Special Security Div
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Document Creation Date:
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date:
March 25, 1998
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Publication Date:
January 12, 1950
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Approved WN Release 2 VMRDP78-04 A000500030004-0 - ?
rnNt~uuv~~~, -
12 January 190
4O C S ' I ? r,tT V `"10N
iV~'w"ti~71JV1: TO lJ.~~.:J+.F, ?.'lC.. Jj 1J i.JU1_.L .V.:
C?-11 .{ , SBCU1 TY DIVISIo
CHIIEF, SE, CU :T'Y CON'- OL S 'i'.`,'
CHIZIP , T'E81''A_`Ri.Cif BR?t 1CT"
Cl:?l.+.JF' S.. lJ CU.-" ~LV J~?_..Ll L1u
C U10.112-111, an appraisal. Of all- scw~ ^ ov.rt cases &
2. 1 now wish to effect the nr 'se in this Cn ~'
1. T/0 of 1&:SS as revised on 29 Septexbsr `949 e s a 11shod the
Special Security Division to handle se n i-covert and covert personnel
security Y^u'l ter for C o .side i Y'O"r thc,U e uirf'..:ents of 1 C' . au'i o
-these revised .ablcs ??rorc lr~e tired end tice:;aent1 r approved a_t
that so far as possible -al -and R ']
.i-Lo ',1 a J ts.y`T '.'~'~! 1al C T
proced.1c~ -hods would be
followed in both overt and covert ,e~. so u~el socuri" ' w
' _~ it has Deer
to effect the t~a4nsiyior in phases topn vent in erruptao.7 L'2 the heavy .,-oae
of investigations being cu ~+~y hand= d by I&SS? J files and record
section was formed and s _.
tr4.La:,.. in 1113 S eYii.i^ C Ovv u I-P,i. Linr. and :Lade ':
system. It has no ,r been operationally pooled in the Icy3S lie and ?cord
Section for greater ei^ZG.~.4a~V z...~. files envy, thou, ~ i Vi:.u.wt
: v'i":ti-cover'` i~''TT `. :.r.1-Ci C..L,
y l..+~,L ~.a. .Lv liu
separately. :Ln Appraisal Sect'0=1 -ciao and Tis now fully organized and.
A ZPTIST " TI 0157- I&SS
a. hief Special Security Div' s- n and (h ?e:c^ S 1 o
., o ov,.L detaJls
Chief , Special Security uivis~o , z '? " ediateiy reorgan.i zo the u~ Oar;
methods of his office
. ac r. h_ ~h~.. ~sec3_T/0 inao t es c ; Y c~
!5e cvrity Branch and the Resea~?ch R ... ~_.
.r~.l.ch are conc,r e:ied. In directive, and due to the sensitiveness of covert cases, I desire to specify
e ~' il
~~ ? _._ _ ~- _. _.~~...~ - a _ S
e curi r
. Brand will receive and handle all requests for covert investigations
b. Chief, Special Security Division, w 1.1 form an formal
o orations arrow consistdan of h eclf, Qh: ef, Special -e n y -; ~e c z~
,fir k and Chie research Bra who under his ds cect .on irl,ls: cons dcr the
various,of erational, personnel,,, and investigative aspects of each
1 ` o. I desire ;,hat Vne Chas, ~esearch Brand, in addition to his
~+ other duties, be considered: t~ e de 7LTtyy to Chief Species' Secu-rit-T
Division, to function for him iY1 _}~^ ., ?2i~sc nr ra an ?H - a?. L-----.
_procdues in v~G- L ?nd cover V caves .
The Research Branch is char ;cd solely with conduct of i---
vests ations and o*erational suncorva
6810 C@1JP ----- UPI
8EV tUS$
Og10 CLASS AUZH. HR 10.2
JUST -=-P~RUrOoved V -
Approved 4pRelease 2001/0805 ,CIA-RDP28 Q4 000500030004-0
jUI4 ivL-i
mentioned in paragraph b aboveAbe directed to conserving the capa-
bilities of the Researc,7 Branch, and to close coordi e-. ion in
handling semi-cover':; and covert cases, through the various stages
d. I desire that particular efforts of the operational row-)
of prod
I Covert cases. dill. covert cac will be appraised and . ~tmmarizc EEG1B
y the Appraisal Section of Special Security Brancil in si: i..Lar
intending to use subject.
'criteria and the orcr. tional requirements of the clandestine bra:
f. All covert cases rat- -rued frog Research Branch fll be filed
and recoraea by a special control or ile desks under she Chief
SDecial Securi Branch, Such files, records, etc. are open only to
the members of the operaticilal. group unless othlervrise designated by
Chief, MSS.
(2) No selected appraisers be designated to covert
&ases , but such cases to be equally divided and each par : -
cular case worked on by only one appraiser.
gene or security infor::ation derived from various type invest! ga uions
h. All disap rov r ecormended . -Eagp-rovals, borderline or ~j
every respect, and in particular to e: cl n~e of incidental counter-intelli-
Chief , Security Division,, and Chief, Special Security Dvisioon. ~~ s' po:~ltsd
out above, covert cases ;must be clo el_y compartmentalized Dill, beyond these
bounds there must be Foote.. c ~mal coo oration hetvreen the two divisions in
that some of these neasures night be:
covert cases and ' "rtcu_~wrl in L~ i?-r_~_.C of true I s?gu~~rr
pug ~_.~ w1 in oL ~1w;ss . ~ es
g. Special security measures will be effected i handling of
_ doubtful cases v,,111 be brought to Chief, T&SS, for final decision. ILLEGIB
(3) Other measures devised by Chief, Special Sec=ity
Division, which can be practically adopted to insure the
least knowledge to the fewest persons on a ayytF
basis .
i. The Chief, Special Security Division, will make sure that
reference index irf oration that does not disclose the identity of
a covert Arson i.s properly abstracted and suroi,iitted to Reference
Index, with :Ln sensitive cases, reference only to the case number
pf covert case-0 ~?-- _ __
3? T desire the continued closest coordination and cooperation bet,,-eon
Approved F~Wkelease 2001/08/15 CIA-RDP78-040000500030004-0
L*i I expect to issue at an early date a detailed functional state-
ment of the functions assigned respectively to Security Division, Special
Security Division, and Security Control Staff.
Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-04007A000500030004-0
Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-04007A000500030004-0
Approved Felease 2001/08/15:; CIA-RDP78-04000500030004-0
In the planning, it was agreed that agent strength should
be increased, but that in order to avoid a drastic upward increase
in~0 certain contractual services should be effected siraul-
taneously to carry a 'portion of the work load. particularly as
it applied to open type investigations.
In December 1950, the investigative function of irspeetion
and security office known as Research Branch, later known as
Special Security Division, included approximately .agents
who were handling covert cases. During that month thy corlpleted
144 assiSrurtnts or an average of approximately
per man. It should be noted that due to the nature of t"e covert
assignments which in some instances necessarily "tied up"
investigators for days without showing obvious production, t
a figure of case load per man is somewhat deceptive and almost
impossible' to estimate accurately. 14owever, throughout the
succeeding months the average per man was consistent with the
During March 1950, aproxir,ately 350 cases were completed
with an agent strength of
utilization of contractual services of individuals andorganizationso
Plans continued with the view of
absorbing the approximate 200 to 250 cases per month formerly
handled by 7j3I, plus carrying the covert case load. It was
agreed that ~ents would be recyuired, inaddition to
Approved'For Release 2001/08/15 CIA-RDP78-04007A000500030004-0
Approved elease 2001/08/15 CIA-RDP78-04000500030004-0
Estimated demands on the investigative activity revealed
that 900 to 1200 cases would be required, of which aF),-)roxi:uateiy
50 percent would cover, type. Arrangements were iade to place
certain assir nrments; and approxi,?:ately 10 to 15 individuals
were placed under contract (other than Government employees
who completed certain as:ssi rxaent~, The ilec'r_anical interrogation
method vas also e: pa nded to prov~c_ a aid and'effect a curtailed
investigative p ;rod ar to "help carry the 'Load. The case load
continued to increase and in September 1951 a total Of 7,72 field
cases were completed, plus 941 naiae checks.
The investigative
expenditure for this nn::onth was calculated to be about :; 99, 000.
By the end of that month more in the field. By the
agents V,,ert: operating in the field;
888 cases were co:iplete(!(apaoroximdtely 50 percent covert);
and the cost was estimated at ,120,000. At the end of December
1951, the agent stren ti was built up to .oward the goal of 25X9
authorized agent strength.
'Very effective i provements were completed in SS) since
its approximate year of operation.
records and control wev established throughout
and approximately E ,were thoroughly trained for their specific
assignments in SSD and other CIA pcissibllities; the Operations
Approved FOr Release 2001/08/15; CIA-RDP78-04007A000500 0 Q4-0
e:iMrI F . iU
25X1A under contract to handle
certain open
ass1viTie ICI t3;
25X1"A ' organizations were n:otiated with and a>sisted in
Approved %ppelease 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-0407 -000500030004-0
Staff of Heaciquartcrs "3
a vas voti:ir or ariLCd to f eet dcs~.b.~Gr +
NL d
groups of personnel to i-,--nCle 'war:iouz3 types c)-;' covert cases'
a Special Referral Gro iii Zti'as r. t i ::t%d to hand-: - S'
largely intern l inve$ L Z. U ve p o a; s j and th E n ire Uroan L0
tion_al structure was :L,' 10rovca to stippyy ti t? f-
part cularly as app? c; i 0 open :vl :al a c tiv.t S o