 201, Alexandria, Virginia Local Telephones 931-0095 .Marital Status: Married - wifets name: Cameron Celia SOMMF2, Mary Joan - FS0-7 b. October 22, 1933 - Stamford, Connecticut Education: Stamford High Sc hhol Merrill Business School Mount Holvoke College, 1951-55; Political Science; AB 1955 Georgetown Univ.,.1956-62 In-Service Training: Vietnamese Language, National Security Agency, 1955-56 Cryptographic Communication, Dept. of State, 1958-59 Jobs: Cryptoanalyst, Foreign Language, National Security Agency, 1955-57 Research Analyst, Library of Congress, 1957 Legal Residence: Stamford, Connecticut Local Residences 1121 Arlington Blvd., Apt. T-403, Arlington 9, Virginia Local Telephone: JA 5-5500, Apt. T-403 IP,rdgeg URele gtol/07/28: CIA-RDP78-03527A000300030009-1 Approved For Release 249.1/07/28: CIA-R P78-03527A0003000e009-1 STRAUS, Elizabeth Whiting - FSCR-8 b. September 9, 1938 - Chicago, Illinois Education: Smith College, 1956-60; AB Univ. of California, Berkeley, California, 1961-present (MA) Jobs: Nurses aid, Univ. of Chicago Clinics,'1955-57 (summers) Laboratory helper, Medical Service Laboratories, California 1959 (summer) Caseworker, Cook County Dept. of e1fare, Chicago, Illinois,, 1960 Local Residence: 2714 Quebec Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.:.-. Local Telephone: EM 3-1556 Marital Status: Single Marital Status: Married - wife's name: Madeline WAJDA, Thomas J. - FSO-8 b. December 15, 1940 - Johnston, Ohio Educations Johnston High School, Johnston, Ohio Youngstown Univ., 1958-62; Political'. Science, History; AB 1962 Vanderbilt Univ., 1962-63 Jobs: Material Handler; General Electric Co., Warren, " Ohio, 1959-61 Mail Carrier, U.S. Post Office, Youngstown, 'Ohio., 1962 Legal Residences Youngstown, Ohio Local Residence: 3701 - 5th Street South, Apt. 406, Arlington 4, Virginia Mount.Mary.Co1lege~- 194943; History, Latin, English; BA 1953 Marque~te Univ., 1953-55; European History; MA 1955 New Yorkuniv., 1956; Education -Univ."of.Wisconsin, 1958-61; Political Science,' History Jobs: Instructor, History,'Mount Mary College, 1953-54 High School Teacher; Milwaukee Public Schools, 1955-58 Instructor, Ext. Div., Univ, of Wisconsin, 1961-63 Legal Residence: Milwaukee, Wisconsin Marital Status: Single Education- Messmer High-;School Milwaukee, Wisconsin WESTFAHL, Lenore E. - FSO-7 b March 12 1932 - Milwaukee Wisconsin WILCOX, Duane Thorn - FSCR-7 b. February 28, 1931 - Price, Utah Education: Univ, of Utah, 1949-50 Brigham Young Univ., 1958-60; BA 1961-62 U,S. Air Force: 1953-57; S/Sgt.; assigned to Security Service in Europe Jobs: Various part-time jobs, 1944-50 Missionary, Church of Latter Day Saints, 1951-53 Various part-time jobs to supplement funds for college, 1958-60 Letter Carrier, Post Office Department, Salt Lake City, Utah, Christmas 1959 Cab Driver, Salt Lake Transportation Co., 1959-61 Teacher, Alpine Board of Education, American Fork, Utah, 1960-present Local Residence: 1608 Hobart Street, N.W., Washington 9, D.C. Local Telephone: 232-5237 Marital Status: Married - wife's name: Edna M. Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-03527A000300030009-1 to Approved For Release 2001/07/28: CIA-RDP78-03527A000300030009-1 WILSON, David Michael - FSCR-8 b. May 3, 1939 - Pittsfield, Massachusetts Education: Columbia College, 1957-61;; BA New York Univ,,. haw ;Center, 1961 present Jobs: Field Worker, BBYO, N. ., 1959-60 .Asst. Stage Manager, Boston Symphony Orchestra, summer 1958-59 Office Clerk, Gil Wyner Company, 1961 Local Residence: 1117 G street, N.W., Washington 6, D.C. Local Telephone: NA 8-9000 Marital Status: Single WORDEN, Virginia M. - FSCR-8 b.. July 23, 1939 - Detroit, Michigan EEducation: Univ, of Detroit, 1957-58 Ohio, Univ,., . 1960-present Jobs: Bookkeeper,' Union' Commerce Bank, Cleveland, Ohio,.1958-60 Student Asst., Ohio Univ., 1961-present Local Residence: 1231 _-34th Street, N.W., Apt. 5, Washington 7, D.C. Local Telephone: 338-0219 Marital Status: Single WOZNIAK, Robert Joseph.- FSCR-8 b. January 8, 1935 -Grand Rapids, Michigan Education: Grand Rapids Junior College, 19514-56; AA Univ. of Chicago, 1956-57; 1959-60; 1960-61; BA 1960 Jobs: General Assignment Reporters The Grand Rapids Press, 1958-59 Public Relations Writer, Illinois Bell Telephone," 196162 Local Residences 756 South Dickerson Street, Arlington, Virginia Local Telephone: 671-11189 marital Status Married - wifets name: Kathryn E. Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-03527A000300030009-1