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Document Release Date: 
June 17, 1999
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Publication Date: 
February 10, 1955
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-03991A000500020032-9.pdf151.43 KB
SECRET Approved For lease 1999/09/20 : CIA-RDP78 3991A000500020032-9 TO : Chief of Logistics FROM Chief, Printing & Reproduction Division SUBJECT: Weekly Activity Report FE B 10 1956 1. GENERAL a. Plant Operations (continued item) -- The large OCD job will require additional overtime to complete and work is being scheduled for this coming Saturday. The Multilith Section has placed special emphasis on printing budget material for the Comptroller's Office during the week. Otherwise plant operations have been normal. 2. PROJECTS a. Renovation of Space f_orMotion Picture Facilities (con- tinued item) -- There has been no further action taken on this project. We are awaiting a decision from the Chief, Space, Main- tenance and Facilities Branch, RE&C, as to whether or not they are going along with our request of a small additional amount to complete the acoustic tile and furnish plumbing for necessary air lines. Information has been received that GSA has released the contract for remodeling the transformer room. A date for beginning the construction was not given. b. Securing the Large Press Room (continued item) -- The installation of the ADT system is complete except for the connection 25X1A between and the control office of ADT. Also repairs will have to be made on the double doors to the press room. RE&C and the Security Office have agreed that this will be accomplished by GSA and it is estimated that it can be completed in the next week or so. c. Painting. of Cafeteria (continued item) -- GSA painters are at work and are expected to finish painting the cafeteria this week. Approved For Release 1999,//0& : CIA-RDP78-03991A000500020032-9 SECRET 25X1 C 25X1A b. Rush Work (continued item) -- ORR Cartographic Division has requested two rush jobs -- one of 3 halftone photographs to have 125 copies each printed by 10 February and the other is 2 charts for 225 copies each to be printed by 11 February 1955. c. Dissemination of Agency Regulatory Issuances (continued 25X1A item) -- of Records Center has requested that P&RD assume the distribution of Agency Regulatory Issuances on 14 February 1955. Under provisions of the agreement set forth in writing to the Management Staff, P&RD will assume this function on that date. Approved For W lease 1999/09/20 : CIA-RDP78-991A000500020032-9 d. New Badge for Visitors (continued item) -- The badges have been printed and laminating will next be undertaken. 3. OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST a. for a project he is planning. We have also been alerted by - that he will re- quest the printing of a million copies of a two sided, one color leaflet. We will probably be able to print twenty copies up on the Harris press thus entailing slightly over 100,000 impression run. The job will have a delivery date of two weeks after receipt in our plant. d. AFOIN Maps for OCI (continued item) -- The third unit of 22 maps consisting of g overlays have been printed and sent to bindery for trimming, folding and punching. This unit is expected to be completed by 11 February-1955. The final unit of this project consisting of 28 maps and 109 overlays is now in the press room being printed. 25X1A e. Current Index of Agency Regulations (continued item) -- No change .~.~__~ 25X1A f. Indoctrination of DD P Personnel (new and complete) -- from SRS was shown the printing plant at 25X1A 25X1 A Street. In the course of official duties maintains 25X1 A close liaison with P&RD officials, especially in the Photographic Branch. The tour was conducted with the foal of improving opera- tions between Agency components with common objectives. Approved For Release 1999/09/ &: CIA-RDP78-03991 A000500020032-9 SgCRET SC Approved ForSeIease 1999/09/20 : CIA-RDP78 3991A000500020032-9 g. Agency Telephone Book (new and complete) -- Division representatives met with representatives from RE&C, Administrative Staff, and officials from Machine Records of the Comptroller's Office in an attempt to improve production of the Agency telephone book. It was agreed that machine records and the telephone section would forward the book to P :RD for printing 7 days after the cut off date for changes or deletions. P&RD agreed to finish the printing of the book 2 weeks after receipt in the Division. h. TSS Support (new and complete) -- of TSS has made an informal request of P&RD to indoctrinate 3 or 4 of their photographic instructors in the photographic methods and procedures employed in P&RD. These men are skilled photographers who are training field personnel. The purpose of their indoctrination is to give them broad experience at headquarters so that they can more effectively train the field personnel in paths most profitable to the Agency as a whole. TSS was asked to makea formal request by memo. 4. SPECIAL PROBLEMS 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Releasej~~9r/20 :.CIA-RDP78-03991 A000500020032-9