Office of Collection and Dissemination, Revision of Table of Organization
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December 9, 2016
Document Release Date:
March 26, 1998
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Publication Date:
March 17, 1953
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Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-03568A00060016002 1" ?1/J'
Security InformatT
' P
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director (Administration)
SUBJECT: Office of Collection and Dissemination, Revision
of Table of Organization
REFERENCES: (Attached as Tabs)
Tab 1 w Memorandum dated 26 January 1953 from the Assistant
Director, Collection and Dissemination requesting OCD
T/O change.
Tab 2 ? Memorandum dated 16 February 1953 from the Chief,
Organization and Methods Service.
Tab 3 - Memorandum dated 10 February 1953 from the Comptroller.
1. Tab 1 is a memorandum from the Assistant Director, Collec-
tion and Dissemination, requesting a realignment of the present
OCD T/0 to meet shifting work loads. Major changes proposed include:
a.. Strengthening of several library components where the
work load has increased beyond present staff capacity.
b. Reorganization of the CIA Library Publications Procure-
ment Section, involving transfer of 0 positions to the Section
to meet the heavy work load-and realignment of functions and
supervisory channels.
c. Creation of the International Conferences Branch in the
Liaison Division. The creation of this Branch has been approved
by the DD/I as a central point within CIA for coordinating
information on international trade fairs and international sci-
entific and technical conferences.
The above changes are to be made within the T/0 strength currently
authorized by elimination of positions listed in Tab 1A and do not
involve increase in total positions or ceiling.
2, Tab 2 is a memorandum from the O&M Service concurring in the
basic request of OCD for a revision of the existing T/O. The 0&M
Service, hvsr does not recommend the breakdown of the Publications
ProAprement-3ee4ton to the unit level, stating that such a breakdown
-Urity InformalfM
Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-03568A000600160023-3
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would make the Section too rigid and would prevent shifting of
incumbents between various positions in the Section to provide
additional training and experience.
3. Tab 3 is a memorandum from the Comptroller dated 10 February
1953 concurring in the proposed T/0 change and stating that the
change would entail an increase of salary payments in OCD of $10,775
during the Fiscal Year 1954, and that the proposed changes can be
financed within the presently approved budget for OCD,
4. The T/0 change proposal is considered well documented and the
classifications requested by OCD appear justified, with two exceptions:
(1) Secretary (Stenography) proposed as GS-7 and reduced to GS-6 by
this office; and (2) Library Assistant proposed as GS-5 and reduced
to GS-L.. OCD has concurred in these changes.
5. Based on considerations stated above, it is recommended that
the OCD proposal, as modified by the two grade changes cited in para-
graph four, be approved.
As i an Director (Personnel)
3 Attachments
As stated
Action by Approving Authority
T/0 & Ceiling Approved ( "'
Exceptions, if any
Asst. Deputy Director
Approved For Release 2002/A1R&--RDP78-03568A000600160023-3
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