Request for Change in OCD Table of Organization
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August 3, 1953
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Tab 1
Tab 2
AUG 3 1953
FOR: Acting Deputy Director (Administration)
Request for Change in OCD Table of Organiza-
(Attached as Tabs)
- Memoranda to the DD/A from the Executive/Collec-
tion and Dissemination, dated 22 June 1953 and
24 July 1953, respectively.
- Concurrence by the Assistant Management Officer,
DD/I Area, dated 24 July 1953,
1, Tab 1 sets forth the Office of Collection and Dissem-
ination proposal for a revised T/O for the Industrial Register
Division as follows:
a. Abolish the Support Branch as presently established.
b. In lieu of the position of Chief, Support Branch2
GS-13, establish a Clerk Typist GS-4 position in the L_I
c. Transfer the Classification Section, Support
Branch, to the Soviet Branch.
. d. Transfer the Reference-Control Section, Support
Branch, to the Office of the Chief, Industrial Register
e. In lieu of the Secretary (Typing), GS-5 position in
the Office of the Chief, Support Branch, establish a similar
position in the Reference-Control Section.
2. Tab 2 is concurrence from the Assistant Management
Officer, DD/I Area, stating that abolishment of the Support Brandi
as a separate entity and transfer of the Sections as proposed
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should result in improved operations. As outlined in Tab 2,
the function carried out by the Reference-Control Section,
receiving CIA and IAC requestors seeking information avail-
able in the Industrial Register and directing them to appro-
priate substantive branches for service, can logically be
located organizationally in the Office of the Chief, Indus-
trial Register Division. Similarly the Classification
Section's transfer to the Soviet Branch at this time is
justified in terms of the priorities established for the
classification and coding of USSR industrial information and
the need for substantive guidance of the classification
function by personnel of the existing Soviet Branch.
3. No changes in the Industrial Register Division or
the OCD T/0 or ceiling strength are involved in the proposal,
nor are there any space, supply or budgetary considerations.
The several classification changes involve the establishment
of lower graded positions than the positions being abolished.
4. Based on the considerations outlined, it is recom-
mended that the reorganization of the Industrial Register
Division be approved as summarized in paragraph 1.
2 Attachments
As stated
Action by Approving Authority
if onl.
o g eputy Director
erso el Director
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24 July 1953
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director (Administration)
SUBJECT: Request for T/O Change
REFERENCE: Memorandum dated 22 June 1953, Same Subject
Paragraph 3b of reference memorandum requests that a new
position, GS-12, be established in the lof
Industrial Register. In view of future T/0 adjustments anticipated
in this division, OCD requests that, instead of the GS-12p the new
position be established as a GS-41 Clerk-Typing, in the'
cc tive
Collect Ton and Dissemination
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24 July 1953
MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Deputy Director (Administration)
THRU: Chief, Classification and Wage Division
SUBJECT: Support Branch, Industrial Register/OGD
REFERENCE: Memoranda to the DD/A from the Executive/CD, dated
22 June and 24 July respectively, Subject: Request
for T/0 Change.
1. Reference requests have been reviewed by the Management
Staff and proposed transfer of Sections and personnel have been dis-
cussed with cognizant officials of OCD.
2. Elimination of the Support Branch as a separate entity and
transfer of the Sections as proposed should result in improved
operations. The Reference Control Section is the reception and con-
trol point for Industrial Register liaison with CIA and the intel-
ligence community. Therefore, its logical location is the Office
of the Chief, IR.
3. Inasmuch as the Classification Section is responsible for
classifying and coding industrial information world-wide ultimately,
a question was raised as to the advisability of assigning this Sec-
tion to the Soviet Branch. The Chief, IR, advised that classifica-
tion of USSR industries will require approximately five years of
substantive guidance by the Soviet Branch. Therefore, it seems
advisable to sacrifice organizational flexibility in the interest
of direct supervision of the priority area of interest.
4. Transfer of the Secretary-Typing position to the Reference
Control Section and establishment of a Clerk-Typing position in the
are justified.
5. Approval is recommended.
Assistant Management
Officer (DD/I Area)
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