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Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-04007A000100010016-2 O"WET,. OFIi ICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES WASHINGTON, D. C , LIST S EOD: 3 July,- 1943 EP ECTIV 1. 28 June, 1943 SUBJECT: Security InvestiZation of Civil Service Personnel 10 BST direction of General Donovan the Security Office will under- take the investigation of all Civil Service pern,onnel membership in the Office of Strategic Servicesbeginni ngw ondayf or morning, 28 June, 1943. 2. The form of quostronn ,rre to be used in connection with then invOstigations is known as Form SA-2 and is enti tlc d 'tP S T:', III 3T STATEMENT". On,, come of this Form must be ffllod o by each di ' date. l-; supply of those Forms is availabl.: in theCivilianPersonnel Branch or, 'in cases of emer enc ~~ yt in tz..p ~. SceurztJ Of'.i zee. 3. In order to facilitate the keeping of nropcr records covering Civil Servico personnel who are under consider, -tic m for employment by the Office of Strategic Services for Civil Service employees r~.ust be" i hC,thenCh ion Civilian Personnel Branch, The Security will e roqu, sts direct from Branch or Off ice Chiofs~or oth ; not accept such officials. In normal cases the a} to r ori the Civilian -Fersonnol Branch plicant will cc7.~~_,l,tc Faourm n. SA-2 in 2 :..long with other necessary forms, but in cases where the application is handled direct by Branch or Offie:. Chiaf Form SA-2 must be routed through the Civilian Personnel Branch before the inv~:stir Lion will be undort-kon by the Sec-or ty Offico. 4. No applicant shall enter on duty with the of Strator_c Services until approved by the Security Off _coThies not be construed to prevent the emplo alnt of candi- ' atos in ~- ?~e sh_ 11 Stenographic pool or; under special t ht in cue Office, in positrons not involving conta ctwe thscla sfj.ed material pending the completion of investigatron. 5. The above- r: gu1,ations apply to _L11 ? ~pli. after 28 June;, 1943. The -,"r., ..~, c