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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/13: CIA-RDP78-03535A000500010027-5
31 JANUARY 1956
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1. In connection with) loperations, there is a requirement
for a means of locating or identifying arbitrary areas to permit
accurate airdrops or landings without compromising the selected
sights or even permitting the existence of locally unauthorized
electronic radiations to alert local authorities to the presence
This type of operation requires the
navigation of the supply aircraft for hundreds of miles, usu-
1. Project 2039 was established in the Research and Development
Branch, Engineering Division, Office of Communications, on
7 April 1952 for the purpose of studying the problem of air
navigation and drop zone location.. The study was aimed at a
review of known systems using presently available equipment.
The confines of the problem were established in the follow-
ing references:
a. Chief, EUCA, Staff Study, dated 3 March 1952.
b. Acting Chief, Policy and Plans Staff, Memorandum to the
Chairman, Research, Development, and Production Review
Board, dated .7 April 1952.
2. A number of basic systems were investigated during the early
phases of the project. These systems included:
a. British Gee and Consul and American Systems of Loran and
b. VOR Omnirange.
c. S & X Band Radar Transponders.
d. Rebecca-Eureka Systems.
e. Infrared Beacon, Viewers, and Metascopes.
Pni nET
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f. AN/ARA-8 vs. AN/URC-4 (VHF)
g. AN/ARA-25 vs. AN/URC-4 (UHF)
h. AN/CRT-3 (Gibson Girl) and other small transmitters.
4~. The AN/URC-4, along with the ground plane antenna modification
and pictorial assembly instructions, are illustrated in
Figures 1, 2, and 3 attached. It will be noted that assembly
required the. suspension of the battery by its connecting cable
under the tripod stand for proper operation.
5. The following exerpts from reports on the operational evalua-
tion of the AN/URC-4 with ground-plane antenna-modification
will tend to indicate the results of the testing a.t the URC-4
ground.plane equipment.
a. From Chief, Communications,,
dated 16 September 1952:
"The ground equipment operated satisfactorily. Range of
the AN/URC-4 is excellent for the purpose intended. The
ground-plane modification is satisfactory. The cone of
silence seems to be satisfactory and further tests are
mandatory to establish an operating SOP using modified
AN/URC-4 equipment for homing purposes."
b. From Project 2039 Progress Report, dated 21 September 1952:
"Although it is admitted that sufficient flight testing
has not been performed to prove the complete suitability
of the system,-those tests which were accomplished indicate
that the URC-4 beacon is superior to any existing system.
Consequently, the URC-4 beacons are going into operation
at present."
Thus, in September.1952'there was an available homing beacon
for the drop zone operation. For approximately the next year,
activity consisted of further testing, training, and fabrica-
tion of additional units for operational use. During late 1952,
two new developments started the second phase of this program.
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During September 1954 it was determined that there was a re-
quirement for a visual indicating adapter for the ARA-8 homing
equipment. The. requirement for visual indication stems from
the fact that the regular aural indication in the Al/ARA-8 is
not adequate for critical direction indication, nor does it
indicate relative degrees of departure from the on-course as
does visual homing indication. In addition to this, there is
the requirement for recognition of a signal null in order to
know when the drop zone is reached. The aural recognition of
a null is .-sometimes; rather difficult, whereas when the null
is presented visually, there is seldom any difficulty encoun-
tered in its recognition. Coincident with the creation of the
5/8 wave antenna indicated in Figure 1+, there is the require-
quirement for differentiation between the warning null and the
over-target null, which is a great deal deeper. With the visual
indicator this differentiation is entirely feasible.
The SARAH system consists of a beacon which, when properly
erected and powered, transmits pulses at a predetermined rate.
These pulses are received in a Yagi aerial system, which must
be composed of two aerials angled outward from the center line
of the aircraft so that the direction of the beacon is apparent
from the increased signal received in that aerial which points
most directly toward it. The received signal-is presented on
a cathode ray tube having a vertical trace line. If the larger
signal is to port, then the aircraft or ship must turn to port
until the signal is equal on each side of the. trace line. It
is then facing"directly at the beacon. The beacon signal is
received at a distance which is dependent upon height of?both the
beacon and the receiving aerials. Thus when the aircraft is
flying at 1000 feet and the beacon is at ground level in flst
terrain, the signal is received at about 12 to 15 miles. With
the aircraft at 8000 feet, the signal is received at about 30.
smiles. The beacon aerial is so designed that there is no break
in received signal when the aircraft'is homing toward the-bea-
con, until the aircraft is within about 800 yards of the beacon
at a ,height of about 600 feet. At this time there is a slow
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collapse of the signal, lasting about 1 1/2 seconds, followed up
by a rapid buildup and after seven seconds a short collapse last-
ing about. two seconds, when the aircraft is flying about 200 mph.
This pattern collapse is used for air supply dropping at night
or in poor visability without the aid of ground lights or ground
markers. A speech facility has been incorporated into the beacon
with a range of about 80% of the beacon range, depending upon
height and terrain conditions. The operating frequency is approxi-
mately 220 megacycles. The beacon consists of a self-pulsing
oscillator generating paired pulses at a 5 millisecond interval,
and by using different pulse repetition frequency, five different
groups of beacons are possible with identification between bea-
cons due to the different DFT. Figure 5 attached represents the
airborne portion or beacon portion of the SARAH system and
Figure 6 represents the beacon portion of this system.
2. The AN/URC-4 vs. AN/ARA 8 system consists of a ground unit made
up of a standard AN URC-4 VHF/UHF transceiver incorporating
miniature tubes and two crystal-controlled frequencies, 120-
130 me in the VHF band and 240-260 me in the UHF band. The
transmitter is capable of either continuous or on-and-off tone
modulation and voice transmission. The tone may be locked on
to permit unattended operation of the beacon. The unit is
self-powered by a small mercury battery, the DA./1264-U. The
antenna has been designed to give a warning null prior to the
over-target null indication. The airborne unit consists of a
standard AID/ARC-3 transceiver working with an AN/ARA-8 DF
homing adapter. The AN/ARA-8 consists of two alternately
keyed antennas, one on each wing of the aircraft. A modulat-
ing device provides the pilot with an aural signal indicating
course direction. When the ground beacon is properly placed.,,
a pattern is radiated which effectively creates a warning a
few seconds prior to the over-target null. Flying against
this beacon using an AID/AIWA-8 homing adaptor,. the pilot will
hear a U or D, depending upon whether he is to the right or
the left of the beacon. When the plane is headed directly to
the beacon, the U and D signals converge into a solid tone,
indicating "on-course." As the pilot approaches about 1000
yards from the target zero, the signal fades slowly and then
returns with a rather rapid buildup. After the buildup,, the
signal lasts for a few seconds,, depending upon aircraft speed
and altitude,, and then rapidly drops to zero signal,, which is
an indication of being directly over the target area. In
order to attain the accuracy required for blind dropping, it
is necessary to make the radius of the cone of silence over
the target at the dropping altitude as narrow as the maximum
accuracy required for the drop zone; that is,, if the drop zone
accuracy is to be 50 yards, a maximum diameter of the cone of
silence must be no more than 100 yards. This calls for critical
flying, due to the fact that missing the over-target area by
more than 100 yards will eliminate the drop zone cone of si-
lence completely. The critical flying required, the "crabbing"
for wind,, as well as the indication of null depth.) can be
greatly improved by the addition of visual presentation of on-
course and signal strength information.
3. The AN/ARA-22 is an experimental visual homing adaptor which
has been utilized successfully in connection with the AN/ARA-8
vs. AN/URC-4.DZ system to provide a visual presentation of
homing information. The system eff keys the right and
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left antennas of the AN/ARA-8 system very rapidly and transmits
the presence of signal on either antenna to a standard left-
right indicating vertical needle on an ISL type of meter. It Is
simply necessary then to fly to center needle to remain on course.
This also provides the pilot with a capability for partial
correction of winddrift by crabbing into the wind as he approaches
the drop zone beacon. The signal level being received is applied
to the horizontal needle of the ILS meter and creates an exception-
ally good indication of null passage. Through the use of the hori-
zontal needle, it is quite possible to discriminate between the
warning null, say approximately 10 db depth, and the over-target
...null. with approximately 15 db depth. This indication of signal
level is accomplished by attaching the automatic gain control
voltage to the horizontal needle of the ISL meter, which gives
accurate indication of signal strength available at the receiver.
1. Prior to delivery of the 5/8 wave DZ antenna for the AN/URC-4.
the contractor conducted a number of tests to measure the radia-
tion pattern under conditions of different terrain and weather.
These tests indicated the following., At 500 feet, the fairly
.wide and deep warning null is about 3500 feet in diameter,
Approaching the target on course at 500 feet a warning null is
obtained about 1200 feet out, the signal gradually decreases
10-15 db with the null easily detectable. The signal then
builds up sharply and remains fairly constant through the inner
zone. The main null at 500 feet is fairly sharp-and approximately:
15-20 db deep.
2.. In accordance with the contract, one prototype of the new an-
tenna (see Figures 7 and 8) was delivered on 15 December 1954 for
evaluation by Government engineers prior to completion of the
six prototypes ordered. Preliminary evaluation of this antenna,
using the AN/ARA-8 with aural indication, indicated that the
antenna radiated the basic pattern which was required of it.
The aural indication of the AN/ARA-8,.however, was not cirtical
enough to consistantly interpret the dropping information
available from the antenna. The following chart indicates the
maximum ranges obtained with the equipment for consistent re-
liable homing:
4000 ft. 25.naute miles
2000 ft. 14 rr
800 ft. 7 n ea
300 ft. 5 rr rr
Clipping Tree Tops 4
In all instances, ground communications with the beacon was ac-
ceptable,but the on-course information was critical. The warn-
ing and target zero nulls were unreliable as received aurally,
due to the difference depending upon terrain and quadrant from
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able from this evaluation indicate that a visual presentation
which the beacon was approached. The general conclusions avail-
of null and on-course information_:is highly desirable.
Further evaluation of the 5/8 wave antenna conducted a
using an AN/ARA-8 modified with an AN/ARA-22 for visual on-course
and null indications proved that the modified AN/URC-. antenna
radiates a pattern which gives definite warning and target zero
nulls. These nulls are broad and deep enough at an altitude of
500 feet or more to be easily recognizable on a visual null in-
dicator when the plane is flown accurately over the target area.
It is possible through visual null indication to differentiate
between warning and over-target nulls. In order to obtain ac-
curacy to within 50 yards of the beacon, it is necessary to mat
the diameter of the null no more than 100 yards at the dropping
altitude. Due to this fact, rather critical accuracy is re-
quired in flying over the beacon, since an error of 100 yards
or more will eliminate the target zero null.
ta. The 5/8 wave drop zone AN/URC-i antenna is considered to be
6. In conclusion then, there is available for operational evaluation
an AN/URC-4 drop zone beacon which has been tested. and. approved
from an engineering point of view. The 5/8 wave antenna modifi-
cation for this equipment may be placed in production in a rather
short time and in,quantities required for operational needs.
The AN/URC-11 should be available in quantity in early 1956 and
may be adapted in the same fashion as the AN/URC-1 for DZ appli-
cation. The AN/URC-11 is considered to be an improved UHF version
of the AN/URC-l+ in that engineering evaluations have proven that
it provides equal or greater ranges, but is less than half the
size of its predecessor. -
acceptable, and the contractor has been instructed to finish,
the fabrication of six prototype models to be used for operation-
al evaluation. These antennas will be available during January
Due to the transition of the Air-Force to-UHF and the develop-
ment of the AN/URC-11 as a UHF replacement for the AN/URC-4,
it was deemed desirable for the contractor to develop and fabri-
cate UHF versions of this antenna which may be used with the
AN/URC-J+ on the UHF range or adapted to the URC-11 when applicable.
The six prototype UHF DZ antennas will likewise be available in
January for operational evaluation in connection with the
AN/URC-4 and the AN/URC-11 when available. The AN/URC-11 has been
requisitioned for testing in connection with this program and is
expected to be available early in 1956.
1. Of the three SARAH airborne units received for evaluation during
November 1954, one has been installed in an Agency aircraft and
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received an engineering evaluation. One of the SARAH airborne
units and two ground beacons have been loaned to the United
States Marine Corps for installation in a helicopter and=-opera-
tional evaluation in connection with Marine Corps operations.
The third unit is ready for installation in an Agency C-47 when
permission is received from the Air Materiel Command for this
installation. In addition to the engineering evaluation per-
formed by OC-E, this equipment has been evaluated by the United
States Air Force and the United States Navy. Technically speak-
ing, the SARAH airborne homing receiver is a well-constructed
and reliable unit capable of homing on the SARAH beacon., and in
other respects performs as claimed by the manufacturer.
"1.. The AN/ARA-22 has been tested as a visual homing and null
presentation in connection with the AN/ARA.8 vs. AN/URC-4
drop zone system. It has been determined that this equipment
is technically satisfactory for this type of operation and
that it could be produced for incorporation in aircraft homing
systems with a small amount of redesign.
2. Preparations are presently being made to install this experi-
mental AN/ARA-22 visual indication adaptor on an Agency C-47 in
order that operational evaluation of this system may be accom-
plished to determine whether the Agency wishes to produce this
equipment for`inclusion in the interim system.
1. From an engineering point of view, both systems require critical.
alignment of the balance between left and right airborne antenna
elements. This is due to the fact that both systems depend for
their homing information upon keying alternately each of the an-
tenna elements. The signal strength at each antenna is an indi-
cation of the side from which the signal is originating. A
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weak antenna element on either side, in either system, would
obviously be detrimental to the accuracy of that installation.
See Figure9 for a tabulated comparison.
2. The airborne SARAH receiving equipment is more complex than
the AN/ARA-8 equipment and would require special training for
servicing personnel.. The AN/ARA-8, on the other hand, is a
relatively simple and standard piece of homing equipment which
operates in connection with the AN/ARC-3 VHF Command Receiver.
Due to visual information presentation, the SARAH airborne
equipment gives a much better indication of the passing of a
null than that given with the aural indication of the AN/ARA-8.
The addition of the AN/ARA-22 visual presentation to the
AN/ARA-8 system, however, overcomes this deificency. Voice
communications have proven to be very poor in the SARAH system,
probably due to the pulse repetition frequency technique used
for modulation. The AN/URC-4 vs. AN/ARA-8 system has always
proved to be capable.,of satisfactory voice communications.
The SARAH equipment does have the feature, however, whereby
the various ground beacons may be set to trigger the scope
presentation in a different timing sequency and therefore pro-
vide for identification of different beacons. This feature is
not included in the AN/URC-4 system.
3. The ground equipment or beacons for the two systems differ
somewhat electronically, but their basic; operating principle
is about the same. Each beacon has a -specially designed DZ
antenna capable of radiating the pattern illustrated in
Figure 4 and each has been designed for.. extreme simplicity of
operation and ease of assembly. The beacons.differ principally
in the radiated signal and in the type of power supply. The
SARAH beacon is equipped with a vibrator power supply enabling
this equipment to operate with any 6-volt battery with 12 amp.
hours or more capacity, whereas the AN/URC-4 is supplied with
a specially designed mercury battery, the BA 1264-U dry cell.
In either case, the equipment will operate 20 hours or more on
one battery. The signal emitted by the SARAH beacon consists
of very short paired pulses from a self-pulsing oscillator.
This type of emission is required in order to key the special
visual cathode ray tube display in the SARAH receiver. This
special type of signal creates the capability of radiating a
UHF signal with rather.high peak poorer, in the order of 15
watts, but the relative average power is still similar to the
AN/URC-4; that is, about 50 milliwatts. At the same time, this
special signal precludes successful operation against this bea-
con with other than the special SARAH airborne receiving equip-
ment. The AN/URC-4 beacon operation consists of the transmission
of a continuously tone-modulated carrier in the VHF or UHF range.
This type of signal may be utilized for homing with most regular
radio homing equipment operating in the proper frequency range.
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4. The AN/URC-4 is being replaced in the near future by the new
AN/URC-11, which is a UHF transceiver with the same power and
basic characteristics as the AN/URC-4. The AN/URC-11., however,
is about half the size of the AN/URC-4. This equipment is now
in production and should be available in quantity in the near
future. By operating this transceiver with the special 5/8 wave
drop zone antenna and flying against it with the UHF ADF homing
adaptor, the AN/ARA-25, a UHF drop zone system comparable to the
VHF AN/ARA-8 vs. AN/URC-4, is obtained. The new UHF system
would include a more advanced type of airborne homing equipment
with visual ADF indication and a much smaller, more advanced,
beacon design. The frequencies of this equipment are in the
high VHF range and are compatible with (200 me) those used in
the SARAH equipment. .
2. In order to fulfill the first requirement; that is, compatibility
with the U. S. Air Force, it is necessary to utilize a beacon
of the continuous carrier type, such as the AN/URC-4 or the
AN/URC-11. In addition, it is necessary to
operating in the proper frequency range, 120-130 me or 240-260
mc. The U. S. Air Force is presently in a period of transition
between VHF and UHF. The following excerpt from a letter from
Acting Director of Communications, USAF,. Brigadier General
Alvin L. Pachynski, should indicate the U. S. Air Force position:
"Our planning calls for installation of a considerable
number of AN/ARA-25 (UHF/ADF) equipment in certain types
of aircraft. Initial equipping will be accomplished
through retrofit programs established by the Air Materiel
Command. A majority of the installations will be com-
pleted during FY 55 and 56 with some carrying out as far
as the 2nd quarter of FY 58."
In accordance with this planning, the equipment utilized in the
future should be in the UHF frequency range.
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3. In order to fulfill the second problem; that is, compatibility
with the Allies, there is the need-for Tripartite standardiza-
tion. Here again, standardization among the lfntelligence organi-
zations would involve only the choice of a system and the in-
2. Additional evaluation should be performed considering the two
basic systems from an operational point of view in order to de-
termine the most desirable system to be chosen for the interim
There are available two basically different systems which may
be considered for the interim drop zone application. Both
systems, the SARAH and the.AN/ARA-S vs. AN/URC-4 type, have
received a complete engineering evaluation and operate more or
less. reliably in accordance with previous discussion.
4. Both systems seem to have about the same number of basic advan-
tages and disadvantages. Both systems have approximately the
some range and drop zone indication capabilities. The difference
then between the two systems is primarily operational.
5. The choice of a system for interim beacon use will depend upon
a number of factors including the following:
a. The use for which the beacon is intended in its
primary application; that is, is it for cold war
limited operation, or is it for caching and other
types of preparation for hot war?
b. Is standardization with) (Allies
to be considered? If standardization is a factor and
the beacon is to be used for hot war application, then
which air force will supply the majority of the support
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t MHHLU I , z
c. Other factors being equal, the operational techniques
of the two systems may be considered. The SARAH
technique requires a third party in the aircraft,
perhaps the navigator, to read the scope and direct the
pilot as to course and drop point. In the case of the
AN/URC_4 technique, the pilot flies the plane to center
needle of the visual indicator and indicates the drop
point in accordance with the visual null indication.
Both course and signal strength indication are avail-
able directly to the pilot or co-pilot.
The characteristics which have been considered to be the basic
requirements for a drop zone system are enumerated below. These
requirements may be modified to incorporate any later plans. of
policy in connection with air operations of this type.
a. The ground unit must be compact, rugged, and easily
,assembled. It should be self-porared and capable of
operation for at least 15 hours without the necessity
for replacing or recharging the batteries. It must be
capable of directing a plane flying at low altitudes
and in inclement weather from a distance of about 10-15
miles to the drop point. The drop point must be de-
-fined and indicated to within about 50 yards of the
beacon. The antenna should be so designed that it
will radiate in accordance with the pattern indicated
in Figure 4+. The beacon should incorporate some
method of identification or authentication.
b. The airborne equipment should be capable of receiving
the beacon signal and presenting it in such a manner
that the pilot will be able to steer a course directly
to the drop point. The system may incorporate some
.method of semi-automatic winddrift correction. The
method of presentation of the null information should
be visual in order that the presence of a null may be
more easily detected. It is desirable that the air-
craft be completely passive; that is, that there be no
radiation from the aircraft in connection with the use
of this system.
1. It is recommended that the Air Maritime Division initiate a
program of operational evaluation of both systems; that is,
SARAH and the AN/URC-11 type, so that a decision may be reached
as to the type of system to be chosen for the interim drop zone
beacon application. It is further recommended that the Office
of Communications, Engineering Division, personnel provide en-
gineering support in the form of maintenance of the prototype
equipment, but that the complete operational evaluation be con-
ducted primarily by air operations personnel. In connection
with the combined evaluation, it is recommended that a test be
initiated to determine the feasibility of homing on the SARAH
beacon with the AN/ARA-25 ADS' homing adaptor.
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F r c l l o r 9
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C=r n -r^r
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. Figure 4
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.t, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/13 : CIA-RDP78-03535A000500010027-5
: Ft-rnac ?,5
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~`. wz1. w ,w 22f %3~.. ,'41 a?~~r t'A.3 ~?_i ~~:it I "'"'nt =.rcy
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,-~ -- - A -0111
c F
,Fr_nor 1
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Frequency Range
235 Mcs .
220-240 Mcs.
120-130 & 240-260 Mcs. 238-263 Mcs.
Output Power
12-15 W Peak (1)
18 W peak
50 MW
50 MW
Power Source
6 V Battery
6 V Battery
BA/1264U Dry Cell
BA/1264U Dry Cell
Battery' Life
20 Hours
20 Hours
1/2 x
15/4 in.
6 1/4 x 3 1/2 x 2 in.
1 5
Speech Unit:
1 1/4 in.
2 lb. 10 oz.
13 oz.
Air Receiver
ARA-8 or ARA-25
Op. Range at
500 ft.
4 miles
4 miles
1,000 ft.
15 miles
15 miles
10,000 ft.
60 miles
50 miles
On Hand
1 (3)
5 (3)
acon Emi
CW with 1 kc tone
CW with 1-kc tone
7 ps paired
7 Its paired
Estimated (30 MW average power)
Depends on particular 6 V battery used.
measuring 4" x-5" x 6 1/2"
Due this month
Approximately 20 hours, with lead acid battery
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/13: CIA-RDP78-03535A000500010027-5